Unit Three
Text B
Are Computer Alive?
Text B Are Computer Alive
Text-related information
Pre-reading task
Detailed study of the text
Summary and outline
Home assignment
Text-related Information
AI research,A term that in its broadest sense would indicate
the ability of an artifact to perform the same kinds of functions
that characterize human thought,The possibility of
developing some such artifact has intrigued human beings
since ancient times,
With the growth of modern science,the search for AI has taken
two major directions,psychological and physiological research
into the nature of human thought,and the technological
development of increasingly sophisticated computing systems,
The term AI has been applied to computer systems and programs
capable of performing tasks more complex than straight forward
programming,although still far from the realm of actual thought,
The most important fields of research in this area are information
processing,pattern recognition,game-playing computers,and
applied fields such as medical diagnosis,
She is playing chess
with the computer,
Optical-Tongue Robot from NEC
?Do computers have the same thinking
ability as human beings?
?Do you think computers may some day
completely replace human beings for
some jobs? If yes,can you give some
Detailed study of the text
?1,aspect,a particular side of a many-sided situation,idea,
e.g,The training program covers every aspect of the job,
The rise in violent crime is one of the most worrying
aspects of the current situation,
? 2,in connection with,concerning; with regard to
e.g,The police are interviewing two men in connection with
the jewel robbery,
The travel agents wrote to us in connection with our
holiday booking,
?3,be linked to,be related to; have something to do with
e.g,The fall in the cost of living is directly linked to the
drop in the oil price.,
?4,be capable of (doing) sth,to have the skills,power,
intelligence,etc,needed to do something
e.g,Is the kid capable of understanding this?
This train is capable of carrying 2 000 persons,
cf,be able to do sth.,to have the power,skill,knowledge,
time,etc.,necessary to do something
e.g,As I had plenty of money I was able to help her,
? 5,follow,to happen,take place,or come directly after
e.g The late-night movie follows the 10 o'clock news,
?6,terminology,specialized words and expressions used in
a particular science,profession,activity,etc,
e.g,Such words and expressions as "schema","genre",
"cognitive code","top down processing strategy" are terminology
used in teaching methodology,
Medical terminology is not within the reach of those who
study humanity science,
?7,point out,to show,indicate,or draw attention to
e.g,He pointed out the advantages of the plan,
May I point out that if we don't leave now we shall miss the bus,
?8,If the early computers were even that intelligent,it
was already a remarkable state of affairs,
that (adv.),informal,so; to such a degree
e.g,I like her but not (all) that much!
I was that hungry that I could have eaten a horse!
?9,what about,.,?
This expression is used to introduce a new thing or
person into a conversation or when asking for opinion or
information about something,
e.g,We've chosen the food,now,what about the wine?
What about going out for a walk in the rain?
?10,appropriate,correct or suitable for a particular
situation or occasion
e.g,His bright clothes were hardly appropriate for
such a solemn occasion,
? 11,superior to,better than
e.g,A conceited man feels superior to everyone else,
cf,He handles affairs impartially and is superior to
the temptations of money,(not influenced by)
?12,in terms of,from the point of view of
e.g,The book has been well reviewed,but in terms of
actual sales,it hasn't been very successful,
Problems should be considered in terms of the people's
? 13.compete with,to enter into contest with
e.g,She competed with her rival for a prize,
? 14,with regard to,about; concerning
e.g,With regard to your recent application,I'm afraid
we are unable to offer you the job,
Summary of the Text
Five bombers from a US Naval Air Station on a routine
training flight over the Atlantic Ocean,east of Florida
inexplicably disappeared together with the planes sent to
look for them on the 5th December,1945,The US navy
nuclear submarine Scorpion disappeared without
explanation in May 1968,The Marie Celeste,an
American cargo boat was found in 1872 off the coast of
Portugal in perfect order but with no crew on board,More
than 50 ships and 20 planes have mysteriously
disappeared there,What on earth has caused these
losses? Magnetic forces? Underwater volcanic action? Or
the lost continent of Atlantis? No one knows,Though we
have so many theories and speculations about the area,it
is more likely that there is nothing special about it,
A,The Mysterious Disappearances (Paras,1 - 3)
l,5 U.S,Navy bombers (Flight 19) (Dec,5,1945)
2,More than 50 ships and 20 plans in all,including,
3,The U.S,Navy nuclear submarine Scorpion (1968)
B,The Possible Theories Proposed (Paras,4 - 6)
1,Unknown magnetic forces
2,Underwater volcanic action
3,The lost continent of Atlantis
4,A product of journalism
5,A "nothing special" triangle
Home Assignment
Recite the text
Do the exercises after the text
Read two passages