Part III: Copepoda Xiamen University Department of Oceanography References ?陈清潮, 章淑珍, 1965. 黄海和东海的浮游桡足类I 哲水蚤目. 海洋学集刊, 7: 20-131 ?陈清潮等, 1974. 黄海和东海的浮游桡足类II 剑水 蚤目和猛水蚤目. 海洋学集刊, 8: 27-86 ?陈清潮等, 1974. 南海的浮游桡足类I, II. 海洋学集 刊, 9: 101-116, 125-137 ?陈清潮, 1983. 南海的浮游桡足类III. 南海海洋生 物研究论文集(一): 133-138 ?郑重等, 1965. 中国海洋浮游桡足类(上卷) ?郑重等, 1978. 中国海洋浮游桡足类(中卷) 2 Classification ?躯体形态 1.身体大小、形状和颜色 2.头胸部节数,各节的大小比例,额部形状,末胸节后侧角的形态 3.额角的形态、晶体和侧沟的有无,晶体的大小和位置 4.腹部节数,各节的长短比例和形态 5.生殖节(雌性)的大小和形态(是否对称、有无刺、毛、突起等),生 殖节突起的构造 6.尾叉的大小、形状,左右两叉是否对称,尾叉刚毛的长短比例及其分布 ?附肢形态 1.第一触角的节数和体长的比例,刺、毛的分布情况,雄体执握触角的弯 曲部分的构造 2.第二触角、大颚,小颚和颚足的形态 3.胸足的外肢和内肢节数、长短比例,刺、毛的数目和分布情况,特别是 第五胸足,尤其是雄性第五胸足的形态和构造 2 Classification 2.1 Order Clanoida 2.1.1 Tribe Amphaskandria 2.1.2 Tribe Heterarthrandria 2.1.3 Tribe Isokerandria 2.2 Order Cyclopoida 2.3 Order Harpacticoida 2.4 Order Monstrilloida Sars(1901-1903), Gurney(1931-1933) Family Calanidae Moderate size Th 4-5, Ab♀4 ♂5, A 1 Calanus C. sinicus P 5 B 1 denticulate Undinula postero-lateral angles(PLAs) pointed U. vulgaris PLAs bifurcate P 2 Re notch P 5 (♂) right leg short left leg without Ri, Re with a vermiform U. vulgaris Family Eucalanidae body large, prosome elongated, head pointed triangular, Ab♀2-3 ♂3-4 P 5 rudimentary, ♀lacking♂left leg long Eucalanus E. subcrassus ♀genital somite longer than wide ♂P 5 right leg lacking Rhincalanus forehead conical process P5 ♀♂uniramous except ♂left leg biramous R. cornutus head anchorlike R. nasutus head conical R. rostrifrons Family Paracalanidae small form, Ab♀2-4♂5 P 5 rudimentary, uniramous Paracalanus P 2-4 Re 3 denticulate P. parvus ♀P 4 second segment without spinules on posterior surface Family Euchaetidae large in size, PLAs rounded or pointed, Ab♀4♂5, ♀genital prominent, P 5 ♀lacking, ♂well developed Euchaeta E. marina P 5 ♂left leg spade-like process E. concinna ♀genital somite with protuberance P 5 ♂left leg lamellate-like process 2.1.2 Tribe Heterthrandria ♀A 1 asymmetrical, form a grasping organ Family Temoridae small size, Ab♀3♂5, caudal rami elogated Temora prosome broadly short, rounded in front, caudal rami slender T. turbinata caudal rami elongate; P 5 ♂left leg 4, chela-like, right leg 3 Family Centropagidae moderate or small in size, PLAs rounded or pointed, Ab♀3-4♂4-5 Centropages P5♀Re 2 spine,♂left leg Re 2 segments, right leg Re 3 segments, force-like C. tenuiremis C. typicus Family Candaciidae forehead truncate Candacia P 5 ♀finger-like process or long setae C. bradyi genital somite ♀with slight projection on the right margin; ♂with two rows of teeth on right process Family Pontellidae moderate or large in size, forehead broadly large, with a spinal projection, paired lens Labidocera L. euchaeta forehead narrowed, with well-developed rostrum; P 5 ♀uniramous, 3 segments ♂uniramous, 4 segments, asymmetrical, right leg semi-forceps Family Acartiidae small in size, with median eye, Ab♀3♂5, P 5 uniramous,♂asymmetrical Acartia A.spinicauda PLAs pointed backward A 1 a hook-like spinule on the ventral margin of 2rd segment Family Tortanidae moderate or small in size, forehead triangular, Ab♀2-3♂5, Ab and caudal rami asymmetrical Tortanus T. derjugini ♀PLAs with a wing-like process P 5 uniramous ♀2-3 segments ♂left leg 4 segments right leg 3, forceps 2.2 Order Cyclopoida 2.2.1 Family Oithonidae small size, P 5 rudimentary Oithona O. similis rostrum acuminat 2.2.2 Family Sapphirinidae body dorso-ventrally depressed, leaf like, with sexual dimorphism, with paired lens on forehead Sapphirina S. nigromaculata dorso-ventrally depressed, foliaceous, well-developed lens Copilia C. mirabilis ♀prosome subrectangular ♂caudal rami elongate 2.2.3 Family Corycaeidae pair of lenses Corycaeus C. affinis 2.3 Order Harpacticoida 2.3.1 Family Ectinosomidae Microsetlla rostrum bent ventrally, bill-like M. norvegica caudal setae very long 3 Biology and Significance 3.1 Biology 3.1.1 Distribution 3.1.2 Growth and Body Size 3.1.3 Feeding 3.1.4 Reproduction and Development 3.1.5 Dormancy 3.1.6 Bioluminescence 3.1.7 Parasitism 3.2 Significance 3.1.1 Distribution Horizontal distribution Vertical distribution Seasonal distribution 中华哲水蚤世代划分 3.1.2 Growth and Body Size 3.1.3 Feeding filter or predator herbivorons carnivorons omnivorons ? E.I <=500 filtering feeders ? 500<E.I<=900 omnivorous feeders ? E.I>900 carnivorous Calanus sinicus Tortanus dextrilobatas Euchaeta plana 郑小衍,郑重(1989)对九龙江口 13种桡足类大颚齿形态与食性关系 研究中,将食性划分为 哲水蚤类食性 捕食(E.I.>1700或2000) 杂食(E.I.<1700或2000) 滤食(E.I.<800) 捕食(E.I.>800) 3.1.4 Reproduction and Development ? Depositing eggs freely ? Carrying ovisacs ? Depositing sticky eggs egg nauplius copepodid Robertgurneya similis 3.1.5 Dormancy Diapause Resting egg Diapause egg Subitaneous egg Delayed hatching egg Seasonal distribution and larvae diapause of Calanus finmarchicus