Dictation of Unit 7Words:
1,An animal of any kind; 2,Catch; 3,Give up; 4,Very noticeably;
5,On purpose,intentionally; 6,Remove or get rid of completely:
7,Cause some change,influence; 8,Bringing goods from a foreign
country; 9,Excellent; 10,The opposite; 11,令人生畏的 ;
12,估计 ; 13,碎片 ; 14.种类,物种 ; 15,有机体,
1,As a famous actor,he does not_ _ _ _ _ _,He must improve his acting
to meet new challenges.
2,After retirement,he _ _ developing educational games for children.
3,The stronger animals _ _ the weaker ones.
4,As long as the rabbits’ escape systems _ _ _ _ _,they will be _ _the
dog’s attack.
5,He got up early this morning _ _ _ _ he could catch the train.
6,He has _ untold _ to catch the rabbit,but he always ended in failure.
7,The sight of the children’s surfing on the Internet _ _ _ _ my own
8,It is forbidden to kill the wild animals _ _,9,也是如此 _ _ _ _.
Lead-in of Unit 7In the world of nature,every living things compete with other creatures
or species for food and for place to survive,Some eat others as the
consumers while some are eaten by others being the prey,You may think
it’s cruel,but that’s exactly the way how the nature keeps in a good
working order,
According to Darwinism( a theory developed by British biologist Charles
Robert Darwin on the general rules governing the process of evolution
of living things),only the one which is adapted to the environment can
survive,So the struggle for survival and death is unavoidable.
Q,Have you ever seen the process of one live (adj,Having life)
creature being eaten or being killed by another one?
What’s it like?
How do you feel?
The passage is a moving story which described a young boy watches a
buck being eaten by ants.
veld,wild,high,flat,mostly treeless grassland in South Africa
bush,wild,uncultivated land,especially in Africa or Australia
buck,male deer
Detailed studiesL1.
… the grass was whispering and alive…
Meaning,There was a slight breeze blowing over the grass which was
full of life.
He looked wildly about,then down.
wildly,adv,In a distracted,panicky or excited manner
Meaning,He examined the place around him in a panicky way and then
looked at the ground.
The ground was black with ants…
Meaning,the ground was completely covered with ants.
… took no notice of him,gut hurried and scurried towards the fighting
shape,like glistening black water flowing through the grass.
Detailed studiestake (no) notice of,pay (no) attention to
e.g,Take no notice of what others say about your way of life.
At the Chinese Commodities Fair,people could not fail to take
notice of the rapid progress the Chinese people had made in
producing machinery,textiles,silk handicrafts,and food and
scurry,move in haste,run with short,quick steps 急忙奔跑 ; 疾行
the fighting shape,the wounded buck which was struggling
glisten,(of wet or polished surfaces,tear-filled eyes) shine brightly
(指潮湿,光泽的表面,泪水盈眶的眼睛 ) 闪耀,闪烁
e.g,Glistening dew-drops/ black hair; eyes glistening with tears;
cf,The lightning flashed across the sky.
The idea flashed into his mind.
the gleam / glimmer of a distant lighthouse / a gleam of hope
Their helmets glanced in the sunlight
Her eyes sparkled with excitement.
Her diamonds glittered in the bright light.
Detailed studiesmoonlight shimmering on the lake
twinkle,twinkle,little star,
how I wonder where you are.
up above the world so high,
like a diamond in the sky.
间接反射的光 ; 微弱,隐约闪光 ; 刺眼,迅速闪动不规则的闪光 ;
很强,突然出现或有规律的明熄交替的光 ; 迅速,间歇地发光或闪亮 ;
柔和的,颤动的光照射 ; 较大量的反光物质,时间较长,反射分散,
glance,gleam/ glimmer,sparkle,flash,twinkle,
Meaning,These vigorous,strong and powerful ants,without paying any
attention to the boy,were moving quickly towards the wounded buck
which was struggling helplessly,The ants liked brightly shining black
water running through the grass.
…he drew in his breath and pity and terror seized him…
Meaning,just as he took a breath,feeling pity for the buck and
somehow afraid,because the buck was no longer on its feet
and became silent.
Detailed studies
nothing but,only
rustle,move along making a dry light sound 发着轻而爽快的声音移动
He peered over at the writhing blackness that jerked convulsively with the
jerking nerves.
peer (at/ into), vi,Look closely,as if unable to see well凝视,盯着看,
e.g,He peered through the windscreen,trying to see the road sign for the plane.
long,steady look 目不转睛地长时间看 (茫然,羡慕,入迷 )
e.g,What are you ___ at?
look open-mouthed and in surprise 目瞪口呆地注视,张口惊视
e.g,Country visitors ___at the sights in the big city.
look angrily or fiercely 怒目而视
e.g,They ___ hate at me.
look fixedly,(of eye) be wide open 固定的瞪大眼睛凝视 (吃惊,恐惧,无礼貌等 )
e.g,Do you like being ___ at?
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writhe,twist or roll about,esp,because of great pain扭动,翻滚 (尤因巨痛 )
writhing blackness,the body of the buck
jerk,move with a short sudden action or a series of short uneven action
猛然一动,颤动 (医学上的痉挛,抽筋 )
twitch,sudden,quick,uncontrollable movement of a muscle 肌肉抽动
convulsively,in a sudden violent uncontrollable body movement way,
caused by contraction of muscles 痉挛,抽搐
…raised his gun…
vi,Rise(上升,升起 ) rose risen
arise(起立,起身,不好的结果或问题出现 ) arose arisen
vt,Raise(举起,扬起,饲养,养育,提高 )
arouse(语气较 rouse弱 )
e.g,He __ and left the room,/ __ a child / Her curiosity was __.
Accidents __ from carelessness.
…its fighting was a mechanical protest of the nerves…
Meaning,Though the buck’s heart might have stopped beating,its
other organs were still functioning and its nerves still jerking.
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…It was a swelling feeling of rage and misery and protest that
expressed itself in the thought…
Meaning,The thought well expressed his growing feeling of anger and
unhappiness,and objection to what was happening.
… why should I interfere…
interfere (in/ with),干涉,干扰,干预
e.g,Don’t interfere in other people’s affairs.
My father always interfere with me.
The noise of traffic interfered with my sleep.
cf,Intervene (in/with),介于 ; 干扰 ; 调停
intervene in a dispute
He was very happy in the years that intervened between his
retirement and death.
L17,In anguish,in severe physical or mental pain
L20,Trickle,flow in drops or in a thin stream 涓涓细流
L30,Ebb,(of the tide) flow back from the land to the sea(潮水 )退,落
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e.g,Tears trickled down her cheeks when she lost her way in the street,
Although their experiments failed again and again,their enthusiasm
instead of ebbing away,was rising.
at any rate,in any case,whatever happens,anyway
e.g,If I don’t see you tomorrow,I’ll see you on Thursday at any rate.
You needn’t post the letter for me,I’m going to the post office
this afternoon at any rate.
fancy,believe without being certain; imagine
e.g,I fancy I have seen him before because his face strikes me as
incredulously,unbelieving; showing disbelief
exhilarate,make cheerful and excited,fill with high spirits使高兴,使兴

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