清华大学考研辅导强化班课程《英语翻译》 第一部分:考研英语翻译状况分析与策略 I. 翻译考试的内容与考生状况分析 研究生英语入学考试中的翻译项目旨在通过翻译测试考生正确理解英文原文的能力及汉语的表达能力。此项测试方法是通过阅读一篇难度适中的短文(题材不限,长度约400字上下),翻译其中较为复杂的5个句子。翻译共5题,每题2分,满分为10分;每题划分为若干个给分段,每一分段的分值为0.5或1。对考生的要求是对原文理解正确,译文表达清楚准确,对汉语不作过高要求。 从近几年的考研翻译情况来看,考试成绩都不够理想。满分为10分的考题,多数考生的成绩都在6、7分上下,不少考生甚至很难保住4、5分—这就对总体得分造成了影响。 考研英语试卷就那么五个句子的翻译,看起来并不太难,为什么会出现普遍的丢分现象呢?我认为主要有两方面的原因:一是考生思想上对翻译的重视不够,二是缺乏相应的技巧方法及其训练。前一个原因是众所周知的事实,我们的英语学习一直强调的是听、说、读、写,在外语学习的五大技能中“译”处于一种几乎完全被忽视的地位。各类英语课本中很少有全面系统的翻译知识、方法指导以及技能训练,间或穿插一点,也只不过是围绕课文开展的零星翻译练习。这样一来,就难免形成平时缺乏训练,翻译考试力不从心的困境。第二个原因不难从每年考研的翻译考试情况看出:考生的翻译能力远远低于读写的实际水平。在很多情况下,能理解的,却不会表达;勉强能表达的,又表达失误,不是生搬硬套便是词不达意,因此造成翻译上的失败。另外,翻译考试不是短文或段落的连贯翻译,而是从某一篇章中的取出若干句子,这些句子大都比较复杂,必须根据原文上下文才能正确理解英文,因此加大了翻译的难度,使不少考生感到不好下笔。 综上所述,翻译考试要想立足于不败之地,就必须克服上述两大问题。一是要加以重视,投入一定的时间做翻译练习,二是掌握必要的翻译技巧方法。正确理解英文原文是确保翻译准确无误的前提,而通顺清楚的表达则是获取高分的保证。水到渠成,功夫到家了,翻译动手能力也就自然而然形成了,只要是自己看懂了的东西便可准确通顺译成汉语。 II. 英译汉命题趋势与考生问题的症结 从近年考研英译汉命题的情况来看,有以下三个明显特点; (1)从考试题材上看,几乎都是与现代科技相关的内容,98年为天体物理学中的新观点宇宙彭涨说;99年为历史研究方法论;2000年为政府对科技的依赖;2001年为智能机器人;2002年为行为科学研究;所有这些内容无不与科学理论、学科研究及应用密切相关。 (2)从语法结构来讲,侧重考查若干短语,如动词短语,分词短语(形容词短语),不定式短语以及少量较难的介词短语。此外,语法结构及逻辑关系比较复杂,有时不做些语法分析和逻辑推理就理不出头绪。还有若干代词,如it, they,that, this, one等,它们必须要根据上下文才能确定其词义所指。以及一些较难的从句,如what从句从, 定语句,as从句等等。 (3)从词汇来讲,难度增大了,侧重考查一词多义,一词转义,也就是说,所考词汇,如果照字面直译多半会出差错,必须通过上下文进行词义引伸,理解某一词在具体场合的特定含义,才能做出正确的译文,而死抠词字、句序、语态往往会表达不通顺。 从考生卷面的情况分析,我认为造成翻译败笔的原因主要有以下几点: (1) 对原文的理解不够。划线句往往是要根据上下文才能理解透彻,而考生由于时间紧张,看到句子便率尔*觚,对原文的主要框架结构、相互指代关系理解不够准确,这样一来译句的准确度也就成问题了。 (2) 考生不懂得英汉句式结构的差异,对翻译技巧方法更是知之甚少,因此在考试中甩不开原文的句式结构,不敢进行必要的词序调整、句序、语序转换,不敢进行词类转换,不会用增词法、减字法之类的基本翻译处理方法。 (3) 中文表达能力有限,不能将对原文理解了的东西随心所欲地用汉语清楚地表达出来,一些考生甚至还出现错别字现象。 III. 考研翻译的做题思路与步骤 1. 粗略阅读原文,搞清作者意图。 用3-5分钟时间把整个文章通读一遍,大致搞清原文的主旨大意,积极调动相关的思维活动,使头脑进入最佳考试状态。阅读只需了解个大意即可,遇到生词一掠而过,千万不要被与所考的五个句子无关的一些生词、短语,甚至人名地名所纠缠住。 2. 理清考题结构,把握句式重心。 在粗读一遍,大致搞清原文的主旨大意的基础上,逐句处理5个句子。读第二遍时,重点则应放在这五个句子上,确定句子的意思。 3. 分清主次关系,注意”左邻右舍”。从它们与全文的关系上,特别是从前后句即它们的中寻找有用的信息,确定代词的确切含义,句子中出现的”超纲词”的词义也很有可能从上下文中搞清楚。 4. 仔细检查译文,确保准确无误。 第二部分:翻译技巧方法讲解辅导 1. 分清主从 把握结构 2. 遣词用字 恰如其分 3. 直译意译 抓住要点 4. 适当增添 清楚明了 5. 词语省略 言简意赅 6. 转换变通 自然流畅 7. 结构调整 顺理成章 8. 语态转换 约定俗成 9. 正反交替 相得益彰 10. 定语从句 合分替换 11. 其他从句 灵活处理 12. 长句翻译 分切拆组 第一讲 分清主从 把握结构 I. 分清主从 把握结构 分清主从是理清原文结构,拟出译文整体框架的关键,而辨析词义是确保译文准确的前提。不少考生也能理解译文的大致意思,却组织不好译文,不是拖泥带水就是丢三拉四,其主要问题在于没能分清主从,不能从整体上把握原文结构。 请看这样一例英语翻译试题: It is hard to believe that automobiles, radios, motion pictures, frozen foods, electric refrigerator, to mention only a few items, have come into common use within thirty years. 主体结构:It is hard to believe that…(这简直令人难以置信) 宾语从句中: automobiles, radios, motion pictures, frozen foods, electric refrigerator have come into common use(汽车、无线电、电影、速冻食品、电冰箱已经进入普遍使用) 时间状语 :within thirty years (在30年之内) 插入语: to mention only a few items (仅提及几件东西) 翻译分析处理:此句比较棘手的是形式主语It和插入语: to mention only a few items的翻译。为了符合汉语的表达习惯,可以考虑将插入语前置,另起一句。经过句子结构分析、词语翻译和词序调整,我们便可将此句译成通顺的汉语了。 译文:且举几件东西来说吧,汽车、无线电、电影、速冻食品、电冰箱,这些东西在过去的30年中得到了广泛的应用,这简直令人难以置信。 1. 抓主谓结构 这是理清原文结构,搭建译文整体框架的关键。譬如下面这样一道题: 考题实例:Pearson has pieced together the work of hundreds of researchers around the world to produce a unique millennium technology calendar that gives the latest dates when we can expect hundreds of key breakthroughs and discoveries to take place. (2001) 此句中的主、谓、宾结构为:Pearson has pieced together the work of hundreds of researchers around the world;皮尔森汇集了世界各地数百位研究人员的成果; 目的状语为:to produce a unique millennium technology calendar(用以)编制一个独特的新技术千年历; 两个定语从句分别为:calendar that gives the latest dates列出了最迟日期的千年历,和the latest dates when we can expect hundreds of key breakthroughs and discoveries to take place我们可以期待的数百项重大突破和发现的最迟日期(知道它们何时将会发生)。 进行上述结构分析之后,我们便可以顺着原文的语序来翻译出此句: 皮尔森汇集世界各地数百位研究人员的成果,编制了一个独特的新技术千年历,历中列出了人们可望看到的数百项重大突破和发现的最迟日期。 再如下面一例: 考题实例:The role of natural selection in evolution was formulated only a little more than 100 years ago, and the selective role of the environment in shaping and maintaining the behavior of the individual is only beginning to be recognized and studied.(2002) 此句为由连词and连接而成的并列句,其并列主谓结构为:The role of natural selection…was formulated …, and the selective role of …is only beginning to …自然选择的作用被阐明,而选择作用则刚刚开始……。其余成分分别为定语和状语。其中in shaping and maintaining the behavior of the individual为the selective role的状语。经过结构分析、调整,我们可得出以下译文: 自然选择在进化中的作用仅在100多年前才得以阐明,而环境在塑造和保持个体行为时的选择作用则刚刚开始被认识和研究。 2. 抓关键信息 由于句式结构的复杂多变,有时候仅仅抓住了原文的主谓结构还不够,还需抓住时间、地点、人物、事件等关键信息。请看这样一例: As the clock crept toward 11: 15 p. m. last Thursday, the 500 scientists and engineers packed into the control room and an adjacent auditorium at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory kept their eyes riveted on a bank of computer monitors. 原文主、谓、宾结构为the 500 scientists and engineers …kept their eyes riveted on….(500名科学家和工程师……把目光聚集到……)抓住原文的时间、地点、人物、事件等关键信息,于是便有了如下译文: 上星期四,当时针悄悄地指向晚上11:15的时候,500名科学家和工程师坐满了普林斯顿等离子体物理实验室控制室和毗连的礼堂。他们不约而同地把目光聚集到一排计算机监视器上,焦急地等待着。 再看下面一例: Views of the railings where doomed passengers and crew members stood evoked images of the moonless night 74 years ago when the great ship slipped beneath the waves. 主、谓、宾结构为:Views evoked images(景象唤起了想象) 汉语中同样没有英语上述表达方式,一般不把非人称的名词用作行为主语。抓住原文的时间、地点、人物、事件等关键信息,便可形成如下译文: 看到那些栏杆,不由使人想起七十四年前这艘巨轮船体倾斜沉入波涛的那个暗无星月的夜晚,当时那些惨遭厄运的乘客和船员也曾站在这些栏杆旁。 3. 抓逻辑关系 在很多情况下,注意原文的逻辑关系能保证译文的层次清楚,结构有条不紊。如Titanic中的最后一句: The stern, which settled on the bottom almost 1,800 ft. from the bow, had swiveled 180°on its way down. 其主谓结构为:The stern … had swiveled 180° 船尾旋转了一百八十度 如按照原文的语序译为“在海底离船头几乎有一千八百英尺远的船尾在下沉时旋转了一百八十度”,既不符合汉语的按时间地点的先后顺序,又十分拗口。在这种情况下,不妨另起一句,使译文层次清楚: 船尾在下沉时旋转了一百八十度,在海底离船头几乎有一千八百英尺远。 再看下面一例: The isolation of the rural world because of distance and the lack of transport facilities is compounded by the paucity of the information media. 其主谓结构为:The isolation … is compounded by… (隔绝状态被……合成) 此句英语原文中的主谓结构和被动语态都不符合汉语的表达习惯。对于这样的情况,我们最好按句子的逻辑关系,分层次逐步展开: 因为距离远,又缺乏交通工具,农村社会是于外界隔绝的。这种隔绝状态,由于通讯工具不足,就变得更加严重了。 第二讲 遣词用字 恰如其分 II. 遣词用字 恰如其分 考题实例:Children will play with dolls equipped with personality chips, computers with in-built personalities will be regarded as workmates rather than tools, relaxation will be in front of smell-television, and digital age will have arrived. (2001)将来完成时 被动语态 72.儿童将与装有个性化芯片的玩具娃娃玩耍,具有个性内置的计算机将被视为工作伙伴而不是工具,人们将在气味电视机前休闲,届时数字化时代就到来了。 1.英汉词字对应关系 1)词字对等。这种情况多见于专有名词,技术词汇等,如: Marxism = 马克思主义 Aspirin = 阿斯匹林 激光 = laser 白血病 = leukemia 2)多种同义。这种情况在英汉翻译中较为普遍,也即是同一个词语有若干词义完全一样,但色彩意义不同的对应词,如: wife: 妻子、爱人、夫人、老婆、老伴、媳妇、堂客、内人…… president: 总统、总裁、主席、董事长、议长、会长、社长、校长…… 3)一词多义。这种情况在英汉翻译中最为普遍,也即是同一个词语有若干词义不同的对应词,如: cousin: 堂兄、堂弟、堂姐、堂妹、表哥、表弟、表姐、表妹、卿…... carry: 搬、运、送、提、拎、挑、担、抬、背、扛、搂、抱、端、举、夹、捧….. 4)交织对应。这类情况在英汉翻译中时有发生,也即是一组词义相近的词,根据不同的上下文,可以译作对应词语中的任何一个,如英语中的say, speak, talk, tell与汉语的“说、讲、谈、诉”之间的关系: 5)无对等词语。翻译中的这种情况极少,偶有发生,一般用解释或音译的方式来解决英汉之间的对应关系。 teenager: 十三至十九岁的青少年 (解释) prey: 被捕食的动物(解释) hacker黑客 2.词义辨析 词义辨析是遣词用字的前提。一般来讲,词典给出的词义解释五花八门,无从定夺。在这样的情况下,我们可以从四个方面来处理英语词语的具体含义 1) 根据构词法辨别词义 我们可以根据词的前后缀,词根、词干来辨析词义;如: miniultrasonicprober = mini (微型的)+ ultra(超) +sonic (声音的)+prober(探测器);即:微型超声波金属探伤仪 macrospacetransship = macro(巨型的)+ space (太空)+ trans (转运)+ ship (船); 即: 巨型空间转运飞船 pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis = pneumono (肺的) +ultra (超) + micro (微) + scopic- (观察仪器的) + silico (硅的)+ volcano(火山的)+ coni- (尘埃) + osis (病症);即:硅酸盐沉着病,矽肺病(一种矿工易染的病) 2) 根据指代关系辨别词义 我们可以根据人称代词、物主代词、指示代词等来辨析词义;如: (1) He [father] sent John to the university and was eager to have him distinguish himself. 他送约翰上大学,巴望能让儿子出类拔萃。 (2) Health is above wealth, for this cannot give so much happiness as that. 健康比财富更重要,因为财富不能像健康那样给人以幸福。(或: 因为后者不能像前者那样给人以幸福。) 3) 根据上下文的语境或词的搭配辨别词义 语境分析是翻译的重要手段,没有一定的上下文,翻译就无从着手。如下面一例: Tension is building up. 根据不同上下文的具体情况,我们可分别将其译作: (1) 形势紧张起来。 (2) 张力在增大。 (3) 电压在增加。 (4) 压力在增强。 (5) 血压在增高。 (6) ……...... 再如story一词的翻译: (1) This war is becoming the most important story of this generation. (2) It is quite another story now. (3) Some reporters who were not included in the session broke the story. (4) He‘ll be very happy if that story holds up. (5) The girl’s story is one of the saddest. (6) A young man came to Scotti‘s office with a story. (7) …, but officials refused to confirm the story. (8) The story about him became smaller and by and by faded out from the American TV. 在不同的上下文中, 以上8个story在各句中分别具有8种不同的含义: (1) 事件; (2)情况; (3) 内部信息; (4)说法; (5) 遭遇; (6) 案子; (7) 消息; (8) 报道。因此以上各句可分别译作: (1) 这场战争行将成为这一代人的最重大的事件。 (2) 现在的情况完全不同了。 (3) 有些没让参加那次会议的记者把内情捅出去了。 (4) 如果这一说法当真,那他就太高兴了。 (5) 那个姑娘的遭遇算最惨的了。 (6) 一个年轻人来到斯科特的办公室报案。 (7) 但官员们拒绝证实这条消息。 (8) 报道中对他的渲染减少了,不久就从美国电视上销声匿迹了。 4) 根据不同学科或专业类型辨别词义 (1) The lathe should be set on a firm base. 车床应安装在坚实的底座上。 (机械) (2) As we all know, a base reacts with an acid to form a salt. 众所周知,碱与酸反应生成盐。 (化学) (3) A transistor has three electrodes, the emitter, the base and the collector. 晶体管有三个电极,即发射极,基极和集电极。(电子) (4) Line AB is the base of the triangle ABC. AB线是三角形ABC的底边。(数学) (5) The weary troops marched back to the base. 疲惫不堪的士兵列队返回基地。(军事) (6) He is on the second base. 他在二垒。(体育) 练习 一、根据词语搭配辨析词义。以常见的形容词good为例: 1. good saying名2. 言 3. good boy乖孩子 4. good child孝子 5. good contract有效的合同6. 7. good debt有把握收回的债 8. good eggs新鲜的鸡蛋 9. good eyesight正常的视力 10. good father慈父 11. good features漂亮的相貌 12. good friend挚友 13. good friend益友 14. good idea妙计 15. good investment可靠的投资 16. good joke有趣的笑话 17. good looks美貌 18. good luck鸿运 19. good manners得体的举止 20. good match佳偶、劲敌 21. good mother良母 22. good neighbor睦邻 23. good reason充足的理由 24. good soil肥沃的土地 25. good teacher良师 26. good wife贤妻 二、根据上下文翻译develop一词: 1 His plane developed engine trouble only seven miles after takeoff. (发生故障) 2 Modern aircraft are so heavy that the wings must develop a very large lift force in order to sustain the aircraft. (产生升力) 3 Inspired by these ideas, in 1752 Franklin developed a practical lightning rod. (发明避雷针) 4 A hypothesis is a specific statement developed by a scientist from observations.(得出论断) 5 Until the domain theory of magnetism was developed, they did not have much success. (提出理论) 6 To develop the capabilities of the geophysical prospecting, the renewal of the techniques and equipment is the first thing to be considered. (提高能力) 7 Most of the money came from selling the secret of a new type of potato he had developed. (培育新品种) 8 As young Goddard grew into manhood, he developed tuberculosis. (患上结核病) 9 We must develop all the natural substances in our country which can make us rich.(开发资源) 10 Several attempts have been made through the years to develop the deposit.(开采矿床) 第三讲 直译意译 抓住要点 III. 直译意译 抓住要点 考题实例:Interest in historical methods has arisen less through external to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves. (1999) 人们关注历史研究的方法,主要是因为史学界内部意见不统一,其次是因为外界怀疑历史是不是一门学科。 直译:历史方法的兴趣 产生较少 通过外部 历史作为知识学科的合法性 I. 直译与意译 什么是直译?所谓直译,就是在译文语言条件许可时,在译文中尽量保持原文的形式—特别指保持原文的比喻、形象和民族、地方色彩等。例如,汉语中的“武装到牙齿”、“鳄鱼的眼泪”、“连锁反应”、“双赢”等 便是从英语的be armed to teeth, crocodile‘s tears, chain reaction以及win-win等词组短语直接翻译过来的,对应了原文的字面意义,保留了原文的生动形象。再如关于“死”的说法,英汉均有非常丰富的委婉表达方法。对于不同的对象,“死”的用法也各有讲究,直译较能生动地表现出原文的风格面貌、形象特点:breathe one’s last (断气),see God(见上帝),see one’s ancestors(见祖先),see Marx (见马克思),go west(上西天),go to heaven(进天国),kick the bucket(蹬腿儿了)…… 所谓意译,是指译文与原文因表达方式上的差异,不便或无法将原文的思想内容或形象直接表现出来,需要译者根据原文的意思用自己的话恰如其分地将其译出。这就需要译者付出创造性的劳动,从整体上把握句子或篇章的内容。例如: 1. It rains cats and dogs.大雨如注 2 Don’t cross the bridge till you get to it.不必担心过早。(不必自寻烦恼。) 3. Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌。 4. Do you see any green in my eye? 你以为我是好欺骗的吗? 以上各例,均不宜按原文字面意义直接译出,否则,会令人感到莫名其妙,不知所云。 直译与意译是相对的,而不是绝对的。无论直译还是意译,都只能限定在一定的条件和范围内,根据一定的上下文、具体的文体需要而加以处理,如:Kill two birds with one stone.按直译法,此句可译作“一石二鸟”;按意译法,此句可译作汉语的成语“一箭双雕”,“一举两得”。不少英语句子根据不同的上下文,既可用直译来翻译,又可用意译来处理。如: 5.Every life has its roses and thorns. 直译:每个人的一生都既有玫瑰,又有荆棘。 意译:人生总是有苦有乐,甘苦参半。 6. Valuable left in full view can be open invitation to theft. 直译:把贵重物品放在现眼处,等于是给小偷发请帖。 意译:应妥善保管贵重物品,以防被盗。 7. A gift is the key to open the door closed against you. 直译:礼物是打开把你关在门外的房门的钥匙。 意译:大门把你关在外,礼物送到门自开。(礼是敲门砖。) 8. What the tongue says, the neck pays for. 直译:舌头说话,脖子还账。 意译:舌头闯祸,脖子遭殃。 II. 运用直译与意译的要点 无论是直译还是意译,均需以理解原文为前提。 直译应当便于理解,切忌望文生义,并非全都按字面译出,譬如,go to bed不能按字面理解为“去上床”,而是“去睡觉”之意;成语show sb. the door ,不是“把门指给某人看”而是“把某人撵出门”;talk shop不是“谈商店”而是“说行话”;talk horse不是“谈马”而是“吹牛”;bull‘s eye靶心; tiger cat虎纹猫(豹斑猫) 意译应当注重事实依据,不能无中生有、信口开河,否则就会变成胡译、乱译。在一般的情况下,应当尽量考虑用直译的方法。在直译无法或不变与表达的情况下,可以考虑用意译来解决问题。下面是运用意译的一道英译汉试题。 考题实例:What easier way is there for a nurse, a policeman, a barber, or a waiter to lose professional identity than to step out of uniform? 此题是一个there is sth. for sb. to do的简单句结构,句中唯一一个生词identity已作了注释,应当说是比较容易翻译的。可是,不少考生面对这样一个稍稍改头换面的疑问句却感到束手无策。从句式结构上看,绝大多数考生译不出原文的疑问口气;词语上更是花样百出:有人把barber译作“酒吧侍者”,有人把way译作“路”,有人把lose professional identity译作“失去教授身份”,更多的人不能根据上下文正确理解step out of uniform的含义,有译作“走出统一服装”的,有译作“跨出军装”的,有译作“摆脱行业单位”的,等等。 其实,lose professional identity和step out of uniform在此处的含义并不难理解,前者直译为“丧失职业身份”,意译也就是“让人看不出职业身份”;后者直译为“从制服中跨出来”意译也就是“脱下(不穿)制服”。在把握了全句意思的基础上,我们完全可以打破原文结构,用自己的话意译出此句的准确意思。 参考译文:对于护士、警察、理发师或是服务员来说,还有什么比脱下制服更容易的方法使人们看不出他们的职业身份呢? 或:作为护士、警察、理发师或是服务员,还有什么方法比脱下制服更容易掩盖他们的职业身份呢? 考题实例:There will be television chat shows hosted by robots, and cars with pollution monitors that will disable them when they offend. (2001) 届时,将出现由机器人主持的电视谈话节目以及装有污染监控器的汽车,一旦这些汽车排污超标(违规),监控器就会使其停驶。 (定语从句when一旦) When的不同译法:在以下各例中,when都不宜译作“当”、“当……时候”。 1. We’ll go to the countryside at the beginning of June, when the summer harvest will start. 2. I stayed till noon, when I went home. 3. When the teacher had left the classroom, the pupils started talking. 4. When that man says “To tell the truth”, I suspect that he‘s about to tell a lie. 5. Turn off the switch when anything goes wrong with the machine. 6. Insurance companies are obliged to recover the cost of everything insured when it is lost or damaged during the valid period of insurance. 7. When there is really planned and proportionate development ,our national economy will achieve sustained, stable and high-speed growth. 8. When you cross the river you are safe. 9. How can I convince him when he won’t listen? 10. He usually walks when he might ride. 11. They had only three transistors when they needed five. 12. Why are you here when you should be in school? 13. When I am opposed to such actions on general principles, how can I make this case an exception? 14. How could you do it when you knew that this might damage the apparatus? 15. When one is older, one is also more experienced. 2. 我们6月初要下乡去,那时夏收就要开始了。 3. 我一直呆到中午, 然后就回家了。 4. 老师离开教室以后,学生们就喧哗起来。 5. 每当那人开口一句“老实说”,我就怀疑他要撒谎。 6. 万一机器发生什么故障,就把电门关上。 7. 投了保的任何物品,如果在保险期内丢失或损害,保险公司要负责赔偿。 8. 我国的国民经济只要真正做到有计划、按比例地发展,就能够实现持续、稳定、高速的增长。 9. 你一旦过了河,便安全了。 10. 他连听都听不进,我又怎么能说服他呢? 11. 虽然有车可乘,他通常总是步行。 12. 他们需要5只晶体管,可是只有3只。 13. 你本该在学校里的,却为何在这里? 14. 我明明在总的原则上反对这类行为,又怎能对此事例外呢? 15. 既然你知道这样会损坏仪器,怎么还这样干? 16. 一个人的经验随年龄的长大而增长。 第四讲 适当增添 清楚明了 IV. 适当增添 清楚明了 考题实例:Under modem conditions, this requires varying measures of centralized control and hence the help of specialized scientists such as economists and operational research experts. (2000) 在现代条件下,这需要程度不同的中央控制,从而就需要获得诸如经济学和运筹学等领域专家的协助。 一般来说,翻译时不应对原文的内容随意增减。不过,由于英汉两种语言文字之间所存在的悬殊差异,在实际翻译过程中很难做到词字上的完全对应。一般情况是为意义完整而增译,如英语中某些及物动词用作不及物动词时后面省略了宾语,write, read, wash… (1)Mary washes before meals.玛丽饭前洗手。 (2)Mary washes before going to bed.玛丽睡前洗脚。 (3)Mary washes after getting up. 玛丽起床后洗脸。 (4)Mary washes for a living.玛丽靠洗衣度日。 (5)Mary washes in a restaurant.玛丽在饭店洗碗确。 考题实例:But for many, the fact that poor people are able to support themselves almost as well without government aid as they did with it is in itself a huge victory. 此题的主谓结构拉得较远,不少考生难以把握原文的结构,因此翻译也就无从着手。仔细分析全句,其主结构为系表结构the fact… is a victory,不过本句的难点在于由that引起的同位语从句的处理,尤其是穿插其间的as well without government aid as they did with it这一比较状语从句较为棘手。有人没有理清句子的主从关系,有的将as理解为“因为”;有的将did直译为“做”,将指代aid的代词it理解为government;还有人将in itself这样的强调语气按字面译作“在它自己”,这样一来译文难免千奇百怪,漏洞百出。尤其是对as they did with it的翻译,相当多的人不懂得用增减技巧来翻译,直接将did译作“干”、“做”,将it译作“它”;如果掌握了增减技巧,便可将此句增译为“过去有政府救济时”或“过去依靠政府救济的情况”;并根据汉语的习惯表达法,将原文中的they省略不译。 译文:但在许多人看来,穷人能不靠政府救济养活自己,而且生活得几乎和过去依靠政府救济时生活得一样好,这件事本身就是一个巨大的胜利。 增词法的常用情况 1.增添原文语法所省略的词语 1) Matter can be changed into energy, and energy into matter. 物质可以转化为能,能也可以转化为物质。 2) In the evening, after the banquets, the concerts and the table tennis exhibitions, he would work on the drafting of the final communiqué. 晚上在参加宴会、出席音乐会、观看乒乓球表演以后,他还得起草最后公报。 2. 增添必要的连接成分增加连词 英语中的并列连词和从属连词大都是以单个单词出现,而汉语中的联合连词和偏正连词大都是成对出现。因此,在将英语译成汉语时,应将汉语的连词补充完整。如:if…,…如果,…那么…because因为……,所以; although虽然…,但是; unless…除非,……否则… 1) Heated, water will change into vapor. 水如受热,就会汽化。 2) However carefully boiler casings and steam pipes are sealed, some heat escapes and is lost. 虽然锅炉壳与蒸汽管是严密封闭的,然而还是有一部分热损耗。 3) Since air has weight, it exerts force on any object immersed in it. 因为空气具有重量,所以处在空气中的任一物体都会受到空气的作用力。 3.用增词法表达出原文的复数概念和数量词 英语中没有量词,而汉语表达中的量词却是不可缺少的,如:first thing第一件事;the first oil well第一口油井;等等。 1) The mountains began to throw their long blue shadows over the valley. 群山开始向山谷投下一道道蔚蓝色长影。 2) He stretched his legs which were scattered with scars. 他伸出双腿,露出腿上的道道伤痕。 3) Note that the words “velocity” and “speed” require explanation. 请注意,“速度”和“速率”这两个词需要解释。 4.用增词法把抽象概念表达清楚 1) Oxidation will make iron and steel rusty. 氧化作用会使钢铁生锈。 2) This lack of resistance in very cold metals may become useful in electronic computers. 这种在甚低温金属中没有电阻的现象可能对电子计算机很有用处。 3) After all preparations were made, the plane took off. 一切准备工作就绪以后,飞机就起飞了。 5.增加完善性或概括性的词语 1) Air pressure decreases with altitude. 气压随海拔高度的增加而下降。 2) According to scientists, it takes nature 500 years to create an inch of topsoil. 根据科学家们的看法,自然界要用500年的时间才能形成一英寸厚的表层土壤。 3) A runner from Kenya has won the 42 km Boston Marathon. 肯尼亚的一位长跑选手赢得了波士顿42公里马拉松赛冠军。 6.重复性增词 1) Avoid using this computer in extreme cold, heat, dust or humidity. 不要在过冷、过热、灰尘过重、湿度过大的情况下使用此电脑。 2) I had experienced oxygen and/or engine trouble. 我曾经遇到的情况要么氧气设备出故障,要么引擎出故障,或两者都出故障。 3) A proton has a positive charge and an electron a negative charge, but a neutron has neither. 质子带正电,电子带负电,而中子既不带正电,也不带负电。 7.修辞或连贯增词 1) This typewriter is indeed cheap and fine. 这部打字机真是价廉物美。 2) They build roads, houses, bridges, ships, pipelines, and canals. 他们修路、盖房、架桥、造船、铺管道、挖运河。 3) A scientist constantly tried to defeat his hypotheses, his theories, and his conclusion. 科学家经常设法否定自己的假设,推翻自己的理论,并放弃自己的结论。 第五讲 词语省略 言简意赅 V. 词语省略 言简意赅 考题实例:While there are almost as many definitions of history as there are historians, modem practice most closely conforms to one that sees history as the attempt to recreate and explain the significant events of the past. (1999) 几乎每个历史学家对历史都有自己的定义,但现代实践与一种定义最接近,即认为历史就是试图重现和解释过去的重大事件。 The existence of the giant clouds was virtually required for the Big Bang, first put forward in the 1920s, to maintain its reign as the dominant explanation of the cosmos. (1998) 巨大的宇宙云的存在,实际上是使二十年代首创的大爆炸论得以保持其宇宙起源论的主导地位所不可缺少的。 一般来说,汉语较英语简练,因此时,许多在原文中必不可少的词语要是原原本本地译成汉语,就会成为不必要的冗词,译文会显得十分累赘。省略法在英汉翻译中使用得非常广泛,其主要目的是删去一些可有可无、不符合译文习惯表达法的词语。请看下面一例翻译试题: In the 1880s the United States was a land sharply divided between the immensely wealthy and the poor. the 1880s即the eighties of the nineteenth century(19世纪80年代),land此处意为country,不能理解为“土地”;between the immensely wealthy and the poor照字面翻译为“在巨大的财富和贫穷之间”。如果照英语原文结构翻译,势必造成译文的不顺。为了清楚地表达英语原文的意义,同时也符合汉语习惯表达法,可以考虑省略介词between,同时增添“两极”二字。 参考译文:在19世纪80年代,美国是一个巨富与赤贫两极严重分化的国家。 省略技巧的常用情况 1.代词的省略 英语中各类代词的使用十分频繁,要是在译成汉语时,如不省略读起来就会很别扭。 (1) He put his hands into his pockets and then shrugged his shoulders. 他将双手放进衣袋,然后耸了耸肩。 (2) After getting up,I wash my face,brush my teeth,and comb my hair. 起床后,我洗脸,刷牙,然后梳头。 (3) They went in to dinner. It was excellent, and the wine was good. Its influence presently had its effect on them. 他们进入餐室用餐。美酒佳肴,顿受感染。 2. 冠词的省略 汉语中没有冠词,英语中的定冠词a, an如果不具有量词one的含义,便可以省略,不定冠词the如果不具备指示代词this, that, these, those的含义,也应当省略。 1) Any substance is made of atoms whether it is a solid, a liquid, or a gas. 任何物资,不论是固体、液体或气体,都由原子组成。 2) Any substance is made of atoms whether it is a solid, a liquid, or a gas. 任何物资,不论是固体、液体或气体,都由原子组成。 3) The direction of a force can be represented by an arrow. 力的方向可以用箭头表示。 3. 介词连词的省略 英语词句之间的连接依靠介词和连词来完成,而汉语讲究不言而喻,故将英语译成汉语时,可尽量省略介词和连词。 (1) The difference between the two machines consists in power. 这两台机器的差别在于功率不同。 (2) If I had known it, I would not have joined in it. 早知如此,我就不参加了。 (3) Like charges repel each other while opposite charges attract. 同性电荷相斥,异性电荷相吸。 4. 动词的省略 英语凡是句子就少不了动词,而汉语不要动词句子也能成立。 (1) When the pressure gets low, the boiling point becomes low. 气压低,沸点就低。 (2) Solids expand and contract as liquids and gases do. 如同液体和气体一样,固体也能膨胀和收缩。 (3) For this reason television signals have a short range. 因此,电视信号的传播距离很短。 5. 非人称代词“It”的省略 如果it在句中表示时间、距离、天气或作形式主语宾语,在译汉语时应省略。 (1) Outside it was pitch-dark and it was raining cats and dogs. 外面一团漆黑,大雨倾盆。 (2) This formula makes it easy to determine the wavelength of sounds. 这一公式使得测定声音的波长十分简单。 (3) It was not until the middle of the 19th century that the blast furnace came into use. 直到十九世纪中叶,高炉才开始使用。 练习:代词的省略 1 We have 7 days in a week. 2 You can never tell! 3 They say it‘s so. 4 Is it a he or a she? 5 As it is, we got there at 10. 6 In ancient Rome we have patricians, knights, plebeians, slaves… 7 I threw the ball to Tom and he threw it to Mary. 8 How strongly an airplane is built depends on its type and purpose. 1. 一个星期有七天。 2. 谁也没法预料! 3.据说是这样。 4. 生的是男孩还是女孩? 5. 事实上,我们10点钟就到了那里。 6.在古罗马,有贵族、骑士、平民、奴隶…。7.我把球传给汤姆,汤姆又把球传给玛丽。 8. 制造飞机应坚固到什么程度,是由飞机的类型和用途来决定的。 第六讲 转换变通 自然流畅 VI. 转换变通 自然流畅 考题实例:Odd though it sounds, cosmic inflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary-particle physics and many astrophysicists have been convinced for the better part of a decade that it is true. (1998) 宇宙彭涨说虽然听似奇特,但它是基本粒子物理学中一些公认的理论在科学上看来可信的推理。众多天体物理学家七、八年来一直确信这一学说是正确的。 (词类转换 被动and) 考题实例:Astrophysicists working with ground-based detectors at the South Pole and balloon-borne instruments are closing in on such structures, and may report their findings soon.(1998) 天体物理学家使用南极陆基探测器及球载仪器,正越来越近地观测这些云系,也许不久会报告他们的观测结果。 ( 结构转换,and, 短语) 在翻译过程中,由于两种语言在语法和表达习惯上的差异,我们有时必须改变原文某些词语的词类或句子成分才能有效地传达出原文的准确意思。譬如这样一例: This watch never varies more than a second in a month.这块表一个月的误差从不超过一秒。 英语中的vary(改变,不同)为动词,汉语没有这样的表达习惯,所以只能将其转换为名词“误差”。 英译汉试题中有这样一道题: My point is that the frequent complaint of one generation about the one immediately following it is inevitable. 此题的结构并不复杂,表语从句的主谓结构为:the complaint is inevitable. 不过,由于complaint的修饰成分过长,我们不宜将the frequent complaint of one generation about the one immediately following it译作“一代人对紧接它下来的下一代人的经常的抱怨”,而是要对名词complaint,代词the one和进行词类转换,分别译作动词“抱怨”和名词“一代人”,同时省略代词it,增添连接成分“这一点”,进行这样的词类转换、增减和调整之后,译文就出来了。 参考译文:我的看法(观点)是,一代人对下一代人常常抱怨,这一点是在所难免的。 再看下面这道试英译汉试题: Social support consists of the exchange of resources among people based on their interpersonal ties. 参考译文:社会就是 以人际关系为基础的 人们之间的资源交换。 You very likely give other passengers a quick glance to size them up and to assure them that you mean no threat. 此句中的give other passengers a quick glance不宜照字面译作“给乘客们迅速的一瞥”;而要译作“很快地瞅别的乘客一眼”,to assure them的宾语从句that you mean no threat,其中的谓语动词mean也需要进行了词类转换。 参考译文: 你很可能很快地瞅别的乘客一眼,打量他们一下,让他们放心你毫无威胁的意思。 翻译中的转换变通技巧主要有词类转换和句子成分转换两种情况。 II.英译汉的词类转换方法技巧 1.各种词类转换成动词 汉语的动词使用频率比英语高, 所以将英语各种词类转换成汉语动词是最常见的词类转换。如:Families upstairs have to carry pails to the hydrant downstairs for water. 住在楼上的人家得提着水桶去楼下的水龙头打水。(英语动词只有一个,汉语有5个。) 以下是常见的英语各种词类转换为汉语的动词的情况。 1) The sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing. 看到我们的喷气式飞机,听见隆隆的机声,我感到心驰神往。(名词转为动词) 2) Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe. 火箭已经用来探索宇宙。(名词转为动词) 3) Everyone in the room was greatly surprised at what he said. 听他一说,房间里的每个人都大吃一惊。(介词转为动词) 4) A force is needed to move an object against inertia. 为使物体克服惯性而运动,就需要一个力。(介词转为动词) 5) Chemist that he is, Charles is suspicious of all doctors‘ prescription. 查尔斯是位化学家,所以他对任何大夫开的药都怀疑。(形容词转为动词) 6) When the switch is off, the circuit is open and electricity doesn’t go through. 当开关断开时,电路就形成开路,电流不能通过。(副词转为动词) 7) In this case the temperature in the furnace is up. 在这种情况下,炉温就升高。(副词转为动词) 2.各种词类转换为名词 1) Most U S spy satellites are designed to burn up in the earth‘s atmosphere after completing their missions. 根据设计,美国大多数间谍卫星要在完成使命后焚毁于大气层中。(动词转为名词) 2) The design aims at automatic operation, easy regulation, simple maintenance and high productivity. 设计的目的在于自动*作,调节方便,维护简易,生产率高。(动词转为名词) 3) The new contract would be good for ten years. 新的合同有效期为10年。(形容词转为名词) 4) In the fission processes the fission fragments are very radioactive. 在裂变过程中,裂变碎片具有强烈的放射性。(形容词转为名词) 5) He is physically weak but mentally sound. 他身体虽弱,但思想健康。(副词转为名词) 6) Supporters of the “nature” theory insist that we are born with a certain capacity for learning that is biologically determined. “天性”论的人坚持说,我们生来就具有一定的学习才能,这是由生物因素决定的。(副词转为名词) 7) Radio waves are similar to light waves except that their wavelength is much greater. 无线电波与光波相似,但无线电波的波长要长得多。(代词转为名词) 8) The specific resistance of iron is not so small as that of copper. 铁的电阻系数不如铜的电阻系数那样小。(代词转为名词) 3.各种词类转为形容词 1) Given that they’re inexperienced,they‘ve done a good job. 鉴于他们没有经验,干成这样真不错。(名词转为形容词) 2) Independent thinking is an absolute necessity in study. 学习中的独立思考是绝对必须的。(名词转为形容词) 3) Earthquakes are closely related to faulting. 地震与断裂运动有密切的关系。(副词转为形容词) 4) It is demonstrated that gases are perfectly elastic. 已经证实,气体具有理想的弹性。 (副词转为形容词) 5) The pressure inside equals the pressure outside. 内部的压力和外部的压力相等。(副词转为形容词) 4. 各种词类转换成副词 1) Below 4℃, water is in continuous expansion instead of continuous contraction. 水在4度以下就不断地膨胀,而不是不断地收缩。(形容词转为副词) 2) Only when we study their properties can we make better use of the materials. 只有研究这些材料的特性才能更好地利用它们。(形容词转为副词) 3) I have the honor to inform you that your request is granted. 我荣幸地通知您,您的请求已得到批准。(名词转为副词) 4) The new mayor earned some appreciation by the courtesy of coming to visit the city poor. 新市长有礼貌地前来访问城市贫民,获得了他们的一些好感。(名词转为副词) 5) Rapid evaporation at the heating-surface tends to make the steam wet. 加热面上的迅速蒸发,往往使蒸汽的湿度变大。(动词转为副词) III. 英译汉的句子成分转换形式 在很多情况下,英语中不同的句子成分也可以根据翻译的需要进行互相转换;譬如,主语转为宾语,宾语转为主语,主语转为谓语,主语转为定语,状语转为主语等等。下面是一些典型的英译汉句子成分转换模式。 1) As the match burns, heat and light are given off. 火柴燃烧时发出光和热。(主语转为宾语) 2) This sort of stone has a relative density of 2.7. 这种石头的相对密度是2.7。(宾语转为主语) 3) Care must be taken at all times to protect the instrument from dust and damp. 应当始终注意保护仪器,不使其沾染灰尘和受潮。(主语转为谓语) 4) Careful comparison of them will show you the difference. 只要仔细把它们比较一下,你就会发现不同之处。(主语转为谓语,宾语转为主语) 5) The baby doubled its weight in a year. 这婴儿的体重一年中长了一倍。(主语转为定语) 6) Thousands of terrified watchers stared with their hearts beating fast. 成千上万的观众目瞪口呆,心嗵嗵直跳。(定语转为谓语) 7) The test is intended to reinforce what you have learnt in the past few weeks. 本测验的目的是强化你们过去几个月内所学的知识。(谓语转为表语) 8) Mathematics is well taught at that school. 那个学校的数学教得好。(状语转为主语) 9) The ocean was filled with turtles and fish, ready for the net. 海洋里鱼鳖成群,张网可得。(宾语转为主语) 练习:and的翻译。And在以下各例中,and都不宜译作“和”、“与”、“并且”。 1. He did the work, and he did it very well. 2. He read for an hour and went to bed. 3. The sun came out and the grass dried. 4. I went to his house, and he came to mine. 5. He is so rich and lives like a beggar. 6. Rust is abrasive and can cause damage to the injection components. 7. Chemical splashes can cause eye irritation and permanent eye damage. 8. These parts are made of woods or plastics and not metals. 9. This means drying the oil before it enters the system and, to be sensible, ensuring that the air above the oil is dry. 10. One step more, and you are a dead man. 2. 太阳一出,草就干枯了。 3. 我上他家去,而他却到我家来。 4. 他那么有钱,却生活得像个乞丐。 5. 锈具有腐蚀性,所以能损坏喷射元件。 6. 溶液被用来代替系统中的大量过滤器,以期获得最佳去污效果。 7. 化学制品的溅沫会使眼睛发炎,甚至会造成永久性伤害。 8. 他分析了磷对温度的依赖关系,结果做出了磷的含量随温度的增高而下降的结论。 9. 这些零件是用木材或塑料制成的,而不是金属制成的。 10. 这就意味着在润滑油进入系统之前就要将其擦拭干,明智地说,也就是要确保润滑油上面的空气干燥。 11. 再挪一步,(那么)就要你的命。 12. 他干了这件工作,并且干得挺好。 13. 他看了一个钟头的书,然后就睡觉了。 第七讲 结构调整 顺理成章 VII. 结构调整 顺理成章 考题实例:Additional social stresses may also occur because of the population explosion or problems arising from mass migration movements-themselves made relatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport. (2000) 由于人口的猛增或大量人口流动(现代交通工具使这种方式相对容易)造成的种种问题也会对社会造成新压力。 (结构转换 词序调整 ) 结构调整是英汉互译中的又一常用翻译技巧。由于英汉不同的造句结构和表达习惯,英语中有些句子的词序、语序在译成汉语时,应加以调整,使其符合汉语的表达习惯。如:iron and steel plant钢铁厂,export and import进出口,track and field田径,popular modern songs现代流行歌曲,look right and left左顾右盼,life and death死活,land and water水陆, fire and water水火,hot and cold冷热,heavy and light轻重,old and new新旧,等等。在必要的情况下有时还要打破原文的句式结构,对译文进行结构调整,才能表达清楚,顺理成章。请看下面一道英译汉的原试题: And someone with a history of doing more rather than less will go into old age more cognitively 1 2 3 sound than someone who has not had an active mind. 4 而进入老年以后,惯于多动脑筋而不是少动脑筋的人,其认知能力 要比从不积极动脑子的2 1 3 4 人 更为健全。 3 句首的And一词承上启下,故译作“而”;doing指的是上文中的to think about things,所以译作“动脑筋”;rather than用以否定其后内容;谓语will go into old age则独立分译出来。原文的1234结构顺序译成汉语之后,变成了2143的顺序。由此可见结构调整在英汉翻译中的重要作用。 II.英译汉结构调整的常用方法技巧 1.顺序法; 即按原文的句子顺序翻译。 1) It was strange that a day of war was a day we stood still. We couldn’t move-that must have been the whole idea-so we had no choice but to watch. 的是战争的那天我们却原地按兵不动。我们不能动弹—这就是这次战争的整个含意—除了监视敌人,我们别无他法。 2) Rocket research has confirmed a strange fact which had already been suspected: there is a “high-temperature belt” in the atmosphere, with it center roughly thirty miles above the ground. 火箭研究证实了早就怀疑的这样一个奇异的事实:大气层中有一个“高温带”,其中心在距地面约30英里高的地方。 3) In order to survive, to feed, clothe and shelter himself and his children, man is engaged in a constant struggle with nature. 为了生存,为了自己和子孙后代的衣食住行,人类和大自然不断进行斗争。 2.逆序法;即颠倒原文的顺序,将句首的内容放到句尾,句尾的内容放到句首。 1)He was dumb-founded at her insistence that he explain where every cent of his allowance had gone.她非要他讲清楚他津贴中的每一分钱都到哪儿去了,他哑口无言。 2)And I take heart from the fact that the enemy, which boasts that it can occupy the strategic point in a couple of hours, has not yet been able to take even the outlying regions, because of the stiff resistance that gets in the way. 敌人吹嘘说能在几小时内就占领该战略要地,可是由于一路受到顽强抵抗,结果甚至连外围地带也没能占领。这一事实使我增强了信心。 3) That our environment has little,if anything,to do with our abilities,characteristics and behavior is central to this theory. 这种理论的核心是,我们的环境同我们的才能、性格特征和行为即使有什么关系的话,也是微不足道的。 3. 时序法;按事件发生时间的先后顺序翻译。 1) We had been dismayed at home while reading of the natural calamities that followed one another for three years after we left China in 1959. 我们于1959年离开了中国。此后,中国连续三年遭到自然灾害。当我们在国内读到这方面的消息时,心情颇为低沉。 2) It was a keen disappointment that I had to postpone the visit I had intended to pay to China in January. 我原打算在今年一月访问中国,后来我又不得不予以推迟,这使我深感失望。 3) Dr. Smith resumed the activities of anti-cancer experiment begun in 1945 and financed by the Federal government as soon as he snapped from his original disappointment at repeated failures, which had resulted in its forced suspension. 史密斯医生于1945年开始着手由联邦政府资助的抗癌实验。他由于屡遭失败而感到沮丧,被迫终止了实验工作。现在他一重新振作起来,便立即恢复了抗癌实验活动。 4. 拆分法;将句中的插入成分提取出来单独翻译,另起一句放在句末。 1) They, not unexpectedly, did not respond. 他们没有答复,这完全是意料之中的事。 2) Illogically, she had expected some kind of miracle solution. 她满以为会有某种奇迹般的解决办法,这显然不合情理。 3) Behaviorists,in contrast,say that differences in scores are due to the fact that blacks are often deprived of many of the educational and other vantages that whites enjoy. 相反,行为主义者认为,成绩的差异是由于黑人往往被剥夺了白人在教育及其他环境方面所享有的许多有利条件。 第八讲 语态转换 约定俗成 VIII. 语态转换 约定俗成 考题实例:The behavioral sciences have been slow to change partly because the explanatory items often seem to be directly observed and partly because other kinds of explanations have been hard to find. (2002) 行为科学之所以发展缓慢,部分原因是用来解释行为的依据似乎往往是直接观察到的,部分原因是其他的解释方式一直难以找到。 不定式 状语从句 被动语态 考题实例:The role of natural selection in evolution was formulated only a little more than a hundred years ago, and the selective role of the environment in shaping and maintaining the behavior of the individual is only beginning to be recognized and studied. (2002) 自然选择在进化中的作用仅在一百多年前才得以阐明,而环境在塑造和保持个体行为时的选择作用则刚刚开始被认识和研究。 被动语态 词组短语 考题实例:During this transfer, traditional historical methods were augmented by additional methodologies designed to interpret the new forms of evidence in the historical study. (1999) 在这种转变中,历史学家研究历史时,那些解释新史料的新方法充实了传统的历史研究方法。 英语中的被动语态使用极为广泛,尤其以科技英语最为常见。考试中的阅读内容中有相当量的科技题材,所以翻译题目也往往少不了被动语态的处理。请看下面这道考试中的翻译题。 We were most impressed by the fact that even those patients were not told of their serious illness were quite aware of its potential outcome. 此题中出现了两处被动语态,前者were most impressed by(被…留下深刻印象)必须进行语态的转换,否则不便于汉语表述;后者were not told也应译成主动形式,而不要译成“没有被告知”;同位语从句前的the fact根据习惯可省略;its指代的是前面的illness,翻译时应明确译出所指代的名词,以免使表达含糊不清。 参考译文:我们感到印象最为深刻的是,那些患者即使没人告知其病情的严重性,他们对自己病情的潜在后果也一清二楚。 或:那些患者即使没人告知其病情的严重性,他们也知道自己的病情可能产生的后果。我们对此印象颇深。 II. 翻译被动语态的常用方法技巧 被动语态 增词法汉语中的被动结构不那么常用,因为从习惯上讲,汉语中的“被”、“遭”、“受”、“挨”等字眼总是给人以不那么舒服的感觉,因此在英汉翻译时,我们应尽量将被动语态化为主动结构。请看下面这一典型译例: 原文:As oil is found deep in the ground its presence cannot be determined by a study of the surface. Consequently, a geological survey of the underground rock structure must be carried out. If it is thought that the rocks in a certain area contain oil, a “drilling rig” is assembled. The most obvious part of a drilling rig is called “a derrick”. It is used to lift sections of pipe, which are lowered into the hole made by the drill. As the hole is being drilled, a steel pipe is pushed down to prevent the sides from falling in. If oil is struck a cover is firmly fixed to the top of the pipe and the oil is allowed to escape through a series of valves. 译文:由于石油深埋地下,靠研究地面,不能确定有没有石油。因此对地下岩层结构必须进行地质探测。如果认为某地区的岩层含石油,则在该处安装“钻机”。钻机中最显眼的部件叫做“井架”。井架用来吊升分节油管,把油管放入由钻头打出的孔中。当孔钻成后,放入钢管以防孔壁坍塌。如钻探到石油,则在油管顶部紧固地加盖,让石油通过一系列阀门流出。 短短百余字的一段,竟出现了十几处被动语态!而翻译成汉语后,十几处被动语态全都转换成了主动结构。因此,被动语态的英汉翻译,应本着约定俗成的原则,按汉语的习惯表达法尽量将被动语态化为主动结构。以下是几种常用的英语被动语态的处理方法。 1.将英语被动直接转为汉语的主动 1)Every moment of every day, energy is being transformed from one form into another. 每时每刻,能量都在由一种形式变为另一种形式。(保持原主语不变) 2)The picture was painted by Professor Smith. 这幅画是史密斯教授画的。(转换为系表结构) 3)A new way of displaying time has been given by electronics. 电子技术提供了一种新的显示时间的方法。(宾语转换成主语) 4) Communications satellites are used for international living transmission throughout the world. 全世界都将通信卫星用于国际间的实况转播。(状语充当主语) 5) Salt is known to have a very strong corroding effect on metals. 大家知道,盐对金属有很强的腐蚀作用。(增添主语) 6) If you had spoken clearly,you would have been understood. 假如你早说清了,别人就会理解你了。(增添主语) 2.将英语被动转为汉语的无主句 1) The unpleasant noise must be immediately put an end to. 必须立即终止这种的噪音。 2) Attention has been paid to the new measures to prevent corrosion. 已经注意到采取防腐新措施。 3) Best surface finish is provided by machining methods, especially by grinding. 用机械加工方法,特别是磨削方法,可以获得最佳表面光洁度。 4) When traveling, you are advised to take travelers‘ checks,which provide a secure alternative to carrying your money in cash. 旅游时,建议你用旅行支票,这比带现金安全。 3. 英语被动语态保持不变 英语被动语态的翻译,在必要的时候(尤其是用以表达令人不快的事件)也可以译作汉语的被动结构,分别译作“被”、“给”、“遭”、“受”、“让”、“为……所”等字眼。 1) Any minute we would surely be spotted by enemy planes flying in and out of the airfield. 我们随时都会被出入机场的敌机发现。 2) At the end of the month he was fired for incompetence. 月底,他因自己无能而给解雇了。 3) He was set upon by two masked men. 他遭到两个蒙面男子的袭击。 4) Our foreign policy is supported by the people all over the world. 我们的对外政策受到全世界人民的。 5) He was pitied rather than disliked, 他让人可怜,而不是令人。 6) As soon as all the facts have been found out, we can begin to formulate a theory. 一旦所有的事实为人们所发现,理论即可形成。 4.英语被动语态用意译法表达 英语被动语态的谓语都是及物动词,有时候汉语中没有类似的表达法。在这种情况下,就只能根据原文的意思进行意译。 1) The village is populated by about 13,000 farmers. 这个村子里住着大约13,000农民。 2) Most trees are denuded of leaves in winter. 大多数树木冬天要落叶。 3) The news was passed on by word of mouth. 众口相传,消息不胫而走。 4) She and her husband have been asked out for the banquet. 她和丈夫应邀赴宴去了。 5) He has been wedded to translation. 他与翻译结下之缘。 6) Nowadays people usually prefer driving to being driven. 现在人们喜欢自己开车,而不喜欢坐别人开的车。 第九讲 正反交替 相得益彰 IX. 正反交替 相得益彰 考题实例:Until these issues are resolved, a technology of behavior will continue to be rejected, and with it possibly the only way to solve our problems.(2002) 字面翻译:直到这些问题被解决,研究行为的技术手段就会继续被排斥,解决问题的唯一方式可能也随之继续受到排斥。 (如果)这些问题得不到解决,研究行为的技术手段就会继续受到排斥,解决问题的唯一方式可能也随之继续受到排斥。 (正说反译) 考题实例:There is no agreement whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to historical work in general or to the research techniques appropriate on the various branches of historical inquiry. (1999) 历史研究方法论是指一般历史研究中的特有概念,还是指历史研究中的众多具体领域适合研究方法,人们对此看法各异。 (反说正译 同位语从句 逆序法) 英语中的否定按语言学家们的划分大致上有4类:完全否定(带no的词语,如nothing, none等)、半否定(hardly, scarcely等)、部分否定(not all, not every等)及带否定意义的词语(fail, without等),翻译时一般情况下可以对号入座。不过也并非见到yes便是“是”,no便是“不”,有很多情况需要根据具体问题酌情处理,譬如这样一例: A: “I don‘t think he saw us.” B: “Yes, he did.” 这里的don’t think和Yes都不能按常规对号入座译作“不想”和“是的”,而应译作“认为(他没有)”和“不”。 由此可见,在必要的时候,需要恰当地运用正反交替,只有这样,才能准确地传达出原文的意思。 1. 英译汉的正反交替的一般处理方法 1. 英语为肯定式,汉语译作否定式 有时候,照字面译出来会造成文句不通顺,因此需要正说反译。譬如Please keep the fire burning.我们一般不说“请保持火燃烧”,而是译作“别让火灭了。”这种方法可广泛用于各种词类、短语、甚至句子的翻译上, 如: 1) It was beyond his power to sign such a contract. (prep.) 他无权签订这种合同。(介词beyond由“超过”之意转译为“无”) 2) Time is what we want most, but what, alas, many use worst. (adv.) 时间是我们最缺少的,但可叹之至,偏偏许多人最不善于利用。(副词worst由“最糟”之意转译为“最不善于”) 3) I have read your article. I expect to meet an older man. (adj.) 拜读了你的大作,没想到你这样年轻。(形容词older由“较年长”之意转译为“没想到”) 4) The guerrillas would rather fight to death before they surrendered. (conj.) 游击队员们宁愿战斗到死而决不投降。(连词before由“之前”转译为“决不”) 5) I dropped medicine and took up physics. 我不再学医,改学物理了。 (动词dropped由“掉下”之意转译为“不再学”) 6) The mother said she would let off her son washing the dishes if he could finish his assignment before supper. 母亲说,如果她儿子晚饭前能做完作业,就不让他刷碗了。(动词短语let off由“放开”之意转译为“不让”) 7)He dived into the water fully clothed and rescued the boy. 他没脱衣服就跳进水里救出了孩子。(状语fully clothed由“全身衣着”之意转译为“没脱衣服”) 2. 英语为否定式,汉语译作肯定式 其交替转换的情况和前者类似,有时需要反说正译,主要也是从便于表达考虑。 1) Don‘t lose time in posting this letter. 赶快把这封信寄出去。(不要丧失→赶快) 2) Some people can eat what they like and get no fatter. 有些人爱吃什么就吃什么,照样瘦。(不长胖→照样瘦) 3) He manifested a strong dislike for his father’s business. (noun) 他对他父亲的行业表示强烈的厌恶情绪。(不喜欢→厌恶) 4) Such flight couldn‘t long escape notice. 这类飞行迟早会被人发觉的。(不能长期→赶快) 5) The post office is at the next corner,you can’t miss it. 邮局就在下个路口,你会找到的。(不会错过→会找到) 3.同一词语,既可译作肯定式,又可译作否定式 这类情况需根据上下文,视情况的需要,取其相应的含义。 1) I’m new to the work. 这工作我是生手。(这工作我不熟悉。) 2) He is free with his money. 他花钱大手大脚。(他花钱从不吝啬。) 3) He realized that he was in trouble. 他意识到遇到麻烦了。(他感到自己的处境不妙。) 4) The station is no distance at all. 车站近在咫尺。(车站一点儿也不远。) 5) It‘s no less than a fraud. 这简直是一场骗局。(这无异于一场骗局。) 6) The works of art were left intact, the money gone. 艺术品还在,钱却不翼而飞。(艺术品原封未动,钱却不翼而飞。) 7) The criminal is still at large. (phrase) 罪犯还未捉拿归案。(罪犯还逍遥法外) 4.英语中的双重否定结构 双重否定一般来说可译作肯定,其道理如两个负数相加为正数一样。不过,它是一种特殊的强调句式。以have to(不得不)为例,两个“不”字去掉之后意思不变,但语气强度就差多了。下面是一些较为典型的双重否定译例。 1) There is no rule that has no exception. 所有的规则都有例外。(没有不例外的规则。) 2) There is not any advantage without disadvantage. 有一利必有一弊。 3) It never rains but it pours. 不雨则已,雨必倾盆。 4) It is impossible but that a man will make some mistakes. 人不会不犯错误。(人总会犯错误。) 5.否定的转移 英语动词think,believe,suppose,not…because等否定结构,在译成汉语时,须将否定的部位由句子的前面转移到后面,这就叫做“否定的转移”。如: 1) I don’t think we need waste much time on this. 我想我们不必在这个问题上浪费许多时间。 2) She didn‘t believe that such things mattered much. 她认为这种事情无关紧要。 3) The engine didn’t stop because the fuel was finished. 引擎并不是因为燃料耗尽而停止运转。 4) Don‘t scamp your work because you are pressed for time. 不要因为时间紧而敷衍塞责。 6翻译中的否定的陷阱 英语否定结构中有一些句式结构往往容易出错,须倍加小心。 all…not(并非……都) 1) All that glitters is not gold. 发光的不一定都是金子。 2) All cities did not look like as they do today. 在过去,城市并不都像今天这样个个千篇一律。 both…not(并非两者……都) 1) But you see, we both cannot go. 但是我告诉你,我们俩不能同时都走。 2) Both the instruments are not precision ones. 这两件东西不都是精密仪器。 cannot…too(怎么……也不足以) 1) The importance of this conference cannot be overestimated. 这次会议的重要性无论怎么强调也不。 2) I shall never be able to stress too much for your kindness. 不管我怎么感谢你,都不足以报恩于万一。 3) You cannot be too careful in proofreading. 校对时,越仔细越好。 for all…(尽管……;不;说不定) 1) He seemed as fresh as ever, for all that I never saw him drink or eat. 尽管我从未见到他喝点什么或吃点什么,他似乎仍然精神饱满。 2) You may leave at once for all I care. 你尽可立即离开,我才不管呢。 3) For all we knew, the files we were supposed to photograph were already on their way. 说不定那些该由我们去拍摄的文件已在途中。 It be + adj. + noun + that…(再……也会……) 1) It is a good workman that never blunders. 智者千虑,必有一失。(再聪明的工匠也难免出错。) 2) It is a long lane that has no end. 路必有弯。(再长的胡同也有尽头。) 3) It is an ill wind that blows nobody good. 坏事未必对人人都有害处。(再坏的事也不是对人人都有害处。) 第十讲 定语从句 和分替换 X. 定语从句 合分替换 考题实例:They are the possessions of the autonomous (self-governing) man of traditional theory, and they are essential to practices in which a person is held responsible for his conduct and given credit for his achievements. (2002) 自由和尊严(它们)是传统理论定义的自主人所拥有的,是要求一个人对自己的行为负责并因其业绩而给予肯定的必不可少的前提。 (定语从句 词组短语 被动语态 代词) 考题实例:But that Pearson points out, is only the start of man-machine integration: “It will be the beginning of the long process of integration that will ultimately lead to a fully electronic human before the end of the next century.”(2001) 74.但皮尔森指出,这个突破仅仅是人机一体化的开始:“它是人机一体化漫长之路的第一步,最终会使人们在下世纪末之前就研制出完全电子化的仿真人。” (代词that定语从句 短语) 考题实例:It applies equally to traditional historians who view history as only the external and internal criticism of sources and to social science historians who equate their activity with specific techniques. (1999) 这种谬误在历史传统派和历史社科派中都存在。前者认为,历史就是史学界内部和外部人士对各史料来源的评论;而后者则认为,历史的研究就是具体方法的研究。 考题实例:But even more important, it was the farthest that scientists had been able to look into the past, for what they were seeing were the patterns and structures that existed 15 billion years ago. (1998) 但更为重要的是,这是科学家们所能观测到的最遥远的过去的景象,因为他们看到的是150亿年前宇宙云的形状和结构。 (定语从句what从句) 英语定语从句是各类从句中比最为常见的一种。英语的定语从句向所修饰词的后面扩展;而汉语作为修饰成分的定语习惯上却放在被修饰词的前面。英汉定语的位置上的差异常常会给翻译造成困难,因此定语从句往往也是翻译考试中的一个重点。下面是英译汉曾经出过的涉及定语从句的几道题: 1. Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the features that make one face different from another. 参考译文:即使是高明的作家,也可能无法描写出把一个面孔与另一个面孔区别开来的全部特征。 (用“……的”结构译出) 2. For the population as a whole we must be more concerned with the delayed effects of absorbing small amounts of the pesticides that invisibly pollute our world. 参考译文:从人口的总体角度考虑,我们必须更多地关注摄入少量的、并在无形中污染世界的杀虫剂所造成的延缓。(用“……的”结构译出) 3. Long after the 1998 World Cup was won, disappointed fans were still cursing the disputed refereeing (裁判) decisions that denied victory to their team. 参考译文:1998年世界杯被捧走以后很久,失望的球迷们还在咒骂那些有争议的裁定,这些裁定剥夺了他们所的球队获胜的机会。(另起一句翻译) 从以上三道考题可以看出,定语从句出现在不同的位置,我们所翻译处理的方法手段也不尽相同。 II. 翻译定语从句的常用方法技巧 1.合并法译例 即在句式较短的情况下,将定语从句用“……的”结构译出。如: 1) Pollution is a pressing problem which we must deal with. 污染是我们必须解决的一个迫切问题。 2) In the room where the electronic computer is kept, there must be no dust at all. 在存放电子计算机的房间里,不能有一点灰尘。 2.分译法译例 分译法即化整为零,分别翻译;对于长而复杂的定语从句,我们可以采取此法;如: 1) They are striving for the ideal which is close to the heart of every Chinese and for which, in the past, many Chinese have laid down their lives. 他们正在为实现一个理想而努力,这个理想是每个中国人所珍爱的,在过去,许多中国人为了这个理想而牺牲了自己的生命。 2) Between these two tiny particles, the proton and the electron, there is a powerful attraction that is always present between negative and positive electric charges. 在质子和电子这两个微粒之间有一个很大的吸引力,而这个吸引力总是存在于正、负电荷之间。 3.替换法译例 混合法即是为了便于译文的表达,采用打破原文的定语结构的方法,用自己的话译出原文的意思;如: 1) There were men in that crowd who had stood there every day for a month. 在那群人中,有些人每天站在那里,站了一个月。 2) Good clocks have pendulums which are automatically compensated for temperature changes. 好的钟摆可以自动补偿温度变化造成的误差。 4. 兼有状语功能的定语从句的译例 1) We know that a cat, whose eyes can take in many more rays than our eyes, can see clearly in the night. 我们知道,由于猫的眼睛比我们人的眼睛能吸收更多的光线,所以猫在黑夜也能看得很清楚。(表示原因) 2) The diode is coated with a thin layer of hard glass which eliminates the need for a hermetically sealed package. 二极管的表面有一层薄薄的硬玻璃,故无需使用密封的管壳。(表示结果) 3) Electronic computers, which have many advantages, cannot carry out creative work and replace man. 尽管电子计算机有许多优点,但是它们不能进行创造性工作,也不能代替人。(表示让步) 4) For any machine whose input and output forces are known, its mechanical advantage can be calculated. 对于任何机器来说,如果知其输入力和输出力,就能求出其机械效益。(表示条件) 5) I‘ll try to get an illustrated dictionary dealing with technical glossary, which will enable me to translate scientific literature more exactly. 我要设法弄一本有插图的技术名词词典,以便把科学文献译得更准确。(表示目的) 第十一讲 其他从句 灵活处理 XI. 其他从句 灵活处理 考题实例:Furthermore, it is obvious that the strength of a country’s economy is directly bound up with the efficiency of its agriculture and industry, and that this in turn rests upon the efforts of scientists and technologists of all kinds. (2000) 再者,显而易见的是一个国家的经济实力与其工农业生产效率密切相关,而效率的提高则又有赖于各种科技人员。 (主语从句,短语词组) 1.主语从句的翻译 1) 由代词what, whatever, whoever等引起的主语从句 1) What he told me was only half-truth. 他告诉我的只是半真半假的东西而已。 2) Whatever he saw and heard on his trip gave him a very deep impression. 他此行所见所闻都给他留下了深刻的印象。 3) Whoever comes to our public reference library will be welcome. 什么人到我们公共参考图书馆来都欢迎。 2) “It” 作为形式主语 1) It doesn‘t make much difference whether he attends the meeting or not. 他参不参加会议都没多大关系。 2) It seemed inconceivable that the pilot could have survived the crash. 驾驶员在飞机坠毁之后,竟然还能活着,这看来是不可想象的事。 3) It is strange that she should have failed to see her own shortcomings. 真,她竟然没有看出自己的缺点。 4) It is rumored that the meeting will be held in June. 据传闻,这次会议将在六月举行。 考题实例:One difficulty is that almost all of what is called behavioral science continues to trace behavior to states of mind, feelings, traits of character, human nature, and so on. (2002) 难题之一在于所谓的行为科学几乎全都依然从心态、情感、性格特征、人性等方面去寻找行为的根源。 (表语从句what从句 被动语态 搭配) 2表语从句的翻译 1) This is where the shoe pinches. 这就是问题的症结所在了。 2) Things are not always as they seem to be. 事物并不总是如其表象。 3) His view of the press was that the reporters were either for him or against him. 他对新闻界的看法是,记者们不是他,就是反对他。 考题实例:If the small hot spots look as expected, that will be a triumph for yet another scientific idea, a refinement of the Big Bang called the inflationary universe theory. (1998) 假如那些小热点看上去同预计的一致,那就意味着又一科学论说的胜利,这种论说即更完美的大爆炸论,亦称宇宙紧缩说。 (同位语) 3英语同位语从句的翻译 1) 保持原本的语序;如: (1) He expressed the hope that he would come over to visit China again. 他表示希望能再来中国访问。 (2) We are not investigating the question whether he is trustworthy. 我们不是在调查他是否可以信任的问题。 2) 译为类似定语的结构或独成一句;如: (1) They were very suspicious of the assumption that he would rather kill himself than surrender. 对于他宁愿自杀也不投降这种假设,他们是很怀疑的。 (2) It does not alter the fact that he is the man responsible for the delay. 迟延应由他负责,这个事实是改变不了的。 3) 加入冒号、破折号和“这样”、“这一”、“即”等字眼;如: (1) But considering realistically, we had to face the fact that our prospects were less than good. 但是现实地考虑一下,我们不得不正视这样一个事实:我们的前景并不妙。 (2) And there was the possibility that a small electrical spark might accidentally bypass the most carefully planned circuit. 而且总有这种可能性 ── 一个小小的电火花,可能会意外地绕过了最为精心设计的线路。 4) 改变原文的同位语结构,用汉语的无主句或其他方式译出;如: (1) An order has been given that the researchers who are now in the skylab should be sent back. 已下命令将现在在航天实验室里的研究人员送回来。 (2) Even the most precisely conducted experiments offer no hope that the result can be obtained without any error. 即使是最精确的实验,也没有希望获得无任何误差的实验结果。 考题实例:And home appliances will also become so smart that controlling and operating them will result in the breakout of a new psychological disorder-kitchen rage.(2001) 家用电器将会变得如此智能化,以至于控制和*作它们会引发一种新的心理疾病—厨房狂躁。 (状语从句 定语 词语搭配) 4英语状从句的翻译 1. 时间状语从句 1)按通常的主从关系译作汉语的时间状语从句 (1) While she spoke, the tears were running down. 她说话时,泪水直流。 (2) Please turn off the light when you leave the room. 离屋时请关电灯。 (3) He had scarcely handed me the letter when he asked me to read it. 他把信一交给我,就叫我念给他听。 2) 译作汉语的并列句或平行结构 (1) She sang as she prepared the experiment. 她一边唱着歌,一边准备实验。 (2) They set him free when his ransom had not yet been paid. 他还没有交赎金,他们就把他释放了。 (3) I was about to speak, when Mr. Smith cut in. 我正想讲,史密斯先生就插嘴了。 3) 译作汉语的条件句 (1) Turn off the switch when anything goes wrong with the machine. 如果机器发生故障,就把电门关上。 (2) A body at rest will not move till a force is exerted on it. 若无外力的作用,静止的物体则不会移动。 2.地点状语从句 除了按通常的情况译作汉语的地点状语从句之外,地点状语从句有时可译作汉语的条件句; (1) Make a mark where you have any doubts or questions. 在有疑问的地方做个记号。 (2) The materials are excellent for use where the value of the workpieces is not high. 如果零件价值不高,使用这些材料是最好不过的了。 (3) Where water resources are plentiful, hydroelectric power stations are being built in large numbers. 只要哪里水源充足,就在哪里修建大批的水电站。 3. 原因状语从句 1)按通常的情况译作汉语的时间状语从句 (1) The crops failed because the season was dry. 因为气候干燥,作物歉收。 (2) As the moon’s gravity is only about 1/6 the gravity of the earth, a 200-pound man weights only 33 pounds on the moon. 由于月球的引力只有地球引力的六分之一,所以一个体重200磅的人在月球上仅重33磅。 2) 可视情况译作汉语主句 (1) Because he was convinced of the accuracy of this fact, he stuck to his opinion. 他深信这件事正确可靠,因此坚持己见。 (2) Pure iron is not used in industry because is too soft. 纯铁太软,所以不用在工业上。 (3) Since information is continuously sent into the system as it becomes available, Teletext is always kept up-to-date. 新获得的资料不断地输入,所以电传文本总能保持最新信息。 4. 条件状语从句 1) 译作汉语的假设句 (1) If something has the ability to adjust itself to the environment, we say it has intelligence. 如果某物具有适应环境的能力,我们就说它具有智力。 (2) Granted that this is true, what conclusion can you draw? 假设这是实际情况,你又能得出什么结论呢? (3) Should there be urgent situation, press the red button to switch off the electricity. 万一有紧急情况,请按红色按钮以切断电源。 2) 作汉语的补语从句 (1) You can drive tonight if you are ready. 你今晚就可以出车,如果你愿意的话。 (2) Any body above the earth will fall unless it is supported by an upward force equal to its weight. 地球上的任何物体都会落下来,除非它受到一个大小与其重量相等的力。 5.让步状语从句 1) 译作汉语的一般让步状语从句 (1) While this is true of some, it is not true of all. 虽然有一部分是真的,但不见得全部都如此。 (2) I still think that you made a mistake while I admit what you say. 就算我承认你所说的没错,但我还是认为你犯了个错误。 2) 译作汉语的“不管”、“无论”之类的无条件句 (1) He got the same result whichever way he did the experiment. 不论用什么方法做实验,他所得到的结果都相同。 (2) All living things, whether they are animals or plants, are made up of cells. 一切生物,不管是动物还是植物,都是由细胞组成的。 (3) They were determined to carry out their plan no matter what obstacles they would have to face. 他们决心坚决执行计划,不论他们将面临什么样的障碍。 6. 目的状语从句 可根据不同的情况和语气或放在句首,或放在句末: (1) We should start early so that we might get there before noon. 为了正午以前赶到那里,我们应当早点动身。(我们应当早点动身,以便能在正午之前赶到那里。) (2) Steel parts are usually covered with grease for fear that they should rust. 钢制零件通常涂上润滑脂,以防生锈。 (为了防锈,钢制零件通常需涂上润滑脂。) (3) A rocket must attain a speed of about five miles per second so that it may put a satellite in orbit. 火箭必须获得每秒大约五英里的速度,以便把卫星送入轨道。(为了能把卫星送入轨道,火箭必须获得每秒大约五英里的速度。) 第十二讲 长句翻译 分切拆组 XII. 长句翻译 分切拆组 考题实例:Owing to the remarkable development in mass-communications, people everywhere are feeling new wants and are being exposed to new customs and ideas, while governments are often forced to introduce still further innovations for the reasons given above. (2000) 大众通讯的显著发展使各地的人们不断感到有新的需求,不断接触到新的习俗和思想,由于上述原因,政府常常得推出更多的革新。 长句 拆分 被动 考题实例:In the early industrialized countries of Europe the process of industrialization-with all the far-reaching changes in social patterns that followed- was spread over nearly a century, whereas nowadays a developing nation may undergo the same process in a decade or so. (2000) 在先期实现工业化的欧洲国家中,其工业化进程及随之而来的各种深刻的社会结构变革,持续了大约一个世纪之久,而如今一个发展中国家在十年左右就可能完成这个过程。 考试由于时间的限制,一般不允许有太长的句子翻译。不过,相对而言有些考题要长一些,文句结构复一些,因此翻译的杂难度也较大。请看下面一道英译汉原题。 Long after the 1998 World Cup was won, disappointed fans were still cursing the disputed refereeing (裁判) decisions that denied victory to their team. 此题涉及被动语态、过去进行时态、定语从句以及名词的数等翻译技巧。 经过增词、转换、结构调整和句子切分,我们便可将以上3部分串在一起,得出以下译文。 参考译文:1998年世界杯被捧走以后很久,失望的球迷们还在咒骂那些有争议的裁定,这些裁定剥夺了他们所的球队获胜的机会。 或:1998年世界杯结束很久之后,失望的球迷们仍在咒骂那些有争议的球场裁决,这些裁决使他们心目中的强队(或:他们为之呐喊助威的球队)丧失了获胜的机会。(或:与世界杯失之交臂。) II. 英译汉长句翻译的基本方法技巧 英译汉长句翻译的关键在于两点:一是对原文的准确理解,二是恰如其分的表达。理解阶段可分为3个步骤:1.扼要拟出全句的主要轮廓;2.辨清该句的主从结构,并根据上下文领会全句的要旨;3.找出句与句之间的从属关系,理清每句原文的意思。表达可分为2个步骤进行:1.试将每个划开的单句逐一翻译;2.将译出的句子进行调整、组合,对译文作加工润色。 最常见的长句处理方法是化整为零,分散解决。此外,还有拆译法、插入标点法、重组法等。对于译者来说,最重要的问题是怎样把握好译文的要点,安排好译文的框架结构,形成准确、通顺的译文。除了准确理解原文之外,译文的成功与否很大程度上取决于译者的母语的驾驭能力以及对翻译技巧的灵活运用。 1. 切分法 切分法为翻译英语长句的最常见的方法,将英语长句按意群切分为若干小句再逐句翻译。 1) Human beings have distinguished themselves from other animals, and in doing so ensured their survival, by the ability to observe and understand their environment and then either to adapt to that environment or to control and adapt it to their own needs. 人类把自己和其他动物区别开来。与此同时,人类还具有观察和了解周围环境的能力。他们要么适应环境,要么控制环境,或根据自身的需要改造环境。人类就这样一代代地生存下来。 2) Plastics is made from water which is a natural resource inexhaustible and available everywhere, coal which can be mined through automatic and mechanical processes at less cost and lime which can be obtained from the calcination of limestone widely present in nature. 塑料是由水、煤和石灰制成的。水是取之不尽的到处可以获得的天然资源;煤是用自动化和机械化的方法开采的,成本较低;石灰是由煅烧自然界中广泛存在的石灰石得来的。 3) Steel is usually made where the iron ore is smelted, so that the modern steelworks forms a complete unity, taking in raw materials and producing all types of cast iron and steel, both for sending to other works for further treatment, and as finished products such as joists and other consumers. 通常炼铁的地方也炼钢。因此,现代炼钢厂是一个配套的整体,运进原料,生产各种类型的铸铁与钢材;有的送往其他工厂进一步加工处理,有的就地制成成品,如工字钢及其他一些成材。 2. 拆译法 这种方法是指将原文中的某一部分(如单词、短语或从句)提取出来单独处理,或放在译文句首,或放在译文句末,它既不同于倒置法,又有别于切分法,可用于保持原文的语气。 1) The number of the young people in the United States who cannot read is incredible-about one in four. 大约有四分之一的美国青年人没有阅读能力,这简直令人难以置信!(将单词拆分出来翻译) 2) The foreign visitors watched in a fascinated manner the tournament held in Beijing, which exhibited a superb performance in smash service, twist service, steady service, high drop and killing and ended in a draw. 外宾观看了在北京举行的这场锦标赛。这场比赛在发扣球、旋转球、保险球、吊球和扣杀方面技术都十分精湛,最后打成平局。他们看得简直入迷了。(将单短语分出来翻译) 3) The very important oil industry, which has done much to rejuvenate the economy of the South since the end of World War II, made considerable headway especially in the five states of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Texas. 第二次世界大战以后石油工业对振兴南部经济起了很大的作用。这个十分重要的工业部门特别是在以下五个州中取得了很大的进展:阿肯色、路易斯安那、密西西比、俄克拉荷马和得克萨斯。(将从句拆分出来翻译) 3. 插入标点法 这种方法是指插入原文中所没有的标点符号,如破折号、括号、冒号等。用这种方法可保持原文的连贯性。 1) The snow falls on every wood and field, and no crevice is forgotten; by the river and pond, on the hill and in the valley. 雪,在四处飘落着。雪花撒在树上,撒在田野里,撒在河边、湖畔、山上、谷底 ── 没有一条岩缝墙隙里不飘满雪花。(插入破折号) 2) The second aspect is the application by all members of society from the government official to the ordinary citizen, of the special methods of thought and action that scientists use in their work. 第二个方面是全体社会成员(从政府官员到普通公民)都使用科学家们在他们工作中所采用的那种特殊的思考方法和行为方法。(插入括号) 3) If you go to visit Nobel‘s old residence, the house in which the great chemist remained a bachelor throughout his life, you will catch sight of a shelf laden with experimental records. 如果你参观诺贝尔的故居 ── 在那座房子里,这位伟大的化学家过了一辈子的独身生活 ── 你将会看到一个堆满实验记录的书架。(插入双破折号) 4) As far as sight could reach, I feasted my eyes on a vastness of infinite charm, which presents itself in a profusion of color, in verdant luxuriance, in dulcet warbling, in pervading perfume, in rippling undulation, in cataract sprays, in hilly waves, in field crisscross and verily in vitality and variety. 纵目眺望,我饱览了一片无限娇艳的风光:万紫千红,郁郁葱葱。鸟语悦耳,花香袭人,涟漪荡漾,瀑布飞流,层峦起伏,阡陌纵横,真是生机勃勃,气象万千。(插入冒号) 4. 句子重组法 重组法也叫做综合法,在准确地领会、把握了原文的基础上,打破原文的结构,用译者自己的话恰如其分地表达出原文的信息、含义和精神风貌。这是长句翻译中最难掌握的翻译方法,是对译者的外语和母语驾驭能力的一种严峻的挑战。 1) In practice, the selected interval thickness is usually a compromise between the need for a thin interval to maximize the resolution and a thick interval to minimize the error. 为保证最大分辨率必须选用薄层,为使误差最小却须选用厚层,实际上通常选择介于两者之间的最佳厚度。 2) Dr. Smith resumed the activities of anti-cancer experiment begun in 1945 and financed by the Federal government as soon as he snapped from his original disappointment at repeated failures, which had resulted in its forced suspension. 史密斯医生于1945年开始着手由联邦政府资助的抗癌实验。他由于屡遭失败而感到沮丧,被迫终止了实验工作。现在他又重新振作起来,恢复了抗癌实验活动。 3) But without Adolf Hitler, who was possessed of a demoniac personality, a granite will, uncanny instincts, a cold ruthlessness, a remarkable intellect, a soaring imagination and-until toward the end, when drunk with power and success, he overreached himself-an amazing capacity to size up people and situations, there almost certainly would never have been a Third Reich. 然而,如果没有阿道夫•希特勒,那就几乎可以肯定不会有第三帝国。因为阿道夫•希特勒有着恶魔般的性格、花岗石般的意志、不可思议的本能、无情的冷,杰出的智力、深远的想象力以及对人和时局惊人的判断力。这种判断力最后由于权力和胜利冲昏了头脑而自不量力,终于弄巧成拙。 第三部分:英汉翻译常见问题与错误分析 一、不要忽视简单字眼的翻译 很多考生花不少精力去死记硬背对英语生词难词,而忽略了一些简单的词语的丰富的含义。而英语中最难以掌握的不是复杂的字眼,而是最常用的一些单词。以set为例,《新英汉词典》所收入的词义为:及物动词24义,不及物动词11义,形容词9义, 名词17义,总共61义;而《英汉大词典》所收入的词义为:及物动词45义,不及物动词20义,形容词16义,名词34义,总共115义;如果再加上收入的数十个固定词组短语,其含义之广就更可观了。因此,我们在平常的学习过程中,对英语词汇的理解不要停留在表面的字词对应关系,而是要抓住其实质特征,只有这样,才能从根本上把握词义,在考试的时候译出原文的意思。请看下面几个常用词。 Well在以下各例中,well都不宜译作“好”。 1. The bridge was so well built that it lasted for 100 years. 2. The demand for electricity may get well below the average level. 3. Radar waves go through clouds or fog quite well, whereas light waves do not. 4. This paper is well written except for a little miscalculation. 5. The temperature is well above the set value. 6. The house is well situated. 7. Shake the bottle well before experiment. 8. It may well be true. 9. Plants can’t grow well in the absence of water. 10. Examine the account well before you pay it. 11. 桥建得很牢,至少能用100年。 12. 电的需求量可能远远低于平均水平。 13. 雷达波能非常容易地穿过云和雾,而光波却不行。 14. 这篇论文写得不错,不过有一点儿计算失误。 15. 温度大大高于定值。 16. 房屋的地理位置十分优越。 17. 实验之前将瓶内液体摇晃均匀。 18. 这很可能是真的。 19. 没有水植物就不能茁壮生长。 20. 付款之前须仔细核实账目。 Last: 在以下各例中,last都不宜译作“最后”。 1. He is the last man to accept a bribe. 2. He is the last man for such a job. 3. He is the last man to consult. 4. Bikini was the last thing she‘d like to wear. 5. He should be the last man to blame. 6. This is the last place where I expected to meet you. 7. Money is the last thing he wants, and you won’t succeed by offering it. 8. This would be the last place the colonialists would leave, for in it lay riches and natural resources. 2. 他决不会受贿。 3. 他最不适合这项工作。 4. 他根本不值得。 5. 她最不喜欢穿比基尼泳装。 6. 怎么也不应该责备他。 7. 怎么也没想到我会在这个地方见到你。 8. 他决不想要你的钱,你给他钱也白搭。 9. 这是殖民主义者最不愿意离开的地方,因为这里的自然资源极为丰富。 challenge在以下各例中,challenge都不宜译作“挑战”。 1. I challenge my own conclusion. 2. I challenge you to answer the question. 3. China challenges the world in discipline. . 4. Recent discoveries have challenged the old notions. 5. His question challenges us to think. 6. Survival in enemy-occupied territory challenged skill. 7. 我要重新考虑我的结论。 8. 我谅你答不出这个问题。 9. 中国的纪律居世界第一。 10. 最近的一些发现使一些老观念成了问题。 11. 他的问题促使我们思考。 12. 在敌占区生存需要有高超的技术。 Delicate delicate skin娇嫩的皮肤 delicate porcelain精致的瓷器 delicate upbringing娇生惯养 delicate living奢侈的生活 delicate health虚弱的身体 delicate stomach容易吃坏的胃 delicate vase容易碰碎的花瓶 delicate diplomatic question微妙的外交问题 delicate difference讲不大清楚的差别 delicate surgical operation难做的外科手术 delicate ear for music对音乐有鉴赏力 delicate sense of smell灵敏的嗅觉 delicate touch生花妙笔 delicate food美味的食物 二、切忌望文生义 It was as though someone had taken a huge brush and painted a bull’s-eye around every place Americans gather, every icon we revere, every service we depend on, and vowed to take them out or shut them down, or force us to do it ourselves. 好像是有人用一把巨大的刷子将靶心刷上美国人聚集的任何地点—我们所敬仰的每一个图标,我们所依靠的每一个机构,并发誓要去掉它们,关闭它们,或是迫使我们自己这样干。 科技英语词语:与科技文体格格不入时,尤其要当心。 ball bearing, test bed, carrier rocket, pneumatic cushion, tractor shoe, monkey driver, ball cock, automatic pecker, worm auger, decay daughter, sister metal, foreign tissue, getter pump, ghost image, heel block, heartman, downer, at farm, mosquito bomb, plastic stockings, nose cap, flu mask, first aid, fire engine, skid chain, sweet water, drug-fast, vital capacity I-bar, O-ring, T-square, octahedron, zigzag chain, gable roof, cross stitch, set square, arch dam, cam shaft, cone buoy, U-bolt, 滚珠轴承,实验台,运载火箭,气压式缓冲器,拖拉机履带片,锤式打桩机,球阀,自动穿孔器,螺旋钻,裂变产物,同类金属,异体组织,抽气泵,叠影,垫块(板),心脏移植者, 镇静剂,减肥中心,杀蚊弹,玻璃丝袜,防毒面具,卫生口罩,急救,救火车,防滑链,饮用水, 抗药性, 肺活量 工字梁,环形圈,丁字尺,八面体,Z形链,人字屋顶,十字缝,三角尺,拱坝,凸轮轴,锥形浮标,U形螺栓 三、注意语义分析 1. 根据词性确定词义: 1) He saw a man sawing trees with a saw.他看见一个人正用锯子锯树 2) Needing some light to see by, the burglar crossed the room with a light step to light the light with the light green shade. 3) Eat what you can and can what you cannot.能吃的吃掉,吃不掉的就做成罐头。 2. 词的褒贬色彩 ambition(抱负,野心),ambitious(雄心勃勃的,野心勃勃的),envy(羡慕,妒忌),envious(羡慕的,妒忌的),luxury(舒适环境,奢侈豪华),luxurious(十分舒适的,奢侈豪华的),pride(自豪,骄傲),proud(自豪的,骄傲的),encourage(鼓励,怂恿),protect(保护,庇护),rebellion(反抗,叛乱),uprising(起义,暴乱),等。 Mr. Brown is a very white man. He was looking rather green the other day. He has been feeling blue lately. When I saw him he was in a brown study. I hope he‘ll soon be in the pink again. 布朗先生是个非常忠实可靠的人。那天,他脸上颇有病容,近来他闷闷不乐。我见到他时他在沉思之中。希望他早日恢复健康。 4. 语境与逻辑:改错 1. In 1872, he published the results in a paper titled The Calvanie Chain, Mathematically Treated. 在1872年,他用“电流的链、数学化处理”为标题在报纸上出版了这个结果。 2. Great was his joyous pride when he proved to his own satisfaction, by patient experiments of his own, the explanations given in the lectures. 当时他由于自己勤奋的试验和讲课中所得到的解释显得满意时,他是兴高采烈的。 3. Scientific discoveries and inventions do not always influence the language in proportion to their importance. 科学的发现与发明,就其重要性的比例而言,并不一定对语言有什么影响。 4. How wild his white hair looked --- as if it had been electrified. 他满头白发,十分凌乱──简直像刚电烫过一般。 5. The importance of superconductor in the uses of electricity cannot be overestimated. 超导体在电器应用上的重要性不能被估计过高。 6. All your moods are created by your thoughts, or “cognitions”. “You feel the way you do right now because of the thoughts you have at this moment.” 所有的情绪都是由思维产生的,或者说来源于“认识”,“你之所以感到这么做是对的,那是因为你的大脑就是这么想的。” 7. The pilot lamp stopped to represent the termination of the operation. 指示灯停止显示*作终止。 8. If a designer were to design a bracket to support 100 lb. when it should have been figured for 1000 lb., failure would be forthcoming. 如果设计者所设计的托架能支撑100磅,当它被设计为1000磅时,事故一定会出现。 9.They think along parallel lines and have to table the bill. 答案: 3. 1872年,他以“电流的链、数学化处理”为标题的论文里发表了这个结果。 4. 当他通过自己耐心的试验满意地证明了讲课中所作的解释时,他那种欣喜无比的自豪感简直难以形容。 5. 科学的发现与发明,并不总是会对语言产生与其重要性相当的影响。 6. 他满头白发,十分凌乱──简直像通了电一般地向上竖。 7. 对超导体在电器应用上的重要性怎么估计也不会过高。 8. 所有的情绪都是由思维产生的,或者说来源于“认识”,“你现在有这样的感觉是因为你此刻有这样的思想。” 9. 指示灯熄灭,以表示*作终止。 10. 如果一个托架应当被设计为1000磅而设计者却将它设计为100磅,那么肯定会出现事故。 11. 他们的见解(不)一致,因此得将它列入日程(搁置起来)。 四、注意区分比较: 1. She bought a red and a yellow dress. 2. She bought a red and yellow dress. 3. She was with a child. 4. She was with child. 5. This tool is no more useful than that one. 6. This tool is not more useful than that one. 7. He hurled the bone to the dog. 8. He hurled the bone at the dog. 9. Quite properly, he was punished. 10. He was punished quite properly. 11. Although he is busy, Henry is in high spirits. 12. He is busy, but Henry is in high spirits. 13. They say David is mad, and so he is. 14. He says Jane is mad, and so is he. 15. This cup of tea is fairly hot. 16. This cup of tea is rather hot. 17. He is anything but a teacher. 18. He is nothing but a teacher. 19. You may as well say so. 20. You might as well say so. 21. You have offended the girl as deeply as I. 22. You have offended the girl as deeply as me. 23. His success is out of question. 24. His success is out of the question. 25. It has been raining continually for two hours. 26. It has been raining continuously for two hours. 27. I regret to say he was wrong. 28. I regret saying he was wrong. 29. She spoke to the boy as a mother. 30. She spoke to the boy like a mother. 31. He stood there to watch the train come in. 32. He stood there watching the train come in. 33. I, as well as you, shall not do this test. 34. I shall not do this test as well as you. 35. The children who wanted to play soccer ran to an open field. 36. The children, who wanted to play soccer, ran to an open field. 五.注意语句中的“怪异现象” 1.They often talk horse. 他们常常谈论马。 2.That woman walks the streets. 那个妇女常在那些街上走。 3.I’ll report that official. 我要向那位官员报告。 4.The machine is in repair. 那台机器正在修理之中。 5.We‘ll stand up to the project. 我们都赞成这个工程。 6.Don’t make a fuss of them! 别对那些事大惊小怪! 7.She is in the dock. 她在码头上。 8.The boss gave her the sack. 老板给了她一个麻袋。 9.That girl student is in the green. 那个女学生身着绿装。 10.The old lady has gone to her rest. 那个老太太睡觉去了。 11.That young man has lost his heart. 那个青年人失去了信心。 12. The old man often takes his medicine. 那老人常服药。 13. That fellow did hard labor for 3 years. 那个伙计干过三年艰苦的劳动。 14. The woman in labor is his wife. 那个劳动的妇女是他的妻子。 15.I‘m not a little afraid of snakes. 我一点也不怕蛇。 16. We charged him to do it. 我们指控他干了那个事。 17.They surprised him doing it. 他们惊吓得他做那个事。 18. I have seen him through. 我看透了他。 19.He is the Speaker. 他是讲演者。 20. Where is the Book? 那本书在哪? 21.Do you know anything about japan? 你了解日本吗? 22.I bought some salts yesterday. 我昨天买了一些食盐。 23.The man is in the dumps. 那个人在垃圾堆里。 24. Don’t call him names! 别叫他的名字! 25.The little boy is a love child. 那个小男孩是个可爱的孩子。 26. He is a confidence man. 他是个有信心的人。 27.He is a medicine man. 他是一个医务工作者。 28.What he bought is invaluable. 他买的东西毫无价值。 29.This is a disused machine. 这是一台没有用过的机器。 31. He is disinterested in the affairs. 他对此事不感兴趣。 1他们常常吹牛。 2. 那个妇女是妓女。 3. 我要检举那位官员。 4. 那台机器状况良好。 5. 我们将抵制这个计划。 6. 别讨好他们! 7. 她在被告席。 8. 老板解雇了她。 9. 那女学生正值豆蔻年华。 10. 那个老太太安息了。 11. 那个青年人处于热恋之中。 12. 那老人常忍受不愉快的事。 13. 那个家伙服过三年劳役。14. 分娩的妇女是他的妻子15. 我很怕蛇。 16. 我们责令他干那事。 17. 他们撞上他做那个事。 18. 我帮助他过难关。 19. 他是议长。 20. 圣经在哪? 21. 你了解日本漆吗? 22. 我昨天买了一些泻药。 23. 那个人神情沮丧。 24. 别骂他! 25. 那个小男孩是个私生子。 26. 他是个骗子。 27. 他是个巫医。 28. 他买的东西价值连城。 29. 这是一台废弃的机器。 30. 他在此事上公正无私。