Chapter 19
Female Reproductive system
produce ovum
secrete female sex hormones
duct for fertilized ovum(zygote) passing
place where fertilization takes place
---uterus,organ where the fetus grow up
---ovoid,4X2X1 cm
---located on either sides of uterus in
pelvic cavity
1) General structure:
/superficial epithelium:
a layer of squamous or cuboidal cell
/tunica albuginea,DCT
/different stage of follicles
/matrix(stroma),cell-rich,dense CT
---medulla,LCT with BV,LV
---hilum,SM and hilus cell
2)Different phases
---childhood,before development- all follicle are
primordial follicle(700,000-2,000,000)
---puberty,the ability for reproduce begin to
develop(40,000 primordial follicle)
---sexual maturity,(400-500 are released)
different stage of follicles can be seen
have a cyclic change-menstrual cycle
---climacteric,the ability of reproduce decrease
---senescence,all follicle disappear,replaced
by CT
3) Development and maturation of follicle
---sexual maturity,non-pregnant stage
---follicle = oocyte + follicular cell
① primordial follicle
---oocyte,primary oocyte
/30um in D
/large,vesicular nucleus
/slight eosinophilic cytoplasm
---follicular cell,a layer of flattened cell
* before birth,oogonia come from yolk
sac,enter ovarian cortex,developed
into primary oocyte,then primary oocyte
begin the first meiosis,but rest at
prophase of division
*growing follicle:
② primary follicle,primordial follicle begin to
LM,become large
EM,rich in organelles
---follicular cell,become a layer of cuboidal or
more layers
---zona pellucide:
/a layer of homogeneous structure-glycoprotein
/eosinophilic in HE stain
③ secondary follicle,small
space appear
---primary oocyte:
continuous to develop
and reach largest D(125-
---follicular cell,more layers
---follicular cavity,space
between follicular cells
(6-12 layers)
/small space→large cavity
(filled with follicular fluid)
---cumulus oophorus,follicular fluid increase to
force the oocyte and some follicular cells move
to one side to form a hillock-liked structure
---corona radiate,follicular cell near oocyte
arranged radiately
---stratum granulosum,follicular cell which
constitute the wall of follicle
---theca folliculi,derived form surrounding stroma
cell which proliferate and differentiate
theca interna,rich in cells( theca cell)
-steroid-hormone cell’s feature,oestrogen
theca externa,CT,fiber
④ mature follicle,(2 cm in D)
---a follicle require about 10-14 days to reach a
mature stage
---follicular fluid,increase
/follicular cavity,enlarge
/stratum granulosum,thinner
---small space appear between the cell of corona
---The first meiosis division is completed,primary
oocyte divides into secondary oocyte and first
polar body(will disappear),then secondary
oocyte begin the second meiosis and rest at
middle stage of division
---definition,the process by which secondary
oocyte,zona pellucide,corona radiate and
follicular fluid are released into the pelvic
cavity,then captured by oviduct fimbriated
---processes,follicle projects from surface of
ovaries→the area lack of blood →follicular
stigma→tissue is dissolved by
proteiolytase and collegenase,SM
contract→follicle rupture→force the
cumulus oophorus go out of the follicle
---time,fourteenth day of menstruation
---ovum maintain the capacity for fertilization
for 24 hours
3) formation of corpus luteum
---definition,after ovulation,the ruptured
follicle collapse,CT and blood vessel
enter the follicle to form a yellow-
colored,gland-liked structure
---components and functions:
granulose lutein cell:
-come from stratum granulosum cell
-LM,large,pale weakly eosinophilic,and
centrally distributed
-EM,steroid-hormone secreting cell’s feature
-function,secrete progesterone
secreting cell,
EM,rich in
/mitochondria with
tubulovesicular cristea,
/lipid droplet
theca lutein cell:
-come from theca interna
-LM,small,deep stained,and peripherally
-EM,steroid-hormone secreting cell’s
-function,secrete oestrogen
corpus luteum of menstruation:
-not fertilized
-exist for 12-14 days,then become corpus
corpus luteum of pregnance:
-exist for 6 months,then become corpus
4) Atretic follicle and interstial gland
---atretic follicle,follicle degenerate and perish
---interstitial gland,during the degenerating
processes of secondary follicle,cells of theca
interna exist and active for a certain time to
form a gland,and produce oestrogen
3,Uterus or womb
---muscular organ
1) the structure of uterine wall
① perimetrium,serosa and
② myometrium:
---SM,increase in number
and size (from 30-50um ~
③ endometrium,mucosa
---epi.,simple columnar epi.
/ciliated cell
/secretory cell
---lamina propria:
/thick,CT(stroma of endometrium) contain RF,
/stroma cell:
-spindle of fusiform-shaped
-produce collagen
---spiral artery,coiled
---uterine gland,single-tubed gland
* According to the function:
---basal layer:
/not shed
/proliferation and repairing
---functional layer:
/shed(cyclic change-menstruation)
2) menstrual cycle
---definition,under the regulation of
ovarian hormones,the cyclic change of
endometrium (functional layer)
① The proliferative phase (follicular phase)
5th-14th days of cycle
Proliferation and repairing
i,epi and gland repair
ii,stroma cell,synthesis fiber and stroma
iii,spiral A grow
iv,2-4mm thick
② The secretory phase
(luteal phase)
15th –28th days of cycle
i,gland start to secrete
ii,stroma cells:→predecidual cell:
synthesize glycogen and lipid droplet
iii,spiral A reach the superficial layer
iv,5-7 mm thick
Oestrogen and progesterone
③ The menstrual phase
1st-4th days of cycle
i,vasconstriction of spiral A→
ii,vasodilation of spiral A→bleeding
and shedding(menstruation)
Female Reproductive system
produce ovum
secrete female sex hormones
duct for fertilized ovum(zygote) passing
place where fertilization takes place
---uterus,organ where the fetus grow up
---ovoid,4X2X1 cm
---located on either sides of uterus in
pelvic cavity
1) General structure:
/superficial epithelium:
a layer of squamous or cuboidal cell
/tunica albuginea,DCT
/different stage of follicles
/matrix(stroma),cell-rich,dense CT
---medulla,LCT with BV,LV
---hilum,SM and hilus cell
2)Different phases
---childhood,before development- all follicle are
primordial follicle(700,000-2,000,000)
---puberty,the ability for reproduce begin to
develop(40,000 primordial follicle)
---sexual maturity,(400-500 are released)
different stage of follicles can be seen
have a cyclic change-menstrual cycle
---climacteric,the ability of reproduce decrease
---senescence,all follicle disappear,replaced
by CT
3) Development and maturation of follicle
---sexual maturity,non-pregnant stage
---follicle = oocyte + follicular cell
① primordial follicle
---oocyte,primary oocyte
/30um in D
/large,vesicular nucleus
/slight eosinophilic cytoplasm
---follicular cell,a layer of flattened cell
* before birth,oogonia come from yolk
sac,enter ovarian cortex,developed
into primary oocyte,then primary oocyte
begin the first meiosis,but rest at
prophase of division
*growing follicle:
② primary follicle,primordial follicle begin to
LM,become large
EM,rich in organelles
---follicular cell,become a layer of cuboidal or
more layers
---zona pellucide:
/a layer of homogeneous structure-glycoprotein
/eosinophilic in HE stain
③ secondary follicle,small
space appear
---primary oocyte:
continuous to develop
and reach largest D(125-
---follicular cell,more layers
---follicular cavity,space
between follicular cells
(6-12 layers)
/small space→large cavity
(filled with follicular fluid)
---cumulus oophorus,follicular fluid increase to
force the oocyte and some follicular cells move
to one side to form a hillock-liked structure
---corona radiate,follicular cell near oocyte
arranged radiately
---stratum granulosum,follicular cell which
constitute the wall of follicle
---theca folliculi,derived form surrounding stroma
cell which proliferate and differentiate
theca interna,rich in cells( theca cell)
-steroid-hormone cell’s feature,oestrogen
theca externa,CT,fiber
④ mature follicle,(2 cm in D)
---a follicle require about 10-14 days to reach a
mature stage
---follicular fluid,increase
/follicular cavity,enlarge
/stratum granulosum,thinner
---small space appear between the cell of corona
---The first meiosis division is completed,primary
oocyte divides into secondary oocyte and first
polar body(will disappear),then secondary
oocyte begin the second meiosis and rest at
middle stage of division
---definition,the process by which secondary
oocyte,zona pellucide,corona radiate and
follicular fluid are released into the pelvic
cavity,then captured by oviduct fimbriated
---processes,follicle projects from surface of
ovaries→the area lack of blood →follicular
stigma→tissue is dissolved by
proteiolytase and collegenase,SM
contract→follicle rupture→force the
cumulus oophorus go out of the follicle
---time,fourteenth day of menstruation
---ovum maintain the capacity for fertilization
for 24 hours
3) formation of corpus luteum
---definition,after ovulation,the ruptured
follicle collapse,CT and blood vessel
enter the follicle to form a yellow-
colored,gland-liked structure
---components and functions:
granulose lutein cell:
-come from stratum granulosum cell
-LM,large,pale weakly eosinophilic,and
centrally distributed
-EM,steroid-hormone secreting cell’s feature
-function,secrete progesterone
secreting cell,
EM,rich in
/mitochondria with
tubulovesicular cristea,
/lipid droplet
theca lutein cell:
-come from theca interna
-LM,small,deep stained,and peripherally
-EM,steroid-hormone secreting cell’s
-function,secrete oestrogen
corpus luteum of menstruation:
-not fertilized
-exist for 12-14 days,then become corpus
corpus luteum of pregnance:
-exist for 6 months,then become corpus
4) Atretic follicle and interstial gland
---atretic follicle,follicle degenerate and perish
---interstitial gland,during the degenerating
processes of secondary follicle,cells of theca
interna exist and active for a certain time to
form a gland,and produce oestrogen
3,Uterus or womb
---muscular organ
1) the structure of uterine wall
① perimetrium,serosa and
② myometrium:
---SM,increase in number
and size (from 30-50um ~
③ endometrium,mucosa
---epi.,simple columnar epi.
/ciliated cell
/secretory cell
---lamina propria:
/thick,CT(stroma of endometrium) contain RF,
/stroma cell:
-spindle of fusiform-shaped
-produce collagen
---spiral artery,coiled
---uterine gland,single-tubed gland
* According to the function:
---basal layer:
/not shed
/proliferation and repairing
---functional layer:
/shed(cyclic change-menstruation)
2) menstrual cycle
---definition,under the regulation of
ovarian hormones,the cyclic change of
endometrium (functional layer)
① The proliferative phase (follicular phase)
5th-14th days of cycle
Proliferation and repairing
i,epi and gland repair
ii,stroma cell,synthesis fiber and stroma
iii,spiral A grow
iv,2-4mm thick
② The secretory phase
(luteal phase)
15th –28th days of cycle
i,gland start to secrete
ii,stroma cells:→predecidual cell:
synthesize glycogen and lipid droplet
iii,spiral A reach the superficial layer
iv,5-7 mm thick
Oestrogen and progesterone
③ The menstrual phase
1st-4th days of cycle
i,vasconstriction of spiral A→
ii,vasodilation of spiral A→bleeding
and shedding(menstruation)