English Words Learning and Memorizing
? Word List:
? integrate [ 5inti^reit ]使成整体 (to
make into a whole or make part of a whole)
? [搭配用法 ] integrate(building,river,college)
with (setting,canal system,university) = make
sth,An essential part of sth.; cause sth,To form a
whole (with sth)
? e.g,integrate theory with practice
? 使理论与实践相结合
? Many suggestions are needed to integrate the
? 需要许多建议使计划更加完整。
? evade i5veid] 1)逃避,躲避 (to
escape; to elude);2)避免 (作某事 ) ( to
avoid doing or answering directly;)
? evade an attack
? The released criminal always tries to evade
the police.
? You needn't evade the question.
? belittle [ bi5litl ]轻视,使渺小,
使,..显得渺小 (to make seem little,less
? [助记法 ] (be+little)(小 )-把(人)看小
? The size of the office tower belittles the
surrounding buildings.
? belittle oneself自卑
? A poor but honest man is not to be belittled.
? probe [ prEub ]探查,查明 (to
search into and explore with great
? [搭配用法 ]probe into (complaint,problem,
? She tried to probe my mind and discover
what I was thinking.(喻 )
? "她试图探查我的心意,想知道我在想什
么。 "
? to probe rumors to the bottom
? probe a matter to the bottom
? castigate [ 5kAsti^eit]严惩,谴责
(to punish,censure or rebuke severely,esp,
by harsh public criticism)
? Practice:
? Match the word on the left with its
definition on the right.
? 1,integrate a,dodge(避开,躲避 )
? 2.evade b,censure severely
? 3,belittle c,become a whole
? 4,probe d,make seem less important
? 5,castigate e,investigate
? Choose the new words t complete the following
? 6,The opponents the president for his
aggressive foreign policy.
? 7,The detective into the circumstances of
the murder.
? 8,One of the reasons for the opera’s popularity is
that it oriental culture and western culture
? 9,Jane doing her housework at home by
pretending to be sick.
? 10,Some narrow minded critics his
contributions to music simply because he was a
pop musician,
? Word List:
? intact [ in5tAkt ]adj.完整无缺的,
尚未被人碰过的,(女子 )保持童贞的 ;
(remaining sound,entire,or uninjured; not
impaired in any way.)
? His honor remained intact.
? Despite his misfortunes,his faith and
optimism remained intact.
? [同根词 ] contact contact接触 ; tactile触觉

? 2,blatant [ 5bleitEnt ]1) 喧嚣的,
吵闹的 (unpleasantly loud and noisy); 2)明
目张胆的 ; 无耻的;
? a blatant lie 无耻的谎言
? the blatant roar of the storm 风暴的怒吼
? Blatantly,adv,悍然,嚣然
? 3,finicky [ 5finiki ]过分注意的,
过分讲究的,过分周到的 (insisting
? (任性地,善变地 )on getting just what one
wants; difficult to please;)
? a finicky eater,挑食者
? finicky about dress 对服饰过分讲究
? 4,eventual [ i5ventjuEl ] 最
后的,结局的,终于的( occurring at an
unspecified time in the future; ultimate)
? the eventual success of his efforts
? eventual success [failure]
?最后的成功 [失败 ]
? eventually,adv.
? 5,disobedient
[ 7disE5bi:djEnt]不服从的
? (refusal or failure to obey.)
? The student has been disobedient to his
mother since he was a child.
? Practice:
? Match the word on the left with its definition on
the right.
? 1,intact a,excessively particular in
? taste or standards
? 2,blatant b,coming at some later time;
? ultimate;
? 3,finicky c,offensively noticeable;
? shameless
? 4,eventual d,rebellious,defiant,
? unmanagable
? 5,disobedient e,untouched,esp,by anything
? that harms or diminishes.
? Choose the best words to complete the following
? 6,The US bombing of Chinese embassy in
Yugoslavia was a violation of international
? 7,Good sales representatives must satisfy even
the most customers.
? 8,The building remained after hundreds of
years solely because it was carefully designed
and constructed.
? 9,I do not mind temporary gains or loses as long
as the result is positive.
? 10,The taxi driver told the man not to allow his
( ) son to hangout the window.
? 唐伯虎巴黎点秋香
? 1.背口诀记单词
? 旅游去趟 France (法国 )
? 巴黎舞厅 dance (跳舞 )
? 正在大步 advance (前进 )
? 忽见美女 glance (匆匆一看 )
? 脚下失去 balance (平衡 )
? 踩高根鞋抓住了 chance (机会 )
? (假装失足,找机会接近。 )
? 2.识音标,记单词
? France n.法国,法兰西。
? dance n.跳舞,舞蹈 a social dance(交谊舞 ),舞会,
舞曲,舞步,舞蹈艺术,跳跃; v.跳舞,舞蹈,雀跃,飘
? advance n.前进,进步,提升,上涨,预付款; v.前
? 预付; adj.前面的,预先的,前进的; [习语 ] on
the advance(在上涨 ),in advance(预先,事先 )。
? glance v.扫视,匆匆一看,闪耀,擦过; n.
一瞥,眼光,匆匆一看,闪光,掠过 ; [习语 ] give a
glance at(对,..匆匆一看,一瞥 )。
? balance n.秤,天平,平衡,收支差额,余额;
v.平衡,称,权衡,对比,结算; [习语 ] on
balance(总的来说 ),in the balance(命运未定,
不确定 )。
? chance n.机会,可能性,偶然性,运气; v.
碰巧,偶然发生,冒,..的险; adj.偶然的,意外
的; [习语 ] by chance(偶然,意外地 ),take a
chance(冒一冒险,碰碰运气 )。
? 3.邻里邻外
? dance---在 dance后加 r变为:
dancer n.舞女,舞蹈少女
? advance---把 advance里的 ce换为
age变为,advantage n.优势,有利条件,
? glance---去掉 glance里的 e换为 ing
变为,glancing adj.粗略的
? balance---在 balance前加 un变为:
unbalance v.使心情紊乱 n.失去平衡
? chance---在 chance后加 ful变为:
? 婚姻的内涵 --不仅仅是爱情与玫瑰
? 一个多世纪以前,俄国小说家列
夫 ·托尔斯泰写道,"幸福的家庭都是相
似的,不幸的家庭各有各的不幸。 "可是
? Most books say it's important for
couples to fight fair - but 69 percent of
all marital(夫妻的 ) conflicts(冲突 ) never
get resolved(解决 ) because they are
about personality differences between
couples,What's critical(紧要的 ) is not
whether they resolve conflicts but
whether they can cope with them.
? 大多数书都说重要的是夫妻间的矛盾要公
平解决,然而 69%的婚姻矛盾因为夫妻性格
? Every couple has irreconcilable
? [ i5rekEnsailEbl ] (不能和解的 )
differences; such differences ought to be
“managed”,instead of being grounds for
separations,split-ups and divorce.
? People have this fairly(颇为,相当地 )
unrealistic(不切实际的 ) idea,I have got to
have bliss(幸福 ) and it's got to stay or this is
not going to work,At some level,you don't
need the bliss,The Hollywood romance
? [ rE5mAns,rEu- ] may not be the
? [ 5prelju:d ](序幕 ) to a long-term
happy marriage.
? 人们有着这样一种很不切实际的想法:
? 1.cope with
? 短语 cope with意思是“对付、处理”,
? Can you give me some advise to cope
with this problem.
? 处理这样的问题你能给我点建议吗?
? 表达这个意思,也可以用 deal with短语,
? He has learnt to deal properly with all
kinds of complicated situations.
? 他已学会恰当地应付各种复杂局面。
? 注意,它们的区别在于,deal with还可
以表达“关于 ……” 的意思,如:
? This book deals with an important issue.
? 这本书论及一个重要的问题。
? 2.fair和 fairly
? (1)fair是形容词,有“公平的”、“尚可
? That's a fair comment.
? 那是公正的评价。
? His knowledge of English is fair.
? 他的英语水平尚可。
? The weather will be fair today.
? 今天天气会很晴朗。
? (2)fairly是副词,有“公正地”、“颇为、
? That salesman deals fairly with his
? 那个销售员与顾客做生意很公平。
? She is a fairly good dancer.
? 她是一个相当不错的舞蹈演员。
? He was fairly beside himself with joy.
? 他简直欣喜若狂。
? 【 世博句型留言板 】
? have got to do sth.
? 不得不
? We have got to leave right now.
? 我们必须马上离开。
? You've got to do something.
? 你一定要想办法。
? 练习:
? 1.我们得对邻居的狗采取点行动了 !
? 2.我们要想办法改变人们的生活方式。
? 练习答案:
? 1.We've got to do something about
the neighbor's dog!
? 2.We’ve got to think of ways of
changing people's life style,
? curve
? incurve [in- 内 ]
? incurved [-ed.,的 ]
? incurvate [-ate动词后缀 ]
? incurvation [-ation 名词后缀 ]
? outcurve [out,外 ]
? decurved [de-向下 ]
? curvilineal [-i-连接字母,line线,-
? 的 ]
? curvaceous [-aceous形容词后缀 ]
? cuevature [-ature名词后缀 ]