Unit Three
1 Text
2 Situational Conversation
3 Practical Writing
4 Supplementary Reading
The International Tourist
Unit Three--Text
communications n,通讯系统
inequality n,不平等,不平均,不平衡;不相同
leave n,休假
differentiation n,区别,鉴别;分化,
surfeit n,过量,过度 ( of) a
surfeit of opportunities 许多的机会
novelty n,新颖,新奇;新奇的事物
venture n,冒险,冒险行动 ( 事业 )
innovation n,革新,创新;改革,新事物
flexibility n,灵活性,机动性;挠性
fragmentation n,分裂,裂成碎片;
resort n,常去之地,胜地
succession n,连续,接续
autonomy n,自主;自治;自治的团体
alienation n,[哲 ] 异化; ( 情感上的 )
gratification n,满足;满意;使人满意的事
conformity n,依照,遵照,一致,
indoctrination n,灌输;教,教训
incarnation n,化身,体现
informality n,非正式;不拘礼节
The International Tourist
Words and Expressions
Unit Three--Text
characterize vt,表示 … 特性的,成为 … 的特性
reinforce vt,增援;加强,加固
saturate vt,使饱和;使中和;浸透,渗透
sustain v,维持,支撑,遭受
prevail v,流行,盛行;胜过
embrace v,包围,围住
rear v,抚养,培养;培植
inhibit v,禁止,阻止
institutionalize vt,使制度化;使成为惯常行为
persist vi,持续;坚持
Unit Three--Text
The International Tourist
supervisory a,监督的,管理的
arduous a,艰苦的,艰巨的;努力的
exclusively a,专有地,唯一地;除外地
saturated a,饱和的;浸透的
intrinsically a,内在地;固有地;本质地
fundamental a,基本的,十分重要的;原始的,主要的
empirical a,经验主义的;以经验为依据的
all-embracing (合成形容词)团团包围之中
child-rearing (合成形容词)培养儿童的
distinctive a,有特色的,与众不同的;区别性的
versus prep,与 … 相对
Unit Three--Text
The International Tourist
wind down = become relaxed
time and again 一次又一次的
in favor of 赞成,主张(一般用作表语)
Unit Three--Text
The International Tourist
1,greater slices of leisure time 很多时间休闲
2,activity-oriented 为 n.+ V.ed 构成的合成形容词,意为,注重活动的,,在句中作 travel 的定语 。 类似的用法还有,market-oriented
economy 市场经济; research-oriented medical establishment注重研究的医疗机构; machine made 机制的等 。 另外,n,+ V,ing
形式也可构成合成形容词,如,peace-loving 爱好和平的; heart-
breaking 令人伤心的;以及本文中的,all-embracing”和,child-
rearing”等 。
3,Not until more experience is gained will the traveler want to get
away from a normal environment … 该句为倒装句,强调,直到 …
才 …,,即,Not until …,。 原句的语序为,The traveler will not
want to get away from a normal environment … until more
experience is gained.”
4,Victorian 维多利亚式的 ( 本文指该时代陈腐伪善的道德标准 )
Unit Three--Text
The International Tourist
I,Check your understanding of the text.
1,International travelers mainly come from countries where _____,
A,the standard of living is comparatively high,rates of
economic growth are faster and the urban population is small
B,the standard of living is comparatively high,rates of
economic growth are slow and urban population is sizable
D,the standard of living is comparatively high,rates of
economic growth are faster,the income standard does not tend
to be stable and the urban population is large
Unit Three--Text
The International Tourist
C,the standard of living is comparatively high,rates of
economic growth are faster,the income standard tends to be
stable and the urban population is sizable
2,Why have more and more people started to use their nonholiday
leisure time to learn and exercise new activities?
B,Because they think they should study more.
C,Because they are too tired to go on with their work.
D,Because they have no time to do such kinds of things during
the working hours.
Unit Three--Text
A,Because there seems to be a lot of chances for relaxation.
The International Tourist
3,What is the concept of alienation in work?
A,It means that most people like to be employed in work,which
is not rewarding but satisfying,though the pay is not high.
B,It means that most people are inevitably employed in work,
which is rewarding but not satisfying,though the pay is high.
C,It means that they think the work is rewarding and satisfying,
but they can’t get high pay.
Unit Three--Text
D,It means that most people are inevitably employed in work,
which is not rewarding and satisfying,though they can get high
The International Tourist
4,The distinctive characteristics of the modern travelers are that
they are _____,
A,indifferent from others,free from extremely limited regulation
C,different from extremely limited regulation,free from changes
for unplanned action and common rules
D,same as others,free from regulations and opportunities for
arranged action
Unit Three--Text
B,different from others,free from conventional rules and free
from opportunities for arranged action
The International Tourist
5,With the rapidly growing market of international travel,we can
ignorethe fact that each years total customers will _____,
A,not include a minority who value familiarity,dependency
and order
C,exclude a majority travelers who value familiarity,
autonomy and order
D,include a minority who think highly of activity,familiarity
and independence
Unit Three--Text
B,always include the travelers who think highly of familiarity,
dependency and order
The International Tourist
II,Answer the following questions based on the
information in the text.
1,According to the passage,why does the author say,These
extremes are not completely separate”? Give one or more
2,When people travel abroad first time,what do they tend to seek?
Give at least two examples.
Because on any given trip there may be any number of combinations
for the travelers,For example,after visiting a museum,you may go to
play ping pang to relax yourself.
They tend to seek familiarity rather than novelty,For instance,they like
using the same traffic vehicles or having meals and beverages they are
used to.
Unit Three--Text
The International Tourist
3,In the Western world,what is the general change in social
4,For people who seek a sense of personal autonomy what kind
of holidays are they looking for?
5,According to the last paragraph of the passage,what is thepredicted trend of international travel?
The general change is that people become more and more to accept
novelty,Their attitude toward change becomes increasingly positive.
They accept and seek innovation in industry,education,family life,the
arts,social relationships,and the like.
They are likely to seek holidays during which they feel independent
and in control of what they do and how they do it.
Unit Three--Text
The International Tourist
One would predict that because of deep and persisting social and
economic changes in modern Western society,the demand for travel
will be based less on the goals of relaxation,familiarity,dependence,
and order and increasingly on activity,novelty,autonomy,and
III,Translate the following into English using the words
or expressions given in the brackets.
1,近年来我国人民的生活水平和经济增长率越来越高了 。
2,这些假期为人们提供了休息的机会,提供了增进健康的机会 。 (wind
3,我们大家都赞成提前作好我们的假日旅游计划 。 (in favor of)
Recently (In recent years) standard of living and rates of economic
growth in our country are becoming higher and higher.
These holidays provide people with opportunities for winding down
and getting fit.
We are all in favor of making our trip plan for the holiday in advance,
Unit Three--Text
The International Tourist
4.直到积累了更多的旅游经验之后,旅游者才会愿意和那些有不同文化背景的人交往 。 (not … until)
5,这些国家的经济基础主要是由大规模的工业和商业构成 。
Not until more experience is gained will travelers want to communicate
with people from different cultures,
The foundations of the economy in these countries are comprised
mainly by large-scale industry and commerce.
Unit Three--Text
The International Tourist
Situational Conversation
1,Asking the Way
Traveler A,I’m confused,Where are we now?
Traveler B,Oh,boy! I don’tknow,We are completely lost.
Traveler A,Here comes a police officer,Let’s ask him,Excuse me.
May I ask where we are now?
Police man,Yes,you are right in Changchun Road.
Traveler B,And could you tell us how we can get to the Airport Hotel?
Police man,Of course,You can take a No,701 bus or No,532 minibus,
and get off at the airport,Then walk over the crossing,turn right
and the Airport Hotel is about a hundred yards up there on the left
hand side.
Travelers,Thank you very much indeed.
Police man,Not at all.
Unit Three--Situational Conversation
The International Tourist
2,Check in at the Airport
Airport Clerk,Good afternoon.
Traveler,Good afternoon,Is this the
counter for United Airlines?
Airport Clerk,Yes,May I have your
ticket and passport,please?
Traveler,Sure,here you are,And can I
take this briefcase as hand baggage?
Airport Clerk,Yes,as long as it’ll go
under the seat,How many pieces of
baggage would you like to check in?
Traveler,Two suitcases.
Airport Clerk,Would you like me to
check your baggage through to
Denver,your destination?
Airport Clerk,Would you like a window
seat or aisle seat?
Traveler,A window seat,please,And,
could you put me in the smoking
section? I am a heavy smoker.
Airport Clerk,Sorry,This is a smoking
free flight,We don’t have any
smoking section on board.
Traveler,That’s fine,Thank you.
Airport Clerk,So that’s 18A,Here are
your boarding card,your ticket
and passport,Your baggage
claim tags are attached to the
ticket cover.
Traveler,Thanks a lot.
Airport Clerk,You are welcome.
·check in办理登机手续
·aisle seat 靠过道的座位
·the smoking section 吸烟区
·a smokingfree flight 不吸烟航班
·Your baggage claim tags are attached to
the ticket cover,您的行李领取签贴在机票的封皮上 。
Unit Three--Situational Conversation
The International Tourist
I,Role-play the sample dialogues.
II,Try to communicate in the given situation.
Student A is a visitor who is lost and seeking the way back to
his/her hotel.
Student B is a police officer.
The following information can be referred in the conversation:
first time to visit this city; cannot find the way back
not far from here; just four blocks( 街区 ) ahead
easy to walk there; the No,20 bus can take you right there
Unit Three--Situational Conversation
The International Tourist
The International Tourist
Fax and E-mail
Unit Three--Practical Writing
Fax (facsimile,简写为 fax )
用传真 ( facsimile,简写为 fax) 传输文件,不论是信函,备忘录,还是报告等,均按原格式写作,所不同的是,用传真发送这些文件时,
前面要加上一页 传真封面 ( Fax Cover Sheet) 。
传真封面包括:收件人姓名,单位,传真号码,电话号码;发传真日期,事由;发件人姓名,单位,传真号码,电话号码;发出的传真页数 ( 包括传真封面 ) ;备注 。
传真封面格式:不同单位所使用的传真封面格式不尽相同,但均应该包括上述信息 。 通常每个单位都有自己设计独特的专用传真封面纸 。
实例见 P47。
Unit Three--Practical Writing
The International Tourist
内容:电子邮件通常不加封面 ( Cover Sheet),只有收件人的电子邮件地址 ( To:),事由或主题 ( Re:或 Subject:),抄送 ( Cc:或
Bcc:,即 blind carbon copy暗抄送,收件人收到电子邮件时看不到这一栏的内容 ) 和正文等项目 。
格式:正文的格式与各种商务信函,备忘录等基本相同 。 现在人们倾向于用电子邮件附件 ( attachment) 的形式发送各种数字化的文件,
如信函,文本文件,照片,图表等等 。 附件的格式与电子邮件的格式无关 。
注意:电子邮件的正文应尽量简短明了,因为如果篇幅太长,全文就不可能同时显示在计算机的屏幕上,收件人阅读时会感到不方便 。 另外,与正式商务信函一样,撰写电子邮件的正文时,也一定要用规范的语言,不要出现语法和拼写错误,要让收件人感到你办事是十分严谨,十分认真的 。
实例见 P48。
Unit Three--Practical Writing
The International Tourist
Writing Practice:
1,按传真封面的要求为你所在的学院或系设计一份传真封面 。
2,给本门课程的教师发一封电子邮件,在电子邮件正文中简要汇报你的学习情况,并用附件 ( attachment) 的方式,附上你设计的传真封面 。
Unit Three--Practical Writing
The International Tourist
旅游英语 Unit Three--Supplementary Readings
Supplementary Reading One
1,the War Department ( 美国 ) 陆军部 ( 1947年改为 the Department of
the Army)
2,American,Delta,and United 即 American Airlines( 美国航空公司 ),
Delta Airlines( 德尔塔航空公司 ),United Airlines( 联合航空公司 ) 。
3,Concorde 指英法合作生产的,协和式,超音速客机
The International Tourist
Check your understanding of the passage.
1,Which of the following statement is true?
A,In air transport industry,only passengers and mail are carried
by aircraft.
B,The first air passenger services began in 1918.
D,Air transport companies operate many kinds of airlines over
the world except for unscheduled airlines.
Unit Three--Supplementary Readings
The International Tourist
C,Scheduled and unscheduled airlines are operated by air
transport companies to carry passengers,freight,and mail.
2,When were the sustained air transport services firmly
A,The sustained air transport services were firmly established
during the World War I.
C,The sustained air transport services were firmly established
before the World War II.
D,The sustained air transport services were firmly established
in 1914.
Unit Three--Supplementary Readings
The International Tourist
B,The sustained air transport services were firmly established
after the World War I.
3,Why had not any independent companies succeeded in the
passenger service early in the 1920s?
B,Because they did not operate their companies according to
the Air Commerce Act of 1926.
C,Because their service were poor.
D,Because their airlines were not scheduled.
Unit Three--Supplementary Readings
The International Tourist
A,Because they began passenger service without any subsidies.
4,Which of the following statement is NOT true?
A,Before 1929,compared with American,Europe passenger
transportation was much more advanced.
C,After 1929,some other European countries began to develop
combined mail,freight,and passenger service to distant places.
D,Ford Trimotor carried up to 15 passengers at that time.
Unit Three--Supplementary Readings
The International Tourist
B,Before 1929,compared with Europe,American passenger
transportation was much more advanced.
5,What fields made great advances from 1919 to 1939?
A,Passenger service,weather forecasting and navigation
equipment made great advances from 1919 to 1939.
B,Airmail,weather forecasting and innovative management
made great advances from 1919 to 1939.
C,Weather forecasting,navigation equipment,innovative
management and service made great advances from 1919 to
Unit Three--Supplementary Readings
The International Tourist
D,Weather forecasting,navigation equipment,aerodynamics
and innovative management made great advances from 1919 to
6,What is true about the new long-range four-engine transports
with fully pressurized cabins and advanced instrumentation?
B,They could make passengers comfort,but the operations
were not economical and consistent.
C,They could avoid storms and turbulent winds,but the
operations were not economical and consistent.
D,They could make passengers comfort,and the operations
were more economical and consistent,but they couldn’t avoid
Unit Three--Supplementary Readings
The International Tourist
A,They could avoid storms and turbulent winds,so the
passengers would feel comfortable and the operations were
more economical and consistent.
7,Modern airline operations include all of the following except for
A,airframe and engine maintenance
B,personnel training (pilots,cabin attendants,tickets agents,
ground crews)
C,food preparation,and the operation of hotels and resorts
around the world
Unit Three--Supplementary Readings
The International Tourist
D,working out federal standards
Supplementary Reading Two
1,more than 超过 …… ;是 …… 不能,句中指,是其他任何人所不能相比的,。 如,The cold was more than the children could bear.
2,to associate with 意为,把 …… 与 …… 联系起来;和 …… 发生联系,,
Unit Three--Supplementary Readings
The International Tourist
Check your understanding of the passage (True or False).
1,Compared with any other individual,Thomas Cook is the most
important person who is associated with the emergence of
tourism as a modern,large-scale industry,( )
2,After the first of the excursions started on 5 July 1841,both the
number of participants and the variety of destinations increased
gradually,( )
3,In 1863,Cook organized the first international excursion,and then
many people including the poor and the rich began round-the-
world excursion,( )
4,Because the services of Cook’s company were an inclusive,pre-
paid,one-fee structure,the prices were not affordable,( )
Unit Three--Supplementary Readings
The International Tourist
5,That the formal production principles of the Industrial
Revolution was applied to tourism by Thomas Cook,( )
6,According to the passage,Cook can be considered as an
effective managerial pioneer of tourism,( )
7,Cook utilized new invention of only transportation to increase
the efficiency of his business,( )
8,Today more and more people are interested in the package tour.
( )
Unit Three--Supplementary Readings
The International Tourist