Unit Seven
1 Text
2 Situational Conversation
3 Practical Writing
4 Supplementary Reading
The Most Common Menu Mistakes
Unit Seven--Text
marketing n,推广;营销
omission n,疏忽;疏忽;省略;遗漏
commission n,行动任务或委托
restaurateurs n,餐馆老板或经营者
strategy n,战略;策略;方案
copywriter n,撰稿人
contact lenses 隐形眼镜
turnover n,人员流动;营业额
originality n,创新;创造力;独特
recipe n,食谱;烹饪方法
ingredient n,原料
masterpiece n,杰作;名作
luncheon n.( 正试场合的 ) 午餐或午宴
dessert n,甜点;小点心
liquor n,酒
consumption n,消费
entrée n,主菜
aperitif n 开胃酒;餐前酒
tip-on n,贴在书上的小纸片,如插图或勘误表等 。
flexibility n,柔韧; 弹性;
catering n,宴会; 宴请
The Most Common Menu Mistakes
Words and Expressions
Unit Seven--Text
merchandise v,推广;买卖(商品)
accommodate v,容纳
encase vt,将某物置于箱、盒、套中
varnish vt,给 … 上釉;使有光泽
The Most Common Menu Mistakes
Unit Seven--Text
profitable a,赢利的;有获利能力的
twofold a,双重的
eloquently a,流利地
literary a,文学的
rigid a,僵化的;坚硬的;刚性的
soiled a,污损的;脏的
crisp a,干脆的;挺括的
miniature a,微型的;小型化的
The Most Common Menu Mistakes
Unit Seven--Text
considerably adv,相当地;极大地
The Most Common Menu Mistakes
Unit Seven--Text
as to 有关;关于
in this regard 在这一点上
other than 是 … 而非 …
along with 和 … 一起
take advantage of 利用某事的优势
it almost goes without saying 无庸质疑的
The Most Common Menu Mistakes
Unit Seven--Text
1,make sense 有道理;有意义,make more sense than为比较级形式,意为,… 比 … 更有意义,
2,Given the relative decline in liquor consumption… 为过去分词短语作状语,意为,如果 …… ;在有 … 的情况下;假定,,本句意为
,如果餐馆中酒水的消费相对下降,,又如,Given good health,I
hope to finish the work this year.
The Most Common Menu Mistakes
Unit Seven--Text
I,Based on your reading of the text,which of the
following statements is true (T) or false (F)?
1,Restaurant operators do not believe that changing and
improving the menu alone can raise profits,just because there
is no proof of it,( )
2,The more items that need to be given special attention to in a
menu for increasing profits,the bigger size the menu should be.
( )
3,If a customer spends a lot of time in order,the turnover and
profits of the restaurant would be reduced,( )
4,You can use other colors in printing the words in the menu
besides the color of black,but for the colored paper,( )
5,If you want to add some descriptions of dishes into the menu,
you should give them to a professional writer,not the chef in
the kitchen and the manager up front,( )
The Most Common Menu Mistakes
Unit Seven--Text
6,Menus only can be used in restaurants,It is unfit for coffee
shop,bar or room service in big hotels,( )
7,In restaurants,the wine menu can be put into use in the form of
recommending a specific wine for each entrée along with the
copy describing the dish,( )
8,Although the computer-produced menus have many
advantages,you had better invite a designer to produce a
sample one that makes the best use of the type sizes and styles
available on the computer,( )
9,You must change the menu according to the season,because
there have only seasonal foods available in market,( )
10,The restaurant’s address,phone number,days and hours open,
reservation policy and so on are all considered as the
descriptions of the menu,( )
The Most Common Menu Mistakes
Unit Seven--Text
II,Answer the following questions based on the
information in the text.
1,In what aspects the mistakes appear on the menus?
2,What kind of items on the menus should be listed in easy-to-
read type with enough room?
3,Are there any menus used out of the range of restaurants?
What for?
The mistakes appear in design,listing,copy,and marking.
The items that should be featured to increased profits.
The Most Common Menu Mistakes
Unit Seven--Text
Yes,there are,They are used for coffee shop,dinning room,and room
service,even poolside and bar.
The Most Common Menu Mistakes
Those things should be the restaurant’s address,phone number,days
and hours open,reservation policy,credit honored,and dress code.
Unit Seven--Text
4,If you are a restaurant operator,what kind of menu will you use,
the one covered with plastic or the uncovered one? Why?
5,Suppose there are catering and takeout service served in your
restaurant,what do you think are the most important
information that should be printed on your hand-out miniature
Of course the former one,Because the menus covered with plastic is
easily cleared with a damp cloth,so that it can keep clean.
III,Translate the following into English using the words
or expressions given in the brackets.
1,至于应该穿什么衣服,并没有硬性规定 。 (as to)
2,她为什么那样看我,像认识我似的 。 我生平可从来没有见过她 。 (as
3,除了名单上的名字之外,还有六个想参加这次会议的申请人 。 (in
addition to)
4,他们提了一大堆问题,把我都弄糊涂了 。 (confuse)
5,我们这所大学有一座大礼堂,能够容纳 2000多人 。 (accommodate)
There are no special rules as to what clothes you should wear,
Why she is looking at me as though she knew me? I’ve never seen her
before in my life.
In addition to the names on the list,there are six other applicants who
want to take part in the conference.
The Most Common Menu Mistakes
They confused me by asking so many questions.
There is a big auditorium in our university,which can accommodate
over 2000 people.
Unit Seven--Text
1,Booking Tables in a
Receptionist,Hello! Grand Restaurant.
Can I help you?
Customer,Yes,I’d like to book a room
with 3 tables for tomorrow
Receptionist,Ah,I’m afraid we have
only one smaller room with two
tables left.
Customer,Well,Would you please
manage for it,and you see,we are
having a celebration for our
Receptionist,How many people,
Customer,There are 28 of us.
Receptionist,28 of you,That’ll be at
least 3 tables,It’s a pity…
Customer,I know that’s the busy hour
for restaurants,but we are regular
Receptionist,Eh,what do you think of
adding one more table in the room
and moving the sofas away from the
Customer,Good idea! All right,thanks.
Receptionist,When are you going to
Customer,Five o’clock,Or ten minutes
late than that.
Receptionist,Can I have your name,
Customer,John Peterson.
Receptionist,OK,See you then,Mr.
Customer,See you tomorrow
The Most Common Menu Mistakes
Unit Seven--Situational Conversation
The Most Common Menu Mistakes
2,Making a Complaint
(Claire invited her boyfriend,
Mike,for dinner in a restaurant.
At the end of the dinner,Claire
signed the waitress for paying
the bill.)
Waitress,Did you enjoy your meal?
Mike,It’s hard to say,You know,
we’re regular customers,and…,
Claire,And I’m afraid I have to
have a complaint to make.
Waitress,Oh,dear me.
Claire,I’m sorry to say that the
food isn’t as good as it used to
Mike,Huh! The meat,you see,is
like leather,It became leftovers
in the plate.
Waitress,I must apologize,It must
be the cook,we have a new-
hand in the kitchen.
Claire,The fish is not fresh at all.
I’m sure this is especially bad,It
smells sore.
Mike,And the soup…,
Waitress,I’m terribly sorry,I will
report this to the manager right
Claire,Here is the money for the
bill,Mind your food quality,
otherwise,you’re turning away
your customers.
Waitress,No,no,it won’t happen
again,I assure you.
Unit Seven--Situational Conversation
I,Role-play the sample dialogues.
II,Try to communicate in the given situation.
(The students are divided into groups,three students in each.
One of the students is having a job practice in a restaurant,and
exercises as a waiter/waitress,Two diners are complaining
about the food and service.)
The following information can be referred in the conversation:
something wrong;
a complaint to make
beef is not fresh;
bread is stale;
soup is not hot enough
apologize for that
The Most Common Menu Mistakes
Unit Seven--Situational Conversation
The Most Common Menu Mistakes
Tourism Contract
Unit Seven-- Practical Writing
旅游合同是旅游者与旅游业经营者之间建立,变更,终止权利和义务关系的协议 。
旅行社组织旅游者旅游,应当与旅游者签订合同 。 因此,起草旅游合同是旅游工作者的一项基本功 。
旅行社常常发生涉外权利或义务等关系,因此英文合同是必不可少的 。
The Most Common Menu Mistakes
Unit Seven-- Practical Writing
1,旅游的出发和结束 ( 返回 ) 时间 。
2,旅游的线路,行程 。
3,交通工具 。
4,住宿,餐饮,娱乐标准 。
5,旅游的价格 。
6,甲,乙双方的权利,义务及违约责任 ( 如:旅游者,退团,;旅行社,取消,;行李物品的保管;人身伤害等 ) 。
7,其它需要约定的事宜 ( 如:旅游价格之外的费用 ) ;,旅游行程表,
( Itinerary) 经双方签字作为合同的组成部分 。
The Most Common Menu Mistakes
Unit Seven-- Practical Writing
开头,甲,乙双方的位置不是固定的,旅行社可以是甲方,也可以是乙方 。 其中,有关,甲,已双方经过友好协商,在平等互利的基础上签定本合同的内容,也可置于甲方 ( Party A) 和乙方 ( Party B) 信息之后 。
主体,不同合同的内容不尽一样,因此合同主体部分的内容也不完全相同 。 一些合同的正文包括,旅游行程表,(Itinerary),但多数情况,
因为旅游行程内容较多,通常将,旅游行程表,作为合同的附件,经甲,乙双方签字后,与合同有同样效力 。
结尾,合同结尾部分的内容和格式不是固定的 。
实例见 P116
The Most Common Menu Mistakes
Unit Seven-- Practical Writing
Writing Practice
将下列旅游合同译成中文( P118)
答案见 P191
The Most Common Menu Mistakes
Unit Seven-- Practical Writing
旅游英语 Unit Seven--Supplementary Readings
Supplementary Reading One
1,designate … for 指定 ( 选派 ) …… 作 …… ( 本文指专门划出一些资源作为休闲和娱乐使用 ) 。
2,suffice v,足够;句中的 let it suffice to suggest 的含义为,完全可以这样认为 。,
The Most Common Menu Mistakes
Answer the following questions based on the
information in the passage.
1,Why does the author say that there seems to be a cultural bias
against the significance of play?
2,What does the statement,Leisure is a major and growing
segment of moderneconomies”means?
3,Why does the author say,… but it suggests the potential scope
of time that may be allocated to leisure”?
The Most Common Menu Mistakes
At first glance,leisure may seem relatively unimportant compared with
the other fields,but in fact it is not the case.
Unit Seven--Supplementary Readings
In most places you go you can find leisure-based products,As a major
part of leisure,tourism is growing rapidly,It is estimated that in the
American economy $300 billion a year is created by leisure activity.
In addition to the eight hours for rest,and eight hours,for what we
will”,there is much time for pleasure,such as weekends,vacations
and so on.
4,In the field of personal significance of leisure,what is the major
difference between teenagers and many adults?
5,What are the key points discussed in this passage?
The Most Common Menu Mistakes
Teenagers tend to center their lives and much that is most important to
them on their leisure,while many adults work primarily for the income
that supports the rest of life.
Unit Seven--Supplementary Readings
In this passage,leisure is discussed from five perspectives,activity,
economics,resources,time and personal significance.
Supplementary Reading Two
in one’s own right 凭本身的能力 ( 条件,资格或质量等 )
The Most Common Menu Mistakes
Unit Seven--Supplementary Readings
Check your understanding of the passage.
1,Chefs who own restaurant have some advantages,_____,
B,and they can also become rich quickly
C,but few acclaimed are quite rich
D,but most of acclaimed chef owners are very poor
The Most Common Menu Mistakes
A,but only a few acclaimed are very rich
Unit Seven--Supplementary Readings
2,All of the following are true EXCEPT that ____,
A,chefs are usually lacking in dealing with unexpected events
B,Puck and Lazaroff established their first restaurant together
with other investors
D,one of the special qualities of Puck and Lazaroff is their
concern about charities and social issues
The Most Common Menu Mistakes
C,all the Puck and Larzaroff restaurants share the same style
Unit Seven--Supplementary Readings
3,According to the passage,anyone who wants to start his own
restaurant should be ____,
A,aggressive and knowledgeable
B,experienced and motivated
C,open and friendly
The Most Common Menu Mistakes
D,persistent and industrious
Unit Seven--Supplementary Readings
4,It is implied in the passage that Wolfgang Puck ____,
A,was born in France
B,has studied in Cornell School of Hotel Administrative
D,has co-owned Ma Maison restaurant
The Most Common Menu Mistakes
C,formed his cooking style in France
Unit Seven--Supplementary Readings
5,The word,litigation” in the fourth paragraph means ____,
B,quarrel C,bankrupt D,breakdown
The Most Common Menu Mistakes
Unit Seven--Supplementary Readings
6,By,adds his or her own accents and personalities…,the
author most probably means ____,
A,chefs can reserve their own mother tongue in the restaurant
they are in charge
C,Chefs can change the Puck’s restaurant style freely
D,Chefs’ characteristics can probably become the style of the
restaurant they are in charge
The Most Common Menu Mistakes
B,chefs are encouraged to combine their own ideas with the
Puck’s style
Unit Seven--Supplementary Readings