Unit 2 Text B A.课文内容提要 People from different cultures have different ideas about the food. We may have our food likes and dislikes because of nutritious and religious reasons.However, far beyond these; they are also a result of the ways of life of different people. For example, people in India never eat cows due to their value and usefulness, nor do Americans eat dogs because they serve as good companions and protections against criminals. We call such a case taboo. So different cultures have different choices of food. B.词汇详解 1. afford v. 1.(与can, could和be able to 连用)省出或找出足够的钱或时间(去做某事);足以;……得起 ?Are you able to afford the time for a holiday? 你能抽出时间去度假吗? 2.(与can或could连用)冒……之险 ?She couldn’t afford to displease her boss.她得罪不起她的上司。 3.(正式用语)供给,给与 ?I will afford me great pleasure to have dinner with you. 与你共餐将是铁一大乐事。 [常用短语] afford to do sth.支付得起做…… 2.appropriate 1. adj. 适当的,适合于……的,与…….一致的 ?Sports clothes are not appropriate for a formal occasion. 运动衣不适全正式场合。 2.v. 拨(款等)做某种特殊用途;私用,挪用 ?Millions of money has been appropriated for the refugees. 数百万的钱已拨出用来救济难民。 ?Quite a few senior cadres have been sued for appropriating public money.好些高级干部被起诉挪用公款。 [记忆技巧]同源派生词:appropriately适当地,一致地;appropriation拨款,挪用,剽窃 [常用短语] appropriate for/to sth.适合于……的,与……一致的 3.companion n. 1.同伴,伴侣 ?I got to know some companions on the journey. 我渐渐结识了一些旅伴。 2.成对的对象之一 ?Here’s the glove for my left hand,but where’s the companion? 我左手的手套在此,右手的呢? [记忆技巧]同源派生词:companionable adj.好交友的,友爱的; companionship n.伴同。同伴之谊 4.forbid v.禁止,不允许 ?We are forbidden to sit on the lawn.我们不准坐在草坪上。 ?Students are forbidden to use the office duplicator. 学生禁止使用办公室的复印机。 [记忆技巧]同源派生词:forbidding adj.冷峻的,讨厌的;forbiddingly adv. 险恶地,讨厌地 反义词:allow 允许 [常用短语] be forbidden to do sth.禁止做…… 5.sufficient adj. 足够的,充分的 ?Do they have sufficient food to last another ten days? 他们有足够的粮食再支持十天吗? ?The prosecutor has sufficient proofs to prove you innocent. 这位公诉人在足够的证据证明你是清白的。 [记忆技巧]同源派生词:suffice v.足够;sufficiently adv. 足够地, 充分地;sufficiency n.足够,充分 [常用短语] a sufficiency of sth.足够的…… 6.wherever adv. 无论何处,在那些……的地方 ?Make,you can sit wherever you like?£ 迈克,你可以坐在你喜欢的地方。 类似短语有:no matter where 无论哪里。 ?I’ll be with you no matter where you are. 无论你在哪,我将永远和你在一起。 [记忆技巧]同源派生词:where adv. 哪里;whosesoever 无论哪里;whereabouts 下落;whereof 关于什么,关于它;whereby凭什么,凭那 C.词组用法 1.as a result(of) 结果;因……而 ?Not winning the confidence and goodwill of people in the world,as a result,the Bush Administration has lost its permanent membership of human rights committee of UN. 没有赢行世人的信心和好感,结果布什政府失去了联合国人权委员会的席位。 与之类似的有:consequently由……而引起;in consequence(of)结果,因……而;therefore为此,因此。 2. In some cases 在某些情况下 ?We must make a concrete analysis of concrete conditions in some cases. 在某些情况下,我们必须对具体的情况作具体的分析。 3.pick up 1.拾起,拿起 ?The naughty boy picked up a stone and throw it at the window. 这个淘气的男孩捡起一块石头朝窗户扔 2.收拾(整齐) ?Mother had picked the sitting room up before the guests arrived. 客人到来之前,母亲已收拾好客厅。 3.获得,得到 ?The clever guy picked up several foreign languages. 这个聪明的家伙自然地学到了好几门外语。 4.(车)搭载 ?Please wait at the airport, I’ll pick you up right away. 请在机场等,我马上开车来接你。 4.regard…as 认为……是,把……当作 类似短语:look up on…as; consider…as ?He’s regarded as the best dentist in the town. 他被认为是城里最好的牙医。 ?Every student regards their teachers as their close friends. 每一个学生都把他们的老师当作亲密的朋友。 5.plenty of 大量的,充足的 ?In South China, there’s plenty of rain.在华南,有充足的雨水。 ?We have plenty of workers to do the work. 我们有大量的工人来干活。 类似短语有:many/much/a lot of/lots of许多。 D.疑难词语辨析 1.afford和offer afford v. ……得起,常与情态动词或be able to 结构连用,后常接动词不定式。 offer v. 提供,提出,出价。 ?I can’t afford (to buy) such an expensive sedan. 我买不起这么贵的轿车。 ?I’ve been offered a job in Japan. 有人提供我一个在日本的工作机会。 2.dislike 和unlike dislike v. “不喜欢”,由like (v.喜欢)+前缀dis-组合而成;n.不喜欢的事。 Unlike prep. “不像”,由like (prep.像)+前缀un-组合而成。 ?If you behave like that, you’ll get yourself disliked. 如果你的行为像那样子,你会使人厌恶。 ?My son is unlike me in every respect.我儿子没一处像我。 3.grow up 与 bring up grow up 长大,成年。Grown-up n.成年人(与child 相对应)。 bring up 教育,养育。 ?The boy always says he will join the army when he grows up. 这男孩常说长大后他将去参军。 ?If children are badly brought up, they behave badly. 孩子们教养不好,他们的行为也不好。 4. in some cases, in most cases, in any case, in case (of) t in no case in some cases 在某些情况下(指特定的情况)。 in most cases 在绝大部分情况下。 in any case 无论如何,不管怎样。 in case (of ) “如果,万一”,表示假设的情况。 in no case 决不。 ?In some cases, good wishes alone will not work. 有些情况下,只有良好的愿望是不起作用的。 ?In most cases,buying shares is to be included in the acceptance of risk.在绝大部分情况下,买股票就意味着承担风险。 ?You’d better take an umbrella in case it rains. 你最好带上雨伞,以防万一天下雨。 ?Although we are confronted with numerous difficulties, we’ll lose our hearts in no case. 尽管我们面临重重困难,但我们绝不灰心。 E.课文重点难点详解 1.When the famous boxer Muhammad Ali visited Africa, for example, one member of his group became quite sick when he saw someone pick up a butterfly and eat it.(paragraph 1,line 4)例如,著名拳击手穆罕默得?阿里访问非洲时,他的一个队友看到有人捡起一只蝴蝶就吃,感到恶心。 become sick 恶心,反胃,作呕。类似的表达有:be sick, get sick得病。 ?I was quite sick on the first day of the voyage. 我在航海的第一天晕船厉害。 2. Some people in Africa think African termites make a delicious meal. (paragraph 2,line 1)一些非洲人认为非洲白蚁是一种佳肴。 (1)make v. 使……具有某种特色 ?The illustration will make a vivid book.插图会使一本书生动活泼。 (2)delicious adj. 味道好的,味美的 类似短语有:tasty, palatable 味美的。 ?What a delicious dinner we’ve had!我们吃了一顿多么味美的饭啊! 3. However, food likes and dislikes do not always seem relate to nutrition. (paragraph 3,line 1)但是,对食物的好恶并不部是和营养有关。 (be)related to 与……相关/有关。类似短语有:have something to do with 与……有关。 ?The fall of living standard is directly related to the war. 生活水平的下降直接与战争有关。 ?He has something to do with the murder.他和这起凶杀案有关。 4.Some foods are taboo in certain religions,but there are also other food taboos that are not connected to a religion. (paragraph 4,line 3)有些事物在宗教里是禁忌,但也有些事物与宗教无关。 be connected to 与……相连。 ?Hong Kong island is connected by a tunnel to Kowloon. 一条海底隧道把香港与九龙相连。 5.Cows can go wherever they want to in the streets of India,and they can eat anything they want from the supplies of the food.seller on the street.(paragraph 4,line 6)牛在印度大街上可以随意走,也可以随便吃街上食品商的食品。 supplies n.供应,供给之物;supply v. 供给。常用词组 supply sth.to sb.或supply sb. with sth.把……供给某人。 ?Price is deeply affected by supply and demand. 价格深受供求关系的影响。 ?The aid workers supplied emergent food to the refugees. 救援人员给难民提供了紧急食品。 6. One explanation for the pig-eating taboo is that pork is not cooked sufficiently may spread a disease called trichinosis. (paragraph 6,line 3)对猪肉的禁忌,一个解释是煮不透的猪肉会传播一种叫旋毛虫的病。 be cooked sufficiently 煮熟透。 ?He prefers to have his beef steak cooked sufficiently. 他更喜欢煮熟透的牛排。 7.Nomadic people who move around will not want to keep pigs for food.(paragraph 7,line 4)到处迁徙的游牧民族不会为了食物而养猪。 Keep 饲养,赡养,养护。 类似短语有:support,raise和 rear. ?Does he earn enough to keep his family?他的收入够养家吗? ?Some pets are lovely but they aren’t easy to keep. 有些宠物很可爱但不易养大。 F.课文佳句背诵 1. One hundred grams of termites contain more than twice as many calories and almost twice as much protein as one hundred grams of cooked hamburger. 2. Tomatoes are sixteenth on the hit of the most nutritious vegetables, but they are first on the list at vegetables that Americans like most to eat. 3. Apparently, the dog’s place in society as a companion and as a protection against criminals makes the dog taboo as food. 4. Anthropologists believe that most food likes and dislikes are a result at the ways of like at different people. 5. Americans eat a lot of beef because there is plenty of land for raising cattle and their meat can be shipped directly for long distances by railroads. G.课文参考译文 食品与文化 哪种食品好吃、哪种食品不好吃,我们都有自己的看法。为此,一种文化的人常常觉得另一种文化的人吃的食物是令人讨厌或恶心的。例如,著名拳击手穆罕默德?阿里访问非洲的时候,他的一个队友看到有人拣起一只蝴蝶就吃,感到很不舒服。许多人会觉得吃老鼠令人厌恶,可是有42种不同文化的人认为老鼠是很可口的食物。 在非洲,有些部落认为非洲白蚁是一种佳肴。而许多其它部落的人若真要吃白蚁的话,就可能感到恶心。但是,与100克烧熟的汉堡包相比,100克白蚁所含的热量是它的两倍多,所含蛋白质接近它的两倍。 然而,食物的好恶往往和营养无关。例如,花椰菜在人们最富营养的常见蔬菜中名列榜首,但是,在美国人最喜欢吃的蔬菜中它排在第21位。西红柿最有营养的各种蔬菜中居15位,但在美国人最喜欢的蔬菜中它却位居第一。 但是,某些文化中的人不吃某处食物,厌恶不是唯一原因。在有些文化中,此食物属于禁忌(taboo)。Taboo 源自斐济群岛语言里的一个词,用来指被禁止的东西。有些食物在某些宗教里是禁忌,但是也有其他一些禁忌的食物却到宗教无关。通常,我们并不去想为什么某些东西在我们的文化里是属禁忌。我们甚至不会知道禁忌的原因。人类学家设法要找出禁忌的隐藏原因。比如:印度尊崇牛为神是众所周知的。在印度街头,牛爱上哪就上哪,它们可以在街上随意吃食品商的任何东西。结果, 牛就成了问题。然而,在印度没有人会杀牛或吃牛肉,这么做是忌讳的。对别的民族来说这种习俗似乎很奇怪,但是人类学家相信这上有原因的。首先,因为农民需要牛为帮助耕地,为此,牛是很宝贵的。其次,牛粪可以肥田。在印度,许多农民买不起肥料。第三,牛粪晒干后可以当柴。因此,杀牛吃肉的农民很快会发现他们再也不能耕地,也不能用牛粪肥田,更没有牛粪当柴火了。 另一个例子是美国人不吃狗肉,尽管一些其他文化的人把狗肉当美食。在美国,狗作为宠物对人来说是十分重要的。人们通常把狗当作家庭的一分子,甚至有时当成他们的一个孩子。此我,狗具有防范罪 犯的价值。狗会叫,而且可能会袭击想入室的陌生人,所以,贼常常不会进入有狗的房子。显然,狗在社会上作为伙伴和防止罪犯的地位使得狗肉成为禁忌。 不止一种文化把吃猪肉当作是禁忌。有证据表是一些古埃及人不吃猪肉。古以色列人也把吃猪肉视为禁忌。对禁忌吃猪肉的一个解释是没有煮透的猪肉会传播一种叫旋毛虫的疾病。然而,大多数人不再认为这是禁忌吃猪肉的正确解释。 人类学家认为,对大多数食物的喜恶都源于不同的人们的生活方式。有些人生活在有大动物又有许多小昆虫的地方。要他们去宰杀大动物是困难的,这需要花大力气。所以用小昆虫当食物对他们来说就容易些,因为抓昆虫并不难,也不需要花很大力气。到处迁移的游牧民族不会为了吃肉而养猪。人们不会把狗那样的宠物吃掉。美国人大量吃牛肉是因为他们有足够的土地来养牛,并且牛肉可以通过铁路廉价地长途运输。 课外补充练习 .Complete the following sentences with the proper words of the words given in the brackets. 1. Mr. Smith can afford a villa of his own.(purchase) 2. Let’t go and see the motor , shall me? (expose) 3. There are many between the twins.(differ) 4. A cobra is one of the snakes.(die) 5. Mammal tries to find breast milk, which is .(instinct) 6. We must value something our future.(regard) 7. The salesgirls show buyers the new product.(prospect) 8. The offenders must be punished severely.(evidence) 9. It must be to you all that it is mot true.(evidence) 10. We have money to buy a new car.(suffice) 11. She’ll stand she can see the performance.(where) 12. The friendly between my country and yours will last forever. (relate) D. Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the best one that competes the sentence. 1. As the director at this company, I can’t three weeks away from work. A. carry B.cost C.afford D.pay 2. He like coffee more than anything else, but now he changes his taste. A. was used to B.used C.was used D.used to 3. You go, I’ll miss you. A. However B.Whatever C.Wherever D.Whichever 4. Tom has got a decent in a chemical factory. A. job B.employment C.work D.profession 5. The hall would a good theatre. A. top B.excel C.make D.get 6. A voice the program to announce the election results. A. broke into B.cut down C.broke off D.cut out 7. I hate to be when I’m speaking. A. abrupt B.paused C.interfered D.interrupted 8. The Gradate School insists that each applicant . A. pay B.be paid C.paid D.paying 9. Slowly she opened the letter, . A. her hands slightly trembling B.trembling her hands slightly C.her hands tremble slightly D.slightly her hands were trembled 10. I don’t think you have got over the serious illness after a rest, ? A. do you B.don’t you C.have you D.haven’t you 11. Professor Rudolph was absent and we had the afternoon . A. out B.off C.away D.aside 12. He remembered in this school when he was ten years old. A. teaching B.being taught C.to teach D.to be taught 13. His parents seen to have no influence his action. A. to B.in C.for D.on 14. It takes great to make a model car out of toothpicks. A. distraction B.observation C.patience D.operation 15. There was more than rain and snow last year, so some parts of the country have been flooded this spring. A. extra B.efficient C.generous D.adequate 16. Vickie had most probably her for another sort of girl. A. regarded B.viewed C.mistaken D.looked 17. that we use only 1% of our brain’s full potential. A. It generally believed B.It is generally believed C.Generally believed C.It has generally believed 18. Day after day John was waiting impatiently for the appointment to ,but he was totally disappointed in the end . A. come through B.go about C.lay off D.set off 19. Usually, picking flowers in a public park is . A. refused B.allowed C.prevented D.forbidden 20. Peter for a job a month, but hasn’t found any. A. has been looking B.was looking C.will be looking D.is looking 21. My grandmother likes cattle’s in the countryside. A. bringing up B.keeping C.growing up D.seeing 22. , he wouldn’t accept our advice. A. When trying to make him change his mind B.When we were trying to make him change his mind C.Making him change his mind D.Having made him change his mind 23. She and Mary not only look alike but also the same tastes and interests. A. involve B.share C.promote D.provide 24. He had been walking about five minutes when the car . A. kept up B.got up C.brought up D.caught up 25. Either cooking or washing dishes I hate most. A. are what B.are that C.is what D.is that ?.Translate the following into English. 1.据说,没有一定量的特殊教育,就不能使一个天生智力低下的小孩成为天才。 2.我们国家的一些贫困地区的小孩读不起书。 3.这里的农民有充足的粮食来养猪,并用货车把猪肉运往城市。 4.牛奶所含的蛋白质高于谷类。 5.文化一词是指一个群体的人们衣、食、活动和感知的一切方式。 6.对美的观点,因文化差异而不同。 7.人的行为受本能支配,更受理智支配。 8.被有些人看成美味的老鼠肉,对其他人来说却是令人恶心的东西。 课外补充练习答案及详解 1.to purchase afford 后常接动词不定式。 2.exposition 或 expo. 名词,“展览”。 3.differences 名词的复数形式,“不同点”。 4.deadly 形容词,“致命的”。 5.instinctive 形容词,“本能的,天生的”。 6.regarding 介词,“有关的”。 7.prospective 形容词,“未来的,有希望的”。 8.criminal 形容词,“罪犯的”。句意为:对刑事罪犯应该严历惩处。 9.evident 形容词。It must be evident to you all that…是一个固定结构,意为:你们显然知道……。 10.sufficient 形容词,“足够的,充分”。 11.wherever 副词,“无论哪里”。句意为:她能看到表演就站到哪。 12.relations 名词,“关系”。句意为:我们两国的友好关系将永远延续下去。 11.B have…off为固定短语,意为“休假,放假”。 12.B remember 后可接动名词和动词不定试两种形式,前者表示“记得做过某事”。后者表示“记住去做某事”。根椐句意,B项正确。 13.A have influence to 为固定词组,意为“对……有影响“。 14.C 根据句意,需要的是“耐心”。 15.D adequate“合适的”,前有more than 搭配,因此该句前后意思一致。 16.C mistake…for…“把……弄错”。 17.B It is (generally) believed that…“令人相信的是……”,为一固定搭配。 18.B go about“着手做”,在此指“去赴约”。 19.D be forbidden“禁止”。 20.A 这是一个现在守成进行时,指过去发生一直到现在,还有可能继续进行下去。 21.B keep指“饲养,喂(牛或猪等)”。 22.B 根椐句意,应该是:我们设法使他改变主意,他不接受我们的意见。 23.B share“分享,共同持有”。 24.D catch up “赶上向同一方向行进的人;赶上某人“。根椐句意应该选择D。 25. C either…or… 意思为“或……或……”,谓语应和最邻近的主语在性数上保持一致。 ? 1. It’s said that no amount of special education can’t make a genius out of a child born with low intelligence. 2. The children in some poverty-stricken areas of our country can’t afford to go to school. 3. People here have sufficient cereal for raising pigs and pork can be shipped to cities by truck. 4. Milk contains more protein than rice. 5. The word”culture”means all the ways, in which a group of people dress eat, act and think. 6. Ideas of what is beautiful differ from one culture to another. 7. Human behavior is controlled by reason more than by instinct. 8. Rats are regarded as delicious by some people, but something disgusting to others. ? 1.C afford 常与情态动词连用,指在时间或金钱上能否支付得起。 2.D used to“过去常常”。Be used doing sth. “习惯做……”。 3.C wherever“无论哪里”。后接状语从句,不表疑问。 4.A job指“职业、工作”,前面可以用不定冠词。 5.C make指“使……具有特色、特点“。 6.A break into “插入,分开两半“。 7.D interrupt“使中断,打岔,打断别人的言行”。 8.A insist作主句谓语时,从句谓语动词结构为should+动词原形,而should常省略。 9.A 相当于her hands slightly tremble,用现在分词表示伴随动作,故选A。 10.C 这是一个反意疑问句。在含有宾语从句的复合句中,主句的主语为第一人称时,谓语动词又是believe, guess, imagine和think时,反意部分应该根据从句来定。此句中还涉及否定转移。故选C。 11. B. have…off 为固定词组,意为“休假,放假”。 12.B. remember后可接动名词和动词不定式两种形式,前面表示“记得做过某事”,后者表示“记住去做某事”。 根据句意, B 项正确。