课程名称 田径(运动训练专业)
学年学期 2002—2003学年第一学期
任课教师 刘建国
体育教育 系 田径必修 课 项目 FLOP 第 1 次课
内 容
目 标
1、To study the technique of the run-up and tack off,
2、To study the combination of the take off and clearance
To study the combination of the take off and clearance
组 织、教 法 与 要 求
一、开始部分:(集合队形如图1) 图1
(二)、师生问好,教师检查学生 学生
(三)、教师宣布本次课的主要内 教师
容和教学任务。 (五)要求:1、在田径场地
(四)、教师安排见习生。 2、背风、背阳
二、The preparation part:
1、large and small circle run (radius 5mand 2.5m)
2、curve run 40×3. Note: rhythm and inclination
3、Walk and turn trunk.
4、Walk and bent upper body toward front and backward, then turn their trunk.
5、Walk and wave set.
6、Standing and bent trunk and arch exercise.
7、Standing and lunge press leg.
8、Standing and swing arms. 9、Circle run and plant.
10、Circle walk and raise bent leg higher.
11、Circle walk and swing bent leg and arms.
三、Basic components:
(一)、Teaching methods:
组 织、教 法 与 要 求
1、To plant tack off foot with swinging arm catch the wall-bar.
2、One step run-up and take off with swinging arm catch the wall-bar.
3、Two step run-up and plant.
4、Two step run-up and take off.
5、Four step run-up and take off.
6、the right arm contact the football of the pick bar on the total run-up and take off.
7、Students jump up the high platform with the total approach.
1、Improve the technique of the run up and take off
(1)To plant take off foot with swinging arm catch the wall-bar.
Note:①plant take off foot quick.
②hip goes out in the case of the total bidy inclination.
(2)One step run-up and take off with swinging arm catch the wall-bar.
Working on the plant, the
direction of the swinging leg
and the time from the body
inclination to their left.
(3)Two step run-up and plant.
Working on the inward lean, rhythm
and in the plant total body must be
leaned inward. The hip is gone out,
trunk must be leaned small backward
and the arms are put back. They run along a small curve-line.
(4)Two step run-up and take off.
Working on the rhythm, the action
of the swinging leg and arms.
This time that the body position
is vertical from inward leaned to
组 织、教 法 与 要 求
(5)Four step run-up and take off.
Working on the same 4 exercise.
(6)the right arm contact the football of the pick bar on the total run-up and take off.
Working on the rhythm ,inclination and The time that the body position is varticol from inward leaned to upright.
7、To study the combination of the take off and clearance
Students jump up the high platform with the total approach.
Working on: As run-up and take off were competed well, when they arrived near the peak in the air, they put down their lead leg ,backward-down their back and bent their head to backward . They jump up the high platform. Their body take arch position , back lay on the high platform, their body intersect the front line edge of rubble pit.
四、The last part:
Warm-down :
1、Relaxation exercise ×5 ,
2、Teacher conclude the state of the lesson .
体育教育 系 田径必修 课 项目 FLOP 第 2 次课
内 容
目 标
1、Improve the technique of the run-up and tack off,
2、Improve the combination of the clearing the bar.
Improve the combination of the clearing the bar.
组 织、教 法 与 要 求
一、开始部分:(集合队形如图1) 图1
(二)、师生问好,教师检查学生 学生
(三)、教师宣布本次课的主要内 教师
容和教学任务。 (五)要求:1、在田径场地
(四)、教师安排见习生。 2、背风、背阳
二、The preparation part:
1、large and small circle run (radius 5m and 2.5m)
2、curve run 40×3. Note: rhythm and inclination
3、Walk and turn trunk.
4、Walk and bent upper body toward front and backward, then turn their trunk.
5、Walk and wave set.
6、Standing and bent trunk and arch exercise.
7、Standing and lunge press leg.
8、Standing and swing arms. 9、Circle run and plant.
10、Circle walk and raise bent leg higher.
11、Circle walk and swing bent leg and arms.
三、Basic components:
(一)、Teaching methods:
组 织、教 法 与 要 求
1、To plant tack off foot with swinging arm catch the wall-bar.
2、One step run-up and take off with swinging arm catch the wall-bar.
3、Two step run-up and plant.
4、Two step run-up and take off.
5、Four step run-up and take off.
6、the right arm contact the football of the pick bar on the total run-up and take off.
7、Students jump up the higher platform with the total approach.
8、Students jump up the lower platform with the total approach.
9、Total technique.
1、Improve the technique of the run up and take off:
(1)To plant take off foot with swinging arm catch the wall-bar.
Note:①plant take off foot quick.
②hip goes out in the case of the total bidy inclination.
(2)One step run-up and take off with swinging arm catch the wall-bar.
Working on the plant, the
direction of the swinging leg
and the time from the body
inclination to their left.
(3)Two step run-up and plant.
Working on the inward lean, rhythm
and in the plant total body must be
leaned inward. The hip is gone out,
trunk must be leaned small backward
and the arms are put back. They run along a small curve-line.
(4)Two step run-up and take off.
Working on the rhythm, the action
of the swinging leg and arms.
This time that the body position
is varticol from inward leaned to
组 织、教 法 与 要 求
(5)Four steps run-up and take off.
Working on the same 4th exercise.
(6)the right arm contact the football of the pick bar on the total run-up and take off.
Working on the rhythm , inclination and The time that the body position is vertical from inward leaned to upright.
7、Students jump up the
higher platform with
the total approach.
Organization methods:
8、Students jump up the
lower platform with the
total approach.
9、Total technique.
四、The last part:
Warm-down :
1、Relaxation exercise ×5 ,
2、Teacher conclude the state of the lesson .
体育教育 系 田径必修 课 项目 FLOP 第 3 次课
内 容
目 标
1、Improve the technique of the run-up and tack off,
2、Improve the combination of the clearing the bar.
To study the combination of the take off and clearance
组 织、教 法 与 要 求
一、开始部分:(集合队形如图1) 图1
(二)、师生问好,教师检查学生 学生
(三)、教师宣布本次课的主要内 教师
容和教学任务。 (五)要求:1、在田径场地
(四)、教师安排见习生。 2、背风、背阳
二、The preparation part:
1、large and small circle run (radius 5mand 2.5m)
2、curve run 40×3. Note: rhythm and inclination
3、Walk and turn trunk.
4、Walk and bent upper body toward front and backward, then turn their trunk.
5、Walk and wave set.
6、Standing and bent trunk and arch exercise.
7、Standing and lunge press leg.
8、Standing and swing arms. 9、Circle run and plant.
10、Circle walk and raise bent leg higher.
11、Circle walk and swing bent leg and arms.
三、Basic components:
(一)、teaching methods:
组 织、教 法 与 要 求
1、To plant tack off foot with swinging arm catch the wall-bar.
2、One step run-up and take off with swinging arm catch the wall-bar.
3、Two step run-up and plant.
4、Two step run-up and take off.
5、Four step run-up and take off.
6、the right arm contact the football of the pick bar on the total run-up and take off.
7、Students jump up the high platform with the total approach.
8、Students jump up the lower platform with the total approach.
9、Total technique.
1、Improve the technique of the run up and take off:
(1)To plant take off foot with swinging arm catch the wall-bar.
Note:①plant take off foot quick.
②hip goes out in the case of the total bidy inclination.
(2)One step run-up and take off with swinging arm catch the wall-bar.
Working on the plant, the
direction of the swinging leg
and the time from the body
inclination to their left.
(3)Two step run-up and plant.
Working on the inward lean, rhythm
and in the plant total body must be
leaned inward. The hip is gone out,
trunk must be leaned small backward
and the arms are put back. They run along a small curve-line.
(4)Two step run-up and take off.
Working on the rhythm, the action
of the swinging leg and arms.
This time that the body position
is varticol from inward leaned to
组 织、教 法 与 要 求
(5)Four step run-up and take off.
Working on the same 4 exercise.
(6)the right arm contact the football of the pick bar on the total run-up and take off.
Working on the rhythm ,inclination and The time that the body position is varticol from inward leaned to upright.
7、Students jump up the
higher platform with
the total approach.
Organization methods:
8、Students jump up the
lower platform with the
total approach.
9、Total technique.
四、The last part:
Warm-down :
1、Relaxation exercise ×5 ,
2、Teacher conclude the state of the lesson .
体育教育 系 田径必修 课 项目 FLOP 第 4 次课
内 容
目 标
Improve the technique of the total
Improve the technique of the total
组 织、教 法 与 要 求
一、开始部分:(集合队形如图1) 图1
(二)、师生问好,教师检查学生 学生
(三)、教师宣布本次课的主要内 教师
容和教学任务。 (五)要求:1、在田径场地
(四)、教师安排见习生。 2、背风、背阳
二、The preparation part:
1、large and small circle run (radius 5mand 2.5m)
2、curve run 40×3. Note: rhythm and inclination
3、Walk and turn trunk.
4、Walk and bent upper body toward front and backward, then turn their trunk.
5、Walk and wave set.
6、Standing and bent trunk and arch exercise.
7、Standing and lunge press leg.
8、Standing and swing arms. 9、Circle run and plant.
10、Circle walk and raise bent leg higher.
11、Circle walk and swing bent leg and arms.
三、Basic components:
(一)、Teaching methods:
组 织、教 法 与 要 求
1、To plant tack off foot with swinging arm catch the wall-bar.
2、One step run-up and take off with swinging arm catch the wall-bar.
3、Two step run-up and plant.
4、Two step run-up and take off.
5、Four step run-up and take off.
6、jump on the higher platform from total approach
7、Improve the technique of the total
1、Improve the technique of the run up and take off:
(1)To plant take off foot with swinging arm catch the wall-bar.
Note:①plant take off foot quick.
②hip goes out in the case of the total bidy inclination.
(2)One step run-up and take off with swinging arm catch the wall-bar.
Working on the plant, the
direction of the swinging leg
and the time from the body
inclination to their left.
(3)Two step run-up and plant.
Working on the inward lean, rhythm
and in the plant total body must be
leaned inward. The hip is gone out,
trunk must be leaned small backward
and the arms are put back. They run along a small curve-line.
(4)Two step run-up and take off.
Working on the rhythm, the action
of the swinging leg and arms.
This time that the body position
is vertical from inward leaned
to upright.
组 织、教 法 与 要 求
(5)Four step run-up and take off.
Working on the same 4 exercise.
(6)jump on the higher platform from total approach
2. Improve the technique of the total
they clear the bar from total approach.
(2)when they reach the the height that isn’t cleared,they take total run-up and take off×3—5,then they clear the bar from the
next-to-final height.
四、The last part:
Warm-down :
1、Relaxation exercise ×5 ,
2、Teacher conclude the state of the lesson .
体育教育 系 田径必修 课 项目 FLOP 第 5 次课
内 容
目 标
Improve the technique of the total
Improve the technique of the total
组 织、教 法 与 要 求
一、开始部分:(集合队形如图1) 图1
(二)、师生问好,教师检查学生 学生
(三)、教师宣布本次课的主要内 教师
容和教学任务。 (五)要求:1、在田径场地
(四)、教师安排见习生。 2、背风、背阳
二、The preparation part:
1、large and small circle run (radius 5mand 2.5m)
2、curve run 40×3. Note: rhythm and inclination
3、Walk and turn trunk.
4、Walk and bent upper body toward front and backward, then turn their trunk.
5、Walk and wave set.
6、Standing and bent trunk and arch exercise.
7、Standing and lunge press leg.
8、Standing and swing arms. 9、Circle run and plant.
10、Circle walk and raise bent leg higher.
11、Circle walk and swing bent leg and arms.
二、Basic components:
(一)、Teaching methods:
组 织、教 法 与 要 求
1、To plant tack off foot with swinging arm catch the wall-bar.
2、One step run-up and take off with swinging arm catch the wall-bar.
3、Two step run-up and plant.
4、Two step run-up and take off.
5、Four step run-up and take off.
6、the right arm contact the football of the pick bar on the total run-up and take off.
7、Students jump up the high platform with the total approach.
1、Improve the technique of the run up and take off:
(1).(2).(3).(4).(5).(6) same the 4th lesson.
2. Improving the technique of the total
(1)They clear the bar from total approach.
(2)When they reach the the height that isn’t cleared,they take total run-up and take off×3—5,then they clear the bar from the next-to-final height.
Working on:
(4), (5),(6),(7) (8), (9)。
四、The last part:
Warm-down :
1、Relaxation exercise ×5 ,
2、Teacher conclude the state of the lesson .
体育教育 系 田径必修 课 项目 FLOP 第 6 次课
内 容
目 标
Improve the technique of the total
Improve the technique of the total
组 织、教 法 与 要 求
一、开始部分:(集合队形如图1) 图1
(二)、师生问好,教师检查学生 学生
(三)、教师宣布本次课的主要内 教师
容和教学任务。 (五)要求:1、在田径场地
(四)、教师安排见习生。 2、背风、背阳
二、The preparation part:
1、large and small circle run (radius 5mand 2.5m)
2、curve run 40×3. Note: rhythm and inclination
3、Walk and turn trunk.
4、Walk and bent upper body toward front and backward, then turn their trunk.
5、Walk and wave set.
6、Standing and bent trunk and arch exercise.
7、Standing and lunge press leg.
8、Standing and swing arms. 9、Circle run and plant.
10、Circle walk and raise bent leg higher.
11、Circle walk and swing bent leg and arms.
三、Basic components:
(一)、Teaching methods:
组 织、教 法 与 要 求
1、To plant tack off foot with swinging arm catch the wall-bar.
2、One step run-up and take off with swinging arm catch the wall-bar.
3、Two step run-up and plant.
4、Two step run-up and take off.
5、Four step run-up and take off.
6、the right arm contact the football of the pick bar on the total run-up and take off.
7、Students jump up the high platform with the total approach.
1、Improve the technique of the run up and take off:
(1).(2).(3).(4).(5).(6) same the 4th lesson.
2. Improve the technique of the total
(1)they clear the bar from total approach.
(2)when they reach the the height that isn’t cleared,they take total run-up and take off×3—5,then they clear the bar from the next-to-final height.
Working on:
(4), (5),(6),(7) (8), (9)。
四、The last part:
Warm-down :
1、Relaxation exercise ×5 ,
2、Teacher conclude the state of the lesson .