English Words Learning and Memorizing
? addict [ E5dikt ]vt.使沉溺,使上瘾 (to
devote or surrender oneself to something)
? [搭配用法 ] addict to (smoking,alcohol,
television) =devoted to sth.;having (sth.) as a
strong,almost unbreakable habit
? compromise[ 5kCmprEmaiz ] 1.v.妥协,
折衷 (to settle by concession) 2,使遭受损害,
使蒙受耻辱 (to put sb,In a position of harm or
? [助记法 ]com+promise(保证)-相互保证-
? [搭配用法 ]compromise with (sb.) over (wages,
conditions,contract)=reach agreement with sb,
By abandoning part of one’s demands
? depict [ di5pikt ]1,描绘,雕画
(to draw,to paint)2,vt.描述,描写 (to
portray,to describe)
? [助记法 ]de(起强调作用)+ pict(画)
? rationalize [ 5rAFE?Elaiz ]1.v.
使合理 (to make appear rational or
reasonable) 2,为(自己的行为或意见)
找出辩解的理由 (to make excuses for)
? facilitate [ fE5siliteit ]使容易,
? (to help,to expedite)
? Match the word on the left with its definition on
the right.
? 1,addict a,make rational or reasonable
? 2,compromise b,ease,help
? 3,rationalize c,hook
? 4,facilitate d,concede,yield
? 5,depict e,describe
? Choose the new words to complete the following
? 6,The multinational’s reputation was by the
recent accounting scandals,
? 7,The scientist the theory so that it made
? 8,The artist and the author both tried
to the beauty of sunset.
? 9,Many people are unaware that they
are already to some kinds of
advertised pills,such as sleeping pills
and painkillers.
? 10,Chinese government is increasing
the efforts to the transfer of
new discoveries from the laboratories
to the marketplace.
? Word list:
? alienate [ 5eiljE?eit ]v.使疏远,
离间 (to make hostile)
? [助记法 ]alien (外国的,不同) +ate -
? [搭配用法 ]alienate from(society,former
friends,workmates)=cause (sb.)to be
estranged from others
? appraise [ E5preiz ]v.评价,鉴定
(to set a value on)
? retard [ ri5tB:d] vt.延迟,妨碍,阻
碍 (to delay the progress of)
? adhere [ Ed5hiE ]1,vi.粘附,胶着,
(to hold,stick to a surface)2,v.坚持 (to
obey,pay attention to)
? [助记法 ] ad+ here(粘连)-粘在一起
? [搭配用法 ](material,paste,paint)adhere to
(surface,wall,metal)=become or remain
attached to sth.
? adhere to (plan,ideas,promise)
? jettison [ 5dVetis?,-tiz?]
抛弃或丢弃 ( to throw away)
? [助记法 ]jetti(扔 ) +son-不要儿子-抛弃
? Match the word on the left with its definition on
the right.
? 1,appraise a,delay,impede
? 2,retard b,throw overboard,discard
? 3,adhere c,evaluate
? 4,alienate d,cling
? 5,jettison e,estrange
? Choose the new words too complete the
following sentences.
? 6,The heavy winds the plane’s speed.
? 7,The vessel had to some of the cargoes to
prevent sinking.
? 8,The
unilateralist[ 9jU:?I`lAtE
rElIst] (主张片面限武论者 )
policy would trading partners.
? 9,You’d better have your newly
purchased jewelry and certified.
? 10,The doctor told the patient to take
medicine and to the diet.
? Word List:
? pension [ 5pe?FE? ]n.养老金,退休金
(payment received in retirement)
? [助记法 ]pens(笔,引申为钱 )+ion-养老金
? inpatient [ 5i?7peiFE?t ]n.住院病人 (a
patient residing in the hospital)
? [助记法 ]in(进入 )+patient(病人 )-住进医院的病人
? monopoly [ mE5?CpEli ] n.垄断,垄断者,
独占 (exclusive possession or control)
? [助记法 ]mono(单一 )+poly(运用 )-一个人用-垄

? annals [ 5A?Elz]n.编年史,年报 (a chronological
? [ 7 krC?E5lCdVikEl]按年代顺序排
列的 record)
? letup [ 5let7Qp ]松懈,停顿 (a lessening
of effort or intensity)
? [助记法 ] let+ up-站起来放松放松-放松,停

? Match the word on the left with its definition on
the right.
? 1,monopoly a,resident of hospital
? 2,pension b,a pause
? 3,inpatient c,exclusive possession
? 4,annals d,retirement income
? 5,letup e,chronicle [ 5krC?ikl ]
? n.编年史
? Choose the new words too complete the
following sentences.
? 6,When he retired,Mark received a good
? from the company he had served for twenty
? 7,Since I am an,I will spend the night in
the hospital.
? 8,There was no in the storm all day so we
had to cancel the picnic,
? 9,The of history are full of both heroes and
? 10,Television has acquired a disquieting( )
over people’s leisure time,
? 1.背口诀记单词
? 名字叫 snail(蜗牛 ) *
? 要去发 mail(邮件 )
? 正翻过 rail(栏杆 )
? 没想到 fail(失败 )
? 脚绊上 nail(钉子 )
? 被警察 tail(跟踪 )
? 捉进了 jail(监狱 ) *
? 交许多 bail(保释金 ) *
? 放出后 hail(欢呼 ) *
? 2.识音标,记单词
? snail n.蜗牛,迟钝的人; v.捉蜗牛,缓慢
? 移动 ; [习语 ] as slow as a snail(慢如蜗牛 )。
? mail n.邮件 electronic mail(电子邮件 ),
registered mail(挂号信 ),邮政,盔甲; vt.邮
寄,给,..穿盔甲; adj.邮政的 a mail train(铁路
邮车 ),书信的。
? rail n.横杆,围栏,扶手,铁轨; vt.以横木
围栏,铺铁轨; vi.责骂,抱怨; [习语 ] as thin
as a rail(骨瘦如柴 )by rail(乘火车,由铁路 )。
? fail vi.失败,不及格,忘记; vt.使失望,舍
弃,辜负,不及格; n.不及格,不及格者; [习语 ]
without fail(必定,务必 ),fail to(没有做某事,
疏忽,忘记 )。
? nail n.指甲 toe-nail (脚指甲 ),钉,钉子; vt.
钉,将,..钉牢; [习语 ] on the nail(立即,当场 ),
? hit the nail on the head(做得对,正中要害 )。
? tail n.尾部,尾状物,辫子 wear one's hair in
a tail(留辫子 ),后部,踪迹,排的长队,限定继
承权 a tail estate.(一份限嗣继承产业 ); adj.在
后面的,从后面而来的 a tail wind(顺风 ),vt.为,..
装尾,尾随; vi,跟踪,船尾搁浅; [习语 ] turn
tail(退走,逃走 )。
? jail n.监狱 go to jail (入狱 ),jailbreak(越
狱 ),监禁,关押; vt.监禁。
? bail n.保释,保证金,保证人 ;v.保释,舀水;
[习语 ] be bail for(为,..做保释人 ),accept
bail(允许保释 )。
? hail n.冰雹,致敬,招呼,一阵 a hail of
bullets (弹雨 ); vt.向,..欢呼,致敬,招呼,使象
? 下雹样落下 hail blows down on sb.(给某人一
顿痛打 ),猛发; vi.招呼,下雹; int.万岁,欢迎;
[习语 ] hail from(来自,在某地生长 )。
? 3.邻里邻外
? mail---在 mail后加 box变为,mailbox n.邮
? rail---在 rail后加 way变为,railway n.铁道
? tail---在 tail后加 or变为,tailor n.裁缝,成
? hail---在 hail后加 stone变为,hailstone n.
? 4.佳句背诵
? Opportunity comes like a snail.
? 机遇的光临就像蜗牛一样缓慢。
? Imitate the snail in deliberation,the bird
in execution.
? 像蜗牛一样谨慎,像鸟儿一样敏捷。
? Voting by mail was conceived to
encourage election fraud.
? 通过邮件来投票注定要助长选举的欺诈性。
? It is better to fight for good than to rail at
the ill.
? 宁可和正义来战斗,也不去给邪恶围栏杆。
? No one plans to fail but people can fail
to plan.
? 没人计划着要去失败,但人们往往失败于
? If you never fail,you're not trying hard
? 假如你从未失败过,那么你的努力还不够。
? Everything starts looking like a nail.
? 万事开头难。
? If you stand up like a nail you will get
hammered down.
? 个性太强易受人攻击。
? There is nothing as eloquent as a
rattlesnake's tail.
? 没有比响尾蛇的尾巴更敏捷的东西了。
? Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a
? 宁为狗头,勿为狮尾。
? Who steals a handkerchief goes to jail,
who steals a country becomes a duke.
? 窃帕者是贼,窃国者是公爵。
? Ideas won't go to jail.
? 思想永远不会被禁锢的。
? All workers,hail 1st of May as long as
you can!
? 全世界的工人们,五月一日尽情欢呼吧 !
? -ative
? talktive preparative
? preventative determinative
? declarative limitative
? affirmative argumentative
? fixative formative
? informative quotative
? opinionative calmative
? continuative
? cast 投,掷,播
? broadcast outcast
? broadcaster offcast
? broadcasting castoff
? newscast castaway
? newscaster casting
? videocast caster
? sportscast
? sportscaster
? radiocast
? upcast