Unit Six Section A How to Prepare for Earthquakes Warm-up questions Have you ever been in an earthquake? What do you think you would do first if the room started to shake? How should we prepare for earthquakes? Related Information Tangshan Earthquake The most severe earthquake, measuring 8.2 on the Richter scale(里氏震级), struck without warning in the early morning hours of July 28. Its epicenter(震中) was located about 100 miles southeast of Peking and only ten miles from the key coal-mining center of Tangshan, a city of over 1 million people. Sixteen hours later a second quake, of 7.9 magnitude, shook northeast China. Together, the two quakes almost completely leveled Tangshan. According to casualty reports coming out of China in September, over 240,000 people were killed and 700,000 injured. 地震造成公路断裂  震中烈度为11度,桥梁坍塌,交通彻底中断  1976年7月28日凌晨3时42分,河北省冀东地区的唐山、丰南一带突然发生7.8级强地震,新兴的重工业城市唐山蒙受惨重灾难,被夷为一片废墟。地震震中在唐山路南区的吉祥路一带,即北纬39度38’,东经118度11’,震中烈度达11度,震源深度12 公里。 极震区以唐山为中心向四面延伸,约47平方公里。唐山市老区多为老式单层民房,震后变成一片瓦砾;新市区大多是砖混结构多层建筑,几乎倒塌殆尽;钢筋混凝土框架结构的高层建筑物亦未能幸免,铁路轨道发生蛇形扭曲或由于路基下沉而呈波浪式起伏,地表产生宽大裂缝,桥梁普遍塌毁,地震构造裂缝延伸达 8公里,裂缝带附近的地面运动非常惊人,其两则200多米的范围内连人都被抛向空中。 地震的影响区域极大,强震波及我国东部的广大地区,北起黑龙江的满洲里,南至河南的漂河,东临渤海湾,西抵宁夏的名咀山,14个省、市、自治区、200多万平方公里土地上居住的几亿人受到扰动。遭受地震破坏的区域约21万多平方公里,其中严重破坏区3万多平方公里。区内民房大量倒塌,农田淤满泥沙,水渠、水并堵塞,公路,铁路、桥梁损毁。据京津唐地区累计,地震中死亡24.2万余人,重伤16.4万余人,轻伤者不计其数。 Kobe Earthquake At 5:46:51 AM, on January 17, 1995, the western port city of Kobe remained virtually paralyzed today in the wake of the 7.2-magnitude earthquake that killed more than 2,000 people, sent as many as 120,000 seeking refuge and laid waste to assurances that modern construction technology protects city dwellers in Japan from major seismic(地震的)damage. 1995年1月17日日本时间清晨5点46分,北纬34.6度,东经135.0度,一次可怕的地震降临了,几万栋房屋倾刻成了一片废墟,路面开裂,地基变形,铁道弯曲,列车脱轨,港口破坏,拦腰折断的大楼倒下来将道路隔截,断裂的高速公路从几十米高处塌落下来,地震引起的火灾将神户市上空映得一片通红.这次地震震级为7.2级,造成人员死亡5466人,3万多人受伤,几十万人无家可归,受害人数达140多万人,被毁房屋超过十万栋,生命线工程和大量公共设施被严重破坏,造成经济损失达1000亿美元。 Text Structure Analysis The essay focuses on one central theme: earthquake prediction, prevention and preparation. One characteristic writing technique that runs throughout the writing is a general statement supported by details. The whole passage can be divided into 4 parts: The first part of the passage is one paragraph, Paragraph 1. The general statement is how to know when an earthquake is going to happen — prediction of an earthquake. The general statement is followed and supported by details. The second part of the passage is also one paragraph, Paragraph 2. The general statement is how to prevent the great destruction of property caused by earthquakes. The general statement is followed and supported by details. The third part of the passage consists of 4 paragraphs, from Paragraph 3 to Paragraph 6. The general statement is how to prepare for the possibility of a great earthquake. The general statement has its details in 4 paragraphs, from house preparations to survival supplies, useful tools and earthquake emergency plans. The fourth part of the passage is also one paragraph, Paragraph 7. The author offers his advice as a conclusion: Even if prediction becomes possible in the future, people still have to do their best to prevent disasters by improving building structures and by being personally prepared. Word Study earthquake n. [C] a sudden violent movement of the Earth's surface, sometimes causing great damage地震 -- It is reported by radio that the earthquake yesterday accounted for five deaths. 据电台报导昨天的地震使五人丧生。 -- Most of the houses in the city were destroyed in the earthquake. 城里大多数的房子在地震中毁了。 detect vt. notice (sth. that is partly hidden or not clear) or discover (sth.), esp. using a special method 发现;探测 。通过细致的调查和精密的观察发现 -- The dentist could detect no sign of decay in her teeth. 牙医在她的牙齿上找不到蛀蚀的迹象。 --Small quantities of poison were detected in the dead man’s stomach. find 既可以指对新事物寻求的结果,也可以指找到丢失的东西 --Doctors are still trying to find a cure for colds. discover 是通用词,在表示“发现”的时候,被揭示物老早就客观存在着 -- We have discovered that the young man is a discreet and economical fellow. 我们发现这个年青人是个既谨慎又有经济头脑的小伙子。 --Columbus discovered America in 1492. 哥伦布于1492年发现了美洲。 reveal 在表示“揭示”的时候,通过或好象通过拉开帷幕把某物展现出来 --In spite of this, many people are confident that ‘The Revealer’may reveal something of value fairly soon. 尽管如此,许多人相信,这架探测器不久便会探出有价值的东西来。 --She reveals her even teeth whenever she smiles. 每当她微笑时,她那整齐的牙齿便被展现出来。 disclose 表示把未宣布的事情“透露”出来 --She disclosed that she had been married for a month. 她透露自己已经结婚一个月了。 experimental a. of, used for, using or based on experiments实验的,用作实验的,根据实验的 --The experimental farm is near the waterpower station. 实验农场在水电站附近。 wax: vi. increase; grow --The popularity of the film stars waxed and waned. 电影明星们的名望盛衰无常。 --Her feelings for John wax and wane. 她对约翰的感情时好时坏。 n. a solid fatty or oily substance that softens and melts at a low temperature --Candles are made from wax. 蜡烛是蜡做的。 --It is obvious that a coating of wax was put on the paper. 显然,纸上涂了一层蜡 --The floor wax has been used out; Please buy some for me. 地板蜡用光了,请帮我买一些。 destruction n. destroying or being destroyed破坏,摧毁 the cause or means of destroying 破坏的原因或手段 -- The fire caused the destruction of my books. 这场大火使我的藏书被毁坏。 -- Pride was her destruction. 骄傲是她致命的弱点。 withstand vt. bear or not be changed by (sth.) or oppose (a person or thing) successfully经受,承受,指有权力、实力、能力去忍受某种情况, 经得起 -- This kind of material can withstand severe tests wear /fire/earthquake. endure v. 忍耐,忍受, 尤指长期面对痛苦、艰难的能力: ---Farmers must learn to endure occasional crop failures that are due to heavy frost. ---What can’t be cured must be endured.无可奈何的事就得忍着。 ---She can’t endure the toothache any longer. bear: pertains broadly to capacity to withstand:指忍受各种令人沮丧的负担 ---She can’t bear the sound of chalk scraping on the blackboard. tolerate: 主要用于指除痛苦之外的一些事情,含有尽管保留但勉强接受之意 ---I won’t tolerate your selfishness / bad manners. stand 指精神上坚毅,有决心 ---Actors who can't stand criticism shouldn't perform in public. suffer 指顺从、听任、容忍、自制 ---He suffered their insults in silence. 他默默忍受他们所施加的伤害. weld vt. join two pieces of metal together by melting the parts that touch焊接 bring into close association or union. 使紧密结合,使成整体 -- He welded the broken rod. 他焊接一根断了的杆子。 --We were welded into a fighting collective. 我们结成一个战斗集体。 joint n. 1. [C] a place where two things are fixed together接头,接缝,接合处 2. [C] the place where two bones are connected关节 -- Our arms and legs bend at the joints — the elbows and knees. 我们的胳膊和腿在关节处,即胳膊肘和膝盖处弯曲。 a. belonging to or shared between two or more people 共有的,联合的 -- Mr. Jones and his two sons are the joint owners of the business. 琼斯先生和他的两个儿子是这个商店的共同所有者。 horizontal a. parallel to the horizon; flat; level 与地平线平行的,平的,水平的 --On a map there are horizontal lines and vertical lines. 在地图上有水平的线和垂直的线。 beam n. 1. [C] a long thick piece of wood or metal, esp. used to support weight in a building or other structure梁,横梁 2. [C] a line of light that shines from an object that gives out light光束,射束 --The beams of the searchlights fingered the sky over the airport. 一道道探照灯光刺破机场的天空。 vi. smile happily and cheerfully愉快地微笑/ send out light and warmth发光发热 --He beamed on his visitors. 他对着客人们微笑。 vt. broadcast (a message, television programme, etc.)播送(消息、电视节目等) express by means of a radiant smile:微笑示意 --The news was beamed to the whole globe by satellite. 这条新闻由卫星向全世界传送。 --He beamed his approval of the new idea. 他微笑表示赞同这个新主意 pillar n. 1. [C] a strong column made of stone, metal or wood which supports part of a building, or sth. generally of this shape柱子,柱状物 --The roof of the church was supported by stone pillars. 这座教堂的屋顶由石柱支撑着。 2. [C] a strong supporter of sth.有力的支持者;栋梁 --The young people are always regarded as a pillar of the state. 国家栋梁 enclose vt. 1. surround 围住,指把某物四面围起与外界隔绝 2. put inside an envelope or parcel, esp. in addition to sth. else 把……装入信封,附寄 --He enclosed the garden with chicken wire to keep out animals. 他用细铁丝把院子围起来不让牲畜进去。 --The football field is enclosed by a wall. 足球场被一道墙围了起来。 --I enclose herewith a cheque for 20 pounds. 随信附上二十镑支票一张。 surround 最普通用词,常强调一种令人不快的带有敌意的或危险的包围 --The prison is surrounded by a high wall. envelope 强调某物被掩盖或遮蔽 --The peak is enveloped in the clouds.山峰深藏在云雾之中 encircle 强调被围物体较紧密的聚集 --It’s no good encircling the waist with a girdle. 用腰带束腰 besides prep. in addition to; apart from 除... ...之外(还有) --Besides milk and cheese, we need vegetables. 除了牛奶和干酪外,我们还需要蔬菜。 ad. in addition ; also而且,此外 --I don't want to come out now, and besides, I must work. 我现在不想出去,而且我还得工作。 fasten vt. secure or fix (sth.) firmly使牢固,使固定,把物品系在一起使其固定 --You can use a clip to fasten papers together.用回型针把文件别在一起 --I fastened the lamp to the wall over my bed. 固定在床头的墙上 tie 指用绳索等将东西扎紧 --Jane wrapped and tied the package before she mailed it. bind 指把两个或两个以上的物品牢牢地系在一起 --Bind the gangster to the seat with rope lest he should escape. 把匪徒用绳子绑在座位上以免他逃跑。 extinguish vt. 1. cause (sth.) to stop burning; put out使熄灭,扑灭 --Smoking is forbidden here. Please extinguish your cigarette. 2. end the existence of (hope, love, passion, etc.)使(希望、爱情、感情等)破灭 --Nothing could extinguish his faith in future.使他对未来的信念破灭 3. obscure; eclipse.使黯然失色;使相形见绌 --His discovery extinguished the achievements of his colleague. extinction n. the act of extinguishing. 灭绝 --Many species are already in peril of extinction (濒临灭绝)because of our destruction of their natural habitat. handy a. 1. conveniently placed for being reached or used手边的,近便的 2. useful or convenient to use有用的,方便的   3. 指 “手巧的”多用于一些小事上, --Have you got your identity card handy?你是不是已把身份证取出放在手边了? --This is a handy little safety box.这是一只使用方便的小保险箱。 --She was handy with her needle. 她善长针线活。 fragment n. [C] a small piece or a part, esp. when broken from sth. whole 碎片,碎块,断片 --She dropped the bowl on the floor and it broke into fragments. 她把碗掉在地上,碗破成碎片。 v. (cause to) break into small pieces or parts(使)成碎片 -- The vase was fragmented in shipment.花瓶在运送途中被打碎了。 -- He was still in bad condition and could recall only a fragmented account of the accident. (喻) 他的情况仍然不好只能回忆起那次事故的零碎片断。 chaos n. [U] a state of complete confusion and lack of order混乱,无秩序, 指“完全无秩序或明显不整齐” -- The desk was a chaos of papers and unopened letters. 桌上杂乱地堆放着一些纸张和未拆的信 -- The enemies were in a state of chaos. 敌人陷入混乱之中。 confusion 指“不加区别地混在一起, 很难区分”, --The hall was a confusion of laughter. 大厅里笑声乱成一团。 disorder 指“秩序或东西安排得混乱”, --The room was in disorder. 屋子一片混乱。 disarray 强调“队列、安排或衣冠不整而造成的混乱”, --The soldiers were in disarray after the battle. 战斗结束后士兵们一片混乱。 sensible a. based on or acting on good judgment and practical ideas or understanding 明智的,合情理的 -- If you are sensible you will study for another year. 如果你明智的话,你就再学习一年。 having a perception of something; cognizant: 意识到的 -- He is sensible of the danger of his position. 他发觉他处境危险。 rational 强调“有理性和思考、推理能力的” --Man is a rational being.人类是有理性的动物。 reasonable 语意较弱, 指“合情合理的”、“(价格)公平合理的” --I'll buy the car if the price is reasonable.如果价钱公道, 我就把这辆车买下。 accuracy n. [U] being exact, esp. resulting from careful effort 精确(性),准确(性) --I doubt the accuracy of your statement. 我怀疑你的话的正确性。 --Accuracy is most important in translation.正确性在翻译中最为重要。 occurrence n. 1. [C] an event or incident; happening 发生的事情,事件 , 系常用词, 指“任何发生的事件” --His arrival was an unexpected occurrence. happening 与occurrence同意 -- It’s only a happening of no great importance. Don’t make a fuss over it. event 指“有重要意义的历史事件”、“重大事件” -- The events of the day are reported on the evening news. 那天的事件已在晚间新闻上作了报导, incident指“事件”, 尤指“比较不重要的小事件” --At tea that night he related the incident to Christine. 2. [U] the fact of sth. happening 发生,出现 --They will take measures to guarantee against the occurrence of similar accidents in the future. resistant a. offering resistance抵抗的,对抗的 --Plastics tend to be resistant to these acids. resistance n. the act or an instance of resisting or the capacity to resist. 抵抗, 抵抗力, 反对 --A healthy person offers more resistance to disease than a weak person. --There has been much resistance to the new law. precaution n. [C] an action which is done to prevent sth. unpleasant or dangerous from happening 预防,预防措施 -- He took every precaution but still got a bad deal on that used car. 他处处小心但还是在旧车交易中受骗 -- He took the precaution of locking his door when he went out. 当他外出的时候谨慎地锁上门。 -- Take precautions against fire! 谨防火灾! watch … for look at or observe sth. for 留意,观察 --We had better wait and watch for a better chance. --The doctor told him to watch out for symptoms of measles.麻疹的症状 come out of leave离开,从... ...出来 --The children are coming out of the house and going into the garden. after all (used for reminding sb. of a certain fact) it must be remembered应该记住,别忘了; in spite of everything毕竟,终究 ;in spite of 尽管 --I know he hasn't finished the work, but after all, he's done his best. 我知道他未完成这项工作,但是要记住,他还是尽力了。 -- It has turned out to be a nice day after all. 天气终于转晴了。 -- After all our advice, he insists on going. 尽管我们劝阻他,他依然坚持要去。 attach sth. to sth. fasten or join sth. to sth.把某物系在、缚在或附在另一物上 --You have to attach your photo to the application form. --The submarine is attached to the Pacific Fleet. --No one attached the slightest importance to his speech. --She was so attached to her home. in addition (to) as an extra person, thing or situation (to) 加之;除... ...之外 --The man worked him sixteen hours a day and beat him in addition. --In addition to such subjects, the department also taught mathematics and geography. at work at the place where one works; doing work在工作的地方;在工作 in operation 在起作用 -- I'm at work on a new project now. 我现在正忙于一个新工程 --A revolutionary spirit was at work. put out cause to stop burning熄灭,扑灭 , produce 生产;issue发表,广播 --We just managed to put the flames out before any real damage was caused. --The publisher has put out 20 new books in the past several months. --The government will put out a new statement next week. turn off stop the flow of (electricity, gas, water, etc.) by turning a tap, etc.关上(电源、煤气、水等),关闭 ; --Please turn off the light before you leave. cause sb. to lose interest or desire使讨厌,反感 --People with loud voices turn me off. agree on/upon/about have the same opinion about就……达成一致意见 --I don’t agree with either of you on this problem. --I agree with you about its being a mistake. agree to consent to 同意建议、安排等 --I find it impossible to agree to your terms / arrangement. be busy with have much to do; work on忙于,忙碌 --He was busy day and night with conferences. --She was busy writing a composition. busy v. keep busy 使自己忙于 --Graduates are busying themselves in packing up for their working posts. 毕业生们正忙着整理行装去他们新的工作岗位。 --He busied himself with all sorts of little tasks. check in report one's arrival, as at a hotel desk, airport, etc.登记,报到 --Passengers must check in at the airport an hour before the plane leaves. 旅客们必须在飞机起飞前一小时到机场办理登机手续。 check out pay one’s bill and leave (hotel, supermarket etc.) 付帐离开 --The last guests checked out their rooms in the morning. make a difference have an effect on sb. or sth. (对某人或物) 有影响/起作用 --It doesn’t make much/any/the least difference whether you accept the job or not. make a difference between treat differently区别对待 --The law makes a difference between offensive and criminal behavior. Vocabulary They ________ a thief in the act of breaking into their house A. defined B. revealed C. disclosed D. detected The teacher experimented ________ a new teaching method. A. of B. for C. about D. with Because it ________ the effects of high temperatures rhenium is a valuable ingredient in certain alloys. A. endures B. withstands C. tolerates D. suffers A large Sino-Japanese ________ venture is well on the way to its goal. A. connected B. general C. joint D. combined I received her letter and the ________ check. A. enclosed B. enveloped C. encircled D. entitled She told me that she has other two cars besides the one she drives to work. A. apart from B. in addition C. except D. except for The automatic shoe-making machine can ________ the leather onto the soles of a shoe. A. polish B. tie C. bind D. fasten There were a number of ________ in the land because of drought. A. fragments B. fractures C. fraction D. framework. It’s ________ of you to take an umbrella with you. A. sense B. sensible C. sensitive D. sensed Divorce has become an everyday ________. A. happening B. incident C. event D. occurrence Language points In both Japan and China, people have long believed that earthquakes can be forecast. (Para. 1) forecast: vt. say, esp. with the help of some kind of knowledge, what one thinks is going to happen in the future 根据已知情况作出预测,尤其适用与天气预报。 --The weatherman was unable to forecast the weather more than three days in advance. --The teacher forecast that 15 of his pupils would pass the exam. predict 较为正式,语气较强,指根据已知事实推断,其准确程度不一,主语只能为人 --The experts predicted an upturn in the stock market. foretell 与predict同意,可以互换使用, 但主语既可以是人也可以是物 --The dark clouds foretold the coming of storm. --Perhaps certain gifted persons can foretell the future. In Japan, scientists have wired the Earth and sea to detect movements. (Para. 1) Meaning: In Japan, scientists have placed wires on the Earth and in the sea to discover the movements of the surface of the Earth. The Chinese have traditionally watched animals and plants for warning signs of earthquakes. (Para. 1) Meaning: The Chinese people have a tradition of looking for warning signs of earthquakes by watching animals and plants. For example, the Chinese have noted that before an earthquake, hens' behavior changes — they refuse to enter their cages at night. (Para. 1) Meaning: Just for an example, the Chinese people have found that before an earthquake, hens would change their normal behavior — they refuse to enter their cages for the night. They have also noticed that snakes come out of the ground to freeze to death and that dogs bark a lot, even normally quiet dogs. (Para. 1) Meaning: They have also noticed that snakes leave their holes in the ground and are frozen to death, and that dogs bark a lot, even those dogs that are normally quiet. …there were reports of large schools of fish swimming near the surface of the water. (Para. 1) Meaning: …there were reports saying that large groups of fish were swimming near the surface of the water. school: large group of aquatic animals, especially fish 鱼群 --A school of dolphins are performing in the pool. Perhaps most interesting, and most easily measured, is a chemical change in ground water before a quake. (Para. 1) Meaning: Perhaps what is most interesting and most easily measured is a chemical change in ground water before an earthquake. Please note the order of the sentence. It is reversed. Experimental data seem to indicate that the amount of radon (Rn) in the water under the surface of the Earth waxes before an earthquake. (Para. 1) Meaning: Data collected from experiments seem to indicate that the amount of the element radon (Rn) in the water under the surface of the Earth increases before an earthquake. After all, most of the people who die in earthquakes are killed by falling buildings. (Para. 2) Meaning: Please remember that most of the people who die in earthquakes are killed by falling buildings. Therefore, building structures that can withstand the power of earthquakes is a major concern. (Para. 2) Meaning: Therefore, constructing buildings that can resist the power of earthquakes is something people are concerned about most. …but not if it is welded to form a rigid structure. (Para. 2) …but it is not the best material if it is welded to form a rigid structure. Also, to prevent property damage, architects now design buildings so that the building's columns and horizontal beams are of equal strength, … (Para. 2) Meaning: Also, to prevent property damage, architects now design buildings in such a way that the building's columns and horizontal beams are equal in strength, … Concrete pillars for highway bridges that previously only had steel rods inside are now enclosed in steel. (Para. 2) Meaning: Concrete pillars used for highway bridges that only contained steel rods in the past are now wrapped up in steel. In addition to preparing their houses, people in these regions need to prepare themselves. (Para. 4) Meaning: Besides preparing their houses, people in these areas need to get themselves ready for earthquakes. They should have supplies of water and food at home and at work. (Para. 4) Meaning: They should store water and food at home and in their working places. Earthquake survival supplies include … (Para. 4) Meaning: Supplies for earthquake survival include … Keep a fire extinguisher handy. (Para. 5) Meaning: Always keep a fire extinguisher within your reach. You should have one at home, at work, and in your car (if you have one). (Para. 5) Meaning: You should have one extinguisher at home, one at work, and one in your car (if you have a car). Note that the first "one" stands for an extinguisher, and the second "one" stands for a car. Have the proper tools to turn off gas and water lines if necessary. (Para. 5) Meaning: Have the right tools to stop the flow of gas and water when it is necessary. One alternative is a portable camp stove with small cans of gas. (Para. 5) Meaning: One choice is a portable camp stove with small cans of gas. alternative n. choice 选择 --I had no alternative but to accept your proposal. a. 其它的,可替代的,两种或几种之中可供选择的 --We returned by the alternative road. --It will take time to develop alternative energy sources. 开发其它能源需要时间 alternate adj. happening or following in turns 交替的, 轮流的 --Tom and Harry do the work on alternate days. v. do or execute by turns / pass back and forth from one state to another 交替, 轮流 alternate between: pass from one state to another, then back to the first. 时而…时而… --He alternated between high spirits and low spirits. Every family needs to have earthquake emergency plans. (Para. 6) Meaning: Every family needs to make emergency plans for earthquakes. …during the chaos following an earthquake? (Para. 6) Meaning: …during the great disorder that follows an earthquake? Everyone should agree on a meeting point outside of the area — perhaps in a town several miles away. (Para. 6) Meaning: Everyone should agree to meet in a place outside the area of earthquake — perhaps in a town several miles away. Also important is an arrangement for family members to communicate if there is an earthquake. (Para. 6) Meaning: It is also important to make an arrangement for family members to communicate in an earthquake. Please note the reversed order of the sentence. If an earthquake happens in a large city, many of the telephone lines within the city are likely to be down. (Para. 6) Meaning: When an earthquake takes place in a large city, many of the telephone lines within the city are possibly not working. …many of the telephone lines within the city are likely to be down. (Para. 6) down: a. not working --My computer was down this morning. 我的计算机今天早上坏了。 --The central heating system of this office building is down and several workers are repairing it right now. 这幢办公楼的中央供暖系统坏了,几位工人正在修理。 A sensible arrangement is to have all of the members of the family call to check in with a friend or relative who lives more than a hundred miles away. (Para. 6) Meaning: A reasonable arrangement is that every member of the family should call a friend or relative who lives more than a hundred miles away to report their situation. However, even if prediction becomes possible, people who live in areas where earthquakes are a common occurrence will still have to do their best to prevent disasters by building structures that are resistant to ground movement and by being personally prepared. (Para. 7) Meaning: However, even if it is possible to predict earthquakes, people who live in areas where earthquakes are frequent will still have to try their best to prevent disasters by building structures strong enough to resist ground movement and by making personal preparations for earthquakes. These precautions can make a great difference in saving lives and preventing the loss of homes. (Para. 7) Meaning: These precautions can be very important in saving lives and preventing the loss of homes. Education concerning how to survive an earthquake should be a major emphasis for all government programs and earthquake-related research projects. (Para. 7) Meaning: All government programs and earthquake-related research projects should focus on education concerning how to live through an earthquake. concerning: prep. about; with regard to --I spoke to him concerning his behavior. 我和他谈了他的行为。 --Concerning your letter, I am pleased to inform you that you are to receive the order by the end of this week. 关于你的来信,我乐意告诉你,你们将在本周末收到订货。 Grammar Enrichment 限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句 这两种从句的区别见下表: 种类 意 义  形 式 功 能 译 法 关系代、副词  限定性定语从句 起限定作用。若省去,原句意义不完整。 紧接先行词后, 无逗号。 修饰先行词 常译为先行词的定语。 关系词有时可由that代替有时也可省略。  非限定性定语从句 起补充说明作用。若省去原句意义不受影响。 有逗号与主句隔开。 既可修饰先行词也可修饰整个主句 常译为另一并列分句。 不可用that不能省略。   试比较: July is the month when we have a lot of rain.七月是多雨的月份。 The meeting will be put off till next month, when we will have made all the preparations. 会议将推迟到下个月,那时我们将做好一切准备。 I want to buy the house which / that has a garden. 我想买那座带花园的房子 I want to buy the house, which has a garden. 我想买那座房子,它有一花园 He has a daughter who works in a hospital. 他有一个在医院工作的女儿 He has a daughter, who works in a hospital. 他有一个女儿,她在医院工作 非限定性定语从句也可修饰整个主句 He missed the train, which annoyed him very much. The sun warms the earth, which makes it possible for plants to grow. as 引导非限定性定语从句时,代替整个主句,对其进行说明,该从句的位置较灵活,可位于主句前面,或插在主句中间,或位于主句后面,通常均有逗号将其与主句隔开。 可译为“正如…”,“正像…” He is an Englishman, as I know from his accent. As was usual with him, he went out for a walk after dinner. Choose the most appropriate answer These people once had fame and fortune. Now ________ is left to them is utter poverty.    A. all that B. all what C. all which D. that all The residents________ had been damaged by the fire were given help by the Red Cross.    A. all of their homes B. all their homes C. whose all homes D. all of whose homes Although many people view conflict as bad, conflict is sometimes useful _______ it forces people to test the relative merits of their attitudes are behaviors. A. by which B. to which C. in that D. so that Beer is the most popular drink among male drinkers, ________ overall consumption is significantly higher than that of women. A. whose B. which C. that D. what There are signs ______ restaurants are becoming more popular with families. A. that B. which C. in which D. whose Living in the western part of the country has its problems, _________ obtaining fresh water is not the least. A. with which B. for which C. of which D. which The hours _________ the children spend in their one-way relationship with television people undoubtedly affect their relationships with real-life people. A. in which B. on which C. when D. that Government reports examination compositions legal documents and most business letters are the main situations ________ formal language is used. A. in which B. at what C. on which D. in that The course normally attracts 20 students per year, _________ up to half will be from overseas. A. in which B. for whom C. with which D. of whom A survey was carried out on the death rate of new-born babies in that region, ______ were surprising. A. the results of which B. as results C. the results of it D. which results Section B Changes in the Balance of Nature Reading Skill: Skimming 1. Read the title and subtitle if there is one. The title often tells the subject of the material, and the subtitle further explains the title or is written to catch the reader's interest. 2. Read each boldface of italic headings. A heading announces the topic that will be discussed in the paragraphs that follow. 3. Read the first paragraph. The first paragraph often tells what the reading will be about. 4. Quickly read the first sentence in each remaining paragraph. Most paragraphs are built around a topic sentence, which states the main idea of the paragraph. The most common position for the main idea is in the first sentence of the paragraph. Read the last paragraph. The last paragraph often provides a conclusion or summary for the article. Quickly read visuals, including charts, maps, diagrams, captions and boxed features. The visuals depict and suggest what important event, idea, or relationship it is intended to emphasize. 快读(skimming) 快读的目的是用浏览全文的方法了解文章的大意和主题思想,并对文章的结构有个总的概念.顾名思义,快读时,速度要快.一般地说,250字左右的短文要求在二、三分钟内看完.快读时精力必须十分集中,不必去记忆细节;遇到个别生词及难懂的词句,均应略过,以求对全文总体意思的了解.为了更好地抓住全文的中心思想,在快读时要留心文章中某些反复出现的词语,这些往往与文章的主题有关.快读时,还应特别注意文章的开始段和结束段以及文章中每一段的段首句和结尾句,因为它们往往是对文章内容最好的概括. [例1] When an American president takes a vacation, his assistants usually emphasize to news reporters the work that he does during his vacation. In contrast, when the prime minister of Japan took a vacation a while ago, his aides emphasized to the press that his purpose was relaxation of work at all. In Japan's newspapers and on radio and TV, the press reported the prime minister's activities during his time off: He went to parties, took walks in the forest, read poetry books, and played golf and tennis. Topic: There is great difference in what the president’s assistants in the U.S and Japan emphasize to the press. [例2] Many Japanese do not seem to think that leisure is important; they take their jobs so seriously that they are sometimes considered the world's greatest workaholics. Labor statistics show that the average Japanese worker puts in about 2,150 hours a year at work. In the United States, the average worker puts in about 1,900 hours a year. In Germany, the figure is about 1,610. In Japan, the six-day workweek is common, and many people stay on the job until 10:30 or 11:00 each night. Many people, especially employers, do not take their annual vacations. In most of the world, people believe that leisure time is an important part of life. But for many Japanese "leisure" is not "a time for relaxation, away from work," as it is in most countries; they see it as a waste of time. Topic: Many Japanese do not seem to think that leisure is important. Word Study perception n. 1. [U, C] awareness of things through the physical senses, esp. sight 感知,感觉,知觉 --His perception of the change came in a flash.他突然察觉到这个变化。 2. [C] a particular way of looking at or understanding sth.; an opinion 认识,观点,看法 --Those paintings represent the artist's perceptions and experiences. 那些绘画作品反映了艺术家的观念和经历 accordance n. [U] agreement; conformity 一致,和谐 --In accordance with his your wishes, I have written to him. --He didn’t act in accordance with the orders that were given him. duration n. [U] the length of time that sth. lasts 持续,持续期间 --They sat quietly through the duration of the speech.在演讲期间安静地坐着 --The summer vacation is of eight week's duration 八周的暑假 rotate v. 1. (cause to) move in circles round a central point 使旋转,(使)转动 -- The earth rotates round the sun. 地球绕太阳转。 2. (cause to) take turns in a particular order (使)轮流 -- The coach rotates her players frequently near the end of the game. 教练在比赛即将结束时频繁地轮换球员 sphere n. 1. [C] an object shaped like a round ball 球形,球体 2. [C] a range or area of activity 范围,领域 -- The earth, sun, and moon are spheres.地球, 太阳和月亮都是天体。 --We move in different spheres. 我们在不同的领域里活动。 flourish vi. grow or develop successfully 茂盛,繁荣,兴旺 -- Plants will not flourish without water.没有水植物就不会长得茂盛。 --The company has really flourished since the chief engineer joined us. 自从主任工程师到我们公司来了以后,公司真正地兴旺起来了 vt. wave (sth.) in the hand to attract attention to it 挥舞 --She flourished her newly signed contract. 兴高采烈地摇晃着她刚签的合同 evolution n. 1.[U] the development of living things over many thousands of years from simple early forms 进化 --theory of evolution 进化论 --The scientists are working on the evolution of man 研究人类的进化 2.[U] the process of gradual development and change; evolving 演变,发展 --The space program is the evolution of years of research. 太空计划是多年研究的发展结果。 location n. 1. [C] a place or position 地点,位置 -- Have they decided on the location of the new building yet? 这座新建筑的位置你们定下来了吗? 2. [C] a place, not a film studio, where (part of) a cinema film is photographed (电影的)外景拍摄地 --They are filming a Western on location in the Mexican desert. 在墨西哥沙漠外景地拍摄一部西部片 proportional a. corresponding in size, amount or degree (to sth.)与... ...成比例的 -- Punishment ought to be proportional to the crime.惩罚应该与所犯的罪相应 -- The pay will be directly /inversely proportional to the amount of time put in. 代价要和所花费的时间成正/反比。 restraint n. 1. [U] restraining or being restrained 克制,抑制,约束 2. [C] a thing that restrains or controls 限制因素,约束措施 --His rage was beyond restraint.他怒不可遏。 --Lack of money and lack of machinery are two restraints on the growth of the firm. restrain v. 多指感情上的克制 --I can't restrain my anger when I hear of people being cruel to animals. confine暗示束缚性、限制性的或阻挠性的限制,也可指禁闭某人 --Interest in the problem is no longer confined to scholars. limit 指数量、程度、时间上不能超出规定的范围 --The Constitution limits the President's term of office to four years. 宪法规定总统的任期四年。 restrict 把某人的行为限制或控制在确定的范围内 --The sale of alcoholic beverages is restricted to those over 21. control 指通过权力或影响对某人加以监督或控制 --The Ministry of Education controls all schools. fraction n. [C] a small part of sth. 小部分,片段 --She spends only a fraction of her earnings. 她只花了所赚的钱的一小部分。 --The car missed me by a fraction of an inch. 那车差一点撞到了我 renew v. 1. replace (sth.) with sth. new of the same kind 更新,补充 -- We must renew our supplies of coal.我们必须补充煤的储备。 2. put new life or vigor into (sb./sth.) 注入新的生命和精力,使恢复 --I renewed my spirits in the country air.在乡村的空气中我恢复了精力 3. extend the period of time 延长期效 --You have to renew the library books before they are overdue. 在图书馆的书到期前续借 oppose v. disagree with, often by speaking or fighting against 反对,反抗 ----Many members of the council opposed the building of the luxury houses in the center of the city. 许多市议会议员反对在市中心建造豪华型住宅。 -- Many residents are opposed to the plan of building the motorway. 许多居民反对修建那条高速公路的计划。 accelerate v. move more quickly, or make (sth.) happen faster or sooner 加速,促进 --The heat causes the reaction to be accelerated. --His new car can accelerate from 10m.p.h. to 60 m.p.h. in a few seconds. exceed v. be greater than (a number or amount), or go beyond (a certain limit) --What he had done exceeded our expectation. --He was fined because his car exceeded the speed limits. excess: n. 超过,比(想象的)多 --The excess of losses over profits will ruin the business. in excess of: 超过 --Expenditure is twenty pounds in excess of income. to excess: 过度 --Don’t carry your grief to excess. excessive: adj. too much --His lung cancer was at least in part caused by excessive drinking and smoking. protective a. that protects or is intended to protect 保护的,防护的 --Camouflage is man-made protective coloration. protective towards 偏护 --She's too protective towards her son. 她过于呵护儿子。 remote a. 1. far away from other areas, houses, etc. 遥远的,偏僻的 --The north pole is a remote part of the world. 2. separate (in feeling, interest, etc.); not connected (with sth.) 关系疏远的,脱离的,与……没有联系的 --Some of your statements are too remote from the subject we are discussing. 3. (esp. of a chance or possibility) slight 绝少的,微乎其微的 --I am afraid that your chances of success are rather remote. retain keep or continue to have (sth.) 保留,保存. 意思是继续持有,尤指在有可能失去的情况下 --He has managed to retain most of his fortune. 他设法保存了他的大部分财产。 keep 系常用词, 指“使继续下去”“使较长时期地置于不脱离控制、掌握、照料或变化之下” --I'll keep the original copy of your report on file.我会把你报告的原件归档的。 withhold 暗指不情愿或拒绝给予、赋予或允许 --The tenants withheld their rent until the landlord repaired the roof. 房客等到房东修了房顶之后才交房租。 reserve 指为将来或某一特殊目的而保留 --I will reserve my questions for the discussion period. 我把问题保留到讨论的时候。 shortage [C] a situation where there is not enough of sth. 缺乏,不足;指部分缺少, 达不到通常所需要的数量 --In the developed countries, there's a great shortage of labour / work force. 发达国家劳动力非常缺乏。 lack 一般用语,指部分或全部地缺乏必要的或期望的东西 --Serious lack of circulating fund forced the closure of the company. 公司因严重缺乏流动资金而被迫关闭。 absence 指全部地缺少,意味着不存在或缺席 --There was an absence of interest in the new movie, so they didn’t go. threat 1. [C] a person, thing, or idea regarded as a possible danger 构成威胁的人或事物 --He felt that I was becoming a real threat to his plan.实现他计划的真正威胁 --The murderer was a threat to the society. 2. [C] an expression of an intention to hurt, punish, cause pain, etc., esp. if one's instructions are not obeyed 威胁,恐吓 --The threat of an economic depression hangs over the world. 经济衰退的威胁笼罩着全世界 3. [C] a suggestion that sth. unpleasant will happen 凶兆,征兆 --The threat of flood has been relieved. abuse v. 1. make bad or wrong use of (sth.) 滥用,妄用 --They abused their power and rode roughshod over the people. --I'll not abuse your hospitality, your kindness. 我不会辜负你的热情招待和好意 2. treat (sb.) badly 虐待,凌辱 --He was accused of abusing his wife. n. 1. [U] wrong or bad use of sth. 滥用,妄用 --The book deals with the abuse of privilege 滥用特权 2. [U] bad treatment of sb. 虐待 --A stream of abuse came from his lips. 他说了一些粗话。 --It is against the law to subject a child to abuse 虐待小孩是犯法的 ignorant 1. knowing little or nothing 不知道的 --What his plans are I am quite ignorant of. 我一点也不知道他的计划是什么。 2. lacking education 愚昧的,无知的 --His ignorant mistakes resulted in the bankruptcy of the company. ignorant 指“缺乏一般知识的”或“缺乏某科学识的” --He's not stupid, merely ignorant. 他并不愚蠢, 只是无知。 illiterate 指“文盲的”、“不能读或写的” --There are still many illiterate people in our country. 在我国还有许多文盲。uneducated 指“未受过正规系统教育的” --He was uneducated. 他未受过正规教育。 unlearned 指“无学问的”、“无文化的” --He was not unlearned in history. 他对历史并非无知。 compared with in comparison with; considered in relation to 跟…相比, 比得上 当涉及考察两个相象的事物以辨别他们的相似或差别时,它取 with --The police compared the forged signature with the original. 警察将伪造的签名与原来的作比较。 --Living in a town can't compare with living in the country in many respects. 在许多方面城市生活比不上在乡村生活。 compare to 当它涉及描述不同事物相似性的活动时,Compare常用介词 to --Man's life is often compared to a candle. 人生常被喻为蜡烛。 --The poet compares his lover to a rose in his poems. 诗人在他诗歌中把他的情人比作玫瑰花。 in other words expressed in a different way; that is to say 换句话说,也就是说 --I soon found that the work I was doing had already been done by someone else—in other words, I was wasting my time. be formed from be made from 由……构成, 由……做成 --These substances are formed from a mixture of liquids solidifying under great pressure. take to 1. begin to do (sth.) as a practice, habit, etc. 开始 (从事) --His father has taken too playing golf at the weekends. --He took to the habit of smoking. 2. be kind or favorable to; like 喜欢上 --I saw him yesterday for the first time and took to him at once. 3. go to (a place) for rest, hiding, escape, etc. 逃入;躲藏于 --During the flood the people took to the hills. --When they saw the ship was sinking, the crew took to the boats. in terms of from … point of view; with regard to; concerning 就……而论;从…角度;用…表示 --In terms of money they are quite rich, but not in terms of happiness. --The work is not very profitable in terms of cash, but I am getting valuable experience from it. --Give the answer in terms of a percentage. bring about cause to happen 使发生 --She made various efforts to bring about a peaceful solution of the problem. --The failure has been brought about by your own negligence. out of proportion of too large, serious, important, etc. in relation to sth. 不成比例(太大),不能实事求是地 --His earnings are out of all proportion to his skill and ability. --When you are angry, you always get things out of proportion. survive on continue to live on or exist by 靠……活下来,靠……生存 I can't survive on $30 a week. 30美元一周不够我用。 Life is hard at the moment, but we're surviving on the savings. 虽然目前生活艰难,但是我们靠着积蓄活下来。 use up use (material, etc.) until no more is left 用尽,用光 --He has used up all his strength. --How much coal did we use up last winter? in harmony with agreeing with; matching 与……协调一致,与……相配 --His tastes are in harmony with his wife’s. --We must ensure that industry develops in harmony with the environment. 我们必须确保工业与环境和谐发展。 take advantage of make use of 利用(某人的处境、弱点) --I can’t take advantage of your good nature. --He often takes advantage of her lack of business knowledge. hunger for strong desire for sth. 得到某事物的渴望 --They all had a hunger for knowledge and new ideas. --The hunger for power has created many tyrants. live with accept or tolerate 接受,容忍 --He disliked the situation but had to live with it.不喜欢这种状态但必须忍受它 --You must live with the fact that you are no longer as energetic as you used to be. give back return 归还; recover 恢复(健康等) -- I must call at the library to give back this book. --I hope the holiday will give him back his good spirits. take away remove; carry away 拿走,带走; cause to disappear 使消失 --Take away this ghastly veal cutlet and bring me my slippers. --I’ll give you some tablets to take away the pain. Language Points Perceptions are relative. (Para. 1) Meaning: There are no absolute perceptions. (The awareness of things that people have through the senses, esp. sight, can be varied according to the measures and the comparisons involved.) A single tree may seem large compared to a person. (Para. 2) Meaning: Considered in relation to a person, a single tree may seem large. In other words, things in nature are large or small, new or old, only in accordance with the measures and the comparisons involved. (Para. 2) Meaning: That is to say, when we say things in nature are large or small, new or old, we are using different measures and comparisons in our judgment. During the duration of one human lifetime, not many things change. (Para. 3) Meaning: Not many things change during the period of one's life. The Earth was formed about five billion years ago from a rotating, circular cloud of dust and gases such as hydrogen and nitrogen. (Para. 3) Meaning: About five billion years ago the Earth developed from a rotating, circular cloud of dust and gases such as hydrogen and nitrogen. The oceans began to develop an enormous system of living things, with many diverse forms of life, all dependent on one another. (Para. 4) Meaning: The oceans began to develop a very big system of living things. This system had different forms of life, with one depending on another. diverse forms of life: different forms of life all dependent on one another: all the forms of life being dependent on one another About 200 million years ago, warm-blooded animals took to the air — the first birds. (Para. 4) Meaning: About 200 million years ago, warm-blooded animals began to fly in the air — they were the earliest birds. Fifty million years later, both birds and mammals were well established. (Para. 4) Meaning: Fifty million years later, both birds and mammals made their firm existence on the Earth. Life was now flourishing. (Para. 4) Meaning: By then life was developing very well. In terms of the evolution of life on Earth, human beings have just arrived. (Para. 5) Meaning: Viewed from the evolution of life on Earth, human beings have just arrived. … changes far out of proportion to the interval of time they have occupied it. (Para. 5) Meaning: …changes that are far greater in proportion than the time that people have occupied the Earth. With the combination of intelligence and manual skill (allowing us to make and use tools), people have found … (Para. 7) Meaning: Because they are both intelligent and skillful with their hands (and therefore are able to make and use tools), people have found … … it becomes increasingly difficult for the population to survive on the resources of the land. (Para. 8) Meaning: …it is more and more difficult for people to live on the resources of the Earth. Clearly, some locations on Earth already have too many people; in many of these areas, future increases will surely bring about more poverty and suffering. (Para. 8) Meaning: Clearly, some places on the Earth have too many people; in many of these places, population growth in the future will surely cause more poverty and suffering. Yet people in rich nations use proportionally far more of the available resources than people in poorer nations. (Para. 8) Meaning: Yet people in rich nations use far more of the available resources in proportion than people in poorer nations. As they consume these resources without restraint, they also waste large amounts of them. (Para. 8) Meaning: As they use these resources without limit, they also waste large amounts of them. People are only a very small fraction of all the living things on the planet. (Para. 9) Meaning: Human beings are only a very small part of all the living things on the Earth. Yet their numbers create a drain on resources that can't be renewed. (Para. 9) Meaning: But, this small number grows fast and is using up resources that can't be renewed. …this water is cleaned through natural processes. (Para. 9) Meaning: …this water is purified through natural processes. Likewise, a limited amount of petroleum can be found under the Earth's surface. (Para. 10) Meaning: In the same way, the amount of petroleum that can be found under the Earth's surface is limited, too. Should people use it up to manufacture petrol for automobiles? (Para. 10) Meaning: Should people use up all petroleum to produce gas for cars? As people work to control the planet and make life comfortable, are they using up resources that are needed for their survival? (Para. 10) Meaning: As people try hard to control the planet and make life comfortable, are they using up resources that they need to survive? All natural systems tend toward balance among opposing factors or forces. (Para. 12) Meaning: All natural systems have the tendency to keep a balance among quite different factors or forces in nature. Human activities can cause or accelerate permanent changes in natural systems. (Para. 12) Meaning: Human activities can cause or speed up changes in natural systems that last forever. However, the collective smoke from thousands of factories, over the past two centuries, has caused enormous increases in air pollution levels worldwide. (Para. 12) Meaning: However, over the past 200 years, all the smoke from thousands of factories has caused huge increases in air pollution levels all over the world. Cleaning this smoke has exceeded the protective ability of natural processes. (Para. 12) Meaning: Cleaning this amount of smoke is beyond the protective ability of natural processes. In spite of rapid population increase and industrial growth, some groups of people, often in remote areas, have been able to live in harmony with the planet. (Para. 13) Meaning: Although population increases rapidly and industries develop fast, there are still some groups of people, especially those living in remote areas, who have been able to live in peace with the Earth. These people have not changed their ways of living from the ways of their ancestors. (Para. 13) Meaning: These people still keep the living ways of their forefathers. Many of their cultural values and ways of life include practices that return resources to the Earth. (Para. 13) Meaning: Among their cultural values and ways of life there are often customs that give resources back to the Earth. What causes the acid rain that forms from water passing through polluted air? (Para. 14) Meaning: What causes the acid rain that is made from water passing through polluted air? Why is there the threat of global warming? (Para. 14) Meaning: Why is there the danger of global warming? All these harmful results come from the too much use of resources and the human struggle to control the environment. (Para. 14) Meaning: All these harmful results are caused by the excessive use of resources and the human struggle to control the environment. The twentieth century began with powerful countries competing to take advantage of the Earth. (Para. 15) Meaning: At the beginning of the twentieth century, powerful countries competed to make use of the Earth. As an outcome of their hunger for empires, the Earth was abused. (Para. 15) Meaning: These powerful countries desired to become an empire in the world, and as a result the Earth was badly exploited. Now people all over the world are living with the problems caused by this abuse. (Para. 15) Meaning: Now people all over the world are trying to accept the problems caused by this abuse. Now that they are no longer ignorant of the causes of the sickness of our planet, they seek ways to help the Earth, to give back what they take away. (Para. 15) Meaning: Since they are aware of the causes of the sufferings of the Earth, people try to find out ways to help our planet, to return what they take away. Previously, mankind only used the Earth. (Para. 15) Meaning: In the past, man only used the Earth.