Book two English teaching plan of cuit 1
Unit Two
The Richest Man in America Down Home
Teaching Objectives
– 1,understand the main idea (despite his
wealth,Sam Walton remains down-home
and devoted to his team) and the structure
of the text;
– 2,appreciate the use of indirect description
in portraying a person,
– 3,grasp the key language points and
grammatical structures in the text;
Book two English teaching plan of cuit 2
Unit Two
The Richest Man in America Down Home
Text Structure
Parts Paragraphs Main Ideas
One 1—13
The waiter was disappointed to find that the
Richest Man in America led so simple a
Two 14---44
Being friendly,easy-going and never flashy,
Walton carries on like plain folks and
never wants any special treatment,
Three 45--85
With the Wal-Mart team in mind,Walton
devotes himself heart and soul to making
the business a great success,
Book two English teaching plan of cuit 3
Unit Two
The Richest Man in America Down Home
Words and Phrases
Sam Walton,an American retailing executive,was born in 1918
in Oklahoma,After 17 years of operating franchise retail stores,he
opened the first Wal-Mart Discount City in Arkansas,in 1962,
Walton developed Wal-Mart into a chain of massive,centrally
controlled stores that were typically sited in small towns and rural
areas,The stores featured heavy discounting,smaller profit margins
than usual coupled with higher-volume sales,and a customer-
oriented staff,Wal-Mart flourished,went public in 1970 and by 1991
had become a multibillion-dollar business and America‘s largest
retailer with 1,700 stores,Walton,who stepped aside as CEO of the
company in 1988 but remained active in its management,was by
1985 the wealthiest person in the United States,After his death,his
widow Helen and four children are doing well on their own,With a
collective net worth of over $ 100 billion,they are ranked 7 to 11 the
Forbes World‘s Richest People in 2003,
Book two English teaching plan of cuit 4
Unit Two
The Richest Man in America Down Home
Words and Phrases
Rolls-Royce refers to any of the large,expensive,
comfortable cars made by the British company
Rolls-Royce,Many people recognize them by
the small metal stature on the front of every
Rolls-Royce car,The company was formed in
1905—1906 by Charles Rolls and Henry Royce
and also produces aircraft engines,The Rolls-
Royce company was bought by the German
company Volkswagen in 1998,the name Rolls-
Royce is also used informally to refer to the best
product of a particular type,
Book two English teaching plan of cuit 5
Unit Two
The Richest Man in America Down Home
Words and Phrases
Forbes is an American business magazine,It is
noted for its lists of the richest men and women
in business,In its November 27,2000 edition it
published one listing the 50 richest businessmen
and women in China,headed by Rong Yiren of
CITIC with 1.9 billion dollars,followed in second
place by Liu Yongxing of the Hope Group with 1
billion dollars,The richest business woman on
the list was Yang Lan of Sun Television,with 63
million dollars,
Book two English teaching plan of cuit 6
Unit Two
The Richest Man in America Down Home
Words and Phrases
Names Apart from their surname or last name,most British and
American children are given two personal names by their parents,a
first name and a middle name,These names are sometimes called
Christian names or given names,Some people have only one given
name,a few have three or more,Friends and members of a family
who are of similar age usually call one another by their first names,
In some families young people now also call their aunts and uncles
and even their parents by their first names,Outside the family,the
expression be on first name terms suggests that the people
concerned have a friendly,informal relationship,When writing their
names Americans commonly give their first name,their middle initial
and their last name,e.g,George M,Cohan,Both given names are
used in full only on formal occasions,e.g,when people get married,
Book two English teaching plan of cuit 7
Unit Two
The Richest Man in America Down Home
Words and Phrases
? remote adj,
a) far away in space or time 偏僻的,偏远的;久远的
【 ~ from sth】
– The farmhouse is remote from any other buildings,这
– in the remote past/future 在遥远的过去 /将来
– a remote dream/goal 遥远的梦想 /目标
b) very small 细微的;微小的
– There is still a remote chance that they will find her
Book two English teaching plan of cuit 8
Unit Two
The Richest Man in America Down Home
Words and Phrases
? discount n,amount of money which may be taken off
the full price
– Do I get a discount if I buy a whole case of wine?
– 如果我买一整箱酒能否打折呢?,
– This fashion shop offers 50% discount for all of its
Ex,At the end of a season the fashion stores usually
offer great ______ for some of their goods,( )
– A) counts B) counting C) accounts D) discounts
Book two English teaching plan of cuit 9
Unit Two
The Richest Man in America Down Home
Words and Phrases
? carry on,behave in a wild or improper way; conduct;
continue 举止随便;进行;继续
– If you carry on like this,you‘ll make yourself ill,
– 如果你这样胡闹下去,非闹出病来不可。
– The baker has carried on business here for years,
– 这个面包师傅在这里做生意已经好多年了。
– At any rate,we should carry on with our research,
– 无论如何,我们必须坚持研究。
Book two English teaching plan of cuit 10
Unit Two
The Richest Man in America Down Home
Words and Phrases
? get away with do (sth.) without being caught or
punished 做(某事)而未被发觉或未受惩罚
– You can‘t get away with being late every morning,
– 你每天早上迟到,总要受到批评的。
– If you cheat in the exam you'll never get away with it,
– 考试作弊必予追究。
Ex,Brian cheated in the last math exam,so he thought
he could ___ it again this time,but he was wrong,( )
– A) get over with B) get through C) get away with D) get rid of
Book two English teaching plan of cuit 11
Unit Two
The Richest Man in America Down Home
Words and Phrases
? treatment n,
a) the way you deal with sb,or behave towards them 【 +of】
– Like everyone else,I resent his cruel treatment of his
old father,
– 跟别人一样,我也非常憎恨他残忍地对待他的父亲。
b) a method that is intended to cure an injury or illness
【 +for】
– I tried every treatment the doctor suggested,我试遍了
There are various treatment available for this condition,
Book two English teaching plan of cuit 12
Unit Two
The Richest Man in America Down Home
Words and Phrases
? cheerful adj,(of sb.) happy in a lively,energetic way;
(of sth.) making you feel happy
– The leader's vital and cheerful manner filled his men
with courage,指挥官朝气蓬勃和欢欣愉悦的神态使士
– You could never be unhappy in such a cheerful house,
Her cheerful smile left deep impression upon the
Book two English teaching plan of cuit 13
Unit Two
The Richest Man in America Down Home
Words and Phrases
? blend in mix harmoniously 融洽,十分协
– The curtains blend in perfectly with the furniture,
– Ex,The newly appointed manager tried hard to blend
in with the workers,
? blend v,mix together thoroughly (将 … )混合
– Blend the eggs and milk (together),
– Oil does not blend with water,油不溶于水。
Book two English teaching plan of cuit 14
Unit Two
The Richest Man in America Down Home
Words and Phrases
? reserve vt,
a) order or book (a seat,book,room,table etc.),预订
– Demand will be huge,so ask your friend to reserve tickets for the
b) keep for a special use 留作专门用途
– These seats are reserved for old and sick people,
n,[C] also reserves an amount of something kept for future use 储
备 【 +of】
– reserves of food 食物储备
Ex,I have _______ a table for dinner since there are large crowds
of people on Saturday evenings,( )
A) reserved B) deserved C),preserved D) presided
Book two English teaching plan of cuit 15
Unit Two
The Richest Man in America Down Home
Words and Phrases
? open up vt 开门;打开
– Now we've got a foot in the door,we are hoping to open up a big
market in Europe,
– 现在我们已打开门路,我们希望在欧洲开辟一个广阔的市场。
– She opened up the cage and freed the bird,
– 她打开笼子,把鸟放走。
? hold to vt,keep to 遵守,不改变
– Will the new president hold to his election promises?
– 新总统会信守他的竞选诺言吗?
– Whatever your argument,I shall hold to my decision,
Book two English teaching plan of cuit 16
Unit Two
The Richest Man in America Down Home
Words and Phrases
? headline n,[C usually plural] the title of a newspaper
report,which is printed in large letters above the report
– The news of his death was splashed in headlines
across all the newspapers,各家报纸都以头条登出他
hit/make the headlines 成为头条新闻
– This event has hit/made the headlines,这件事成了重
Book two English teaching plan of cuit 17
Unit Two
The Richest Man in America Down Home
Words and Phrases
? stock n,
a) [C,usu,pl] shares of a company that are sold to investors股票,
– You‘d better get professional advice before buying stocks or
– stock market/exchange 股票市场;证券交易所 issue stocks 发
– Blue-chip stocks 蓝筹股(红利稳而值钱的主要公司的股票)
b) [U,C] a supply of goods that is available for sale in a shop/store
– I‘m afraid we‘re temporarily out of stock,
– 很遗憾,我们暂时脱销了。
Book two English teaching plan of cuit 18
Unit Two
The Richest Man in America Down Home
Words and Phrases
? on the run in flight; continuously active 奔逃 ;忙个不停
– He was on the run for a week before the police got
– The mother with twin babies are always on the run,
– 这个有双胞胎婴儿的妈妈总是忙忙碌碌的。
? steer clear of keep away from 避开,避免
– Kids shall steer clear of that park,it does not seem
– Steer clear of the rocks ahead,绕过前方的礁石。
Book two English teaching plan of cuit 19
Unit Two
The Richest Man in America Down Home
Words and Phrases
? rank a) vi/vt,[不用于进行时 ] to have a position higher or lower
than others; or to be considered to have such a position (将 … )列
– In my opinion,he ranks among the theatre‘s greatest
– This tennis player is ranked third in the world,这位网
? ranking n,地位,排名,排位(尤指在体育运动中)
– He has improved his ranking this season form 67th to
– 本赛季他将自己的排名从第 67位提高到了第 30位。
Book two English teaching plan of cuit 20
Unit Two
The Richest Man in America Down Home
Words and Phrases
? make up vt,1) form,constitute 构成,组成 2) to invent an
excuse,a story etc,编造(借口,故事等) 3) to prepare or put
something together 准备;整理;收拾
Ex,Match the above definitions with the sentences below,
– Could you make up a list of all the things that need to be done?
( )
– She‘s very good at making up stories.( )
– The delegation was made up of doctors and lawyers,( )
– I was trying to make up a good excuse for being late,( )
– Temporary workers make up 65% of the work force,( )
3 2
Book two English teaching plan of cuit 21
Unit Two
The Richest Man in America Down Home
Words and Phrases
? executive
1)adj,connected with making decisions and organizing 行政的,
– He is a man of great executive ability,
– 他是个具有极高管理才能的人。
2)n,a) someone who has an important job as a manager in a
company or business
– He seems more like a military officer than a business executive,
– 他似乎比较像一个军官,而不像一个商业行政主管。
– b) a group of people who run a business or an organization 公司
Book two English teaching plan of cuit 22
Unit Two
The Richest Man in America Down Home
Words and Phrases
? liable adj,
a) [不做定语 ] legally responsible for paying the cost of
sth (法律上)负有偿付责任 【 + for sth】
– You will be liable for any damage caused,
b) be liable to do sth,to be likely to do or say
something 有可能做(某事) 【 + to do sth】
– We?re all liable to make mistakes when we‘re tired,
– 人若疲劳谁都可能出差错。
Ex,We are all ______ to dislike those who are critical of
us,( )
A) suspicious B) easy C) liable D) desirable
Book two English teaching plan of cuit 23
Unit Two
The Richest Man in America Down Home
Words and Phrases
? lay down vt,
a) to give something as a condition,principle,ect; to
establish something 规定,制定;确定
– It is laid down that all candidates must submit three copies of
their dissertation,根据规定,所有候选人均应提交论文 3份。
b) put something down or stop using something 放下;
– They laid down their arms,他们放下武器投降了。
Cf,lay aside (把 …) 搁在一边,留存,储蓄; lay off 解雇,
停止做; lay out 安排,布置,设计;陈列; lay over
Book two English teaching plan of cuit 24
Unit Two
The Richest Man in America Down Home
Words and Phrases
Ex,Fill in the blanks with the above phrases,
? We had to ______ here for a moment,
? He was the architect who ______ the library,
? He_______ the front page for this paper,
? We have to _______ rules for the behavior of the
? I was ______ for six months during the recession,
? _______ the map on the table and let‘s have a look,
lay over
laid out
laid out
lay down
laid off
Lay out
Book two English teaching plan of cuit 25
Unit Two
The Richest Man in America Down Home
Words and Phrases
? loyalty n,being true and faithful (to) 忠诚 【 +to】
– We all have a loyalty to the company,
– 我们对公司都有效忠的义务。
– All the men took a vow of loyalty to their leader,
– 所有士兵都发誓效忠他们的指挥官。
– Our customers‘ loyalty to these traditional products
guarantees our success,
– adj,loyal (be loyal to sb,)
Book two English teaching plan of cuit 26
Unit Two
The Richest Man in America Down Home
Words and Phrases
? system n,
a) set of ideas,theories,principles,etc,according to which sth,is
done (思想或理论)体系;方法;制度 【 + for/of】
– Most of the teachers are doing research work,trying to find a
good system of/for teaching English,
– the British/Chinese educational system 英国 /中国的教育制度
– a political/ an economic/ an educational system
b) group of things or parts working together as a whole 系统
– a transport system 运输系统 heating systems 供热系统
– a digestive/ an immune/ a central nervous system 消化 /免疫 /中枢
Book two English teaching plan of cuit 27
Unit Two
The Richest Man in America Down Home
Words and Phrases
? qualify v to pass tests to show one‘s fitness for sth,
取得资格;胜任 【 +for sth/ + sb to do sth】
– If the French team wins,it will qualify for a place in the finals,
– This course qualifies you to teach in any elementary school,
– She doesn‘t qualify for maternity leave because she hasn‘t been
in her job long enough,
– 由于她参加工作时间不长,她还没有资格休产假。
qualification n,资格 ;资历
– Amy has all the right qualifications to become a good teacher,
qualified adj,有资格的 ; 能胜任的 be qualified for
– What makes you think that you are qualified for this job?
Book two English teaching plan of cuit 28
Unit Two
The Richest Man in America Down Home
Words and Phrases
? option n,
a) [C] the right to buy or sell something in the future 购
买(或出售)权 【 +on】【 + to do sth】
– He has taken an option on that house,
– 他已取得那所房子的购买权。
b) [C] a choice【 + of doing sth】【 + to do sth】
– As I see it,we have two options ---- either we sell the
house or we rent it out,
– Students have the option of studying abroad in their
second year,
– 学生在二年级时可以选择出国学习。
Book two English teaching plan of cuit 29
Unit Two
The Richest Man in America Down Home
Words and Phrases
? cultivate vt,
a) make a special effort to establish and develop (sth.)
– Students should try to cultivate a love of art,学生应努力培养对艺
b) (sometimes disapproving) to try to get sb‘s friendship or support
建立(友谊);结交(朋友) -
– He purposely tried to cultivate good relations with the press,
– 他特意与新闻界搞好关系。
c) prepare and use (usu,land) for growing crops 耕作
– The remote area has barely been cultivated for decades,
– He cultivated the field with a large tractor,
Book two English teaching plan of cuit 30
Unit Two
The Richest Man in America Down Home
Words and Phrases
? reward
1)vt,to give something to someone because they have done sth
good or worked hard 为某事给某人报酬或奖赏
– She was generously rewarded for her work,她因为工作出色而得
– They rewarded the winners with gifts of fruits and flowers,他们
2)n,a) [C,U] sth that you receive because you have done sth good
or helpful奖励,报酬 ;
b) an amount of money that is offered to someone who finds sth
that was lost or gives the police information悬赏金
– A 1000 reward has been offered for the return of the stolen
painting.悬赏 1000英镑寻找失窃的画,
Book two English teaching plan of cuit 31
Unit Two
The Richest Man in America Down Home
Words and Phrases
? Cf,award 1)vt to officially give someone sth,such as a prize or
money 颁发,授予 ;判给
– Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work in quantum
– 由于在量子物理方面的杰出贡献爱因斯坦被授予诺贝尔奖。
2) n,[C] sth such as a prize or money given to someone 奖
– The award for this year's best actress went to Meryl Streep,
– 本年度最佳女演员的得奖者是梅里尔 ·斯特里普。
Ex,Bonuses are meant to ___ hard work and outstanding
performance,This means that not all workers are entitled to
them,( )
A) restore B) award C) reward D) push
Book two English teaching plan of cuit 32
Unit Two
The Richest Man in America Down Home
Words and Phrases
? come/get aboard (infml) join 入伙,加盟
– New employees who came aboard in the last six weeks have not been
– This is her second promotion since coming aboard,
? Cf,aboard prep./adv,在(车、船、飞机)上 abroad adv,在国外
board n.木板; vt,登上(船、飞机等)
– broad adj,宽的,辽阔的;宽容的
? Ex,Put into each gap one of the above words,
– The job involves working ( ) three months each year,
– The minister has ( ) views and does not insist that everyone
believe just as he does,
– When everybody was on ( ),the ship sailed,
– John has never been ( ) a plane,
Book two English teaching plan of cuit 33
Unit Two
The Richest Man in America Down Home
Words and Phrases
? deserve vt [不用于进行时 ] to have earned
something by good or bad actions or behavior,值得;应
受 【 +sth】【 +to do】
– You've been working all morning---you deserve a rest,
– He deserved to be punished,他应当受到惩罚。
Ex,In the past ten years Jack has been with us,I think
he has proved that he _______ respect from
everyone of us,
A) qualifies B) expects C) reserves D) deserves
Book two English teaching plan of cuit 34
Unit Two
The Richest Man in America Down Home
Grammatical Structures or Key Sentences
? Only in America can a billionaire carry on like plain
folks and get away with it,(line 14)
Paraphrase the underlined part
– ―Only in America can a billionaire carry on like plain folks‖,It is
only in America that a billionaire can live in the same way as
ordinary people,
Note,only置于句首作状语,句子倒装 (参照, 语法手册, p457 19-8)
– Only here was it safe to prepare and handle hot drinks,
– Only after he had finished everything did all of the family
members go to bed,
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The Richest Man in America Down Home
Grammatical Structures or Key Sentences
? It buried the Forbes list at the bottom of page 2,(L 36)
Paraphrase this sentence,
– The Forbes list was arranged at the bottom of page 2 in the
Benton County Daily Democrat so that it could not be found
Note,Here ―it‖ refers to ―Benton County Daily Democrat‖ which was
run by Walton,
bury,to cover something with other things so that it can not be
– I found the article buried in the business section of the
– 我发现那篇文章淹没在报纸的商务版的众多文章里。
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The Richest Man in America Down Home
Grammatical Structures or Key Sentences
? But just how long Walton can hold firm to his
folksy habits with celebrity hunters keeping
following him wherever he goes is anyone’s guess,
(line 45-46)
Translate this sentence into Chinese,
– 然而,沃尔顿所到之处名人追星族紧跟不舍,他的平
hunter,someone who looks for a particular type of
– a job-hunter 找工作的人 a house-hunter
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The Richest Man in America Down Home
Grammatical Structures or Key Sentences
? But the real story in his mind is …(line 53)
Paraphrase,But what is always on his mind is …
Note,此处的, story‖ 不是指“故事”,“传闻”或“经
历”。类似的含有 story的短语有,
– another story/ a different story 另一回事,另一种情
况 only part of the story 知识部分情况; not the
whole story 不是全部情况; the (same) old story 老
一套,经常听到的借口,诉苦等; cut/ make a long
story short 长话短说,简而言之
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The Richest Man in America Down Home
Grammatical Structures or Key Sentences
? No one admits to feeling the least bit silly,(line59)
Translate this sentence into Chinese,
Note,admit v,to agree,often unwillingly,that sth is true (常指勉强 )
承认 【 +to sth】【 +to doing sth】【 +(to sb) that】
– She admits to being strict with her children,
– Don‘t be afraid to admit to your mistakes,
– I couldn‘t admit to my parents that I was finding the course
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The Richest Man in America Down Home
Grammatical Structures or Key Sentences
? Walton set up a college scholarship fund for
employees’ children,a disaster relief fund to
rebuild employee homes damaged by fires,floods,
tornadoes,and the like,(line70-73)
Translate this sentence into Chinese,
– 沃尔顿为员工子女设立大学奖学金,为房屋遭受火灾、洪水、
Note,the like,other things of the same sort 如此等等
– Nowadays people can enjoy a lot of things that people in past
cannot,sports facilities,entertainment facilities,transport
facilities and the like,如今,人们可以享受到过去人们享受不到
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The Richest Man in America Down Home
Grammatical Structures or Key Sentences
? the way they’re treated and the way they feel about
their company (line 79)
Note,the way 说明某人或行为,这一形式是从正式用语
in the way in which简化而来的。
– Please pronounce the word the way she does,
– I was never allowed to do things the way I wanted to
do them,
练习参照课后练习 p47