Unit Six
1 Text
2 Situational Conversation
3 Practical Writing
4 Supplementary Reading
Tourism and Peace
Words and Expressions
Proper Nouns
Solon 梭伦(古雅典政治改革家和诗人)
Jason (希腊神话中的)伊阿宋
Argonaut (希腊神话中的)亚尔古英雄
the Renaissance (欧洲的)文艺复兴时期
Bangkok 曼谷(泰国首都)
the Sahara (desert) 撒哈拉沙漠
Kyoto 京都(日本本州岛中西部城市)
Nile 尼罗河
Cape Cod 科德角半岛(美国马萨诸塞州东南部)
Rio de Janeiro 里约热内卢 (巴西东南部港市)
Copenhagen 哥本哈根(丹麦首都)
klong n,(泰国的)运河
Tunisia 突尼斯
Unit Six--Text
humanity n,人类;人性
mythology n,神话;神话学;神话集
fleece n,羊毛
envoy n,使者;特使;公使
khan n,可汗,汗
correspondent n,通信者;新闻记者
splendor n,杰出;华丽,壮观
dip n,浸,蘸;涉猎;涉足
civilization n,文明
unity n,团结;一致
Thai n,& a,泰国人 ( 的 )
sampan n,舢板
pyramid n,金字塔;角锥;锥形建筑;
( 一堆 ) 棱锥形东西
Arab n,阿拉伯人
landscape n,风景;山水
hospitality n,殷勤,好客;食宿招待
mat n,席子;小垫子;编织物
rice paper 宣纸
mansion n,大厦;大宅;公寓
hut n,小屋;茅舍
cape n,海角,岬
bungalow n,小屋;平房
similarity n,类似,相似
contractor n,立约人;承包者,承包商
acquaintanceship n,相识,认识;交往关系
seminar n,研讨会;讨论课
balcony n,阳台
passerby n,过路人,路人 ( 复数形式为 passersby)
Tourism and Peace
Unit Six--Text
mores n,习俗;风气
community n,社区;团体;社会
acquaintance n,熟悉,相知;熟人
unrest n,动乱,骚乱,不安宁
depression n,沮丧,消沉;经济大萧条,不景气时期
recession n,后退;衰退
strife n,冲突,纠纷,倾轧,争斗,不和
passport n,护照;获得允许的手段;保障
continent n.大陆;洲
Tourism and Peace
Unit Six--Text
extol vt,颂扬,赞颂,赞美
navigate v,航海,航行,驾驶
emphasize vt,强调,着重
marvel v,惊异,惊讶;好奇
ply v,来往;往返行驶
enrich v,使丰富;使华丽;充实
acquaint vt,使熟悉;告知;使了解
say v,比如说
Tourism and Peace
Unit Six--Text
incessant a,不停的,连续的,持续不断的
papal a,教皇的,天主教的
exotic a,外来的;外国的
wonderstruck a,惊奇万分的,惊讶不已的
panoramic a,全景的,全貌的
swift a,快速的
porcelain a,瓷的;瓷制的
tropical a,热带的
stark a,光秃秃的;粗陋的;荒凉的
Danish a,丹麦的
uppermost a,最主要的;最高的
Tourism and Peace
Unit Six--Text
alas interj,唉;哎呀
whereby adv,(正式)以 … 方式;凭籍 … ;根据那个
Tourism and Peace
Unit Six--Text
dip into 浏览;稍加探究
break bread 进餐
be loaded with 摆满;装满;充满
be furnished with 向 … 提供,给予;用 … 陈设起来
become/get acquainted with 开始认识;开始了解
be acquainted with 与 … 相识;了解
make an effort to do sth,努力做某事
be associated with 有联系
hand in hand 携手;并进
Tourism and Peace
Unit Six--Text
the Golden Fleece 金羊毛 ( 历尽千辛万苦而觅取的宝物 ),在希腊神话中,伊阿宋 (Jason)曾率领亚尔古英雄们 (Argonauts),赴海外觅取宝物金羊毛 (the Golden Fleece),历尽艰险,最后获得成功 。
Tourism and Peace
Unit Six--Text
I,Based on your reading of the text,which of the
following statements is true (T) or false (F)?
1,About 1,500 years ago,a Greek statesman recommended that
we travel in order to see,( )
2,During the Renaissance,the Westerns got information about
the East mainly from the book written by Marco Polo,( )
3,Compared with other forces,travel has done less to increase
understanding of other peoples in the world,( )
4,Traveling around the world is the best way to get a
comprehensive view ofman’s civilization,( )
5,In fact,both people and nations have a good understanding of
the basis unity of people,( )
Tourism and Peace
Unit Six--Text
6,Plans,like the,people-to-people” program,can only be carried
out in some Western countries,( )
7,A tourist really knows little about the locals unless he makes
some social contacts with them,( )
8,To maintain good relations with other countries,we must
understand their mores,cultures,and so on,( )
9,Tourism can develop at any time no matter what happens in a
country,( )
10,Tourism plays a part in building peace in that it contributes to
understanding and appreciation of other people,( )
Tourism and Peace
Unit Six--Text
II,Answer the following questions based on the
information in the text.
1,What is the meaning of the sentence,we travel in order to see”?
2,Who was Marco Polo? Do you know anything about him?
It means we travel in order to increase understanding and appreciation
of other peoples,other cultures,and other lands.
He was a prince of merchants,papal envoy,governor of a Chinese city,
favorite of Kublai Khan,master of exotic languages,war correspondent,
and the first travel writer,He described his adventures in a book,which
became the chief and almost the sole Western source of information on
the East.
Tourism and Peace
Unit Six--Text
3,What are the examples given by the author to show being a
guest for dinner will enable a tourist to sense the unity of
peoples all over the world?
4,How is the,people-to-people”program carried out?
Tourism and Peace
Unit Six--Text
The examples are having a dinner with a Japanese family,marveling at
their use of chopsticks,having a meal with Thais in the floating
markets of Bangkok,with sampans loaded with tropical fruits,
vegetables,and fish nearby,having a delicious lunch with Arabs in the
shade of a tent out on the Sahara desert with wild beauty,enriched by
the hospitality of the friendly people.
Arrangements can be made by a travel agent through a local contractor
to provide a program of social contacts and other activities to enrich
the visitor’s acquaintanceship and understanding of the locals.
Arrangements can be made to stay in a private home or to attend a
seminar or a similar program.
5,In what times can tourism flourish? And what may set back the
development of tourism?
Tourism and Peace
Unit Six--Text
Tourism can flourish in times of peace and prosperity,Political unrest,
wars,depressions,recessions,and civil strife may set back the
development of tourism.
III,Translate the following into English using the words
or expressions given in the brackets.
1,我认为,旅行可以增长见识,音乐可以丰富生活 。 (enrich)
2,到北京的外国游客对颐和园的美景惊叹不已 。 (marvel)
3,你完全没有必要告诉他们 。 他们早已知道事实了 。 (be acquainted with)
4,人们需要做更大的努力来维护世界和平 。 (make an effort)
5,小两口迁入新居后,用时尚的家具,把起居室装饰得很雅致 。 (furnish
In my opinion,traveling can broaden our mind and music can enrich our
The foreign visitors to Beijing marvel at the beauty of the Summer
You needn’t have told them that,They are already acquainted with the
Tourism and Peace
Unit Six--Text
More efforts should be made to preserve world peace.
The young couple furnished the living-room tastefully with modern
furniture after they moved to the new house.
1,Booking a Room
Receptionist,Good afternoon,The
Beijing Great Wall Sheraton Hotel.
May I help you,madam?
Guest,I’m calling from New York,I’d
like to book a twin room with a
Receptionist,When for,madam?
Guest,From May 20th for five days
Receptionist,Please wait a moment,
madam… Yes,we have a vacancy.
May I have your family name,
Receptionist,Could you spell that
Receptionist,Your first name,please?
Receptionist,Ms,Jenny Jefferson,a
twin room with a bath from May 20th
to May 24th,is that right?
Guest,That’s right,Thank you.
Receptionist,Thank you for calling,Ms.
Tourism and Peace
Unit Six--Situational Conversation
Tourism and Peace
2,Checking Out Late
Receptionist,Good morning,this is the front desk,May I help you,sir?
Guest,Yes,I’m John Smith in Room 1208,I’m flying to Guangzhong at
eight this evening,so I’d like to keep the room and check out at about
five in the afternoon,Shall I have to pay extra?
Receptionist,Guests are usually asked for fifty percent more,However,
our hotel is not full at the moment,so we won’t ask you to pay
Guest,It’s very kind of you to do so.
Receptionist,I’m glad that I could be of service,Mr,Smith.
Unit Six--Situational Conversation
I,Role-play the sample dialogues.
II,Try to communicate in the given situation.
Student A is a guest complaining about the laundry service.
Student B is an assistant manager in a hotel.
The following words and expressions can be used in the
missing a pair of socks,misdelivery of suits,a blood stain still
on the shirt,the sweater having shrunk,having forgotten to
iron the shirts,…
I’ll check out tomorrow morning.
I’ll ask the laundry manager to attend to your problems at once.
We’ll take immediate action.
I apologize to you for all the in convenience.
Tourism and Peace
Unit Six--Situational Conversation
Tourism and Peace
Definition Requirements Elements
Unit Six-- Practical Writing
旅游行程包括旅行线路设计和旅游日程安排 。 旅游组织者要针对潜在旅游者的背景,如地域,性别,年龄,职业,兴趣等,根据旅游景点的特色,如自然风景,古迹名胜,风土人情等,来制定旅游行程 。
Tourism and Peace
Unit Six-- Practical Writing
一般来说,根据旅游所涉及的区域,旅游行程可分为国际,国内和地方旅游行程 。 但不论区域大小,时间长短,旅游行程的制定都应该做到简洁明了,涵盖旅行中的必要信息 。
同时,尽量做到生动有趣 。 有可能的话,可添加旅游景点的图片,旅行社的徽标等,以引起游客的关注,加深印象 。
Tourism and Peace
Unit Six-- Practical Writing
1,旅行名称 ( the Title of the Tour) 。 旅行的名称应与旅游的内容有关,
同时,名称应简明易记,用词应富有特色,以引起潜在游客的兴趣 。如,The Roof of the World Tour( 世界屋脊之行 ),,,Mystical
Silk Road Tour( 神奇丝绸之路之旅 ),等 。
2,旅游日程安排 ( Day-to-Day Events),包括到达和离开的时间
( time of arrival and departure),地点 ( place),旅游景点
( tourist attractions),旅游项目 ( events) 等 。 通常时间和地点写在每一段的第一行,以示醒目 。 第二行简单描述旅游项目,让旅游者做到心中有数 。 也可以制作成表格形式,让人一目了然 。
3,除此之外,旅游行程还可以根据实际需要,添加下列信息:如旅行团编号 ( Tour Code),整个行程的长短和费用 ( Duration and
Fees ),住 宿 饭 店 的 名 称 或 等 级 ( the place or class of
accommodation),交通工具的形式和等级 ( the means and
class of transportation),使消费者对整个旅游行程有个清晰的了解,做出选择,或能够在加入旅行团后,按照此安排旅行 。
实例见 P98
Tourism and Peace
Unit Six-- Practical Writing
Writing Practice:
1,为你所熟悉的一个旅游景点制订一条旅游行程,使外来游客能领略其风貌 。
2,为你所在的城市制订一条一日游的旅游行程,要突出该城市的特色 。
答案见 P189
Tourism and Peace
Unit Six-- Practical Writing
旅游英语 Unit Six--Supplementary Readings
Supplementary Reading One
1,respond to 作答,汇报;有反应 原文指“感受文化与大众文化的各种产物相一致”
2,identify … with 认为 …… 一致;使等同于
Tourism and Peace
Check your understanding of the passage.
1,Which of the following statement is true based on the
information in the passage?
A,Mass culture has different meanings with taste culture and
only serves for specific group of people.
C,Mass culture has its own market and only produces its own
D,With the development of mass culture,mass leisure is
marketed for some people most of the time.
Tourism and Peace
B,Mass leisure is marketed for most people most of the time.
Unit Six--Supplementary Readings
2,Based on the information in the first paragraph,from the
perspective of the poor people,which of the following
statement is true?
A,If they afford the low-cost entertainment,probably they can
escape from oppressive conditions.
B,They struggle to survive in the hostile environments so they
don’thave any time for leisure.
D,They struggle to survive in hostile environments because
they symbolize their social status.
Tourism and Peace
C,Leisure is the mixture of low-cost entertainment and an
escape from oppressive conditions.
Unit Six--Supplementary Readings
3,Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage.
A,For the middle mass,one part of mass leisure is to be away-
from-home entertainments.
C,It seems that travel that has become more and more of an
industry selling a variety of experiences for all ages and a
variety of tastes.
D,It can be said that mass leisure is not composed of
experiences integrated into the fabric of social life.
Tourism and Peace
B,Even the wealthy could not afford to buy privacy.
Unit Six--Supplementary Readings
4,Now leisure is linked to ________,
A,work and vacation
B,daily work hours
C,the connection between work and home
Tourism and Peace
D,nonwork associations and home
Unit Six--Supplementary Readings
5,The answers to most questions in the fourth and fifth paragraph
probably can be found in ________,
A,this passage
B,the sixth paragraph
D,the sixth and seventh paragraph
Tourism and Peace
C,none of the single paragraph
Unit Six--Supplementary Readings
6,For most of the people ______,
A,leisure desires become insatiable because the market
always offers more things.
B,deep conversation and the moment of shared lightness can
not be realized.
C,work careers are much more secure and regular.
Tourism and Peace
D,life in the city can be hard and work careers are not secure and
Unit Six--Supplementary Readings
7,What does the phrase,splitoff” in the last paragraph mean?
B,A family is broken up because of the different funs.
C,A family is divided into sections because they have multiple
D,A car is the key factor to make family smaller.
Tourism and Peace
A,Family members go to different places for different funs.
Unit Six--Supplementary Readings
8,What does the passage mainly talk about?
B,How to develop mass culture and mass leisure
C,Why we develop mass leisure
D,Most people can enjoy mass culture
Tourism and Peace
A,The relationship between the mass culture and the mass
Unit Six--Supplementary Readings
Supplementary Reading Two
1,out of place 不合适,不恰当;不协调,不相称
2,condominium n,个人购置的公寓套间;分套购置的公寓,缩略形式为 condo
3,timesharing 分时享用度假住房 。 指几个人合股购买或租赁一处度假住房,并安照每人出股的多少,来规定每人轮流享用该房时间的长短
4,bear out 证实,证明
Tourism and Peace
Unit Six--Supplementary Readings
Check your understanding of the passage (True or False).
1,For successful tourism,hotels should be constructed at first as
many as possible,( )
2,There are several types of hotels,all of which are of great
importance to tourism,( )
3,In inexpensive destination areas,the low-priced hotels would be
in place for travelers,( )
4,In order to get more rent from tourists,individual buyers of
condos always manage the apartments by themselves,( )
5,According to the National Timesharing Council,the majority of the
timeshare buyers were content with their purchase,( )
Tourism and Peace
Unit Six--Supplementary Readings