English Words Learning and Memorizing
? Word List:
? 1,frustrate [ frQs5treit ] 1)阻止
(某人 )做某事;破坏 (to prevent from
achieving an objective) 2) 使沮丧 (to cause
feelings of discouragement )
? The weather frustrated our plans,
? 天气破坏了我们的计划。
? two hour's frustrating delay
? 两小时令人沮丧的拖延
? be frustrated in 在,..方面归于失败
? frustrate thwart baffle balk
? 都含“阻止某人做某事”、“阻挡,..取得
? frustrate指,尽一切努力使计划等成为
? The police frustrated the bandits' attempt to
rob the bank.
? 警察挫败了匪徒抢劫银行的企图。
? thwart 指“阻挠某人正在做的事”,如,
? The sudden storm thwarted the farmers
getting in wheat.
? 突然而来的暴风雨使农民们不能把麦子
? baffle 指“通过混乱使别人受阻”,如,
? The absence of clues baffled the police.
? 缺乏线索使警察当局受阻。
? balk 指“设置障碍、困难等以阻止某人
? They balked the robber's plan.
? 他们使强盗的计划受到挫败。
? 2,mourn [ mC:n ]哀悼,忧伤 (to feel or
express grief or sorrow,Grieve)
? mourn for [over] the dead 哀悼 死者
? The whole nation mourned the death of a
much-loved leader.
? 举国上下哀悼敬爱的领导人。
? 3,peruse [ pE5ru:z] 细读 (to read
or examine,typically with great care)
? peruse a newspaper 仔细读报
? Peruser n,精细阅读者
? 4,revoke [ ri5vEuk ] 撤回,废除,宣告
无效 (to void or annul by recalling,withdrawing,
or reversing,)
? to revoke an order 取消命令
? revoke an driving licence 吊销驾驶执照
? Revoker n,Revokingly adv.
? abolish废止,废除 (法律、制度、习俗等 )
? annul [ E5nQ? ]废除,取消,废止
? cancel [ 5kAnsE? ]取消,删去
? invalidate使无效 overrule驳回,否决,
? repeal废止,撤销 rescind废除
? retract缩回,缩进,取消,撤消
? withdraw 收回,撤消,撤退
? inundate [ 5inEndeit ] 1) 泛滥 (to
overwhelm with a great amount of something) 2)
淹没 (to cover with water,especially floodwaters.)
? (常与 with连用)泛滥;淹没
? The company office was inundated with telegrams
of congratulations on the tenth anniversary of its
? 公司成立十周年纪念时贺电潮水般地涌到公司
? Inundate the whole district 淹没了整个地区
? inundate a person with letters [questions]
? 信件 [问题 ]如雪片飞至某人处
? Match the word on the left with its
definition on the right.
? 1,frustrate a,rescind,cancel
? 2,morn b,feel or show sorry for
? 3,peruse c,flood
? 4,revoke d,read in detail
? 5,inundate e,discourage
? Choose the new words to complete the
following sentences.
? 6,The court the drunk driver’s license.
? 7,Mary the entire contract but
? understood little of it.
? 8,She was that her search for a job did
? not show any promise,
? 9,The nation when the president was
? assassinated.
? 10,The rainstorm the baseball field,
? so the game was canceled,
? Word List
? 1,linear [ 5?iniE]线的,直线的 (of
relating to,or resembling a line; straight.)长
? (line 线 + -ar … 的 )
? linear measurements 长度
? linear form 线性形
? linear arts 线条艺术
? a linear design 线构成的图案
? 2,ardent [ 5B:dEnt] 热心的,热情洋
溢的,激烈的,燃烧般的 (displaying or
characterized by strong enthusiasm or
devotion; fervent [ 5fE:vEnt] 炽热
? The ardent hope for the future brought them
through all the sufferings during the war.
? 对未来的响往使他们度过了战争年代的
? an ardent lover of art 酷爱艺术的赞美者
? ardent supporter 热心的支持者
? ardent passion 热情
? 3,slight [ s?ait ] 轻微的,微小的
(small in size,degree,or amount)不结实的,
脆弱的 (lacking strength,substance,or
solidity; frail)
? slight matters,微不足道小事
? slight difficulty 小困难
? a slight possibility of success
? 很小的成功可能性
? a slight girl 苗条的女孩
? a slight difference 微小的区别
? 4,proficient [ prE5fiFEnt ]熟练
的,精通的 (having or marked by an
advanced degree of competence )
? (常与 in,at连用)熟练的;精通的
? She is proficient at / in figure skating.
? 她精于花样滑冰。
? 5,comparable [ 5kCmpErEb?]
相似或相当 (Similar or equivalent) 可比较
的,比得上的 (admitting of comparison
with another or others:)
? A comparable car would cost far more in
? 一辆象这样好的汽车在欧洲可要贵得多。
? Our house is not comparable with yours,
? 我们的房子比不上你们的。
? A fire is comparable with the sun; both give
light and heat.
? 火可以和太阳相比,两者均可放出光和
? Match the word on the left with its
definition on the right.
? 1,linear a,small in extent or
? significance; slender
? 2,ardent b,straight; composed of
? lines
? 3,slight c,similar,alike,equal in
? value
? 4,proficient d,skillful,expert,masterful
? 5,comparable e,characterized by warmth
? of feeling; passionate
? Choose the new words to complete the
following sentences:
? 6,There are two principal types of
? acceleration
[ Ak7se?E5reiFEn](加速度 ):
? and angular [ 5AN^ju?E]
(有角的 ).
? 7,The new legislation requires that women
? get equal pay as men for jobs requiring
? skills.
? 8,Not only is Barbara Astman’s artwork
? technically,it also explores
? 9,Since an owl’s ears are widely separated,
there is usually a difference in the time
it takes for a sound to reach each ear.
? 10,Martin Luther King drew an army of
? followers who believed in
? equality among people of all origins.
? 不肯轻易让步的英伦文化
? 你有无所不在的可口可乐、麦当劳、迪士
尼,我有饮誉全球的福尔摩斯,007和哈里 -波
? Ever wonder what opponents of
globalization used to protest about before
there were Coca-Cola and McDonald's?<注
1> Well,there was that first promotor
[ prE5mEutE ]倡导者 of globalization,
the British Empire over which,it was said,the
sun never sets.<注 2> While the world map is
no longer dotted by British territorial
possessions the echoes of the Empire
surface<注 3> in unexpected places.
? The Brits are good sportsmen,They feel it's
important to concede [ kEn5si:d ]承认
defeat graciously,This is why contemporary
discussions of British culture in the United
Kingdom often turn to acknowledgment of
how the Americans dominate the world,
? The American take-over<注 4>
? An article in the 2002 Christmas issue of
The Economist [ i:5kCnEmist ],for
example,admitted that the English language
that is now sweeping the globe is closer to
the language spoken in Brooklyn
[ 5bruk?in ]
? <注 6> than at Oxford or Cambridge,
? Indeed,U.S,movies are everywhere and kids
in even the remotest parts of the world are
familiar with such essential words of the
English language as Big Mac and the
Chicago Bulls.<注 7>
? But it would be a mistake to claim that
the British Empire which originally spread
English from Singapore to Zimbabwe
[ zim5bB:bwei ]津巴布韦 and from
? [ 5pApjuE]巴布亚岛 -New
Guinea[ 5^ini ]几内亚 to Kalamazoo,
Michigan<注 8> is dead and buried,
? Dominating world culture
? Far from it,Just look at world literature,
It's not surprising that the Brits invented some
of the
? most popular literary genres<注 9> of the past
150 years,One such example is the detective
novel which sprung from Sir Arthur Conan
Doyle and his famous character "Sherlock
Holmes",as well as Dame Agatha Christie
and her "Hercule Poirot" and "Miss Marple."<
注 10>
? Another example of British literary
excellence is with children's literature,\where\
Alice in Wonderland and Winnie the Pooh<注
11> became truly global phenomena long
before they were Disneyfied by cartoon
movies made in Hollywood,
? A history of literary achievement
? True,those creative achievements still date
from the time when Great Britain was the
dominant world power,And yet,even though
the empire has vanished,both in detective
stories and kids' literature,today's British
writers do more than hold their own,
? In fact,the two global blockbuster<注 12>
movies of recent years Harry Potter and Lord
of the Rings underscore the hold that even
the post-World War II generation of British
writers still have on kids around the world,
? Beating America at its own game
? J.R.R,Tolkien's series of fantasy-
adventure books,Lord of the Rings<注 13>,
was written between 1937 and 1948 and has
had a tremendous influence on American
culture in recent years,
? Star Wars,unquestionably one of the most
lucrative Hollywood endeavors in memory,
owes a huge debt to the Lord of the Rings
series which its principle creator George
Lucas has admitted,
? But even in those literary genres \where\
Americans should be superior,the Brits have
managed to get ahead,What about the spy
novel? After all,Americans were the main
combatant in the Cold War with the Soviet
Union and bore the heaviest burden of
fighting the so-called Evil Empire,American
spy novels dealing with that era should be by
far the most successful,right?
? Wrong,The Cold War novel,in fact,was
invented by the Brits,Ian Fleming and his
suave character "James Bond"<注 14>
? monopolized the popular end of the literary
scale,while Graham Green captured the top,
appealing to the more intellectual readers,
Later on,two other Brits,Frederick Forsythe
and John Le Carre became their successors,
? American Tom Clancy,while highly
successful,is a Johnny Come Lately,<注 15>
whose novels began appearing only during
the Reagan era,when the Cold War was
already over.
? Harry Potter's trick
? The phenomenally popular Harry Potter
books have not only catapulted<注 16> their
35-year-old author,J.K,Rowling,from her
status as a penniless single mother to her
present status as the second richest
? woman in Britain after the Queen,She
also fits \into\ the same pattern of British
literary superiority,
? The Harry Potter books are highly
cultured,They have echoes of Charles
Dickens,with his satirical description of
British boarding schools in Nicholas
Nickleby<注 17>,
? There are references to fairy tales and
myths from all over the world and all of
history,such as the philosophers' stone
that Medieval alchemists were trying to
discover,as well as magical creatures
such as basilisks and dragons.<注 18>
? Meanwhile,the United States has an
amazingly extensive youth culture,which is
catered to by huge multinational corporations,
Enormous segments of the toy,music,movie
and fast food industries both sponsor and
utilize American youth culture to sell billions
of dollars worth of goods and services,
? Kids as consumers
? A 1997 study found that kids between the
ages of 4 and 12 spent $12 billion on their
own,had a direct influence over $188 billion
of their parents' spending and indirectly
controlled $300 billion worth of purchases!
? And yet,surprisingly,the creative
impulse for the latest global movie
blockbuster did not spring from this vast
and resourceful empire,Instead,it was
once again a seemingly homemade
product,hailing all the way from Great
Britain,which suddenly captured the
imagination of American kids!
? 1.你想知道全球化的反对者在可口可
? 2,19世纪是英国的全盛时期,它的
,日不落帝国, 。
? 3,surface:浮现,显露。
? 4,take-over:取而代之,取得主导地
? 5,The Economist:, 经济学家,,
? 6.Brooklyn:布鲁克林 (美国纽约市
西南部的一区 )。
? 7,Big Mac:巨无霸,麦当劳的标志
产品。 the Chicago Bulls:芝加哥公牛队,
曾获得过六次 NBA冠军,并曾拥有 NBA
历史上最伟大的球员之一迈克尔 -乔丹。
? 8,Papua-New Guinea:巴布亚新几内亚 (南太
平洋岛国 ); Kalamazoo,Michigan,(美 )密歇根
? 9,genre [ VB:Nr ]n,类型,流派。
? 10.著名的侦探小说作家阿瑟 -柯南道尔爵
士及其笔下主人公夏洛克 -福尔摩斯;阿加莎 -
克里斯蒂和她小说的主角赫尔克里 -波洛与马普
? 11,Alice in Wonderland:,艾丽丝漫游奇境
记,,英国数学家、文学家刘易斯 -卡罗尔撰写
的童话小说。 Winnie the Pooh:指带有铅笔插
图的小说, 小熊维尼,, 1926年 10月 14日第一
? 12,blockbuster是二次世界大战期间联军用来和
? 13.英国作家托尔金以中世纪为背景的魔幻
小说, 指环王, 。
? 14,suave[ sweiv ]adj.温和的:温文尔
雅的。 James Bond:曾做过英国海军情报军官
的伊恩 -弗莱明创造的人物 —— 英国秘密情报员
007詹姆士 -邦德。本段下文提到的几个人物也
? 15.Tom Clancy:汤姆 -克兰西,美国著名
畅销小说作家,以“技术惊险小说” (Techo-
Thriller)闻名于世,主要作品有:, 近在眼前
的危险, (Clear and Present Danger),,爱国游
戏, (Patriotic Games),,猎取红色十月,
? (The Hunt for Red October),,克里姆林
宫大主教, (The Cardinal of the Kremlin)
? Johnny Come Lately:迟到的人,晚来
? 16,catapult[ 5kAtEpQ?t ]迅
? 17,Charles Dickens:查尔斯 -狄更斯
,奥列佛 -特维斯特, (又译, 雾都孤儿,,
1838),,老古玩店, (1841),,大卫 -科
波菲尔, (1850),,双城记, (1859)和
,远大前程, (1861)等等。
? Nicholas [ 5nikE?Es ]尼古拉斯 (m.)
Nickleby:, 尼古拉斯 -尼克贝, (1838),狄更
在约克郡寄宿学校 (Yorkshire Boarding Schools)
后的许多作家,包括 J.K.罗琳都产生了很大的
?18,the philosophers' stone:魔法石,
Medieval alchemist:中世纪的炼金
术士; basilisk,(神话中的 )蜥蜴状妖
石”,“蛇怪”和“龙”在“哈里 -
? New words:
? dotted [ 5dCtid ]adj.有点的,星罗
? territorial [ 7teri5tC:riE?]adj.
? Brit n,英国人
? concede [ kEn5si:d] vt.勉强,承认,
? lucrative [ 5?u:krEtiv,
?ju:-] adj.有利的
? endeavor [ in5devE ] 努力,尽力
? combatant [ 5kCmbEtEnt ] n.战
士,战斗员 adj.战斗的
? satirical [sE5tIrIk(E)?]adj.好
? alchemist [`A?kImIst] n.炼金术士
? basilisk [ 5bAzi?isk]n.(神话中的 )
蜥蜴状妖怪,蛇怪 ;一种老式火炮
? cater to v.供应伙食,迎合
? utilize [ju:5tI?aIz] vt.利用
? impulse [ 5impQ?s ]n.推动,刺激,冲
动,推动力 vt.推动
? Estimate
? overestimate overestimation
? underestimate underestimation
? disestimation estimation
? estimative estimator
? estimable inestimable
? Except
? exception exceptional
? exceptionality exceptionally
? exceptionalism unexceptional
? excepting exceptive