22:01 Introduction to Ionizing Radiation
The History of the Discovery of Radiation and Radioactivity
Radiation can be defined as the propagation of energy through matter or space. It can be
in the form of electromagnetic waves or energetic particles.
Source: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories, “MicroWorlds: Electrmagnetic Spectrum.” [cited 26 March 2003.]
Ionizing radiation has the ability to knock an electron from an atom, i.e. to ionize.
Examples of ionizing radiation include:
? alpha particles
? beta particles
? neutrons
? gamma rays
? x-rays
Non-ionizing radiation does not have enough energy to ionize atoms in the material it
interacts with. Examples of non-ionizing radiation include:
? microwaves
? visible light
? radio waves
? TV waves
? Ultraviolet radiation (except for the very shortest wavelengths)
The earth has been radioactive ever since its formation into a solid mass over 4? billion
years ago. However, we have only known about radiation and radioactivity for just over
one hundred years.
You are probably familiar with the radiation warning sign, the “trefoil”. See
http://www.orau.com/ptp/articlesstories/radwarnsymbstory.htm for a history of the
A Brief History of the Discovery of Radiation and Radioactivity
The History of the Discovery of Radiation and Radioactivity
1895: The Discovery of the X-ray
Radiation was discovered by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen on November 8, 1895.
http://www.orcbs.msu.edu/radiation/radhistory/wilhelmrontgen.html Roentgen, like many
other physicists at that time, had been experimenting in his laboratory with the discharge
of electricity in “vacuum tubes”. The glass tubes were evacuated (and made airtight
using Bank of England sealing wax) and had metal plates sealed at the ends. The metal
plates could be connected to a battery or an induction coil. This flow of electricity was
necessary in order for the tube to glow. The glow emerged from the negative plate (the
cathode) and disappeared into the positive plate (the anode). If a circular anode was
sealed into the middle of the tube, the glow (the cathode rays) could be projected through
the circle and into the other end of the tube. If the beam of cathode rays were energetic
enough to hit the glass, the glass would glow (fluoresce).
The glass tubes were given various names, e.g. Crookes tubes (named after William
Crookes) or Hittorf tubes (Johann Hittorf) based on the individual able to design a tube
better able to generate or hold vacuum. Roentgen’s work was carried out using a Hittorf
tube. [See www.chem.uiuc.edu/demos/cathode.html for a demo of an early cathode ray
tube in operation.]
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It had already been demonstrated that the emission coming from the cathode, the
“cathode rays”, were not very penetrating. On the evening of November 8, 1895,
Roentgen had covered the tube completely with black cardboard. The laboratory was
completely dark. Several feet away from the tube was a piece of paper, used as a screen,
covered with barium-platinum cyanide. In the darkened room, Roentgen noticed the
screen fluorescing, emitting light. Something must have hit the screen if it reacted by
emitting light. However, since the Hittorf tube was covered in cardboard, no cathode
rays or light could have come from Hittorf tube.
Very surprised, Roentgen began investigating this strange occurrence. He turned
the paper screen so that the side without barium platinum-cyanide faced the tube – still
the screen fluoresced. He moved the screen farther from the tube and still the screen
fluoresced. Then he placed several objects between the tube and the screen but all
appeared to be transparent. When he put his hand in front of the tube he saw his bones on
the screen.
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One of the first images obtained by Rontgen using x-
rays, showing the bones of a hand.
Roentgen experimented with these “new rays”, alone in his laboratory, for many
weeks. He found that objects were transparent to these rays in different degrees.
Photographic plates were sensitive to x-rays. He could not detect any appreciable
reflection or refraction of the rays, nor could he deflect them with a magnetic field. The
rays originated in the area of the discharge tube where the cathode rays impinge on the
wall of the glass tube.
On December 28, 1895, Roentgen delivered a preliminary paper to the secretary
of the Physical-Medical Society of Würzburg. It was printed immediately and by early
January of 1896 it was being distributed. The paper caused a great stir (as can be
imagined) and may have been ignored as unbelievable had he not also included x-ray
photographs of hands (taking 3-10 minutes to acquire). This evidence could not be easily
The response to this new discovery was tremendous. Roentgen was invited to
lecture all over the world, however he declined all invitations (except one – he made a
demonstration to the Kaiser on January 13, 1896) in order to continue his investigations.
In the year 1896 there were over 1,000 papers written on the subject of x-rays.
Roentgen himself wrote only two more papers on x-rays, in 1896 and 1897. He then
went back to working on his former interests but received the first Nobel Prize for
physics in 1901.
What Happens in the Crookes/Hittorf Tube?
1. Phosphorescence/ Fluorescence: The glow from the tube
Electrons exist in discrete orbits in the atom. Electrons can jump to a higher orbit
only by absorption of energy or to a lower orbit by emission of energy. The energy is
equal to the difference in ample below, an
electron in the outer sh aking this transition, a
photon is given off. The energy of the photon is equal to E ission of a
photon (following energy absorption) is very quick (eg 10 s), the phenomenon is
called "fluorescence
energy level between the two orbits. In the ex
ell (E
) drops into the inner shell (E
). In m
. If the em
- 10
". If the emission is slow to occur, the phenomenon is referred to as
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Since the energy levels of each atom are unique to that atom, the photons emitted
during fluorescence are very distinctive and act as 'fingerprints' for that particular
element. This fact is often used in the identification and quantification of elements in a
sample. Because the fluorescent (or phosphorescent) photons are unique to the atom,
these photons are sometimes referred to as "characteristic radiation".
2. Bremsstrahlung (X-rays): The Mysterious Rays:
What Roentgen discovered was the phenomenon we now know as
“bremsstrahlung”. He himself didn’t know what the rays were – they were new,
penetrating and mysterious. For lack of a better name he called them “x-rays”.
The cathode rays generated in the Hittorf tube, the electrons, struck the glass wall
of the tube. When electrons interact with matter they typically do one of two things.
They (1) dislodge orbital electrons in the material (via elastic collisions); these electrons
make an ionization track themselves in the material; eventually the energy is given to the
material as heat. Orbital vacancies are filled from electrons dropping in from higher
shells and characteristic radiation (fluorescence) may be given off.
Or, they (2) are decelerated in the field of the nuclei in the glass tube. Remember
that the electrons are negatively charged and will be attracted to the positively-charged
nuclei. The trajectory of the electron will change, bending toward the nucleus and
slowing down. Classical theory tells us that when any charged particle undergoes a
change in acceleration, electromagnetic radiation (an x-ray) is emitted. This phenomenon
is called bremsstrahlung, which is German for ‘braking radiation’, and is the phenomenon
observed by roentgen. [This process, which is the basis for all x-ray tubes in use today,
will be detail with in more detail later in the course.]
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1896: The Discovery of Radioactivity
The discovery of radioactivity followed the discovery of x-rays by only two-and-
a-half months. Henri Becquerel, a third generation expert on fluorescence and
phosphorescence, heard a report (and saw radiographs) of Roentgen’s work at the weekly
meeting of the Académie des Sciences on January 20, 1896.
[ http://www.orcbs.msu.edu/radiation/radhistory/antoinebecquerel.html ] Upon learning
that the x-rays emerged from the fluorescing glass of the Hittorf tube, he immediately
conjectured that other fluorescing materials might also emit x-rays. He worked for many
days, testing a number of phosphorescent and fluorescent substances without success,
until he tried a uranium salt, uranyl potassium sulfate.
Sealing a photographic plate in black paper, he sprinkled a layer of the uranium
salt onto the paper and put the whole thing in the sun for several hours. When he later
developed the plate, he saw the silhouette of the phosphorescent substance in black on the
negative. He then assumed (mistakenly) that the sunlight caused the emission of the
penetrating rays (and that x-rays came automatically from fluorescing substances).
The next part of the story is famous. Becquerel tried repeating the experiment on
February 26 and again on February 27, however Paris was cloudy. He put the covered
plate, with uranyl potassium sulfate on top, away in a drawer. Then, on March 1 he went
ahead and developed the plate, expecting to see very faint images. Instead, the images
appeared very intense. Thus, the uranium salt emitted rays capable of penetrating black
paper, whether or not it had been previously exposed to sunlight.
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Becquerel initially thought the effect might have been a result of long-lived
invisible phosphorescence, but disproved this theory by testing non-phosphorescent
uranium salts and finding they also produced the silhouettes. At the time, Becquerel’s
discovery did not seem as important as Roentgen’s. (After all the images were very
fuzzy and there was not much uranium around, in contrast to the comparatively high
resolution images made with “Roentgen Rays” using a Crooks or Hittorf tube already in
the hands of many, many investigators.)
Becquerel found that the “Becquerel Rays” ionized gases. Thus it was possible to
measure the activity in a sample simply by measuring the ionization that it produced. At
the time this could be done using a crude gold-leaf electroscope. Becquerel shared the
1903 Nobel Prize in physics and is known as the discoverer of radioactivity.
Becquerel continued to investigate the rays emitted by uranium. However, he
restricted himself to uranium since, first, it was the material he had most experience with
and, second, he felt it to be improbable that another substance would be a more powerful
emitter since the rays were first discovered from uranium. Thus it was not Becquerel but
the Curies who investigated other elements and, by discovering first polonium and then
radium, were able to make very powerful sources which helped pave the way toward a
full understanding of the process of radioactive decay.
1897: Elucidating the Nature of Cathode Rays
In 1897, the third director of the prestigious Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge
University, J.J. Thomson, carried out a number of experiments with cathode rays. [See
http://www.orcbs.msu.edu/radiation/radhistory/josephthomson.html for a brief history of
J.J. Thompson, and http://webster.aip.org/history/electron/ for an interesting description
of his experiments.] By virtue of the fact that he was able to establish a good vacuum in
the cathode tube, Thomson was able to show that the cathode rays could be deflected in
an electric field. [He had connected two metal plates placed inside the tube to a battery.
He showed that a narrow cathode ray beam, made using a pair of separated slits, created a
fluorescent patch on the end of the tube in a different place, depending on whether the
battery was connected or not.] Although it was known that cathode rays could be
deflected in a magnetic field, no one had yet observed their deflection in an electric field.
The reason was that J.J. Thomson was able to obtain a better vacuum in his tube. Unless
there is a good vacuum, no electric field can be established. [A poor vacuum is a good
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Schematic drawing of Thomson's apparatus in the second experiment. Rays from the cathode (C)
pass through a slit in the anode (A) and through a slit in a grounded metal plug (B). An electrical
voltage is established between aluminum plates (D and E), and a scale pasted on the outside of
the end of the tube measures the deflection of the rays.
In 1897 Thomson described his experiments carried out to determine the ratio of
charge to mass of the particles making up the cathode rays. Thomson is credited with the
determination that cathode rays (“electrons”) are particulates. He also found that the
corpuscles that constituted the cathode rays were the same no matter what the
composition of the cathode or the gas in the tube. This, and the fact that the electrons
were lighter than hydrogen, the lightest known kind of matter, implied that the atom was
not indivisible.
J.J. Thomson won the Nobel Prize in physics for demonstrating the particulate
nature of the electron. Interestingly, in 1937, his son George Thomson won the Nobel
Prize in physics for demonstrating the wave properties of the electron.
1897: The Discoveries of Marie Sklodowska Curie and Pierre Curie
In September of 1897, just after the birth of her first daughter, Marie Curie,
having already passed what we would call her doctoral qualifying exam, sought her
husband’s advice regarding the subject of her Ph.D. thesis. Pierre suggested she
investigate the new phenomenon discovered by Becquerel.
She began by repeating Becquerel’s experiments using better electrometers
(containing a piezoelectric quartz – Pierre and his brother Jacques had discussed
piezoelectricity). She confirmed that the extent of ionization (in air) created by a
uranium sample and thus the intensity of its radiation emission, was proportional to the
amount of uranium in the compound and independent of its chemical state. She then
decided to examine all the elements then known and found that only thorium emitted rays
similar to uranium (a fact discovered earlier by G.C. Schmidt). Marie Curie then
proposed the word “radioactivity” to describe the phenomenon.
Her next step was to investigate natural ores rather than limit herself to simple
compounds of uranium and thorium. To her surprise, the radioactivity of some of the
ores were three to four times greater than could be accounted for on the basis of just their
uranium and thorium content. Her conclusion was correct. The samples of ore must
contain something even more radioactive than U or Th.
She began her search for the new substance which, by a clear experiment, she had
determined was some type of impurity in the uranium ore. [That is, when she fabricated
the mineral herself out of pure substances, the mineral was no more radioactive than what
was expected based on the uranium content.] To find the new substance she had to take
the natural ore, dissolve it, separate it into its components and then measure the
radioactivity of each component using her electrometer.
The task was immense and she recruited help from her husband in the process of
grinding sample after sample of pitchblende ore. They eventually concentrated the
highly radioactive part of the sample in a small residue. They decided they had found a
new element since, although their sample was far from pure, it was far more radioactive
than either U or Th. They called it polonium (after Poland, Marie’s native country).
They also found that the substance disappeared spontaneously reducing itself to one half
in a characteristic time (called the half-life).
During their chemical analysis they had found polonium in the group of
sulphides, insoluble in acid solutions. But then they also found radioactivity in the
barium group (barium, strontium and calcium). When they finally succeeded in
separating the radioactivity from barium they found a new substance which they called
radium. Obtaining a hundred kilograms of residues from the pitchblende mines of
Joachimstal, Czechoslovakia (practically the only active center of uranium mining at the
time) from which the uranium had been already removed. Marie and Pierre ground it all,
by hand, dissolved it in various solvents, heating and stirring it in a laboratory with no
fume hoods. After two years they had enough radium in their sample to detect a change
in the atomic weight of the substance. [Barium has an atomic weight of 137 but their
samples showed an atomic weight of 174. We now know that pure radium has an atomic
weight of 226. It took Marie 12 more years to produce a pure sample.]
By 1902 Marie had lost about 20 pounds as a result of the heavy labor involved in
the extraction of radium from pitchblende ores. But, she had enough radium to enable
her to measure its atomic weight. She found it to be 225, almost the correct value.
In 1903, the Curies shared the Nobel Prize in Physics with Henri Becquerel. In
1911 Marie Curie received a second Nobel Prize, this time in chemistry, for her
purification of Ra metal. She is the first person ever to have won the prize twice.
Pierre died in a carriage accident in 1906 but Marie lived to the age of 67. She
had been ill a long time and ultimately died of aplastic anemia. [This is a condition that
can be caused by overexposure to radiation] If you look at the periodic table you’ll
notice that radium and calcium are both in Group I. They thus share similar chemistry.
Calcium, as you know, is a bone-seeker too. Aplastic anemia is a disease of the blood
caused by defective function of the blood-forming organs (i.e. the bone marrow).
Although there is no way to know for sure that Marie Curie died of a radiation-induced
aplastic anemia, it is, of course, quite likely. After her death, it was found that her
laboratory notebooks were strongly contaminated. Even her cookbooks, at home, were
radioactive fifty years after her death.
1899/1900 Alpha, Beta and Gamma
Ernest Rutherford, http://www.orcbs.msu.edu/radiation/radhistory/ernestrutherford.html,
a physicist from New Zealand, was working under J.J. Thompson at the Cavendish
Laboratory in 1898-1899. Through a long series of experiments he realized that there were
two kinds of radiation emitted from Uranium. He called them alpha and beta, the first two
letters in the Greek alphabet. In a few years it was concluded that beta rays were cathode
rays, that is, electrons. The precise nature of alpha particles remained a mystery although
both Rutherford and the Curies suspected they were particles, atoms electrically charged
and projected at high speed. They also knew they could be stopped by extremely thin
shields (e.g. paper) and were deflected to only a small extent in a magnetic field.
In 1900, P. Villard in France had also found an additional penetrating radiation
from Uranium. This radiation was not alpha nor beta, but more penetrating than the beta
particles; it was given the name gamma. [It was the effects of gamma radiation that
Becquerel had observed when he developed his photographic plates. The gamma rays are
penetrating enough to both make it out of the solid uranium salts, and through the paper.]
The figure below, taken from the Ph.D. thesis of Marie Curie, shows the behavior
of the α, β, and γ rays in a magnetic field. Over the next few years many experiments
were carried out to determine the exact nature and behavior of these rays.
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What is this “radioactivity”?
The first use of the word “radioactivity” appeared in an 1899 publication by the
Curies. But the exact nature of radioactivity stumped everyone. The emissions did not
seem to be affected by temperature or state. That is, the penetrating Becquerel rays were
observed whether the Uranium was in a solid lump or in a heated solution. The
emissions could change the color of glass, they could burn skin, and they could create
heat. Eventually it was noted that the emissions were not restricted to Uranium, Radium
or Polonium. They were found, to some extent in rain, soil, and air. To make it more
confusing, some elements showed the same rate of emission (i.e. “activity”) while others
appeared to decrease according to a specific half-life. [We now know that all radioactive
elements decay with a specific half-life. Those with extremely long half-lives only
appeared to be decaying at a constant rate.]
Data to consider were supplied by both physicists and chemists. Crookes
discovered in 1900 that if iron hydroxide was precipitated in a uranyl salt solution, all the
radioactivity went into the precipitate, and the uranium remained inactive. However,
after a few days the precipitate lost its activity, and the uranium reacquired it. Similar
phenomena occurred in other radioactive substances on different time scales – sometimes
hours, sometimes minutes.
There were many theories put forward to explain the phenomenon of radiation.
Becquerel at first proposed that radioactivity was a form of delayed phosphorescence.
This was proved incorrect since some things that did not exhibit phosphorescence were
shown to be radioactive. Crookes, the inventor of the Crookes tube, thought that energy
is extracted from fast moving air molecules. This was disproved by conducting
experiments in a vacuum. Marie Curie proposed that all space is constantly traversed by
X-rays which are only absorbed by heavy elements. This theory was tested (and
disproved) in a mineshaft. Rutherford and Soddy (a chemist at McGill with Rutherford)
proposed that radiation emissions are the result of the spontaneous transmutation of one
element to another. This theory was correct and Rutherford eventually won the 1908
Nobel Prize (in chemistry) for his demonstration of this. However, this theory basically
said that the atom is not an indestructible unit, as previously believed!
The Structure of the Atom
It was the discovery and investigation of the phenomenon of radioactivity that led
to our present understanding of the basic structure of the atom.
By 1900 it was known that negative charge is carried by the electron. It was also
known that the electron makes up an extremely tiny fraction of the mass of the atom. The
question was: how is the mass and charge distributed in an atom?
J.J. Thompson proposed one theory which is called the “plum pudding model”.
He postulated that the tiny negative electrons are dotted about the very massive nucleus
like plums or raisins in a cake. [The British plum pudding would be referred to as a cake
in North America.]
positive charge
negative charges (electrons)
Rutherford, however, carried out a famous scattering experiment which proved
that the atom was not structured like a plum pudding. The experiment involved a
radiation source) (e.g.
Po), a thin foil of material, a zinc sulphide screen, a microscope
and many hours of sitting in the dark. The apparatus and set-up is shown below.
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The idea was to allow alpha particles to strike the thin foil and then to look at
their angle of scatter. The screen, coupled with the microscope, is the detector. A tiny
flash of light appeared when an alpha particle hit the screen; this flash was observed
through the microscope by Rutherford and his students (following hours of sitting in the
dark to allow their eyes to adapt). The screen/microscope combination could move
around the foil so that the number of flashes could be logged as a function of angle.
The results of the experiment were as follows. Most alpha particles went straight
through the foil. Some scattered at various angles. But only one in 8000 scatter
backwards! [a finding certainly inconsistent with the plum pudding model!] On the basis
of these results, Rutherford proposed the “planetary model” of the nucleus.
The Atom
In Rutherford’s planetary model, all the positive charge and almost all of the mass
are concentrated in a tiny spot in the center of the atom. Surrounding the nucleus are the
light electrons which contain all the negative charge. The electrons, which are
indistinguishable from each other, move about throughout the atomic volume in specific
orbits. Recall that a change in orbit requires a specific change in energy.
Atomic radius: 10
Nuclear radius: ~5 x 10
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As you can see, matter consists mostly of open space!