Effects of Immunopotentiator of the Traditional Chinese Medicine on
T Lymphocytes in Chicken Blood
SHI Qiumei
,LI Chunling
,GAO Guisheng
,SHEN Ping
,and TANG Shengling
Department of Animal Sciences,Hebei Normal University of Science and Technology,Changli 066600,Hebei,China
Veterinary Research Institute,Guangdong Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Guangzhou 510640,China
Abstract,In order to investigate the mechanism of action of immunoenhancer,the effects of the traditional Chinese medicine
immunopromoter on the quantity and the transformation rates of T lymphocytes in the chicken blood were determined,Total 120
chickens were randomly assigned into three groups,The 1% and the 0.5% of the Chinese medicine immunopromoter were added
to the chicken drinking water,respectively,The quantity of T lymphocytes in each group was measured by a-Naphthyl acetate
esterase (ANAE) staining,The results showed that the percentages of T lymphocytes of the treatment groups were significantly
higher than that of the control group (P<0.05),and the percentage of the 1% group significantly higher than that of the 0.5% group
(P<0.05),In conclusion,the transformation rates of T lymphocytes showed that the Chinese medicine immunopromoter had the
significant enhancing effect on the transformation rates of T lymphocytes of the treated chickens,The traditional Chinese medicine
immunopromoter had the distinct function to promote the quantity and the transformation rate of T lymphocytes.
Key words,traditional Chinese medicine immunopromoter,T lymphocyte,a-Naphthyl acetate esterase staining
CLC number,S831; S852.16 Document code,A Article ID,1006-8104(2008)-02-0026 -04
There are still outbreaks of infectious diseases in
vaccinated chickens and the gradually increasing
dosage fails to achieve the ideal therapeutic effects,
The reason may be the decreasing immune function
of the body due to the long-term mindless use of
medicine and unreasonable immune vaccination,
especially when the development of lymphocytes
and the activity of immunocytes such as peripheral
blood lymphocyte and macrophage are in a low or
highly suppressive state
,To effectively solve the pro-
blem,it is necessary to activate the immune system
and increase the transformation rate of the peripheral
blood lymphocytes,devouring capability of macro-
phages so that the body can obtain the high-level
immune response after vaccination and strengthen the
resistance to diseases,The immune function of the
animal directly affects its resistance to diseases and
the immune effect after vaccination,The level of the
immune function of the animal is closely related to
the quantity of T and B lymphocytes,It is generally
accepted that the function of T lymphocytes can pro-
duce lymphokines to increase the immunity and
assist humoral immunity,At present,great progress
has been made in the research of chemical medicine
immunopromoters that play a certain active role
in the healthy development of animal husbandry,
However,these promoters have side or even toxic
effects and contain pollution residues,Therefore,re-
searchers have been paying more attention to the
Received 23 May 2007
Supported by Hebei Science and Technology Office Programme (07220401D); Guangdong Science and Technology Office Programme (2006B203010
SHI Qiumei (1965-),female,Ph,D candidate,professor,engaged in the research of animal infectious disease.
Journal of Northeast Agricultural UniversityJune 2008
Vol,15  No,2  26-29
traditional Chinese medicine immunopromoters
Based on the modern theory of traditional Chinese
medicine and herbal medicines and the scientific
combination use,we developed the compound called
Chinese herbal medicine immunopromoter (Astragalus
membranaceus,dangshen,tuckahoe,Rhizome atract-
ylodis macrocephalae and Herba oldenlandiae) and
its effect on the quantity and the transformation rates
of T lymphocytes of chickens by different dosage in
drinking water were tested,The aim of this study is to
provide the rationale for the clinical application of the
Chinese herbal medicine immunopromoter.
Materials and Methods
Chinese herbal medicine immunopromoter
The Chinese medicine immunopromoter was com-
posed of Astragalus membranaceus,dangshen,tuck-
ahoe,Rhizome atractylodis macrocephalae and Herba
oldenlandiae,purchased from Anguo Chinese Herbal
Medicines Corp.,Hebei,China,The quality of all the
herbs met the standards of the Pharmacopoeia of Ani-
mals of the People’s Republic of China (2000 Edition),
The medicines in the recipe were decocted with water
to make 1 g
primary medicine.
The chickens were provided by the Animal Farm of
Hebei Normal University of Science and Technology,
and they were randomly assigned into three groups
(n=40 per group) at the age of 12 days,In the drink-
ing water for the treatment groups,1% and 0.5%
concentrations of the Chinese herbal medicine immu-
nopromoter were added to the all-day drinking water,
respectively,Normal drinking water was provided to
the chickens in the control group.
ANAE reaction
The separation,production,fixing and staining of
the lymphocytes were conducted according to the
procedures published previously
,Briefly,after stain-
ing,the lymphocytes were classified into two types,the
ANAE positive lymphocytes and ANAE negative ones,
The ANAE positive lymphocytes were round with less
cytoplasm,and contained a big round green nucleus
and one or more thick red or brown red granules on
the cytoplasm margin and other parts,The ANAE
negative lymphocytes were the same as described
above,but without distinct stained granules,Total 200
lymphocytes were examined under the microscope to
calculate the percentage of the ANAE positive lym-
Transformation rate of the lymphocytes
According to the procedures published previously
200 lymphocytes were examined to calculate the trans-
formation rate using the following formula,
  The transformation rate=Number of transition type
and blastoma lymphocytes/total number of lympho-
Statistic method
Analysis of variance and multiple comparison was
conducted to compare the differences among three
Results and Analysis
Quantity of T lymphocytes in blood
The quantity of T lymphocytes in blood is shown
in Table 1 and Fig,1,After chickens were fed with
Chinese herbal medicine immunopromoter for 12 days,
the percentage of T lymphocytes of 1% group was
significantly higher than that of the control (P<0.05),
There was no significant difference either between
1% and 0.5% group (P>0.05) or between 0.5% group
and control (P>0.05),After chickens were fed with
Chinese medicine immunopromoter for 24 and 36
days,there was a significant difference in the percen-
tage of T lymphocytes among 1% group and control
and 0.5% group,and also between 0.5% group and
control (P<0.05),After the chickens were fed with
Chinese medicine immunopromoter for 48 days,the
percentage of T lymphocytes of 1% group was signi-
SHI Qiumei et al,Effects of Immunopotentiator of the Traditional Chinese Medicine on T Lymphocytes in Chicken Blood
Days after treatment (d)
24 36 48 60
1% 87.56±0.75 A 89.34±1.25 Aa 87.50±2.30 Aa 88.44±2.40 A
0.5% 82.53±2.13 B 84.00±0.62 BbA 84.70±0.74 Bb 84.78±1.15 B
Control 78.50±0.52 D 78.78±0.69 D 78.31±0.92 D 79.25±0.42 D
Transformation rates of T lymphocytes
The result of the transformation rates of T lympho-
cytes is summarized in Table 2 and Fig,2,The trans-
formation rates of T lymphocytes of 0.5% and 1%
groups were 83.58% and 88.21% respectively,whereas
it was 77.90% for control,There were significant
differences among the groups (P<0.05).
  After chickens were fed with Chinese medicine
immunopromoter for 24 and 36 days,there was a very
significant difference between control and 1% or 0.5%
group (P<0.01),
  After treatment for 30 and 48 days,there was a
significant difference between 1% and 0.5% groups
(P<0.05) and a very significant difference between
0.5% group and control (P<0.01),
ficantly higher than that of the control (P<0.01) and
0.5% group (P<0.01),and the percentage of 0.5%
group was also significantly higher than that of control
Days after treatment (d)
0 12 24 36 48
1% 0.22±0.05 D 0.35±0.05 BD 0.36±0.05 BD 0.39±0.05 Aa
0.5% 0.18±0.04 0.23±0.05 b 0.23±0.04 b 0.28±0.05 d
Control 0.15±0.02 0.18±0.02 0.19±0.02 0.21±0.09
Table 1  Effect of the Chinese herbal medicine immunopromoter on the quantity of T lymphocytes in blood (%)
Fig,1  ANAE stained T lymphocytes
1,ANAE stain positive T lymphocyte; 2,ANAE stain negative T
lymphocytes,The arrows indicate ANAE stained granules.
Table 2  Transformation rates of T lymphocytes (x ± s)% after treatments
Different small letters indicate significant difference (P< 0.05),different capital letters indicate extremely significant difference (P<0.01),The same as below.
Fig,2  Development of transformation rate of T lymphocytes in different periods
1,Lymphoctoblast; 2,Transitional lymphocyte; 3,Untransitional lymphocyte.
Journal of Northeast Agricultural University·28· Vol,15  No,2  2008
In the immunocompetent cells of the poultry,the quan-
tity of T lymphocytes,secretory lymph and the func-
tion of lymphokines directly determine the effect of
the cellular immunity of the body,Hence the number
of T lymphocytes is the representative of the degree of
the immune function,The published data showed that
the polysaccharide can promote thymus development,
delay thymus atrophy,increase the quantity of T
lymphocytes,and maintain the specific and non-
specific immune function
,In this study,the
quantity of T lymphocytes of the treated chickens in-
creased continuously between the ages of 24 and 60
days after they were fed with the Chinese herbal me-
dicine immunopromoter at the age of 12 days,There
were significant differences in the quantity of T lym-
phocytes between each group at the ages of 36 and 48
days,and very significant differences between each
group at the ages of 60 days,This demonstrates that the
use of the Chinese herbal medicine immunopromoter
in the study significantly increases the quantity of T
lymphocytes in the body,and the quantity of T lym-
phocytes is in direct proportion to the concentration of
drinking immunopromoter,
  The quantity of T lymphocytes with immunocom-
petence,secretory lymph and the function of lympho-
kines in the immunocompetent cells in the poultry
body directly determine the effect of the cell immunity
of the body,In this study,the transformation rate
changes of T lymphocytes of the control indicate that
the immune function of chicken developes contin-
uously with the increase of the age,The transformation
rate of 1% concentration group was better than that
of 0.5% group,The results of the transformation rate
indicate that the Chinese herbal medicine immuno-
promoter can significantly promote the transformation
rate of T lymphocytes and quicken the development of
immune function of lymphocytes,
  The traditional Chinese medicine immunopromoter
can promote the multiplication of immunocompetent
cells of chickens so as to raise the cell immunity and hu-
moral immune function,If it is applied to the chicken
industry,it would play an important role in increasing
the non-specific immunity and specific immunity of
chickens and have a greater practical production value.
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SHI Qiumei et al,Effects of Immunopotentiator of the Traditional Chinese Medicine on T Lymphocytes in Chicken Blood