Unit Four
Text A
The Bermuda Triangle
Text A The Bermuda Triangle
Text-related information
Pre-reading questions
Detailed study of the text
Summary and outline
Home assignment
Text-related Information
1,The Bermuda Triangle,also called the Devil's Triangle,is a
section of the North Atlantic Ocean off southeast Florida,with a
triangle-shaped area covering about 3 900 000 sq,kin,in total,
formed by drawing an imaginary line between the island of
Bermuda,the coast of southern Florida,and Puerto Rico,
2,Bermuda,a British colony including over 300 coral islands in
the N,Atlantic,965 km,east of the southern USA,Main island,
Bermuda,Naval and air bases were leased (1941) to the USA
for 99 years,
3,Puerto Rico,the easternmost island of the Great Anflles,
comprising with Vieques,Culebra and Monals,a territory of the
4,Florida,a state formed by a low-lying peninsula at the
southeastern tip of the USA,
Pre-reading Questions
1.Where is the Bermuda Triangle
2,What happened there in 1945?
Detailed Study of the Text
1,routine,(esp,of work) ordinary and regular; according
to rule
e.g,It is necessary for you to have a routine medical
checkup at least once a year,
l) happening often with the same length of time
between the occasions
e.g,He heard the regular noise (tick) of the clock,
2) happening,coming,doing something,again and
again at the same times each day,week,etc,
e.g,She is a regular customer in this shop,
3) happening every time
e.g,Regular attendance at church on Sundays is important
4) proper; according to rule or custom
e.g,He knows a lot about the law but he's not a regular
2,base,a place from which one goes and to which one returns
when working over a large areas,esp,where one keeps
e.g,The air base was closed and there are no more planes
here now,
cf,basis,the main or most important part,idea,fact,motive,etc,
e.g,On what basis do you suggest spending more money
in that area?
3,trace,a mark or sign showing the former presence or
passing of some person,vehicle,or event
e.g,Did the police find any trace of the murderer?
So far no trace of water in any form has been found on the
4,missing,that cannot be found or that is not in its usual
place; lost
e.g,In order to improve worldwide forecasting procedures,
the World Weather Watch uses a network of international
centers to obtain previously missing data
5,confirm,to make someone feel or believe something even
more strongly; establish the truth of something
e.g,The rumor that there was flooding was confirmed by a
news broadcast,
He sent the written request to confirm his telephone order,
1) to mark the edges of; keep within a certain space
e.g,The US is bounded on the north by Canada and on
the south by Mexico,
North America is bounded on three sides by the sea,
2) (usu,pl.) limit
e.g,Man's imagination may sometimes extend beyond
the bounds of space and time,
He could never keep his bad temper within bounds,
l) (esp,of a spirit) to visit; visit (a place) regularly
e.g,People say that the old house is haunted by a ghost,
2) to cause repeated anxiety or worry
e.g,A wrongdoer is constantly haunted by fear of
8,be responsible for,
1) to have done or been the cause of esp,something bad
e.g,Who's responsible for this terrible mess?
2) to have the duty of
e.g,The teacher made him responsible for keeping the
class in order while she went out,
3) to be sensible,trustworthy,and able to make good moral
and practical judgment
e.g,You can leave the children with him -- he is very
9,in all,all being counted; altogether; as the total
e.g,You have four apples and I have three bananas,making
seven pieces of fruit in all,
She visited,in all,twelve schools in the US last year,
10,in other words,expressed in a different way; that is to say
e.g,It was a perfectly ordinary day; in other words,I went to
work and came home again,
Your performance in the exam did not reach the required
standard -- in other words,you failed,
11,vanish,to disappear completely and suddenly
e.g,Their fear vanished when the storm ended,
The magician waved his hand,and the hat suddenly
vanished into thin air,
1) suitably; correctly
e.g,I'm learning German,but I still can't speak it properly,
2) really; actually; exactly
e.g,She's not,properly speaking,a nurse,as she
hasn't been trained,but she has looked after many sick
3) completely; thoroughly
e.g,He's properly muddled!
12,propose,to put forward sth,for consideration; suggest
e.g,I propose a short break before we continue the work,
He proposed we go into the city to see Wheatley,
13,subject,something being considered; the main area of
interest treated in a work (esp,written)
e.g,He wrote to me on the subject of changing his job,
I was told to write a short essay and take "My Holiday"
as the subject,
14,involve,to include
e.g,Effective communication involves the development of
several skills,
Housekeeping involves cooking,washing dishes,
sweeping,and cleaning,
cf,1) involve sb,in,to get someone into a complicated or
difficult condition
e.g,We hope not to involve them in our difficulties,
John was involved in the trouble,
2) be/become involved with,to become closely
connected with
e.g,A firm may invite job applicants to become involved
with the company,
While he was in Thailand he became involved with a
group of people engaged in drug trafficking,(毒品交易 )
15,imaginary,existing only in the mind or imagination; not real
e.g,Although the main characters in the novel are so true to life,
they are entirely imaginary,
cf,imaginative,showing the use of imagination;
e,g,The artist's imaginative use of color delighted the critics,
An imaginative set designer can always enhance a play,
16,due to,because of; caused by
e.g,His success is entirely due to hard work,
The price of gold rose again,due in part to rumors of war,
17.error,a mistake; the state of being wrong in behaviour or
e.g,The bank made an error in my account,
It wasn't all Jane's fault when she left Bill; there were
errors on both sides,
18,cargo,(one load of) the goods or freight carried by a ship,
plane,or vehicle
e.g,We sailed to Newcastle with a cargo of coal,
We can't take any more cargo; we're full already,
cf,goods,articles for sale
e.g,There's a large variety of leather goods in the shops,
19,in perfect order,working extremely well; in good condition
e.g,The car is in perfect order and worth every penny I'm
asking for it,
The TV set was bought 10 years ago but it is still in perfect
20,crew,all the persons working on a ship,aircraft; train,etc,
e.g,The crew are paid to do all the work on the ship,
All sixty-eight passengers and six crew members died in the
21,agent,a thing that works to produce a result
e.g,Rain and the sun are agents which help plants to grow,
Gravity is the agent that draws objects to earth,
22,regardless of,without worrying about or taking account of
e.g,They decorated the house regardless of the cost,
All our proposals were rejected,regardless of their merits,
23,occur,to take place; happen
e.g,The tragedy occurred only minutes after takeoff,
The rule may save your life when an emergency occurs,
cf,occur to,(of an idea) to come to (someone's) mind
e.g,This name just did not occur to my memory,
Summary of the Text
Five bombers from a US Naval Air Station on a routine
training flight over the Atlantic Ocean,east of Florida
inexplicably disappeared together with the planes sent to
look for them on the 5th December,1945,The US navy
nuclear submarine Scorpion disappeared without
explanation in May 1968,The Marie Celeste,an American
cargo boat was found in 1872 off the coast of Portugal in
perfect order but with no crew on board,More than 50
ships and 20 planes have mysteriously disappeared there,
What on earth has caused these losses? Magnetic forces?
Underwater volcanic action? Or the lost continent of
Atlantis? No one knows,Though we have so many
theories and speculations about the area,it is more likely
that there is nothing special about it,
A,The Mysterious Disappearances (Paras,1 - 3)
l,5 U.S,Navy bombers (Flight 19) (Dec,5,1945)
2,More than 50 ships and 20 plans in all,including,
--the U.S,Navy ship Cyclops (1918)
-- the merchant vessel Marine Sulphur Queen (1963)
-- 2 U.S,Air Force KC 135 planes (1963)
3,The U.S,Navy nuclear submarine Scorpion (1968)
B,The Possible Theories Proposed (Paras,4 - 6)
1,Unknown magnetic forces
2,Underwater volcanic action
3,The lost continent of Atlantis
Home Assignment
Recite the text
Memorize the new words
Do the exercises after the text