Unit 7
四川邮电职业技术学院 2
?Pre-reading Activities
?While-reading Activities
?New words and phrases
?Text organization
?Text and translation
?Post-reading Activities
?Further Development of the Theme-related
Specialized Knowledge
四川邮电职业技术学院 3
? 1,What have we studied in the Unit 6?
? Possible answers,SDH
? 2,What is SDH?
? Possible answers,SDH is an International Standard
for high-speed synchronous optical
telecommunication networks---a Synchronous
Digital Hierarchy,
? 3,Tell us the main application of SDH?
? Possible answers,The SDH signal is capable of
transporting all the common tributary signals found
in today's telecommunication networks,返 回
四川邮电职业技术学院 4
Pre-reading Activities
? Ask the Ss the following two questions related to the theme
of the text,
? Can you enumerate what you contacted in the study of the
courses including optical communications?
? Possible answers,optical fiber,OA,FTTB,FTTO,FTTN,FTTH,
? What is the application of optical fiber? Do you know
anything about WDM?
? Possible answers,optical fiber is a transmission medium
through which numerous signals are transmitted,it can be
used to build optical networks, Wavelength Division
Multiplexing (WDM) enables the utilization of a significant
portion of the available fiber bandwidth by allowing many
independent signals to be transmitted simultaneously on one
fiber,with each signal located at a different wavelength,(The
Ss might be encouraged to discuss this topic before class
either in English or in Chinese.)
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While-reading Activities / New
words and phrases
? visionary ['vi??n ?ri] n,幻想家,梦想家
? contribute [k?n'tribjut] v.捐献,贡献
? significant [sig'nifik?nt] adv,重大的,效果显著的,具有特殊意义
? property ['pr?pr?ti] n.所有物,房产,所有权
? fundamental [f?nd?'mentl'] adj,基础的,重要的,本性的
? span [sp?n] v.跨过,延伸
? twinkle [' twi?kl] v.闪烁,闪耀,眨眼
? equivalent [ i' kwiv?l?nt] adj.相同的,同等
? traffic [' tr?fik] n.交通,通信量,交易
? ample ['?mpl] adj.充足的,充分的,宽敞的
? evidence ['evid?ns] n.证据,证词
? phenomena [fi'n?mino] n,单数为 phenomenon n,现象
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While-reading Activities / New
words and phrases
? unify ['ju,nifai] v.使一致,使化一,统一
? video ['vidiou] adj.电视的,视频的,录像的
? striking ['straiki?] adj.引人注意的,显著的
? advance[ad'va,ns] v.前进,提升,进展
? magnitude ['m?gnitju,d] n.广大,巨大,重要
? corresponding [k?ris'p?ndi?] adj.符合的,对应的,一致的
? commercial [ka'm?,??l] adj.商业的,商务的
? demonstrate ['dem?nstreit] v.示范,展示,演示
? rainbow['reinbou] n.虹,彩虹
? approximate [?'pr?ksimit] adj.近似的,大概的~ 1y adv,
? boost [bu,st] v.上推,增加,提高
? eliminate [i'limineit] v.除去,淘汰
? considerable [k ? n'sid ? r ? bl] adj.相当大的,相当多的
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While-reading Activities / New
words and phrases
? simultaneous [sim ? l 'teinj ? s] adj.同时发生的,同时存在的,同时的
? equalization [i,kw ? lai'zei? ? n] n.相等,均等,平等
? optimize ['?ptimaiz] v.乐观的考虑,使尽可能完善
? extraordinary [iks'tr?,din ? ri] adj.非常的,特别的,非凡的
? exacting [ig' z?kt i?] adj,苛求的,严格的
? differentiation [dif ? renti'ei? ? n] adj.分化,变异,演变
? medical ['medik?l] adj.医学的,医术的,医疗的
? infrastructure['infr ?? str?kt? ?] n.基础,基础结构
? exponential [ekspou'nen'??l] adj.指数的,幂的
? constitute ['k?nstitju,t] v.构成,组成,设立
? majority [m?'d3?riti] n.多数,半数以上
? in this regard 在这一点上,关于此事
? flexible [' fleks?bl] adj.易弯曲的,可变通的,灵活的
? domain [dou'mein] n.领域,领地,范围
? wrapper ['r?p?] n.包装者,包装物,覆盖物
? standardize ['st?nd?daiz] v.使与标准比较,使合标准,使标准化
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While-reading Activities / New
words and phrases
? twofold [tu,'fould] adj.两倍的,两重的
? identify [ai' dentifai] v.使等同于,识别,鉴定
? unveil[?n'veil] v.使公诸于众,揭露,展出
? microscopic [maikr?s'k?pik] adj.显微镜的,微小的,细微的
? implement ['implim?nt] v.贯彻,完成,履行
? sophisticate [s?' fistikeit] v.使复杂,使精致
? intelligence[in'teli???ns] n,智力,智能,理解力
? router ['ru,t?] n.路由器
? restoration [ rest?'rei???] n.恢复,复位,复原
? aspect ['?spekt] n.样子,外表,方面
? enormous [i'n?? m?s] adj,巨大的,庞大的
? metropolitan [ metr?'p?lit?n] adj,大城市的,大都会的
? materialize [ma'ti?ri?laiz] v.使物质化,使具体化
? residential [rezi'den??l] adj.居住的,长住的,居留的
? deploy [di' pl?i] v.展开,调度,部署
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四川邮电职业技术学院 9
While-reading Activities / Text
? 1,Ss read the text and point out the main idea of the
? The main idea,The text mainly discusses the
operation and advances of WDM and optical
? 2,Ss make an analysis of the organization of the text,
?The text may be divided into three major sections,
?Section1 (Lines1-18),the introduction of the
communication networks of today and a brief introduction
to the application of the optical network;
?Section2 (Lines19-105),the operation and advances of
?Section3(Lines106-111),the prospect of optical
communication networks,返 回
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Text and translation
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Text and translation
? Even visionaries such as Albert Einstein and Isaac
Newton,who contributed significantly to our
understanding of the properties of light and its
fundamental importance,would not likely imagine
the communications networks of today,⑴ Highways
of light span the globe,transmitting massive
amounts of information in the twinkling of an eye
( 2), The equivalent of millions of telephone calls
are transmitted on a single fiber,thinner than a
human hair,Astounding as these advances may
seem,we are only at the beginning of what is
possible,⑶ 翻 译 下 一 页 上 一 页 返 回
四川邮电职业技术学院 12
Text and translation
? The current explosion of traffic in the worldwide
networks is ample evidence of the speed with which
we are adopting new communications technologies,
The growth of wireless systems and the Internet are
well-documented phenomena,No matter what
application it is that is generating traffic,most of this
traffic will be carried by the unifying optical layer,⑷
For this reason,the growth of various applications
such as telephony (whether cellular or fixed),Internet,
video transmission,computer communication and
database access leads directly to⑸ an increase in the
demand placed on the optical network,It is very likely
that the optical network will be used to convey large
amounts of video information in the future,⑹
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四川邮电职业技术学院 13
Text and translation
? The most striking recent advances in optical
networking have taken place in the field of
Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM),
These advances have benefited both
terrestrial and submarine systems,
increased available capacities by several
orders of magnitude and,correspondingly5,
reduced⑺ costs,
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四川邮电职业技术学院 14
Text and translation
? Until quite recently,it was possible to send
only one wavelength,or color,of light along
each fiber6,A lot of effort has therefore been
concentrated in maximizing the amount of
information that can be transmitted⑻ using a
single wavelength,Commercial systems will
soon be able to carry 40 Gbit/s on a single
wavelength,while in the labs 320 Gbit/s
systems have already been demonstrated,
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Text and translation
? WDM,on the other hand,makes it possible to
transmit a large number of wavelengths using the
same fiber7,effectively sending a "rainbow" of
colors,where there was only one color before,⑼
Already today,commercially available systems can
transmit 400 Gbit/s of information on a single fiber,
That is equivalent to transmitting approximately 200
feature-length films per second,Recently,a team of
researchers from Bell Labs demonstrated long-
distance,error-free transmission of 3.28 Tbit/s over
a single optical fiber,
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Text and translation
? The major advance that has led to the WDM revolution
has been the invention of the Optical Amplifier (OA),
Before the invention of the OA,after having traveled
down a fiber for some distance,each individual
wavelength had to be converted into electronic form,
then back into optical form and then retransmitted into
the next span of fiber,This was relatively expensive,
since the optical components involved are highly
specialized devices9,The OA,however,can boost the
signal power of all wave-lengths in the fiber,thus
eliminating the need for separate regenerators,and
allowing⑽ many wavelengths to share the same fiber,
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Text and translation
? Advances in optical amplifier design have been
considerable,⑾ First,the operating window has
expanded from 12 nm,in the first generation,to about
80 nm today,This allows the OA to amplify more
signals simultaneously,Second,the development of
gain equalization techniques has enabled a much
flatter response and allows a number of these
amplifiers to be connected in series.There have also
been advances in the fibers themselves,In the early
days of optical systems⑿,optical fibers were not built
for multi-wavelength transmission,Today's fibers,on
the other hand,are designed to have wide
transmission windows and are optimized ⒀ for high-
capacity,multiple-wave-length transmission,
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Text and translation
? The growing demand on optical network is a complex
issue,On the one hand,the growth in capacity
demand is extraordinary,and this in itself10 would be
a big enough challenge to meet,⒁ However,this is
accompanied by an increasing variety of services and
applications,as well as much more exacting
requirements for quality differentiation,For example,
there is quite a difference in the quality requirement
for a signal being used to transmit an emergency
telephone call or live video coverage of a medical
operation,as compared with an E-mail that is not
urgent and can arrive after several hours,⒂
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Text and translation
? However,the same optical infrastructure is
expected to support this wide variety of
services,Internet Protocol (IP) traffic,in
particular,is growing exponentially,⒃ In some
parts of the world,it is expected that IP will
constitute the majority of traffic in the near
future,Therefore,existing networks will have to
be progressively optimized to handle various
types of traffic,WDM has a major advantage in
this regard,which is that the different types of
traffic can be assigned to different wavelengths,
as required,⒄
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Text and translation
? Fortunately,we will soon be in a position to
route individual wave-lengths flexibly through
an optical network,Features such as add/drop
and cross-connection in the optical domain are
being made possible by advance in photonics~,
I would like to draw attention to a few recent
advances in this area,⒅ Firstly,the so-called
digital wrapper is in the process of being
standardized in the international bodies,A
second significant development is the all-
optical cross-connect,Bell Labs has recently
unveiled its all-optical cross connect called the
Lambda Router⒆,
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Text and translation
? Based on Micro Electro Mechanical Switching (MEMS)
technology,it consists of microscopic mirrors that tilt,
and thus re-direct ⒇ optical signals,It is a such
technology that will enable us to build networks that
are purely optical12,As more routing functions are
implemented in the optical plane,more sophisticated
intelligence is needed ( 21) to control and manage
the network,Control systems are being developed for
these optical routers with which it will be able to build
optical networks that can be easily configured in
response to demand13,and which also have self-
healing properties and fast restoration times in the
order of fifty to a hundred milliseconds,much the
same as today’s SDH and SONET networks,
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Text and translation
? A further aspect to consider14 is access to the optical
network,( 22) Most users would like to have direct
access to the optical network and the enormous
capacity it provides,This will take place in stages,
Multi-wavelength optical systems are rapidly
spreading out from the core towards the end user,In
regional and metropolitan areas,the requirements are
somewhat different from the long-distance area,The
dream of Fiber To The Home (FTTH) or desktop is yet
to materialize,mainly because of the cost-sensitive
nature of this part of the network,( 23) In the near
future,residential access may remain copper-based,
using technologies such as ADSL to boost the
capacity of traditional copper lines,
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Text and translation
? However,for business offices,optical
technology will be used to bring bandwidth to
the end-used,Currently,a lot of Fiber To The
Building (FTTB) networks are being deployed
involving ATM and SDH access equipment at
customer premises,The next step is to use
WDM technology for these applications,WDM
will first be used in industrial and campus
Local Area Network (LAN) environments,
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Text and translation
?We are at the beginning of a revolution in
communications networks,where increasing
capacity,variety of applications,and quality
of service are placing enormous demands
on the optical network,The revolution of
optical network is just beginning,and is
advancing very swiftly towards a future
online world in which bandwidth is
essentially unlimited,reliable and low-cost,
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Text and translation
?与本单元课题有关的电信术语或用语 (24) 。
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Post-reading Activities
?i,Review the important expressions,
phrases or sentences which were learnt in
thestudy of text by guiding the students
through Exercises 1-2 between Page 41 and
Page 42 in class,
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Post-reading Activities
?ii,Ask the students to summarize the
translation skills touched upon in the study
of the text.Possible answers,非谓语动词的使
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四川邮电职业技术学院 28
Further Development of the Theme-
related Specialized Knowledge
?1) WDM - Wavelength Division Multiplexing
( Written by:Adar Shtainhart; Ronen Segal;
Aviad Tsherniak)
?2) History and technology of wavelength
division multiplexing
ultiplex.html 返 回
四川邮电职业技术学院 29
?1,Preview Unit 8
?2,Do Exercises3-5 between Page 88 and
Page 92
?3,To collect the materials related to WDM
and optical network,
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谢 谢!!
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四川邮电职业技术学院 32
Text and translation
?课文题目:波 分 复 用
课 文
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Text and translation
课 文
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Text and translation
? 目前全球网络业务爆炸式增长充分地表明了我们
(移动或固定 ),因特网、视频传输、计算机通信
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Text and translation
复用 (WDM)方面。这些进展给地面通信系统和海
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Text and translation
个光纤上传输 40Gbit/ s的信息,而在实验室,
已经演示了传输 320Gbit/ s的系统。
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Text and translation
以在一根光纤上传输 400Gbit/ s的信息。这大约
等效于每秒传输 200部故事片。最近,贝尔实验
3,28Tbit/ s的长途、无误码的传输系统。
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Text and translation
?导致 WDM革命的主要进展是光放大器 (OA)的发
明。在光放大器 (OA)发明之前,单个的波长在经
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Text and translation
首先,光纤的工作窗口已由第一代的 12nm扩展
到今天的 80nmo这使光放大器 (OA)可以同时放
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Text and translation
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Text and translation
泛的业务。特别是工 P业务,正在以指数形式增
须逐步进行优化以处理各种类型的业务。 WDM
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Text and translation
课 文
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Text and translation
数量级为 50/ u100ms的快速恢复时间,这与今
天的 SDH和 SONET网络非常一致。
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Text and translation
和城区的需求与长途通信有些 不同。光纤到家
可以使用 ADSL技术以增加传统铜线的容量。
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Text and translation
送到终端用户。 目前,很多光纤到建筑物
ATM和 SDH接入设备。下一步是在这些应用中使
用 WDM技术。 WDM将会首先被使用在工业和校
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Text and translation
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?以下幻灯片为课文的 Key language points
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
复用 (WDM),
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
? 1,Even visionaries such as Albert Einstein
and Isaac Newton,who contributed
significantly to our understanding of the
properties of light and its fundamental
importance,would not likely imagine the
communications networks of today,
?1) contribute…to 贡献
?2) likely极有可能
?3) such as… like 像,诸如
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
? 这是一句带非限制性定语从句的主从复合句 …who
contributed significantly to our understanding of the
properties of light and its fundamental importance修
饰先行词 visionaries。注意定语从句在科技英语中的经
用法,比如此句中的 of the properties of light,of
today分别修饰 understanding和 networks。关于此类
,of …” 做后置定语的情形,在本文中还会出现多处,比
如 9- 11行等,请同学们注意观察。
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
? Chinese version:爱因斯坦和牛顿在我们对光特性的了
? 翻译技巧讲解:英译汉中非限制性定语从句的译法,
? 英语非限制性定语从句与限制性定语从句不同,对先行
短小且具描写性的从句也可采用带,… 的”前置译法,
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
?So far,there has been no remarkable
progress in the development of the general
theory of relativity,which was first raised by
Einstein in 1920s,
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
?2,Highways of light span the globe,
transmitting massive amounts of
information in the twinkling of an eye,
?transmitting massive… 分词短语在此表示结果
? 况.可翻译成“眨眼间传输巨量的信息”,
?Chinese version:光的高速公路跨越全球,眨
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
?3,Astounding as these advances may seem,
we are only at the beginning of what is
?astounding adj.令人惊骇的 advances n,接近,
?Chinese version:这些成就似乎使人很吃惊,
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
? 4,No matter what application it is that is
generating traffic,most of this traffic will be
carried by the unifying optical layer,
? 1) No matter what… 引导让步状语从句,译成“无
? 引申举例 No matter where/who/which…,
? 2) most of this traffic will be carried by the
unifying optical layer.是典型的被动句。分析此
? Chinese version:不管是哪一种产生业务的应用,
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
? 5,For this reason,the growth of various
applications such as telephony (whether
cellular or fixed),Internet,video
transmission,computer communication and
database access leads directly to an
increase in the demand placed on the optical
?lead to 导致
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
? 例,The major advance that has led to the WDM
revolution has been the invention of the Optical
Amplifier (OA),导致 WDM革命的主要进展是光放大器
? Pay attention to the noun phrases after
preposition,as”,trying to understand the parallel
structure used,In the mean while,” …an increase in
the demand placed on the optical network., the
underlined part is used as attribute to modify the
word demand,
? Chinese version:由于这一原因,各种应用的增长,如
电话 (移动或固定 ),因特网、视频传输、计算机通信和
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
? 6,It is very likely that the optical network
will be used to convey large amounts of
video information in the future,
? It用作形式主语,that引导主语从句。复习 likely
?Chinese version:很有可能将来光网络会用来
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
? 7,These advances have benefited both
terrestrial and submarine systems,
increased available capacities by several
orders of magnitude and,correspondingly,
reduced costs,
correspondingly adv,相应的
?Chinese version:这些进展给地面通信系统和
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
? 8,A lot of effort has therefore been concentrated
in maximizing the amount of information that can be
transmitted using a single wavelength,
? 1)句子结构分析,
? 主语,A lot of effort
? 谓语,has therefore been concentrated
?,maximizing the amount of information that can be
transmitted using a single wavelength.”做介词 in的宾
? 定语从句,that can be transmitted using a single
wavelength.”用于修饰先行词 information。
? 2) Chinese version:因此,大量的努力集中在使用单
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
? 9,WDM,on the other hand,makes it
possible to transmit a large number of
wavelengths using the same fiber,
effectively sending a "rainbow" of colors,
where there was only one color before,
? 1)短语,
?on the other hand另一方面
?a large number of大量的
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
? 2)句子结构分析,
? 主语,WDM,
? 谓语,makes
? 宾语:形式宾语 it,真正宾语 to transmit a large
number of wavelengths using the same fiber,
effectively sending a "rainbow" of colors,where
there was only one color before,当动词不定式短语或
要用 it作为引导词放在宾语补足语之前,而把真正的宾语,
即不定式短语或从句放在补足语之后,where there was
only one color before.为非限制性定语从句,起补充说
? 宾语补足语,possible
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
? 3)翻译技巧:非限定性定语从句的译法(复习本课第一
? ( 1)英语非限制性定语从句与限制性定语从句不同,对
虽然短小且具描写性的从句也可采用带,… 的”前置译
? ( 2)更多译例,
? The analog signals are transmitted over common
wire to the demodulator,which convert them into
digital signals,
? 模拟信号通过普通电话线传送到解调器上,解调器又将
其转换成数字信号。 )
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
?10,The OA,however,can boost the signal
power of all wave-lengths in the fiber,thus
eliminating the need for separate
regenerators,and allowing many
wavelengths to share the same fiber,
?Chinese version:然而,光放大器 (OA)可以放
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
? 11,Advances in optical amplifier design have
been considerable,
? 1)句子结构分析,
? 主语,Advances
? 定语,in optical amplifier design,修饰主语 advances
? 谓语,have been
? 表语,considerable
? 2) Chinese version:在光放大器方面的进展具有不可
? 3)此句为该段主题句,请找出下文中所列举的进展
advances,注意找出 First...,Second...,also...所引
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
? 12,In the early days of optical systems,optical
fibers were not built for multi-wavelength
? 1)句子结构分析,
? 状语:,In the early days of optical systems,”划线部
分是介词短语做后置定语,用于修饰先行词 days。
? 主语,optical fibers
? 谓语,were not built,谓语为被动语态
? 状语,for multi-wavelength transmission.,multi-
wavelength transmission”做介词 for的宾语。
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
? 2) multi-wavelength transmission多波长传输
? 构词法讲解,multi- [构 ] 表示“多,多种,多个”之义
? 更多例词,multi-meter 万用表
? multi-access adj.〈 计 〉 多路存取的
? multi-industry adj.多种经营的
? multi-purpose adj.多用途的,多功能的
? multi-address instruction 多地址指令
? multi-band aerial 多 [宽 ]频带天线
? multi-user n.[计 ]多用户
? 3) Chinese version:在早期的光系统中,铺设的光纤
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
? 13,13,Today's fibers,on the other hand,are
designed to have wide transmission windows and
are optimized for high-capacity,multiple- wave-
length transmission,
? optimize ['?ptimaiz] v.乐观的考虑,使尽可能完善,优
? 构词法讲解,suffix:-ize动词后缀,“使,..”可译为“使,..
化”,注意本文中其他几个带动词后缀 -ize的词,
? standardize ['st?nd?daiz] v.使与标准比较,使合标准,
? materialize [m?'ti?ri?laiz] v.使物质化,使具体化
? Chinese version:另一方面,今天设计的光纤有宽的传
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
? 14,On the one hand,the growth in
capacity demand is extraordinary,and this
in itself would be a big enough challenge to
?In itself译为“本身”
?短语,meet the challenge 面临挑战,此句中
,a big enough challenge to meet”可译为
?Chinese version:一方面对容量需求的增长是
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
? 15.,.,there is quite a difference in the quality
requirement for a signal being used to transmit an
emergency telephone call or live video coverage of
a medical operation,as compared with an E-mail
that is not urgent and can arrive after several hours,
? 句子结构分析:整句话为我们很熟悉的 there be 句型。
主语为 quite a difference,,in the quality
requirement for a signal being used to transmit an
emergency telephone call or live video coverage of
a medical operation,”为介词短语做后置定语修饰主语,
其中,being used to transmit an emergency
telephone call or live video coverage of a medical
operation,”为分词短语做后置定语修饰先行词 a signal;
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
?“as compared with an E-mail that is not
urgent and can arrive after several hours.”注
意此句中 as的用法。,that is not urgent and
can arrive after several hours.”为定语从句修
饰先行词 E-mail。
?Chinese version:用于传输紧急电话或者实况
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
?16,Internet Protocol (IP) traffic,in particular,
is growing exponentially,
?in particular,特别是,尤其是
?Internet Protocol (IP) traffic 工 P业务
?exponential [? ekspou'nen'??l] adj.指数的,
?Chinese version:特别是工 P业务,正在以指
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
? 17,WDM has a major advantage in this regard,
which is that the different types of traffic can be
assigned to different wavelengths,as required,
? major adj,主要的
? advantage n,优势,优点,好处
? assign v.分配
? in this regard 在这一方面
? Chinese version,WDM在这一方面有很大的优势,这
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
?18,I would like to draw attention to a few
recent advances in this area,
?注意此句中,a few recent advances in this
area”中,a few”的用法,用于引起下文所列举
的各项 advances,结合相关引导词加以理解,
比如,Firstly...,A second...”
?draw attention to 注意,关注 area 领域
?Chinese version:我想让大家注意在这一领域
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
?19,Bell Labs has recently unveiled its all-
optical cross connect called the Lambda
行词 connect。
?unveil[?n'veil] v.使公诸于众,揭露,展出
?all-optical cross connect 全光交叉连接
?Chinese version:贝尔实验室最近公布了其称
作 LambdaRouter的全光交叉连接研究成果。
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
?20,Based on Micro Electro Mechanical
Switching (MEMS) technology,it consists of
microscopic mirrors that tilt,and thus re-
direct optical signals,
?Based on 基于,以,..为基础
?consist of 由,..组成,该短语不能用于被动语态
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
? re-direct 重新引导
? 构词法讲解, re-表示重新,..,再,.,
? 例如,redo v.再做,重做
? rewrite v.重写,改写
? rewriting circuit 重写电路
? rewriting operation 重写操作
? re-sort vt.使再分开
? reassert vt.再断言,重复主张
? Chinese version:该技术是以微电子机械交换 (MEMS)
重新引导光信号。 上 一 页
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
? 21,As more routing functions are implemented in
the optical plane,more sophisticated intelligence is
needed to control and manage the network,
? Pay attention to the passive voice used in this
sentence,Also,,as”is used to indicate
conditional sentence,
? 不定式短语” to control and manage the network” 用
? Chinese version:随着越来越多的路由选择功能在光平
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
?22,A further aspect to consider is access to
the optical network,
?to consider为不定式作后置定语,修饰
?aspect ['?spekt] n.样子,外表,方面
supporting sentences。
?Chinese version:进一步要考虑的是接入光网
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
?23,The dream of Fiber To The Home (FTTH)
or desktop is yet to materialize,mainly
because of the cost-sensitive nature of this
part of the network,
?materialize v.使物质化,使具体化
?FTTH,Fiber To The Home光纤到家,光纤到
下 一 页
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
?FTTB,Fiber To The Building光纤到建筑物;
?FTTO,Fiber To The Office光纤到办公室
?FTTN,Fiber To The Node 光纤到结点
?Chinese version:光纤到家 (FTTH)或光纤到桌
上 一 页
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
?WDM, Wavelength Division Multiplexing 波
?OA,Optical Amplifier 光放大器
?FTTH,Fiber To The Home光纤到家,光纤到
?FTTB,Fiber To The Building光纤到建筑物;
?FTTO,Fiber To The Office光纤到办公室
?FTTN,Fiber To The Node 光纤到结点
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
?MEMS,Micro Electro Mechanical
Switching 微电子机械交换
?the error—free transmission 无差错传
?the self-healing properties 自愈特性
?the multiple-wavelength transmission
?the all-optical cross-connect 全光交叉
连接 上 一 页
四川邮电职业技术学院 2
?Pre-reading Activities
?While-reading Activities
?New words and phrases
?Text organization
?Text and translation
?Post-reading Activities
?Further Development of the Theme-related
Specialized Knowledge
四川邮电职业技术学院 3
? 1,What have we studied in the Unit 6?
? Possible answers,SDH
? 2,What is SDH?
? Possible answers,SDH is an International Standard
for high-speed synchronous optical
telecommunication networks---a Synchronous
Digital Hierarchy,
? 3,Tell us the main application of SDH?
? Possible answers,The SDH signal is capable of
transporting all the common tributary signals found
in today's telecommunication networks,返 回
四川邮电职业技术学院 4
Pre-reading Activities
? Ask the Ss the following two questions related to the theme
of the text,
? Can you enumerate what you contacted in the study of the
courses including optical communications?
? Possible answers,optical fiber,OA,FTTB,FTTO,FTTN,FTTH,
? What is the application of optical fiber? Do you know
anything about WDM?
? Possible answers,optical fiber is a transmission medium
through which numerous signals are transmitted,it can be
used to build optical networks, Wavelength Division
Multiplexing (WDM) enables the utilization of a significant
portion of the available fiber bandwidth by allowing many
independent signals to be transmitted simultaneously on one
fiber,with each signal located at a different wavelength,(The
Ss might be encouraged to discuss this topic before class
either in English or in Chinese.)
返 回
四川邮电职业技术学院 5
While-reading Activities / New
words and phrases
? visionary ['vi??n ?ri] n,幻想家,梦想家
? contribute [k?n'tribjut] v.捐献,贡献
? significant [sig'nifik?nt] adv,重大的,效果显著的,具有特殊意义
? property ['pr?pr?ti] n.所有物,房产,所有权
? fundamental [f?nd?'mentl'] adj,基础的,重要的,本性的
? span [sp?n] v.跨过,延伸
? twinkle [' twi?kl] v.闪烁,闪耀,眨眼
? equivalent [ i' kwiv?l?nt] adj.相同的,同等
? traffic [' tr?fik] n.交通,通信量,交易
? ample ['?mpl] adj.充足的,充分的,宽敞的
? evidence ['evid?ns] n.证据,证词
? phenomena [fi'n?mino] n,单数为 phenomenon n,现象
下 一 页
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While-reading Activities / New
words and phrases
? unify ['ju,nifai] v.使一致,使化一,统一
? video ['vidiou] adj.电视的,视频的,录像的
? striking ['straiki?] adj.引人注意的,显著的
? advance[ad'va,ns] v.前进,提升,进展
? magnitude ['m?gnitju,d] n.广大,巨大,重要
? corresponding [k?ris'p?ndi?] adj.符合的,对应的,一致的
? commercial [ka'm?,??l] adj.商业的,商务的
? demonstrate ['dem?nstreit] v.示范,展示,演示
? rainbow['reinbou] n.虹,彩虹
? approximate [?'pr?ksimit] adj.近似的,大概的~ 1y adv,
? boost [bu,st] v.上推,增加,提高
? eliminate [i'limineit] v.除去,淘汰
? considerable [k ? n'sid ? r ? bl] adj.相当大的,相当多的
下 一 页 上 一 页
四川邮电职业技术学院 7
While-reading Activities / New
words and phrases
? simultaneous [sim ? l 'teinj ? s] adj.同时发生的,同时存在的,同时的
? equalization [i,kw ? lai'zei? ? n] n.相等,均等,平等
? optimize ['?ptimaiz] v.乐观的考虑,使尽可能完善
? extraordinary [iks'tr?,din ? ri] adj.非常的,特别的,非凡的
? exacting [ig' z?kt i?] adj,苛求的,严格的
? differentiation [dif ? renti'ei? ? n] adj.分化,变异,演变
? medical ['medik?l] adj.医学的,医术的,医疗的
? infrastructure['infr ?? str?kt? ?] n.基础,基础结构
? exponential [ekspou'nen'??l] adj.指数的,幂的
? constitute ['k?nstitju,t] v.构成,组成,设立
? majority [m?'d3?riti] n.多数,半数以上
? in this regard 在这一点上,关于此事
? flexible [' fleks?bl] adj.易弯曲的,可变通的,灵活的
? domain [dou'mein] n.领域,领地,范围
? wrapper ['r?p?] n.包装者,包装物,覆盖物
? standardize ['st?nd?daiz] v.使与标准比较,使合标准,使标准化
下 一 页 上 一 页
四川邮电职业技术学院 8
While-reading Activities / New
words and phrases
? twofold [tu,'fould] adj.两倍的,两重的
? identify [ai' dentifai] v.使等同于,识别,鉴定
? unveil[?n'veil] v.使公诸于众,揭露,展出
? microscopic [maikr?s'k?pik] adj.显微镜的,微小的,细微的
? implement ['implim?nt] v.贯彻,完成,履行
? sophisticate [s?' fistikeit] v.使复杂,使精致
? intelligence[in'teli???ns] n,智力,智能,理解力
? router ['ru,t?] n.路由器
? restoration [ rest?'rei???] n.恢复,复位,复原
? aspect ['?spekt] n.样子,外表,方面
? enormous [i'n?? m?s] adj,巨大的,庞大的
? metropolitan [ metr?'p?lit?n] adj,大城市的,大都会的
? materialize [ma'ti?ri?laiz] v.使物质化,使具体化
? residential [rezi'den??l] adj.居住的,长住的,居留的
? deploy [di' pl?i] v.展开,调度,部署
上 一 页 返 回
四川邮电职业技术学院 9
While-reading Activities / Text
? 1,Ss read the text and point out the main idea of the
? The main idea,The text mainly discusses the
operation and advances of WDM and optical
? 2,Ss make an analysis of the organization of the text,
?The text may be divided into three major sections,
?Section1 (Lines1-18),the introduction of the
communication networks of today and a brief introduction
to the application of the optical network;
?Section2 (Lines19-105),the operation and advances of
?Section3(Lines106-111),the prospect of optical
communication networks,返 回
四川邮电职业技术学院 10
Text and translation
翻 译 下 一 页 返 回
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Text and translation
? Even visionaries such as Albert Einstein and Isaac
Newton,who contributed significantly to our
understanding of the properties of light and its
fundamental importance,would not likely imagine
the communications networks of today,⑴ Highways
of light span the globe,transmitting massive
amounts of information in the twinkling of an eye
( 2), The equivalent of millions of telephone calls
are transmitted on a single fiber,thinner than a
human hair,Astounding as these advances may
seem,we are only at the beginning of what is
possible,⑶ 翻 译 下 一 页 上 一 页 返 回
四川邮电职业技术学院 12
Text and translation
? The current explosion of traffic in the worldwide
networks is ample evidence of the speed with which
we are adopting new communications technologies,
The growth of wireless systems and the Internet are
well-documented phenomena,No matter what
application it is that is generating traffic,most of this
traffic will be carried by the unifying optical layer,⑷
For this reason,the growth of various applications
such as telephony (whether cellular or fixed),Internet,
video transmission,computer communication and
database access leads directly to⑸ an increase in the
demand placed on the optical network,It is very likely
that the optical network will be used to convey large
amounts of video information in the future,⑹
翻 译 下 一 页 上 一 页 返 回
四川邮电职业技术学院 13
Text and translation
? The most striking recent advances in optical
networking have taken place in the field of
Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM),
These advances have benefited both
terrestrial and submarine systems,
increased available capacities by several
orders of magnitude and,correspondingly5,
reduced⑺ costs,
翻 译 下 一 页 上 一 页 返 回
四川邮电职业技术学院 14
Text and translation
? Until quite recently,it was possible to send
only one wavelength,or color,of light along
each fiber6,A lot of effort has therefore been
concentrated in maximizing the amount of
information that can be transmitted⑻ using a
single wavelength,Commercial systems will
soon be able to carry 40 Gbit/s on a single
wavelength,while in the labs 320 Gbit/s
systems have already been demonstrated,
翻 译 下 一 页 上 一 页 返 回
四川邮电职业技术学院 15
Text and translation
? WDM,on the other hand,makes it possible to
transmit a large number of wavelengths using the
same fiber7,effectively sending a "rainbow" of
colors,where there was only one color before,⑼
Already today,commercially available systems can
transmit 400 Gbit/s of information on a single fiber,
That is equivalent to transmitting approximately 200
feature-length films per second,Recently,a team of
researchers from Bell Labs demonstrated long-
distance,error-free transmission of 3.28 Tbit/s over
a single optical fiber,
翻 译 下 一 页 上 一 页 返 回
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Text and translation
? The major advance that has led to the WDM revolution
has been the invention of the Optical Amplifier (OA),
Before the invention of the OA,after having traveled
down a fiber for some distance,each individual
wavelength had to be converted into electronic form,
then back into optical form and then retransmitted into
the next span of fiber,This was relatively expensive,
since the optical components involved are highly
specialized devices9,The OA,however,can boost the
signal power of all wave-lengths in the fiber,thus
eliminating the need for separate regenerators,and
allowing⑽ many wavelengths to share the same fiber,
翻 译 下 一 页 上 一 页 返 回
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Text and translation
? Advances in optical amplifier design have been
considerable,⑾ First,the operating window has
expanded from 12 nm,in the first generation,to about
80 nm today,This allows the OA to amplify more
signals simultaneously,Second,the development of
gain equalization techniques has enabled a much
flatter response and allows a number of these
amplifiers to be connected in series.There have also
been advances in the fibers themselves,In the early
days of optical systems⑿,optical fibers were not built
for multi-wavelength transmission,Today's fibers,on
the other hand,are designed to have wide
transmission windows and are optimized ⒀ for high-
capacity,multiple-wave-length transmission,
翻 译 下 一 页 上 一 页 返 回
四川邮电职业技术学院 18
Text and translation
? The growing demand on optical network is a complex
issue,On the one hand,the growth in capacity
demand is extraordinary,and this in itself10 would be
a big enough challenge to meet,⒁ However,this is
accompanied by an increasing variety of services and
applications,as well as much more exacting
requirements for quality differentiation,For example,
there is quite a difference in the quality requirement
for a signal being used to transmit an emergency
telephone call or live video coverage of a medical
operation,as compared with an E-mail that is not
urgent and can arrive after several hours,⒂
翻 译 下 一 页 上 一 页 返 回
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Text and translation
? However,the same optical infrastructure is
expected to support this wide variety of
services,Internet Protocol (IP) traffic,in
particular,is growing exponentially,⒃ In some
parts of the world,it is expected that IP will
constitute the majority of traffic in the near
future,Therefore,existing networks will have to
be progressively optimized to handle various
types of traffic,WDM has a major advantage in
this regard,which is that the different types of
traffic can be assigned to different wavelengths,
as required,⒄
翻 译 下 一 页 上 一 页 返 回
四川邮电职业技术学院 20
Text and translation
? Fortunately,we will soon be in a position to
route individual wave-lengths flexibly through
an optical network,Features such as add/drop
and cross-connection in the optical domain are
being made possible by advance in photonics~,
I would like to draw attention to a few recent
advances in this area,⒅ Firstly,the so-called
digital wrapper is in the process of being
standardized in the international bodies,A
second significant development is the all-
optical cross-connect,Bell Labs has recently
unveiled its all-optical cross connect called the
Lambda Router⒆,
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? Based on Micro Electro Mechanical Switching (MEMS)
technology,it consists of microscopic mirrors that tilt,
and thus re-direct ⒇ optical signals,It is a such
technology that will enable us to build networks that
are purely optical12,As more routing functions are
implemented in the optical plane,more sophisticated
intelligence is needed ( 21) to control and manage
the network,Control systems are being developed for
these optical routers with which it will be able to build
optical networks that can be easily configured in
response to demand13,and which also have self-
healing properties and fast restoration times in the
order of fifty to a hundred milliseconds,much the
same as today’s SDH and SONET networks,
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? A further aspect to consider14 is access to the optical
network,( 22) Most users would like to have direct
access to the optical network and the enormous
capacity it provides,This will take place in stages,
Multi-wavelength optical systems are rapidly
spreading out from the core towards the end user,In
regional and metropolitan areas,the requirements are
somewhat different from the long-distance area,The
dream of Fiber To The Home (FTTH) or desktop is yet
to materialize,mainly because of the cost-sensitive
nature of this part of the network,( 23) In the near
future,residential access may remain copper-based,
using technologies such as ADSL to boost the
capacity of traditional copper lines,
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Text and translation
? However,for business offices,optical
technology will be used to bring bandwidth to
the end-used,Currently,a lot of Fiber To The
Building (FTTB) networks are being deployed
involving ATM and SDH access equipment at
customer premises,The next step is to use
WDM technology for these applications,WDM
will first be used in industrial and campus
Local Area Network (LAN) environments,
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Text and translation
?We are at the beginning of a revolution in
communications networks,where increasing
capacity,variety of applications,and quality
of service are placing enormous demands
on the optical network,The revolution of
optical network is just beginning,and is
advancing very swiftly towards a future
online world in which bandwidth is
essentially unlimited,reliable and low-cost,
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?与本单元课题有关的电信术语或用语 (24) 。
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Post-reading Activities
?i,Review the important expressions,
phrases or sentences which were learnt in
thestudy of text by guiding the students
through Exercises 1-2 between Page 41 and
Page 42 in class,
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Post-reading Activities
?ii,Ask the students to summarize the
translation skills touched upon in the study
of the text.Possible answers,非谓语动词的使
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Further Development of the Theme-
related Specialized Knowledge
?1) WDM - Wavelength Division Multiplexing
( Written by:Adar Shtainhart; Ronen Segal;
Aviad Tsherniak)
?2) History and technology of wavelength
division multiplexing
ultiplex.html 返 回
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?1,Preview Unit 8
?2,Do Exercises3-5 between Page 88 and
Page 92
?3,To collect the materials related to WDM
and optical network,
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谢 谢!!
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Text and translation
?课文题目:波 分 复 用
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? 目前全球网络业务爆炸式增长充分地表明了我们
(移动或固定 ),因特网、视频传输、计算机通信
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复用 (WDM)方面。这些进展给地面通信系统和海
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个光纤上传输 40Gbit/ s的信息,而在实验室,
已经演示了传输 320Gbit/ s的系统。
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以在一根光纤上传输 400Gbit/ s的信息。这大约
等效于每秒传输 200部故事片。最近,贝尔实验
3,28Tbit/ s的长途、无误码的传输系统。
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?导致 WDM革命的主要进展是光放大器 (OA)的发
明。在光放大器 (OA)发明之前,单个的波长在经
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首先,光纤的工作窗口已由第一代的 12nm扩展
到今天的 80nmo这使光放大器 (OA)可以同时放
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泛的业务。特别是工 P业务,正在以指数形式增
须逐步进行优化以处理各种类型的业务。 WDM
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数量级为 50/ u100ms的快速恢复时间,这与今
天的 SDH和 SONET网络非常一致。
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和城区的需求与长途通信有些 不同。光纤到家
可以使用 ADSL技术以增加传统铜线的容量。
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送到终端用户。 目前,很多光纤到建筑物
ATM和 SDH接入设备。下一步是在这些应用中使
用 WDM技术。 WDM将会首先被使用在工业和校
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?以下幻灯片为课文的 Key language points
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
复用 (WDM),
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
? 1,Even visionaries such as Albert Einstein
and Isaac Newton,who contributed
significantly to our understanding of the
properties of light and its fundamental
importance,would not likely imagine the
communications networks of today,
?1) contribute…to 贡献
?2) likely极有可能
?3) such as… like 像,诸如
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Key language points
? 这是一句带非限制性定语从句的主从复合句 …who
contributed significantly to our understanding of the
properties of light and its fundamental importance修
饰先行词 visionaries。注意定语从句在科技英语中的经
用法,比如此句中的 of the properties of light,of
today分别修饰 understanding和 networks。关于此类
,of …” 做后置定语的情形,在本文中还会出现多处,比
如 9- 11行等,请同学们注意观察。
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Key language points
? Chinese version:爱因斯坦和牛顿在我们对光特性的了
? 翻译技巧讲解:英译汉中非限制性定语从句的译法,
? 英语非限制性定语从句与限制性定语从句不同,对先行
短小且具描写性的从句也可采用带,… 的”前置译法,
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
?So far,there has been no remarkable
progress in the development of the general
theory of relativity,which was first raised by
Einstein in 1920s,
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Key language points
?2,Highways of light span the globe,
transmitting massive amounts of
information in the twinkling of an eye,
?transmitting massive… 分词短语在此表示结果
? 况.可翻译成“眨眼间传输巨量的信息”,
?Chinese version:光的高速公路跨越全球,眨
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Key language points
?3,Astounding as these advances may seem,
we are only at the beginning of what is
?astounding adj.令人惊骇的 advances n,接近,
?Chinese version:这些成就似乎使人很吃惊,
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Key language points
? 4,No matter what application it is that is
generating traffic,most of this traffic will be
carried by the unifying optical layer,
? 1) No matter what… 引导让步状语从句,译成“无
? 引申举例 No matter where/who/which…,
? 2) most of this traffic will be carried by the
unifying optical layer.是典型的被动句。分析此
? Chinese version:不管是哪一种产生业务的应用,
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
? 5,For this reason,the growth of various
applications such as telephony (whether
cellular or fixed),Internet,video
transmission,computer communication and
database access leads directly to an
increase in the demand placed on the optical
?lead to 导致
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Key language points
? 例,The major advance that has led to the WDM
revolution has been the invention of the Optical
Amplifier (OA),导致 WDM革命的主要进展是光放大器
? Pay attention to the noun phrases after
preposition,as”,trying to understand the parallel
structure used,In the mean while,” …an increase in
the demand placed on the optical network., the
underlined part is used as attribute to modify the
word demand,
? Chinese version:由于这一原因,各种应用的增长,如
电话 (移动或固定 ),因特网、视频传输、计算机通信和
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
? 6,It is very likely that the optical network
will be used to convey large amounts of
video information in the future,
? It用作形式主语,that引导主语从句。复习 likely
?Chinese version:很有可能将来光网络会用来
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
? 7,These advances have benefited both
terrestrial and submarine systems,
increased available capacities by several
orders of magnitude and,correspondingly,
reduced costs,
correspondingly adv,相应的
?Chinese version:这些进展给地面通信系统和
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
? 8,A lot of effort has therefore been concentrated
in maximizing the amount of information that can be
transmitted using a single wavelength,
? 1)句子结构分析,
? 主语,A lot of effort
? 谓语,has therefore been concentrated
?,maximizing the amount of information that can be
transmitted using a single wavelength.”做介词 in的宾
? 定语从句,that can be transmitted using a single
wavelength.”用于修饰先行词 information。
? 2) Chinese version:因此,大量的努力集中在使用单
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
? 9,WDM,on the other hand,makes it
possible to transmit a large number of
wavelengths using the same fiber,
effectively sending a "rainbow" of colors,
where there was only one color before,
? 1)短语,
?on the other hand另一方面
?a large number of大量的
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Key language points
? 2)句子结构分析,
? 主语,WDM,
? 谓语,makes
? 宾语:形式宾语 it,真正宾语 to transmit a large
number of wavelengths using the same fiber,
effectively sending a "rainbow" of colors,where
there was only one color before,当动词不定式短语或
要用 it作为引导词放在宾语补足语之前,而把真正的宾语,
即不定式短语或从句放在补足语之后,where there was
only one color before.为非限制性定语从句,起补充说
? 宾语补足语,possible
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Key language points
? 3)翻译技巧:非限定性定语从句的译法(复习本课第一
? ( 1)英语非限制性定语从句与限制性定语从句不同,对
虽然短小且具描写性的从句也可采用带,… 的”前置译
? ( 2)更多译例,
? The analog signals are transmitted over common
wire to the demodulator,which convert them into
digital signals,
? 模拟信号通过普通电话线传送到解调器上,解调器又将
其转换成数字信号。 )
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Key language points
?10,The OA,however,can boost the signal
power of all wave-lengths in the fiber,thus
eliminating the need for separate
regenerators,and allowing many
wavelengths to share the same fiber,
?Chinese version:然而,光放大器 (OA)可以放
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
? 11,Advances in optical amplifier design have
been considerable,
? 1)句子结构分析,
? 主语,Advances
? 定语,in optical amplifier design,修饰主语 advances
? 谓语,have been
? 表语,considerable
? 2) Chinese version:在光放大器方面的进展具有不可
? 3)此句为该段主题句,请找出下文中所列举的进展
advances,注意找出 First...,Second...,also...所引
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Key language points
? 12,In the early days of optical systems,optical
fibers were not built for multi-wavelength
? 1)句子结构分析,
? 状语:,In the early days of optical systems,”划线部
分是介词短语做后置定语,用于修饰先行词 days。
? 主语,optical fibers
? 谓语,were not built,谓语为被动语态
? 状语,for multi-wavelength transmission.,multi-
wavelength transmission”做介词 for的宾语。
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Key language points
? 2) multi-wavelength transmission多波长传输
? 构词法讲解,multi- [构 ] 表示“多,多种,多个”之义
? 更多例词,multi-meter 万用表
? multi-access adj.〈 计 〉 多路存取的
? multi-industry adj.多种经营的
? multi-purpose adj.多用途的,多功能的
? multi-address instruction 多地址指令
? multi-band aerial 多 [宽 ]频带天线
? multi-user n.[计 ]多用户
? 3) Chinese version:在早期的光系统中,铺设的光纤
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Key language points
? 13,13,Today's fibers,on the other hand,are
designed to have wide transmission windows and
are optimized for high-capacity,multiple- wave-
length transmission,
? optimize ['?ptimaiz] v.乐观的考虑,使尽可能完善,优
? 构词法讲解,suffix:-ize动词后缀,“使,..”可译为“使,..
化”,注意本文中其他几个带动词后缀 -ize的词,
? standardize ['st?nd?daiz] v.使与标准比较,使合标准,
? materialize [m?'ti?ri?laiz] v.使物质化,使具体化
? Chinese version:另一方面,今天设计的光纤有宽的传
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Key language points
? 14,On the one hand,the growth in
capacity demand is extraordinary,and this
in itself would be a big enough challenge to
?In itself译为“本身”
?短语,meet the challenge 面临挑战,此句中
,a big enough challenge to meet”可译为
?Chinese version:一方面对容量需求的增长是
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Key language points
? 15.,.,there is quite a difference in the quality
requirement for a signal being used to transmit an
emergency telephone call or live video coverage of
a medical operation,as compared with an E-mail
that is not urgent and can arrive after several hours,
? 句子结构分析:整句话为我们很熟悉的 there be 句型。
主语为 quite a difference,,in the quality
requirement for a signal being used to transmit an
emergency telephone call or live video coverage of
a medical operation,”为介词短语做后置定语修饰主语,
其中,being used to transmit an emergency
telephone call or live video coverage of a medical
operation,”为分词短语做后置定语修饰先行词 a signal;
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
?“as compared with an E-mail that is not
urgent and can arrive after several hours.”注
意此句中 as的用法。,that is not urgent and
can arrive after several hours.”为定语从句修
饰先行词 E-mail。
?Chinese version:用于传输紧急电话或者实况
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Key language points
?16,Internet Protocol (IP) traffic,in particular,
is growing exponentially,
?in particular,特别是,尤其是
?Internet Protocol (IP) traffic 工 P业务
?exponential [? ekspou'nen'??l] adj.指数的,
?Chinese version:特别是工 P业务,正在以指
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While-reading Activities /
Key language points
? 17,WDM has a major advantage in this regard,
which is that the different types of traffic can be
assigned to different wavelengths,as required,
? major adj,主要的
? advantage n,优势,优点,好处
? assign v.分配
? in this regard 在这一方面
? Chinese version,WDM在这一方面有很大的优势,这
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Key language points
?18,I would like to draw attention to a few
recent advances in this area,
?注意此句中,a few recent advances in this
area”中,a few”的用法,用于引起下文所列举
的各项 advances,结合相关引导词加以理解,
比如,Firstly...,A second...”
?draw attention to 注意,关注 area 领域
?Chinese version:我想让大家注意在这一领域
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Key language points
?19,Bell Labs has recently unveiled its all-
optical cross connect called the Lambda
行词 connect。
?unveil[?n'veil] v.使公诸于众,揭露,展出
?all-optical cross connect 全光交叉连接
?Chinese version:贝尔实验室最近公布了其称
作 LambdaRouter的全光交叉连接研究成果。
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Key language points
?20,Based on Micro Electro Mechanical
Switching (MEMS) technology,it consists of
microscopic mirrors that tilt,and thus re-
direct optical signals,
?Based on 基于,以,..为基础
?consist of 由,..组成,该短语不能用于被动语态
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Key language points
? re-direct 重新引导
? 构词法讲解, re-表示重新,..,再,.,
? 例如,redo v.再做,重做
? rewrite v.重写,改写
? rewriting circuit 重写电路
? rewriting operation 重写操作
? re-sort vt.使再分开
? reassert vt.再断言,重复主张
? Chinese version:该技术是以微电子机械交换 (MEMS)
重新引导光信号。 上 一 页
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Key language points
? 21,As more routing functions are implemented in
the optical plane,more sophisticated intelligence is
needed to control and manage the network,
? Pay attention to the passive voice used in this
sentence,Also,,as”is used to indicate
conditional sentence,
? 不定式短语” to control and manage the network” 用
? Chinese version:随着越来越多的路由选择功能在光平
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Key language points
?22,A further aspect to consider is access to
the optical network,
?to consider为不定式作后置定语,修饰
?aspect ['?spekt] n.样子,外表,方面
supporting sentences。
?Chinese version:进一步要考虑的是接入光网
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Key language points
?23,The dream of Fiber To The Home (FTTH)
or desktop is yet to materialize,mainly
because of the cost-sensitive nature of this
part of the network,
?materialize v.使物质化,使具体化
?FTTH,Fiber To The Home光纤到家,光纤到
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Key language points
?FTTB,Fiber To The Building光纤到建筑物;
?FTTO,Fiber To The Office光纤到办公室
?FTTN,Fiber To The Node 光纤到结点
?Chinese version:光纤到家 (FTTH)或光纤到桌
上 一 页
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Key language points
?WDM, Wavelength Division Multiplexing 波
?OA,Optical Amplifier 光放大器
?FTTH,Fiber To The Home光纤到家,光纤到
?FTTB,Fiber To The Building光纤到建筑物;
?FTTO,Fiber To The Office光纤到办公室
?FTTN,Fiber To The Node 光纤到结点
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Key language points
?MEMS,Micro Electro Mechanical
Switching 微电子机械交换
?the error—free transmission 无差错传
?the self-healing properties 自愈特性
?the multiple-wavelength transmission
?the all-optical cross-connect 全光交叉
连接 上 一 页