Unit 2 Text A A.课文内容提要 Culture means an entire way of life of a society, or of a people. Different cultures have their own patterns of life. It’s rather than instinctive behavior. The diversity of culture shows different attitude to ideas of what is beautiful and ways to treat dead bodies. But it has nothing to do with right or wrong, for it is simply that different people do the some things in different ways. B.词汇详解 1. basic adj. 基本的,基础的,根本的 ?Here is the basic vocabulary of College English Test Band8 这里有大学英语考试八级的基本词汇。 [记忆技巧]同源派生词:base n.基础,根基,底,(军队的)基地;v.适于……之地,以……为根据,如base sth. On/upon…; basement 地下室; baseball棒球; basis主要成分, 基础(通常用作比喻);basically adv. 基本地,根据地 2. bind v. 1.束, 缚,捆 ? Bind your shoe laces fast,or they will come loose. 系紧你的鞋带,否则会松开. 2.装订 ? The two books are so thin that it’s best to bind up them into one. 这两本书这么薄,最好把他们订成一册. 3.包扎 ? Before doing some cleaning, she bound up her head. 打扫卫生前,她把头包起来. [记忆技巧]同源派生词:binder n.包扎者;bindery n.装订所/厂; bind-ing 有约束力的,有束缚力的 [常用短语] bind together 捆在一起;bind with与……捆在一起;bind up 包扎 3. disgust 1. n. 厌恶, 憎恶 in disgust厌恶f ;disgust at sth./with sb. 对某事或某人厌恶. ?He turned away in disgust.他厌恶地把脸转开. ?His disgust at his job caused him to be dismissed. 对工作的厌恶导致他被解雇. 2.v. 使人厌恶,使人作呕 ?His behavior disgusted everybody.他的行为使每一个人都厌恶. [记忆技巧]同源派生词:disgusting adj.厌恶的;disgustingly adv. (口语extremely) 很,相当,非常;disgustedly厌恶地 [常用短语] be disgusted at/by/with对……厌恶 4. expose v. 1.揭露,弃置,使暴露 ? Don’t expose your TV set to the sunlight. 勿把你的电视机置于阳光下. 2.展览,陈列 ? The shop owners often expose goods in the shop windows. 店主常把货物陈列于橱窗内. [记忆技巧]同源派生词:exposition n.解释,说明;展览(略作expo.) [常用短语]expose…to …使……暴露于…… 5. shock n.1.冲击,震动 ?She fell down to the floor because of earthquake shocks. 由于地震引起的颤动,她摔倒在地上. 2.电击 ?If you touch that live line, you’ll get a shock. 如果你接触那条通电的电线,你会触电. 3.休克,震惊 ?The news of his mother’s death was a terrible shock to him. 他母亲死亡的消息使他极为震惊. ?He died of shock following an operation on the brain. 他死于大脑手术后发生的休克. v.使休克,使震惊,使愤慨 ?We’re extremely shocked at the traffic incident. 那起交通事故使我深感震惊. [记忆技巧]同源派生词:shocking adj.极坏的,令人震惊的,不好的;shockingly adv.恶劣地 [常用短语] be shocked at/by sth.对……感到震惊;be shocked to do sth.做……感到震惊 C.词组用法 1.at one time 1.同时,一起 类似短语有:at the same time;at once. ?I can’t do two jobs at one time.我不能同时干两份活. 2.一起 ?Let’s restart it,all at one time.让我们一起重新开始吧. 3.过去某一时候 ?At one time turtles were popular food everywhere.过去盛行吃甲鱼 2. Be born with 天生具有 ?It’s said IQ is something born with.据说智商是天生具有的东西. 3.differ from…to… 与……不相同 ?Our way of life differs from yours. 类似的短语有:differ with 不同意. ?I’m sorry to say that I differ with you on that issue. 很对不起,在这个问题上我和你持不同意见. 4.dispose of 处理,除去,处置 ?The dictator soon disposed of his opponents. 那位独裁者不久就把他的反对者清除了. ?He doesn’t want to dispose of the land.他不想处理那块地.- 5.feel in one’s heart 内心感到…… ?Everybody felt in their hearts that all the terrorists should be punished severely.大家内心感到恐怖分子该受到严厉惩罚. D.疑难词语辨析 1.pattern和model pattern n. “方式,型”。指某事发生和发展的方身或式样。 model n. “模范。模特,模型”。指一个小小的代表或某物的复制。 ?The pattern-makers did all they can to design a new pattern for the new product.制模工人竭尽全力给这个新产品设计一个新模子。 ?In order to shoot the bluster film“Titanic”,the director made a model of the ship.为了拍大片“titanic”,导演制造了这艘船的模型。 2.expose 和reveal expose v. 暴露,让……敞开,不掩盖,弃之不理. reveal v. 显示,显出;泄露,透露. ?Don’t expose the explosives to the sunlight.不要把易爆物置于阳 光下. ?His worn T-shirt revealed his back.他的破T恤使他露出了后背. ?The doctor didn’t reveal to him his hopeless condition. 医生没有身他透露他那毫无希望的病况. 3.at one time 和 at a time at one time同时,一起;at a time 一次次,分别地. ?Caddie and Jackie came here at one time. 凯蒂和杰克同时到达这里. ?Never expect to do all the things at once, let’s take them a bit at a time.千万不要期望能同时做全部事情,还是让我们一次做一点吧. E.课文重点难点详解 1. For example, we sometimes say that people who know about art, music, and literature are cultured.(paragraph 1,line 2)例如,我们有时讲懂得艺术、音乐、文学的人是有文化的人 cultured adj.有修养的,有教养的。类似短语有:refined, cultivated和educated. ?She’s a nice and cultured girl.她是一个很有教养的女孩。 2. Instinctive behavior, on the other hand, is a pattern of behavior that an animal is born with. (paragraph 2,line 1)另一方面来说,本能行为是动物生来就有的行为。 instinctive behavior 本能。 ?Birds learn to fly, which belongs to instinctive behavior. 鸟儿学飞,那属于一种本能。 3.However,the way in which they take care of these needs depends on the culture in which they grow up.(paragraph 4,line 2)然而,他们满足这些需要的方式取决于他们成长在其中的文化。 take care of 1.处理,负责 ?If you don’t apologize to me, I’ll take care of you. 你不对我道歉的话,我将给点颜色你看。 ?The manager took care of the responsibility at once. 这位经理立刻负起重任。 2.照看,照顾,照料 ?The young mother has to quit her job and take care of her little baby. 那位年青的母亲不得不放弃工作来照看她的小孩。 4.We may laugh at clothing that seems ridiculous to us.(paragraph 5, line3)我人可能会嘲笑在我们看来是可笑的衣着。 laugh at 嘲笑。 ?We shouldn’t laugh at the poor students.我们不该嘲笑那个差生。 比较:laugh to 对……大笑(无恶意) ?In class, he often laughs to others. 在课堂上,他常常对着别人大笑。 5. The flathead Indians of North America used to bind the heads of babies between boards so they would have long sloping foreheads. (paragraph 6,line 1)北美的扁头印第安人过去常常把婴儿的头夹在两木板之间,使他们的前额长得长而倾斜。 used to过去常常 ?Sam and Frank used to go mountain-climbing. 山姆和弗兰克过去常常爬山。 比较:be used to doing sth.习惯做 ……。 ?I’m used to getting up early.我习惯早起。 6.Objects are inserted in holes in the noses,lips,and ears in a number of different culture.(paragraph 6,line 7)在许多不同的文化中,人们把一些东西插在鼻子、嘴唇和耳朵了。 (quite)a (great)number of (相当)许多的。 ?A number of people from all parts of the world came to see the Expo.来自世界各地的许多人来看这次展览。 比较:the small/large (big) number of…少/大量…(指数量,谓语动词用单数)。 ?English is spoken widely by the largest number of people in the world.世界上有大量人说英语。 7.In many culture in the past,people were buried with food,weapons,jewelry,and other things that might be useful in the next life.(paragraph 7,line 4)过去在许多文化中,把食物、武器、珠宝等阴间可能用到的东西随同安葬。 in the next life 在来世。 ?We have no doubt that the dead can’t get these paper money in the next life.我们可以肯定死人在来世是不能行到这些钱。 8.These clay figures were supposed to work for the dead person in the other world.(paragraph,line 6)这些泥人在阴间会给死者干活。 in the other world 在阴间。 ?Are you sure there are any ghosts in the other world? 你肯不寒而栗在阴间有鬼吗? 9.It’s simply that different people do the same things in different ways. (paragraph 8,line 3)只不过不同的人群以不同的方式做同样的事情而已。 simply 只是,简单地,完全地。 ?This drink consists simply of fresh orange. 这种饮料仅含新鲜橘汁。 ?The retired couple likes living simply. 这对退休夫妇喜欢过朴实的生活 ?His pronunciation is simply terrible.他的发音实在糟透了。 比较:simple 容易的,简明的。 ?As college students majoring in English,you should not write in simple English. 作为英语专业的学生,你们不该用简单的英语写作。 F.课文佳句背诵 1. Instinctive behavior, on the other hand, is a pattern of behavior that an animal is born with. 2. As humans, we learn some of the ways of our culture by being taught by our teachers or parents. 3. Ideas of what is beautiful differ from one culture to another. 4. Most of the time, the different ways that are the customs of different cultures are neither right nor wrong. 5. It’s simply that different people do the same things in different ways. G.课文参考译文 什么叫文化? “文化”这个词有多种不同的含义。例如,有时我们说懂艺术、音乐、文学的人是有文化的人。然而,文化这个词对人类学家(研究人类的人)来说则有不同的意思。在他们看来,文化这个词是掼某一群体的人们行为、衣着、思维和感知的一切方式,人们行学会他们所在群体的文化方式,因为这种方式不是与生俱来的。 另一方面,本能行为是动物生来就有的行为。蜘蛛织网就是本能行为的例子,母蜘蛛并不教小蜘蛛织网。(实际上,小蜘蛛出生时母蜘蛛甚至不在场。)他们一出生就知道怎样织网。这就是我们所说的本能行为。 作为人类,我们通过自己的老师和父母的教育学会了自己文化中的某些方式,在这种文化中成长,我们学到了本文化中更多的方式。我们看到自己文化中的其他人怎样做事,我们也采用同样的方式来做事。我们甚至学会以这一方式来思考和感知。 所有的人都有某些基本的需要,诸发吃饭、喝水、穿衣保暖。和住宿防潮等等。但是,他们满足这些需要的方式取决于他们成长中的文化。反有的文化都有其吃、喝、穿戴、居住、婚嫁和办理丧事的方式。认为什么东西好吃,穿什么样式的衣服,以及同时能和多少人成婚等都是我们文化的组成部分。 对于自己的文化,我们似乎是习以为常了。我们在内心中感到自己的做事方式是唯一恰当的。其他文化方式常使我们发笑、感到厌恶或震惊。我们可能会嘲笑在我们看来似乎是可笑的衣着。许多人认为吃章鱼或带血的烤牛肉是很恶心的事。一个男子可以有多个妻子或者兄弟姐妹之间也可通婚的观念会令其他文化的人震惊。 对于什么是美,人们的观念因文化而异。过去,北美的扁头印第安人常把婴儿的头夹在木板之间,让他们的前额变得长面倾斜。在扁头人文化中,长而倾斜的前额是美的。其他文化的人可能会认为他们看上去很怪,很不讨人喜欢。许多人在身上刻画疤痕或文身,为的是使他们那个文化里的其他人认为他们很美。在另外一些文化中,人们把东西穿在鼻子、嘴唇和耳朵上的孔眼里。20世纪,在许多国家,胭脂、口红、眼影、香水还有喷发剂都用来增加吸引力。 人死后,不同文化的人用不同的方式来处理他们的遗体。有时火化,有时地葬。过去在许多文化里,把食物、武器、珠宝等“阴间”可能用得到的东西作为陪葬品。例如,古代埃及人的陪葬品是泥土做的小人,人们认为这些泥人会在“阴间”为死者干活。一个叫帕西的宗教部族却把尸体放在平台上让鸟儿来啄食。有些部族实行第二次殡葬。尸体埋在土中数年后,再把尸骨挖出来再次安葬,有时装在一个小容器里埋葬。 这些仅仅是不同文化中所见到的许多不同习俗的一部分。在大多数情况下,不同文化习俗的不同表现方式并没有对错之分。只不过是不同的人用不同的方式同样的事情罢了。