An Advanced Course
in Interpretation
(Unit 6)
Difference between Chinese and English
expressions in word order:
? 东南西北
? North,south,east and west
? 衣食 住行
? Food,clothing,shelter and transportation
? 水陆 交通
? Transportation by land and water
? 田径 项目
? Track and field events
Different word order:
? 贫富 不均
? Disparity between the rich and the poor
? 悲喜 交集
? Have mixed feelings of joy and sorrow
? 新 仇 旧 恨
? Old scores and new hatred
? 生 老病 死
? Birth,illness,old age and death
Do you know the C-E difference
in word order?
? 悲欢 离合
? Joys and sorrows,partings and reunions
? 或 迟 或 早
? Sooner or later
? 风雨 交加
? It’s raining and blowing hard,It’s wet and windy,
Rain and wind come together.
? 寒 来 暑 往
? As summer goes and winter comes
Different word order:
? 废 寝 忘 食
? Neglect one’s meals and sleep
? 前 前 后 后
? Back and forth,from front and rear
? 山水 花鸟
? Landscapes,birds and flowers
? 中国上海浦东民生路
? Minsheng Rad,Pudong,Shanghai,China
Same word order:
? 远近 闻名
? Be well-known far and near
? 古今中外
? Past and present,Chinese and foreign
? 吃喝嫖赌
? Dining,wining,whoring and gambling
? 男女老少
? Men and women,the old and the young
Same word order:
? 脚镣手铐
? In shackles and handcuffs
? 笑得 前 俯 后 仰
? Rock forwards and backwards with laughter
? 生死 搏斗
? A life-and-death struggle
? 成败得失
? Success and failure,gain and loss
? 长 话 短 说
? Make a long story short
Same word order:
? 蓬 头 垢 面
? With disheveled hair and dirty face
? 黑白 分明
? As plain as black and white (in sharp
? 奖 优 罚 劣
? Reward the good and punish the bad
? 爱憎 分明
? Have a clear-cut stand on what to love and
what to hate
Same word order:
? 来去 无踪
? Come and go without leaving any trace behind
? 好 吃 懒 做
? Be fond of eating and averse to work
? 左右 摇摆
? Waver between the left and the right (play
? 强弱 悬殊
? The strong and the weak differ greatly.
Same word order:
? 山 明 水 秀
? Green hills and clear waters,Bright
mountains and fair rivers
? 眼 疾 手 快
? Quick of eye and deft of hand
? 眼 高 手 低
? Have sharp eyes in criticizing others and
clumsy hands in doing things oneself,
have high ambition but no real ability
Test your memory,please:
What Are Chances and
Reading aloud and cultivating
short-term memory
What are chances and opportunities?
( 什么是机遇? )
How can you spawn,seek and seize
chances and opportunities?
Chances and Opportunities
A chance is a time suitable for doing something
you want to do.
A chance is a possibility that something desirable
will happen.
A chance is the likelihood of succeeding in doing
A chance is luck that may turn in your favor.
Chances and Opportunities
An opportunity is a favorable moment for doing
An opportunity is an advantageous occasion for
taking action.
An opportunity is a combination of helpful
An opportunity is a good prospect of winning
An opportunity is something which once you lose,
you will never get again.
Chances and Opportunities
? The right man is the one who seizes the moment.
胜利者是抓住机遇的人。 —— Goethe 歌德
? There is nobody who has never met with some good chance or
other in his life,Simply he has not seized one.
—— Carnegie 卡内基
? Chances favor the minds that are prepared.
—— Pasteur 巴斯德
? Opportunity is a bird that never perches.
—— McDonald 麦克唐纳
Chances and Opportunities
? Jumping at several small opportunities may get us there more quickly than
waiting for a big one to come along.
—— Allen 艾伦
? It is often hard to distinguish between the hard knocks in life and those of
—— Phillips 菲利普斯
? Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work,so most people don’t
recognize them.
—— Landers 兰德斯
Chances and Opportunities
? The world is all gates,all opportunities,strings of tension waiting to be
—— Emerson 爱默生
? There is always some accident in the best of things,whether thoughts or
expression or deeds.
—— Thoreau 梭罗
? The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity
when it comes.
—— Disraeli 迪斯累里
? Do not suppose opportunity will knock twice at your door.
不要指望机遇会两次敲你的门。 —— Chamfort 尚福尔
Up-to-date Expressions (29)
? 载人航天飞船
manned spacecraft (spaceship)
? 载人太空飞行
manned space flight
? 伟大祖国的荣耀
an honor for our great
? 具有历史意义的一步
? a historic step
? 第一个中国宇航员
? The first Chinese astronaut
? 初战告捷
an initial victory
? 成功发射与回收
launch and recover successfully
? 攀登世界科技高峰
surmount the peak of the
world’s science and
? 把飞船送入椭圆形轨道
put the spacecraft into an
elliptic orbit
? 环绕地球航行 14圈
make 14 orbits around the
earth,circle the earth 14 times
Up-to-date Expressions (29)
? 责权明确
well-defined power and
? 出口转内销
domestic sales of
commodities originally
produced for exports
? 磁悬浮列车
magnetic suspension train
? 打白条
issue IOU (I owe you.)
? 打黑
? crack down on profiteering
? 达标活动
target-hitting activities
? 代职
function in an acting capacity
? 等外品
off-grade goods
? 地方保护主义
regional protectionism
? 恶性通货膨胀
? 二流选手
Up-to-date Expressions (30)
? 打假
? Crack down on counterfeit
? 法治国家
? A country under the rule of
? 法制国家
? A state with an adequate legal
? 扶贫
? Poverty alleviation
? 人员分流
? Reposition of redundant
? 福利彩票
welfare lottery
? 高产优质
high yield and superior quality
? 覆盖率
coverage rate
? 公正、公平、公开
just,fair and open
? 功夫不负有心人
? Everything comes to him who
? 红包
wrapped money as a gift,bribe
Up-to-date Expressions (31)
pornography,gambling and
drug abuse
? 缉私
Fight against smuggling
? 吉祥物
? 加班
work extra shifts,work
? 尖端产品
highly sophisticated products
? 减员增效
downsizing for efficiency
? 讲诚信、反欺诈
honor credibility and oppose
? 戒急用忍
overcome impetuosity and
exercise patience
? 戒毒所
a rehabilitation center for drug
? 开工(竣工)典礼
commencement (completion)
Up-to-date Expressions (32)
? 考研
? Take the matriculation for
postgraduate programs
? 科教兴国
? Rejuvenate the nation by
relying on science and
? 跨越式发展
? Development by leaps and
? 亏损企业
? An enterprise in deficit
? 劳动合同制
? Labor contract system
? 促进两岸直航
? Promote cross-straits
? 两个文明一起抓
? Place equal emphasis on
material and ethical progress
? 老、少、边、穷地区
? Former revolutionary base
areas,areas inhabited by
minority nationalities,remote
and border areas and poverty-
stricken areas
Please watch and interpret:
? 他夹着一些书回来了。
? 我们异口同声地谴责他。
? 她听到婴儿在摇篮里哭。
? 医生劝他好好休息。
? 这是科学与教育的春天。
? 他说的话使我感到莫名其
? 我们必须顾全大局。
? 短跑运动员打破了世界纪
? 游行的人群喊罢工的口号。
? 真人面前不说假话。
? 那位首席执行官处境尴尬。
? 他们把我当作自家人。
? He came back with some books under his
? We all condemned him with one voice,
? She heard the baby crying in the cradle,
? The doctor advised him to take a good rest,
? This is the springtime for science and
? I was perplexed by what he said,
? We must take the overall situation into
? The sprinter has broken the world record.
? The marchers shouted the slogans about
the strike,
? One will not tell lies before a really honest
? The CEO is in an embarrassing situation,
? They considered me as a member of their
Please watch and interpret:
? 不努力就不可能成功。
? 食物保存不当容易变
? 他摇摇头,什么都不
? 他很少顾及别人的感
? 他们过于注重金钱和
? 这型号是专为残疾人
? 那位前锋赢得最佳球
? 海难的罹难者一个都
? One cannot succeed without making great
? Food spoils easily without proper preservation,
? He shook his head and refused to touch
? He lacks consideration for the feelings of
? They place too much stress on money and
? This model is designed specially for the
? The forward won the best player award,
? No victim of the shipwreck has been found,
Please watch and interpret:
? 我们切不可忘记这沉痛教训。
? 快一点,要不你上课要迟到了。
? 他的提示没有引起我的注意。
? 这儿将修建更多的公寓大楼。
? 我的未来取决于考试成绩。
? 他是哈佛大学的兼职教授。
? 听音乐是他最喜欢的消遣。
? 他是鉴定中国古物的专家。
? 我很高兴看到你安然无恙。
? 去年发现了一种稀有元素。
? 这些工具旧得不能再用了。
? 光想到那一点就让我害怕。
? 每个人都应该有生活目标。
? 他整天游手好闲真是让人担心。
? We should not forget the bitter lesson,
? Hurry up,or you will be late for class,
? His hint escaped my attention,
? More apartment buildings will be built
? My future depends on my exam result,
? He is a part-time professor at Harvard,
? Listening to music is his favorite pastime,
? He is an authority on Chinese antiques,
? I am glad to see you safe and sound,
? A rare element was found last year,
? These tools are too old for further use,
? It scares me just to think about it,
? Everyone should have a goal in life,
? I am really worried that he plays around
all day.
Please watch and interpret:
? 他说话不慎使他丢了工作。
? 老板应该把那懒惰工人开除。
? 考试及格是每个学生的梦想。
? 几乎所有水手都很会游泳。
? 没有我们帮助他们就不行。
? 他的粗心大意酿成可怕的事
? 该公司登广告招聘技术员。
? 他把书接过来放在膝盖上。
? 他们以热烈的掌声欢迎客人。
? 他的热情把我感动得流泪。
? 你必须把计划再检查一遍。
? His thoughtless remark cost him his job,
? The boss should get rid of that lazy
? Passing examinations is every student’s
? Almost all sailors are good swimmers,
? They cannot do without our help,
? His carelessness caused the terrible
? The company advertised for a
? He took the book and laid it on his lap.
? They welcomed the guests with warm
? I was moved to tears by his enthusiasm
? You must go over the plan once more,
Publicity and Presentation
Shanghai Pudong
上 海
? 上海是中国通向世界的东大门,是中国最大的海港
? Shanghai is China’s major eastern gate to the outside
world and its largest seaport.
? 上海曾经是“冒险家的乐园”,被西方列强的租界
? Shanghai used to be a,paradise for adventurers”,cut
apart by the concessions of western powers,Now it has
become China’s important center of economy,finance,
trade,shipping,science and technology,information and
上 海
? 上海是中国的一座历史文化名城、中国共产党的诞生地。市
? Shanghai is a noted historic and cultural city of China,It is the
birthplace of the Communist Party of China,With a complete
collection of buildings with different architectural styles,
Shanghai enjoys a reputation as the Exhibition of the World’s
? 上海有着特色鲜明的海派文化。海派文化是南北东西文化交
? Shanghai has its own regional culture with distinctive
characteristics,Shanghai culture is the outcome of melting the
cultures of north,south,east and west,Shanghai’s great
tolerance originates from its history of sufficient opening-up,
上 海
? 上海是现代中国城市的象征,是地球上最具活力、
? Shanghai is the symbol of modern Chinese cities,It is
one of the most dynamic and promising cities on the
planet,The whole world focuses its attention on
? 21世纪的上海人既是聪明人,也是精明人,更是具
? Shanghai people of the 21st century are not only bright,
but also smart and above all,wise people with broad
vision and great courage,They are determined to build
Shanghai into a cosmopolitan city.
浦 东
? 上海浦东新区地处中国海岸线和长江的交汇处,紧靠
? The Pudong New Area of Shanghai lies at the
intersection of China’s coastline and the Yangtze River,
As it is close to the prosperous downtown area of
Shanghai,borders on the rich and populous Yangtze
Delta,and faces the developed countries and regions in
the Pacific Rim and Southeast Asia,the New Area
enjoys a unique geographical advantage.
浦 东
? 浦东面积为 522平方公里,现有人口 156万。浦东新
? Pudong covers an area of 522 sq km and has a population of
1.56 million,The objective of the overall planning for Pudong
is to build it in 30-40 years into a modern area with a rational
structure for development,an advanced comprehensive
transport network,sound urban infrastructure,a fast and
convenient communication and information system and a
good ecological environment.
浦 东
? 新区成立 11年来发生了巨大的变化,取得了举世瞩
目的成就。浦东的国内生产总值年均递增 20%,其
? Since it was established 11years ago,the new administrative
area has undergone tremendous changes and made
achievements that have attracted world-wide attention,
Pudong’s GDP (gross domestic product) has been growing at
an average annual rate of approximately 20 percent,Its
economy has maintained a rapid,stable and well-balanced
development,Capital construction has accelerated and the
investment environment has kept improving.
浦 东
? 浦东的一批市政重点工程竣工投入使用后,新的工
点小区的建设全面推进。在过去的 11年里,陆家嘴
? After a number of Pudong’s civil engineering projects were
completed and put into operation,some new infrastructure
projects are being planned or constructed,The construction
of the key development zones has been pushing ahead in an
all-round way,In the past 11 years,substantial progress has
been made in the functional development of the Lujiazui
Financial and Trade Zone,the Jinqiao Export Processing
Zone,the Waigaoqiao Free Trade (Bonded) Zone and the
Zhangjiang High-Tech Park.
浦 东
? 国内外客商投资增加,外贸出口持续增长。现有世
界上 70多个国家和地区的客商纷纷来浦东投资。金
? Investments by domestic and foreign business people have
increased and exports have kept expanding,So far,business
people from over 70 countries and regions have come to invest
in Pudong,and tertiary industries such as finance,commerce,
real estate,tourism,and information consultancy have
become new hot spots for foreign investment,The increase in
foreign investment has promoted the growth of the export
business of the New Area.
浦 东
? 浦东开发是中国改革开放的重要标志。浦东新
? The development of Pudong is an important
symbol of China’s reform and opening-up,
Pudong has now become one of China’s areas
that boast the best investment environment and
fastest economic growth,It will have an even
brighter future.
Thank you!