Chapter 11 Other Zooplankton Department of Oceanography References ?吴宝铃, 吴启泉, 丘建文等, 1997. 中国动物志 环节动物门多毛纲I. 叶须虫目. 北京: 科学出 版社, 329p 11.1 Rotatoria Rotifers are small (0.1-0.5mm) flask-shaped organism, with a characteristic crown of fine hair or cilia surrounding the mouth area. These cilia beat together in waves to draw water currents toward their mouth. Rotifers primarily eat phytoplankton, bacteria, and also detritus. Some will occasionally eat another rotifer if it is small enough. Rotifers are commonly cultured in fish farms to feed to larval fish as their first food. 11.2 Polychaeta Segmented invertebrates characterised by the possession of a coelom and hair-like bristles known as setae or chaetae. The chaetea occur along the body in various configurations and aid in locomotion, feeding and sometimes protection. Polychaetes may be represented in the plankton by larval stages of bottom living species, adults and larvae of pelagic species, and adults of some species that ascend into the plankton to breed at specific times of the year. 丰年虫 11.3 Other Zooplankton Nemertini Holothuroidea