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"a$??1 ?$??1 ^B?D? ?¥? 3μ1¥?1  Tb ? %h?1 ??l %h?1·?8V???1 &μ h?%h Bˉ ?V? ?VC¥B"  ?1b ?Pha?# Hü?a?ND ?b  ù??1 | ì 3a oaha μ?1 ?C `? ? ?3LX`iF *a ?a ? ?1 ? ? P· |¥ 3 ?vá 31? 3 ¥?1 ??b?y1 ù?|%hBy?? 1 ?¥êM? ù?¥ |aa?h H? ? ù pDD¥úù' üA?Y | ì pù? ù? ZE¥í b¨ ù?ZE “íh ”ü%h¥ ??í b ′Q ?E p??£¥2]r B?1 ??°¤2]?1?? |r B??× ?Y?è¥ ???b ? ya? y ??1b ?1Dr B¥1" |¥?1; ^r B ? ¥Q?9 r B? 3 v?Yb )? 3 r ? uS? ??A ?aò ?aò?aò ?aò ??? ?ì?? 3? ??? ?1? ? ??t? ? 3? ??? ?a??D? ? ? ? 3? ? ? ? ? ?r? ?? ?y??y? ? ? ?Z? ? ? ? ? ??? ? T? ? í?? í? ?? ?aú ?aú?aú ?aú ???? ?aaaaaaaaaò ?r B? ?aaaaaaaaaú ?1Dr B¥1" ?1r B?Y¥s ?  1ár B?Y ?1YV? ? ú *? 3t Z ? LCb ??1?r "S¥? ?o|?/?¥? ?r B? Y YV?1  ?? ?r B¥té ? ?ao??b  e |r B?Y ? |¥?1YV ????? ?? ? e |¥? ? f?? ?+?á 3?Yb? |¥? 1óìa{ ?ê ?b ìar B?Y  ? ?8?1?¥ ?? a? ì 8a ?ú * ? ·??t; ^ ?8r B¥VC? ?éB??Y? |r Bb ?1Dr B¥1" ? ¥?1? 3Z T¥2] ?? ?1a 3Z T?Kv “ ê m ” World Health Organization Immersed in a sea of risk Leading 12 selected risk factors as causes of di sease burden Developed countriesDeveloping countries High Mortality Low Mortality = Major NCD risk factors 1 Underweight Alcohol Tobacco 2 Unsafe sex Blood pressure Blood pressure 3 Unsafe water Tobacco Alcohol 4 Indoor smoke Underweight Cholesterol 5 Zinc deficiency Body mass index Body mass index 6 Iron deficiency Cholesterol Low fruit & veg. intake 7 Vitamin A deficiency Low fruit & veg intake Physical inactivity 8 Blood pressure Indoor smoke - solid fuels Illicit drugs 9 Tobacco Iron deficiency Unsafe sex 10 Cholesterol Unsafe water Iron deficiency 11 Alcohol Unsafe sex Lead exposure 12 Low fruit & veg int ake Lead exposure Childhood sexual abuse World Health Organization 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 Occupational risk factors for injury Unsafe health care injections Vitamin A deficiency Zinc deficiency Urban air poll uti on Iron deficiency Indoor smoke from solid fuels Unsafe water, sanitation, and hygiene Alcohol Physical inactivity High Body Mass Index Fruit and vegetable intake Unsafe sex Underwei ght Cholesterol Tobacco Blood pressure World Deaths in 2000 attributable to selected leading risk factors Number of deaths (000s) ?1Dr B¥1"  | ¥B 3V ? ? 7 S? 짥 ?V?+? &8¥ ?? H ù¥%h?D 3Z T a? ? 1μ1 ? ? H ù 3  ?a???5??%h  3a EV¥ 3Z T°¤?Y ??8 H ù è!??a? J?? 3?!? ?óaáh 8`  M H ù ? Ja  ?? ?,?? wa ~a é ]  M ′?¥?YEV¥ 3Z T°¤?Y o M ù 3Z T?r B? 7ó5%ha Uh? ????? ?1Dr B¥1" --í ? ^. ??? ^d. ??%h?D 3Z Ti?r B? SD¥y íμ? v1" ?# H9hI?? ^? μ ! Ta! -a! ?t. ?¥%h9 ]? ta y  ·)h¥.l a 5? Uh??ú  üèU÷ i ?C? üè?¨ té J ú £ aúsú?[ Jt ?+h /¥[á ??1?b ?1Dr B¥1" --í ? ^. ??? ^d. ??%h?D 3 Z Ti?r B? SD¥y íμ?v1 " ? ?1 3Z T Vá′? 80% k′ é ù ?D$? ? ?F′ ú?[aú £  t J J5′ ? )ê ? Jta?? J ? ?′ ú÷a??aXI# ? )ê ? J ? v?′ é ùú?[a?8? t J à′ ?±? 3? ?1Dr B¥1"  z¥?1? 3Z T¥z) ? | ?¥r B?é p  G LL.? Z4 Hq ?  1L.y í  1 ? y í 1D Hq 1 ?Hq  G L1-y ? z¥ 3Z T??1 8b ?ù? a1 z¥ 3Z T P M - ?¥? M | r B?D ?¥ μ ?  3Z T¥ ] M |¥r B f ?+?M ?b ? ?SFü  ? M |é?  M6 432T?CN o/  —[r B ?1¥ | ?1oN o —[¥ | ? ù ? p üé Mb [ 3Z T   h @ 3 ??ù*?   ?? ¤ ? —l H  B ° ??W?ù , J   ?S8×  μ? p¥8a ?  ? ?  ???  ??b r B\é¥?l ? Health Promotion = Any combination of health education and related organizational, political, and economic interventions designed to facilitate behavioral and environmental changes conducive to health. – Surgeon General’s Report 1979 ? Health Promotion = The combination of educational and environmental supports for actions and conditions of living conducive to health. – Green and Kreuter ? Health Promotion = The science and art of helping people change their lifestyle to move toward a state of optimal health….Lifestyle change can be facilitated through a combination of efforts to enhance awareness, change behavior, and create environments that support good health practices. Of the three, supportive environments will probably have the greatest impact in producing lasting changes. – M.P. O’Donnell, American Journal of Health Promotion (1986) emphasizing a shared framework for change targeted at individual behaviors and the environment. ? Health promotion = the process of enabling people to exert control over the determinants of health and thereby improve their health. Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion. WHO, Geneva, 1986 Health promotion is a process directed towards enabling people to take action. Thus, health promotion is not something that is done on or to people; it is done by, with and for people either as individuals or as groups. The purpose of this activity is to strengthen the skills and capabilities of individuals to take action and the capacity of groups or communities to act collectively to exert control over the determinants of health and achieve positive change. r B\é¥???1 ? 5× ?? ?| r B?| 7/|?ìa r Bìa F < u?? u?? ?Z? |/ ? r B/ ? ???Z_ r B? [  ù5 r B? | |?ì a u? ? ? |/ ? ??? Z_ 9F8 ?? r B\é¥'| { D? BEWPDBDZ 9 ? FNQPXFSNFOU x? NFEJBUJPO r B\é¥?? Empowerment Community participation ??  ?1Dr B  2 °êo [ -ù  ? I 1 ^ “ ? ? ”$ ? k +??1?M ? ?¥ ?$ h?+sò F a1? ?¥s? What is theory? A theory is a set of interrelated concepts, definitions, and propositions that present a systematic view of events or situations by specifying relations among variables, in order to explain and predict the events or situations. ?1?M¥ ? ??  T ?1 I 11× j ? ?¥D??¨$ r BM1?1?Yy íùa?1?M ¥V?M?ˉyNA??¨?1? M¥M1 ? ? ??1T? ?¥3 d #é?μ??¥?? ?1 ??¥"? %? ?1?M ? ?¥"? ?1?M¥ ? ??  T ??1?M ? ?¥s ? ??¨os 3 d?1¥ ? ????¥ ? ? ·??1?M¥ ? ? ??T¨` ?s ?8 £ ü¥?1?M ? ? r B? Q  Ta 1ár ? ? ?a¨ M? ? ? |= £ ü¥?1?M ? ?  ? a? ? ? ?F £ ü¥?1?M ? ?  uF?a u?Z ? ? ?1?M¥ ? ??  T ?? ? ?¥8??¨  T 3 ?D  Taì   T r B? Q  T Health Belief Model (HBM) ? ? ?? ? ? ?L ! ? )#.?'à Q ? ? ?¥?T  T ? ? HBM ^? ?S¥ Hochbaum, Kegeles, Leventhal and Rosenstock ? W@ M }4 ?¥b¨?3 d1 I 1 | ì? ¤ s “%h?]? ?_ ” | ì??i¤ s9L_° ? ?_2?hb ? T?T  ?S? 3? êdè <? 4ú | ì?¥D / ?a?? !! ¥ P¨ HBM¥ ? ?L ! ? )#. a 1r B?1 ^??8%h¥ 1 $^??a1 $%h¥?×?a? |+??1¥1 $z)? V ?p? %? ¥b ? r B? Q  T?¨ ? ?D¥à Q ?3 d | ì¥r Bμ1?1b ? a1 r B? Q ^ | ì¤ s ??a?M? ?1a? ,r B?1¥1ob HBM?¥'à Q ? 1 $^?? Perceived Susceptibility ·? | =?? $?1- r B ? ? " s? ?]a ? " ?%h¥ ˉ}b ?  |?C1-?μ V ?? 3′ ?a′?ˉ?b ? 1 $?×?  Perceived Severity | ì¤ %h¥?×aT¤ h?í  ¥?×aT¥ a Mb ?¤ h ^?? μ §a?la  .e$¤ h-a1-¥ yTaEV 3a ?1" ^?? s?? ×?Y $ HBM?¥'à Q ? 1 $m)  Perceived Benefits | ì? ? | ??1[a ?μr1h"r B ? ]aE ?%h? 3?h ^ ?]aT¥?4 a Mb ?? | ?1-a ??μr?3heb oμ |?4 ? $? ?1 ?{ ?¥m) ? ???? |???1b ? 1 $ V ?p?  Perceived Barriers | ì ? | ?r B?1 V ???¥ Z4 ? 41 -? ? ¥p?¥?4 a Mb | ì I n?1 z)¥] H9 ???1?B (?T¨ )a ?é y (.e )a?nV?b HBM?¥'à Q ? ??¥??t  Cues to Action \ P ? ?1? 3¥ “?L ” ? Bl? Yqy íb ? 1ár ?  Self-efficacy ^ | ì1- ^ ?μ ? ?3? B+??1¥1??b1? ? μ?×1¥T¨+Y ^? | ì? $?? | ??1? ? "? ? 4 H31T? X? ? 4¥??? ?Kay ? ???1b1á r ? 1????M | ìé ù??¥ 3 8?? J8 ? ?a??a ?C ?? ?1 H-1×1b HBM?¥'à Q ˉ} "1 $%h¥^?? ? V ??′? #1 $%h¥?×? ? μ§ 2T¥? ù "1 $+??1¥m) #1 $3??1¥ V ?p? r ?? ù1-μ ? ??? ? wi ?1 ¥1 ?? 1ár ? 6? ? | gDy í ??aa M -a? 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V ?μ?? ¨ b??¨  | ì? s?o ???1?M¥??μú¥1??bD5 e ì V ??μ Ta? naí a?a| na?f?8? e ì? ?T? ? ?í?V ?¥?r B¥8  ?bù?V üB? ¥ |r???¨ üV?? ¨  e ìü??ˉ?b ? ?¥?T  T I n¨ !¨ ??¨ ? I n¨ ??¨ ?D a? ? ? Social Learning  Cognitive Theory ? ?à ? ? ?D ? ?- ?[¤?<W1??? ¨ ^y1  ???? ü r B?1¥ ?? ?D ??4 \é?1?M¥?ZE ?D ? ?¥á 3a?Z N ? K¥ ?D ? ?e ? ^[ “De ? ”?)VMM¥ “? 4? ”1$4 ?¥b¨[3 d?t? | ?¥?1 _C` ? “ ?D ” ^X¤?1?¥ f ?/ e |? 1Q?¥B?Q? ? ?1aQ? ? ?1aQ?  ?a O 5 5  ?a O V ? K úT V ? K úT = ?D ? ?¥á 3a?Z N ? ?ZV?dèˉ ? ?.JMMFSBOE%PMMBSE  S7[a?Z1 vs|?T? ?D ? ?a a?? ?D  ? ? Miller and Dollard ?T? a?? 1954Rotter 1962Bandura 1966Rotter 1963Bandura and Walters 1975Ziferblatt 1969Bandura 1978Wallston and Wallston 1973W.Mischel 1987Rodin 1977Bandura 1978Bandura 1981Parcel and Baranowski 1986Bandura = ?D ? ?¥á 3a?Z N ? ?T? ?D ? ? – }V |t Rotter – 4?-BB? |?1¥D ^ e / òV ? ?ü ? ¥h¥ <?O¥$ ¤¥ ? ?? HqQ  – 4?-=V ?¥ <?O$ ?á 3  ? B??¥? ù ?1¥ = e????1¥? e ?? – μ = e??? $?^?1??1?M Q-^ sY |¥?Y – 4ú | ì1 & 3¥ e? ? ? ?4ú r B  ? = ?D ? ?¥á 3a?Z N ? a?? ?D ? ? – ?¨ a?à Q ?3 d?1C` ?4\é? 1?M¥÷¥4??/ F#?Z÷ y÷  |w – }V |t Banduray1?C8`¥?1D i?B?1°¤¥ ?7.d¥ SLT4 éP – 4  SLT¥ a??$ 43D 1ár ? ìaa?8??1¥Mo %? ? – 4  ?3 | ? ??1¥8? Oi| SLT÷ 1 “ ? a? ? ? ” Social Cognitive Theory) ? ?D ? ¥ Q Mo %? ? ìaD fa ?1¥ ? ? ? ù ù?′ 1á e? 43D <? 1ár ? f??Q? Mo %? ? ? ?8a?1?3??1 ?)ìa ??)?? ? ¥aMoT¨aMo %?-?? ^ ?D ? ?¥'4? ?at ?ìa a? ?1 ? For example: Using reciprocal determinism in SLT as a framework, teachers can work to improve their students' emotional states and to correct their faulty self-beliefs and habits of thinking (personal factors), improve their academic skills and self-regulatory practices (behavior), and alter the school and classroom structures that may work to undermine student success (environmental factors). 1ár ? r ? FGGJDBDZ  ^B? |3? B+?? 1¥ Z4 ? ?r ? VYV43  | ^? ?S  B?1 ?é?? b 1ár ? TFMGFGGJDBDZ ·¥ ^?81- 3? B+??1¥ ? ?vl¥?4 ?' ? 81-3? B+??1ir?? ù2T¥ ? ?¥1?? b 4ú1ár ?¥o??ZE VV 1?Z ? ?4úB? |¥1ár ?  ? ??1??V ?1 V ?¥??ü ? W¤ü 43  e |3? ?1 ? gh ? a “ F ????[? ” ? f?? ?¥ f?  1ár ? ? ??¨ Uim ?1a ?¥???? !??r? "S gh ? a?|? ¥lFDìaa  ?où Y |¥ü ¤(]S¤z¥ | ? ?a 3 ? ? ?  f?¥) ?/ F 1ár ?  1??  r ?¥? ù r B? ? ? ?1?M ? f? 43D Observational learning 1. Attention - The observer of the model must attend to the relevant characteristics of the model. 2. Retention - The observer must encode verbal and/or visual representations of the model. 3. Motor Reproduction - The observer must be physically able to reproduce the behavior of the model. 4. Motivation - The observer must want to perform the observed behavior. ? Example: Wilma watches Fred bowl a bowling ball. Wilma pays attention to Fred foot work, how he holds the ball, and how he delivers the ball. Wilma makes mental notes to help her remember. After Fred bowls a few balls it is Wilma's turn to bowl. Wilma reviews what she observed in her mind and then bowls the ball (a strike!). In this case, Wilma paid attention to relevant characteristics of the observed behavior, she remembered what she observed, she was capable of accomplishing the task (and did), and she was motivated to execute the behavior SLT?¥?1à Q# ? ì??¥cl à Q ?l cl ìa ? | &8-?¥y í 4?M¥?? ?|? fa ?8ìa¥?4? $ ??? ¥?4? $i\é ??r B¥?15 ?1¥ ? ? 3? B+??1¥ YV/ ? ?T\éQˉ Ll ? M?/ ? ¥?1D ? ù Y5? ¥ ?1¥ USr B?1¥¥2  V ?2  ù?′ ? |?[+??12 a Z Uμ L¨il¥?1  ?y í¥N′ ?M¥2  1á e? ? | "S·?¥?1 41áS??D1-?è ?¥1á?? ? ?¥? 43D YV43Y |¥?1 4+??1¥ V?¥? ? ???1¥2  ? US á 3?¤??1 SLT?¥?1à Q# ? ì??¥cl à Q ?l cl <? ?9F??? |?1 \é1áóí¥? ? ? ? 3 V ??¥? |?1¥Q? 1ár ? ? |3? B+??1 L @s¨ ¥?1?M ¥1?? ù pμ1?1?M¥+?? f ? ? ± Q? ? | ¨ [? ± f ? 43 %ù5??f5 ? O e ¥ | { ZE¥ ?T  ?ò  f ? ?/ F ¥ fa? Llμ1¥/ ? Mo %? ? ?8a?1?3? ? I n??1?M¥n @ ?1 ?)ìa ??  ?ìa¥ a/ ?¥[#?8 -W¥a? ?¥M ¥?1?Mn @b oT¨b 1 ?D ? ??¨  è ? '?? – ?? E?M¥?1#?r?¥2T – k?4-5? ??Y??1?M¥M  – ? 4-5 ??M?¥??n @aZE – | ? ?¥n @aZE ? L1 L¨¥aμ il¥a ? L= 3? T¨¥?? n @ L è1 r B? y áù v? £T ? ^ ?S¥B?1úùlD 1a? M)¥D 3ù v? £T¥Dnr B?a[ " ? ù? "¥|D 3 ? ° v? £T J¨ ? 1.8-2.5z4 ú? 5z ?S? J· 2yp1 5-9z ? ìaa? |a?1Z ??8`??ù v? £Tμ? Y – ? l ?EV? 4? £?  eEV?^ ?i |¤ – ? | £T v??? g?Z ? àμ¥? ù – 8` ?Cê4 v? £T? J ?¥ ? ? ? s?M?¥÷E?| {iM1 L=¥n @ ? ?D ? ??¥?1à Q?[ "?¥?¨ L è1 r B? y áù v? £T à Q 8n @ ìa ? ?E?¤ v? £T¥Hq3 ?DDn|? ?1 ? ? 4úD 3?T FaSST J ??E?? y?? ???1 p v? £T¥ ? ? 2T? ù ?D 3 üaù £T v? ?9 <Dn¥ ? ? ?i¤?]D¥M× 1á e? ?D 3?èù v? £T¥ "S 43D D 343 o = ??11-?è? ?? J8¥ "S <?  LC "S¥D 3óíú *?té ? 1ár ? YV? ?ò ?D 39 <¤ £T v?¥?? Mo %? ? D 31 pE? ? v? £T 7?E? v? £T [aD 3ü ?y1ZL7ù 9F  £T v?¥¤(?? PD 3÷?ù ? ì ? ?¥8??¨ ? 3 ?D ? (Ecological Model) ì   T Precede-Proceed Model Multiple levels IndividualCommunity Family Society Complex Linkages Ecological Models of Health Behavior ? Behaviors are influenced by intrapersonal, social, cultural, and physical environment variables ? Variables are likely to interact ? Need to address variables at multiple levels to understand and change health behaviors ? ?¥8??¨ O -&7&- 5)&03: *OEJWJEVBM )FBMUICFMJFGNPEFM TUBHFPGDIBOHF *OUFSQFSTPO BM 4PDJBM$PHOJUJWFUIFPSZ 0SHBOJ[BUJP OBM 5IFPSZPGPSHBOJ[BUJPOBMDIBOHF $PNNVOJUZ %JGGVTJPOPG*OOPWBUJPO PRECEDE-PROCEED Model ? PRECEDE-PROCEED has nine phases, the first five of which are diagnostic.These diagnoses involve research in target communities and the change-initiating organization to identify goals and specific objectives and set priorities among the objectives to be addressed in the program. ? The four remaining phases in PRECEDE- PROCEED are implementation and evaluation (process, impact, and outcome), with emphasis on using the latter to improve the former. precede  ? ù ? ù ?? 5¨ ?? 4¨ ?? 3¨ ?? 2¨ ?? 1¨ 5 ???|?5 ???|? ?aD?F???aD?F?? ?1?ìa??1?ìa? @?h? @?h? ?? ?? ?? 6¨ ?? 7¨ ?? 8¨ ?? 9¨ V? ?N í ùrT ?Ní ùrT ?N ? ùrT ?N? ùrT ?N 2  ?N2  ?N procede ?N ù r B\é `_y í \éy í <?y í ?1? 3Z T ìa r B 3 é  r B?a ?| E? F? PRECEDE-PROCEED as an Organizing Framework for Application of Theory Diagnostic Phase THEORY Phase1 Social Diagnosis Phase 2 Epidemiol ogical Diagnosis Phase 3 Behaviora l & Environm ental Diagnosis Phase 4 Education al & Organizat ional Diagnosis Phase 5 Administr ative & Pollicy Diagnosis Stages of Change x x Health Belief Model x ConsumerInf processg x S Learning Theory x x CommunityOrganizat x x Organizational chang x x Diffusion of Innovations x x ?1??e5 ?| { 3  ??ZE -JGF$PVSTF "QQSPBDI ?n @ "5? ?¥r B?1·? u? ?1?? ?1??| { 3  ?? r ¥ZE life course approach to health ?\ér B?1  u =??] | ?? |[r B é1?1 m ¥8?n @ 7Zμ¥b O¥? ?1??r B?1·?? "5? ?¥r B?1·? ?  T --[2By í ?N1$¥? “A”  T  ?Naypax aúù#? ? ? ` assess, advise, agree, assist and arrangeé?r B?1·? u? ?1?? [ u | ??1?1$¥ u ??[ " u? ?1??¥B??? u??a? ? u|?F? u?1? ?? u??9? S?? ? L @ u ?D ??