English Words Learning and Memorizing
? 1,toil [ tCil ]苦干,跋涉,费力地做 (to do
work that requires a lot of effort)
? [搭配用法 ] toil over (task,manuscript,
corrections) = work hard and continuously at sth
? 例 toiling over the mountains.
? 艰难地跋涉于山岭之间
? I felt that I have been toiling over exam scripts
for weeks,There seems to be no end to them.
? N,toil and moil 做苦工,辛辛苦苦地工作
? The book is a toil to read.
? 这本书读起来真费劲。
? recoil [ ri5kCil]1) 撤退,畏缩,退却
(to step back in fear or horror) 2)弹回,反冲
(to move backward forcefully)
? [搭配用法 ] recoil from (sight,prodpect,
action,deed) = withdraw sharply and in
fear or pain (from sth,That appears
suddenly,that one has to do etc.)
? 例 She recoils from the sight of blood.
? She recoiled at the sight of the snake,
? 她看到蛇就退缩了。
? recoil from doing sth.
? 对做某事畏缩不前
? A gun recoils after being fired.
? 枪在射击后向后坐。
? (与 on,upon连用)报应,产生相反后果
? Revenge may recoil upon the person who
takes it.
? 报复者常会受到报应。
? blunder [ 5blQ?dE ] 1) 犯大错 (to make
a stupid mistake,stumble) 2)跌跌撞撞地走 (to
walk or move in a clumsy manner)
? 例 to make a blunder 犯了不该犯的错误
? He blundered his surprise at her winning the prize.
? 他不慎说出对她得奖感到惊奇。
? He blundered through the dark forest,
? 他在黑暗的森林中跌跌撞撞地走。
? Without my glasses I blundered into the wrong
? 我没戴眼镜,以致闯错了房间。
? obsess [ Eb5ses ]迷住,使困扰 (To have
the mind excessively preoccupied with a single
emotion or topic ; haunt[ hC:?t ]v.神鬼出没
头脑被某种感情或话题所占据的 )
? obsidere<ob- +sedere“坐”,因有鬼怪坐在旁
? be obsessed by [with]
? 被,..附上 [缠住,迷住心窍 ]
? obsessingly adv,obsessive a,成见 (性 )的 ; 引
? 起成见的
? obsessively adv,obsessor n.
? She's dead,And you're still obsessing,
? 她已经死了,你还念念不忘
? daze [ deiz ]使茫然,(To stun,as
with a heavy blow or shock; astonish)使晕
眩 (To dazzle [ 5dAzl ] (使 )眼花 as
with strong light.)
? 例 He looked dazed with drugs,
? 看样子他好像因为服药而头晕。
? dazed by the defeat; 被失败弄得恍惚不清;
? [短语 ]
? in a daze
? 茫然,恍惚 ; 眼花缭乱
? Practice
? Match the word on the left with its
definition on the right.
? 1,toil a,stumble
? 2,recoil b,haunt,preoccupy
? 3,blunder c,confuse
? 4,obsess d,work hard
? 5,daze e,draw back
? Choose the new words to complete the
following sentences.
? 6,In front of the fierce dog,the girl in
? 7,To make a living,the peasants have to
? in the fields all day,
? 8,The exhausted boy who lost his way
? through the woods,
? 9,The idea of getting ahead his mind
and finally let him astray.
? 10,Michael dreamed of flying in the outer
space and was with the idea of
becoming an astronaut.
? 1,credible [ 5kredEbl,-ibl ]可
信的,可靠的 (Worthy of confidence; reliable.)
? 例 credible witness 可信的证人
? It is hardly credible,这是难以置信的。
? credibly adv.确实,可信地
? credibleness n.
? 2,approximate [ E5prCksimeit ]
近似的,大约的 (Almost exact or correct; Very
similar; closely resembling )
? 例 approximate price
? 近似价格
? The approximate time is three o'clock,
? 大概的时间是三点钟。
? The approximate number of demonstrators
in front of the municipal office building
was 900.
? 在市政办公大楼前示威的人数约有九百
? (常与 to连用)近似;相近;接近
? His description approximated to the truth
but there were a few errors,
? 他的描述与事实已经接近,但是有一些
? 3,Attractive [ E5trAktiv ]吸引
人的,有魅力的 (Having the power to
? Pleasing to the eye or mind; charming.)
? 例 an attractive investment
? an attractive girl
? attractively adv.
? attractiveness n.
? 4,frightening [`fraItE?IN] 令
人恐惧的,引起突然惊恐的 (daunting,
horrifying )
? sluggish [ 5slQ^iF] 行动迟缓的
(Displaying little movement or activity;
slow; inactive )
? slug 一种行动迟缓的虫+ ish
? 例 a sluggish stream;缓缓的小溪;
? sluggish growth,缓慢的生长
? a sluggish market 不景气的市场
? sluggishly adv.
? sluggishness n,不振,萧条,呆滞
? Practice
? 1,credible a,alluring,charming,
? appealing
? 2,approximate b,alarming,daunting,
? horrifying
? 3,attractive c,trustworthy,deserving
? belief
? 4,frightening d,lazy; slow in
? movement or flow
? 5,sluggish e,nearly correct or
? exact,close and near
? Choose the new words to complete the
following sentences.
? 6,The bustling metropolitan is to new
immigrants who come here looking
? 7,I’m not surprised you didn’t like that
movie,I found it really,
? 8,Modern poets frequently use imperfect
or rhymes so that the rhymed vowels
and even the consonants may be similar,
but not identical.
? 9,Europe’s travel industry is suffering as a
result of a economy and a strech of bad
? 10,Serving several terms in Congress,
Shirley Chisholm became one of the most
? politicians in the United States.
? 你知道“万圣节”的由来吗?
? Halloween [ 5hAlEu5i:? ] (万圣节 )
was called Samhain by the Irish,Samhain
took place on October 31 through to
November 1,During this period(时期 ),it was
believed that the boundaries( 分界线 )
between our world and the world of the dead
were weakened(减少 ),allowing spirits(灵魂 )
of the recently dead to cross over(跨过 ) and
possess(拥有 ) the living.
? To celebrate the festival,the Irish would
dress up in bizarre [ bi5zB,] (奇异的 )
costumes and parade(游行 ) through their
villages,causing destruction(破坏 ) and
saying "Trick-or-Treat",in-groups scare(吓唬 )
off any recently departed [ di5pB:tid ]
? (死了的 ) souls who might be prowling(四处
寻觅 ) for bodies to inhabit(居住于 ),Irish
immigrants brought several customs with
them,including one of the symbols(标志 )
most commonly associated with Halloween --
the "Jack Lantern",(灯笼 )
? According to Irish folklore(传说 ),there
once lived a man named Jack who was
known for being a drunk and a prankster
? [5prANkstE(r)] (爱恶作剧的人 ),
One night Jack tricked(哄骗 ) the devils(魔
鬼 )sintos climbing a tree,and quickly
carved(刻 ) an image of a cross(十字架 ) on
the trunk(树干 ),trapping(捉住 ) the devil,Jack
then made him promise that,in exchange for
letting him out of the tree,the Devil would
never tempt(引诱 ) him to sin again,He
reluctantly(勉强地 ) agreed,but was able to
exact his revenge upon(报仇 ) Jack's death,
Because of his mischievous
[ 5mistFivEs ] (调皮的 ) ways in life,
Jack was
? barred(被堵塞的 ) from entering heaven and
because of his earlier trick,he was also
barred from hell,So he was doomed(注定 ) to
wander the earth until the end of time,with
only a "Jack Lanterns" to warm him,
? 爱尔兰人管万圣节叫 Samhain,每年的
10月 31日到 11月 1日,人们都庆祝这个节日。
(that the boundaries between our world and
the world of the dead were weakened)新近去
世的鬼 (spirits of the recently dead)会还魂,
附在活人的身上。 (possess the living)
? 节日里,村民们就自己扮成鬼魂精灵,(dress
up in bizarre costumes)游走村外,(parade
through their villages)到处捣乱,(causing
的恶作剧还是给我糖果 ),成群结队,吓唬
(scare off any recently departed souls)在黑暗
中寻找活人的鬼魂。 (who might be prowling
for bodies to inhabit)爱尔兰移民将节日的各
节标志 (one of the symbols most commonly
associated with Halloween)“杰克灯笼”。
? (who was known for being a drunk and a
然后在树干上刻了个十字架,(quickly carved
an image of a cross)让魔鬼下不来。后来魔
事,(would never tempt him to sin again)杰
(was able to exact his revenge upon Jack's
was barred from entering heaven and
because of his earlier trick,he was also
barred from hell)只能在阳间满无目的流浪,
? 今天的句型是 in exchange for作为 …… 的交

? 比如下面这个大学生,就和同学作了一次
? What would you give me in exchange for
my recorder?
? 我把我的录音机给你,那你用什么作为交
? 东西可以交易,知识可不可以呢?看看下
? She is giving me piano lessons in
exchange for(交换 ) her English classes,
? 我教她英语,她教我弹钢琴。
? 下面两句话中的 take place,意思一样吗?
? When did this conversation take place?
? 会谈什么时候举行?
? Electric train has now taken the place of
steam trains in England,
? 在英国电力火车已经取代了蒸汽火车。
? 如果读懂了上面的句子,大家一定会发现,
这 take place和 take the place差别可是很大的
呢! take place意思是“发生;举行”,而
take the place则是“代替;接替”的意思。
差哪呢?对了,就差一个 the!
? 英语中有不少词组,从形式看好象只有冠词
? in front of在 ……( 外 )的前面
? in the front of在 ……( 内 )的前 部
? There’s a garden in front of the
? 教室前面是一个花园。
? There’s a blackboard in the front of the
? 教室的前面有一块黑板。
? in charge of掌管;负责
? in the charge of在 …… 负责之下
? An experienced worker is in charge of
the project,
? 在这项计划中,需要一名经验丰富的员工。
? The project is in the charge of an
experienced worker,
? 这相计划由一位资深的员工负责。
? by day白天;日间
? by the day按日计
? He works in an office by day,
? 他白天在办公室工作。
? Cleaning women in big cities get paid
by the day,
? 大城市中的清洁工按日取筹。
? 词根
? engage
? engagement preengage
? preengagement unengaged
? disengage disengagement
? disengaged
? Envy
? enviable enviably
? envied envious
? enviously unenvious
? Equal
? unequal coequal
? coequality inequality
? subequal equally
? equality equalitarian
? equalitarianism equalize
? equalization equalizer