1932: Chadwick discovers the neutron
1935: Goldhaber discovers 10B(n,α)7 Li reaction
1936: Locher proposes boron neutron capture as a cancer therapy
1939: Nuclear fission in 235U induced by low-energy neutrons shown to release
several neutrons. Suggests that a self-sustaining chain reaction is possible.
Dec. 2, 1942: E. Fermi; U. Chicago, first uranium fission reactor goes critical.
Classification of neutrons by energy
Thermal: E < 1 eV (0.025 eV)
Epithermal: 1 eV < E < 10 keV
Fast: > 10 keV
Neutron sources Neutron energies
Reactors neutrons in the few keV to several MeV
Fusion reactions 14 MeV
Large accelerators Hundreds of MeV
Energy Deposition by Neutrons
? Neutrons are generated over a wide range of energies by a variety of
different processes.
? Like photons, neutrons are uncharged and do not interact with orbital
? Neutrons can travel considerable distances through matter without
? Neutrons will interact with atomic nuclei through several mechanisms.
○ Elastic scatter
○ Inelastic scatter
○ Nonelastic scatter
○ Neutron capture
○ Spallation
? The type of interaction depends on the neutron energy
Sources of Neutrons
Reactors: Fission Neutrons
Average distribution of energy among products released by fission of
(after Turner J. E. Atoms, Radiation, and Radiation Protection, 2nd ed. New York: Wiley-Interscience,
1995. Table 9.5)
Kinetic energy of charged fission fragments 162 MeV
Fission neutrons 6
Fission gamma rays 6
Subsequent beta decay 5
Subsequent gamma decay 5
Neutrinos 11
Total 195 MeV
When, on average, one neutron of the several neutrons released per fission
reaction, causes another fission reaction.
N (i+1)
keff = Ni = # of neutrons in a “generation”
critical if keff = 1
subcritical if keff < 1
supercritical if keff > 1
? Moderator: slows down the fast fission neutrons so they can react with
another 235U
? Control rods contain boron or cadmium (high cross section for thermal
Accelerator neutron sources
Reactions used to produce monoenergetic neutrons
with accelerated protons (p) and deuterons (d)
(after [Turner ], Table 9.1)
Reaction Q value (MeV)
3H(d,n) 4He 17.6
2H(d,n) 3He 3.27
12C(d,n) 13N – 0.281
3H(p,n) 3He – 0.764
7Li(p,n) 7Be – 1.65
? Light metals used as targets to minimize Coulomb repulsion
? Exothermic reactions require only a modest energy accelerator, few hundred keV.
? The endothermic reactions require more substantial accelerators.
Q = 17.6 MeV
neutron energy ~ 14 MeV
Q = - 1.64 MeV
neutron energies vary
Accelerated protons must supply additional energy to make this reaction proceed.
Isotopic Neutron Sources
(α,n) Neutron Sources (after [Turner ], Table 9.2)
Source Average neutron energy (MeV) Half-life
210PoBe 4.2 138 d
210PoB 2.5 138 d
226RaBe 3.9 1600 y
226RaB 3.0 1600 y
239PuBe 4.5 24100 y
Alpha source + light metal
Q = 5.78 MeV
Light metals minimize Coulomb repulsion
Neutron and recoil nucleus share Q and KE of incoming alpha particle.
Neutrons have a continuous energy spectrum.
E.g., emits alpha particles of ~ 5.1 MeV
PuBe sources used to provide neutrons to “start” reactors.
Photoneutron reactions
? Photon brings enough energy to drive reaction.
? Photoneutron sources emit monoenergetic neutrons ( if a single energy
photon comes in).
? Requires photons of > several MeV.
(γ,n) Neutron Sources (after [Turner ], Table 9.3)
Source Neutron energy (MeV) Half-life
24NaBe 0.97 15.0 h
24NaD2O 0.26 15.0 h
116InBe 0.38 54 min
124SaBe 0.024 60 d
140LaBe 0.75 40 h
226RaBe 0.7(maximum) 1600 y
Alpha source + light metal
-23.79 → -23.77 + 8.07
neutron binding energy = 8.09 MeV
? Energy needed to remove neutron = 8.09 MeV
? If a 10 MeV photon is used to “drive” this reaction, the products share the
excess energy: 1.91 MeV.
? En = hν – binding energy
? En = 1.90 MeV
Cross Sections
? Because mass attenuation coefficients have dimensions of cm2 in the
numerator, they have come to be called “cross sections”.
? Cross sections do not represent a physical area, but a probability of an
? Cross sections usually expressed in the unit, barn: (10-24 cm2)
? The atomic cross sections can be derived from the mass attenuation
Attenuation coefficient, expressed at the atom level
Probability of interaction per atom
NA = atom density (#atoms/cm3) NA = NO
σA = atomic cross section (cm2/atom) N0 = 6.02 x 1023 atoms/mole
μ= NAσA ρ = g/cm3
μ= NOσA A = g/mole
Neutron Cross Sections
Analogous to photons
? Neutrons interact by different mechanisms depending on the neutron energy
and the material of the absorber
○ Scattering
? elastic
? inelastic
○ Capture
? Each energy loss mechanism has a cross section
? Neutron cross sections expressed in barns (1 barn = 10-24 cm2).
? These cross sections depend on the neutron energy and the absorber
Moderation: slowing down of fast neutrons
Fast neutrons lose energy in a series of scatter events, mostly elastic scatter.
Lower energy neutrons:
? scattering continues
? probability of capture increases (capture cross sections increase at lower
Thermal Neutron Cross Sections
Cross section (barns)
Cross Sections
Total cross sections for neutrons with hydrogen and carbon as a function of energy
? For hydrogen the contributors to the total cross section are elastic scatter
(predominant) and neutron capture (σ = 0.33 barns at thermal neutron
? For carbon, the cross section is complex due to the different nuclear states
possible that may enhance or suppress elastic or inelastic scatter at particular
neutron energies.
Neutron Interactions
Elastic scatter: The most important process for slowing down of neutrons.
? Total kinetic energy is conserved
? E lost by the neutron is transferred to the recoiling particle.
? Maximum energy transfer occurs with a head-on collision.
? Elastic scatter cross sections depend on energy and material.
Maximum fraction of energy lost (Qmax/En)
by a neutron in a single elastic collision with
various nuclei (from [Turner], Table 9.4)
Inelastic scatter
? The neutron is absorbed and then re-emitted
? The nucleus absorbs some energy internally and is left in an excited state.
e.g., 14N(n,n' ) 14N Eγ = ~ 10 MeV
? De-excitation emits a gamma ray.
? In tissue, inelastic scatter reactions can occur in carbon, nitrogen and
Nonelastic scatter
? Differs from inelastic scattering in that a secondary particle that is not a
neutron is emitted after the capture of the initial neutron.
e.g., 12C(n,α) 9Be Eγ = 1.75 MeV
? Energy is transferred to the tissue by the alpha particle and the de-excitation
gamma ray.
Neutron capture
? Same as nonelastic scatter, but by definition, neutron capture occurs only at
low neutron energies (thermal energy range is < 0.025 eV).
? Capture leads to the disappearance of the neutron.
? Neutron capture accounts for a significant fraction of the energy transferred
to tissue by neutrons in the low energy ranges.
e.g., 14N(n,p) 14C Q = 0.626 MeV Ep = 0.58 MeV
1H(n,γ) 2H Q = 2.2 MeV Eγ = 2.2 MeV
? The hydrogen capture reaction is the major contributor to dose in tissue from
thermal neutrons. Because the gamma is fairly energetic, the dose to tissue
will depend on the volume of tissue irradiated.
? In this process, after the neutron is captured, the nucleus fragments into
several parts. Only important at neutron energies in excess on 100 MeV.
(cross sections are higher at 400-500 MeV).
? The dose to tissue comes from the several neutrons and de-excitation gamma
rays which are emitted.
Threshold Reactions
Q is negative, endothermic reaction.
Threshold energy, Eth, must be supplied.
Incoming particle (M1) must bring enough energy to overcome negative Q
threshold and to provide enough energy to satisfy conservation of momentum
Schematic of a head-on collision producing a nuclear
reaction in which the identity of the particles can change.
(after [Turner], Fig. 9.7)
? Particle M1 strikes M2 (at rest).
? Identities of particles change: M3 and M4 are created.
? Q value is negative
? Conservation of energy: E1 = E3 + E4 + Q
Conservation of momentum: p1 = p3 + p4
Smallest possible E to satisfy the equation is the Threshold Energy, Eth.
Example: 32S(n,p) 32P Q = - 0.93 MeV
Eth = 0.957 MeV
In practice, the Coulomb Barrier adds energy to Eth for reaction to occur.
32S exists in human hair.
32P activity induced by neutrons (> 3.2 MeV) can be used as a measure of the
individual’s exposure following criticality accidents.
Neutron Activation
? Extremely useful property of neutrons.
? Neutron capture creates a new isotope (same element)
? Sensitive tool for elemental analysis
Creation of a nuclide N
Activity = production – loss by decay
NT = # of target atoms
σ = cross section (barns: 10-24 cm2)
Φ = fluence rate (n/cm2 s)
t = start of the irradiation
ΦσNT = saturation activity t → ∞
Buildup of induced activity λN during neutron
irradiation at constant fluence rate.
(after [Turner], Fig. 9.8)
Gold activation used as a measure of thermal neutron fluence
197Au (100% abundance)
σ = 98.8 barns
197Au + n → 198Au t?= 2.7 days
Alternatively, neutron activation can be used to measure the amount of an element
Gamma emission energies are element-specific and can be used to identify trace