579 CHAPTER 15 ALCOHOLS, DIOLS, AND THIOLS T he next several chapters deal with the chemistry of various oxygen-containing functional groups. The interplay of these important classes of compounds—alco- hols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, and derivatives of carboxylic acids—is fundamental to organic chemistry and biochemistry. We’ll start by discussing in more detail a class of compounds already familiar to us, alcohols. Alcohols were introduced in Chapter 4 and have appeared regularly since then. With this chapter we extend our knowledge of alcohols, particularly with respect to their relationship to carbonyl-containing compounds. In the course of studying alco- hols, we shall also look at some relatives. Diols are alcohols in which two hydroxyl groups (±OH) are present; thiols are compounds that contain an ±SH group. Phenols, compounds of the type ArOH, share many properties in common with alcohols but are sufficiently different from them to warrant separate discussion in Chapter 24. This chapter is a transitional one. It ties together much of the material encountered earlier and sets the stage for our study of other oxygen-containing functional groups in the chapters that follow. 15.1 SOURCES OF ALCOHOLS Until the 1920s, the major source of methanol was as a byproduct in the production of charcoal from wood—hence, the name wood alcohol. Now, most of the more than 10 ROH Alcohol RORH11032 Ether RCH O X Aldehyde RCRH11032 O X Ketone RCOH O X Carboxylic acid Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website billion lb of methanol used annually in the United States is synthetic, prepared by reduc- tion of carbon monoxide with hydrogen. Almost half of this methanol is converted to formaldehyde as a starting material for various resins and plastics. Methanol is also used as a solvent, as an antifreeze, and as a convenient clean-burning liquid fuel. This last property makes it a candidate as a fuel for automobiles—methanol is already used to power Indianapolis-class race cars— but extensive emissions tests remain to be done before it can be approved as a gasoline substitute. Methanol is a colorless liquid, boiling at 65°C, and is miscible with water in all proportions. It is poisonous; drinking as little as 30 mL has been fatal. Ingestion of sublethal amounts can lead to blindness. When vegetable matter ferments, its carbohydrates are converted to ethanol and carbon dioxide by enzymes present in yeast. Fermentation of barley produces beer; grapes give wine. The maximum ethanol content is on the order of 15%, because higher concentrations inactivate the enzymes, halting fermentation. Since ethanol boils at 78°C CO Carbon monoxide 2H 2 Hydrogen CH 3 OH Methanol H11001 ZnO/Cr 2 O 3 400°C 580 CHAPTER FIFTEEN Alcohols, Diols, and Thiols Carbon monoxide is ob- tained from coal, and hydro- gen is one of the products formed when natural gas is converted to ethylene and propene (Section 5.1). CH 3 HO CH(CH 3 ) 2 HO O HO HOCH 2 OH HO HO H 3 C CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 OH CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 OH Menthol (obtained from oil of peppermint and used to flavor tobacco and food) Cholesterol (principal constituent of gallstones and biosynthetic precursor of the steroid hormones) Citronellol (found in rose and geranium oil and used in perfumery) Retinol (vitamin A, an important substance in vision) Glucose (a carbohydrate) H 3 C H 3 C H 3 C FIGURE 15.1 Some naturally occurring alcohols. Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website TABLE 15.1 Summary of Reactions Discussed in Earlier Chapters That Yield Alcohols Reaction (section) and comments (Continued) Acid-catalyzed hydration of alkenes (Section 6.10) The elements of water add to the double bond in accord- ance with Markovnikov’s rule. General equation and specific example Alkene R 2 C?CR 2 H11001 Water H 2 O Alcohol R 2 CHCR 2 OH W H H11001 2-Methyl-2-butene (CH 3 ) 2 C?CHCH 3 2-Methyl-2-butanol (90%) CH 3 CCH 2 CH 3 OH CH 3 W W H 2 O H 2 SO 4 15.1 Sources of Alcohols 581 and water at 100°C, distillation of the fermentation broth can be used to give “distilled spirits” of increased ethanol content. Whiskey is the aged distillate of fermented grain and contains slightly less than 50% ethanol. Brandy and cognac are made by aging the distilled spirits from fermented grapes and other fruits. The characteristic flavors, odors, and colors of the various alcoholic beverages depend on both their origin and the way they are aged. Synthetic ethanol is derived from petroleum by hydration of ethylene. In the United States, some 700 million lb of synthetic ethanol is produced annually. It is relatively inexpensive and useful for industrial applications. To make it unfit for drinking, it is denatured by adding any of a number of noxious materials, a process that exempts it from the high taxes most governments impose on ethanol used in beverages. Our bodies are reasonably well equipped to metabolize ethanol, making it less dan- gerous than methanol. Alcohol abuse and alcoholism, however, have been and remain persistent problems. Isopropyl alcohol is prepared from petroleum by hydration of propene. With a boil- ing point of 82°C, isopropyl alcohol evaporates quickly from the skin, producing a cool- ing effect. Often containing dissolved oils and fragrances, it is the major component of rubbing alcohol. Isopropyl alcohol possesses weak antibacterial properties and is used to maintain medical instruments in a sterile condition and to clean the skin before minor surgery. Methanol, ethanol, and isopropyl alcohol are included among the readily available starting materials commonly found in laboratories where organic synthesis is carried out. So, too, are many other alcohols. All alcohols of four carbons or fewer, as well as most of the five- and six-carbon alcohols and many higher alcohols, are commercially avail- able at low cost. Some occur naturally; others are the products of efficient syntheses. Figure 15.1 presents the structures of a few naturally occurring alcohols. Table 15.1 sum- marizes the reactions encountered in earlier chapters that give alcohols and illustrates a thread that runs through the fabric of organic chemistry: a reaction that is characteris- tic of one functional group often serves as a synthetic method for preparing another. As Table 15.1 indicates, reactions leading to alcohols are not in short supply. Nev- ertheless, several more will be added to the list in the present chapter—testimony to the Some of the substances used to denature ethanol include methanol, benzene, pyri- dine, castor oil, and gasoline. Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website TABLE 15.1 Summary of Reactions Discussed in Earlier Chapters That Yield Alcohols (Continued) Reaction (section) and comments General equation and specific example Reaction of Grignard reagents with aldehydes and ketones (Section 14.6) A method that allows for alcohol preparation with formation of new carbon–carbon bonds. Primary, sec- ondary, and tertiary alcohols can all be prepared. Aldehyde or ketone RH11032CRH11033 O X Grignard reagent RMgX Alcohol RCOH W W RH11032 RH11033 H11001 1. diethyl ether 2. H 3 O H11001 H11001 1. diethyl ether 2. H 3 O H11001 H MgBr Cyclopentylmagnesium bromide H CH 2 OH Cyclopentylmethanol (62–64%) HCH O X Formaldehyde Reaction of organolithium reagents with aldehydes and ketones (Section 14.7) Organolithium reagents react with aldehydes and ketones in a manner similar to that of Grignard reagents to form alcohols. Aldehyde or ketone RH11032CRH11033 O X Organolithium reagent RLi Alcohol RCOH W W RH11032 RH11033 H11001 1. diethyl ether 2. H 3 O H11001 H11001CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 Li Butyllithium 2-Phenyl-2-hexanol (67%) CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 ±C±OH CH 3 Acetophenone CCH 3 O X 1. diethyl ether 2. H 3 O H11001 Hydrolysis of alkyl halides (Section 8.1) A reaction useful only with sub- strates that do not undergo E2 elimi- nation readily. It is rarely used for the synthesis of alcohols, since alkyl halides are normally prepared from alcohols. Alkyl halide RX Hydroxide ion HO H11002 H11001 Alcohol ROH Halide ion X H11002 H11001 H 3 C CH 3 CH 2 Cl CH 3 2,4,6-Trimethylbenzyl chloride H 3 C CH 3 CH 2 OH CH 3 2,4,6-Trimethylbenzyl alcohol (78%) H 2 O, Ca(OH) 2 heat (Continued) Hydroboration-oxidation of alkenes (Section 6.11) The elements of water add to the double bond with regio- selectivity opposite to that of Mar- kovnikov’s rule. This is a very good synthetic method; addition is syn, and no rearrangements are observed. 1. B 2 H 6 2. H 2 O 2 , HO H11002 Alkene R 2 C?CR 2 Alcohol R 2 CHCR 2 OH W 1. B 2 H 6 , diglyme 2. H 2 O 2 , HO H11002 1-Decene CH 3 (CH 2 ) 7 CH?CH 2 1-Decanol (93%) CH 3 (CH 2 ) 7 CH 2 CH 2 OH 582 CHAPTER FIFTEEN Alcohols, Diols, and Thiols Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website importance of alcohols in synthetic organic chemistry. Some of these methods involve reduction of carbonyl groups: We will begin with the reduction of aldehydes and ketones. 15.2 PREPARATION OF ALCOHOLS BY REDUCTION OF ALDEHYDES AND KETONES The most obvious way to reduce an aldehyde or a ketone to an alcohol is by hydro- genation of the carbon–oxygen double bond. Like the hydrogenation of alkenes, the reac- tion is exothermic but exceedingly slow in the absence of a catalyst. Finely divided met- als such as platinum, palladium, nickel, and ruthenium are effective catalysts for the hydrogenation of aldehydes and ketones. Aldehydes yield primary alcohols: RCH O Aldehyde H11001 H 2 Hydrogen Pt, Pd, Ni, or Ru RCH 2 OH Primary alcohol H 2 , Pt ethanol CHCH 3 O O p-Methoxybenzaldehyde CH 2 OHCH 3 O p-Methoxybenzyl alcohol (92%) reducing agent C O C HOH 15.2 Preparation of Alcohols by Reduction of Aldehydes and Ketones 583 TABLE 15.1 Summary of Reactions Discussed in Earlier Chapters That Yield Alcohols (Continued) Reaction (section) and comments General equation and specific example Reaction of Grignard reagents with esters (Section 14.10) Produces terti- ary alcohols in which two of the sub- stituents on the hydroxyl-bearing carbon are derived from the Grignard reagent. RH11032CORH11033 O X RH11033OH2RMgX RCOH W W RH11032 R H11001H11001 1. diethyl ether 2. H 3 O H11001 Ethyl acetate CH 3 COCH 2 CH 3 O X Pentylmagnesium bromide 2CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 MgBr H11001 1. diethyl ether 2. H 3 O H11001 6-Methyl-6-undecanol (75%) CH 3 CCH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 3 W W OH CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 3 Recall from Section 2.16 that reduction corresponds to a decrease in the number of bonds between carbon and oxygen or an increase in the number of bonds between carbon and hydrogen (or both). Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website Ketones yield secondary alcohols: PROBLEM 15.1 Which of the isomeric C 4 H 10 O alcohols can be prepared by hydrogenation of aldehydes? Which can be prepared by hydrogenation of ketones? Which cannot be prepared by hydrogenation of a carbonyl compound? For most laboratory-scale reductions of aldehydes and ketones, catalytic hydro- genation has been replaced by methods based on metal hydride reducing agents. The two most common reagents are sodium borohydride and lithium aluminum hydride. Sodium borohydride is especially easy to use, needing only to be added to an aque- ous or alcoholic solution of an aldehyde or a ketone: NaBH 4 methanol O 2 N CH O m-Nitrobenzaldehyde CH 2 OH O 2 N m-Nitrobenzyl alcohol (82%) NaBH 4 water, methanol, or ethanol RCH O Aldehyde RCH 2 OH Primary alcohol NaBH 4 water, methanol, or ethanol RCRH11032 O Ketone RCHRH11032 OH Secondary alcohol CH 3 CCH 2 C(CH 3 ) 3 O 4,4-Dimethyl-2-pentanone CH 3 CHCH 2 C(CH 3 ) 3 OH 4,4-Dimethyl-2-pentanol (85%) NaBH 4 ethanol Sodium borohydride (NaBH 4 ) Na H11001 H±B±H H W W H H11002 Li H11001 H±Al±H H W W H H11002 Lithium aluminum hydride (LiAlH 4 ) RCRH11032 O Ketone H11001 H 2 Hydrogen Pt, Pd, Ni, or Ru RCHRH11032 OH Secondary alcohol H 2 , Pt methanol O Cyclopentanone OHH Cyclopentanol (93–95%) 584 CHAPTER FIFTEEN Alcohols, Diols, and Thiols Compare the electrostatic potential maps of CH 4 , BH 4 H11002 , and AlH 4 H11002 on Learning By Mod- eling. Notice how different the electrostatic potentials associ- ated with hydrogen are. Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website Lithium aluminum hydride reacts violently with water and alcohols, so it must be used in solvents such as anhydrous diethyl ether or tetrahydrofuran. Following reduc- tion, a separate hydrolysis step is required to liberate the alcohol product: Sodium borohydride and lithium aluminum hydride react with carbonyl compounds in much the same way that Grignard reagents do, except that they function as hydride donors rather than as carbanion sources. Borohydride transfers a hydrogen with its pair of bonding electrons to the positively polarized carbon of a carbonyl group. The nega- tively polarized oxygen attacks boron. Ultimately, all four of the hydrogens of borohy- dride are transferred and a tetraalkoxyborate is formed. Hydrolysis or alcoholysis converts the tetraalkoxyborate intermediate to the corre- sponding alcohol. The following equation illustrates the process for reactions carried out in water. An analogous process occurs in methanol or ethanol and yields the alcohol and (CH 3 O) 4 B H11002 or (CH 3 CH 2 O) 4 B H11002 . A similar series of hydride transfers occurs when aldehydes and ketones are treated with lithium aluminum hydride. 3H 2 O B(OCHR 2 ) 3 H11002 H OH R 2 CHO R 2 CHOH H11001 HOB(OCHR 2 ) 3 H11002 3R 2 CHOH H11001 (HO) 4 B H11002 3R 2 C?O H BH 3 H11002 R 2 CO H9254H11001 H9254H11002 BH 3 H11002 R 2 CO H H11002 (R 2 CHO) 4 B Tetraalkoxyborate 1. LiAlH 4 , diethyl ether 2. H 2 O RCH O Aldehyde RCH 2 OH Primary alcohol CH 3 (CH 2 ) 5 CH O Heptanal CH 3 (CH 2 ) 5 CH 2 OH 1-Heptanol (86%) 1. LiAlH 4 , diethyl ether 2. H 2 O RCRH11032 O Ketone RCHRH11032 OH Secondary alcohol 1. LiAlH 4 , diethyl ether 2. H 2 O (C 6 H 5 ) 2 CHCCH 3 O 1,1-Diphenyl-2-propanone (C 6 H 5 ) 2 CHCHCH 3 OH 1,1-Diphenyl-2-propanol (84%) 1. LiAlH 4 , diethyl ether 2. H 2 O 15.2 Preparation of Alcohols by Reduction of Aldehydes and Ketones 585 Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website Addition of water converts the tetraalkoxyaluminate to the desired alcohol. PROBLEM 15.2 Sodium borodeuteride (NaBD 4 ) and lithium aluminum deuteride (LiAlD 4 ) are convenient reagents for introducing deuterium, the mass 2 isotope of hydrogen, into organic compounds. Write the structure of the organic product of the following reactions, clearly showing the position of all the deuterium atoms in each: (a) Reduction of (acetaldehyde) with NaBD 4 in H 2 O (b) Reduction of (acetone) with NaBD 4 in CH 3 OD (c) Reduction of (benzaldehyde) with NaBD 4 in CD 3 OH (d) Reduction of (formaldehyde) with LiAlD 4 in diethyl ether, followed by addition of D 2 O SAMPLE SOLUTION (a) Sodium borodeuteride transfers deuterium to the car- bonyl group of acetaldehyde, forming a C±D bond. Hydrolysis of (CH 3 CHDO) 4 B H11002 in H 2 O leads to the formation of ethanol, retaining the C±D bond formed in the preceding step while forming an O±H bond. Neither sodium borohydride nor lithium aluminum hydride reduces isolated car- bon–carbon double bonds. This makes possible the selective reduction of a carbonyl group in a molecule that contains both carbon–carbon and carbon–oxygen double bonds. D H11002 BD 3 CH 3 C O H CO H11002 BD 3 D H CH 3 3CH 3 CH O X (CH 3 CHO) 4 B H11002 D HCH O X C 6 H 5 CH O X CH 3 CCH 3 O X CH 3 CH O X Tetraalkoxyaluminate (R 2 CHO) 4 Al H11002 Al(OH) 4 H11002 Alcohol 4R 2 CHOH4H 2 OH11001H11001 3R 2 C?O H AlH 3 H11002 R 2 CO H9254H11001 H9254H11002 AlH 3 H11002 R 2 CO H Tetraalkoxyaluminate (R 2 CHO) 4 Al H11002 586 CHAPTER FIFTEEN Alcohols, Diols, and Thiols H11001CH 3 CH B(OCHDCH 3 ) 3 HOH D O H11002 D OH CH 3 CH Ethanol-1-d 3H 2 O 3CH 3 CHOH D B(OH) 4 H11002 OH B(OCHDCH 3 ) 3 H11002 H11001 An undergraduate labora- tory experiment related to Problem 15.2 appears in the March 1996 issue of the Jour- nal of Chemical Education, pp. 264–266. Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website 15.3 PREPARATION OF ALCOHOLS BY REDUCTION OF CARBOXYLIC ACIDS AND ESTERS Carboxylic acids are exceedingly difficult to reduce. Acetic acid, for example, is often used as a solvent in catalytic hydrogenations because it is inert under the reaction con- ditions. A very powerful reducing agent is required to convert a carboxylic acid to a pri- mary alcohol. Lithium aluminum hydride is that reducing agent. Sodium borohydride is not nearly as potent a hydride donor as lithium aluminum hydride and does not reduce carboxylic acids. Esters are more easily reduced than carboxylic acids. Two alcohols are formed from each ester molecule. The acyl group of the ester is cleaved, giving a primary alcohol. Lithium aluminum hydride is the reagent of choice for reducing esters to alcohols. PROBLEM 15.3 Give the structure of an ester that will yield a mixture contain- ing equimolar amounts of 1-propanol and 2-propanol on reduction with lithium aluminum hydride. Sodium borohydride reduces esters, but the reaction is too slow to be useful. Hydrogenation of esters requires a special catalyst and extremely high pressures and tem- peratures; it is used in industrial settings but rarely in the laboratory. 15.4 PREPARATION OF ALCOHOLS FROM EPOXIDES Although the chemical reactions of epoxides will not be covered in detail until the fol- lowing chapter, we shall introduce their use in the synthesis of alcohols here. 1. LiAlH 4 , diethyl ether 2. H 2 O COCH 2 CH 3 O Ethyl benzoate CH 2 OH Benzyl alcohol (90%) H11001 CH 3 CH 2 OH Ethanol RCORH11032 O Ester H11001RCH 2 OH Primary alcohol RH11032OH Alcohol 1. LiAlH 4 , diethyl ether 2. H 2 O RCOH O Carboxylic acid RCH 2 OH Primary alcohol 1. LiAlH 4 , diethyl ether 2. H 2 O CO 2 H Cyclopropanecarboxylic acid CH 2 OH Cyclopropylmethanol (78%) CHCH 2 CH 2 CCH 3 (CH 3 ) 2 C O 6-Methyl-5-hepten-2-one CHCH 2 CH 2 CHCH 3 (CH 3 ) 2 C OH 6-Methyl-5-hepten-2-ol (90%) 1. LiAlH 4 , diethyl ether 2. H 2 O 15.4 Preparation of Alcohols from Epoxides 587 Catalytic hydrogenation would not be suitable for this transformation, because H 2 adds to carbon–carbon double bonds faster than it reduces carbonyl groups. Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website Grignard reagents react with ethylene oxide to yield primary alcohols containing two more carbon atoms than the alkyl halide from which the organometallic compound was prepared. Organolithium reagents react with epoxides in a similar manner. PROBLEM 15.4 Each of the following alcohols has been prepared by reaction of a Grignard reagent with ethylene oxide. Select the appropriate Grignard reagent in each case. (a) (b) SAMPLE SOLUTION (a) Reaction with ethylene oxide results in the addition of a ±CH 2 CH 2 OH unit to the Grignard reagent. The Grignard reagent derived from o-bromotoluene (or o-chlorotoluene or o-iodotoluene) is appropriate here. Epoxide rings are readily opened with cleavage of the carbon–oxygen bond when attacked by nucleophiles. Grignard reagents and organolithium reagents react with eth- ylene oxide by serving as sources of nucleophilic carbon. This kind of chemical reactivity of epoxides is rather general. Nucleophiles other than Grignard reagents react with epoxides, and epoxides more elaborate than ethylene oxide may be used. All these features of epoxide chemistry will be discussed in Sections 16.11 and 16.12. RCH 2 CH 2 OHR MgX H9254H11002 H9254H11001 H 2 C O CH 2 R CH 2 MgX H11001 CH 2 O H11002 (may be written as RCH 2 CH 2 OMgX) H 3 O H11001 CH 3 MgBr o-Methylphenylmagnesium bromide H11001 H 2 C O CH 2 Ethylene oxide 1. diethyl ether 2. H 3 O H11001 CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 OH 2-(o-Methylphenyl)ethanol (66%) CH 2 CH 2 OH CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 OH 1. diethyl ether 2. H 3 O H11001RMgX Grignard reagent H11001 H 2 C O CH 2 Ethylene oxide RCH 2 CH 2 OH Primary alcohol 1. diethyl ether 2. H 3 O H11001H 2 C O CH 2 Ethylene oxide CH 3 (CH 2 ) 4 CH 2 MgBr Hexylmagnesium bromide H11001 CH 3 (CH 2 ) 4 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 OH 1-Octanol (71%) 588 CHAPTER FIFTEEN Alcohols, Diols, and Thiols Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website 15.5 PREPARATION OF DIOLS Much of the chemistry of diols—compounds that bear two hydroxyl groups—is analo- gous to that of alcohols. Diols may be prepared, for example, from compounds that con- tain two carbonyl groups, using the same reducing agents employed in the preparation of alcohols. The following example shows the conversion of a dialdehyde to a diol by catalytic hydrogenation. Alternatively, the same transformation can be achieved by reduc- tion with sodium borohydride or lithium aluminum hydride. Diols are almost always given substitutive IUPAC names. As the name of the prod- uct in the example indicates, the substitutive nomenclature of diols is similar to that of alcohols. The suffix -diol replaces -ol, and two locants, one for each hydroxyl group, are required. Note that the final -e of the alkane basis name is retained when the suffix begins with a consonant (-diol), but dropped when the suffix begins with a vowel (-ol). PROBLEM 15.5 Write equations showing how 3-methyl-1,5-pentanediol could be prepared from a dicarboxylic acid or a diester. Vicinal diols are diols that have their hydroxyl groups on adjacent carbons. Two commonly encountered vicinal diols are 1,2-ethanediol and 1,2-propanediol. Ethylene glycol and propylene glycol are common names for these two diols and are acceptable IUPAC names. Aside from these two compounds, the IUPAC system does not use the word “glycol” for naming diols. In the laboratory, vicinal diols are normally prepared from alkenes using the reagent osmium tetraoxide (OsO 4 ). Osmium tetraoxide reacts rapidly with alkenes to give cyclic osmate esters. Osmate esters are fairly stable but are readily cleaved in the presence of an oxi- dizing agent such as tert-butyl hydroperoxide. R 2 C CR 2 Alkene H11001 OsO 4 Osmium tetraoxide R 2 C Os O O O O CR 2 Cyclic osmate ester CH 3 CHCH 2 OH OH 1,2-Propanediol (propylene glycol) HOCH 2 CH 2 OH 1,2-Ethanediol (ethylene glycol) H 2 (100 atm) Ni, 125°C HCCH 2 CHCH 2 CH O O CH 3 3-Methylpentanedial HOCH 2 CH 2 CHCH 2 CH 2 OH CH 3 3-Methyl-1,5-pentanediol (81–83%) 15.5 Preparation of Diols 589 Ethylene glycol and propy- lene glycol are prepared industrially from the corre- sponding alkenes by way of their epoxides. Some applica- tions were given in the box in Section 6.21. Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website Since osmium tetraoxide is regenerated in this step, alkenes can be converted to vicinal diols using only catalytic amounts of osmium tetraoxide, which is both toxic and expen- sive. The entire process is performed in a single operation by simply allowing a solu- tion of the alkene and tert-butyl hydroperoxide in tert-butyl alcohol containing a small amount of osmium tetraoxide and base to stand for several hours. Overall, the reaction leads to addition of two hydroxyl groups to the double bond and is referred to as hydroxylation. Both oxygens of the diol come from osmium tetraox- ide via the cyclic osmate ester. The reaction of OsO 4 with the alkene is a syn addition, and the conversion of the cyclic osmate to the diol involves cleavage of the bonds between oxygen and osmium. Thus, both hydroxyl groups of the diol become attached to the same face of the double bond; syn hydroxylation of the alkene is observed. PROBLEM 15.6 Give the structures, including stereochemistry, for the diols obtained by hydroxylation of cis-2-butene and trans-2-butene. A complementary method, one that gives anti hydroxylation of alkenes by way of the hydrolysis of epoxides, will be described in Section 16.13. 15.6 REACTIONS OF ALCOHOLS: A REVIEW AND A PREVIEW Alcohols are versatile starting materials for the preparation of a variety of organic func- tional groups. Several reactions of alcohols have already been seen in earlier chapters and are summarized in Table 15.2. The remaining sections of this chapter add to the list. 15.7 CONVERSION OF ALCOHOLS TO ETHERS Primary alcohols are converted to ethers on heating in the presence of an acid catalyst, usually sulfuric acid. H H Cyclohexene (CH 3 ) 3 COOH, OsO 4 (cat) tert-butyl alcohol, HO H11002 cis-1,2-Cyclohexanediol (62%) H H HO HO CH 2 CH 3 (CH 2 ) 7 CH 1-Decene OH CH 3 (CH 2 ) 7 CHCH 2 OH 1,2-Decanediol (73%) (CH 3 ) 3 COOH, OsO 4 (cat) tert-butyl alcohol, HO H11002 R 2 C Os O O O O CR 2 H11001 2(CH 3 ) 3 COOH tert-Butyl hydroperoxide OHHO R 2 C CR 2 Vicinal diol Osmium tetraoxide OsO 4 2(CH 3 ) 3 COH tert-Butyl alcohol H11001H11001 HO H11002 tert-butyl alcohol 590 CHAPTER FIFTEEN Alcohols, Diols, and Thiols Construct a molecular model of cis-1,2-cyclohexanediol. What is the orientation of the OH groups, axial or equatorial? Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website 15.7 Conversion of Alcohols to Ethers 591 TABLE 15.2 Summary of Reactions of Alcohols Discussed in Earlier Chapters Reaction (section) and comments Reaction with hydrogen halides (Sec- tion 4.8) The order of alcohol reactivi- ty parallels the order of carbocation stability: R 3 C H11001 H11022 R 2 CH H11001 H11022 RCH 2 H11001 H11022 CH 3 H11001 . Benzylic alcohols react readily. Reaction with thionyl chloride (Sec- tion 4.14) Thionyl chloride converts alcohols to alkyl chlorides. Reaction with phosphorus trihalides (Section 4.14) Phosphorus trichloride and phosphorus tribromide convert alcohols to alkyl halides. Acid-catalyzed dehydration (Section 5.9) This is a frequently used proce- dure for the preparation of alkenes. The order of alcohol reactivity paral- lels the order of carbocation stability: R 3 C H11001 H11022 R 2 CH H11001 H11022 RCH 2 H11001 . Benzylic alcohols react readily. Rearrange- ments are sometimes observed. Conversion to p-toluenesulfonate esters (Section 8.14) Alcohols react with p-toluenesulfonyl chloride to give p-toluenesulfonate esters. Sulfo- nate esters are reactive substrates for nucleophilic substitution and elimina- tion reactions. The p-toluenesulfo- nate group is often abbreviated ±OTs. H H11001 heat Alcohol R 2 CCHR 2 W OH Alkene R 2 C?CR 2 H11001 Water H 2 O General equation and specific example SOCl 2 , pyridine diethyl ether 6-Methyl-5-hepten-2-ol (CH 3 ) 2 C?CHCH 2 CH 2 CHCH 3 W OH 6-Chloro-2-methyl- 2-heptene (67%) (CH 3 ) 2 C?CHCH 2 CH 2 CHCH 3 W Cl Alcohol ROH H11001H11001 Hydrogen halide HX Alkyl halide RX Water H 2 O CH 3 O CH 2 OH m-Methoxybenzyl alcohol CH 3 O CH 2 Br m-Methoxybenzyl bromide (98%) HBr Alcohol ROH H11001H11001H11001 Thionyl chloride SOCl 2 Alkyl chloride RCl Sulfur dioxide SO 2 Hydrogen chloride HCl Alcohol 3ROH H11001H11001 Phosphorus trihalide PX 3 Alkyl halide 3RX Phosphorous acid H 3 PO 3 PBr 3 CH 2 OH Cyclopentylmethanol CH 2 Br (Bromomethyl)cyclopentane (50%) KHSO 4 heat Br CHCH 2 CH 3 W OH 1-(m-Bromophenyl)-1-propanol Br CH?CHCH 3 1-(m-Bromophenyl)propene (71%) H11001 SO 2 ClH 3 C p-Toluenesulfonyl chloride H11001 Hydrogen chloride HCl Alkyl p-toluenesulfonate ROS CH 3 O X X O Alcohol ROH Cycloheptanol OH Cycloheptyl p-toluenesulfonate (83%) OTs p-toluenesulfonyl chloride pyridine Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website This kind of reaction is called a condensation. A condensation is a reaction in which two molecules combine to form a larger one while liberating a small molecule. In this case two alcohol molecules combine to give an ether and water. When applied to the synthesis of ethers, the reaction is effective only with primary alcohols. Elimination to form alkenes predominates with secondary and tertiary alcohols. Diethyl ether is prepared on an industrial scale by heating ethanol with sulfuric acid at 140°C. At higher temperatures elimination predominates, and ethylene is the major product. A mechanism for the formation of diethyl ether is outlined in Figure 15.2. 2CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 OH 1-Butanol CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 OCH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 3 Dibutyl ether (60%) H11001 H 2 O Water H 2 SO 4 130°C 2RCH 2 OH Primary alcohol RCH 2 OCH 2 R Dialkyl ether H11001 H 2 O Water H H11001 , heat 592 CHAPTER FIFTEEN Alcohols, Diols, and Thiols CH 3 CH 2 O H11001 CH 2 ±OH11001 ±£ CH 3 CH 2 OCH 2 CH 3 H11001 O Overall Reaction: 2CH 3 CH 2 OH ±±£ CH 3 CH 2 OCH 2 CH 3 H11001 H 2 O Step 1: Proton transfer from the acid catalyst to the oxygen of the alcohol to produce an alkyloxonium ion CH 3 CH 2 O H11001 H±OSO 2 OH ±£ CH 3 CH 2 O H11001 H11001 H11002 OSO 2 OH H Ethyl alcohol Sulfuric acid Ethyloxonium ion Hydrogen sulfate ion Step 2: Nucleophilic attack by a molecule of alcohol on the alkyloxonium ion formed in step 1 Ethyl alcohol CH 3 H H Ethyloxonium ion Diethyloxonium ion Water Step 3: The product of step 2 is the conjugate acid of the dialkyl ether. It is deprotonated in the final step of the process to give the ether. CH 3 CH 2 O H11001 H11001 H11002 OSO 2 OH ±£ CH 3 CH 2 OCH 2 CH 3 H11001 HOSO 2 OH Diethyloxonium ion Hydrogen sulfate ion Diethyl ether Sulfuric acid H 2 SO 4 140H11034C fast H H slow S N 2 fast H H H11001 H H H CH 2 CH 3 Ethanol Diethyl ether Water FIGURE 15.2 The mechanism of acid-catalyzed formation of diethyl ether from ethyl alcohol. As an alternative in the third step, the Br?nsted base that abstracts the proton could be a molecule of the starting alcohol. Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website The individual steps of this mechanism are analogous to those seen earlier. Nucleophilic attack on a protonated alcohol was encountered in the reaction of primary alcohols with hydrogen halides (Section 4.13), and the nucleophilic properties of alcohols were dis- cussed in the context of solvolysis reactions (Section 8.7). Both the first and the last steps are proton-transfer reactions between oxygens. Diols react intramolecularly to form cyclic ethers when a five-membered or six- membered ring can result. In these intramolecular ether-forming reactions, the alcohol may be primary, secondary, or tertiary. PROBLEM 15.7 On the basis of the mechanism for the acid-catalyzed formation of diethyl ether from ethanol in Figure 15.2, write a stepwise mechanism for the formation of oxane from 1,5-pentanediol (see the equation in the preceding paragraph). 15.8 ESTERIFICATION Acid-catalyzed condensation of an alcohol and a carboxylic acid yields an ester and water and is known as the Fischer esterification. Fischer esterification is reversible, and the position of equilibrium lies slightly to the side of products when the reactants are simple alcohols and carboxylic acids. When the Fis- cher esterification is used for preparative purposes, the position of equilibrium can be made more favorable by using either the alcohol or the carboxylic acid in excess. In the following example, in which an excess of the alcohol was employed, the yield indicated is based on the carboxylic acid as the limiting reactant. Another way to shift the position of equilibrium to favor the formation of ester is by removing water from the reaction mixture. This can be accomplished by adding benzene as a cosolvent and distilling the azeotropic mixture of benzene and water. CH 3 OH Methanol (0.6 mol) H11001 COH O Benzoic acid (0.1 mol) COCH 3 O Methyl benzoate (isolated in 70% yield based on benzoic acid) H11001 Water H 2 O H 2 SO 4 heat RH11032COH O Carboxylic acid RH11032COR O Ester ROH Alcohol H11001H11001H 2 O Water H H11001 HOCH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 OH 1,5-Pentanediol H 2 SO 4 heat O Oxane (76%) H11001 H 2 O Water 15.8 Esterification 593 Oxane is also called tetrahy- dropyran. An azeotropic mixture con- tains two or more substances that distill together at a con- stant boiling point. The ben- zene–water azeotrope contains 9% water and boils at 69°C. Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website For steric reasons, the order of alcohol reactivity in the Fischer esterification is CH 3 OH H11022 primary H11022 secondary H11022 tertiary. PROBLEM 15.8 Write the structure of the ester formed in each of the follow- ing reactions: (a) (b) SAMPLE SOLUTION (a) By analogy to the general equation and to the exam- ples cited in this section, we can write the equation As actually carried out in the laboratory, 3 mol of propanoic acid was used per mole of 1-butanol, and the desired ester was obtained in 78% yield. Esters are also formed by the reaction of alcohols with acyl chlorides: This reaction is normally carried out in the presence of a weak base such as pyridine, which reacts with the hydrogen chloride that is formed. (CH 3 ) 2 CHCH 2 OH Isobutyl alcohol H11001 O 2 N O O 2 N CCl 3,5-Dinitrobenzoyl chloride O 2 N O O 2 N COCH 2 CH(CH 3 ) 2 Isobutyl 3,5-dinitrobenzoate (86%) pyridine RH11032CCl O Acyl chloride RH11032COR O Ester ROH Alcohol H11001H11001HCl Hydrogen chloride H 2 SO 4 heat CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 OH 1-Butanol H11001H11001 O CH 3 CH 2 COH Propanoic acid O CH 3 CH 2 COCH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 3 Butyl propanoate H 2 O Water H 2 SO 4 heat 2CH 3 OH H11001 COH O O HOC (C 10 H 10 O 4 ) CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 OH H11001 O CH 3 CH 2 COH H 2 SO 4 heat H H11001 benzene, heat CH 3 COH O Acetic acid (0.25 mol) CH 3 COCHCH 2 CH 3 O CH 3 sec-Butyl acetate (isolated in 71% yield based on sec-butyl alcohol) H 2 O Water (codistills with benzene) CH 3 CHCH 2 CH 3 OH sec-Butyl alcohol (0.20 mol) H11001H11001 594 CHAPTER FIFTEEN Alcohols, Diols, and Thiols Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website Carboxylic acid anhydrides react similarly to acyl chlorides. The mechanisms of the Fischer esterification and the reactions of alcohols with acyl chlorides and acid anhydrides will be discussed in detail in Chapters 19 and 20 after some fundamental principles of carbonyl group reactivity have been developed. For the present, it is sufficient to point out that most of the reactions that convert alcohols to esters leave the C±O bond of the alcohol intact. The acyl group of the carboxylic acid, acyl chloride, or acid anhydride is trans- ferred to the oxygen of the alcohol. This fact is most clearly evident in the esterification of chiral alcohols, where, since none of the bonds to the stereogenic center is broken in the process, retention of configuration is observed. PROBLEM 15.9 A similar conclusion may be drawn by considering the reactions of the cis and trans isomers of 4-tert-butylcyclohexanol with acetic anhydride. On the basis of the information just presented, predict the product formed from each stereoisomer. The reaction of alcohols with acyl chlorides is analogous to their reaction with p-toluenesulfonyl chloride described earlier (Section 8.14 and Table 15.2). In those reac- tions, a p-toluenesulfonate ester was formed by displacement of chloride from the sul- fonyl group by the oxygen of the alcohol. Carboxylic esters arise by displacement of chloride from a carbonyl group by the alcohol oxygen. 15.9 ESTERS OF INORGANIC ACIDS Although the term “ester,” used without a modifier, is normally taken to mean an ester of a carboxylic acid, alcohols can react with inorganic acids in a process similar to the C 6 H 5 OH CH 3 CH 2 CH 3 (R)-(H11001)-2-Phenyl- 2-butanol H11001 O 2 N CCl O p-Nitrobenzoyl chloride pyridine NO 2 O C 6 H 5 OC CH 3 CH 2 CH 3 (R)-(H11002)-1-Methyl-1-phenylpropyl p-nitrobenzoate (63% yield) This is the same oxygen that was attached to the group R in the starting alcohol. HOR RH11032C O O R RH11032COCRH11032 O O Carboxylic acid anhydride RH11032COR O Ester RH11032COH O Carboxylic acid ROH Alcohol H11001H11001 CF 3 COCCF 3 O O Trifluoroacetic anhydride C 6 H 5 CH 2 CH 2 OCCF 3 O 2-Phenylethyl trifluoroacetate (83%) CF 3 COH O Trifluoroacetic acid C 6 H 5 CH 2 CH 2 OH 2-Phenylethanol H11001H11001 pyridine 15.9 Esters of Inorganic Acids 595 Make a molecular model corresponding to the stereo- chemistry of the Fischer projec- tion of 2-phenyl-2-butanol shown in the equation and ver- ify that it has the R configura- tion. Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website Fischer esterification. The products are esters of inorganic acids. For example, alkyl nitrates are esters formed by the reaction of alcohols with nitric acid. PROBLEM 15.10 Alfred Nobel’s fortune was based on his 1866 discovery that nitroglycerin, which is far too shock-sensitive to be transported or used safely, can be stabilized by adsorption onto a substance called kieselguhr to give what is familiar to us as dynamite. Nitroglycerin is the trinitrate of glycerol (1,2,3- propanetriol). Write a structural formula or construct a molecular model of nitro- glycerin. Dialkyl sulfates are esters of sulfuric acid, trialkyl phosphites are esters of phos- phorous acid (H 3 PO 3 ), and trialkyl phosphates are esters of phosphoric acid (H 3 PO 4 ). Some esters of inorganic acids, such as dimethyl sulfate, are used as reagents in syn- thetic organic chemistry. Certain naturally occurring alkyl phosphates play an important role in biological processes. 15.10 OXIDATION OF ALCOHOLS Oxidation of an alcohol yields a carbonyl compound. Whether the resulting carbonyl compound is an aldehyde, a ketone, or a carboxylic acid depends on the alcohol and on the oxidizing agent. Primary alcohols may be oxidized either to an aldehyde or to a carboxylic acid: Vigorous oxidation leads to the formation of a carboxylic acid, but there are a number of methods that permit us to stop the oxidation at the intermediate aldehyde stage. The reagents that are most commonly used for oxidizing alcohols are based on high- oxidation-state transition metals, particularly chromium(VI). Chromic acid (H 2 CrO 4 ) is a good oxidizing agent and is formed when solutions containing chromate (CrO 4 2H11002 ) or dichromate (Cr 2 O 7 2H11002 ) are acidified. Sometimes it is possible to obtain aldehydes in satisfactory yield before they are further oxidized, but in most cases carboxylic acids are the major products isolated on treatment of primary alco- hols with chromic acid. RCH 2 OH Primary alcohol oxidize oxidize RCH O Aldehyde RCOH O Carboxylic acid Dimethyl sulfate CH 3 OSOCH 3 O O Trimethyl phosphite (CH 3 O) 3 P Trimethyl phosphate O H11002H11001 (CH 3 O) 3 P HONO 2 Nitric acid CH 3 ONO 2 Methyl nitrate (66–80%) H 2 O Water CH 3 OH Methanol H11001H11001 H 2 SO 4 HONO 2 Nitric acid RONO 2 Alkyl nitrate H 2 O Water ROH Alcohol H11001H11001 H H11001 596 CHAPTER FIFTEEN Alcohols, Diols, and Thiols Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website Conditions that do permit the easy isolation of aldehydes in good yield by oxida- tion of primary alcohols employ various Cr(VI) species as the oxidant in anhydrous media. Two such reagents are pyridinium chlorochromate (PCC), C 5 H 5 NH H11001 ClCrO 3 H11002 , and pyridinium dichromate (PDC), (C 5 H 5 NH) 2 2H11001 Cr 2 O 7 2H11002 ; both are used in dichloromethane. Secondary alcohols are oxidized to ketones by the same reagents that oxidize pri- mary alcohols: Tertiary alcohols have no hydrogen on their hydroxyl-bearing carbon and do not undergo oxidation readily: In the presence of strong oxidizing agents at elevated temperatures, oxidation of tertiary alcohols leads to cleavage of the various carbon–carbon bonds at the hydroxyl-bearing carbon atom, and a complex mixture of products results. no reaction except under forcing conditions oxidize C OHR RH11032 RH11033 oxidize RCHRH11032 OH Secondary alcohol RCRH11032 O Ketone OH Cyclohexanol O Cyclohexanone (85%) Na 2 Cr 2 O 7 H 2 SO 4 , H 2 O 1-Octen-3-ol CHCHCH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 3 CH 2 OH PDC CH 2 Cl 2 1-Octen-3-one (80%) CHCCH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 3 CH 2 O CH 3 (CH 2 ) 5 CH 2 OH 1-Heptanol PCC CH 2 Cl 2 Heptanal (78%) CH 3 (CH 2 ) 5 CH O PDC CH 2 Cl 2 (CH 3 ) 3 C CH 2 OH p-tert-Butylbenzyl alcohol (CH 3 ) 3 C O CH p-tert-Butylbenzaldehyde (94%) FCH 2 CH 2 CH 2 OH 3-Fluoro-1-propanol K 2 Cr 2 O 7 H 2 SO 4 , H 2 O FCH 2 CH 2 COH O 3-Fluoropropanoic acid (74%) 15.10 Oxidation of Alcohols 597 Potassium permanganate (KMnO 4 ) will also oxidize pri- mary alcohols to carboxylic acids. What is the oxidation state of manganese in KMnO 4 ? Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website 598 CHAPTER FIFTEEN Alcohols, Diols, and Thiols ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS IN ORGANIC SYNTHESIS B eyond the obvious difference in scale that is ev- ident when one compares preparing tons of a compound versus preparing just a few grams of it, there are sharp distinctions between “indus- trial” and “laboratory” syntheses. On a laboratory scale, a chemist is normally concerned only with ob- taining a modest amount of a substance. Sometimes making the compound is an end in itself, but on other occasions the compound is needed for some further study of its physical, chemical, or biological properties. Considerations such as the cost of reagents and solvents tend to play only a minor role when planning most laboratory syntheses. Faced with a choice between two synthetic routes to a par- ticular compound, one based on the cost of chemi- cals and the other on the efficient use of a chemist’s time, the decision is almost always made in favor of the latter. Not so for synthesis in the chemical industry, where not only must a compound be prepared on a large scale, but it must be prepared at low cost. There is a pronounced bias toward reactants and reagents that are both abundant and inexpensive. The oxidizing agent of choice, for example, in the chemical industry is O 2 , and extensive research has been devoted to developing catalysts for preparing various compounds by air oxidation of readily avail- able starting materials. To illustrate, air and ethylene are the reactants for the industrial preparation of both acetaldehyde and ethylene oxide. Which of the two products is obtained depends on the catalyst employed. CH 2 CH 2 Ethylene H11001 O 2 1 2 Oxygen PdCl 2 , CuCl 2 H 2 O Ag 300°C O CH 3 CH Acetaldehyde H 2 C CH 2 O Ethylene oxide Dating approximately from the creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1970, dealing with the byproducts of synthetic procedures has become an increasingly important consideration in designing a chemical synthesis. In terms of chang- ing the strategy of synthetic planning, the chemical industry actually had a shorter road to travel than the pharmaceutical industry, academic laboratories, and research institutes. Simple business principles had long dictated that waste chemicals represented wasted opportunities. It made better sense for a chemical company to recover the solvent from a reac- tion and use it again than to throw it away and buy more. Similarly, it was far better to find a “value- added” use for a byproduct from a reaction than to throw it away. By raising the cost of generating chemical waste, environmental regulations increased the economic incentive to design processes that pro- duced less of it. The term “environmentally benign” synthesis has been coined to refer to procedures explicitly de- signed to minimize the formation of byproducts that present disposal problems. Both the National Science Foundation and the Environmental Protection Agency have allocated a portion of their grant bud- gets to encourage efforts in this vein. The application of environmentally benign prin- ciples to laboratory-scale synthesis can be illustrated by revisiting the oxidation of alcohols. As noted in Section 15.10, the most widely used methods involve Cr(VI)-based oxidizing agents. Cr(VI) compounds are carcinogenic, however, and appear on the EPA list of compounds requiring special disposal methods. The best way to replace Cr(VI)-based oxidants would be to develop catalytic methods analogous to those used in industry. Another approach would be to use oxidizing agents that are less hazardous, such as sodium hypochlorite. Aqueous solutions of sodium hypochlo- rite are available as “swimming-pool chlorine,” and procedures for their use in oxidizing secondary alco- hols to ketones have been developed. One is de- scribed on page 71 of the January 1991 edition of the Journal of Chemical Education. —Cont. Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website 15.10 Oxidation of Alcohols 599 There is a curious irony in the nomination of hypochlorite as an environmentally benign oxidizing agent. It comes at a time of increasing pressure to eliminate chlorine and chlorine-containing com- pounds from the environment to as great a degree as possible. Any all-inclusive assault on chlorine needs to be carefully scrutinized, especially when one remem- bers that chlorination of the water supply has proba- bly done more to extend human life than any other public health measure ever undertaken. (The role of chlorine in the formation of chlorinated hydrocar- bons in water is discussed in Section 18.7.) NaOCl acetic acid–water (CH 3 ) 2 CHCH 2 CHCH 2 CH 2 CH 3 OH 2-Methyl-4-heptanol O (CH 3 ) 2 CHCH 2 CCH 2 CH 2 CH 3 2-Methyl-4-heptanone (77%) PROBLEM 15.11 Predict the principal organic product of each of the following reactions: (a) (b) (c) SAMPLE SOLUTION (a) The reactant is a primary alcohol and so can be oxidized either to an aldehyde or to a carboxylic acid. Aldehydes are the major products only when the oxidation is carried out in anhydrous media. Carboxylic acids are formed when water is present. The reaction shown produced 4-chlorobutanoic acid in 56% yield. The mechanisms by which transition-metal oxidizing agents convert alcohols to aldehydes and ketones are rather complicated and will not be dealt with in detail here. In broad outline, chromic acid oxidation involves initial formation of an alkyl chromate: H 2 OC H OH Alcohol H11001 HOCrOH O O Chromic acid C H OCrOH O O Alkyl chromate H11001 ClCH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 OH 4-Chloro-1-butanol 4-Chlorobutanoic acid K 2 Cr 2 O 7 H 2 SO 4 , H 2 O ClCH 2 CH 2 CH 2 COH O CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 OH PCC CH 2 Cl 2 CH 3 CHCH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 3 W OH Na 2 Cr 2 O 7 H 2 SO 4 , H 2 O ClCH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 OH K 2 Cr 2 O 7 H 2 SO 4 , H 2 O An alkyl chromate is an ex- ample of an ester of an inor- ganic acid (Section 15.9). Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website This alkyl chromate then undergoes an elimination reaction to form the carbon–oxygen double bond. In the elimination step, chromium is reduced from Cr(VI) to Cr(IV). Since the eventual product is Cr(III), further electron-transfer steps are also involved. 15.11 BIOLOGICAL OXIDATION OF ALCOHOLS Many biological processes involve oxidation of alcohols to carbonyl compounds or the reverse process, reduction of carbonyl compounds to alcohols. Ethanol, for example, is metabolized in the liver to acetaldehyde. Such processes are catalyzed by enzymes; the enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of ethanol is called alcohol dehydrogenase. In addition to enzymes, biological oxidations require substances known as coen- zymes. Coenzymes are organic molecules that, in concert with an enzyme, act on a sub- strate to bring about chemical change. Most of the substances that we call vitamins are coenzymes. The coenzyme contains a functional group that is complementary to a func- tional group of the substrate; the enzyme catalyzes the interaction of these mutually com- plementary functional groups. If ethanol is oxidized, some other substance must be reduced. This other substance is the oxidized form of the coenzyme nicotinamide ade- nine dinucleotide (NAD). Chemists and biochemists abbreviate the oxidized form of this CH 3 CH O Acetaldehyde CH 3 CH 2 OH Ethanol alcohol dehydrogenase H11001 H 3 O H11001 H11001 HCrO 3 H11002 CrOH C H O O O Alkyl chromate H H O C O Aldehyde or ketone 600 CHAPTER FIFTEEN Alcohols, Diols, and Thiols N N N N C NH 2 O H11001 N NH 2 O P HO HO O OO H11002 P O O O H11002 O O HO OH FIGURE 15.3 Structure of NAD H11001 , the oxidized form of the coenzyme nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website coenzyme as NAD H11001 and its reduced form as NADH. More completely, the chemical equation for the biological oxidation of ethanol may be written: The structure of the oxidized form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide is shown in Figure 15.3. The only portion of the coenzyme that undergoes chemical change in the reaction is the substituted pyridine ring of the nicotinamide unit (shown in red in Fig- ure 15.3). If the remainder of the coenzyme molecule is represented by R, its role as an oxidizing agent is shown in the equation According to one mechanistic interpretation, a hydrogen with a pair of electrons is transferred from ethanol to NAD H11001 , forming acetaldehyde and converting the positively charged pyridinium ring to a dihydropyridine: The pyridinium ring of NAD H11001 serves as an acceptor of hydride (a proton plus two elec- trons) in this picture of its role in biological oxidation. PROBLEM 15.12 The mechanism of enzymatic oxidation has been studied by isotopic labeling with the aid of deuterated derivatives of ethanol. Specify the number of deuterium atoms that you would expect to find attached to the dihy- dropyridine ring of the reduced form of the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide coenzyme following enzymatic oxidation of each of the alcohols given: (a) CD 3 CH 2 OH (b) CH 3 CD 2 OH (c) CH 3 CH 2 OD CH 3 CO H H H CNH 2 N O H R H11001 CNH 2 N O H R H CH 3 C H O H11001 H H11001 H11001 H11001 alcohol dehydrogenase CH 3 CH 2 OH Ethanol CNH 2 N O H R H11001 NAD H11001 CH 3 CH O Acetaldehyde CNH 2 N O H R H NADH H11001 H H11001 CH 3 CH O Acetaldehyde CH 3 CH 2 OH Ethanol NAD H11001 Oxidized form of NAD coenzyme H H11001 H11001 NADH Reduced form of NAD coenzyme H11001H11001 alcohol dehydrogenase 15.11 Biological Oxidation of Alcohols 601 Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website SAMPLE SOLUTION According to the proposed mechanism for biological oxi- dation of ethanol, the hydrogen that is transferred to the coenzyme comes from C-1 of ethanol. Therefore, the dihydropyridine ring will bear no deuterium atoms when CD 3 CH 2 OH is oxidized, because all the deuterium atoms of the alcohol are attached to C-2. The reverse reaction also occurs in living systems; NADH reduces acetaldehyde to ethanol in the presence of alcohol dehydrogenase. In this process, NADH serves as a hydride donor and is oxidized to NAD H11001 while acetaldehyde is reduced. The NAD H11001 –NADH coenzyme system is involved in a large number of biological oxidation–reductions. Another reaction similar to the ethanol–acetaldehyde conversion is the oxidation of lactic acid to pyruvic acid by NAD H11001 and the enzyme lactic acid dehy- drogenase: We shall encounter other biological processes in which the NAD H11001 BA NADH inter- conversion plays a prominent role in biological oxidation–reduction. 15.12 OXIDATIVE CLEAVAGE OF VICINAL DIOLS A reaction characteristic of vicinal diols is their oxidative cleavage on treatment with periodic acid (HIO 4 ). The carbon–carbon bond of the vicinal diol unit is broken and two carbonyl groups result. Periodic acid is reduced to iodic acid (HIO 3 ). R CC HO OH RH11032R RH11032 Vicinal diol H11001 HIO 4 Periodic acid R C R O Aldehyde or ketone H11001 RH11032 C O RH11032 Aldehyde or ketone H11001 HIO 3 Iodic acid H11001 H 2 O Water CH CCH 3 HO OH CH 3 2-Methyl-1-phenyl-1,2- propanediol HIO 4 CH O Benzaldehyde (83%) H11001 CH 3 CCH 3 O Acetone CH 3 CCOH OO Pyruvic acid NAD H11001 H H11001 H11001 NADHH11001H11001 lactic acid dehydrogenase Lactic acid CH 3 CHCOHCH O OH 602 CHAPTER FIFTEEN Alcohols, Diols, and Thiols alcohol dehydrogenase CD 3 CH 2 OH 2,2,2- Trideuterioethanol H11001 CNH 2 N H11001 R O NAD H11001 CD 3 CH O 2,2,2- Trideuterioethanal H11001 CNH 2 N R O HH NADH H H11001 H11001 What is the oxidation state of iodine in HIO 4 ? In HIO 3 ? Can you remember what re- action of an alkene would give the same products as the periodic acid cleavage shown here? Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website This reaction occurs only when the hydroxyl groups are on adjacent carbons. PROBLEM 15.13 Predict the products formed on oxidation of each of the fol- lowing with periodic acid: (a) HOCH 2 CH 2 OH (b) (c) SAMPLE SOLUTION (a) The carbon–carbon bond of 1,2-ethanediol is cleaved by periodic acid to give two molecules of formaldehyde: Cyclic diols give dicarbonyl compounds. The reactions are faster when the hydroxyl groups are cis than when they are trans, but both stereoisomers are oxidized by periodic acid. Periodic acid cleavage of vicinal diols is often used for analytical purposes as an aid in structure determination. By identifying the carbonyl compounds produced, the con- stitution of the starting diol may be deduced. This technique finds its widest application with carbohydrates and will be discussed more fully in Chapter 25. 15.13 PREPARATION OF THIOLS Sulfur lies just below oxygen in the periodic table, and many oxygen-containing organic compounds have sulfur analogs. The sulfur analogs of alcohols (ROH) are thiols (RSH). Thiols are given substitutive IUPAC names by appending the suffix -thiol to the name of the corresponding alkane, numbering the chain in the direction that gives the lower locant to the carbon that bears the ±SH group. As with diols (Section 15.5), the final -e of the alkane name is retained. When the ±SH group is named as a substituent, it is called a mercapto group. It is also often referred to as a sulfhydryl group, but this is a generic term, not used in systematic nomenclature. At one time thiols were named mercaptans. Thus, CH 3 CH 2 SH was called “ethyl mercaptan” according to this system. This nomenclature was abandoned beginning with (CH 3 ) 2 CHCH 2 CH 2 SH 3-Methyl-1-butanethiol HSCH 2 CH 2 OH 2-Mercaptoethanol HSCH 2 CH 2 CH 2 SH 1,3-Propanedithiol OH OH 1,2-Cyclopentanediol (either stereoisomer) HIO 4 HCCH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH O O Pentanedial HIO 4 HOCH 2 CH 2 OH 1,2-Ethanediol O 2HCH Formaldehyde OH CH 2 OH (CH 3 ) 2 CHCH 2 CHCHCH 2 C 6 H 5 HO OH WW 15.13 Preparation of Thiols 603 Thiols have a marked ten- dency to bond to mercury, and the word mercaptan comes from the Latin mer- curium captans, which means “seizing mercury.” The drug dimercaprol is used to treat mercury and lead poisoning; it is 2,3-dimercapto-1-pro- panol. Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website the 1965 revision of the IUPAC rules but is still sometimes encountered, especially in the older literature. The preparation of thiols involves nucleophilic substitution of the S N 2 type on alkyl halides and uses the reagent thiourea as the source of sulfur. Reaction of the alkyl halide with thiourea gives a compound known as an isothiouronium salt in the first step. Hydrol- ysis of the isothiouronium salt in base gives the desired thiol (along with urea): Both steps can be carried out sequentially without isolating the isothiouronium salt. PROBLEM 15.14 Outline a synthesis of 1-hexanethiol from 1-hexanol. 15.14 PROPERTIES OF THIOLS When one encounters a thiol for the first time, especially a low-molecular-weight thiol, its most obvious property is its foul odor. Ethanethiol is added to natural gas so that leaks can be detected without special equipment—your nose is so sensitive that it can detect less than one part of ethanethiol in 10,000,000,000 parts of air! The odor of thi- ols weakens with the number of carbons, because both the volatility and the sulfur con- tent decrease. 1-Dodecanethiol, for example, has only a faint odor. PROBLEM 15.15 The main components of a skunk’s scent fluid are 3-methyl-1- butanethiol and cis- and trans-2-butene-1-thiol. Write structural formulas for each of these compounds. The S±H bond is less polar than the O±H bond, and hydrogen bonding in thi- ols is much weaker than that of alcohols. Thus, methanethiol (CH 3 SH) is a gas at room temperature (bp 6°C), and methanol (CH 3 OH) is a liquid (bp 65°C). Thiols are weak acids, but are far more acidic than alcohols. We have seen that most alcohols have K a values in the range 10 H1100216 to 10 H1100219 (pK a H11005 16 to 19). The cor- responding values for thiols are about K a H11005 10 H1100210 (pK a H11005 10). The significance of this difference is that a thiol can be quantitatively converted to its conjugate base (RS H11002 ), called an alkanethiolate anion, by hydroxide: Thiols, therefore, dissolve in aqueous media when the pH is greater than 10. Another difference between thiols and alcohols concerns their oxidation. We have seen earlier in this chapter that oxidation of alcohols gives compounds having carbonyl RS H Alkanethiol (stronger acid) (pK a H11005 10) H11001 OH H11002 Hydroxide ion (stronger base) H11002 RS Alkanethiolate ion (weaker base) H11001 H OH Water (weaker acid) (pK a H11005 15.7) CH 3 (CH 2 ) 4 CH 2 Br 1-Bromohexane 1. (H 2 N) 2 C?S 2. NaOH 1-Hexanethiol (84%) CH 3 (CH 2 ) 4 CH 2 SH 604 CHAPTER FIFTEEN Alcohols, Diols, and Thiols HO H11002 CS H 2 N H 2 N Thiourea H11001 R X Alkyl halide RCS H 2 N H11001 H 2 N Isothiouronium salt X H11002 OC H 2 N H 2 N Urea H11001 HS R Thiol A historical account of the analysis of skunk scent and a modern determination of its composition appear in the March 1978 issue of the Jour- nal of Chemical Education. Compare the boiling points of H 2 S (H1100260°C) and H 2 O (100°C). Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website groups. Analogous oxidation of thiols to compounds with C?S functions does not occur. Only sulfur is oxidized, not carbon, and compounds containing sulfur in various oxida- tion states are possible. These include a series of acids classified as sulfenic, sulfinic, and sulfonic according to the number of oxygens attached to sulfur. Of these the most important are the sulfonic acids. In general, however, sulfonic acids are not prepared by oxidation of thiols. Arenesulfonic acids (ArSO 3 H), for example, are prepared by sulfonation of arenes (Section 12.4). One of the most important oxidative processes, especially from a biochemical per- spective, is the oxidation of thiols to disulfides. Although a variety of oxidizing agents are available for this transformation, it occurs so readily that thiols are slowly converted to disulfides by the oxygen in the air. Dithiols give cyclic disulfides by intramolecular sulfur–sulfur bond formation. An example of a cyclic disulfide is the coenzyme H9251-lipoic acid. The last step in the laboratory synthesis of H9251-lipoic acid is an iron(III)-catalyzed oxidation of the dithiol shown: Rapid and reversible making and breaking of the sulfur–sulfur bond is essential to the biological function of H9251-lipoic acid. 15.15 SPECTROSCOPIC ANALYSIS OF ALCOHOLS Infrared: We discussed the most characteristic features of the infrared spectra of alco- hols earlier (Section 13.19). The O±H stretching vibration is especially easy to iden- tify, appearing in the 3200–3650 cm H110021 region. As the infrared spectrum of cyclohexa- nol, presented in Figure 15.4, demonstrates, this peak is seen as a broad absorption of moderate intensity. The C±O bond stretching of alcohols gives rise to a moderate to strong absorbance between 1025 and 1200 cm H110021 . It appears at 1070 cm H110021 in cyclo- hexanol, a typical secondary alcohol, but is shifted to slightly higher energy in tertiary alcohols and slightly lower energy in primary alcohols. 1 H NMR: The most helpful signals in the NMR spectrum of alcohols result from the hydroxyl proton and the proton in the H±C±O unit of primary and secondary alcohols. O 2 , FeCl 3 HSCH 2 CH 2 CH(CH 2 ) 4 COH SH O 6,8-Dimercaptooctanoic acid (CH 2 ) 4 COH OSS H9251-Lipoic acid (78%) 2RSH Thiol Oxidize Reduce Disulfide RSSR RS H Thiol RS OH Sulfenic acid O H11002 RS H11001 OH Sulfinic acid O O H11002 H11002 RS 2H11001 OH Sulfonic acid 15.15 Spectroscopic Analysis of Alcohols 605 Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website The chemical shift of the hydroxyl proton signal is variable, depending on solvent, temperature, and concentration. Its precise position is not particularly significant in struc- ture determination. Because the signals due to hydroxyl protons are not usually split by other protons in the molecule and are often rather broad, they are often fairly easy to identify. To illustrate, Figure 15.5 shows the 1 H NMR spectrum of 2-phenylethanol, in which the hydroxyl proton signal appears as a singlet at H9254 4.5 ppm. Of the two triplets in this spectrum, the one at lower field strength (H9254 4.0 ppm) corresponds to the protons of the CH 2 O unit. The higher-field strength triplet at H9254 3.1 ppm arises from the benzylic CH 2 group. The assignment of a particular signal to the hydroxyl proton can be con- firmed by adding D 2 O. The hydroxyl proton is replaced by deuterium, and its 1 H NMR signal disappears. 13 C NMR: The electronegative oxygen of an alcohol decreases the shielding of the car- bon to which it is attached. The chemical shift for the carbon of the C±OH unit is 60–75 ppm for most alcohols. Compared with an attached H, an attached OH causes a downfield shift of 35–50 ppm in the carbon signal. CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CH 3 Butane 1-Butanol CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 OH H9254 13.0 ppm H9254 61.4 ppm HCO H H9254 3.3–4.0 ppm H9254 0.5–5 ppm 606 CHAPTER FIFTEEN Alcohols, Diols, and Thiols Wave number, cm H110021 Transmittance (%) O±H C±H OH W C±O FIGURE 15.4 The in- frared spectrum of cyclo- hexanol. Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website UV-VIS: Unless there are other chromophores in the molecule, alcohols are transpar- ent above about 200 nm; H9261 max for methanol, for example, is 177 nm. Mass Spectrometry: The molecular ion peak is usually quite small in the mass spec- trum of an alcohol. A peak corresponding to loss of water is often evident. Alcohols also fragment readily by a pathway in which the molecular ion loses an alkyl group from the hydroxyl-bearing carbon to form a stable cation. Thus, the mass spectra of most primary alcohols exhibit a prominent peak at m/z 31. PROBLEM 15.16 Three of the most intense peaks in the mass spectrum of 2-methyl-2-butanol appear at m/z 59, 70, and 73. Explain the origin of these peaks. 15.17 SUMMARY Section 15.1 Functional group interconversions involving alcohols either as reactants or as products are the focus of this chapter. Alcohols are commonplace natural products. Table 15.1 summarizes reactions discussed in earlier sections that can be used to prepare alcohols. Section 15.2 Alcohols can be prepared from carbonyl compounds by reduction of aldehydes and ketones. See Table 15.3. RCH 2 OH Primary alcohol R H11001 CH 2 OH Molecular ion R Alkyl radical H11001 CH 2 H11001 OH Conjugate acid of formaldehyde, m/z 31 15.17 Summary 607 Chemical shift (δ, ppm) (ppm) (ppm) 4.0 CH 2 CH 2 OH ArCH 2 CH 2 O ArH O±H FIGURE 15.5 The 200-MHz 1 H NMR spectrum of 2-phenylethanol (C 6 H 5 CH 2 CH 2 OH). Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website Section 15.3 Alcohols can be prepared from carbonyl compounds by reduction of car- boxylic acids and esters. See Table 15.3. Section 15.4 Grignard and organolithium reagents react with ethylene oxide to give primary alcohols. Section 15.5 Osmium tetraoxide is a key reactant in the conversion of alkenes to vic- inal diols. (CH 3 ) 3 COOH, OsO 4 (cat) tert-butyl alcohol, HO H11002C CH 3 CH 2 2-Phenylpropene CCH 2 OH CH 3 OH 2-Phenyl-1,2-propanediol (71%) 1. diethyl ether 2. H 3 O H11001RMgX Grignard reagent H11001 H 2 C O CH 2 Ethylene oxide RCH 2 CH 2 OH Primary alcohol 1. diethyl ether 2. H 3 O H11001H 2 C O CH 2 Ethylene oxide CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 MgBr Butylmagnesium bromide H11001 CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 OH 1-Hexanol (60–62%) 608 CHAPTER FIFTEEN Alcohols, Diols, and Thiols TABLE 15.3 Preparation of Alcohols by Reduction of Carbonyl Functional Groups Product of reduction of carbonyl compound by specified reducing agent Carbonyl compound Aldehyde RCH (Section 15.2) O X Ketone RCRH11032 (Section 15.2) O X Carboxylic acid RCOH (Section 15.3) O X Carboxylic ester RCORH11032 (Section 15.3) O X Lithium aluminum hydride (LiAlH 4 ) Primary alcohol RCH 2 OH Secondary alcohol RCHRH11032 OH W Primary alcohol RCH 2 OH Primary alcohol RCH 2 OH plus RH11032OH Sodium borohydride (NaBH 4 ) Primary alcohol RCH 2 OH Secondary alcohol RCHRH11032 OH W Not reduced Reduced too slowly to be of practical value Hydrogen (in the presence of a catalyst) Primary alcohol RCH 2 OH Secondary alcohol RCHRH11032 OH W Not reduced Requires special catalyst, high pressures and temperatures Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website The reaction is called hydroxylation and proceeds by syn addition to the double bond. Section 15.6 Table 15.2 summarizes reactions of alcohols that were introduced in ear- lier chapters. Section 15.7 See Table 15.4 Section 15.8 See Table 15.4 Section 15.9 See Table 15.4 Section 15.10 See Table 15.5 Section 15.11 Oxidation of alcohols to aldehydes and ketones is a common biological reaction. Most require a coenzyme such as the oxidized form of nicoti- namide adenine dinucleotide (NAD H11001 ). Section 15.12 Periodic acid cleaves vicinal diols; two aldehydes, two ketones, or an aldehyde and a ketone are formed. Section 15.13 Thiols, compounds of the type RSH, are prepared by the reaction of alkyl halides with thiourea. An intermediate isothiouronium salt is formed, which is then subjected to basic hydrolysis. Section 15.14 Thiols are more acidic than alcohols and are readily deprotonated by reac- tion with aqueous base. Thiols can be oxidized to disulfides (RSSR), sulfenic acids (RSOH), sulfinic acids (RSO 2 H), and sulfonic acids (RSO 3 H). CH 3 (CH 2 ) 11 Br 1-Bromododecane 1. (H 2 N) 2 C?S 2. NaOH 1-Dodecanethiol (79–83%) CH 3 (CH 2 ) 11 SH RX Alkyl halide 1. (H 2 N) 2 C?S 2. NaOH Alkanethiol RSH HIO 4 9,10-Dihydroxyoctadecanoic acid CH 3 (CH 2 ) 7 CH CH(CH 2 ) 7 COH HO OH O H11001 HC(CH 2 ) 7 COH O O 9-Oxononanoic acid (76%) CH 3 (CH 2 ) 7 CH O Nonanal (89%) R 2 C CR 2 HO OH Diol Two carbonyl-containing compounds R 2 CO O CR 2 H11001 HIO 4 NAD H11001 enzymes HO OH Estradiol HO O Estrone CH 3 CH 3 15.17 Summary 609 Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website 610 CHAPTER FIFTEEN Alcohols, Diols, and Thiols TABLE 15.4 Summary of Reactions of Alcohols Presented in This Chapter Reaction (section) and comments Conversion to dialkyl ethers (Sec- tion 15.7) On being heated in the presence of an acid catalyst, two molecules of a primary alcohol combine to form an ether and water. Diols can undergo an intra- molecular condensation if a five- membered or six-membered cyclic ether results. Esterification with acyl chlorides (Section 15.8) Acyl chlorides react with alcohols to give esters. The reaction is usually carried out in the presence of pyridine. Esterification with carboxylic acid anhydrides (Section 15.8) Carbox- ylic acid anhydrides react with alcohols to form esters in the same way that acyl chlorides do. Formation of esters of inorganic acids (Section 15.9) Alkyl nitrates, dialkyl sulfates, trialkyl phos- phites, and trialkyl phosphates are examples of alkyl esters of inor- ganic acids. In some cases, these compounds are prepared by the direct reaction of an alcohol and the inorganic acid. Fischer esterification (Section 15.8) Alcohols and carboxylic acids yield an ester and water in the presence of an acid catalyst. The reaction is an equilibrium process that can be driven to completion by using either the alcohol or the acid in excess or by removing the water as it is formed. General equation and specific example Alcohol 2RCH 2 OH Dialkyl ether RCH 2 OCH 2 R Water H 2 OH11001 H H11001 heat Alcohol ROH Alkyl nitrate RONO 2 Nitric acid HONO 2 Water H 2 OH11001H11001 H H11001 3-Methyl-1-butanol 2(CH 3 ) 2 CHCH 2 CH 2 OH Di-(3-methylbutyl) ether (27%) (CH 3 ) 2 CHCH 2 CH 2 OCH 2 CH 2 CH(CH 3 ) 2 H 2 SO 4 150°C Acetyl chloride CH 3 CCl O X tert-Butyl acetate (62%) CH 3 COC(CH 3 ) 3 O X tert-Butyl alcohol (CH 3 ) 3 COH H11001 pyridine Carboxylic acid RH11032COH O X Ester RH11032COR O X Water H 2 O Alcohol ROH H11001H11001 H H11001 Acetic acid CH 3 COH O X Pentyl acetate (71%) CH 3 COCH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 3 O X 1-Pentanol CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 OH H11001 H H11001 Acyl chloride RH11032CCl O X Ester RH11032COR O X Hydrogen chloride HCl Alcohol ROH H11001H11001 Carboxylic acid anhydride RH11032COCRH11032 O X O X Ester RH11032COR O X Carboxylic acid RH11032COH O X Alcohol ROH H11001H11001 H11001 CH 3 O CH 2 OCCH 3 O X m-Methoxybenzyl acetate (99%) Acetic anhydride CH 3 COCCH 3 O X O X pyridine m-Methoxybenzyl alcohol CH 3 O CH 2 OH OH Cyclopentanol Cyclopentyl nitrate (69%) ONO 2 HNO 3 H 2 SO 4 Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website Section 15.15 The hydroxyl group of an alcohol has its O±H and C±O stretching vibrations at 3200–3650 and 1025–1200 cm H110021 , respectively. The chemical shift of the proton of an O±H group is variable (H9254 1–5 ppm) and depends on concentration, temperature, and solvent. Oxygen deshields both the proton and the carbon of an H±C±O unit. Typical NMR chemical shifts are H9254 3.3–4.0 ppm for 1 H and 60–75 ppm for 13 C of H±C±O. The most intense peaks in the mass spectrum of an alcohol correspond to the ion formed according to carbon–carbon cleavage of the type shown: PROBLEMS 15.17 Write chemical equations, showing all necessary reagents, for the preparation of 1-butanol by each of the following methods: (a) Hydroboration–oxidation of an alkene (b) Use of a Grignard reagent (c) Use of a Grignard reagent in a way different from part (b) (d) Reduction of a carboxylic acid (e) Reduction of a methyl ester (f) Reduction of a butyl ester (g) Hydrogenation of an aldehyde (h) Reduction with sodium borohydride R H11001 C H11001 OHR H11001 C OH Problems 611 TABLE 15.5 Oxidation of Alcohols Aldehyde RCH O X Carboxylic acid RCOH O X Ketone RCRH11032 O X Desired productClass of alcohol Primary, RCH 2 OH Primary, RCH 2 OH Secondary, RCHRH11032 OH W Suitable oxidizing agent(s) PCC* PDC Na 2 Cr 2 O 7 , H 2 SO 4 , H 2 O H 2 CrO 4 PCC PDC Na 2 Cr 2 O 7 , H 2 SO 4 , H 2 O H 2 CrO 4 *PCC is pyridinium chlorochromate; PDC is pyridinium dichromate. Both are used in dichloromethane. Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website 15.18 Write chemical equations, showing all necessary reagents, for the preparation of 2-butanol by each of the following methods: (a) Hydroboration–oxidation of an alkene (b) Use of a Grignard reagent (c) Use of a Grignard reagent different from that used in part (b) (d–f) Three different methods for reducing a ketone 15.19 Write chemical equations, showing all necessary reagents, for the preparation of tert-butyl alcohol by: (a) Reaction of a Grignard reagent with a ketone (b) Reaction of a Grignard reagent with an ester of the type 15.20 Which of the isomeric C 5 H 12 O alcohols can be prepared by lithium aluminum hydride reduction of: (a) An aldehyde (c) A carboxylic acid (b) A ketone (d) An ester of the type 15.21 Evaluate the feasibility of the route as a method for preparing (a) 1-Butanol from butane (b) 2-Methyl-2-propanol from 2-methylpropane (c) Benzyl alcohol from toluene (d) (R)-1-Phenylethanol from ethylbenzene 15.22 Sorbitol is a sweetener often substituted for cane sugar, since it is better tolerated by dia- betics. It is also an intermediate in the commercial synthesis of vitamin C. Sorbitol is prepared by high-pressure hydrogenation of glucose over a nickel catalyst. What is the structure (including stereochemistry) of sorbitol? 15.23 Write equations showing how 1-phenylethanol could be prepared from each of the following starting materials: (a) Bromobenzene (d) Acetophenone (b) Benzaldehyde (e) Benzene (c) Benzyl alcohol 15.24 Write equations showing how 2-phenylethanol (C 6 H 5 CH 2 CH 2 OH) could be prepared from each of the following starting materials: (a) Bromobenzene (b) Styrene OH (C 6 H 5 CHCH 3 ) W sorbitol H 2 (120 atm) Ni, 140°C HO OH O H OH OH OH Glucose RH RBr ROH Br 2 light or heat KOH RCOCH 3 O X RCOCH 3 O X 612 CHAPTER FIFTEEN Alcohols, Diols, and Thiols Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website (c) 2-Phenylethanal (C 6 H 5 CH 2 CHO) (d) Ethyl 2-phenylethanoate (C 6 H 5 CH 2 CO 2 CH 2 CH 3 ) (e) 2-Phenylethanoic acid (C 6 H 5 CH 2 CO 2 H) 15.25 Outline practical syntheses of each of the following compounds from alcohols containing no more than four carbon atoms and any necessary organic or inorganic reagents. In many cases the desired compound can be made from one prepared in an earlier part of the problem. (a) 1-Butanethiol (b) 1-Hexanol (c) 2-Hexanol (d) Hexanal, CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH?O (e) 2-Hexanone, (f) Hexanoic acid, CH 3 (CH 2 ) 4 CO 2 H (g) Ethyl hexanoate, (h) 2-Methyl-1,2-propanediol (i) 2,2-Dimethylpropanal, 15.26 Outline practical syntheses of each of the following compounds from benzene, alcohols, and any necessary organic or inorganic reagents: (a) 1-Chloro-2-phenylethane (b) 2-Methyl-1-phenyl-1-propanone, (c) Isobutylbenzene, C 6 H 5 CH 2 CH(CH 3 ) 2 15.27 Show how each of the following compounds can be synthesized from cyclopentanol and any necessary organic or inorganic reagents. In many cases the desired compound can be made from one prepared in an earlier part of the problem. C 6 H 5 CCH(CH 3 ) 2 O X (CH 3 ) 3 CCH O X CH 3 (CH 2 ) 4 COCH 2 CH 3 O X CH 3 CCH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 3 O X Problems 613 (a) 1-Phenylcyclopentanol (b) 1-Phenylcyclopentene (c) trans-2-Phenylcyclopentanol (d) C 6 H 5 O (e) (f) (g) 1-Phenyl-1,5-pentanediol C 6 H 5 CCH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH O X O X C 6 H 5 OH OH 15.28 Write the structure of the principal organic product formed in the reaction of 1-propanol with each of the following reagents: (a) Sulfuric acid (catalytic amount), heat at 140°C (b) Sulfuric acid (catalytic amount), heat at 200°C (c) Nitric acid (H 2 SO 4 catalyst) Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website (d) Pyridinium chlorochromate (PCC) in dichloromethane (e) Potassium dichromate (K 2 Cr 2 O 7 ) in aqueous sulfuric acid, heat (f ) Sodium amide (NaNH 2 ) (g) Acetic acid in the presence of dissolved hydrogen chloride (h) in the presence of pyridine (i) in the presence of pyridine (j) in the presence of pyridine (k) in the presence of pyridine 15.29 Each of the following reactions has been reported in the chemical literature. Predict the product in each case, showing stereochemistry where appropriate. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f ) (g) pyridine OH CH 3 H11001 O 2 N O 2 N CCl O 1. LiAlH 4 , diethyl ether 2. H 2 O O CH 3 CCH 2 CH O CHCH 2 CCH 3 H 2 CrO 4 H 2 SO 4 , H 2 O, acetone CH 3 CHC C(CH 2 ) 3 CH 3 OH 1. LiAlH 4 , diethyl ether 2. H 2 O CO 2 H C 6 H 5 1. B 2 H 6 , diglyme 2. H 2 O 2 , HO H11002 (CH 3 ) 2 C C(CH 3 ) 2 (CH 3 ) 3 COOH, OsO 4 (cat) (CH 3 ) 3 COH, HO H11002 H 2 SO 4 heat CH 3 C 6 H 5 OH O O O C 6 H 5 COCC 6 H 5 O O CCl CH 3 O O SO 2 ClCH 3 (CH 3 COH) O 614 CHAPTER FIFTEEN Alcohols, Diols, and Thiols Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website (h) (i) (j) (k) 15.30 On heating 1,2,4-butanetriol in the presence of an acid catalyst, a cyclic ether of molecular formula C 4 H 8 O 2 was obtained in 81–88% yield. Suggest a reasonable structure for this product. 15.31 Give the Cahn–Ingold–Prelog R and S descriptors for the diol(s) formed from cis-2- pentene and trans-2-pentene on treatment with the osmium tetraoxide/tert-butyl hydroperoxide reagent. 15.32 Suggest reaction sequences and reagents suitable for carrying out each of the following con- versions. Two synthetic operations are required in each case. (a) (b) (c) 15.33 The fungus responsible for Dutch elm disease is spread by European bark beetles when they burrow into the tree. Other beetles congregate at the site, attracted by the scent of a mixture of chemicals, some emitted by other beetles and some coming from the tree. One of the compounds given off by female bark beetles is 4-methyl-3-heptanol. Suggest an efficient synthesis of this pheromone from alcohols of five carbon atoms or fewer. 15.34 Show by a series of equations how you could prepare 3-methylpentane from ethanol and any necessary inorganic reagents. C 6 H 5 OH to OH C 6 H 5 OH CH 2 OH OH OH to O to Product of part (j) HIO 4 CH 3 OH, H 2 O 1. LiAlH 4 2. H 2 O H 3 C O CH 3 CO O COCH 3 CH 3 OH H 2 SO 4 O 2 N O 2 N COH O Cl OH H H11001 O CH 3 COCCH 3 O Problems 615 Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website 15.35 (a) The cis isomer of 3-hexen-1-ol (CH 3 CH 2 CH?CHCH 2 CH 2 OH) has the characteristic odor of green leaves and grass. Suggest a synthesis for this compound from acetylene and any necessary organic or inorganic reagents. (b) One of the compounds responsible for the characteristic odor of ripe tomatoes is the cis isomer of CH 3 CH 2 CH?CHCH 2 CH?O. How could you prepare this compound? 15.36 R. B. Woodward was one of the leading organic chemists of the middle part of the twenti- eth century. Known primarily for his achievements in the synthesis of complex natural products, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1965. He entered Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology as a 16-year-old freshman in 1933 and four years later was awarded the Ph.D. While a stu- dent there he carried out a synthesis of estrone, a female sex hormone. The early stages of Wood- ward’s estrone synthesis required the conversion of m-methoxybenzaldehyde to m-methoxybenzyl cyanide, which was accomplished in three steps: Suggest a reasonable three-step sequence, showing all necessary reagents, for the preparation of m-methoxybenzyl cyanide from m-methoxybenzaldehyde. 15.37 Complete the following series of equations by writing structural formulas for compounds A through I: (a) (b) (c) 15.38 When 2-phenyl-2-butanol is allowed to stand in ethanol containing a few drops of sulfuric acid, the following ether is formed: Suggest a reasonable mechanism for this reaction based on the observation that the ether produced from optically active alcohol is racemic, and that alkenes can be shown not to be intermediates in the reaction. CH 3 CH 2 OH H 2 SO 4 OH C 6 H 5 CCH 2 CH 3 CH 3 OCH 2 CH 3 C 6 H 5 CCH 2 CH 3 CH 3 HCl NaHCO 3 H 2 O Na 2 Cr 2 O 7 H 2 SO 4 , H 2 O C 5 H 7 Cl Compound A C 5 H 8 O Compound B C 5 H 6 O Compound C 616 CHAPTER FIFTEEN Alcohols, Diols, and Thiols SOCl 2 pyridine 1. O 3 2. reductive workup NaBH 4 CH 2 OH CHCH 2 CH 2 CHCH 3 Compound D C 6 H 11 Cl Compound E C 5 H 9 ClO Compound F C 5 H 11 ClO NBS benzoyl peroxide, heat H 2 O, CaCO 3 heat PCC CH 2 Cl 2 CH 3 Br Compound G Compound H (C 11 H 7 BrO) Compound I CHCH 3 O O CH 2 CNCH 3 O three steps many steps Estrone HO CH 3 O Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website 15.39 Suggest a chemical test that would permit you to distinguish between the two glycerol monobenzyl ethers shown. 15.40 Choose the correct enantiomer of 2-butanol that would permit you to prepare (R)-2- butanethiol by way of a p-toluenesulfonate ester. 15.41 The amino acid cysteine has the structure shown: (a) A second sulfur-containing amino acid called cystine (C 6 H 12 N 2 O 4 S 2 ) is formed when cysteine undergoes biological oxidation. Suggest a reasonable structure for cystine. (b) Another metabolic pathway converts cysteine to cysteine sulfinic acid (C 3 H 7 NO 4 S), then to cysteic acid (C 3 H 7 NO 5 S). What are the structures of these two compounds? 15.42 A diol (C 8 H 18 O 2 ) does not react with periodic acid. Its 1 H NMR spectrum contains three singlets at H9254 1.2 (12 protons), 1.6 (4 protons), and 2.0 ppm (2 protons). What is the structure of this diol? 15.43 Identify compound A (C 8 H 10 O) on the basis of its 1 H NMR spectrum (Figure 15.6). The broad peak at H9254 2.1 ppm disappears when D 2 O is added. Cysteine HSCH 2 CHCO H11002 H11001 NH 3 O C 6 H 5 CH 2 OCH 2 CHCH 2 OH OH 1-O-Benzylglycerol HOCH 2 CHCH 2 OH OCH 2 C 6 H 5 2-O-Benzylglycerol Problems 617 (nnm) 7.27.4 Compound A (C 8 H 10 O) 4 2 3 1 FIGURE 15.6 The 200-MHz 1 H NMR spectrum of com- pound A (C 8 H 10 O) (Problem 15.43). Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website 15.44 Identify each of the following (C 4 H 10 O) isomers on the basis of their 13 C NMR spectra: (a) δ 31.2 ppm: CH 3 (c) δ 18.9 ppm: CH 3 , area 2 δ 68.9 ppm: C δ 30.8 ppm: CH, area 1 (b) δ 10.0 ppm: CH 3 δ 69.4 ppm: CH 2 , area 1 δ 22.7 ppm: CH 3 δ 32.0 ppm: CH 2 δ 69.2 ppm: CH 15.45 A compound C 3 H 7 ClO 2 exhibited three peaks in its 13 C NMR spectrum at δ 46.8 (CH 2 ), δ 63.5 (CH 2 ), and δ 72.0 ppm (CH). What is the structure of this compound? 15.46 A compound C 6 H 14 O has the 13 C NMR spectrum shown in Figure 15.7. Its mass spectrum has a prominent peak at m/z 31. Suggest a reasonable structure for this compound. 15.47 Refer to Learning By Modeling and compare the properties calculated for CH 3 CH 2 OH and CH 3 CH 2 SH. Which has the greater dipole moment? Compare the charges at carbon and hydrogen in C±O±H versus C±S±H. Why does ethanol have a higher boiling point than ethanethiol? 15.48 Construct molecular models of the gauche and anti conformations of 1,2-ethanediol and explore the possibility of intramolecular hydrogen bond formation in each one. 15.49 Intramolecular hydrogen bonding is present in the chiral diastereomer of 2,2,5,5-tetra- methylhexane-3,4-diol, but absent in the meso diastereomer. Construct molecular models of each, and suggest a reason for the difference between the two. 618 CHAPTER FIFTEEN Alcohols, Diols, and Thiols 020406080100120140160180200 Chemical shift (δ, ppm) CDCl 3 CH 2 CH CH 2 CH 3 FIGURE 15.7 The 13 C NMR spectrum of the compound C 6 H 14 O (Problem 15.46). Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website