Unit 3
The Land of the Lock
? 1,grasp the main idea ( America is
deteriorating into ―the most insecure nation‖ )
and the structure of the text ( opening –
body – conclusion ),
? 2,learn to use comparison and contrast in
writing more effectively and to use keywords
for more efficient reading,
? 3,master the key language points and
grammatical structures in the text,
? Violent crimes robbery,aggravated assault,hijack,
forcible rape,murder,bombing,kidnapping,shooting
? Property crimes arson,burglary,larceny-theft,
fraud,motor / vehicle theft
■ Neighborhood Watch in Britain,there is an
arrangement by which people who live in a particular
street or area watch each other‘s houses and tell the
police if they see anything suspicious,Many people
have formed local Neighborhood Watch groups to try to
prevent crime,but others have refused to join them
because they do not like the idea of being watched by
their neighbors,
Parts Paragraphs Main Idea
Part One
Paras 1-3
In America,the era of leaving
the front door on the latch has
drawn to a close,
Part Two
Paras 4-15
A new atmosphere of fear and
distrust creeps into every
aspect of daily life,As a result,
security devices,in varied forms,
are put to use,
Part Three
Paras 16-19
By locking our fears out,we
become prisoners of our own
1,on the latch
( of a door ) closed but not locked
eg,Let yourself in ; the door is ~~,
If you go to bed before I come back,please just
leave the door ~~,
2,close up
shut ( sth,) esp,temporarily
eg,I‘m thinking about closing up my store and going
on vacation,
On the New Year‘s Eve all the stores were closed up,
close-up n,特写
adj,of,in or suggesting the countryside
eg,In ~~ areas,crimes,especially robberies,occur
quite often,
(com.) rustic adj,
① = rural 乡村的,有乡村特色的
② 粗俗的,乡土气的
(antonym) urban adj,of,situated in or living in a
city or town 城市的,都市的
ruralize v,live in the country ruralization n,
adj,exposed to danger or attack; unprotected
eg,We‘re in a ~~ position,thus the enemy can get
us easily from the above,
She looked so ~~ that everyone wanted to
protect her,
adj,of,situated in or living in a city or town
urbanize v,使 … 都市化 urbanization n,都市化
n,collection of information expressed in numbers
eg,The ~~ on unemployment given by the central
government show that economy has been
recovering all over the country,
statistic n,单个的统计数值
statistician n,统计学家
statistical adj,统计 (学 )的 statistically adv,
adj,calm,quite and undisturbed
eg,Visitors like to stay in this hotel for its ~~
n,a period of history or a long period of time
We‘re living in the computer ~~,
adj,of or relating to electronics or devices and
systems developed through electronics 电子的
eg,Use of the Internet is replacing other forms of
~~ communication,
~~ mail is so convenient that we can
communicate with friends at the other side of
the world in a few seconds,
electronics n,电子学 electron n,电子
( com,) electronic,electric,electrical
① electronic 电子的,电子仪器的
② electric 发电的,电力产生的,电动的
③ electrical 与电有关的,用电的
靠电力操作或发电的东西用 electric,否则用
electrical ( 与电有关的 ),它表示与电的关系不
太密切。用在 a,人或其工作上 b,也用在与电
electronic ~~ sound
electric ~~ generator,~~ storm,~~ power
~~ shock,~~ clock / blanket / fire / fence /
electrical ~~ engineer,~~ apparatus,~~ fault
10,hook up to
connect or attach (sth.) to (sth,else) with or as if
with a hook
eg,Hook your computer up to the Internet,you can
do far more things than what you do with your
computer now,
The alarm system in the banks are hooked up to
the local police station,
11,build in / into
① make (sth.) as part of the structure 固定在某物
eg,Our bookshelves are built into the wall,
② 生就,本来
eg,The difficulties seem built in,
phrases relating to ‘build’
build on 加建,扩建
eg,This new house is built on that old school,
build on / upon 根据,依靠
eg,He built his decision on thorough investigation,
build up 建立,加强
eg,The clouds are building up,
(pass.) 盖满房子
eg,The area has been built up,
捧 ( 某人或某物 )
eg,The singer has been built up into a great success,
v,force sth,Open or away from a surface
eg,They used a knife to ~~ the can open,
v,stick sth,with glue
eg,Posters can only be ~~d in particular areas,
tooth ~~
n,① (pl) all the buildings and land that an
institution occupies on one site 房屋及周围的土地
eg,The company is looking for new ~~,
② sth,that you accept as true and use as a basis for
another idea or way of thinking
from / on the ~~ + that… 前提
eg,The program started from / on the ~~ that men
and women should take on equal rights,
n,sth,that used to promote a product,event and etc,
advertise v,宣传,给 … 做广告
advertising n,宣传
n,a typical or noticeable part of quality 特色,特征
eg,Thick fog is a ~~ of the weather in Chongqing,
v,give a prominent part to (sb,/ sth.) 以 … 为特色
eg,Fish ~~s in the food of these islanders,
They had a traditional Thanksgiving dinner
~~ing roast turkey,
n,(a sheet of paper with) information written or
drawn in the form of a picture,graph,etc,with
the intention of making it easily understood 图表
18,put up
build or erect
eg,He ~~ a new fence around his house,
Most of the old buildings were pulled down so
that blocks of apartments could be ~~,
n,thing that prevents progress or movement
eg,The police ~~ is used to prevent people from
getting into the crime scene,
n,a barrier of large objects,used to stop an enemy
v,block with a barricade
eg,The protestors ~~d the streets with piles of
v,move about without a purpose
~~ about / around / through
eg,When he got bored he ~~ed around the
At weekends,many people go to department
stores without buying any things just for
(com.) wonder
eg,I’m wondering where I can get the tickets,
22,or otherwise
① or sth,else,or sth,like that 或用其他方法,或
eg,If the coffee tastes bitter,you can try cream,
cheese ~~,They may help,
② or the opposite 或相反的,或不是
eg,I am not concerned with its accuracy or
23,take off
(aircraft,bird or insect) move from the ground and
begin to fly
eg,There are hundreds of airplanes landing and
taking off at Shuangliu International Airport,
24,hold / keep (sb.) at bay
prevent (an enemy) from coming near
eg,Eating oranges keeps colds at bay,
She left the light on at night to keep thieves at bay,
NOT hold / keep sb,at the bay
25,without so much as
with no even
eg,He left her without so much as a single word,
He went out with them without so much as a
glass of water,
adj,adv,to,towards or from the side
eg,If you would move ~~ to the left,I can get
everyone on the picture,
27,stand for
represent; mean
eg,Gesture ?v‘ stands for ?victory‘,
(com.) stand up for 支持
28,be bathed in
cover or envelop as if with liquid
eg,She bathed her feet in warm water,
The fields was bathed in a golden light at sunrise,
v,examine sth,in detail in order to understand it,
esp,by considering separately all the elements it
consists of
eg,We‘ll ~~ the result tonight and give the report
tomorrow morning,
analysis n,(pl.) analyses 分析,分析结果
analyst n,分析家 analytic adj.分解的,分析的
30,with / by a small / large margin
小 / 大幅度地
eg,People’s demand for air-conditioners has
increased by a large margin,
With a small margin of difference,the two sides
reach an agreement soon,
It‘s not a shame to make errors,
v,cause to improve from a primitive stage of human
society to a more developed one
eg,Some anthropologists think that it‘s neither wise
nor necessary to ~~ those jungle tribes,
Terrorism is unacceptable in the ~~d world,
civilized adj,开化的,文明的 educated adj.受过
civilization n,文明
① a thing bringing discredit or criticism ~~ on
eg,Parents often regard their children‘s errors as a
~~ on them,
② deep and careful thinking 思考
eg,He told us his ~~ on that issue,
I am sorry that I spoke too quickly and without ~~,
③ a clear indication or the result of 反映
eg,His unhappiness is a ~~ of his mistaken marriage
reflect v,反射,表达 /反映,仔细思考
reflective adj,(人或其思想 ) 沉思的,熟虑的
v,cause (sb.) to feel confused and slightly worried
because they cannot understand
eg,It ~~s me why she gave up the chance of
studying abroad,
The police are ~~ing about the cause of the accident,
n,(usu,sing.) sth,that one cannot understand
eg,No one can explain the ~~ of how life began,
puzzling adj,费解的 puzzled adj,感到迷惑的
35,look back on
think about (sth.) in one‘s past
eg,When you ~~ your childhood,what would you
have in your memory first?
…,it is the insurance companies that
pay for stolen goods,…
? It is / was … that / who … 强调句型
? Tom’s sister brought him a rabbit as his
? birthday present,
? ① It was Tom‘s sister who brought Tom …,
? ② It was Tom who his sister brought a rabbit …,
? ③ It was a rabbit that Tom‘s sister brought him…,
? ④ It was as his birthday present that Tom‘s
1,It is this village ___ I spent my childhood,
2,It is in this village ___ I was born,
a,which b,that c,where d,what
…; it does not occur to us to ask
ourselves,Why has this happened?
It occurs / does not occur to sb,to do sth,/ that…
表示 某人想到 (做 )什么,相当于 think about,
come into one‘s mind或 come up with an idea
1) It never occurred to me to ask him what was …
2) It suddenly occurred to me that the names of…
3) When he heard her say so,it occurred to him
that for convenience…
4) Has it never occurred to you that the
...,chances are that you don’t just
wander in and out of work,
意义相当于 it is likely that…,很有可能 …
1) If they don’t agree to work extra hours for no
extra pay,chances are that they will be
2) Research is …,Chances are that there will be
a cure within the next ten years,
3) If you are …,chances are that you’ll put on
several pounds I a matter of weeks,
4) He left…,Chances are that he’s got stuck in a
traffic jam,
? Table a printed or written collection of
figures,facts,or information arranged
in orderly rows across and down the page,
? Graph a straight or curved line which is
drawn between an upright line and a level
line across the page to show how the 2
values represented by those lines are
related to one another,
? Diagram a plan or figure drawn to
explain an idea; drawing which shows
the arrangement of something rather
than what it actually looks like
? Chart ( a sheet of paper with) information
written or drawn in the form of a picture,
graph,etc,usu,with the intention of making
it easily understood
? Form a printed paper divided by lines
into separate parts,in each of which
answers to questions must be written down
? Map a representation of the earth’s surface,
as if seen from above,showing the shape of
countries,the position of towns,the height
of land,the rivers,etc,
What’s this?
quarter1 quarter3
⑴ ⑵
⑶ ⑷
员工信息登记表 Employee Registration Form
? 姓 名 Full Name, ————
? 性 别 Gender, □男 Male □ 女 Female
? 民 族 Nationality, ————
? 出生日期 Birth Date, ————
? 血 型 Blood Type,□ O型 O □ A型 A □ B型 B □ AB型 AB
? 身 高 Stature, CM
? 证件类别 Please Tick,□身份证 ID Card □ 护照 Passport
? □ 军官证 Military ID Card
? 证件号码 Official ID#, ————
? 应聘部门 Department to Join ————
? 政治面貌 Political Status,
? □党员 Chinese Communist Party Member
? □ 团员 (Chinese Comsomol)
? □ 群众 ( Independent)
? □ 民主党派 (Democrat)
? 婚姻状况 Marital Status, □未婚 Single □ 已婚 Married
? 配偶姓名 Spouse‘s Full Name,————
? 工作单位 Spouse‘s Working Unit/Company,————
? 现有职称 Social Professional Rank, ————
? 评定单位 Evaluating Institution,————
? 档案所在地 Personal Archive Location, ————
? 户口所在地 Registered Residence Place, ————
? 家庭成员情况 Family Members, ————
? 称 谓 Relationship 姓 名 Full Name 工作单位 Company
联系电话 Phone #
? ————————————————————————————
? ————————————————————————————
? ————————————————————————————
? 家庭地址 Home Address, ————
? 家庭电话 Home Phone #,————
? 是否有亲属在公司 Are there relatives working with B&G,
? □无 No □ 有 Yes
? 若有,请在右边详细说明 If yes,please describe it in detail ——
? 本人承诺对所有应聘材料的真实性负全部责任。
? All the information given in this form is true and correct,
and I will be responsible for it,
? 本人签名 Signature,日期 Date,——————
⑸ ⑹
fast·ness / fa,stn?s/ n,1 【 c】 a safe
place which is hard to reach
(esp,in the phr,a mountain fastness)
2 【 u】 the quality of being firm or fixed,
黑体字表示常 the fastness of a colour / of his hold on
与这字的这个 the handle
意思连用的片 USAGE There is no noun formed from
语 fast when it means quick,Use instead
speed or quickness,

Section One,Sichuan and Chengdu
Sichuan Province
4 History and Legend
9 Geography and Environment
13 Mountains and Rivers in Sichuan
18 History
22 Chengdu Today
Section Two,On-the-Way Tour
Inner City Tour
38 Funan River
50 Tourist Spots Along the Western
Inner-City Route
65 Tourist Spots Along the Northern
Inner-City Route
75 Tourist Spots Along the
Southeastern Inner-City Route

起床 6:50
早操 6:50-7:20
上午 1,2节 8:30-10:10
上午 3,4节 10:25-12:05
午休 12:40-13:40
下午 5,6节 14:00-15:40
下午 7,8节 15:55-17:35
晚上 9,10节 19:30-21:10
熄灯 23:00
① It was not until I saw Mary next morning,
however,I felt happy,
② He is convinced that it would not be a long time
___ before he gets success,
a,that b,when c,before d,after
③ It was in 1969 ___ he met with that man,
a,that b,when c,after d,as