Contents ABBREVIATIONS, UNITS, EQUIVALENTS X I. Cereal crops: economics, statistics and uses 1 2. Botanical aspects of cereals 29 3. Chemical components 53 4. Cereals of the world: origin, classijication, types, quality 78 5. Storage and pre-processing 103 6. Dry milling technology 129 7. Flour quality 170 8. Bread-baking technology 191 9. Malting, brewing and distilling 218 10. Pasta and wholegrain foods 233 11. Breakfast cereals and other products of extrusion cooking 244 12. Wet milling: starch and gluten 259 vi TECHNOLOGY OF CEREALS 13. Domestic and small scale products 269 14. Nutrition 276 15. Feed and industrial uses for cereals 302 INDEX 316