
(二)一般评分标准第五档 A节(9-10分)B节(17-20分)
第四档 A节(7-8分)B节(13-16分)
第三档 A节(5-6分)B节(9-12分)
第二档 A节(3-4分)B节(5-8分)
第一档 A节(1-2分)B节(1-4分)
零档 (0分)
You are preparing for an English test and are in need of some reference books,Write a letter to the sales department of a bookstore to ask for:
detailed information about the books you want,
methods of payment,
time and way of delivery.
You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2,Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter,Use,Li Ming” instead,You do not need to write the address,(10 points)
Sample letter:
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing for information about test preparation materials for the IELTS test.
I wonder if you have a vocabulary book covering the words required for IELTS,as well as past examination papers with keys and model essays,Besides,how should I pay for these books---by cash,cheque,or any other means? If possible,I would like to use my credit card,Finally,how will these books be shipped and when is the approximate time I can receive them? The express mail is preferable if the additional charge is not too much.
I would appreciate it if you would send me a reply at your earliest convenience.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
Explaining a situation:
Requesting information:
Sentence structure:
Format:salutation,body,complimentary close,name of sender
Register:informal or formal?
写称呼语:Dear Sir/Madam…To whom it may concern…Dear Mr,Bush…Dear George
表明写作目的:I am writing for/ about/ concerning…I am writing to…I am writing because…
提供/询问信息:I wonder if…Would it be possible for you to…I would like to…
要求采取行动:I would appreciate it if you could…I should be grateful if you could…Could you please…Would you mind…
结束语:Thank you for your attention/ kindness…I look forward to seeing you/ your reply.
签名:Yours sincerely…Yours faithfully…Best wishes…Lots of love
I'm sorry,I was late for the class this morning,
I really enjoyed your dinner last week.
I have been studying English for 10 years,
The oven has been broken for over a week.
My class starts at 8:30.
They have parties every night.
Would it be possible for me to borrow your notes?
Could you send me information about the trip?
Do you know where the books can be found?
What clothes should I bring?
When does the course start?
I can't go because it is too expensive.
It is too expensive so I can't go.
He studied very hard but he failed in the exam.
He was always late,However,he got the best test result.
She gets good money --- She receives a good salary.
People are worried about the environment — The environment is a major issue.
I'm not really sure,but..,— It is possible...
People say..,— It is often said...
You have borrowed several books from the university library,Unfortunately,you cannot return the books on time,Write a letter to the chief librarian
explaining what has happened,
telling what you want to do about it,and
saying when you can give the books back.
You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2,Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter,Use,Li Ming” instead,You do not need to write the address,(10 points)
You travelled by plane last week and your suitcase was lost,You have still heard nothing from the airline company,Write a letter to the airline to
explain what happened,
describe your suitcase,and
find out what they are going to do about it.
You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2,Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter,Use,Li Ming” instead,You do not need to write the address,(10 points)
You have a friend who will go on holiday to a town which you know very well,Write a letter to him/her,including:
recommendation of a place to live,
where he/she should go,
things to carry with.
You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2,Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter,Use,Li Ming” instead,You do not need to write the address,(10 points)
You saw an advertisement seeking tour guides for a local travel agency,Write a letter to the personnel department to state
your interest in the job
why you are qualified,
when you can start the job.
You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2,Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter,Use,Li Ming” instead,You do not need to write the address,(10 points)
You moved to a new dormitory,Write a letter to your friend to
tell him/her the reason of moving,
describe the new dormitory,
invite him/her to visit you.
You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2,Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter,Use,Li Ming” instead,You do not need to write the address,(10 points)
You planned to attend your friend’s birthday party,However,something emergent happened and you were not able to join the party,Write a letter to
explain the emergency you met,
express your apology,
tell how you will make up for it.
You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2,Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter,Use,Li Ming” instead,You do not need to write the address,(10 points)
有的考生不愁没话说,甚至洋洋洒洒,但没有说到点子上,导致严重跑题。考研英语写作属于非开放性话题(controlled writing),不是可以随意创作的。考生应该严格按照题目要求进行。考生的作文应该是对于题目的合理回应(response to the task requirement)。因此,在写作的时候,考生要注意仔细审题。审题可能涉及到题目、提纲、图画图表、及文字说明等几个方面。对于题目中的解释性文字和图画图表要仔细理解斟酌。在平时练习的时候,考生可以采取用历年真题来练笔。自己先写一遍,然后看看高分作文是怎么写的,分析琢磨好的作文,进行模仿和学习。考生要避免东拉西扯加上与题目无关的内容。
考生写作的时候,可能内容方面都面面俱到,而且也写了三段,但是每段话内部缺少有机联系。这主要是因为没有采用正确的论证方法和文章衔接手段(cohesive devices)运用不成功造成。一般说来,在提出论点(thesis statement)的时候要明确清晰。在进行论证的时候要运用恰当的语篇模式(如exemplification举例说明,cause and effect因果论证,comparison and contrast比较对比等 )。层次要清晰,要有逻辑性。阐述要合乎情理,衔接要流畅。衔接手段主要有语法手段(照应、省略、替代、连接)、和词汇手段(重复、同义反义、上下义、具体笼统、语义场)。
许多考生的作文错误倒不多,相当符合语法要求,但用词贫乏,过多使用如more and more,I think,as you know等表达,并且句子结构过于简单。统计结果表明,差的作文中简单句多,而好的作文简单句少;差的作文从句、连词、分词结构出现的频率大大低于好的作文;差的作文中关键词和同义表达出现的频率低于好的作文。用词的丰富和句式的多样应该主要通过多看好文章,仔细琢磨好文章中的用词和句子来提高。换句话说,也就是要从阅读中学习写作。
英文里有句谚语:Practice makes perfect.(熟能生巧)。作文要想写好,没有什么诀窍,主要靠多练习。练习作文的时候,可以掌握以下六个字:“多写、多读、多改。”
审题(Analyze the question)
写作(Write up)
检查(Check up)
首先,考生可以用5-6分钟时间做一些准备工作。拿到题目先花1分钟仔细审题(Analyze the question),多看几遍。如果题目里面有生词的话,尽可能地通过上下文推断意思。还要把题目中的核心词(key words)划出来。然后进行Brainstorm(构思)。想一想这道题考的是什么方面的话题,应该从哪些方面展开,可以有什么样的论据。接下来进行Outline(列提纲)。列提纲不是给阅卷老师看的,而是让自己写作文的时候有一个基本清晰的框架结构,可以用英文,也可以用中文。列提纲的时候要注意不需要写出完整的句子,只要能通过这个过程整理思路,形成观点,写些词组下来就行。
第二个步骤是Write up(着手写)。考生可以在刚才所列提纲的基础上敷衍成文。如果说在第一个步骤里面考生主要应该关注写作的内容的话,那么在本步骤里面则是根据第一步骤的成果用通顺流畅的表达进行具体的论证说明。
最后一个步骤是用2-3分钟时间Check up(检查)。许多考生不注意写完以后检查文章当中的语法、词汇、拼写和标点等方面的错误导致失分。有时候,检查与不检查可能相差数分之多。
Time limit,40 minutes
Word limit,120-150 words (not including the given opening sentence)
Your composition should be based on the OUTLINE below and should start with the given opening sentence.
Your composition must be written clearly in the ANSWER SHEET.
Conveniences of the city
Attractions of the country
Disadvantages of both
My preference
Time limit,40 minutes
Word limit,120-150 words (not including the given opening sentence)
Your composition should be based on the OUTLINE below and should start with the given opening sentence.
Your composition must be written clearly in the ANSWER SHEET.
Present situation,Lack of communication between parent and child
Possible reasons:
Different likes and dislikes
For parents
For children
Time limit,40 minutes
Word limit,120-150 words (not including the given opening sentence)
Your composition should be based on the OUTLINE below and should start with the given opening sentence:,Today more and more advertisements are seen on the TV screen.”
Your composition must be written clearly in the ANSWER SHEET.
Present state
My comments
Time limit,40 minutes
Word limit,120-150 words (not including the given opening sentence)
Your composition should be based on the OUTLINE below and should start with the given opening sentence:,As a human being,one can hardly do without a friend.”
Your composition must be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET.
The need for friends
True friendship
My principle in making friends
Time limit,40 minutes
Word limit,120-150 words (not including the given opening sentence)
Your composition should be based on the OUTLINE below and should start with the given opening sentence:,Education plays a very important role in the modernization of our country.”
Your composition must be written neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.
Present situation
Necessity of the project
My suggestion
Time limit,40 minutes
Word limit,120-150 words (not including the given opening sentence)
Your composition should be based on the OUTLINE below and should start with the given opening sentence:,The desire for good health is universal.”
Your composition must be written neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.
Importance of good health
Ways to keep fit
My own practices
Study the following set of pictures carefully and write an essay in no less than 120 words.
Your essay must be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET.
Your essay should cover all the information provided and meet the requirements below:
Interpret the following pictures.
Predict the tendency of tobacco consumption and give your reasons.
Study the following graphs carefully and write an essay in at least150 words.
Your essay must be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET II.
Your essay should cover these three points:
1,effect of the country’s growing human population on its wildlife
2,possible reason for the effect
3,your suggestion for wildlife protection

Study the following set of pictures carefully and write an essay in no less than 150 words.
Your essay must be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET II.
Your essay should cover all the information provided and meet the requirements below:
Write out the messages conveyed by the cartoon.
Give your comments.

Study the following two pictures carefully and write an essay to
Describe the pictures.
Deduce the purpose of the drawer of the pictures,and
Suggest counter-measures.
You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET II
A Brief History of World Commercial Fishing

Among all the worthy feelings of mankind,love is probably the noblest,but everyone has his or her own understanding of it.
There has been a discussion recently on the issue in a newspaper,Write an essay to the newspaper to
Show your understanding of the symbolic meaning of the pictures below.
Give a specific example,and
Give your suggestion as to the best way to show love.
You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET II.

Study the following picture carefully and write an essay entitled,Cultures---National and International”
In the essay you should
describe the picture and interpret its meaning,and
give your comments on the phenomenon.
You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET II,
Study the following pictures carefully and write an essay about 200 words based on the following
describe the set of drawings and interpret its meaning
point out its implications in our life.

Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should
1,describe the drawing.
2,interpret its meaning,and
3,support your view with examples.
You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2,

Assuming that a manager is going to interview some job applicants and one of his friends gives him a piece of advice that the first impression is not a reliable basis for judgment,This manager wants to hear more from others and decides to have a wall newspaper put up for more views on that topic.
1,You are going to write an article to offer your opinion about it.
2,You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.
Will there be an air-conditioner,price battle” this year?
There is a discussion in a newspaper on the issue,Write an essay to the newspaper
1,giving a brief introduction to the issue,
2,stating your view about the,price battle”,and
3,justifying your prediction.
You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.
Time limit,40 minutes
Word limit,120-150 words (not including the given opening sentence)
Your composition should be based on the OUTLINE below and should start with the given opening sentence.
Your composition must be written clearly in the ANSWER SHEET.
1,Conveniences of the city
2,Attractions of the country
3,Disadvantages of both
4,My preference
Where to Live—In the City or the Country?
Many people appreciate the conveniences of the city,People can enjoy a colourful life there,They are well-informed because they have the access to news,They are well-paid because they have stable jobs,They are well-fed and well-dressed because there is an adequate supply of goods,They often have a wonderful time because there are many places for recreation and relaxation.
On the contrary,others are attracted by the country,They like clear streams,fresh air and high mountains,In the country,people feel closer to nature—the very nature that gives man life.
However,both the city and the country have their disadvantages,Air pollution is very serious in the city,Moreover,it is so crowded that many people don’t want to go out,In the country,it is inconvenient to buy things,Besides,people can find no way to kill the long and tedious nights.
I prefer to live in the city for a time and then go to the country for a change.
City and Countryside
Although there are some similarities between the city and the countryside,there still exist great differences between them in the following areas.
Generally speaking,the environment is better in the countryside,It’s quieter,cleaner and fresher than the city,On the other hand,people in the city can get a good education,various kinds of entertainment,and free public health services,In addition,transportation in the city is more convenient than in the countryside.
To sum up,life in the city is more colourful,while life in the countryside is boring,Now,people are working hard to reduce the gap.
Country Life versus City Life
I have always found country life most enjoyable.
The city is only a place for business,to be visited occasionally; it is not an ideal place for permanent residence,People may say that the city can provide you with the best that life can offer,Your friends are always available for an informal chat or an evening’s entertainment,The latest exhibitions,films or plays are always within easy reach,Shopping,too,is always a pleasure,But what about the hustle and bustle of city life? The city dweller never has a moment of peace; he is always in a hurry,And what about the noise and pollution of the city? Day and night the city is in an uproar with its unceasing traffic,The air is polluted with poisonous gases emitted by the smokestacks of factories,The water supply is tainted with impurities that are harmful to the human body,The city is indeed not a place to live in.
Country life is in many respects superior to city life,For one thing,the people there are friendly,People are acquainted with one another,You can never fail to receive a friendly nod or a kind word from anyone you chance to meet,In the city people who live in the same apartment are often strangers to one another,The air in the country is fresh and pure,Air pollution is a thing unheard of there,You live a healthy life in the open air,Life goes on in a leisurely way and you don’t have to hurry to catch a bus or travel in a crowded bus with people packed like sardines,Gardening and fishing will be pleasant pastimes,Reading a book by the warm fireside will be another pleasant pastime on a cold winter night,Life in the country is indeed simple and pleasant.
Living in the City or in the Country
Many people appreciate the convenience of the city,Firstly,cars,buses and underground trains here can take you wherever you want to go,Secondly,a great number of restaurants provide you with delicious and time-saving food,Thirdly,for leisure time entertainment,people have a great choice of going to a cinema,a theatre,watching sports games and visiting museums,Shopping is always a pleasure,too,Finally,the fact that famous universities and modern factories are concentrated in big cities means that people have more education and employment opportunities.
The countryside is attractive with its rural scenes,Here you will find little pollution or noise and no crowded streets,Nothing can be compared with the pleasant songs of birds,the fragrance of flowers and the beautiful sight of the rising sun,Working in the field,eating fresh vegetables and fruits and being close to nature will keep you healthy and energetic.
However both the city and the country have their own disadvantages,In big cities fumes of cars and industrial wastes pollute the atmosphere,Moreover,overpopulation makes accommodation more and more difficult to find and the cost of living is very high,Similarly,the country has its own problems,Lack of modern housing facilities and advanced effective transport system creates many difficulties,In a word,both the city and the country have their virtues and shortcomings,Everyone can judge them in a particular way and make his choice accordingly.
Where to Live
For many people,to live in a city is a great fortune,With its cinemas and theatres,shops and restaurants,a city offers them benefits of the latest scientific achievements in every respect,They just can’t imagine living in the countryside,where too many inconveniences and little entertainment are intolerable.
For some people,however,happiness lies in the countryside,With its peace and quiet,fresh and clean air,and beautiful and natural views,They can be freed from the noise and bustle of the city,and don’t have to worry about air pollution and traffic accidents,which everyone in the city suffers from.
I choose to live in a suburb so as to enjoy the advantages and avoid the disadvantages of both.
Time limit,40 minutes
Word limit,120-150 words (not including the given opening sentence)
Your composition should be based on the OUTLINE below and should start with the given opening sentence:,As a human being,one can hardly do without a friend.”
Your composition must be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET.
1,The need for friends
2,True friendship
3,My principle in making friends
On Making Friends
As a human being,one can hardly do without a friend,In fact,friends are sometimes more important and useful to us than our own family members,Our joys are more pleasant when we have a friend to share them; and our sorrows are easier to bear if we have a friend at our side,Indeed,we sometimes find it easier to confide in friends when we have secrets we are reluctant to reveal to even our closest relatives.
But not all the people we are accustomed to calling friends are friends in the true sense of the word; most of the people we share social occasions with are merely acquaintances,Real friendship involves sincerity,mutual trust and self-sacrifice,both in moments of happiness and on occasions of crisis,A true friend will not just tell us what we want to hear,but advise us to do what he or she thinks is really best for us in the long run.
My principle in making friends is to ignore things like what work they do and what their social backgrounds are,but,instead,to observe carefully the little things that reveal their characters,In this way I can be sure that these friends will never let me down,and that we will always be ready to help each other no matter what problems crop up.
A hedge between keeps friendship green,(prov.) 君子之交淡如水。
A true friend is one soul in two bodies,(prov.) 挚友如异体同心。
True friendship is like sound health,the value of it is seldom know until it is lost,——C,C,Colton
Love is rarer than genius itself,And friendship is rarer than love,——C,Peguy
Everything is good when new,but friends when old,(pron.) 物莫如新,友莫如故。
Prosperity makes friends,and adversity tries them,(pron.) 兴旺时节交朋友,艰难处境验交情。
A man is known by the company he keeps,(pron.) 从其交友,知其为人。(欲知其人,先观其友。)
Be slow in choosing a friend,slower in changing,——Franklin
All are not friends that speak us fair,(pron.) 说我们好话的未必全是朋友。
Admonish your friends in private,praise them in public,(pron.) 对朋友私下劝戒,公开表扬。
People may have different principles in making friends,What is your principle in making friends?
On Making Friends
As a proverb goes,a life without a friend is a life without a sun,It is true that everybody needs friends,Namely,without a friend,you’ll feel lonely and gloomy,Suppose you are in trouble,whom will you turn to for help if you have now friend? And you may also want to share your feelings and communicate your opinions with someone,In this case we find it necessary to make friends.
It goes without saying that a friend in need is a friend indeed,A friend should be one you can turn to for help,one who likes to share joy and hardships with you,one you can trust and one who won’t turn his back on you,A friend may argue with you but never lose temper,A devoted friend should keep in contact with you even he lives elsewhere,Quite some people try to make more friends if he lives elsewhere,Quite some people try to make more friends with those who can offer help,The result is that friendship often lasts until they are of no use to each other.
As far as I am concerned,I like to choose friends mainly according to their characters rather than their social position or their money,I like to make friends with those who have something in common with me or have the merits I do not have,We shall help each other to improve our studies and work and be always ready to help each other,What is more,friends should be honest and reliable.
A. Study the following set of pictures carefully and write an essay in no less than 120 words.
B,Your essay must be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET.
C,Your essay should cover all the information provided and meet the requirements below:
Interpret the following pictures.
Predict the tendency of tobacco consumption and give your reasons.

We meet smokers everywhere,in the streets,on college campuses and in shops,There are 5.8 billion people in the world,and the smokers are about 1.1 billion,which makes up 20 percent of the world’s total population.
Smoking is very harmful,I think there are two main aspects to the damage,First,smoking consumes a great deal of money,As is shown in the pictorial graph,smoking wastes 200 billion dollars,and it is the main cause of lung cancer,About 3 million people die because of the relevant diseases derived from smoking every year.
Because more and more people are aware of the great harm of smoking to humans,the amount of tobacco consumption is on the decrease,Form the following figures we can clearly see the tendency,The total amount of world tobacco production added up to 14.364 billion pounds in 1994,but it dropped to 14.2 billion pounds in 1995,At the same time,many countries call on people to give up smoking,So it is certain that the number of smokers is to decrease.
From the above set of pictures,we can see that there were a total of 14.364 billion pounds of tobacco produced in 1994 and 14.2 billion pounds in 1995,Because the amount of tobacco production is falling yearly,it can be predicted that the tendency of tobacco consumption would also be falling yearly,There are many reasons,Firstly,smoking wastes money,Every year there are two hundred billion dollars,burnt” in the cigarette,fire”,secondly,smoking would hardly do people any good and it can even cause caner,Every year there are three million people,buried” in the cigarette,tomb.”
Although tobacco consumption is falling,there are too many people who smoke,The population in the world is 5.8 billion,but about twenty percent of the population,that is to say 1.1 billion people smoke,So the situation is serious and the movement against smoking is still a difficult task.
[评分] 14分(1)(2)
[评语] 内容符合要求,包括对各图的说明、对趋势的预测及理由,数字表达正确,语言流畅,句式变化多样,用词面宽,虽有个别不妥之处,仍表明作者语言基本功较好,表达能力较强,长度符合要求。
The total product of tobacco was 14.364 billion pounds in 1994,In 1995 the total product of tobacco in the world decreased to 14.2 billion pounds,The population of the world is 5.8 billion,The number of smokers is 1.1 billion,which is 20% of the population in the world,Every year 200 billion dollars is wasted owing to smoking and 3 million people die of smoking.
From the total product of tobacco in the world we can draw a conclusion that the tendency of tobacco consumption is decreased,I think that there are two reasons,One reason is that more and more people realize that smoking is harmful for health and give up smoking,Two other one is that smoking is forbidden in the popular area in more and more countries,The two reasons lead to the decreasing tendency of tobacco consumption in the world.
From the pictures,we first know that there are a lot of smoking people in the world,The number of the whole population in the world is 5.8 billion,and the number of smoking people is 1.1 billion,So the percentage of smoking person is about 20,It is a large ratio.
Secondly we know from the pictures that tobacco gives us only disaster,Each year it devours 200 billion dollars and deprives 3 million people of their lives,It is horrible.
Luckily nowadays more and more people begin to pay attention to their health,Thus I think the tendency of tobacco consumption will descend,From the pictures we also know that the output of the tobacco is declining,from 14.364 billion pounds in 1994 to 14.2 billion pounds in 1995.
[评分] 11分(3)(4)
[评语] 内容符合要求,包括对各图的说明、对趋势的预测及理由,数字表达正确,思想表达清楚,文字连贯,句式变化较多,结构与用词有少量一般性错误,长度符合要求。
As shown in the pictures,we can see that the total tobacco product is 14.364 billion pounds in 1994,while it is 14.2 billion pounds in 1995,The whole population of earth is 5.8 billion,but the human beings who keeps smoking is 1.1 billion,maintaining the proportion of 20 percent,Owing to the cigarette,200 billion dolars were wasted,3 million people die of smoking annually.
From the figure given in the chart,we can come to a conclusion that the total tobacco consumption will decrease,There are reasons for the dropping consumption,First,more and more people belive smoking do harm to health,waste money,So a lot of people begin to give up smoking,Second,forbidding smoking in public areas cause people conscious that smoking is a bad habbit,Therefor,I belive more and more will give up smoking with the advancenent of socity.
Form the pictures,we can draw a conclusion that the tobacco consumption in the world is rather high.
In 1994,total product of tobacco is 14.364 billion pounds and in 1995,is 14.2 billion pounds,There are a great number of smokers in the world---the number of 1.1 billion,That is to say,of the 5.8 billion people,20 percent have the habit of smoking,For the sake of high tobacco consumption,2000 billion dollars are lost and 3000 thousand people lose their lives every year.
In my opinion,the consumption of tobacco will decrease as more and more people have come to know the damage of tobacco,This can be found in the pictures,Smoking leads to many problems such as lung cancer,economic loss and pullution of the air,For above-mentioned reasons,I believe the consumption of tobacco will decrease and all the problem it causes will be solved.
[评分] 8分(5)(6)
[评语] 内容符合要求,包括对各图的说明、对趋势的预测及理由,表达基本清楚,但结构与用词错误较多,数字表达有误,长度符合要求。
Today,many countries product all kinds of tobacco,Almost every shop have tobacco,In 1994,the tobacco consumption have get to 143.64 billion pounds,So much tobacco can be see out every year,The population of the world is 58 million,But,smokers in the world 11 million,It is about 20% of world population.
We all know,smoking have a great harm to people,Every year about 300 million people died desease that deprive from smoking,Smoking use much money every year,Aout 2000 million dollars,
We can see,smoking is so much harmness,So,we advocate all of people have’t smoke.
In 1995,the tobacco consumption have 142 million pounds,much less that in 1994,Because many people of smoking already think the smoking have no advantage,only bring illness,We hope all of the world,it is no people smoke in the future.
In the whole world the tobacco consumption has being decrease,According to the figure given in the data,we can see tobacco consumption was about 143.64 billion pounds in 1994,and about 142 billion pounds in 1995,Why are there on the decrease?
I think there are two reasons,In the first place,smoking is do harm to people health,For example,it is may be responsible for lung cancer,There are about 300 thousand people died of smoking every year,Secondly,smoking cost a great deal,every year money spend on smoking is about 2000 000 000.
As a rseult,when people realize this,they begin to give up smoking.
But I must point out that smoker all over the world still account for 20%,about 11 000 000,So we must educate people give up smoking.
[评分] 5分(7)(8)
[评语] 内容基本符合要求,语句尚可理解,但结构与用词错误多,有些是严重错误,数字表达错误,长度符合要求。
In wave of economic reform,more and more people have realize the damage of smoking,It is obvious,Smoking has not any benefit to man’s health,but as is know to all,everything has two sides,The taxs of tobacco are main resource of nation finasl,So the government of all country have to permit the product tobacco,According to the figure,we can see the sum productuion of tobacco very great,143.64 billion pounds in 1994,142 billion pounds in 1995,The number of smoking man is 20% during world population,Smoking damages not not human’s body but also waste lot of money,For example,there are 2000 billion dollar spending in tobacco and 800 million people die in smoking.
I think the tendency of tobacco consumprion have be taken down,I should try my best to depress the damage of smoking.
It is said that smoking do harm,I realy agree with it.
Everyone in world the words that smoking is not good habit,at the same time,so many warns with the words,No Smoking” everywhere,But on the other hand,there is lots of people are fond of smoking,As a result,every year about 200 billion dollars are to smoking,as well as 30 million people dies from it,How can these more than more billion people about one fifth ration give up smoking? It is always problem.
In word,smoking is harmful,we should give up.
[评分] 2分(9)(10)
[评语] 内容与本题要求部分有关,除事先准备好但与要求不符的语句外,结构与用词错误多且严重,词不达意,条理不清,不成篇章,数字表达混乱。
Some of us are favour of smoking and consider that is enjoyable,In actually,it isn’t.
The are fifty-eight million people in world,but the smoker is twenty percent,about eleven thousand million people,Because of this,the circle around of us is pollussion,the health of human is very bad,There are three rundred million people die for smoking every year,Moreover 2000 thousand million lost every year.
[评分] 0分
[评语] 语句几乎无一正确,数字表达混乱,长度不合要求。
From the figures we can see smoking is harmful to people’s health,On one hand,it cause many diseases; on the other,it costs a lot of money,But today people all over the world still smoke a lot,Some people smoke out of habit,Others enjoy smoking,and find it is good for their nerves when they are tired,And still others smoke to be sociable,they like to offer friends cigarette when talking business with others.
But as we all know doctors have warned people that tobacco is very dangerous to the smokers and may cause all kinds of illness,including the cancer of lung,Many deaths are caused every year,And the government too are taking measures to prevent people from smoking.
As far as I am concerned,I think smoking is a great evil that should be abolished,I think government should take stronger measures to eventually ban tobacco all together.
[评分] 0分
[评语] 套用事先准备好的文章,但文不对题,不能给分。
Widespread tobacco consumption has led to grave consequences,yet the tobacco companies are still claiming that they make a valuable contribution to the world economy,
There is a discussion in a newspaper on the above two viewpoints.
Write an essay to the newspaper
1) criticizing the view of the tobacco company and
2) justifying your stand.
In your essay,make full use of the information provided in the pictures printed below.
You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2,

The majority of people would agree that cigarette smoking has caused serious problems,But the tobacco companies insist that they contribute greatly to the world economy by paying taxes to the government and employing hundreds of workers.
Personally,I believe that cigarette production and consumption threatens to do more harm than good,Firstly,smoking is responsible for many fatal diseases such as lung cancer,heart diseases and so on,According to the survey,tobacco consumers account for about 20% of the world population,and among them,three million people die from smoking-related diseases every year,The fact that the output of tobacco production is reduced from 143.64 billion pounds in 1994 to 142 billion pounds in 1995 also suggests that people have come to realize the negative effects of smoking,Secondly,tobacco consumption is extremely wasteful of money,As is indicated in the pictures,200 billion US dollars is lost due to smoking each year,Obviously,the total loss of money around the globe substantially exceeds the gain in the industry.
In conclusion,as the economic development aims at making our life better,we cannot sacrifice our health for short-term financial benefits,If we have to spend more and more money providing medical services for those who suffer from smoking-related illnesses,the notion of promoting economy via tobacco production is not justifiable,It is high time that we fought for the total tobacco ban.
Study the following graphs carefully and write an essay in at least150 words.
Your essay must be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET II.
Your essay should cover these three points:
1,effect of the country’s growing human population on its wildlife
2,possible reason for the effect
3,your suggestion for wildlife protection

From these graphs,we can draw a conclusion that,with the growth of human population,the number of species has decreased rapidly in America,and some species have even vanished from our planet.
Why does this phenomenon appear? I think there are several possible reasons for this,First,with a rapid growth of population,more and more people came to live where some wild species have been living,Then these species have to move to other places,Some of them probably cannot adapt to the new environment and die,Second,although many people look on the wildlife as their friends,some people may not think so,They catch a lot of wild animals and sell them in order to get more money,Third,with the development of the industry,the natural balance and the ecologic environment are destroyed,The deforestation has become more and more serious,So some of the wildlives become homeless and extinct.
In order to protect the wildlife,I have some suggestions,First,the governments should make laws to prevent them from being caught and killed,Second,the governments should educate people to love the nature and protect it,Third,as for ourselves,we should take practical actions to protect our living environment.
[评语] 内容符合要求,包括了图中说明“effect”的有关信息。语言流畅,层次分明,句式有变化,句子结构和用词正确,文章长度符合要求。但还有少数错误出现。
As is show in the given graph,with the growth of U,S,population the number of species no longer existing in U,S,has greatly increased,The more population,the more wild species is extinct from the earth,What caused this phinomenon?
I think there are two reason for the effect,In the first place,with the increase of human being,the grain needed by people grow too,People demand more land to grow rice and wheat and to live,So the wildlife’s environment was destroyed,A large number of species have died out,Secondly,many people hunted various wildlife for their interest or only for their enjoyment.
In my opinion,wildfire are man’s friends,So we must protect wildlife,Personaly,I think first,the country must make laws to forbid hunting,Second,people should be educated to protect wildlife,At last,we must punish the men who hunt wild animals,The wildlife will be protected better and better.
[评语] 内容符合要求,包括了图中说明“effect”的有关信息,基本清楚地表达了其内涵。句子结构和用词有少量错误,个别是大错。文章长度符合要求。
From tables,we can see that the country’s growing human population on its wildlife,It rise 250 from 1800 to 1900,I think,there at least two resasons,For one thing,some people want to return the nation,They free themself from hard works,For another some people love the wildlife,People’s life lever has risen fastly,On the second table,it is clear that the risen rate faster from 1800 to 1900 than from 1600 to 1800.
But,there are degened,Firstly,there are not secured,There are many harmful things in the wild,Secondly,the lead to traffic in the weekend,Because mostly people are freed in the same time.
As far as I am concerned,I think that people should paid much attention to the wildife
[评语] 基本按图写作,但语句支离破碎,只有少数句子可以理解,文章长度不符合要求。
Study the following set of pictures carefully and write an essay in no less than 150 words.
Your essay must be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET II.
Your essay should cover all the information provided and meet the requirements below:
1.Write out the messages conveyed by the cartoon.
2.Give your comments.

The past several years have witnessed a phenomenon that a variety of promises have been arising from all walks of life,Regretably,quite a lot of promises are sheer nonsense,just as the hen in the given cartoon commits herself to lay eggs which are round without any angles and corners and have shells,egg whites and yolks.
Odds and funny as they sound,such false promises can be seen and heard everywhere in our country,Administration departments assure to perform their tasks effectively and fairly without taking any bribes; manufacturing units guarantee to turn out products of good quality; commercial enterprises swear to provide genuine commodities and polite and enthusiastic services,Can you find anything new and substantial other than their obligations,duties and jobs in these so called promises? I guess your answer will be negative,As a matter of fact,their intention to make such commitments is nothing but to put on civilized outer clothing to please or deceive the public.
I dare say that your society is suffering corruption and cheat which are causing damage to society both materially and morally,But the hen and her like should know that by dishonest words no one can survive the intense competition under market economy system,They should remember the old saying,“Honesty is the best policy”.
Here is an interesting cartoon,With her head held high,maybe singing,a hen stands proudly in the center of the picture with a notice in hand,It says:,Firstly,I promise that the eggs I lay are absolutely round without any square corners,Secondly,they all have shells and cores.” It’s so ridiculous that we can’t help laughing,But after that there must be something left.
Recently,many promises have come up in many walks of life,especially the service departments,They promise you that they will provide you with warm smile service and good products,AT first you are moved nearly to thank them,But if you think twice,you may wonder if those should be their duties,It goes without saying that factories should produce goods of quality,department stores should serve customers politely,buses should arrive on time,and so forth,because all of these are their responsibilities,But why should they promise what are their due jobs? One reason may be that they want to correct their past mistakes under the planned economic system,Another is that they intend to improve their images and please the customers.
In my opinion,trying to be better is worth welcoming,but making empty and false promises is unacceptable,If factories,companies,stores and administrations do their jobs wee rather than talk nonsense,our society will be more prosperous.
[评分] 14分(1)(2)
[评语] 这两篇作文虽然在写法与风格上各不相同,但它们都达到了试题的要求,充分表述了漫画的内容和寓意,作出了自己的评论。内容充实,语言流畅,句式变化多样,用词较广泛,并能引用谚语格言,表明作者具有坚实的语言基础和较强的书面表达能力。
Absurd though it looks,the given cartoon has a profound meaning behind it.
As we can see from the cartoon,the hen promised that her eggs had definitely no angles and contained everything that a normal egg should have,How crazy her promise is!
Ironically,the same thing even springs up in our real world,Nowadays,making promises is prevailing among all walks of life,from factories,companies,to shops,They claim that their products or services are firstclass,When we think their words over,however,we’ll find they just promise what they should do.
In my opinion,to promise what are one’s obligations and duties is ridiculous and useless,This reflects that there still exist some dishonest behaviors in our society,These dishonest behaviors,if permitted to continue,will sure do harm to the development of our society,We should make sustained efforts to fight against so-called promises.
As is shown in the cartoon,the hen made two pieces of promises,On the one hand,she said that her eggs would be sure to be round,On the other hand,she could ensure that her eggs must have egg crust,egg while and egg yellow,According to the words given in the picture,we know that making promises is very popular among different depart-ments and organizations,But it’s clear that what they promise is nothing but their obligations or duties,This phenomena is not a good thing to our society.
There are at least two main reasons,I think,for this phenomena,In the first place,some enterprises want to pursuit fashion,but have not true promise to make,so they promised what they didn’t need to say,Secondly,it is a normal phenomena in the process of reform and open door to the world,Maybe there are some other reasons,but the mentioned above is commonly acceptable.
As far as I am concerned,I believe that this phenomena is not a good thing,but with the reform and open door policy being carried out,and with the development of our national economy,these problems will be solved step by step,I am sure my opinion is sound and well-grounded.
[评分] 11分(3)(4)
[评语] 表达了漫画所传达的信息和寓意,分析了原因,作出了评论,内容符合要求。思想表达清楚,文字连贯,句式有较多变化。有少量语言错误。
From the given picture,we can see that a hen,with her eyes looking up and her mouth proudly closed,is showing up a notice in which her two promises are made,One is that she assures that her eggs have no angles and each has shell yellow and white parts.
Although the cartoon humorous,it reflects a prevailed phenomenon in our society,It is taken for granted that an egg is round and has three parts,but the hen still writes an assurance of it,In reality,many factories and stores act just the hen’s way,Why? There are two good reasons,For one thing,making promises of one’s products or services seems popular,so no one wants to leave behind,For another,when one gives assurance,he has to stand up to checking up,Thus listing out something beyond doubt can protect him from criticism.
However,as such assurance is meaningless and useless,no consumers will be simple-headed enough to pay attention to it,The quality of products and services will not be improved as they should be,Therefore,it’s high time for us to call an end of this phenomenon.
In a cartoon,a chicken proudly promises to lay circle eggs,they contain everything they should have,You may laugh at this chicken,Well,it is your duty to lay eggs,Clear as it is,so called promises are spreading here and there,Shops and banks promise to open on time and treat consumers politely; post office promise to deliver letters in time; goverment officials promise not to receive money secretly and so on,We all know,these are basic things they should do,Why does this phenomenon take place?
First,they haven’t really formed the thought to serve people,During the past time there are not abundant goods in the market,People would not concern service quality so long as they could buy what they needed,But now there are all kinds of goods in the market,Having enough money,you can nearly buy everything,But this has not been recognized by some businessmen or they will not admit it,Second,perhaps this is the main reason,Others promise to provide better service,I should do,too,But those who have this thought would not work according to their promises.
I think businessmen should distinguish between duty and promise,If they substitute duty for promise,it will not only do harm to consumers,but themselves.
[评分] 8分(5)(6)
[评语] 内容符合试题要求,对漫画进行了描述与说明,分析出现这种现象的原因,并写出了自己的意见。思想表达基本清楚,但用词和结构上错误较多。
A hen promise her eggs must have not any sharp,and must have some common contents,Sounds odd? the cartoon does not want to scold the hen,but want to blame some trend around us,Recently,more and more company,shop even government like promising,that’s not a mistake,but some f them just promise their duty,And a part of them even do not want to do the duty they have promised,It’s wrong.
I think,everyone have some responsibility,If one only promise what it should do,none will interesting in it,In my opinion,this kind of promise is just cheating.
Everyone should do that he or she have promised,but not just their duty,We need more.
Promising is the most popular word in China now,Government and many business like to promise what they must do in service for their customs,But many things they promise are what must do naturely.
Business-man to promise wants to win the competition,Government to promise wants to promote their figure,For this purpose,they promise almost everything that you can think,But which thing is what they must promise and which thing not,For instance,a hen promise it can produce and egg which is not square and that egg has everything that it must have,But if not,is it a hen?
So we need true promising and hope those companies which like to promise to do real things.
[评分] 5分(7)(8)
[评语] 内容基本符合要求,语句尚可理解,但用词和结构上错误多,有些是基本的、严重的错误,表明作者的英语表达能力差。
It is a cartoon that a cock give a admission to others,In fact,the admission is,the eggs is the eggs”,nothing to say else,Just as the cock have done,the,admission” is used everywhere,What is that?
I see a lot of situation like this arround me,The important thing is not wether they have admission,the most important thing is what they have admission,Some admission is empty,that is something what they ought to do,not need to admission again.
The cartoon points out many companies often give their good promises for require prize of society,For example,the hen shout out:,My egg have four part---”,according to the hen,it will let everyone heard he sound.
From this,I think of that firm or company,They just like the hen,If their goods is very good,it not necessary to do that.
[评分] 2分(9)(10)
[评语] 作者力图按试题要求写作,但因英语表达能力极差,用词与结构错误多且严重,多为汉语式语句,且词不达意。字数不足。
As is known to all,It is important to be company-reform,For there are at least two reasons,the one hand,the company-reform can be getting benefit to workers,The other hand,it is a good thing for average people,Clearly,it is a thing that popular mentioned.
As popular sayings goes:,Everything has two aside.” such as the promise of company-reform.
The first place,the promise...
There are many animals in the form,they often have party each a week,This week,the dressed up to the party,When she arrived,there were a few friends,the cow,the dog,the goat,The hen was surprised and asked the cow:,Why don’t the others come?”
The cow told the hen:,The population is to advertize for themselves,So our friends,the sheep,the bird,etc,are busy with preparing advertizements for their work,I had finished,How about you?”
The hen went home and thought the question all night,The second day in the morning,she has a advertizement on her gaste:,I promise that all my eggs must be angle’s eggs,that eggs have egg-skin,egg-yellow,etc.”
Many animals saw the hen’s advertizement and they aren’t surprised at its content because their promisation are the same as the hen’s The population is promisation except the horse.
The horse shake his head:,The wrong woman sells,boast herself.”
[评分] 0分(11)(12)
[评语] (11)未按试题要求写作,完全未提所给之图,内容离题。语言混乱,字数严重不足。(12)文中虽然涉及到所给之漫画,但作者置试题要求于不顾,完全凭自己的想象编造一故事,且其主题写的是advertizements,而非promises,不合图意,尽管语言上有可取之处,亦难给分。
Study the following two pictures carefully and write an essay to
Describe the pictures.
Deduce the purpose of the drawer of the pictures,and
Suggest counter-measures.
You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET II.
A Brief History of World Commercial Fishing

As is shown in the pictures,we can see clearly that with the increase of commercial fishing,the number of fishes sharply decreased,In one picture,there were various kinds of fish and only one fishing-boat in 1900,On the contrary,in 1995 there was only one fish,but many fishing-boats.
The purpose of this picture is to show us that due attention has to be paid to the decrease of ocean resources,Owing to over-fishing,the number of fishes has obviously decreased,If we let this situation go as it is,we won’t know where fish is in the future,By that time,our environment will suffer a great destruction.
Therefore,it is imperative for us to take drastic measures,For one thing,we should appeal to our authorities to make strict laws to control commercial fishing,For another,we should enhance the awareness of people that the ocean resources are very vital to us,Only in this way can we protect our ocean resources,Also,I believe that we human beings can overcome this difficulty,and we will have a bright future.
[给分] 14分
[评语] 内容切题,包括提纲的全部要点;文章通顺,语言流畅,句式变化多样;用词面较宽;虽有个别不妥之处,但该生基本功较好;表达能力较强;长度符合要求。
Now we can see two pictures about the history of world commercial fishing,The first picture shows us a fishing-boat and a water rich in fish in 1990,On the contrary,we learn that,according to the second picture,the fishes decrease sharply to only one with the increase of boats in 1995.
The purpose of the pictures is to warn us that the sea resources are being ruined,and we need to protect our ocean now,As far as I am concerned,this kind of fishing attributes to the drive of money,To earn money,some people just want to catch fish whether it is small or big,Secondly,some people ignore fish has its growing time,Excessive fishing in a short time causes decrease of fish,In addition,the development of modern science will also accelerate the process.
Nowadays,many people have gradually found the problem,They appeal to taking measures to developing the resource of fish and control fishing for commercial aim,which is also the purpose of the drawer of the pictures,First,the government should lay counter-laws to stop the operation of commercial fishing,Second,it is a world problem,so the governments must decide to punish people who fish too much,To conclude,it is clear that the future for fish will be bright with the solution of the problem.
[给分] 11分
[评语] 内容切题,包括提纲的全部要点;表达基本清楚,文字连贯;句式变化较多;结构与用词有少量一般性错误;长度符合要求。
Here are two pictures before my eyes,In the first picture,all kind of fishes are abundent in the water,and the second picture shows terrible phenomenon occurred in 1995,At this time,there is only one fish left in less water whereas hundreds of ships are trying to catch it.
After I describe it,I can deduce the purpose of the drawer now,With the fast development of industry,man began to ask for whatever they want from the nature,and didn’t want to look after it,Occurs dangerous result-natural resources become fewer and fewer,The drawer wants to say to us,“Protect our nature,protect our home”.
There is no doubt that this problem is urgent task for us because we have only one earth,In my opinion,first we must draw everyone’s attention to save our natural resources,Second,governments should cooperate with each other and make laws to control fishing,Third,we should try our best to improve sciences and technologies to find out more resources,In one word,protecting natural resources is the same like protecting our mankind.
[给分] 8分
[评语] 内容切题,包括提纲的全部要点;表达基本清楚;但结构与用词错误较多,有少数是严重错误;长度符合要求。
With the development of economy,more and more people fish in the ocean only for money,As show in the graph,in 190,there were many fishes seen,and only one fishing ship,in 1995,the number of fish we can see were very few and at the same time,many fishing ships occurred before our eye.
The purpose of the drawer of picture that with the grow of fishing,the balance in the ocean will be broken,And the fish human beings can get to decrease quickly,People warn to pay attention to this problem happened in the sea.
So we must make active step to keep the situation of continuing,First,education must be made to people,Second,government make laws to stop fishing in ocean,In sum,we must protect the balance in the ocean in order to protect human ourselve.
[给分] 5分
[评语] 内容切题,包括提纲要点;语句尚可理解,但结构与用词错误多;有些是严重错误;长度基本符合要求。
The picture say in 1900 the ocean a lot of fish but only a ship fishing there,On constrat,in 1995,there is one fish on the ocean,but ships are many and many.
Obvious,drawer of pictures tell us this quantity of fish had decrease too much from 1900 to 1995,The fish will all dead in future according to that.
We must to take measure,Firstly,we must to decrease ship,And Secondly,we must to increase the fish,If this can do,we see many fish for future.
[给分] 2分
[评语] 与题意勉强有关,但条理不清,不成篇章;语句错误多且严重;词不达意。
The set of picture depict that the fish has been declined by the commercial fishing,The peace which the fish once knew,and which a fish should always have has been swept ruthlessly away,As picture shows,in 1900,we can see innumerable fishes with only one fishing boat above them,Whereas in 1995,there is a countless fishing-boat with only one fish.
The purpose of the drawing is to show us it is time to protect our resources,Over-fished result the number of fish dramatically decreased,If we continued to abuse this problem,the ocean resources will be devastated,and no benefactions and endowments can make up for the change in character which it has scattered.
So measures must be taken,Many people think that should appeal to authorities to make strict laws to restrict commercial fishing,say,to restrict the amount of catch and the catch time and so on,The is true,But the significant thing is not the law or rule or regulation itself,but the behavior of people who must obeyed it; and,behind the,of the authorities attitudes—must be seriously,Only if something has been done can we genuinely expect a ideal picture in which we can enjoy plenty of ocean resources.
With the (big boom) of world commercial fishing,the intrinsic balance between humans and environment is being destroyed,As in the first picture there was only one fishing-boat working in the ocean in 1900,(versus) a tremendous amount of fish swimming freely and carelessly under it,However,unfortunately,things got to the other extreme within less than one century,As is shown in picture two,that is 1995,plenty of fishing-boats were hunting eagerly for their prays,the pray,I should say,in shapely contrast with the first drawing,for there was only one fish which was available for them.
The purpose of the drawer is to stir the awareness of the authorities and the average people that as to over fishing our ocean resources have already been in scarce and if we insist on what we are committing now without any consideration for the other habitats of the earth,soon we sill have to suffer the tragic consequence we brought about,As an old Chinese saying goes,“the teeth will be chilly without the protection of lips.”
Thus,it is urging and imperative for us to take counter-measures to relieve and ultimately solve the problem,Firstly,the authorities should make strict and perfect laws to control the commercial fishing effectively soundly,the media and the schools should play a positive and significant role in spreading the know ledge of environment protection as well,Last but not the least,the common people should enhance the awareness of protecting environment and take concrete action to say sorry to the deeply hurt nature for what we have done,For only we all realize it,we can tackle the difficulty properly and timely,and create a brilliant future for us and our offsprings.
As vividly depicted in the drawer below,there was only one ship in the ocean in 1900 while there?were so many fishes,By contrast,the number of ships has increased dramatically by the end of 1995,but varieties of fishes have dropped greatly,There was only one fish in the second picture while were a large number of ships.
Observers are expected to learn that it will lead to the extinction of sea lives if the ocean capture is immoderate,As the population increased,the consumption of fish has jumped a lot,It is inevitable that fish caption got to a higher point,However,fishes will not be bred to maturation so quickly,and if the capture is eccessive the ocean lives will be disappeared sooner or later.
Therefore,we should take some steps to improve the situation,First of all,it is right for us to regulate the amounts of ships which are used to capture fishes,Then,we should also confine the scale so that it will be illegal for ships to capture fishes in certain areas,Moreover,t deserves penalty if ships captured young fishes,In a word,only in this way can we share a harmony environment with all lives in the world.
Among all the worthy feelings of mankind,love is probably the noblest,but everyone has his or her own understanding of it.
There has been a discussion recently on the issue in a newspaper,Write an essay to the newspaper to
Show your understanding of the symbolic meaning of the pictures below.
Give a specific example,and
Give your suggestion as to the best way to show love.
You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET II.

Among all the worthy feelings of mankind,love is probably the noblest,It is of the utmost importance to the human beings,Everybody not only needs love,but also should give love.
As is described in the picture,“love is a lamp which is brighter in darker places.” This is indeed true,People in darker places need more light than ordinary people,Maybe even a dim light can give them much hope for a better life and progress,Maybe even a dim light can give them much hope for a better life and progress,Maybe just a thread of light will call forth their strengh and courage to step out of their difficulties.
For instance when someone is starving to death,just a little food and water from you may save his life,Or when a little girl in a poor rural area drops out of school because of poverty,just a small sum of money from you may support her to finish her schooling and change her life,you have given love which is like a lamp in a dark place where light is most needed.
So to sum up,we should offer our help to all who are in need,We expect to get love from others and we also give love to others so when you see someone in difficulty or in distress and in need of help,don’t hesitate to give your love to him,I believe then the relationship between people will be harmonious and our society will be a better place for us to live in.
It is generally believed that love is a hot topic which is most talked about,This is true not only in China but also in other countries,We live in different countries,speak different languages,but love is something common to us all,But how to show love may be different with different people in different countries,This is something we should give more thought to.
As shown in the picture,love is like a lamp which shines brightest in dark places,This tells us a simple truth,Love is like a lamp,It is most valuable when it is most needed,For example,once I saw a foreign lady get lost in the street,She could not speak Chinese and nobody seemed to be able to help her,Though my English is not very good and I am a shy person,I thought she needed help very much,I asked her what she wanted,She told me she lost her way,so I showed her the way to her hotel,It was a small thing but she thanked me very much because my help was needed very much,My help was like a lamp in a dark place.
I think we all should be like a lamp in a dark place,showing our love,giving our help to others,even to strangers,In this way,we can make this world a harmonious and peaceful world.
[给分] (1) 20分;(2) 18分。
[评语] 内容切题,包括题中所列三方面的全部内容;文章通顺,语言流畅,句式变化多样;用词面较宽;虽有个别不妥之处,但该生基本功较好;表达能力较强;长度符合要求。
I saw a picture recently in your newspaper,There is a small lamp in the picture and a flame on the lamp,which is smiling,The lamp says,“Love is a lamp,it will be brightest in the darkest place.” I think it shows us a vivid picture,Where and who need live,love is the noblest feeling,So I believe that we should give our love to those who are in need,If everyone can give his love to whom in need,then the world will be filled with love.
For example,in the countryside,There are millions of pupils,who can’t afford to attend school,Some of them never attend school,They are unfortunate,but now there are many warm-hearted people who give help to the pupils,Of course,we can also show our love in many other ways,For instance,As a friend,we should help our friends when they are in trouble,There is a saying,A friend in need is a friend in deed,As a young man,we should respect the older,When we walk on the street,we can help the blind or old people and children to cross the road.
In a word,There are many ways to show our love,The people all over the world should love and respect each other,The best way to show our love is to help others when they are in difficulties.
Everyone may agree that among all the worthy feelings of mankind,love is probably the noblest,But people have different understanding of it,As can be seen from the picture,there is one point of view,It says that love is like a lamp,which is brighter when the dark is heavier,This means that love should be given to where it is most needed,I agree with this point of view.
Take my experience for a example,Being poor,I have to do some part-time jobs to support my study in Beijing,I always feel love from other friends and families when they help me either in material or in spiritual aspects,I love them and want to give my help to other people at the same time,But some of my classmates take their parents’ help for granted.
They never try to support them by working on the side,They have no idea of difficulties in one’s life,Therefore,they don’t realize the value of love.
As for the best way to show love,I think,first of all,everyone should be couraged and required to try to be self-reliant,Secondly,when one is in trouble,others should help him,Finally we should educate people to appreciate help from other people,Only in this way can our society become a big happy family.
[给分] (3) 16分;(4)14分。
[评语] 内容切题,包括题中所列三方面的全部内容;表达基本清楚,文字连贯;句式变化较多;结构与用词有少量一般性错误;长度符合要求。
As is shown in the picture,we can see clearly that love is like a lamp and the darker the environment is,the brighter love is,And it is no denying that among all the worthy feelings of mankind,love is the noblest,Actually,because of love,many people in trouble get help and encourage,so they will try their best to overtake the difficulty and look forward to a better future,What’s more,when others are in trouble,they take helping them for granted,Therefore,love will be found all over the world.
Several years ago,some areas suffer disaster because of heavy rain,The PLA help them rebuild their families,This year,Taiwan also suffer disaster because of the earth quake,Many people in our country do our best to help them.
It is necessary to take some measure to spread the love,For one thing,we should encourage people who have love and are happy to help others,For another,we should enhance the awareness of people that love is benefit for al of this society,Also I make sure that by this way,we have a brighter future.
In the picture below,in the full dark situation,a little of spark enlightens the dark,The naive spark smiles so sweet,It seems to be saying,as the caption in the picture reads,I am a light of love,the more dark where I am,the more enlighten.
Among all the worthy feelings of mankind,love is probably the noblest,As a matter of fact,all of us survive in a love world,We offer love,more important,we need love,I am a hardworking student that is specialized in Computer Science and Application,Once a time,I lost my mind accidentally as a result I dropped down from the downstairs,badly injured,But for my roommates’ help I couldn’t live up not only in physics but also in spirits,I thank them genuinly,What I accomplished today party attribute to all of them giving me a hand to my school work,I hope I can live up to myself as well as my roommates.
As far as I am concerned,love should be showed by two means as follows,At the first place,we should keep a critical eye on others’ love showed to us,Of course,most of the love is good for us,nevertheless,some does harm to us,such as helping to cheating in exams,The last but no the least,we should show love hearts to those needing them,As we know,Hope Project is the largest love project in our country,we should pay highly attention on it rather than neglect,In addition,we should cultivate the awareness to help others in our daily life,Let’s hold our hands to build our country filled in love hearts.
[给分] (5)12分;(6) 10分。
[评语] 内容切题,包括题中所列三方面的全部内容;表达基本清楚;但结构与用词错误较多,有少数是严重错误;长度符合要求。
This picture tells us a reality that love can bring up lighting and the light will make everywhere bright,Although the light is weak,it plays a great effect which will make people more firmly than before.
When I was at middle-school,my parent were both out of employee,My parent felt disappointed and I was greatly worried my future,Our life became very terrible,I even decided to suicide,Our neighbour learnt about my family’s condition,and they began to help us,They lent a few money to my parent and my parent use these money to open a shop,They help me to study,My parent finally got through hard life,So I say that love is great.
I think that there are some ways to show love,You may give money to the poor and help the old do some working and give your love to the disable,The best way show love is from heart rather than from appearance,By this way those people who accepted helps will feel warmly,Our world will bright if everyone show love.
The picture imply that love is very important to the needy,Love like a lamp,which is brighter in the darker place,Let’s have an example,when a person,who is around us,has a serious ill and need a sum money to pay for the medical fee but he or his family can’t affort it,we will make our efforts to help him,It is clear that love is important to everyone,in particular,to the needy.
It is well known to all,love is probably the noblest among all the worthy feelings of mankind,but everyone has his/her own understanding of it,As far as I am concerned,I think the best way to show love is our suitable help when others are facing with difficulty and need our helps,If we help others without thinking whether others need,it perhaps decrease other’s confident and at the sametime take us in troubles.
As is know to all,everything has two sides,Show love properly will take effective function,otherwise it will take negative function,As a consequence,We should not only have love but also show it properly.
[给分] (7) 8分;(8) 6分。
[评语] 内容切题,包括题中所列要点;语句尚可理解,但结构与用词错误多;有些是严重错误;长度基本符合要求。
This picture show that love is a lamp which lead a bright light and hope when one involved in dark,In China,we can see many stories about love,for example,From newspaper we can often read about,The Project hope.” There are many people delvate himself to help others,In remote country,some children can’t go to school because no money,However,in other district,there are many people to provide money to help these children.
From this picture,a small light bright some area,We can read much from it,As a university students,we can do much,do best,We can study hard science knowledge,We should improve our from all kind of aspect,As long as we devote oneself to help those troublesome man.
The symbolic is a light,it will be more powerful when the circumstances is more dark,Everyone has symbolic and symbolic is a very good matter to us,It come from us and it can help us,The symbolic is not only a feeling,but also is a character.
Mrs Bingxin is a good writer with symbolic,She gave all she can do to the society,include money,book and her heart,She tried her best to help those people who needs help.
We should show our love to the people,furthermore,we should show our love by the best way,I believe we have we have to do is not only the word,but also is the action,not only the money,but also the heart,If all of us have give our symbolic,the world can change more beautiful.
[给分] (9) 4分;(10) 2分。
[评语] 与题意勉强有关,但条理不清,不成篇章;语句错误多且严重;词不达意。
As is illustrated in the picture that love is a lamp,the darker setting is,the brighter lamp is,around all the feelings of human beings love is the noblest one,I think of course,everybody has their own understanding for it,
I think that love seems as that give someone a hand in need,perhaps the help is too small to feel hardly,but it neccessary for the people that in difficulties,For instance,when a little girl lose her way just a hand that help her to find her family is the best help,when your friends in trouble probably a word which was filled with heartening will call out his strength or spirit to conquer the difficulties,the help is very small in your eyes,but do not don't give your hand,because it is very useful for them,
In my opinion,we must give a hand to the people who are more unfortunate than us,you can imagine that if everyone give a help to them,the world will become a better place,the future of mankind will be more peaceful,people will live in a fine life,what do you hesitate to do it?baby,well,let's carry out our "nice plane"!
As is illustrated in the picture that love is a lamp,the darker the setting is,the brighter the lamp is,aroundAmong all the feelings of human beings,love is the noblest one,,I think of course,everybody has their own understanding forof it,
I think that love seems as that is to give someone a hand in need,perhaps the help is too small to feel hardly,but it is neccessary for the people that in difficulties,For instance,when a little girl lose loses her way,just a hand that help helps her to find her family is the best help a precious help for her,When one of your friends are in trouble probably a word which was is filled with heartening love and care will call out his strength or spirit to conquer the difficulties,In these cases,the help is very small in your eyes,but do not don't give hesitate to extend your hand,because it is very useful for them,
In my opinion,we must give a hand to the people who are more unfortunate less fortunate than us,you can imagine that if everyone give gives a help to them,the world will become a better place,the future of mankind will be more peaceful,and people will live in a fine life,what do you hesitate to do it?baby,well,let's carry out our "nice plane"!
Study the following picture carefully and write an essay entitled,Cultures---National and International”
In the essay you should
describe the picture and interpret its meaning,and
give your comments on the phenomenon.
You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET II,

An American girl in traditional Chinese costume
This is a very interesting picture of a lovely American girl dressed in traditional Chinese costume with a sweet smile on her face,She wears a pearl necklace,colorful ribbon,ear rings,and other decorating things that are characteristic of the clothes of a Chinese minority nationality,It is obvious that as a result of our open-door policy,more and more foreigners visit China and become interested in our national culture,which is making it go international.
There is no reason to make a fuss about this phenomenon,With the rapid development of technology and economy,the world is becoming smaller and smaller,and international cultural exchanges have become more and more frequent,which is inevitably improving our mutual understanding and friendship with other countries.
As Chinese citizens,we should respect our own national culture and learn useful things from the cultures of different nations,which will enable us to make great progress in many ways,I believe a happy and bright future is awaiting us if we make every effort to promote cultural development both nationally and internationally.
Nowadays,“national culture or international culture” has become a matter of great concern for the general public in our society,especially for those who are confronted with this problem,Now let’s take a look at the American girl in traditional Chinese costume,She looks very beautiful with a nice smile on her face,It seems that the girl is very fond of the Chinese costume.
Obviously,the picture indicates that a culture of one nation may become international,which is beneficial to all the human beings,Since China has opened its door widely to the outside world,many people from different countries want to visit China,They will accept and love the Chinese culture as a whole,In addition,Chinese culture should be well shared with foreign people who have shown their great interest in it,Meanwhile,the Chinese people are also exposed to foreign cultures when more foreign people come to China,In this way people from various nations in the world will be able to acquire better understanding of each other and live peacefully in this world.
My opinion about this cultural phenomenon is that a national culture should become international,This is because the culture of any nation is a kind of precious heritage,and belongs to the whole mankind.
As is shown in this picture,we can see clearly that a charming American girl who is in traditional Chinese costume is smiling to us,The purpose of this picture is that with the development of globalization,great changes have taken place in the world,and one nation’s culture has been accepted by the people from another culture.
why does this phenomenon appear? I think there are several reasons as follows,First,with policy of opening the door to the outside world being well implemented in China,a large number of people from other countries like to visit China and become interested in traditional Chinese culture,Second,due to the easy and fast communications,the distance between various nations has been shortened,and people can get in touch with each other easily,Therefore,cultures from various nations can be exchanged and different cultures can merge together quickly.
In my opinion,people from different countries should learn and share different cultures,Each culture has its own advantages which might be beneficial to another culture,Besides,there is a trend that globalization is going to be accepted in the whole world,Therefore national cultures should gradually become international.
As the picture shows,an American girl in traditional Chinese costume,with a smile on her face,is presented,Obviously,the girl enjoys the culture of traditional Chinese,as many people do,It indicates that a culture of one country will go to international.
Many advantages can be seen when a national culture becomes international,First,it can show the outside world its native culture,For example,China,as a country with a long history,may share her profound culture with the rest of the world,Other countries may benefit from the traditional Chinese culture in many aspects,Second,it will promote communications and exchanges between different cultures from various countries,From my experience,I was very exciting and astonished when I had a chance to know American culture through the English language,In my college life,I am lucky to have several foreign friends,Ideally,my foreign friends and I have learned a lot from each other about the cultures,Third,it is nice for people from different cultural backgrounds to live together and share the different cultures.
In a word,man’s life will be made more colourful when national cultures have become international.
[给分] (13——16分)
As seen from the above picture,an American girl in traditional Chinese costume is smiling to us with friendly looking,There are a lot of bright and beautiful accessories on her body,She dresses in Chinese costume,which is a symbol on behalf of the minority people in our country,From the picture we can draw a conclusion that cultures are national and international,and no limit between different countries,Even if growing up in various countries,we have still the same interests in cultures,not only in America,but also other countries.
In my view,it is no exaggeration to say that cultures are the most important factor,which can make the mankind progress and benefit a great deal from the communication in cultures,other than economic development,I am of the opinion that,in reaction to the phenomenon of cultures tending to be national and international,China should hold the key to success in the 21st century both in economy and cultures,We are required by the world people to open our cultures,Only in this situation can China act in cultures as an important role in the world stage,Of course,faced with the entry in foreign cultures,we must take steps to keep up the alertness against bad minds,My argument to the point is that we can’t throw the baby away with the bath water.
From this picture we can see an American girl who was wearing a Chinese costume,This girl may be a foreign student or a traveller,She seems to like this costume very much,This picture shows a common phenomenon in China even in the whole world,The phenomenon is that the culture becomes international,The phenomenon is not only in China but also in many other countries,Many people begin to go to many different countries and learn different national cultures.
As far as I am concerned,I think this phenomenon is good to us,Firstly,we can learn some good cultures from other countries,and also can make our good culture confront the world,The international trend of culture can promote our cultures proceed,Secondly,the cultures become international,which can make more people know our country,So many people will come to our country to have a jurnal,That can rise our travel economy income,Finally,if the culture becomes international it can contact the people of whole world,That will make the world better.
In a world,the phenomenon of the culture-international can benefit to us,That is a good phenomenon.
[给分] (9——12分)
In the picture,a beautiful girl is dressed in traditional Chinese costume,It’s easy to find that she is an American girl,with a sweet smile on her face,From her expression,we can deduce that she may not only like the costume,but also like the Chinese cultures.
This phenomenon shows us a further meaning—cultural exchange and communication,It’s true that there is a variety of cultures in different countries in the world,But in essence,there aren’t obvious bounds in those cultures,Secondly,because of the need of the development in human society,communication plays a more important part now that it did before,The world has become more smeller than it was,Furthermore,when people learn more cultures of other countries,they will be able to avoid international misunderstanding.
In my opinion,we should magnify and expand those kind of cultures the scope of culture exchange may be extended from traditional costume to custom,social life,education and even economy,In addition,it is necessary that government should promulgate some decrees to promote the cultures-national and international,I wait a day that cultures will be mixed together,In future,the word,country” will no longer exist people from different areas will live in a whole family.
Study the following pictures carefully and write an essay about 200 words based on the following
describe the set of drawings and interpret its meaning
point out its implications in our life.

The two picture describe the flower in the warm-room can’t endure the bad invirnmental,It is most likely that the drawer intends not only to tell us the fact but to set us thinking what is under the iceberg.
For the time being,The entrance of WTO has become the hot topic,Different people have different idea about the entrance of WTO,there are advantages and disadvantages,There are some possible reasons why China important reason for this issue,The most important reason is that the development of China can’t leave nation’s economic will stop developing and will not have a chance to take part in the world economic,Another reason for jointing WTO is that the entrance of WTO could be of great benefit to our nation.
Of course,The coin has two sides,The entrance of WTO has other harmful aspects,but to some extent,It has more advantages,If we can’t take pat in WTO,our country will lost the chance that enhance our power of competition,In my opinion,our nation should be take effect measure to avoid the harmful aspects by ourselves.
[评语] 所述内容与题目无关,是属生搬硬套事先准备的句子。该题得分0分,其原因是文不对题。
[提示] 考生不要死记硬背范文。当然,背诵优美的句子,学习好的表达方式是应该的。 但是,考生应该活学活用,而不是生搬硬套。
As is show by the two pictures,A flower was cowerd with room,It was raining out of the room,The second picture,There is only one dead flower,It’s clear,If move the flower out of the room,That the servere reforestation resulted the flower,dead.
Obviously,The dawer,Through the two pictures,Aims at revealing to us the serious qustions,The children like the flower,
To solve te problem,I think the teacher and the parents and society make a sustained effort,The teacher and the parents sould not only make plans but also ensure rational study lessons of the children,As dor the bread masses of the people,They should fully important the question,In a word,If the teacher and parents and society have really lalizesed and worked on it,There is certain to be an encouraging respect in children glowing.
[评语] 条理不清,词不达意;语句错误多且严重,句子基本上无法理解;字数不足。得分2分。
[提示] 这篇文章存在的许多语法错误在考生作文中较为普遍。如:“It’s clear,If move the flower out of the room,That the servere reforestation resulted the flower,dead.”。该考生虽有勇气使用如“severe”,“reforestation”等较难的词和复杂的句子结构,但是用词不准确,句子结构也不正确。“If”后不能直接接动词原形,而且该考生试图使用的宾语从句结构混乱,主谓宾不清。还有,用词是完全不管词性、词形是否合适,随意累加。
The flower is warm house can’t stand on rain and wind There are two pictures,one is said that a flower can’t be hurt by rain and wind,she grows wondful,The other picture is said that,the flower was took out of the warmhourse,then she died.
The two pictures tell us a turth,our children like the flower,They beautiful and lovely,They have a lot of time and change,They have the future,Parents love their chrildren so much that they keep them under their arms.
But they don’t know their chirldren will never grown up like this,When they go into the sociality,They will find it was so weak themselves for doing anythink,Like the flower in the warmhouse was bring out,It man no experience as a child,he can not almostly make successes,No progress for him,He is fail in study and work.
In my opinion,parents should give the free space to their chirldren,They must learned sovling problems by themself and face to every difficulties in brave,Chirdren can grow better by themself they will be sthrong and healthe.
[评语] 基本包括题目要求的内容,句子可以理解,但语言错误较多。得分6分,分数主要丢失在语言表达的问题上,如:有较多的语法和拼写错误还有一些汉语式的表达。
[提示] 考生平时应多注意拼写,语法结构知识也要掌握好。虽然现在的考试中没有单独测试语法结构的题目,但是语法结构的知识是语言运用中最基本的。基本的语法结构知识掌握得不扎实,语言产出能力肯定会受影响。
The flower growing in the warm house can’t bear raining day,There has been a discussion recently about a pictures---the flower growing in the warm house can’t bear raining day,There are many persepectives about the picture.
I am attracted at a glance of a flower which is growing healthily,Looking at it carefully,I find the flower is protected from the rain outside the warm house,When the warm house is removed,the flower is going to be dead,It looks so slight that couldn’t stand up in the raining day.
Simply designed as the picture is,the symbolic meaning the picture conveys is deep and profound,By drawing the picture,the artist intends not only to tell us about a flower but also to set us thinking about why the flower couldn’t bear the raining day,Nowadays,most families have only one child,So parents are very need,protect them from all things that may be hard to them,Crowing by parents’ protecting,some children are independent,and can’t have the ability to face hard problems.
Thinking about the picture,I think we should encourage children to face some hardship,Only like this,we are able to face the problem we will meet in our lives.
[评语] 内容切题,符合题目要求,表达基本清楚,但有一些结构与用词错误。得分10分。
[提示] 这篇作文中,最后一段的人称使用混乱,这也是考生作文中常见的问题。最后一段的第一句主语是“I”,到了第二句就转成了“we”,第一句中的“we”是泛指,包括作者和读者,而第二句中的“we”却变成了“children”。短短两句却角度几变,让人困惑。
As we can see from the first picture,there is a flower in a greenhouse which is blooming and growing well while it is raining and thundering outside,But in the second picture,the greenhouse is removed,This time,the flower can’t stand in the heavy rain,Compared the two pictures we can conclude that the flowers in a greenhouse are too weak to bare the worse outsetting.
These pictures describe a common social phenomena in China today that children are taken care of and protected by their parents and grandparents so well that they can’t even do anything themselves,When children are young,some reasonable protection and care are acceptable becausee they still have not the ability to live and do things on themselves,But when children grow uph,it is better to let them handle things on their own,On the other hand,ass children grow up,their parents become old too,and it will be children’s turn to take care of their parents,We can’t image a society full of adults having the ability like seven-year-old children,It is harmful to the social development.
Chiinese parents should give their children more opportunities to deal with things themselfves,push them to uncomfortable enviroments to some extent,make them dure some trouble,and so on,all of these will benefit their growing,Only through these,they can tke on greater responsibilitie and have more abilities to fulfill themselves and serve the country and society when they grow up.
[评语] 内容切题,符合题目的各项要求,表达清楚,但有一些语言错误,得分12分。
As depicted in the pictures,the flower in green house cannot stand for the severe storms and may be dead in the near future,What does the author realy want to tell us? In my opinion,the real implication of the author is that everyone has to meet difficulties in their life experiences,so we have to make adequate preparations for them.
There is no denying that a majority of young people,especially who are endored by their rich parents,take their happiness for granted,I am fully convinced that they may inevitable suffer from failures in their future,For the simple reason is that they like the flowers in green house,Therefore,it is necessary for those parents to take some measures to control this trend which may lead to their children’s failure,The best way to solve this problem I think is to give young people opportunites to do things independently,Only in this way can young people confront with difficulties and deal with them easily.
As far as I am concerned,I am greatly in favor of the idea that encouraging young generation practice in hard environments,Because young people can benefit a lot from their own experiences in hard times and earn enough confidence to face their future challenges.
[评语] 内容切题,句式有一定变化,表达清楚,语言错误少,但第一部分描述不够,因此扣除4分,得分16分。
[提示] 按要求写作是最基本的。
It goes without saying that the drawings aim at revealing a common and serious problem in China,how to educate and cultivate the young,Let’s take a closer look at the drawings,In an ideal condition,the flower blooms,But when moved out of the green house,it perishes under the rain and storm,It is obvious that the flower in greenhouse can’t withstand wind and rains.
Nowadays the young generation in China,like the flower in the greenhouse,live under the full protection from their parents,Parents want to show all their love to their children,They give their children all the best things they can afford and do not let their children do anything at home,Self-centeredness and arbitrariness have become a trait of the young generation,Once leaving their parents,many young people cannot make a living of their own,They get lost when stepping into the complex reality and cannot face any hardships and difficulties.
Child education has become one of the most popular topics discussed not only by educational experts,but also by people in all walks of life,The failure of child education does more harm to the development of our society and our civilization than to the children themselves,Thus,it’s high time that parents,educators and the government made concerted efforts to put an end to this situation.
[评语] 内容切题,包含了题目要求的全部内容,表达清楚、连贯,句式多样,用词恰当,符合英语表达方式,得分满分,该作文之所以能获高分,主要因为切中题目,而且语言规范、行文通畅,语句富有变化,用词准确生动。
As described in the two pictures below,the flower which once lived in the greenhouse is destroyed by the storm when the protection of the greenhouse does not work,I think the implication of these pictures concerns the problem existing in children’s education.
Under the policy of family planning in China,more and more families have only one kid,And then the greenhouse of the kid is established by his elder generation,He can acquire all things he wants very easily,but as result he miss same opportunities to solve all kinds of problems by himself in the process of growing up,Under the protection from his elder generation,he consequently doesn’t know such crucial concepts as independence and future,Being compared with the kids ten years ago,the children now are kept away from valuable experience such as going to school by his own foot,having a evening camp and making friends freely,Their parents never allow them to do that which are seemed dangerous,So the boys and girls living the greenhouse will have no future of their own.
The situation is not optimistic to our kids,I think that a feasible of providing help for their healthy growth is to break down the greenhouse,giving them the chance of facing the challenges,The kids have their own thoughts,their own ways and their own future,It is very clear that keeping children away from bad conditions is not right,because excessive protection have harmful consequence that kids will be as fragile as the flower in the greenhouse.
It is shown in the first picture that the flower grows very well in the warmhouse,The warmhouse seperates the outside environment and the flower inside,Although it is winding and storming,the flower still grows up well,Then in the second picture,we can see that the flower die out under the storm,Without the protect of the warmhouse,flower can’t grow up well.
From the two set of drawings,we can infer that the flower lives under the overtake protect can’t affort the natural environment without the warehouse.
In our life,our generation seems like the flower,When we are young,our parents who want us grow up well always protect us away from troubles and difficults,They do everything they could for us only for our happiness,However,they ignore the disadvantages,Our life are full of happiness and leak of storms,More and more people worry about the people grown up in sugar,how can we face the competition and afford the social duty? As one lived in such an environment,I think the parents should give their children more free and let them deal some difficults by themselves,In that case,the children will grow up healthy and improve the ability to face the challenge.
It can been seen from the pictures that the flower is in blossom within the greenhouse which protects it against the thunder,lightning and rain,On the contrary,there is only a stem left and the petals and leaves have fallen down without the protection of the greenhouse.
It mirrors the growth of our children in the society,It is obviously that our standard of life is higher and higher with the rapid development of our society,Moreover,there are no brothers and sisters because of the Family Planning Policy,Therefore,grandparents and parents inevitably go far in protecting the children,And,they even spoil their children,at the same time,and deprieve the opportunities to exercise the ability to adopt the changing environment,Once do the children have to face the society alone which is full of challenge and change,they will not gear with the rhythm of it with the depressed and discouraged feeling,Indeed,it is harmful to pay more protection to children for their growth.
As far as I am concerned that it is a warning in regard to the education of children,We should give children the chances to contact the society that entitle them to have the ability to adapt it,Accordingly,children should make good use of these occasions to increase the capability sustaining the influence of diversely social environment.
As is shown in the set of the drawings,while it is raining heavily and blowing strongly outside,a flower remains blooming in the greenhouse,The greenhouse provides a flower with comfortable environment,such as proper temperature,abundant water and whatever nutrients it needs,and prevent it from the threat of lighting and storm as well,However,it is hard for the flower used to grow in the greenhouse to survive from the storm without the greenhouse.
To begin with,the purpose of the pictures is to show us that flowers growing in the greenhouse cannot undergo the test of the storm,Moreover the symbolic meaning of the cartoons should be taken seriously,In the paintings,the flower stands for the young generation in the current society,and the greenhouse symbolizes the exceeded care of their parents,which keep the young from the frustration and challenges,As parents’ exceeded care has weaken their competitiveness and abilities to face the troubles,when they begin to live independently,the young cannot be even faced with the hardships strongly in the modern society where the competition turns more intense than it used to be.
To sum up,for one thing,it is advisable that the young should take the initiative to face the difficulties and accept more challenges,For another,it is wise for the parents to give their children much more freedom to deal with the problems,Only in this way can young people strengthen their competitiveness and be winners in the intensely competitive society.
These tow pictures depict a clear comparison of a plant of flower situated in tow opposite conditions which lead to tow completely different consequence,The flower in the first picture which is screened in a greenhouse from violent storm lives quite comfortably while in the other,the flower suffering from the storm whose life is wretched almostly has been ruined and seems in no chance it will survive,These suggest that a flower in greenhouse cannot immune to malignant environment.
This can be a best metaphor for single-born children which are the majority nowadays among Chinese adolescents,As is the only kid,his parents pour all their affection to him which was shared by several kids just before our generation,Parents' love just like a greenhouse protecting their kids from any potential difficulties or setbacks,lest they could be hurt as fragile babies,Consequently,children being brought up with such protection over a span of their childhood will prove vulnerable when they get in to our competitive society as adults,Failures,stresses,unluck,etc,which may probablely emerge during their mature life,could also probablely distrust their courage to face up to these problems.
So I'd like to present my private views about this issue that our society evolves through one essential mechanism that we can call it "social selection" associated to natural selection which is working in the same way,One's competitiveness cannot be developed by mere protection but his adaption to environment,Conclusively,adolescents' experiences of difficulties may be their possetions to deal with grater challenges in the future.
Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should
1,describe the drawing.
2,interpret its meaning,and
3,support your view with examples.
You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2,

The cartoon depicts a vivid picture in which an athlete,dripping sweat,is rushing to the end,Obviously,he wins the match,but this is not the key message conveyed by the picture,The most striking feature of the drawing is that the same line is marked as both,the start” and,the end”,which indicates that although the athlete came to the finish,a new race is waiting for him.
The idea conveyed by the cartoon is apparent,the end is a new start,It is widely accepted that we should not be satisfied with the present achievement,for nowadays new challenges and competition never stop,The market economy and competitive society drives many people studying hard for higher academic degrees,some of them even seeking the opportunities to study abroad,We should spare no efforts improving ourselves,master high technology and professional skills,The we can make use of it to devote ourselves to society.
Take my father as an example,He was denied higher education for historical reasons,But by self-study he became a technician in a factory,Many people thought he was content,But he never stopped studying,He took courses of law in his spare time,Later he became a lawyer.,The finishing point is just a new starting point”,he said to me.
As is shown in the picture,on arriving at the finishing line of a race on the playground,the lovely young man has to continue his new journey in no time instead of stopping to take a rest,He has successfully settled the puzzle of,stopping or going on” which might have confused many others.
With the increasing pace of modern life,perhaps no change has characterized the past decase more dramatically than that of people’s view on their own life,It is generally agreed upon that people have to adjust themselves to this new change,On the one hand,no doubt,people will gain a lot by setting new goals in their daily life,take the famous scientist Thomas Edison for example,He had done very well in his early life,but continued to pursue something more difficult all through his life,On the other hand,if one is obsessed with the success he has achieved,he would lose the chance to pursue new success,What is more,he may become the slave of his success,There are many cases showing that people lose their courage to better themselves after becoming successful.
To sum up,one’s view on his success determines his future,In my opinion,it is necessary to carry out a nation-wide campaign publicizing people who have a burning desire for more and ever greater achievement when they are already well-known,So that people in the society will develop a forward-looking attitude and make their life worth living and the world more beautiful as well.
Here is a drawing of a running boy who is reaching the finishing line,He looks tired but happy because we can see he will be the winner of a race,But just before the finishing-line which is decorated beautifully by flags and trees,writes two Chinese characters which mean,Start point”,Under this drawing lies its title,finishing-point is a new start-point as well.”
We can easily understand what this drawing wants to tell us,Our life is just like a race in which we will have many short-time aims,When we achieve our aims,we will be happy and think we have finished the race,However,we will soon realize that a finishing-point is just an new start-point,We don’t have much time to stay and take a rest,The race is still going on,and we have to run,We will soon have new aims and join new races and try our best to be the first place.
I have learned this when I was a child,When I got the first place in a singing contest in my primary school,my teacher told me to forget it after informing me this good news,I did not understand at that time,But soon I met more girls and boys who could sing better in other contests and when I was lost afterwards I understand that if I fulfilled what I had already got,I would not always be the first,So I kept on running,I kept on running when I got to the middle-school with the first-class score,where I met new classmates and joined a new race,Similarly when I got to university I didn’t stop,A finishing-line just means the past,Maybe you were the best,but that does not mean you can always be if you don’t know a new race has begun.
A finishing point is a new start point as well,We shall always remember.
There’s always no real end of a road for a person,Endpoint may also be a start point,As the drawing describes,having reached an end point,one should not stop,For it’s a new start at the same time,and he has to continue to run,It reveals that one the way of our life,we have to forget what we have got,look forward and run straight to another point.
Take myself for example,I’ll finish my college education in this summer,It’s an end of my four years’ study,but it’s also a new start of my life,I could choose to pursue my study or to find a job,Both mean a new start,If I just stand at the point without doing anything,others who were behind me will catch me up,So all I have to do is to forget the past and to continue running,As I want to pursue my study,I will choose the graduate entrace examination and becoming a graduate as my new start point,For the new aim,I’ll not stop for a minute,Perhaps someone will ask:,Won’t you feel tired while there is no end?” My answer will be:”Run further,Get more and Be happier”
Time is limited for everyone of us,We could not waste it hesitating about what to do next at an endpoint,Look forward,a new way is waiting for us,Let’s go!
The drawing depicts that a boy after a long distance running,is just hitting the ending rod,There are two marks on the ground,The one after the boy marks,ending” and the one in front of the boy marks,starting”.
From the drawing,we can conclude easily that,Ending Means Another Beginning”,Defferent races that come around one after another consist our lives,We have no choice but to face them,In college,we,run” with our classmates,In company,we,run” with our colleagues,During the race,we must always try out best for if you are lazy you will loss your position,To,run” faster and to keep up with the quick development of modern technology and our society is the principle of future society,The early you end the race,the early you can begin the next one the more chances you may held.
Now days with the quick development of technology,we scientific college student must try to keep up with it,We shouldn’t satisfied with what we have achieved,Developing is the first principle,The only thing we can do now is running and developing.
From the picture,it can be seen that a boy is rushing through the termination in the playground,with rainy sweats on his head,But he can not stop and continue to run forwards,obviously,he know that it does not mean that he has completely succeed,ahead of him there will still be a long way to go.
Clearly,the drawer,through the picture,aims at revealing to us such a opinion that whatever things people are engaged in,always,exist as a course and striving for grand ambitions should not be put to an end,As the title goes,termination just signals a newer scratch.
We can take as one example the economic development of our country,We,as is known to all the world,have experienced such large amounts of changes in the previous twenties years,as GDP’s ever-lasting increase and people’ living standards’ drastic improvement,Faced with these honorable achievements,however,our government again lay down new planning for agriculture and industry,Another case in point is that we,like the two little trees in the picture,today participate the test of graduate admission with a purpose of furthering our tomorrow’s studies,Entering graduate’s education is not the eventual aim,but a new beginning of a longer journey,Only if we persevere to work hard and go all out to do everything we like to do,in a lifetime,will we be successful persons.
The place of end point is also the starting point,From the picture,we can see a young man who is running toward the end point,it’s very clearly to show that everyone of us must effect and can’t stop for the aim of us in the fierce competition society,As we all know,firstly,a young man who study and work in he modern society need have a spirit of to study hard and activity,to keep a good situation and position.
For instance,this year is my ninth year after when I graduated,after nine years,I’m always feeling need to continue study to improve my knowledge of major,because,this society developing is so rapidly,if I can’t catch more knowledge of now about my major,I will can’t keep the continous developing society,So I think,personally,It’s like the sportman of the picture that only continue to run and effort toward the place of end point,that is necessary to young people in the society.
In summary,my final conclusion is only t continue running toward end place and the place is also a new starting for another aim,only so,It’s a spirit of all young people,although the road is very hardship,but this is very important to us.
As is known to all people should never give up hard working,Just like a drawing has told us,In the drawing,there is a runner who has reached the end,but he doesn’t stop,he is keeping on running,The runner doesn’t have a rest because of he knows the end is also the new being.
Different people,however,have different opinions on whether we should keep on running or have a rest at the end of a job,Some people think we should keep on running,because the end is also the new being,In their opinion if one want to be a successor must always works hard,Others think we won’t keep on running,we should take a rest,In their opinion they can’t do a painswork,To my view,I think the end is also the new being,we must do our best to keep on running,working,For example,Chinese people has fight against SARS for several months,and we got a stage success,but we shouldn’t have a rest,because if we don’t take care of SARS and if we don’t keep on working hard,perhaps we will be ill again.
As far as I am concend,I think we should keep on running at the end becase the end is also the new being,and I believe if we want to be success keep on running is both soundable and well-grounted.
The runner get to the end of the run-way but he get to the began of the run-way too.
The over is the begain,it is not meaning that the begain is not according the end,The begain is wew level’s begain,It means that the other thing begainin to do.
The thing must go to the other begain of one the begain,The success must base on the other success,if not,the world would not develop.
To me,it is this sureacion.
I have finished minlity school,it is the end,but I begain to study,university lass,it is the begain,I begain to study university class is base on that having finished the minling school class.
If not,I can’t study university class.
The begain is new begain.
it can be seen from the above picture that a body is running in the playgount,and his right foot is on a line,At the right od line is written end,and at the left of the line is written beginning,And there is no sign that he want to stop.
One line is the end of one thing and also is the beginning of the other thing,In my opinion,there is the meaing of the picture that things are again to again,We complicated something,the other is start.
There are many in point case about this,When we completed the middle school,we need a beginning of the university,When we completed the work of one source,it is time to beginning of do other source,Because the before source is the base of the ofter source,There is no end in the world,you must run again and again,that is the meaning of life,life can ofters a thougsand chances that is one beginning of something,but you have to do is to come to the end of another things.
1,There are for the in…
2,There are several reasons for my
3,Why …? Finally / Perhaps the
4,The for … are,
5,A number of factors could the,
6,Another is…
7,… also the,
8,the is…
9,Among the most by people for…,one should be
10,The in…
11,One may the back to…
12,One may trace the back to…
13,… is not
14,But it doesn’t the why… / of…
15,You may …,But the for the go far deeper.
16,The fault is with who…
17,Factor / We may look into every / The leading cause except the real one.
18,It is no to the reason for this
which involves many / several factors
2,The that…
3,From the given in the,we can that…
4,The of …,
of last year.
5,The,compared with…
6,The is of 1990.
7,The was X percent,than of the 1998 total.
8,By comparison with 1990,it
9,It has
10,It accounts for 15 percent of the total.
11,By 1998,
12,A has B
13,A has the same of as…
14,… there
15,The number of…
16,There March,
17,that is the rate in history.
18,The remained
19,The reached
20,The figure 90 percent,the highest level ever recorded since 1960
1,First,… Second … Worse still…
2,It may a of problems
3,It will on …
4,It may a in…
5,This will some consequences
6,There are a number of …
7,The has not been to …
8,The result it …
9,Just if …
10,show(s) that …
11,is …
1,Personally,I’m …
2,is that…
3,both and
4,The advantages of B A
5,The effect of is heightened by another advantage B enjoys
6,A’s advantages when B’s advantages are
7,When the advantages and disadvantages of … are carefully compared,the most striking
8,Although A with B in … a/the advantage of…,it can’t compete…
1,Whether it has more advantages one thing is certain,…
2,The great with the is that …
3,… that …
4,You may that…,but…
5,There is no that…
6,A good is…
7,I doubt whether the argument bear .
8, to I argue…
9,Although the is that …,
A that…
10,Although there is a tendency to think that…
11,They may be right about…,but they seem to fail to
12, as are these arguments,they appear
when… is taken into consideration account.
13,The with the is…
14,There is an element of truth in the but they ignore a deeper and more
fact/reason that…
15. What these people fail to understand is that…
Take…for example,
For example,…
Suppose that…
When asked about…,most people say
When it comes to…,some people think
There is a public debate today
Now,it is widely believed
Many of us believe that
To the general public
Now a lot of people feel
In reaction to the idea,some people say
… is a common way of…,but is it a wise one
these days we often hear about
we are often shown these days
Recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concern
Recently the problem has been brought into focus
Many nations have been faced with the problem
One of the searching questions facing our world is
One of the biggest issues many people talk about is
Now most dangerous for our society is
Inflation is another bitter truth we have to face now
An acute shortage of…is now under way
Here and there across the country
Now in many big cities
With the rapid development of
Nowadays there is a growing tendency
In recent few years there is a sudden increase
Any visitor to this city would be surprised
Whenever you see…,you cannot help
Nothing is more dangerous than
Nowhere in history has the issue been more visible
It is time we exploded the myth
Perhaps we should rethink the idea
Now people are beginning to realize
Now there is a growing awareness
We might marvel at the progress
One of the great early writers said
“Knowledge is power.” Such is the remark of
“…” That’s how one official complained
“…” The same idea is voiced by
“…” How often we hear such words like those
For years it had been viewed as…But now
People used to think… But things are different
Several years ago,people…Now
After a good many years of efforts…,people begin
It is a traditional way to… But now the pendulum
Throughout our lives
In recent years,there is a steady shift
Last Sunday I… The story is not rare
Once in a street,… The problem has drawn public attention
I have a friend who…Such a dilemma we often meet
Once upon a time…The story still has a realistic significance
A factory worker who…
Should…? Opinions vary greatly
What do you think…?
Why…? Many people pose the question like this
Why?… of all the complaints
From what has been discussed above,we may draw the conclusion
The evidence upon all sides points to
In summary,it is important
In conclusion,I would like to say
The real lesson to be learnt
We must search for a quick action,because if
Obviously,if we ignore the problem,it is likely
Any person who ignores the warning would
We need to take a second look at…,otherwise
It might be time to take the warning
It is time that we urged an end to
It is necessary that steps should be taken
There is no doubt that attention must be paid
Obviously…If we are to…,it is essential
It is hoped that efforts be made
In short,we should
What we need is
It is high time… Here are a few examples
While it cannot be solved immediately,still there are ways
Awareness of the problem is the first step
If we are to succeed as a people
Many solutions are being offered here
There is no easy method,but…might be helpful
No easy method is at hand,but…might be the first step
One’s first reaction to such suggestions
What will happen to…? One thing is certain
To…is not an easy job,and it requires a different outlook
It is clear that the task demands great efforts
We have done…But we will achieve more if
True,there may be questions we can not answer
The great challenge today is
We may have a long way to go before
There is no better time to start than
It remains to be seen whether
Following these methods may not..,but the pay-off might be worth the effort
Certainly,…but it will
The importance cannot be overemphasized
Anyhow it has a far-reaching influence
To participate in…is an experience…
The problem is something no one can avoid
We are now entering a new era which calls for
Anyhow,whether it is good or not,one thing is certain
Edison is right in saying
A long time ago,a great man said
…,says a great man
If we want to achieve our success
I agree with the writer
As Lincoln once remarked
if we consider…,is it
Can anyone really doubt
Years ago,I heard a story
There are many reasons for
Why…? For one thing
It is no easy job to advance the reasons
It is fairly easy to identify the reason
The answer to this problem involves many factors
The reasons are varied,They include
Thanks to
The increase mainly stems from the fact
…partly because…,partly because
…not because…,but because
…not come from…,but from
One may attribute the change to
One tends to view the trend as a response to
One may trace this problem back to
That’s the reason why
A number of factors could account for the success
A number of factors,both individual and social,affect
These factors,coupled with the growth of…,lead to
Many factors weigh heavily for
The factors that contribute to…include
Among the most important reasons cited by people is
One of the most popular reasons is
Part of the explanation is
This is due to several factors
Another important reason is
Also playing a part is
…is also responsible for the change
of course,the growth is not the sole reason for
some people suggest that the fault is…
we may look into every possible reason except
it is only the surface explanation for
we may blame…,but the causes go far deeper
There are a number of effects
The effects is evident
It will exert a profound influence
It may cause a sweeping change
The influence has not been confined to
It leaves some serious consequences
It may give rise to a host of problems
The immediate result it produces is
…is the net result
The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages
Although A enjoys a distinct advantage
There are several advantages
The effect of comparison is heightened by
When the advantages and disadvantages are weighed
A means nothing when…is mentioned
Indeed,A carries much weight when compared with
Serious as the problem may be,it pales into insignificance
A may be…but it suffers from the disadvantages
For all the disadvantages,it has its compensating advantages
Obviously,it has both negative effects and positive effects
There are advantages and disadvantages
Like anything else,it has its faults
However,it is not without weaknesses
But is it all good? when considering the drawbacks
Nothing can equal
Nothing is more…than
…more… than is possible to
…more…than would
…is more…than
A is not…any more than
A is no less,Than B is
Just as A…,so B
The same is true of
A is as much as B
A and B have several things in common
A bears some resemblances to B
A…So/Nor is B
… is like…
While on the one hand
A…,whereas B
A and B differ in several ways
Both…,but they differ in
What A views…,B may see
But the same cannot be applied to
In the past,…But now it is no longer
Although…,I doubt whether the argument bears much analysis
Although the popular belief is…,a study indicates
Although the inclination is laudable,one may wonder
Although it is widely felt…,it is unlikely
Many people…,but this claim may be doubted
Most of us have been under the illusion
People tend to think…,There is no more reason to believe… than there is to think that
They may be right in asserting
In all the debate over…,one fact is overlooked
It is true…,but one point is being left out
It is true that…,but this is not to say
You may say…,It probably will
Some people suggest…,But what these people fail to understand is
Some people say…,But this doesn’t hold
There is an element of truth…,but
A close examination would reveal how
Closer scrutiny shows the claim may not be merited by
At first thought,it may seem…,but one second thoughts
Logical as these arguments
For all the claim,it is a common knowledge
As opposed to…,facts challenge the opinion
It is a common belief
We have been brought up to believe
People tend to cling to the idea
They argue that…,and that
Some people argue that…,But the opposite is usually the case
Some people assume that…,Quite the contrary
There are those who hold that…,And on the other hand,…
People object to the idea
To claim that… is far from being proved
To suggest…is exactly as if you
Such proposals are an assault on the value
If one advocates…,it is no good being disturbed
It makes no sense to argue for…,but object to
Them main problem with this view is
The obvious flaw in the idea is
Too much emphasis placed on…may overlook
In many cases,public dissatisfaction is unfair
What a foolish idea
The absurdity is obvious here
It is wrong to think
It is ironic that
It would be absurd to believe
There is no reason to believe
But the argument simply doesn’t hold
—an opinion desirable but short-sighted
The statement rests on the assumption
It is a good thing to…,But is it
They are not wrong to put emphasis on…,but
It is all very well to criticize…,but
It is generally believed that
It is wise…,But it is probably less wise
It would be reasonable…,Yet I’m not so sure
It is one thing to insist…,it is quite another
It seems quite likely
There is every chance that
It is clear that
It seems natural
It is more accurate to say
It is pretty certain
Fortunately it is often the case
It is urgently necessary to note
It is…that really matters
What surprises us most is
It is horrifying to find
There is no denying
The plain fact is that
The problem is that
No wonder that
It should come as a surprise to learn
Perhaps it is rightly said that
Of course,it would be an error to suggest
On the face of it,it sounds ridiculous,Yet it is true
We may find much to be said for
We can…,but we may never
… is measured more by…than by
To do…is not…,but rather
It does not…but
Historically,our society has taken a dim view of
In fact,… is not the bad thing it is often held to be
This is not to say that… That would be silly
Don’t get the idea that
Little is said about
Along with the awareness…comes
It is not that I don’t wish
…,so the arguments go
there are three kinds
If this is the case,we may
This may be true if
If…,it is simply because
If…,why shall we
If half the money were spent on
Having recognized…,it follows
Of course,if you…,But as soon as
But even if it could be proved
… would be of little use unless
… may be difficult,if not impossible
No amount of indignation can
Even a minor improvement can
The smallest change can
Anyone with the least knowledge can tell
A little study of…can help
Who is to say if
It is almost impossible… without
Hardly anyone… without
You can’t… without
It doesn’t matter whether
No matter how
Whatever the causes
However urgent the need
The more…; the more
… never… let alone
… is often cited as an example
A good case in point is
The most dramatic example
This offers a typical example
To the familiar facts,another may be added
As an illustration,we may take
History is filled with the examples
…,for one
Consider the case of
Take,for example
I recall from my childhood
What shall we say,for example
But consider,for example,
A very similar story can be told
Such examples might be given indefinitely
I can think of no better illustration than
The case is only one example
Suppose that
Legend has it that
Let us suppose that
Just think of
Just imagine what would be like if
There is hardly a man
It is a rare man who
No one can deny the fact
We must face the fact
This brings out a fact
Yet it can’t change the fact
There is no justification for
The idea is hardly supported by facts
There is strong evidence that
All reliable data justify the view
Personal experience teaches me
Recent studies indicate
Tests have found that
According to an experiment
We have whole history to tell
Evidence is piling up that
Unortunately,none of the available data shows
As evidenced in the reports
While it may be true,the evidence suggests
Although…,the available information shows
Nothing could be more obvious than the evidence
You don’t have to look very far to find out the truth
No one is comfortable with the fact
This has proved to be the case
But the most surprising thing is
The most striking fact
There are instances when
Gone are the days when
One may not forget the old days
Wrote Edison,a great inventor
Many years ago,a writer remarked
As one scientist wrote
A noted teacher once told me
Many researchers find
… increased/decreased by X percent
… rose/dropped almost twice,compared with
A report estimates that the number is half the national average
… the number has more than doubled,as against
… the percentage was… — X percent more than the 1990 level
More than three-quarters people preferred
There were a X percent decline this year,a drop of X percentage point from
The rate has reached an average of X percent
It accounts for X percent of the total
After leveling off for 3 years,the rate starts rising once again
To understand the truth of…,it is important to see
To get a sense of how…,we must turn first to
To illustrate this point,let us consider
A study of… will make this point clear
But you may ask
But if
But that’s only part of the story
Another equally important aspect is
Closely connected with this is
… may further be supported by
… is but one of many effects,Another is
Besides,other ways are
… is also harmful
So does…
No less important
Not only…but also
Despite the difficulty
On the other hand,
Rather than
But the opposite is usually true
A,Article 冠词
a,The machines could not run and people would have to fall back on their hands to produce what are essential for them to keep alive.
b,Machines could not run and people would have to fall back on their hands to produce what are essential for them to keep alive.
a,Pollution is the biggest problem of the cities.
b,Pollution is the biggest problem of the cities.
a,The housing problem in big cities is rather a headache to both government and people.
b,The housing problem in big cities is rather a headache to both the government and people.
a,Bicycle is the most common means of transport in our country.
b,The bicycle/A bicycle is the most common means of transport in our country.
a,On the contrary,the percentages of milk and meat are on a rise.
b,On the contrary,the percentages of milk and meat are on the rise.
a,We can’t avoid being beaten by the others.
b,We can’t avoid being beaten by others.
a,And once the artificial-intelligent robots were put into use,what would these clever,people” do to their producers?
b,And once robots with artificial-intelligence were put into use,what would these clever,people” do to their producers?
a,For an example,with the wide adoption of the automatic working apparatuses,more and more people will lose their jobs in the future.
b,For example,with the wide adoption of the automatic working apparatuses,more and more people will lose their jobs in the future.
a,Almost everyday I open TV at 6:30 p.m,and wait for the news program.
b,Almost everyday I turn on the TV at 6:30 p.m,and wait for the news program.
a,Then,during the second part,we’re showed some pictures of the foreign customs.
b,Then,during the second part,we’re showed some pictures of foreign places and customs.
a,My favourite programme is called,The Animal World”,which is provided by CCTV every Sunday night.
b,My favourite programme is called,Animal World”,which is provided by CCTV every Sunday night.
a,It provides us with natural scenes and the life of all kinds of wild animals,with the explanation by the narrator.
b,It provides us with views of natural scenes and a look of the life style of all kinds of wild animals,with an explanation by the narrator.
a,Not only do the leaders of the countries visit the foreign countries,but also the common people visit abroad.
b,Not only do the leaders of countries often visit the foreign countries,but also the common people visit abroad.
a,I think they are the questions of great interest.
b,I think they are questions of great interest.
a,In short,the bad ads can be classified into two categories,One category has the bad purpose,The advertisers want to sell cigarettes,drinks,guns and so on.,..The other category of bad ads are those in which the advertiser use violence and sex to promote their sales.
b,Generally speaking,the bad ads can be classified into two categories,One category has a bad purpose,The advertisers want to sell things like cigarettes,alcohol,and guns.,..The other category of bad ads are those in which the advertiser use violence and sex to promote their sales.
a,This seems to be on fashion now.
b,This seems to be in fashion now.
a,And also,they treat the firecrackers as the heritage of the Chinese culture.
b,And also,they treat firecrackers as the heritage of the Chinese culture.
a,Finally we can teach ourselves and learn the new knowledge.
b,Finally we can teach ourselves and learn new knowledge.
a,Higher English level will help you to find a satisfactory job in the future.
b,A higher English level will help you to find a satisfactory job in the future.
a,Some students whose major is chemistry,math or physics and so on would think that when they graduate from the college they’ll not apply English any more.
b,Some students with majors like chemistry,math or physics would think that when they graduate from college they’ll not use English any more.
a,Such opinion leads to surprising waste of water.
b,Such an opinion leads to a shocking waste of water.
a,And wide spread of education is also a good reason.
b,And the wide spread of education is also a good reason.
a,The given graph tells us the changes of life expectancy and infant mortality of the developing countries in 1960 and 1990.
b,The given graph tells us the changes of life expectancy and infant mortality in the developing countries in 1960 and 1990.
a,There are other countless examples,All in all,we must keep the proverb in mind for lifetime——Practice makes perfect.
b,There are other countless examples,In a word,we must keep the proverb in mind for a lifetime——Practice makes perfect.
a,Community services as well as mass media are both golden chances to practice our ability,through which we can learn to cooperate with people,to contribute our intelligence to the society.
b,Community services is a golden chance to use our ability,through which we can learn to cooperate with people and contribute our intelligence to society.
a,I don’t think numbers have anything to do with the luck.
b,I don’t think numbers have anything to do with luck.
B,Nouns 名词
a,Even a lot of entertainment such as TV,recording and films need electricity.
b,Even a lot of entertainment such as TV,recordings and films need electricity.
a,People who suggested this said that one cause of the heavy traffic is traffic accident.
b,People who suggested this said that one cause of the heavy traffic is traffic accidents.
a,Two solutions have been recommended so far,and each one has both advantage and disadvantage.
b,Two solutions have been recommended so far,and each one has both advantages and disadvantages.
a,Man has lived in this world for thousands of years,They fight against nature from time to time and they survive.
b,Human beings have lived in this world for thousands of years,They have fought against nature from time to time and they have survived.
a,As long as we don’t give up and believe in ourselves,and in the meantime learn something from failure,we’ll certainly make our marks in the end.
b,As long as we don’t give up keeping believing in ourselves,and in the meantime learn something from failure,we’ll certainly make our mark in the end.
a,With money we can travel widely and have more experience.
b,With money we can travel widely and have more experiences.
a,What money will ring you depends on your personal belief and goal in life.
b,What money will ring you depends on your personal beliefs and goals in life.
a,During this process,job interview has arisen and appeared more and more important.
b,During this process,the job interview has arisen and appeared more and more important.
a,First,the interviewer can tell something about the job to the interviewee such as the wage,the work conditions and some other things which is relevant to the job.
b,First,the interviewer can tell something about the job to the interviewee such as the wages,the working conditions and something else which is relevant to the job.
a,They think that fresh water comes from such varieties of sources that it is always sufficient for use.
b,They think that fresh water comes from such a variety of sources that it is always sufficient for use.
a,The primary cause is that we can expand our horizon.
b,The primary cause is that we can expand our horizons.
a,In their opinion,people who change their job frequently are superficial and tactless.
b,In their opinion,people who change their jobs frequently are imprudent and tactless.
a,They range from foods,clothes to radios,TV sets,and even some medicine is fake,which has brought a lot of troubles in our daily life.
b,They range from foods,clothes to radios,TV sets,and even medicines are fake,which has brought a lot of troubles to our daily life.
a,First,government should forbid the fake commodities by law.
b,First,the government should forbid the fake commodities by law.
a,The fresh air and beautiful sceneries will attract people to leave the overcrowded city.
b,The fresh air and beautiful scenery will attract people to leave the overcrowded city.
a,Nowadays radios and TV play a more and more important role in our daily life.
b,Nowadays radio and TV play a more and more important role in our daily life.
a,For example,setting off firecrackers often sets fire to buildings,and causes many damages.
b,For example,setting off firecrackers often sets fire to buildings,and causes a lot of damage.
a,They think only when they are absorbed in one work can they do it well.
b,They think only when they are devoted to one job can they do it well.
a,Even a lot of entertainments such as TV,recordings and films need electricity.
b,Even a lot of entertainment such as TV,recordings and films need electricity.
a,A great deal of new subjects,which are actually derived from both natural and social science,has come into existence and enrich the sea of human knowledge greatly.
b,A great number of new subjects,which are actually derived from both natural and social science,has come into existence and enriched the sea of human knowledge greatly.
a,They have little chance to find jobs.
b,They have little chance to find work.
a,They don’t get equal pay for equal job.
b,They don’t get equal pay for equal work.
a,For example,in reporting,a reporter can use it(tape recorder) instead of the old means of writing them on a notebook.
b,For example,a reporter can use it in interviews instead of the old means of writing them on a notebook.
a,Furthermore,tapes which contain sex and violence will lead young people into evil ways and do harm to their growth.
b,Furthermore,recordings which contain sex and violence will lead young people into evil ways and do harm to their growth.
a,With more and more people coming into this world,human beings are now in danger of food shortage because the land on which man can grow rice remains the same.
b,With more and more people coming into this world,human beings are now in danger of food shortage because the amount of land on which man can grow food crops remains the same.
a,It can lessen the crowding degree of streets and speed up the flow of traffic.
b,It can lessen the crowdedness of streets and speed up the flow of traffic.
a,In spite of all this,the greenization progress is relatively slow compared with cities in other countries.
b,In spite of all this,the green process is relatively slow compared with cities in other countries.
a,In the meantime,the grain requirement in people’s diet consequently kept dropping.
b,In the meantime,the grain consumption in people’s diet consequently kept dropping.
a,With the development of the standard of living,people now can afford to buy more milk and meat than before.
b,With the improvement of the standard of living,people now can afford to buy more milk and meat than before.
a,Two new roads were finished at the end of last year,and are expected to open to cars soon.
b,Two new roads were finished at the end of last year,and are expected to open to traffic soon.
a,There are many reasons which have caused such a change.
b,There are many factors which have caused such a change.
a,Learning English is not an easy thing.
b,Learning English is not an easy task.
a,They will push our society to a higher position.
b,They will push our society to a higher level of development.
a,Through participation,everyone can learn that on the playground he not only competes for himself but also for his team.
b,Through participation,everyone can learn that on the playing field he not only competes for himself but also for his team.
a,Motorcycles are much cheaper and consume much less oil than cars.
b,Motorcycles are much cheaper and consume much less gas than cars.
a,I believe one day motorcycles will become the most widely used traffic vehicles in China.
b,I believe one day motorcycles will become the most widely used vehicles in China.
a,Motorcycles,as a new type of traffic,is accepted by more and more people.
b,Motorcycles,as a new type of vehicle,are accepted by more and more people.
a,And the most important character is its fast rhythm.
b,And the most important character is its fast pace.
a,On the one hand,the interviewer can introduce the main thing of the job he will provide to the interviewee,such as the specific things the interviewee should do if he takes the job,and the conditions for the job,and the wage or the profit the interviewee will get.
b,On the one hand,the interviewer can introduce the main aspects of the job opening to the interviewee,such as the specific requirements for the job,the working conditions,and the wages and benefits the interviewee will get.
a,Now,when a person is hunting for a job,there will always be a job interview.
b,Today when a person is hunting for a job,there are almost always job interviews.
a,In contrast,still a few of civilians expect the government to call off this regulation.
b,However,there are still a few citizens who expect the government to call off this ban.
a,Nowadays,there are two-day weekend in China.
b,Now there are two-day weekend in China.
a,However,some people still believe that fresh water is quite adequate for us.
b,However,some people still believe that fresh water supply is quite adequate for us.
a,You should practice under the direction of a teacher.
b,You should be trained under the direction of an instructor.
a,We ignore the natural laws completely and what turned out was a nationwide waste of sources.
b,We ignore the natural laws completely and what turned out was a nationwide waste of resources.
a,Suppose a student is expected to show up and give his presentation at class soon,He is in such a hurry that he may leave his presentation at home.
b,Suppose a student is expected to show up and give his presentation at class soon,He is in such a hurry that he leaves his manuscript at home.
a,I think a permanent pursue means nothing stagnant,because whatever career it is,once you devote yourself to it,it will give you pleasure and excitement.
b,I think a permanent pursuit means nothing will become stagnant,because whatever career it is,once you devote yourself to it,it can give you pleasure and excitement.
a,The magic power of the lucky numbers is just the vision s of some people.
b,The magic power of the lucky numbers is just the illusion s of some people.
a,They hope their call numbers,car numbers and other codes will include the number,8”.
b,They hope their call numbers,car numbers and other codes will all include the figure 8.
a,Some people think that certain numbers will bring good luck to them,With such a thought,they always want to get lucky numbers whatever they are doing.
b,Some people think that certain numbers will bring good luck to them,With such a belief,they always want to get lucky numbers whatever they are doing.
a,This directly causes the problem of the world’s food shortage,housing and lack of jobs.
b,This directly causes the problem of the world’s food shortage,housing shortage and lack of jobs.
a,From the figures,we can see easily that the proportions of grain,fruit and vegetables have declined a little,while that of milk and meat has risen.
b,From the figures,we can see easily that the proportion of grain,fruit and vegetables has declined a little,while that of milk and meat has risen.
C,Adjectives 形容词
a,Husbands and wives are now equal in the family.
b,Husbands and wives are now more equal in the family.
a,Also,you can hardly find out that in today’s families,women are being busy with dinners whereas men are comfortably sitting in armchairs reading newspapers.
b,Also,in today’s families it is more and more rare to find women busy with dinners whereas men are comfortably sitting in armchairs reading newspapers.
a,And there are times when we fail to do more satisfactory work.
b,And there are times when we fail to do satisfactory work.
a,I try my best to read more English articles to speed up my reading,because I believe the more I read the faster I can improve my reading comprehension.
b,I try my best to read as many English articles as possible to speed up my reading,because I believe the more I read the faster I can improve my reading comprehension.
a,So they often spend less time reading,listening and doing some exercises.
b,So they often spend less time reading,listening and doing some exercises than others.
a,It is my teacher who helps me to overcome a lot more difficulties.
b,It is my teacher who helps me to overcome many difficulties.
a,In modern society,the relationship between natural science and social science has become more and more close.
b,In modern society,the relationship between natural science and social science has become closer and closer.
a,On the way home,I thought early morning walk was really helpful.
b,On the way home,I thought early morning walk was really good and healthful.
a,In my opinion,the right solution to the problem is the combination of the two,that is,to lay down more roads in spacious areas and to open up more bus lines in downtown areas.
b,In my opinion,a better solution to the problem is the combination of the two,that is,to lay down more roads in spacious areas and to open up more bus lines in downtown areas.
a,With the development of big cities,a problem has arisen before us,traffic in cities has become more and more serious than before.
b,With the development of big cities,a problem has arisen before us,traffic in cities has become heavier and heavier than before.
a,In big cities,such as Shanghai,the number of trees and other greenery is very small.
b,In big cities,such as Shanghai,the number of trees is small and other greenery is also scarce.
a,They can clean the air,beautify the city,develop a good climate and weaken noise.
b,They can clean the air,beautify the city,develop a healthy climate and reduce noise.
a,In addition,a bicycle will never give off poisonous gas as a car and it needs only a little place to park.
b,In addition,a bicycle does not give off poisonous gas as a car and it needs only a small place to park.
a,We are suffering from those uncurable diseases.
b,We are suffering from those incurable diseases.
a,Milk and meat have high protein content and as fruit and vegetables are vitamin contenting and they can keep fit.
b,Milk and meat have high protein content and as fruit and vegetables are vitamin rich and they can keep people fit.
a,And old people may be hurt by improper sports.
b,And old people may be hurt by taking part in some strenuous sports.
a,But we should not neglect the negative effects of those bad advertisements.
b,But we should not neglect the negative effects of those misleading advertisements.
a,I think the CET-6 certificate is reliable.
b,I think the CET-6 certificate is valuable.
a,Such opinion leads to surprising waste of water.
b,Such an opinion leads to a shocking waste of water.
a,As everyone can see,practice helps us to be efficient.
b,As everyone can see,practice helps us to be proficient.
a,Moreover,you will find better ways of doing things through consistent practice.
b,Moreover,you will find better ways of doing things through constant practice.
a,The more hasty you are,the slower.
b,The more hasty you are,the more slowly you achieve success.
a,In their opinion,people who change their job frequently are superficial and tactless.
b,In their opinion,people who change their jobs frequently are imprudent and tactless.
a,Once these fake commodities enter the market,they will do unevaluated harm to the society.
b,Once these fake commodities enter the market,they will do immeasurable harm to the society.
a,To stop these things happening,our government must establish a law——exclusive law to give those persons who produce fake commodities severe penalty.
b,To stop these things happening,our government must formulate special laws to impose severe penalties on those who produce fake commodities.
a,They shouldn’t be considered mysterious.
b,They do not have magic powers.
a,In big cities,especially in Shanghai,city traffic is too difficult.
b,In big cities,especially in Shanghai,city traffic is too heavy.
1) a,This is no longer a childish unrealistic dream.
b,This is no longer an unrealistic childish dream.
2) a,This picture describes an American girl dressed in Chinese traditional costume.
b,This picture describes an American girl dressed in traditional Chinese costume.
D,Adverbs 副词
1) a,We can say that almost all jobs which men can do are done perfectly by women.
b,We can say that almost all jobs which men can do are done equally well by women.
a,An early morning walk can help one to be light-hearted and to work effectively.
b,An early morning walk can help one to be light-hearted and to work efficiently.
a,However,the opportunity will not run into you voluntarily.
b,However,opportunities will not come to you of themselves.
a,So I prepared for it thoroughly and finally I won the first prize.
b,So I prepared for it carefully and finally I won the first prize.
a,In fact,fresh water is exactly inadequate.
b,In fact,our fresh water supply is far from adequate.
a,We should practice it from time to time,and thus we will slowly master it and do it perfectly.
b,We should practice it from time to time,and thus we will gradually master it and do it perfectly.
a,There are still some combined lucky numbers,Some people go out of the way to get the good,lucky numbers” because they firmly believe in lucky numbers.
b,There are even some combined lucky numbers,Some people go out of their way to get the good,lucky numbers” because they firmly believe in lucky numbers.
a,The industrial and Agricultural Revolutions which began in 1650 contributed a bit to the growth of population.
b,The industrial and Agricultural Revolutions which began in 1650 contributed a lot to the growth of population.
E,Pronouns 代词
a,However,people have some different kinds of attitudes to failure.
b,However,people have different kinds of attitudes to failure.
a,Everyday I spent at least an hour on English in the past seven years.
b,Each day I spent at least an hour on English in the past seven years.
a,In order to make more profit,some manufacturers exaggerate their products’ functions in the advertisements,That is,the product does not live up to the standard advertised and the consumers will find themselves fooled.
b,In order to make more profit,some manufacturers exaggerate their products’ functions in the advertisements,Very often,the product does not live up to the standard advertised and the consumers will find themselves fooled.
a,To our Chinese,firecrackers are symbols of festivals and happiness.
b,To us Chinese,firecrackers are symbols of festivals and happiness.
a,There are many people who succeed in spite of,close relationship” to bad numbers.
b,There are many people who succeed in spite of their,close relationship” to bad numbers.
a,For example,the need for jobs will make us develop our industries,It causes environmental problems.
b,For example,the need for jobs will make us develop our industries which in turn will causes environmental problems.
a,We always stick to the rules so that I never hurt others or be hurt.
b,We always stick to the rules so that I never hurt myself or others.
a,The old ones may think too much about safety,the young ones accept it more quickly.
b,Old people may think too much about safety,while/but/whereas young people accept them more quickly.
a,In some cases,it may lead to more serious consequences.
b,In some cases,the use of such a product may lead to more serious consequences.
a,But when the customers are attracted by them and buy the goods finally they will find it of no quality and worth nothing.
b,But when the customers are attracted by them and buy the goods finally they will find them of poor quality and worth nothing.
a,First,we can’t deny that money is useful,You need money to buy food,to buy a house or to pay for your educational cost.
b,First,we can’t deny that money is useful,We need money to buy food,to buy a house or to pay for our educational cost.
F,Prepositions 介词
a,The greatest change occurs in grain,whose consumption dropped 4% from 49% in 1986 to 45% in 1990 among total food consumption.
b,The greatest change occurs in grain consumption,which has dropped 4% from 49% in 1986 to 45% in 1990 in total food consumption.
a,What we can conclude from the figures and the explanations is the people’s life is improving and the changes of people’s diet show that people’s interest is on the quality of food now and that our people’s health improving day by day.
b,What we can conclude from the figures and the explanations is the people’s life is improving and the changes in people’s diet show that people’s interest is in the quality of food now and that our people’s health improving day by day.
a,I have bought a tape recorder with which I can practise my ability of listening comprehension.
b,I bought a tape recorder with which I was able to improve my ability in listening comprehension.
a,In conclusion,I believe that the opportunities are abundant in our society and everyone is equal for them.
b,In conclusion,I believe that opportunities are abundant in our society and everyone is equal before them.
a,If a person places money prior to anything else,he will tend to lose the pleasure of his life.
b,If a person places money above all else,he will tend to lose the pleasure of his life.
a,Advertisements exist everywhere,on the newspaper,on TV,on the walls in the streets and even in the postboxes of our houses.
b,Advertisements exist everywhere,in the newspaper,on TV,on the walls in the streets and even in the postboxes of our houses.
a,People showed extraordinary enthusiasm in face of a great,speculative prosperity ahead.
b,People showed extraordinary enthusiasm in anticipation of a great,speculative prosperity ahead.
G,Verbs 动词
a,In many countries,more and more women are acting as workers,farmers,scientists and even leaders,
b,In many countries,more and more women are now workers,farmers,scientists and even leaders.
a,I tripped on the way toward the park,breathing the fresh air and feeling extremely happy.
b,I strolled on the way toward the park,breathing the fresh air and feeling extremely happy.
a,If not controlled,the population of the world will amount to 7,000 million in 2000 as can be seen from the graph.
b,If not controlled,the population of the world will reach 7,000 million in 2000 as can be seen from the graph.
a,They can clean the air,beautify the city,develop a good climate and weaken noise.
b,They can clean the air,beautify the city,develop a healthy climate and reduce noise.
a,And it’s also everyone’s obligation to preserve trees.
b,And it’s also everyone’s obligation to protect trees.
a,In the meantime,I don’t think developing to the underground will help solve the problem.
b,In the meantime,I don’t think developing the underground will help solve the problem.
a,A road which can only hold two cars side by side can allow more than ten bicycles.
b,A road which can only allow two cars to pass may allow more than ten bicycles to run side by side.
a,Many things are to be done to make cars popular in China.
b,Many things must change before cars became common in China.
a,With the development of our society,people are becoming richer and richer,which enables them to get more nutritious food such as meat and milk.
b,With the development of our society,people are becoming richer and richer,which enables them to buy more nutritious food such as meat and milk.
a,What people concern is the quantity of food,not its quality.
b,What concerned people is the quantity of food,not its quality.
a,Milk and meat have high protein content and as fruit and vegetables are vitamin contenting and they can keep fit.
b,Milk and meat have high protein content and as fruit and vegetables are vitamin rich and they can keep people fit.
a,Now people are not stick to the quantity for the food is abundant and people can get enough food they want.
b,Now people’s attention is not focused on the quantity for the food is abundant and people can get all the food they want.
a,We can draw some conclusions according to the statistics.
b,We can draw some conclusions from/based on the statistics.
a,The grain has always acted as the main food,while milk and meat take up the smaller proportion.
b,The grain has always served as the main food,while milk and meat take up the smaller proportion.
a,The reason for the decrease of car accidents in the city is that the traffic condition has been developed.
b,The reason for the decrease of car accidents in the city is that the traffic condition has been improved.
a,But sports can do harm to those people who cannot plan their activities properly.
b,But sports can do harm to those people who cannot balance their activities properly.
a,While taking part in sports,people can strengthen their muscles,quicken their speed of response and increase their ability of resisting diseases.
b,Being active in sports,people can strengthen their muscles,increase their response speed and build up their ability to resist diseases.
a,People may hurt themselves or others when they join in sports,especially those which are violent.
b,People may hurt themselves or others when they take part in sports,especially those which are violent.
a,In history,every scientific and technological revolution led to an immense surge in society,pumping the productive force to a higher level.
b,In history,every scientific and technological revolution led to an immense surge in society,pushing the productive force to a higher level.
a,Social science and natural science are mixed with each other today.
b,Social science and natural science are inseparable from each other today.
a,An example of this is that if we major in history and try to determine the time when an ancient book was written,we can take advantage of the PEXE technique which is commonly used in nuclear science.
b,An example of this is that if we major in history and try to determine the time when an ancient book was written,we can use the PEXE technique which is commonly used in nuclear science.
a,Being a teacher needs knowledge,patience,skills,etc.
b,Being a teacher requires knowledge,patience,skills,etc.
a,No matter they are accepted or not,the interview is a good occasion for them to practice their ability of introducing themselves to others.
b,No matter whether they are accepted or not,the interview is a good occasion for them to practice their ability of packaging and selling themselves.
a,The interviewer and the interviewee can know about each other through it.
b,The interviewer and the interviewee can learn about each other through it.
a,It is true that firecrackers make our festivals more enjoyable,but,I think,we can think out other entertainments.
b,It is true that firecrackers make our festivals more enjoyable,but,I think,we can find out other entertainments.
a,And also,we can appreciate the sound of firecrackers by listening to a tape recorder instead of setting them off.
b,And also,we can enjoy the sound of firecrackers by listening to a tape recorder instead of setting them off.
a,In conclusion,most students still don’t know how to spare the time and make it valuable.
b,In conclusion,most students still don’t know how to use the two-day weekend to their best advantage.
a.,..take up some hobbies,such as fishing,reading,planting and so on.
b.,..take up some hobbies,such as fishing,reading,or gardening.
a,Another reason may be that they have no confidence in passing through the test.
b,Another reason may be that they have no confidence in passing the test.
a,When you graduate you’ll have more chances to contact with foreigners,so it’s necessary for those students to gain,excellent” in the test,not,pass”.
b,When you graduate you’ll have more chances to contact foreigners,so it’s necessary for those students to gain,excellent” in the test,not,pass”.
a,Whether you will apply English or not in the future,English has undoubtedly been the most important language in our society.
b,Whether you will use English or not in the future,English has undoubtedly been one of the most important languages in our society.
a,It is widely known that the fresh water will never be used up because we can get it from the rain,the rivers and the wells.
b,It is widely assumed that the world’s fresh water supply will never be used up because we can get it from the rain,rivers and wells.
a,On the other hand,the infant mortality was about 200 deaths per 1000 births in 1960 and the figure arrived at 100 in 1990.
b,On the other hand,the infant mortality was about 200 deaths per 1000 births in 1960 and the figure dropped to 100 in 1990.
a,On the other hand,the infant mortality has been decreased from about 200 deaths per 1000 births in 1960 to about 100 deaths per 1000 births in 1990.
b,On the other hand,the infant mortality has decreased from about 200 deaths per 1000 births in 1960 to about 100 deaths per 1000 births in 1990.
a,With the medical and living conditions developing,the life expectancy will be longer and the infant mortality will be lower in the developing countries in the future.
b,With the medical and living conditions improving,the life expectancy will be longer and the infant mortality will be lower in the developing countries in the future.
a,Many students complain that to recite so many words is really a great headache to them.
b,Many students complain that to memorize so many words is really a great headache to them.
a,We need much practice to obtain these abilities.
b,We need much practice to acquire these abilities.
a,If you emphasize only on speed but ignore the quality of your work,you will get the opposite effect.
b,If you emphasize only speed but neglect the quality of your work,you will get the opposite effect.
a,Haste may allow accidents to take place.
b,Haste may cause accidents to take place.
a,Therefore,I will not hesitate a moment when confronted with a chance to know the society for I have really benefited a lot from it.
b,Therefore,I will not hesitate a moment when presented with a chance to know society,for I have really benefited a lot from it.
a,It’s a good chance for me to get to know the society,to learn how to get along with my colleagues and to see how my knowledge is put into practice.
b,It’s a good chance for me to experience the working world,to learn how to get along with my colleagues,and to see how my knowledge can be put into practice.
a,It will help me to know the world outside the campus better.
b,It will help me to experience the world outside the campus better.
a,They often say like this,Take up one thing,like it and be good at it.
b,They often say,Take up one thing,enjoy doing it and be good at it.
a,It can make profits for them.
b,It can bring people profits.
a,The only way they should do is to try their best to promote their sales and to offer the consumer good service.
b,The only way they should do it is to try their best to promote their sales and to offer the consumer good service.
a,Her luck is not a bit damaged by her,bad” birthday.
b,Her luck has not a bit been affected by her,bad” birthday.
a,He wants to show how he eagered to be richer.
b,He wants to show how he longed to be richer.
a,From the graph,which shows the number of car accidents of 1990,we can learn that the car accidents were declined in Walton city in 1990.
b,From the graph,which shows the number of car accidents of 1990,we can learn that the car accidents declined in Walton city in 1990.
a,It not only relieves the burden on the big city,but also provide a much better environment for people to live in.
b,It not only relieves the burden on the big city,but also provides a much better environment for people to live in.
a,Due to the pollution,we will have no pure water,fresh air which are necessary to our lives.
b,Due to the pollution,we will have no pure water and fresh air which are necessary to our lives.
a,Motorcycles,as a new type of traffic,is accepted by more and more people.
b,Motorcycles,as a new type of vehicle,are accepted by more and more people.
a,A great deal of new subjects,which are actually derived from both natural and social science,has come into existence and enrich the sea of human knowledge greatly.
b,A great number of new subjects,which are actually derived from both natural and social science,has come into existence and enriched the sea of human knowledge greatly.
a,First,the interviewer can tell something about the job to the interviewee such as the wage,the work conditions and some other things which is relevant to the job.
b,First,the interviewer can tell something about the job to the interviewee such as the wages,the work conditions and something else which is relevant to the job.
-Phrasal Verbs 短语动词
a,And new ways can be carried out to prevent the pollution and control the population.
b,And new ways can be worked out to prevent the pollution and control the population.
a,When a motorcycle is started,it gives away a lot of smoke which contains poisonous chemical substances harmful to our health.
b,When a motorcycle is started,it gives off a lot of smoke which contains poisonous chemical substances harmful to our health.
a,Maybe you’ll ask why I am so absorbed in such a program.
b,Maybe you’ll ask why I am so attracted to such a program.
a,However,the opportunity will not run into you voluntarily.
b,However,opportunities will not come to you of themselves.
a,In fact,no one can be denied of the access to opportunity.
b,In fact,no one can be denied access to opportunity.
a,To grasp a foreign language is not easy,but I will go out of my way to gain success——for my ideal job.
b,To master a foreign language is not easy and to be a qualified interpreter is even harder,but I will go all out to gain success——in my ideal job.
a,These advertisement may say that it is worth the money to buy these goods and may boast the quality f these goods.
b,These advertisement may say that these goods are worth buying and may boast of the quality of these goods.
a,Taking into account of their behavior,we can safely come to the conclusion that these students will waste too much time if they don’t make good use of it.
b,Taking into account their behavior,we think it is clear that these students will waste too much time if they don’t study hard on work days.
a.,..You must listen to the tapes frequently.,.,Keep it and you will improve greatly.
b.,..You must listen to English tapes frequently.,.,Keep it up and you will improve greatly.
a,Staying on their posts and watching their achievement accumulating as time passes,they find no reason to change into another career where all should be done from zero.
b,Staying on their posts and watching their achievement accumulate as time passes,they find no reason to change to another career where they have to start from scratch.
a,I have heard several cases such as explosion caused by the commodities’ quality.
b,I have heard of several cases such as explosion caused by the commodities’ quality.
a,Once discovered,the people who produced them must be coped with strictly.
b,Once discovered,the people who produced them must be dealt with severely.
a,I do not believe such a ridiculous theory.
b,I do not believe in such a ridiculous theory.
a,To master almost every skill,you can’t but practice.
b,To master almost every skill,you must practice.
a,We cannot strain our efforts and ignore the rules.
b,We mustn’t strain our efforts and ignore the rules.
a,Do,lucky numbers” really bring good luck?
b,Can,lucky numbers” bring good luck to us?
H,Connectives 连接词
a,The sun had just risen,shining brilliantly,everything seemed to be covered with a layer of golden silk.
b,The sun had just risen,shining brilliantly and everything seemed to be covered with a layer of golden silk.
a,Some were doing morning exercises,some were playing badminton,some old people were having their tea while talking to each other cheerfully.
b,Some were doing morning exercises,some were playing badminton,and some old people were having their tea while talking to each other cheerfully.
a,When I walked in the street,there were only some young men who were running in the street.
b,While I was walking,I found that there were only some young men running in the street.
a,In spite of this obvious advantage,it also brings inconvenience to some people,who have to take buses not their cars,and so slow down their speed.
b,In spite of this obvious advantage,it also brings inconvenience to some people,who have to take buses instead of their cars,and so slow down their speed.
a,Because a bicycle is not expensive,most families can afford it.
b,Since a bicycle is not expensive,most families can afford it.
a,Later,the change was going on,As a result,there were more than 100,000 TV-watchers and only more than 10,000 film-goers in 1985.
b,Later,the change continued,until there were more than 100,000 TV-watchers and only more than 10,000 film-goers in 1985.
a,However there are still a number of people who enjoy seeing films,Because the visual and audio effects of films are much better.
b,However there are still a number of people who enjoy seeing films,because the visual and audio effects of films are much better.
a,During the course of learning English,I met a lot of difficulties,such as how to enlarge my vocabulary,how to speed up reading,how to pronounce English words correctly,and so on.
b,During the course of learning English,I met a lot of difficulties,such as how to enlarge my vocabulary,how to speed up reading,and how to pronounce English words correctly,and so on.
a,The old ones may think too much about safety,the young ones accept it more quickly.
b,Old people may think too much about safety,while/but/whereas young people accept them more quickly.
a,So long as I am concerned,I am for the latter.
b,As far as I am concerned,I am for the latter.
a,I study hard,read a lot,take all kinds of courses in order to meet the challenge I may encounter in my future study.
b,I study hard,read a lot,and take all kinds of courses in order to meet the challenge I may encounter in my future study.
a,And I should get practical experience as much as theories.
b,And I should get practical experience while learning the theories.
a,In short,the bad ads can be classified into two categories,One category has the bad purpose,The advertisers want to sell cigarettes,drinks,guns and so on.,..The other category of bad ads are those in which the advertiser use violence and sex to promote their sales.
b,Generally speaking,the bad ads can be classified into two categories,One category has a bad purpose,The advertisers want to sell things like cigarettes,alcohol,and guns.,..The other category of bad ads are those in which the advertiser use violence and sex to promote their sales.
a,On the part of the interviewers,they can choose the best one out of the interviewees,other than the one appointed by the country in the past.
b,On the part of the interviewers,they can choose the best one out of the interviewees,instead of accepting the one appointed by the government as they did in the past.
a,No matter they are accepted or not,the interview is a good occasion for them to practice their ability of introducing themselves to others.
b,No matter whether they are accepted or not,the interview is a good occasion for them to practice their ability of packaging and selling themselves.
a,On the one hand,the interviewer can introduce the main thing of the job he will provide to the interviewee,such as the specific things the interviewee should do if he takes the job,and the conditions for the job,and the wage or the profit the interviewee will get.
b,On the one hand,the interviewer can introduce the main aspects of the job opening to the interviewee,such as the specific requirements for the job,the working conditions,and the wages and benefits the interviewee will get.
a,In my opinion,although setting off firecrackers is one of the traditions that we Chinese have.
b,In my opinion,setting off firecrackers is one of the traditions that we Chinese have.
a,In my opinion,first of all,firecrackers should be banned,which can reduce the damage and danger.
b,In my opinion,first of all,firecrackers should be banned,so as to reduce the damage and danger.
a,The first,we have more spare time.,.,The second,we have enough time to do something which we like.
b,First,we have more spare time.,.,Second,we have enough time to do something we like.
a,It is widely known that the fresh water will never be used up because we can get it from the rain,the rivers and the wells,As a matter of fact,such belief is unfortunately wrong and possibly dangerous.
b,It is widely assumed that the world’s fresh water will never be used up because we can get it from the rain,rivers and wells,Actually/In fact/Unfortunately,such belief is wrong and possibly dangerous.
a,And with the society developing,we need more and more fresh water to meet the needs of industries,of increasing population,On the other hand,much of our precious water is polluted.
b,And with the society developing,we need more and more fresh water to meet the needs of industries and the increasing population,In addition/Besides/Moreover,much of our precious water is polluted.
a,There are other countless examples,All in all,we must keep the proverb in mind for lifetime——Practice makes perfect.
b,There are other countless examples,In a word,we must keep the proverb in mind for a lifetime——Practice makes perfect.
a,It’s the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today.
b,It’s the experience of our forefathers,However,it is correct in many cases even today.
a,So far as I am concerned,I managed to find a part-time job——tutor an orphan.
b,As for me,I managed to find a part-time job——tutor an orphan.
a,Some people like having a permanent job,They don’t want to change their jobs,While some others frequently change their jobs.
b,Some people like having a permanent job,They don’t want to change their jobs,Meanwhile some others frequently change their jobs.
a,Almost everyone of us has bought some fake commodities,for instance,fake shoes,fake bags,and the worst thing——fake medicine.
b,Almost everyone of us has had the experience of buying fake commodities,for instance,fake shoes,fake bags and,worst of all,fake medicines.
a,I wandered around the park,to my delight,I found a few middle-school students talking to each other in English in the southeast corner of the park.
b,I was wandering around the park when I found,to my delight,a few middle-school students talking to each other in English in the southeast corner of the park.
a,On the other hand,sports have a few ill effects.
b,On the other hand,sports may also cause some ill effects.
a,For example,almost everybody had watched apples falling from an apple tree but only Newton discovered the Law of Gravity.
b,For example,many people had watched apples falling from an apple tree but only Newton discovered the Law of Gravity.
a,With the development of modern transportation,you can get to any place by plane,by car,by ship,or by bicycle.
b,With the development of modern transportation,you can get to any place by plane,by car,or by ship.
a,The leaders of countries always have a talk about the important events in the world,and try to find a way to keep the world’s peace.
b,The leaders of countries often visit each other,holding talks about the important events in the world,and trying to find ways to keep the world’s peace.
a,In return,I can also learn a lot from foreign countries so that I can serve my motherland.
b,In return,I can also learn a lot about foreign countries so that I can serve my motherland better.
a,But when the customers are attracted by them and buy the goods finally they will find it of no quality and worth nothing.
b,But when the customers are attracted by them and buy the goods finally they will find them of poor quality and worth nothing.
a,Since there are so many advantages of a job interview,those who look for a job will most certainly get a good one and those who need people to do a job will also most certainly find some one that is qualified.
b,Through the job interview,people who look for a job will have a better chance of getting a good one and those who need people to do a job will have a better chance of finding some one that is qualified.
a,Now,when a person is hunting for a job,there will always be a job interview.
b,Today when a person is hunting for a job,there are almost always job interviews.
a,In a word,firecrackers should be banned for the benefit of all people!
b,In a word,firecrackers should be banned for the benefit of most people!
a.,Should firecrackers be banned” is always the controversial topic among the Chinese people.
b.,Should firecrackers be banned” has been a controversial topic among the Chinese people for quite some time.
a,Sports fans can play in the playground.
b,Sports fans can take part in more physical activities.
a,Whether you will apply English or not in the future,English has undoubtedly been the most important language in our society.
b,Whether you will use English or not in the future,English has undoubtedly been one of the most important languages in our society.
a,Man has been able to cure the diseases which were incapable of being cured.
b,Man is able to cure the diseases which were incapable of being cured.
a,Nowadays our knowledge is mostly derived from books,which is really limited.
b,Nowadays,as students,our knowledge is mostly derived from books,which is really limited.
a,With the rapid development of our society,the campus is no longer an ivory tower.
b,With the rapid development of our society,the university campus can no longer be an ivory tower.
a,Those who have fallen victims of fake commodities will never buy them again,even the commodities are good next time.
b,Those who have fallen victims to fake commodities of a certain brand will never buy that brand again,even if the commodities are genuine the next time.
a,Hence,13,4 and other so-called,evil” numbers are wiped off from cards,lists,menus,etc.
b,Hence,13,4 and other so-called,evil” numbers are wiped off from certain cards,lists,menus,etc.
a,Though it gives us more convenience,the two-day weekend has quite a few problems.
b,Though it gives us more convenience,the two-day weekend has also given rise to quite a few problems.
a,Some students who are interested in social work can join many clubs.
b,Students who are interested in campus activities can join different clubs.
a,I take CET-6 not only for passing the test,but for improving my English.
b,I take CET-6 not only for passing the test,but for further improving my English.
a,With the increasing number of population and factories,the amount of the fresh water in use is also growing rapidly.
b,With the growth of population and industry,the amount of the fresh water used is also growing rapidly.
a,They recite words at the very moment and after some time...
b,They try to memorize words at the very moment they come across them and review them time and again...
a,Otherwise,you suffer from it,because you can’t exert your every effort in your job.
b,Otherwise,you suffer from it,because you have got no motivation to exert your every effort in your job.
a,Almost everyone of us has bought some fake commodities.
b,Almost everyone of us has had the experience of buying fake commodities.
a,Of course,some people have had good luck through,lucky numbers”,but I think that that is only a chance.
b,Of course,some people think they have had good luck through,lucky numbers”,but I think that that is only a chance.
a,Have you ever wondered that numbers would associate with your luck?
b,Have you ever wondered whether numbers would associate with your luck?
a,But now large amounts of water and air has been polluted,which brings about various problems troubling man’s life.
b,But now large amounts of water and air have been polluted,which brings about various problems troubling their life.
a,My ideal job is a teacher.
b,My ideal job is to be an excellent teacher.
a,Man is faced with more and more problems which threaten man’s existence on Earth.
b,Man is faced with more and more problems which threaten his existence on Earth.
a,People’s opinions about whether firecrackers should be banned vary from person to person.
b,Opinions about whether firecrackers should be banned vary from person to person.
a,During the past thirty years,developing countries have been greatly developed in many aspects.
b,During the past thirty years,developing countries have made great progress in many aspects.
a,We may encounter some problems which need not only natural science but also social science.
b,We may encounter some problems whose solution involves knowledge not only of natural science but also of social science.
a,What on earth is the role money playing in our society?
b,What on earth is the role money plays in our society?
a,When I refresh,I will do something which I like.
b,When I relax,I will do something (that) I like.
a,Only in this way,you can get the true job of achieving your goals.
b,Only in this way,can you get the true job of achieving your goals.
a,Motorcycles are much cheaper and consume much less oil than cars,But they can run at the same speed as cars.
b,Motorcycles are much cheaper and consume much less oil than cars,but they can run as fast as cars.
a,Second,whoever breaks the regulation should be fined or punished,Then everyone will comply with this regulation.
b,Second,whoever breaks the regulation should be fined or punished so that everyone will comply with this regulation.
a,Some persons thought the law is no good,Because they think setting off firecrackers is a beneficial thing.
b,Some persons think the law is no good because they regard setting off firecrackers as a beneficial thing.
a,First,passing CET-4 only means that you have the ability to read,write,speak and listen to simple English,you are far from good at English.
b,First,passing CET-4 only means that you have the ability to read,write,speak and listen to simple English,and you are far from good at English.
a,And with the society developing,we need more and more fresh water to meet the needs of industries,of increasing population.
b,And with the society developing,we need more and more fresh water to meet the needs of industries and the increasing population.
a,Second,scientists must work even harder to purify sea water,polluted water and try to find substitutes in industry to reduce the use of fresh water.
b,Second,scientists must work even harder to purify sea water and polluted water,and try to find substitutes to reduce the use of fresh water.
a,Furthermore,people’s living conditions are improved in these years,People can keep good health in these conditions.
b,Furthermore,people’s living conditions are improved in recent years,which means better health.
a,The result is that your brain is less and less efficient,your process is slower and slower.
b,The result is that your brain is less and less efficient,and your process is slower and slower.
a,Community services as well as mass media are both golden chances to practice our ability,through which we can learn to cooperate with people,to contribute our intelligence to the society.
b,Community services is a golden chance to use our ability,through which we can learn to cooperate with people and contribute our intelligence to society.
a,But in fact,there are also many people who think numbers have nothing to do with luck.
b,But there are also many people who think that numbers,in fact,have nothing to do with luck.
a,Good numbers bring good luck is a false conclusion.
b,That certain numbers bring good luck is a completely false conclusion.
a,Every day,after they have finished their work in the big city,they come back to their comfortable house by bus or by train,just as they usually do in holidays.
b,Every day,after they have finished their work in the big city,they come back to their comfortable house in the satellite by bus or by train,just as they usually do in holidays.
a,It provides us with natural scenes and the life of all kinds of wild animals,with the explanation by the narrator.
b,It provides us with views of natural scenes and a look of the life style of all kinds of wild animals,with an explanation by the narrator.
a,These elements differ a lot from one another.
b,These elements differ a lot from one person to another.
a,Finally,I want to teacher the students all that I know and help them to work better for our country in the future.
b,Finally,I want to teacher the students all that I know and help them to develop their potential so that they can work better for our country in the future.
a,Job-hopping,therefore,is not practical to them,because one would be taken as a sheer idiot out of his domain and into other’s profession.
b,Job-hopping,therefore,is not practical to them,because one could be taken as a sheer idiot once he left his domain and ventured into another profession.
a,People are getting richer,and also the living condition is getting better,but some people are not satisfied with the present condition,which they thought would be like heaven a few years ago.
b,A lot of people are getting richer,and their living conditions are getting better,But still some of them are not satisfied,They dream of getting rich overnight and living a heavenly life,which,of course,is impossible to achieve by fair means.
a,We can find fake Nike shoes,fake Panasonic recorders,fake Philips electronic facilities,even fake video CDs everywhere.
b,Everywhere we go,we can find fake Nike shoes,fake Panasonic recorders,fake Philips electronic facilities,even fake VCDs and so on.
a,As I had nothing to do,I decided to take a morning walk,So I went to the park.
b,As I had nothing to do,I decided to take a walk to the park.
a,As far as my ideal job is concerned,I think I want to be an interpreter in the future.
b,As far as my ideal job is concerned,I want to be an interpreter.
a,Some want to be doctors,some want to be teachers,some want to be engineers,and so on.
b,Some want to be doctors,some want to be teachers,and some want to be engineers.
a,These fake commodities’ quality is always very poor,They may cause a great loss to the consumers,or even the life.
b,As the quality of the fake commodities is always very poor,they may cause great damage to the consumers,or even endanger their lives.
a,For instance the so-called lucky number,8” is widely used now,Some people think that,8” can bring good luck.
b,For instance the so-called lucky number,8” is widely used now because it is believed to bring good fortune.
a,So far as I am concerned,the program called,ZhengdaZongyi” on channel two every Saturday evening is my favorite one during the weekend.
b,As far as I am concerned,the program called,ZhengdaZongyi” on channel two every Saturday evening is my favorite TV program.
a,There is no consensus of opinion among people as to the views on opportunity.
b,There is no consensus among people as to the views on opportunity.
a,In our society,some people think certain numbers can bring them good luck.
b,Some people think certain numbers can bring them good luck.
a,When I walked in the street,there were only some young men who were running in the street.
b,While I was walking,I found that there were only some young men running in the street.
a,We still have time if we act just now.
b,We still have time if we act right now.
1) a,With the opening of our country toward the world in recent years,English becomes more and more important.
b,With the opening of our country toward the world in recent years,English has become more and more important.
a,I have bought a tape recorder with which I can practise my ability of listening comprehension.
b,I bought a tape recorder with which I was able to improve my ability in listening comprehension.
a,Do you have a feeling that the world is getting smaller and smaller although the size of the earth doesn’t change?
b,Do you have a feeling that the world is getting smaller and smaller although the actual size of the earth hasn’t change?
a,One is that the economy has developed quickly during the past years,This allowed the government to put more money in the health care program.
b,One is that the economy has developed quickly during the past years,This has allowed the government to put more money in the health care program.
a,The need for more jobs makes us develop our industries.
b,The need for more jobs will make us develop our industries.
a,This is what we called the problem of population explosion.
b,This is what we call the problem of population explosion.
a,I admired scientists when I was a little child,for they knew a lot.
b,I admired scientists when I was a little child,for they know a lot.
a,Firecrackers did bring us happiness as well as tears.
b,Firecrackers do bring us happiness as well as tears.
a,Man has lived in this world for thousands of years,They fight against nature from time to time and they survive.
b,Human beings have lived in this world for thousands of years,They have fought against nature from time to time and they have survived.
a,The rain makes the roads muddy,and often resulted in car accident.
b,The rain makes the roads muddy,and often results in car accident.
a,You are not to be supervised every hour by your employers,And you are not frequently told what to do or how to do.
b,You are not supervised every hour by your employers,And you are not frequently told what to do or how to do it.
a,Most of us may have such experiences,when you go to some place far away from the city you live in and think you know nobody there,you are surprised to find that you should run into one of old classmates on the street! Perhaps both of you would cry out,“What a small world!”
b,Most of us have had such an experience which reminds us the world is shrinking,Perhaps when you went to some place far away from the city you live in and thought you knew nobody there,you were surprised to find that you ran into one of old classmates on the street! Perhaps both of you cried out,“What a small world!”
a,So it is high time that we should spare no efforts to get to know the world outside the campus right now.
b,So it is high time that we spared no efforts to get to know the world outside the campus right now.
a,If there were no electric power,the world would be a totally different one,First of all,almost all the machines had to stop running and we had to use our hands to produce goods,In the evening,we had to live in darkness and we couldn’t play or work,The development of our modern life had to slow down or even stop.
b,If there were no electric power,the world would be a totally different one,First of all,almost all the machines would have to stop running and we have to produce goods by hand,In the evening,we would have to live in darkness and couldn’t play or work,The development of our modern life would be slowed down or even stop.
a,If more bus routes were opened up,the number of bicycles and cars in the streets will be controlled.
b,If more bus routes were opened up,the number of bicycles and cars in the streets would be controlled.
a,I wandered around the park,to my delight,I found a few middle-school students talking to each other in English in the southeast corner of the park.(句号)
b,I wandered around the park,To my delight,I found a few middle-school students talking to each other in English in the southeast corner of the park.
a,Others were doing Chinese exercises.
b,Others were practising kung fu/tai chi chuan/martial art.
a,It plays an important role in many fields such as industry,agriculture and people’s daily life.
b,It plays an important role in many fields such as industry,agriculture and the daily life of men.
a,In a word,all things would be in a mess.
b,In a word,things would be in a mess.
a,A car can’t move without petrol,but a bicycle only needs a person’s energy.
b,A car can’t move without petrol,but a bicycle only needs human energy.
a,There is no doubt that the industry of bicycle will go on developing in China.
b,There is no doubt that the bicycle industry will go on developing in China.
a,Grain,as the main food of most Chinese,is now playing a less important role in people’s diet,while the proportion of some high-energy food such as milk and meat has increased.
b,Grain,as the staple/principal food of most Chinese,is now playing a less important role in people’s diet,while the proportion of some high-energy foods such as milk and meat has increased.
a,People of nowadays are paying more attention to the structure of their diet.
b,People now are paying more attention to the structure of their diet.
a,Some of them also want to recall the life of the,good past”.
b,Some of them also want to recall the life of the,good old days”.
a,To a Chinese,English is not so easy to learn as his native language.
b,To a Chinese,the task of learning English well is not easy.
a,In the past time,I had a lot of difficulties in learning English.
b,In the past,I had a lot of difficulties in learning English.
a,My vocabulary reserve is too small to understand a text of medium level.
b,My vocabulary is too small to understand a text of medium level.
a,I have bought a tape recorder with which I can practise my ability of listening comprehension.
b,I bought a tape recorder with which I was able to improve my ability in listening comprehension.
a,However,everything has its black side.
b,However,everything has its dark/negative side.
a,How the government will do with them?
b,What will the government do with them?
a,There is no doubt that proper physical activities keep our bodies fit.
b,There is no doubt that properly balanced physical activities keep us physically fit.
a,It makes you feel tired if you exercise too much.
b,You will feel exhausted if you exercise too much.
a,Almost everyday I open TV at 6:30 p.m,and wait for the news program.
b,Almost everyday I turn on the TV at 6:30 p.m,and wait for the news program.
a,We also learn some knowledge about animals,even some plants.
b,We also learn a lot about animals,even some plants.
a,Besides,the pictures are very beautiful; some of them are also very valuable.
b,Not only is the photography very beautiful,it is fascinating,too.
a,Social science,on the other hand,constructs the spiritual buildings of human beings.
b,Social science,on the other hand,contributes to the spiritual development of human beings.
a,Therefore,as college students,we should learn any kind of knowledge as much as possible,not only in order to widen our horizon but to meet the requirements of modern society.
b,Therefore,as college students,we should learn as much knowledge as possible,not only in order to widen our horizon but to meet the requirements of modern society.
a,You are not to be supervised every hour by your employers,And you are not frequently told what to do or how to do.
b,You are not supervised every hour by your employers,And you are not frequently told what to do or how to do it.
a,This is the four years I can make full use of to gain knowledge as much as possible.
b,This is the four years I can make full use of to gain as much knowledge as possible.
a,These advertisement may say that it is worth the money to buy these goods and may boast the quality f these goods.
b,These advertisement may say that these goods are worth buying and may boast of the quality of these goods.
a,And as a customer myself,I can’t trust the advertisements too much.
b,And as a customer myself,I can’t trust the advertisements with a grain of salt.
a,And it will be better if he emphasizes that this is the very job he wants and he won’t throw his sight on any job except this one.
b,And it will be better if he emphasizes that this is the very job he wants and he won’t cast an eye on any job except this one.
a,In my opinion,above all,I will relax myself on Saturday.
b,As for me,I will relax myself on Saturday.
a,According to those mentioned above,I decide to make a good plan for the two-day weekend.
b,In order to benefit most from the two-day weekend,I decide to make a good plan for the two-day weekend.
a,These problems are really serious.
b,This is really a serious problem.
a,English study requires reading,listening,speaking and writing.
b,The mastery of English requires the abilities to read,listen,speak and write efficiently.
a,However,as a matter of fact,the result is far less than satisfactory and quite often goes to the opposite.
b,However,as a matter of fact,the result is far less than satisfactory and quite often is the exact opposite.
a,I’d like to say haste makes waste.
b,I must say haste makes waste.
a,Finally,knowing the world outside the campus may make us full of a sense of duty and help us make great achievements in the future.
b,Finally,knowing the world outside the campus may awaken in us a high sense of duty and help us make greater achievements in the future.
a,As is know to all,there are many ways we can know the community,such as the service for the society and the TV,radio or newspaper.
b,As is know to all,there are many ways we can know the community,such as through community service or keeping informed through TV,radio or newspaper.
a,Therefore,I will not hesitate a moment when confronted with a chance to know the society for I have really benefited a lot from it.
b,Therefore,I will not hesitate a moment when presented with a chance to know society,for I have really benefited a lot from it.
a,Regardless of the pay,I think the most important thing is that I can really know a lot about the society.
b,I don’t mind the pay,but what I need is the chance that through it,I can really learn a lot about the society.
a,We can also get to know the society through taking part in serving for the society.
b,We can also learn about society through volunteer work.
a,According to me,I will try my best to study well first.
b,As for me,I will try my best to study well first.
a,Any other job can’t attract me no matter what the benefit is.
b,No other job can attract me no matter what the benefit is.
a,In a word,I want to find a job that fits me,and money and other things are out of thought.
b,In a word,I want to find a job that fits me,and money and other things are not my chief concern.
a,Staying on their posts and watching their achievement accumulating as time passes,they find no reason to change into another career where all should be done from zero.
b,Staying on their posts and watching their achievement accumulate as time passes,they find no reason to change to another career where they have to start from scratch.
a,Second,the consumers should tell the difference between the real and fake ones when they do shopping.
b,Second,the consumers should learn to tell the difference between the real and fake commodities when they do shopping.
a,It can make them earn a lot of money so that they can be very rich.
b,The number,8”,some believe,can enable people to earn a lot of money and become very rich.
a,For example,in China,the number,8”is regarded as,Fa” by some people,which means they will make much money.
b,For example,in China,8 is regarded as a lucky number by some people,because the pronunciation of this figure comes near to the character,发” in Chinese,which means,getting prosperous”.
a,She achieved a good study at the nation’s most prestigious university and later gained good reputation in her career.
b,She excelled in her studies at the nation’s most prestigious university and later gained good reputation in her career.
a,I think there is no relation between numbers and luck.
b,I don’t think there is any relation between numbers and luck.
a,I think that good luck needs us to create.
b,I think that good luck needs to be created.
a,A rich man bought his car license plate number with several,8”.
b,A rich man paid a large sum of money in order to get a car license plate with several,8’s” in its number.
a,But the disadvantage of this suggestion is that many people will feel not as convenient as they did before.
b,But the disadvantage of this suggestion is that many people will not feel as convenient as they did before.
a case in point,after all,as a proof,as an illustration,as an example,for example,for instance,in particular,just as,namely,such,specifically,that is,to illustrate,to demonstrate
Many southern cities are growing above the national average --- Atlanta is a case in point.
The news about calcium and kidney stones is a case in point.
Prisoners should be treated with respect --- they are human beings after all.
These are,after all,very familiar species.
It's extremely expensive to live in New York,For example,I pay $1250 for a one-bedroom apartment.
Many countries,for example Mexico and Japan,have a lot of earthquakes.
Old English was in many ways similar to Modern German,For instance,the nouns,adjectives,and verbs were highly inflected.
We need to rethink the way we consume energy,Take,for instance,our approach to transport.
Automobile prices in particular have fallen in recent months.
His last album sold half a million copies and we hope this one will be just as (=equally) popular.
One of the most important stages has yet to be started,namely beginning to fit the person into their new job.
The issues are in two main clusters,namely the safety and the pricing and procurement of drugs.
The rules make it quite clear what should be done in such a situation.
We're talking about money - specifically,the money we need to repair our schools.
One solution would be to change the shape of the screen,that is,to make it wider.
additionally,again,along with,also,and,and then,as well as,besides,equally,even,further,furthermore,in addition,in other words,just as,likewise,moreover,not only...but also,similarly,to put it another way,to repeat,then,too,what’s more
They may also additionally represent much more; they may indeed have a highly integrating social function.
b)And again,these workshops will benefit the community widely.
c) Dunne was murdered,along with three guards.
d) Sugar is bad for your teeth,It can also contribute to heart disease.
e) This is a flexible and user-friendly system suitable for beginners and advanced users alike.
F) Fry the onions gently,and then add the meat and cook for a few minutes.
g)The organization gives help and support to people in need,as well as raising money for local charities.
h)People choose jobs for other reasons besides money.
i)We want the economy to grow,but equally we want low inflation.
j) It is possible to make good movies cheaply,Further,"low-budget" doesn't have to mean "bad."
k)The majority of Americans increased their wealth in the past decade,Furthermore,the gains were substantial.
l) A new security system was installed,In addition,extra guards were hired.
m) The company provides cheap Internet access,In addition,it makes shareware freely available.
n)The tax only affects people on incomes over $200,000 --- in other words,the very rich.
o)The clams were delicious,Likewise,the eggplant was excellent.
p)Using language is a very complex enterprise,Moreover,there is more to communication than merely putting sentences together.
q)The system was not only complicated but also ineffective.
r)The cost of food and clothing has come down in recent years,Similarly,fuel prices have fallen quite considerably.
s)Money makes money,To put it another way,the more you invest,the greater your potential profit will be.
t)The problem demands a global solution,To put it another way,local regulations will have very little effect.
u) First you need to collect all the information and make detailed notes,Then you can start to actually write your essay.
v)Think about what you owe,too,in terms of mortgages,credit cards,loans or hire purchase.
w)Gas is a very efficient fuel,And what's more,it's clean.
above all,anyway,as a matter of fact,certainly,indeed,in fact,in particular,most important,obviously,of course,surely,to be sure,truly,undoubtedly,without doubt
Although it is somewhat limited in its applications it is easy to operate and above all it is fun.
He got lost and spent hours looking for the station,and anyway it was past midnight by the time he got home.
And,as a matter of fact,the U,S,Golf Association was delighted.
Books and people certainly affected him.
Most of the essays were very good indeed.
Her teachers said she was a slow learner,whereas in fact she was partially deaf.
Automobile prices in particular have fallen in recent months.
But the reverse is true when an attorney represents a person who is obviously guilty or whose guilt is widely perceived.
This is very obviously the approach of some one writing exclusively and specifically for the young.
Of course there will be some difficult times ahead.
If a sign were needed that the Internet has become a real market,the arrival of tax avoidance is surely it.
Throwing money at the problem is surely not the way to convince people of sincerity.
It was difficult,to be sure,but somehow we managed to finish the job.
If we truly believe we can win,then we have a very good chance at doing it.
Undoubtedly,public interest in folk music has declined.
Sally was without doubt one of the finest swimmers in the school.
by contrast,but,conversely,in contrast,instead,on the contrary,on the other hand,otherwise,unlike,whereas,while,yet
The birth rate for older women has declined,but,by contrast,births to teenage mothers have increased.
The purpose of the scheme is not to help the employers but to provide work for young people.
American consumers prefer white eggs; conversely,British buyers like brown eggs.
Scandinavian cruises are very popular in the summer; conversely,the Caribbean is most popular in the winter.
The stock lost 60 cents a share,in contrast to last year,when it gained 21 cents.
Instead of being annoyed,he seemed quite pleased.
It wasn't a good thing; on the contrary it was a huge mistake.
Nuclear power is relatively cheap,On the other hand,you could argue that it's not safe.
It is equally vital that both should be mentioned,otherwise a client,particularly a buyer,could be seriously misled.
Unlike most people in the office,I don't come to work by car.
A bowl of instant oatmeal costs about $.15,whereas regular oatmeal costs only $.05 per bowl.
The old system was fairly complicated whereas the new system is really very simple.
Schools in the north tend to be better equipped,while those in the south are relatively poor.
Last summer there was a drought,yet some people were still watering their lawns every day.
by comparison,equally,equally important,in comparison,in the same way,in the same manner,like,likewise,similarly
After months of living in a tropical climate,Spain seemed cool by comparison.
By comparison with other European countries,car prices in the UK are very high.
Even when the correct word was given a high probability,there were many other words with an equally high probability.
Many business people do not know what sexual harassment is,Equally important,they do not know how to prevent it.
an extremely unpleasant disease which is,however,easy to treat
Cotton production was on the increase,However,it was still a small industry compared to hemp and canvas production.
The deaf children of hearing parents are almost normal in comparison,having everything except language experience.
There is often stronger social control evident in the socialisation of girls in comparison to boys.
Good management accounts separate the well-organised from the rest but are not vital in the same way.
I don't want him treating me like Jim treated me.
The clams were delicious,Likewise,the eggplant was excellent.
The cost of food and clothing has come down in recent years,Similarly,fuel prices have fallen quite considerably.
admittedly,after all,all the same,although,certainly,clearly,even so,it is true (that),in spite of,nevertheless,of course,still,true
The technique is painful,admittedly,but it benefits the patient greatly.
Printing and presentation should be as attractive as possible --- after all the library is an attractive place isn't it?
I realise she can be very annoying,but I think you should apologise all the same.
We decided to take rooms in Longwood House,although we knew we could not really afford the rent.
We are not especially well-treated,certainly not as well as the locals.
Clearly,the racial problems in America have no easy answers.
The fines for speeding are large,but even so,they are not always a deterrent.
And it is true that after his death she ceased to exist for the world beyond the farm.
But in spite of the hardships,real efforts and progress are being made.
A false belief may nevertheless be justified.
Though employment growth is down,the area is still attracting health care,high tech,banking and sports-related industries.
accordingly,as a result,consequently,for this reason,hence,in this way,so,therefore,thus
Some of the laws were contradictory,Accordingly,measures were taken to clarify them.
As many as 2,500 people died as a result of the earthquake and the ensuing tidal waves.
Most computer users have never received any formal keyboard training,Consequently,their keyboard skills are inefficient.
The cost of transport is a major expense for an industry,Hence factory location is an important consideration.
In this way normal healthy people may be tested without inducing any damage in their brain.
The building work is taking quite a long time,and therefore costing us money.
Most of the evidence was destroyed in the fire,Thus it would be almost impossible to prove him guilty.
although,but,despite,except for,though,however,in spite of,instead,nevertheless,on the other hand,otherwise,rather than,though,yet
You can copy down my answers,although I'm not sure they're right.
In the US it is normal for the police to carry guns,but not in Britain.
Despite international pressure,progress has slowed in the peace talks
Pen Pros,Except for personal letters,handwritten notes are withering into extinction.
The rooms,though small,were pleasant and airy.
This is a cheap and simple process,However there are dangers.
In spite of her success,Spencer continues to get depressed.
Cardew did not join the navy,Instead,he decided to join the theater and become an actor.
Thus we can talk of a local government system which is different from a central government system but nevertheless interacts with it.
Reintroduction of food after elemental regimens must nevertheless be undertaken with the greatest of care irrespective of whether or not elimination diets are used.
The hamburger was tough and overcooked,The fries,on the other hand,were terrific,and well worth the money.
Stir the sauce until it cools,otherwise it will be lumpy.
It presumes that reality is dynamic rather than static,and therefore seeks relationships between ideas,to aim at synthesis.
There is no important theory-based reason why these countries rather than others were selected.
The offenders were dealt with firmly though fairly.
They charge incredibly high prices,yet customers keep coming back for more.
as has been noted (mentioned,stated),at last,finally,in a word,all in all,in brief,in conclusion,in short,in sum,in summary,to conclude,to sum up,to summarize
An Inhibition as mentioned above,is rarely used.
At last,we were able to afford a house.
We finally found a decent apartment close to campus.
Pop,in a word,is fascination versus meaning.
It was,all in all,more like a prison than an office.
In brief,the President plans to cut defense spending and lower taxes.
In conclusion,I want to thank all the people who have volunteered their time to our organization.
In short,the report says that more money should be spent on education.
In sum,we need to cut costs.
In summary,do not sell your shares.
To conclude,the prospects for philosophy of religion look brighter than they have done for many moons.
To sum up,for a healthy heart you must take regular exercise and stop smoking.
To summarize,in most cases the schools were achieving the standards set.
and,besides,finally,first,firstly,further,in the first place,last,next,second,secondly,third,thirdly,to begin with,to start with,
It also assigned staff people to work with individual companies that wanted to launch a program.
This is a flexible and user-friendly system suitable for beginners and advanced users alike.
You need to know what rights you have and how to use them.
Besides going to aerobics twice a week,she rides horses on Saturdays.
And finally,I'd like to thank the crew.
First,I'd like to thank everyone for coming.
The application of the five stages to the task illustrated would involve,firstly,the definition of the task.
It is possible to make good movies cheaply,Further,"low-budget" doesn't have to mean "bad."
And there is the question of the relevance of the trading of information in the first place.
Connect the red wires first and the black ones last.
First you need to select the text you want to move,Next,click on the "Move" command at the top of the screen.
But,second,in the vast majority of markets,efficient production can be attained with a high degree of competition.
The more you practise the better you will become at selecting historical information to suit firstly your essay and secondly your argument.
To begin with,much of this new housing is not affordable.
I'm not going to Vegas,To start with,I don't like gambling,and I also can't get time off work.
1) 意义的完整
Bikes are so popular in China.
(Bikes are so popular in China that almost every family has at least one.)
2) 结构的完整指代不明
It is incredible to many people,Cigarette smokers spend money for illness.
(It is incredible to many people that cigarette smokers spend money for illness.)
I said I have more respect for him than his wife.
(I said I have more respect for him than for his wife.)
We couldn’t decide upon a new car,there were many attractive models.
(We couldn’t decide upon a new car,for there were many attractive models.) or
(We couldn’t decide upon a new car,There were many attractive models.)
He was knocked down by a bicycle,but it was not serious.
(He was knocked down by a bicycle,but was not seriously hurt.)
To succeed in a scientific research project,persistence is needed.
(To succeed in a scientific research project,one needs to be persistent.)
Formerly,science was taught by the textbook method,while now the laboratory method is employed.
(Formerly,science was taught by the textbook method; now it is taught by the laboratory method.)
It was both a long ceremony and very tedious.
(The ceremony was both long and tedious.)
The competition for college enrollment is extremely keen this year and the candidates spend days and nights preparing for the entrance examination and they neglect their health and so the newspapers carry articles urging teachers and parents to take up this problem seriously.
(As the competition for college enrollment is extremely keen this year,the candidates spend days and nights preparing for the entrance examination,neglecting their health,In view of this,the newspapers carry articles urging teachers and parents to take up this problem seriously.)
The distant explosion was audible to the ear.
(The distant explosion was audible.)
There are four companies in Shanghai,and any of them can supply us with spareparts.
(Any of the four companies in Shanghai can supply us with spareparts.)
The bottles that are placed on the shelf contain some chemicals that have been newly discovered.
(The bottles on the shelf contain new chemicals.)
Mr,Li,who is my favourite professor,has received a Distinguished Teacher Award.
(Mr,Li,my favourite professor,has received a Distinguished Teacher Award.)
I am sorry not to have answered your letter earlier.
I am sorry that I have not answered your letter earlier.
The value of the information he has provided cannot be overestimated.
There is no general rule without some exceptions.
If you take this medicine,you will feel better.
This medicine will make you feel better.
A is to B what/as C is to D
Moral corruption is to the State as physical disease is to an individual body.
Just as …,so …
Just as woods are indispensable to birds,so is the earth to human beings.
A and B have sth,in common
As far as personality is concerned,they have almost everything in common.
A is similar to B
My hobby is similar to his in that we both like collecting records,foreign and domestic.
The same is true of,The same can be said of
As the economies of all countries are closely interrelated no country can develop in self-seclusion,The same is true of China.
A is just the opposite (to B)
Beijing is populous and crowded,while Canberra is just the opposite.
A differs from B in that …
China’s condition differs from ours in that China has the largest population in the world.
… is not the same
While it may be true that basketball and volleyball share certain features,the excitement each arouses in the spectators is not the same.
The advantages outweigh the disadvantages
It seems safe to say that the advantages of marriage outweigh the disadvantages of divorce.
Nothing can rival …
Perhaps nothing can rival the pleasure from reading.
… has drawbacks as well as merits.
There could be no doubt that job-hopping has its drawbacks as well as merits.
A is superior to B
Men may be superior to women in physical affairs,Yet,there is no difference in intelligence.
… varies from person to person
People’s attitude towards drugs varies from person to person.
It is true that most jobs are a series of more or less unpleasant chores,but it doesn’t follow that that’s all they are.
This is true,no doubt,but it is not the whole story by any means.
It is fairly well known that Vitamin C is indispensable to health,But it is probably less well known that taking it excessively may do harm to the human body.
This story also illustrates the importance of seizing an opportunity when it presents itself,It is one thing to be offered an opportunity; it is another thing to take it and use it well.
Asia ranks first both in area and in population among the seven continents,Europe is second to Asia in population,but in area it is the last but one.
We all hope that a country’s population should be in proportion to its area,Unfortunately,the reality often goes against our will.
A is by far the larger university,being over three times as big as B.
And in August as many as 39 car accidents were reported,indicating an increase of about 79 percent as compared with the number of January.
This table provides several important points of comparison between the two universities,As can be indicated in the table,the housing space for the staff of A in 1995 was 34 500 square meters,which nearly doubled the B’s corresponding figure.
As we could find out later in this unit,his plan was not quite as he had expected.
As is revealed in the graph …
As the survey results show …
The population rose rapidly until it reached 600 000 in 1990,Since 1990 the growth has continued but the population has risen relatively slowly.
Before 1970 the birth rate remained level,Then in 1970 it fell until it reached 30 per thousand in 1980.
The birth rate in this region rocketed to the highest peak in 1963.
After a steady decline for a whole decade the country’s fertility rate shows signs of leveling off.
This table provides several important points of comparison between the two key universities.
The two graphs depict the same thing seen in two different ways,The first diagram simply records … The second graph throws a now light on …
The key findings taken from the surveys are as follows,…
If drivers continue to drive more carefully and further strengthen their sense of safety,the rate of accidents can be expected to decline even more dramatically in the year 1991.
1) 附加递进:and,also,moreover,furthermore,in addition,besides
对比转折:but,yet,while,whereas,although,however,nevertheless,on the other hand,in contrast
3) 陈述理由:for,since,as,because,due to,on the grounds that,owing to
4) 表达结果:so,as a result,thus,consequently,therefore
5) 肯定强调:obviously,certainly,of course,undoubtedly,in fact,indeed
6) 罗列条件:if,as long as,provided that,unless
7) 顺序列举:firstly,to begin with,then,after this,last but not least
8) 举例论证:for instance,for example,namely,such as,including
9) 总结说明:in conclusion,in summary,to sum up,to conclude
反义词或互补词反义词:Years ago a TV set was regarded as a luxury,Today it is a necessity.
互补词:Discrimination is mainly practiced against women in the field of science,We don’t find men complaining about this.
概括词或上下义词概括词:An electron tube is generally used for amplification,Vacuum tube is another name for this device.
上下义词:Yesterday a pigeon carried the first message from London to Liverpool,The bird covered the distance in two hours.
Brain injuries do not heal as do hurts in other parts of the body,A broken leg can be set,A black eye clears up,But the brain,once damaged,never recovers,The destruction of brain cell is permanent.