Chapter II Pyrrophyta(甲藻门) Department of Oceanography Xiamen University Mesokaryotes: nucleus enveloped the nuclear membrane (Eukaryotes), but has no histone and its chromatin is circular (Monera) References ? Hallegraeff G. M. et al., 1995. Manual on harmful marine microalgae. UNESCO. 551p ? Tomas C. R., 1997. Identifying marine phytoplankton. Academic Press. 858p ? Garces E. et al., 2001. Life histories of microalgal species causing harmful blooms. 208p ? Botes L., 2003. Phytoplankton identification catalogue – Saldanha Bay, South Africa, April 2001. GloBallast Monograph Series, 7. IMO London. 87p ?国家海洋环境监测中心《中国近海赤潮生物图谱——简 本》 Contents ?2. 1 Morphological Characteristics 2.1.1 Cell Wall 2.1.2 Flagellum 2.1.3 Chromatoplast 2.1.4 Nucleus 2.1.5 Organelles ?2. 2 Classification ?2. 3 Biology ?2. 4 Economic Significance 2.1.1 Cell Wall ? epicone apical pore plate apical plate precingular plate anterior intercalary plate ? hypocone antapical plate postcingular plate ? girdle plate ? ventral area left and right anterior plate left and right flagellar pore plate The cells are coated with a quite strong layer of amphiesma secreted by protoplasm; the cell wall of some naked species without theca are covered by thin plates Thecal plates Girdle Sulcus 2.1. 2 Flagellum Desmokontae: two dissimilar flagella emerge from the anterior part of the cell, flagella band-shaped Dinokontae: two flagella are inserted ventrally, one flagellum is transverse and housed in a cingulum and the other is longitudinal and housed in a sulcus, flagella located on the ventral face (TF: propulsion, LF: direction) Prorocentrium micans Longitudinal flagellum Transverse flagellum 2.1. 5 Organelles pusule a large sac-like structure osmoregulatory function eye-spot trichocyst Contents ?2.1 Morphological Characteristics ?2.2 Classification 2.2.1 Subclass Desmokontae(纵裂甲藻亚纲) Order Desmonadales(纵裂甲藻目) Order Prorocentrales(原甲藻目) 2.2.2 Subclass Dinokontae(横裂甲藻亚纲) Order Peridinales(多甲藻目) ?2.3 Biology ?2.4 Economic Significance one class, Dinophyceae Based on living habits and the location of flagellum, the class is divided into 3 subclasses 2.2.1 Subclass Desmokontae(纵裂甲藻亚纲) Order Desmonadales(纵裂甲藻目) Order Prorocentrales(原甲藻目) 2.2.2 Subclass Dinokontae(横裂甲藻亚纲) Order Peridinales(多甲藻目) Suborder Gymnodiniineae(裸甲藻亚目) Suborder Dinophysidineae(翅甲藻亚目) Suborder Peridiniineae(多甲藻亚目) 2.2.3 Subclass Blastodinophycidae(囊甲藻亚纲) Prorocentrum micans(海洋原甲藻) Order Prorocentrales(原甲藻目) 海洋原甲藻 Prorocentrum micans 东海原甲藻 (Prorocentrum donghaiense) 利马原甲藻 Prorocentrum lima 微小原甲藻 Prorocentrum minimum Order Prorocentrales(原甲藻目) Noctiluca scintillans(夜光藻) Suborder Gymnodiniineae(裸甲藻亚目) 夜光藻 Noctiluca scintillans Suborder Gymnodiniineae(裸甲藻亚目) Dinophysis acuminata(渐尖鳍藻) Suborder Dinophysidineae(翅甲藻亚目) Dinophysis acuta Dinophysis sp Dinophysis sp 倒卵形鳍藻 Dinophysis fortii 具尾鳍藻 Dinophysis caudata Gonyaulax spinifera(刺膝沟藻) Suborder Peridiniineae(多甲藻亚目) Suborder Peridiniineae(多甲藻亚目) 多纹漆沟藻 Gonyaulax polygramma Protoperidinium pentagonum(五边原多甲藻) Suborder Peridiniineae(多甲藻亚目) 锥形多甲藻 Peridinium conicum Suborder Peridiniineae(多甲藻亚目) Peridinium_bipes Ceratium furca(叉状角藻) Suborder Peridiniineae(多甲藻亚目) 叉状角藻 Ceratium furca 梭角藻 Ceratium fusus Suborder Peridiniineae(多甲藻亚目) 三角角藻 Ceratium tripos Alexandrium tamarense 塔玛亚历山大藻 Alexandrium tamarense Suborder Peridiniineae(多甲藻亚目) 链状亚历山大藻 Alexandrium catenella Contents ?2.1 Morphological Characteristics ?2.2 Classification ?2.3 Biology 2.3.1 Distribution 2.3.2 Red Tide 2.3.3 Bioluminescence 2.3.4 Reproduction ?2.4 Economic Significance 2.3.2 Red Tide: “Cells From Hell” ? Algae blooms “a good thing gone bad” ? Rapid cell division and high abundance ? Millions to tens of millions of cells per liter ? Diatoms and dinoflagellates ? Red and brown tides ? Can discolor the water Red tide in China 60s 3 70s 9 80s 74 90s- >380 Red Tide of Hawaiyi GEOHAB ( The Global Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algae Blooms) Fig. Worldwide HABs distribution, 1544-1997 (D.G. Baden, 1998) 2.3.4 Reproduction The life cycle in Alexandrium: the diploid cyst, dormant at the seabed, excysts and forms two haploid vegetative cells, which divide vegetatively until they form gametes, which fuse to eventually produce the diploid cyst; diploid phases of the life cycle are in blue Cyst of Oligosphaeridium abaculum Zygotic Meiosis Lifestyles Contents ?2.1 Morphological Characteristics ?2.2 Classification ?2.3 Biology ?2.4 Economic Significance 2.4.1 Usefulness 2.4.2 Harmfulness Fish mortality General Diagram of HAB Effects on Communities Fishery and Shellfish Losses Tourism Losses Insurance Increases Loss of Jobs HAB Ingested by Shellfidh (clams, mussels, oysters) Fish Larvae Zooplantkon Closure of Shellfish beds or Coastal Areas Monitoring Ingested by Humans Commercial and Non-commercial Fish Birds, Seals, Sea Lions, Whales, Dolphins Illness or Death Illness or Death Bloom Die Off $$ $$ Foul Odor Anoxic Conditions