1 开场白
Good morning everybody,I am very happy to give bilingual class to you this semester,You are about to begin what could be one the most exciting course that you will undertake in university,It offers you the opportunity to learn what makes our world,tick” and to gain insight into the role physics plays in our everyday lives,
Ok,now I would like to introduce myself first.
My name is Li Xiaoduan,Guess where do I come from? From the appearance surely I am not from the south of China,Let’s tell you my experience,My home town is Shenyang,the capital of Liaoning Province,After I graduated from middle school,I went to Bejing Normal University to study physics,Then I continued to pursue my Master Degree there,The major is physics education,I knew my husband there and got married with him after I graduated,I followed him to Nanning,the capital of Guangxi province to work in a university,Then I passed the examination of EPT and supported by the ministry of education of China,I visited USA as a visiting scholar in 1998,The same year my husband began to study as a PhD Student at the Huazhong University of Technology,Then I came back in 2000,I went to Singapore to pursue my PhD in 2002,In 2004 I hunted job and worked here,
2 介绍用英语学习这门课程的特点和要求 talk about this course
This is a bilingual class,It means we will use both English and Chinese,It is really a challenge to you and me,Maybe you will ask me why we study physics in English or further you ask me as a Chinese why we must study in English? I cannot answer this question,I want to ask you a question,what course you think that will be,useful” for your future career? My experience,I cannot predict it will be helpful for my career,it does,I can so something others cannot,
Met some students and they were very happy to tell me they got the offer,Everybody send their resumes to company,Very beautiful cover and good experience,Nobody can tell difference according to resumes,Interview,get offer
With the development of our country,more and more forginers we have to communicate,
3 特点:
1).The book is quite thick,First that is for two semesters,It means it will be used for the whole year,On the other hand the style of teaching materials from USA are quite different from those from China,They are quit context rich,They are much more closer to real world,
2)How I will give this class?
I have taught physics and computer in English for almost 14 years,I know it is quit difficult for Chinese students to have class in English,Even for those students who have passed band four or band six,用英语板书和教材,习题的读和写,上课一开始大部分是中文,因为你们不知道其对应的中文物理词汇以后根据大家的情况在酌情增加,没有人能具体规定用英语的百分比,我是双语教师资格的评委,根据学生的水平。
** 不用担心,第一学期英语困难一些,但是内容大家都很熟悉,就是力学、振动与波动,光的干涉、衍射和偏振,大家不是十分熟悉的就是相对论,但是不是重点,当大家逐渐适应我的教学和英语后,下一个学期的内容就不难了