Chapter 10
Financial Regulation and
Financial Innovation
10.1 The Regulation of Markets and
Financial system is one of most
intensely regulated sectors of the U.S
economy. econo
The reasons for regulation
promoting competition
protecting individual consumers
assuring financial system stability
facilitating monetary policy
10.1.2 The regulation of financial
market in the U.S.
Much of the regulation if U.S. financial markets is
driven by the desire to protect individual investors
and the philosophy that the best protection is the
information about the securities in the marketplace.
1.The regulation of the primary market
2.The regulation of the secondary market
10.1.3 The regulation of commercial
banks in the U.S.
1.The U.S. Banking Regulatory Structure
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Regulations of nondepository
financial intermediaries
v How nondepositoryfinancial intermediaries are
regulated depends very much on the types of liabilities
they issue.
v The Employee Retirement Income Security Act
2.Regulations to protect individual depositors
and financial system stability
Bank Examination
Deposit Insurance
Risk-Based Capital Requirements
Prompt Corrective Action
Risk-Based Deposit Insurance Premiums
3. Regulations of nondepository financial
Hownondepositoryfinancial intermediaries are
regulated depends very much on the types of
liabilities they issue.
The Employee Retirement Income Security Act
10.1.4Where Securities Market and Banking Regulation
Meet: The Glass-SteagallAct, A Collapsing Barrier
The Genesis of Glass-Steagall
The Erosion of Glass-Steagall
The Risk of Universal Banking
10.2 The Causes of Financial Innovation
The financial system has changed a great deal
in recent years. Financial innovation has
spawned new institutions, and new markets,
thereby transforming conservative, old-
fashioned industries like banking and
insurance into the new and highly sophisticated
financial services industry.
10.2.1 Circumventing Regulation
qFinancial innovation is a means of avoiding
qThe development of the Eurobond market also
stems from regulation avoidance.
qCircumventing regulatory constrains has been an
important element in stimulating recent financial
10.2.2 Double-digit Inflation
The double-digit inflation if the late 1970s and early
1980s had profound social and economic consequences,
including stimulating innovations that have shaped the
financial environment ever since.
Fixed-rate mortgages →floating rate mortgages
Zero-coupon bonds
The development of widespread trading in the
financial futures
Interest rate swaps
10.2.3 Legislative Encouragement
Regulative factors for negative reasons provided a
stimulus to the financial innovation. However,
government is not always such a negative force, in
recent years, government has also made positive
contributions to financial innovation.
10.2.4The Philosophy of Deregulation
At least part of the credit (or blame) for the burst
of financial innovation at this point in history must
go to the widespread acceptance of what has come
to be known as the philosophy of deregulation.
10.2.4 Technological change
Technology is the traditional stimulus to change,
and it is as powerful in financial markets as
anywhere else.
10.2.6 necessity is the mother of invention
New financial institutions, products, and markets
come into use and remain there because of a demand
for them.