Unit 3 Section A Where Principles Come First Warm up questions How the Hyde school succeeded in educating children?What causes that? How to improve high school education in a way to meet the damands of the society? Background information Hyde School The Hyde of today upholds Five Words as the core principles on school campuses in Bath, Maine and Woodstock, Connecticut and in a growing number of public and private schools: Courage, Integrity, Leadership, Curiosity, and Concern. Hyde’s program has three emphases: ? Character development—Hyde consists of a fully integrated program of character development. Character is not an “add-on” at Hyde. It is the foundation from which all curriculum is developed, including academics, athletics, performing arts, community service, and on-campus jobs. ? Family renewal—results from real parent participation. The parents are not involved to support the work of the faculty; they work to develop their own character. The Family Education Program is the distinctive quality of Hyde's approach. ? College preparation—more than 98% of Hyde's graduates attend four-year colleges. Hyde graduates are currently enrolled at Bates, Baylor, Bucknell, Carleton, Carnegie-Mellon, Colgate, Columbia, Cornell, Davidson, Denison, Duke, Georgetown, George Washington, Hamilton, Middlebury, Oberlin, Ohio State, Ohio Wesleyan, RPI, Rutgers, Springfield, Trinity, Union, Vanderbilt, Washington, Wheaton; and the Universities of Colorado, Denver, Virginia, Maine, Michigan, Oregon, and Vermont. Although some schools might excel with one of these emphases singularly, we submit that Hyde is the best, indeed the only choice for prospective families who seek to accept the challenge of all of them collectively. Once enrolled at Hyde, students and their parents are expected to honor the Hyde School Statement of Purpose, a document that perhaps best expresses Hyde’s mission as a community. Hyde School focuses on the development of individual character, beginning with the premise that everyone is gifted with a unique potential that defines individual destiny. Both Hyde boarding campuses consist of grades 9–12 and enroll approximately 220 students. The curriculum is designed to intentionally challenge students to pursue their unique potential. With several areas of learning and program content that include varied academic instruction and skill and character development, the extended program not only provides students with a sound education, it also trains them to probe beyond the academic to a conscience level of thought. This deeper level of learning places them on a path where they can identify, examine, and oftentimes redefine their principles, interests, strengths, obstacles, ideals, and ultimately their unique potential, and use that knowledge to shape and enrich their lives. While each area of discipline offers its own unique and challenging content, the character development curriculum is a common thread woven into all curricula, offering students consistency and reinforcement in learning. Campus life at hyde A Typical Weekday At Hyde School 7:30 AM—Breakfast 8:00 AM—Campus Jobs 8:30 AM—Academics Noon—Lunch 1:30 PM—Academics, Sports, or Discovery Groups 6:00 PM—Dinner 8:00 PM—Study Hall or Mandatory Fun A Typical Saturday At Hyde School 7:30 AM—Breakfast 8:00 AM—Campus Jobs 9:00 AM—Performing Arts Noon—Lunch 1:30 PM—Sports 5:30 PM—Dinner 6:00 PM—Free time or movie trip Sundays at Hyde are free. During the fall and spring, students take trips to shopping areas, movies, skate parks, etc. During the winter months, many trips are made to area ski mountains. Text Structure Analysis The passage looks like a report, which tries to explain some ideas, report some events and prove some conclusions. The relationship between the parts is best brought out by questions and answers. While reading the passage, the readers would naturally ask themselves some questions as a way of predicting what is to follow. If what follows is just the answer to the question in the readers’ mind, then comprehension continues. If what follows is not the answer to the question in the readers’ mind, the readers would look in some other directions to put in the right question to match what follows. This is a very important technique of reading comprehension or bringing out the relationship between the paragraphs. For example: ??? If the readers come across an article which starts with: ??? Mr. Williams was brought into court today. ??? Then the readers would naturally ask: ??? Why was Mr. Williams brought into court? ??? Or who/what is Mr. Williams? ??? Or why was it today that Mr. Williams was brought into court?… ??? If what follows answers one of the questions in the readers’ mind, then comprehension continues. If not, the readers would correct their expectations and insert some other questions to match the development of the article.? Now let’s examine the text structure of Reading Passage A in a way of questions and answers. The essay is made up of 4 parts with each part answering one question. Part 1: (P1-2)When we come up to the article, we read the title — Where Principles Come First. This naturally brings us the question: What are the principles? Part 1 is made up of 2 paragraphs: Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2 telling us the principles of the Hyde School.? Part 2:(P3-11) Since the principles of the Hyde School are somewhat different from other schools, the readers would wonder whether the principles are accepted by other schools. When we read on, we find the author tries to answer the question in Paragraphs 3 to 11. Paragraph 3 is about one example of how the Hyde School principles were rejected by one public school with the reasons made clear to us. From Paragraph 4 to Paragraph 11 there is another example of how the Hyde School principles were appreciated by another public school. Part 3:(P12-16) Since the Hyde School principles have been rejected as well as appreciated, we would be wondering what the detailed principles or approaches are for the Hyde School. This brings in for us Part 3. Part 3 consists of 5 paragraphs, from Paragraph 12 to Paragraph 16. Paragraph 12 is about some principles for the Hyde School: every student with a unique potential based on character, high value of hard work, success measured by progress or development, and students taking responsibilities for each other. Paragraph 13 is about what is provided by the Hyde School. The Hyde School is different from other schools in additional requirements like arts, sports, and community service. And the grading system includes the fact as to how hard the students have tried in their studies. Paragraph 14 to Paragraph 16 is about another important requirement from the Hyde School: parents’ commitment and participation in the program. Paragraph 14 is about what have been required of parents. Paragraph 15 is about how the requirements work in some other schools and how some parents reject the principle. But Paragraph 16 tells us that once the parents realize the importance of their participation, the Hyde School’s program should work well in public schools. Part 4:(P17-20) Now that we are clear about the Hyde School’s principles, the acceptability of the principles to public schools and what the school’s detailed principles are, we would naturally ask the question: Are these principles good or beneficial to the teachers as well as the students? Part 4 consists of 4 paragraphs: Paragraph 17 tells us how the principles prove to be beneficial to the teachers and Paragraphs 18 to 20 tell us one example of how successful the principles are to the students. Word Study 1.publicity 1. [U] public notice or attention 公众的注意;名声--an actress who seeks/avoids publicity一位想出风头(避免出风头)的女演员;--heads of state who live their lives in the full blaze of publicity在众目睽睽之下过生活的国家元首们 2. [U] (business of) providing information in order to attract public attention; advertising (商业)广告,宣传,宣扬conduct a publicity campaign从事一项宣传活动 publicize v.宣扬,宣传publish v 出版,发布(消息)publication n.出版发布publicist n.评论家,宣扬者 2.cultivate 1. vt. develop and improve 培养,陶冶,发展--to cultivate one’s mind修养心性 2. vt.prepare and use (land, soil, etc.) for growing crops 耕种,耕作--cultivate the land cultivated adj.(指人)举止文雅的,有教养的 3comprehensive adj. that includes (nearly) everything综合的,全面的,广泛的--a man of comprehensive mind/grasp of ideas富有理解力的人;--a comprehensive description综合性的描述 comprehensible adj.easy to understand --a book that is comprehensible to specialists.只有专家才能充分了解的一本书 4suspend vt. 1. stop or cause to be not active暂停,中止—suspend a rule中止一项规则;--The shipping service has been suspended because of bad weather. 因为天气恶劣,船运服务被暂停了。 2. hang sth. up悬挂-- We saw smoke suspended in the still air. 我们看见悬浮在静空中的烟。 Suspension n暂停,悬挂 Suspect vt猜想,怀疑 Suspect sb of sth Suspicion n. Suspicious adj.怀疑的(be/become/feel)suspicious about/of sb/sth 5.strain n. 1. [C, U] severe demand on one's mental or physical strength, abilities, etc.(对精力、体力、能力的)苛求,压力—Do you suffer from the strain of modern life?现代生活使你感到紧张吗? 2. [C, U] condition of being pulled tightly拉紧,绷紧 --The rope broke under the strain. 绳被拉断了 vt.1 hurt or weaken (esp. a part of the body) by stretching too much or trying too hard 扭伤,损伤--strain a muscle/one’s heart 2. stretch sth. tightly by pulling拉紧,绷紧—strain a rope to breaking-point把绳子抓紧到快断的地步 3. use to the greatest possible degree尽力使用,使紧张--strain one’s eyes全神贯注的看 vi.1use all one's power, energy, etc. (to do sth.)竭力,尽全力-- She strained against the ropes which tied her. 她使劲挣扎试图使捆在她身上的绳子松开。 restrain vt hold back restrain…from 阻止去做某事,但是后面有反身代词,可以意思为克制不做某事—If you can’t restrain your dog from biting the milkman, you must lock him up.如果你不能阻止你的狗咬送奶人,你该把它关起来。--He is unable to restrain himself from getting excited.他控制不了自己,变的兴奋起来 refrain from控制自己不做某事 The boy refrained from tears. 男孩止住没哭 6.preliminary adj. coming before or preparing for a more important action or event 预备的,初步的—a preliminary exam初试 n. (usu. pl.) sth. done first, to introduce or prepare for later things 初步做法,准备工作-- After a few polite preliminaries, we stated our main ideas.几句开场白后,我们陈述了主要观点。 7quest [C] a long search for sth. that is difficult to find探寻,寻求,研究—the quest for gold寻找金子 vi.quest for :look for寻找,一般指狗的寻找,或者用于修辞,指到处寻找,为历时较久的找寻the quest for truth对真理的寻求 search 搜身,在…中搜寻,后面跟物,一般指找的地点,跟人,一般指搜身,其目的为找到东西。Search for搜寻,后面的宾语为搜寻的目的。 --They searched the woods (for the lost child)他们在森林里找寻(走失的孩子) 8energetic adj full of energy; very active精力充沛的,充满活力的--I don't feel energetic enough to rush about, so I'll sit down.我感到没有力气东奔西跑,所以要坐下来。 Energy n.精力 Enervate v.cause to lose strength 使衰弱--a country with an enervating climate.其气候使人衰弱无力的国家 9.conventional adj. based on some agreement about how people should act or behave in certain situations常规的,惯例的,传统的,守旧的—a few conventional remarks几句老生常谈的话—conventional art传统艺术 n. convention公认的标准,习俗,惯例,尤指行为—When men wore hats, convention required them to raise them when they met a women they know. Conventionality n.因袭,老式 tradition 传说,意见,信仰,风俗的世代相传的传统The stories of Robin hood are based mainly on tradition.罗宾汉的故事大多根据传说而来。 custom 个人的习惯,社会的习俗Social customs vary in different countries.社会风俗各国不同customary adj.合乎风俗习惯的 habit 个人习惯,但是经常做,不轻易放弃 10.controversy [U, C] strong disagreement about sth., esp. that is important to, or influences, or is of interest to many people争议,争论—facts that are beyond controversy 无可置辩的事实-- a bitter controversy over sth 对…激烈的争论。 11.moral n. 1. (pl.) standards of behavior; principles of right and wrong行为标准,道德规范;品行—a man of loose morals品行不佳的人—improve the morals of a country改良一国的风气 2. [C] a practical lesson that a story, an event or an experience teaches寓意--The moral of this story is that honesty is always the best policy.这个故事的寓意是诚实总是上策。--You may draw your own moral from this.你可以从这个找出你自己的教训。 Adi. concerning principles of right and wrong道德的—moral standards道德标准 morale士气,风气 The army recovered its morale and fighting power.军队恢复了士气和战斗力。 12.mixture n. 1. [C] a thing made by mixing混合物--His art is a mixture of many styles.他的艺术是多种风格结合的产物。--(口) the mixture as before(手续,疗法)照以前一样,老方法 2。. [U] mixing or being mixed混合--Mixture happens within five minutes of the liquids coming into contact.液体互相接触后五分钟内即发生混合。 13.admission n. 1. [U] entering or being allowed to enter a building, society, school, etc.允许进入,准许加入—admission to school is by exam only.就读学校必须考试。--Admission Free不收门票 2. [C, U] admitting承认,供认—make an admission of guilt认错—by/on his own admission如他所承认的 admittance n. 许可进入--No admittance except on business.闲人免进 14outlook1. [C] (usu. sing.) a person's way of understanding and thinking about sth.观点,看法—a man with a narrow outlook on life 人生观险隘的人 2. [C] (usu. sing.) the likely future situation前景--The outlook for the company seems fairly bright. 这个公司的前景似乎相当光明。 Overlook vt.1忽视overlook a printer’s error忽视了一个印刷错误2俯视From my study window,I overlook the bay.从我的书房的窗户我可以俯瞰海湾 over-+v/n/adj超过,越过,过量 overwork加班 overload超载 oversleep睡过头 overeat吃的过饱 反义词under-不足,低于 underestimate 低估 underlook 从下面看 undermine在。。。下挖 15.attendance1. [C] the number of people present出席人数—There was a large attendance at church today.今天去教堂做礼拜的人很多。2. [U, C] action or time of being present到场,出席,参加 –-The boy was given a prize for regular attendance.男孩获得全勤奖。3.[U] the act of waiting on sb.护理,照料in attendance(on/upon) The nurse is in constant attendance on the patient.那位护士一直护理着那个病人。 Attendant n.服务员,仆人(复)随从人员 16.session1. [C] a single continuous period spent in one activity(从事某项活动的) 一段时间—a recording session录音时间2. [C] any of periods of time that a teaching year or day is divided into, or the teaching year itself 学年;学期;上课时间The session begins on 1 October. 学期在10月1日开始。 17utmost[U] the greatest, furthest or most extreme degree or point极限,最大限度—do/try one’s utmost竭尽全力--Our endurance was tested to the utmost. 我们的忍耐力受到了最大限度的考验。 Adj. the greatest; the most possible 最大的,极度的—of the utmost importance极度重要 18Worthwhile adj. worth doing; worth the money, time or effort that is spent 值得(做)的She considers teaching a worthwhile career.她认为教书是一件值得做的工作。 Worth adj.1。值 It’s not worth more than 2 pounds.它的价值不会超过两英镑 for what it is worth 照原来的样子That’s the news I heard—I pass it on to you for what it is worth那是我听来的消息—我照原来的样子告诉你。2。拥有的what the old man worth?那个老人有多少财产? 3.be worth doing 值得的 This book is well worth reading. n. [u]价值books of great worth有很大价值的书 worthy adj.1。 be worthy of sth/to be sth nothing worthy of mention乏善可陈 2。可敬的 –a worthy gentleman可敬的绅士 n 名士,大人物 19.outset[U] the beginning开端,开始 –at/from the outset 在开始时at the outset of his career 20.optimistic adj expecting the best; confident乐观的,有信心的--The experts are optimistic about our chances of success.专家们对我们成功的可能性持乐观态度。optimism n.乐观 optimist n.乐观主义者 pessimism 悲观主义pessimist悲观主义者 pessimistic 悲观的 optimum n.(用作定语)最佳,最适宜的the optimum temperature for the growth of plants对植物生长的最佳温度 21fruitful adj having many good results; successful有成果的,成功的—a fruitful career成功的事业--fruitful discussions卓有成效的讨论 fruitless 无结果的fruitless efforts徒劳 22。faculty 1. [C] the people who teach in a school or a college全体教员He joined the faculty of Columbia University.他成了哥伦比亚大学的一名教员 2. [C] the special ability to do sth.能力,才能,资质—the faculty of speech口才--I kept my mental and critical faculties alive.我保持着敏锐的思维能力和评判能力 23。campus [U, C] the buildings of a large school, college or university and the land that surrounds them校区,校园—on the college campus在大学校园--the main campus校本部 24.insult n&v. speak or act in a way that hurts the feelings or dignity of sb.; be extremely rude to sb.侮辱,辱骂--Don't take it as an insult if I go to sleep during your speech; I'm very tired.如果我在你演讲时睡着了,别把那当作侮辱,我太累了。 Curse n&v. an impolite word or words used to express anger诅咒,咒骂-- He missed the ball and cursed violently.他没有接住球,便破口咒骂。 v.Phrases and expressions 1.see sb/sth as-- consider sb. or sth. to be认为某人或某物是……Her classmates see her as a future President.她的同学们把她看作是未来的总统。 see sb off送(在机场,码头) see over sth 调查see over the house that you want to buy see to sth 注意,留心This machine is out of order;get a mechanic to see to it. 2.spread sth to (cause sth. to) become widely known(使)传播--We have been asked to spread the news to all our friends.我们受托把这消息传达给我们所有的朋友。 Spread sth on sth;spread sth with sth涂敷spread butter on bread涂奶油在面包上 3.be scheduled to be arranged to do被安排,定于-- The train is scheduled to arrive at 8:45, but it's running twenty minutes late.这列火车预定于8:45到达,但是它晚点了20分钟。 4. over protest. despite opposition在有异议的情况下-- She paid the fine over protest.她极不情愿地交付了罚款。 make/lodge/enter a protest against sth(对某事)提出抗议 5. complete with including; fully supplied with包括,备有-- He wore the whole rabbit outfit, complete with teeth.他穿了一整套装扮成兔子的衣服,齐全得连牙齿都有。 Compete with/against sb/sth for sth 与某人竞争来获得某物 we try to make the trains run on time,but we can’t compete with/against the weather.我们努力使火车运行准点,但是我们却抗争不过天气。 compete in参加比赛 These circumstances have enabled us to compete successfully in the open markets of the world.这些条件使我们能在世界自由市场上竞争获胜。 6. work out 1.plan, develop or produce by a process of thought 计划,设计,想出-- We'll work out our schedule.我们将制定出一份时间表。2. find the answer to sth.解决难题,找到... ...的方法 –-I cannot work out this problem-- At your age, you should be able to work out your own future.在你这个年龄,你应该能够决定自己的前途。 Work away (at sth)继续工作he’s been working away at this job since breakfast. Work sth in/into 插入. Can you work in a jokes in your story? Work on/upon 激起,影响Will the figures for unemployment work on the conscience of the Government?失业数字会使政府良心不安吗? 7.kind of slightly; to some extent有点,有几分--It was kind of strange to see him again.再见到他有点奇怪。 Of a kind 1.very much –The friends were two of a kind---very similar in many ways.这对朋友在很多方面都很相似。 2。Of poor quality(含有轻蔑的意思)徒有其名的They gave us coffee of a kind.他们给我们劣质的咖啡 a kind of(infml.)有点,表示不太确定 I had a kind of suspicion that he was cheating.我有点怀疑他在欺骗 8.spend sth on sth /spend (in)doing sth use time or mony for a purpose在…上花金钱,精力或时间 A lot of money has been spent on the new building. consume消耗,宾语为吃,喝,用的东西 He consumed 6 eggs. expend 为消耗其中的一部分,常与in,on,连用,是spend的正式用法 VI. Vocabulary and Structure 1.They are so diligent in their studies that they ______their sleeps and meals. A. neglect B. ignore C. overlook D. disregard neglect为未给某事应有的或足够的重视,根据此句,意思是过分重视学习而对寝食重视不够,所以选A; ignore为装着不知道或没有看见而不给予理睬;overlook为由于匆忙或者没有注意到而忽视;disregard认为某事不重要而故意忽视。 2.A new technique ______, the yields as a whole increased by 20 per cent. A. working out B. having worked out C. having been worked out D. to have been worked 3.Police _______the building but couldn’t find the escape. A. quested B. searched C. searched for D .researched 4.In the mid-seventies Americans _____about 17million barrels of oil daily. A consumed B. spent C expended D. resumed 5.He was clever enough to ______the mathematics scholarship. A complete with B complete for C compete for D compete with 6.It was Tom’s ________to get up early and go for a walk before breakfast. A. tradition B habit C. convention D. custom 7.I could hardly ____my ears when I saw my father. A restrict B restrain C restore D retain restrict限制 restore归还,恢复,重建 retain保持,聘用 8. I paid only $300 for this used car, but it’s _____much more. A. worth B .worthwhile C. worthy D. worthless(无价值的) VII. Language Points The Hyde School operates on the principle that … (Para. 1) Meaning: The Hyde School is run on the principle that … then academic achievement naturally follows. (Para. 1) Meaning: … then the students will naturally make their academic achievements. 3. Hyde School founder Joseph Gauld claims success with the program at the $18,000-a-year high school in Bath, Maine, which has received considerable publicity for its work with troubled youngsters. (Para. 1) Meaning: Joseph Gauld, the founder of the Hyde School, declares that the program at the high school in Bath, Maine is successful. The school, which charges a student $18,000 per year, has drawn considerable attention from the public and news media because of its successful work with troubled students. 4. We see ourselves as preparing kids for a way of life — by cultivating a comprehensive set of principles that can affect all kids. (Para. 2) Meaning: We think our duty is to prepare students for a way of life — by teaching them a complete set of principles that can influence all students. 5. Now, Joe Gauld is trying to spread his controversial Character First idea to public, inner-city schools willing to use the tax dollars spent on the traditional program for the new approach. (Para. 3) Meaning: Now Joe Gauld is trying to spread his idea that character comes first —an idea that has caused much public discussion and disagreement — to inner-city public schools which used to spend the tax dollars on a traditional program but now are willing to spend the money on the new program. Note that Joe stands for Joseph. This is the so-called “pet name” — a name that is given to someone whom one specially likes or loves, used instead of that person’s real name. Other examples are Rick standing for Richard, Tom standing for Tommy, Bill standing for William, etc. 6. Within months the program was suspended. (Para. 3) Meaning: Within months the program stopped 7. Teachers protested the program's demands and the strain associated with more intense work.(Para. 3) Meaning: Teachers said they didn’t like the program's demands (which are probably too high) and the stress that came from more intense work. Please notice that in American English “protest” is used without a preposition. They protested the government's handling of the situation. 他们反对政府处理局势的手法。 . Compare: The students have been protesting against the government's decision. 学生们一直在抗议政府的决定。 8. Other US school managers are eyeing the program, too. (Para. 4) Meaning: Other US school managers are greatly interested in the program, too. eye: vt. look at sb. or sth. closely Many people are eyeing the progress of the new project. 许多人在关注着这一新项目的进展。 She eyed him with suspicion. 她怀疑地看着他。 9. Last fall, the Hyde Foundation opened a magnet program within a public high school … over parents' protests (Para. 4) Meaning: Last fall, the Hyde Foundation opened a program that drew much attention … in spite of protests from parents. 10. As in Maine the quest for truth is also widespread at the school in Connecticut. (Para. 5) Meaning: The search for truth is prevailing in Maine, and the same thing happens at the school in Connecticut. Please note that here “as” is used to compare situations (or sometimes actions) by saying that they are similar. For example: In Greece, as in Italy, they use a lot of olive oil in cooking. 与在意大利一样,在希腊,人们做饭时用很多橄榄油。 11. …the 11 students spend the last five minutes in an energetic exchange evaluating their class performance for the day on a 1-10 scale. (Para. 5) Meaning: …the 11 students spend the last five minutes actively discussing and evaluating their class performance of the day on a scale that ranges from 1 to 10. 12. I challenge that. You didn't do either your grammar or your spelling homework. (Para. 7) Meaning: I don't agree. You didn't do your grammar exercises, nor did you do your spelling homework. 13. Wait, I put my best effort forth here. (Para. 10) Meaning: No, I don't agree. I made great efforts here. put forth: use, show, or bring sth. such as strength into action Putting forth a great effort, he uprooted the tree. 他使了很大的劲把树拔了出来。 14. He notes “no amount of change” with the horse and carriage “will produce an automobile”. (Para. 12) Meaning: He points out that no matter what changes you've made with the horse and carriage, no automobile t of it. 15.To avoid the controversy of other character programs used in US schools, Gauld says the concept of doing your best has nothing to do with forcing the students to accept a particular set of morals or religious values. (Para. 12) Meaning: In order to prevent arguments that other character programs used in US schools have aroused, Gauld says the idea of doing your best doesn't mean forcing the students to accept a certain set of standards of good behaviour or religious beliefs. 16Commitment among parents is a key ingredient in the Hyde mixture. (Para. 14) Meaning: Parents' devotion is an important element in the Hyde program. Here “mixture” refers to the Hyde program for the fact that the program involves not only students and teachers but also parents. 17.For the student to gain admission, parents also must agree to accept and demonstrate the school's philosophies and outlook. (Para. 14) Meaning: For the student to be admitted into the school, parents also must agree to accept the school’s ideas and beliefs and put them into practice. 18.The low attendance is in spite of commitments they made at the outset of the program when Hyde officials interviewed 300 families. (Para. 15) Meaning: The attendance of parents is low in spite of the promises they made at the beginning of the program when Hyde School officials interviewed 300 families. 19.Here we really begin to focus on having a fruitful relationship with each student. (Para. 17) Meaning: Here we really begin to concentrate on establishing a relationship with each student that has many benefits. 20.Our focus is really about teacher to student and then we together deal with the . . . academics. (Para. 17) Meaning: We really pay close attention to the relationship between teachers and students, and then we work together for the academic achievements. 21.In the traditional high school setting, it's teacher to the material and then to the student. (Para. 17) Meaning: In traditional high schools, the teacher's attention is first paid to the teaching material, and then to the students. 22.The teacher-student relationship is taken even further at Hyde. (Para. 17) Meaning: The teacher-student relationship is developed to a more extensive degree at the Hyde School. 23.Faculty evaluations are conducted by the students. (Para. 17) Meaning: Evaluations of teachers are made by the students. 24.Years ago, he had seen his future as “jail, not college”. (Para. 18) Meaning: Years ago, he had thought that his future lay in prison instead of college. 25.Every other school was, 'Get out, we don't want to deal with you.' (Para. 20) Meaning: Every other school told me: 'Get out, we don’t want to have you.' 26.I came here and they said, ‘We kind of like that spirit. We don't like it with the negative attitudes. We want to turn that spirit positive.’ (Para. 20) Meaning: I came to this school, and they told me: ‘We like that spirit a little bit. But we don't like the negative part of it. We want to make that spirit positive.’ VIII. Grammar Enrichment 方式状语从句(Adverbial Clause of Manner) as“如同”,“好象” as引导方式状语从句时,意思是’in the same manner that…’可修饰动作或状态,例如: Study as Lenin studied.像列宁一样学习 Air is to man as water is to fish.空气对于人,就如水对于鱼一样。 [注意]在这种结构中,勿将as,like混淆。as是连词,后面可以为主谓结构(有时省略);like是介词,后面只可以是名词或与之相当的词,例如: 误:All plants need air like they need water. 正:All plants need air as they need water. 2) 误:In 1975,like in 1954,there was a big flood in this district. 正: In 1975,as in 1954,there was a big flood in this district. 条件状语从句(Adverbial Clause of Condition) 引导条件状语从句的连词和词组主要有 如果if unless(=if not)除非 once一旦 as (so) long as只要 on condition that条件是 suppose/supposing假如 provided/ providing that假如 in case 如果 If/unless You will make progress if you study hard. You will never make progress unless you study hard. [注意]if可以用于虚拟条件句,unless一般不用于虚拟条件句 2. as long as/on condition (that)/providing (that)/in case As (So) long as you try,you will succeed. I will you this book on condition that(=only if)you return it to me before Friday. Motors will run well provided/providing (that)(=only if)they are maintained regularly. Suppose/Supposing (that)it rains tomorrow, will you still come? In case he arrives before I get back, please ask him to wait. [注意]1。Only if,if only only if(只要是)是if的强调形式,引导使用陈述语气的真实条件句,用倒装语序(only+状语在句首要倒装,在句中不需);if only(有时为 if…only)大多用于虚拟语气,引导虚拟条件句和虚拟感叹句。意思是‘但愿…;要是…就好了’。试比较: Only if you study hard,will you pass the exam.只要你努力学习,你就能通过考试 If only we had arrived in time,we would not have missed the train.要是我们按时到,就不会误车了 If she would only come!她要是来就好了 2. As(so) long as,as (so) far as 前者是引导条件状语从句的连接词组,后者是习惯用语‘就…而论’。比较: You may borrow the book so (as) long as you keep it clean.要是你保持书的清洁,你就可以借这本书。 As (So) far as I know,he has not much money.就我所知,他没什么钱 3. In case,in any case,in case of,in no case In case:如果 In any case:无论如何 I’m ready to help in any case. In case of 万一 In case of emergency,call me at this number. In no case决不In no case should you lose heart. Exercises: 1._____ we know, there are 107 elements found in nature. A. As long as B. Just as C. So far as D. For all We left the manager a note ____he wanted to know where we were. A. as B. in case C. so that D. unless 3.____it happens, we probably won/t have all that much time for a holiday, though. A As B though C. until D. While 4.You can stay here ____you keep quiet. A as long as B unless C. lest D however 5.You can fly to London this evening___you don’t mind changing planes in Paris. A.provided Bexcept C.unless D in case of 6.___you understand this rule, you’ll have no further difficulty. A While BUnless cThough D.Once 7.They agree to rent the house____the roof be repaired. A on condition that B as soon as C when D unless 8.people fulfilled the dream of traveling on the moon just____the writer had once described. A.when B like C.as D before Section B Cultural Differences in Western and Japanese Decision-Making I.Reading Skill Predicting an Author's Ideas One way to read effectively is to predict. Making predictions or anticipating the writer's next point is an important skill in active reading. Although we may not be able to predict every detail and although a writer may surprise us with unexpected ideas, we can often anticipate the general direction the author is going. Making predictions while you read keeps your mind alert (留神的) and involved with the passage; it's a way to double-check your comprehension of what you've read so far, and it can be a great aid to understanding what comes next. ??? Take the first two paragraphs of Passage A as an example: ????????????????????????????????????? Where Principles Come First ??? Looking at the title of the passage, you are probably wondering “Where do principles come first?” This is actually prediction. ??? Then you move to the first paragraph of the passage. The first few words of the first sentence tell you that it is the Hyde School. Here you've got the answer to your question.  ??? The Hyde School operates on the principle that if you teach students the merit of such values as truth, courage, integrity, leadership, curiosity and concern, then academic achievement naturally follows. Hyde School founder Joseph Gauld claims success with the program at the $18,000-a-year high school in Bath, Maine, which has received considerable publicity for its work with troubled youngsters. ?? After reading the first paragraph, you've got some basic information about the Hyde School. For instance, you've known its principle, its founder, its charge per year for a student, its location, etc. Yet, you are not satisfied with these. Your curiosity about the school is even made stronger by the phrase “which has received considerable publicity for its work with troubled youngsters”. “The school must be special in some way”, you wonder. “Is the author going to say something about this?” And the next paragraph will (or sometimes will not) tell you something about the school's special attitude to their students.    ??? "We don't see ourselves as a school for a type of kid," says Malcolm Gauld, Joseph's son, who graduated from Hyde and is now headmaster. "We see ourselves as preparing kids for a way of life — by cultivating a comprehensive set of principles that can affect all kids." Predicting an Author's Ideas ??? One way to read effectively is to predict. Making predictions or anticipating the writer's next point is an important skill in active reading. Although we may not be able to predict every detail and although a writer may surprise us with unexpected ideas, we can often anticipate the general direction the author is going. Making predictions while you read keeps your mind alert and involved with the passage; it's a way to double-check your comprehension of what you've read so far, and it can be a great aid to understanding what comes next. ??? Take a look at the title of Passage A and think about what the article is possibly about: Title of Passage A: Where Principles Come First ??? The passage might be about the following points: 1. What are the principles that come first? 2. Why should we put forward the principles first? 3. How are the principles accepted or appreciated or even rejected by some others? 4. Who put forward the principles? 5. Why did he or she put forward the principles? 6. What are the striking characteristics of the person who put forward the principles? 7. Are the principles being beneficial to others? 8. What can we learn from the principles? ??? If we read the passage with care, we can find that the article only deals with some of the questions listed above, not all the questions. This is the process which is going on all the time when we are reading something with active understanding. IIBackground Information(about cultural difference, also can be arranged for listening test) You have to shake hands when you’re coming or going in Germany, but in Britain you usually only shake hands when you meet sb for the first time. You have to give your present in public in the Middle east to show it’s not a bribe,but it’s good manners to give your present in private in Asia. You mustn’t give cutlery in Latin Amercia because it suggests that you want to cut off the relationship. You mustn’t give food or drink in Saudi Arabia because it suggests you think your hosts are not offering you enough to eat and drink. You mustn’t give a clock in China because the Chinese word for clock is similar to the word for funeral. ‘Come any time’ means ‘I want you to visit me’ in India. If you do not suggest a time and arrange a visit immediately, an Indian will think you are refusing the invitation. But if an English person says ‘Come any time’, they will think you are bad-mannered if you start fixing a date. Offices are usually closed on Friday in Moslem countries. Americans usually mean ‘yes’ when they nod their heads. An English person probably just means ‘I understand’, and an Asian is just showing interest. It’s bad manners to discuss business at a social occasion in India. In an English pub, you have to take you turn to buy a ‘round’-drink for everyone in your group. III.Word Study 1complex a. 1. made up of closely connected parts(结构,程序)综合的,复合的--a complex building综合建筑--The company has a very complex organization structure. 公司的组织结构非常复杂 2. difficult to understand or explain because there are many different parts难以理解的,复杂的--The film was so complex that I couldn't follow it. 这部电影太复杂了,以致于我都看不懂。 3。合成的 Complexity n.复杂的事物 complexion n.肤色,面色,形式--a fair complexion白皙的肤色-- change the compiexion of the war改变了战争的形式 Complicate vt. make complex ---This complicates the matter.这把事情弄复杂了 Complicated adj. made up of many parts, difficult to understand –-complicated business deals复杂的商业交易 Complication n. 混乱,困难。--Here are further complication to worry us.这里还有更多的,复杂的事情困饶着我们。 Intricate adj. Containing many detailed parts and thus difficult to understand错综复杂的,让人迷惑的 sophisticated a. 1. complicated 2. having or showing much experience and knowledge 世故的,老练的,精通的 2.grip n. 1. [C] the force to control控制,支配-- The enemies have tightened their grip on the city.敌人已经加强了他们对这座城市的控制。2. [C] a firm hold of sth.紧握,抓牢--take a grip on a rope抓紧绳索—have a good grip of a problem(喻)深入了解问题 be at grips with;come/get to grips with猛攻,肉搏,着手做某事—get to grips with problems认真处理问题 vt (gripped)1. take and keep a firm hold of (sth./sb.)握紧,抓牢--Fear gripped his heart.恐惧占据了他的心。2. seize the attention, imagination, etc. of (sb.)吸引……的注意力或想像力等—grip one’s attention—The film is a griping story of love and hate.扣人心弦的爱与恨的电影。 the grippe流行性感冒 3. extreme a. 1. of the highest degree; greatest possible 最高限度的,极度的--The extreme penalty of the law in some countries is the death penalty. 在某些国家,极刑就是死刑。-- extreme patience极大的耐心 2. as far away as possible 尽可能远的;遥远的—the extreme edge of a field田地之边界 n. [C] the furthest point; the greatest degree极端,过分-- He was anxious to smooth over situations, to avoid extremes.他急于缓和局势,避免采取极端措施。--Love and heat are extremes.爱和恨是两个极端。go to/be driven to extremes走极端 4.analyze= analyse vt. study or examine sth. in detail in order to discover more about it 分析,细查-The teacher tried to analyze the cause of our failure.老师试图分析我们失败的原因。 analysis n.(pl. analyses) 分析 analyst n.分析家 5 stability n. [U] the quality or state of being stable稳定,稳固-- The country has enjoyed a period of political stability during the past ten years.该国在过去10年中政局一直保持稳定。 stable adj. Stabilize vt. stale 1.not flesh stale 陈的bread/food 2.unteresting because heard before-- stale news . 6. mobile a. able to move freely or be easily moved活动的,易于移动的,流动的--mobile phone移动电话 mobility n. [U]-- With the plane, people managed a physical mobility never before dreamed of. 随着飞机的问世,人们的流动性达到了以前连做梦也想不到的程度。 mobilize v 7. differ vi. 1. not be the same; be unlike不同,有异—differ (from) His views differ greatly from those of his parents.他的观点跟他父母的很不相同 2. disagree; not share the same opinion(在意见方面)发生分歧 –differ from sb(about/on sth) I’m sorry to differ from you about/on the matter. agree to differ 同意各述己见 8.superior a. 1. better, stronger, etc. than sb./sth. else优于,强于; 2. better than average优良的,卓越的3. of higher rank or class(在职位、地位方面)较高的 --a girl of superior intelligence智力高的女孩--- superior grades of coffee上等咖啡-- He works well with those superior to him in the firm.他和公司里的上司合作愉快。 n. [C] a person of higher rank, esp. in a job上级,上司-- Mr. Ford is my immediate superior. 福特先生是我的顶头上司。 inferior a. lower in rank, social position, importance, quality, etc. 级别低的,社会地位低的;次要的,次等的—inferior goods劣等的货物 n. [C] a person of lower rank, esp. in a job下级,下属 be superior to:better in quality or value优越的,比…好 be inferior to比…差 be senior to比…高一级的 be junior to 比…低一极的 be prior to在…之前 interior室内的,内地的,反义词是 exterior -- interior decoration 室内装修 internal体内的,机构内部的,反义词是 external---internal bleeding 内出血--The doctor X-rayed me to see if there were any internal injuries内伤 9.negotiation n. [C, U] discussion aimed at reaching an agreement; negotiating 商议,谈判,洽谈-- enter into/open/start/carry on/resume negotiation展开/开始/进行/恢复The price is a matter of negotiation.价格是可以协商的。 10.harmony n. [U] a state of complete agreement (in feelings, ideas, etc.) 和谐,融洽,和睦,一致—be in harmony (with)相配,一致Imagine a society in which all lived together in harmony.想像有这样一个社会,大家都和睦地生活在一起。 11. consensus n. [C, U] (usu. sing.) generally accepted opinion or decision among a group of people共同看法,(意见等的)一致—consensus politics 政治舆论 census(pl. censuses)人口统计 12.consideration n. 1. [U] the action of considering or thinking about sth. 考虑,思考-- under consideration. 在考虑中。--take sth into consideration 考虑某事2. [U] the quality of being sensitive to others, their feelings, etc. 体谅,照顾-- show consideration for on no consideration无论如何 considerate adj.体谅的,体贴的It was considerate of you not to play piano when I slept. considerable相当大的,相当多的a considerable distance considering鉴于,就。。。而论She is very active, considering her age. 13.enterprise n. 1. [C, U] a business company or firm 企业单位,商业公司--foreign enterprises外国企业 2. [C] a project, esp. one that is difficult or needs courage (艰巨的)事业,计划--A trip into space is a daring enterprise. 到太空旅行是一项大胆的计划。 14. consult vt. 1. go to sb. for information, advice, etc. 请教,咨询,找……商量;go to a book, etc. for information查阅,查看– consult the dictionary查字典 vi. exchange opinion, information, etc. with a person 交换意见,商议—consult with sb 15. delicate a. 1. showing or needing skill and good judgment巧妙的,需技巧的,敏感的 -- The pay negotiations have reached a delicate stage.工资谈判到了一个敏感的阶段。--a delicate sense of touch灵敏的触觉 2. needing careful treatment; easily damaged 易损的,娇嫩的in delicate health身体娇弱的 16. owing a. (esp. of money that has been earned, lent or promised) not yet paid 应付的,未付的-- We have several hundred pounds owing on our car. 我们的车还欠几百英镑未付清。 owing to 因为,由于—Owing to the rain,the match was cancelled. owe sth to sth 把…归功于He owed his success to good luck more than to ability. Compare: due to: because of; caused by As due is an adjective, it seems that due to should really be used only with nouns. For example: --His absence was due to the storm. But educated speakers are now beginning to use due to with verbs, thus treating due to like owing to or because of. e.g. He arrived late due to/owing to the storm. 17successive a. coming one after the other in a series继续的,连续的—The team won 5 successive games.赢得连续5场比赛。 succession n. in succession 连续的 5 wet days in succession continual :with short breaks间断的 continuous;without breaks连续的,循环的 18. fundamental a. forming the base, from which everything originates; more important than anything else 基本的,基础的,主要的-- There's a fundamental difference in attitude between these two politicians. 这两位政治家的观点存在着根本性分歧。 n. (pl.) basic rules; essential parts 基本原则,基本法则-- the fundamentals of science. 科学的基本原理 19. transaction n. [C] a piece of business conducted or carried out交易,业务-- service transactions劳务交易 20. volume n. 1. [U] the amount of sth. 量,份量,额2. [C] one in a set of related books, or any type of book (书的)卷,册3. [U] the level of sound made by a TV, radio, etc. 音量,响度--Could you turn the volume down, please, I'm trying to sleep. 请你把音量关小点好吗?我想要睡觉了。4. [ U] the size of a solid thing or of a space, measured by multiplying the length by the width by the depth 体积,容积,容量the volume of the sphere. 球体的体积。 speak volumes for充分显示或表明 –His donations to charity speaks volume for his generosity.他对慈善事业的捐助充分显示他的慷慨 21. feasible a. that can be done; possible 可行的,可能的,行得通的-- Now that we have the extra resources, the project seems economically feasible. 既然我们还有额外的经费来源,这个计划在经济上似乎是可行的。 22. operational a. 1. of, for or used in operations 操作(上)的;经营的-- operational costs/expenditures 营运成本/费用 2. ready for use; ready to act 即可使用的,即可行动的 When will the new airliner be operational?新的客机何时启用? Operative adj. 有效的,外科手术的This law became operative on 1 May. 23.sincere a. (of a person, feelings or behavior) not pretending; honest 真诚的,诚实的-- make a sincere offer of help真诚地提出愿意提供帮助 24. pinch n. 1. [C] a painful squeeze捏,掐,拧2. [C] a small amount of sth., esp. the amount which a person can hold between his first finger and thumb 一撮,微量--This matter will cause a large pinch of doubts. 这个问题会引起很大的怀疑。v. press strongly between two hard things such as a finger and a thumb, usu. causing pain捏,掐,拧—These shoes pinch me鞋子挤脚。 in a pinch in a case of necessity 必要时I can lend you money in a pinch. 在紧要关头我可以借钱给你。 25.dismiss vt. 1. remove sb. from a position 解雇,开除—He was dimissed for being neglect of his duty.他由于玩忽职守被开除。2. put (thoughts, feelings, etc.) out of one's mind 放弃(想法、感情等),不再考虑--Just dismiss those thoughts from your mind - they're crazy and not worth thinking about. 打消你头脑中的那些念头--都是些疯狂的想法,不值得考虑。3. send away 解散,遣散The teacher dismissed her class early. 老师提早下课了。 mis-错误的,不正确的 misunderstand误解 misspell误拼 dis-没有,不 dislike不喜欢 disobey不服从 disagree不同意 26. exert vt. 1. make an effort努力,用力,尽力—exert oneself努力 exert yourself on my behalf你尽量帮我2. make (an ability or skill) into use运用(能力或技巧),发挥-- exert one’s influence运用影响 27. flexible a. 1. able to change or be changed easily according to the situation 灵活的,可变通的,可适应的-- We've arranged to go to the cinema on Thursday, but we can be flexible and go another day if necessary. 我们计划在星期四去看电影,不过有必要的话我们可以变通,改天去也行。2. that can be bent easily 易弯曲的,柔韧的a flexible plastic tubing 柔韧的塑料管 V.Phrases and Expressions 1. in contrast to ;by/ in contrast with contrasting对比,比照 --His white hair was in sharp contrast to his dark skin. 他的白发与黑皮肤形成鲜明的对照。 2.in some way to a certain extent but not entirely 在某种意义上;有一点,有些-- The work was well done in some way. 在某种程度上,这项工作干得很出色。 by way of由,经过He came here by way of London. by the way 顺便说,顺路 on the/one’s way在路上,在徒中 no way决不 in a big/small way大/小规模的 3. be related to be connected or associated with 与... ...相关,与... ...有联系- The fall in the cost of living is directly related to the drop in the oil price. 生活费用的下降直接与油价下跌有关。 be relative to 关于…的,与…有关的 papers relatives to this case关于此案件的文件 4. set up cause or produce 造成,产生-- The sudden fall on Wall Street set up a chain reaction in stock markets around the world. 华尔街股市的暴跌引起了全世界股市的连锁反应。 set back拨回,阻止set down 放下,登记set forth启程,动身set off抵消,出发 5.fall through fail to be completed; come to nothing 失败,成为泡影The plan fell through when it proved too costly. 该计划耗资过于巨大,结果落空了。 fall away遗弃,消失fall back on 求助于,依靠fall behind with落后 6 press for make repeated and urgent requests for 反复请求,紧急要求The unions are pressing for improved working conditions. 工会一再要求改善工作条件。 7.wonder at feel great surprise at 对... ...感到惊讶,惊叹A severe winter like this is not to be wondered at, in view of the summer we've had. 考虑到我们所过的夏天,这样严寒的冬天是不足为怪的。 Exercises 1The judge ___all the charges against Smith on the ground of insufficient evidence. a. prevented b. stopped c. dismissed d. opposed 由于证据不足,驳回指控 The man in ___clothes turned out to be a millionaire. a. sharp b. shabby c. shaky d. flexible When Aunt Lucy was ill in bed, a____ neighbour brought her food every day. sensitive b, careful c. considerate d.local Finally,he succeeded in removing all that stood______ a. on his way b.in his way (stand in sb’s way固定搭配意思为挡道,妨碍了前进 ) c.in a way (在某种意义上说 ) d.by the way 5.Their products are------- in many respects----- ours. a. superior to b. senior to c. junior to d. superior than Language Points 1. To talk about problem-solving or decision-making within a national environment means examining many complex cultural forces. (Para. 1) Meaning: If you want to talk about the style of problem-solving or decision-making of a particular nation, you have to examine many complicated cultural forces of that nation. 2. At the least, it explains the greater job stability in Japan, in contrast to the great job mobility in America. (Para. 2) Meaning: At least, it explains why the Japanese seldom change their jobs while the Americans change their jobs very often. “It” here refers to “the most important thing in Japan is what organization you work for”. at the least: at least You may use at least or at the least and at the very least to say that something is the minimum that is the case or should be done, although you think that more than this might be possible in the circumstances. She could take a nice holiday at least. 她至少可以度个好假。 He is at least content that there will be no immediate use of force.让他满意的是,至少不用马上动武。 At the least, I needed some sleep. 我至少需要睡一会儿。 His possession of documents in his home was, at the very least, a violation of Navy security regulations. 他把文件放在家里至少违反了海军的安全条例。 3. While we differ in many ways, such differences are neither superior nor inferior to each other. (Para. 3) Meaning: Although the Japanese style and the American one in decision-making are different in many ways, such differences cannot be judged in terms of being better or worse; they are equally important. 4. A particular pattern of management behavior develops from a complex mixture of unique cultural factors — and will only work within a given culture. (Para. 3) Meaning: A particular pattern of management behavior arises out of a complicated mixture of unique cultural factors, and it will only have effect within that particular culture. develop from: grow from; arise out of This tall tree develops from a small seed. 这棵大树源于一粒小种子。 5. First, in any approach to a problem and in any negotiations in Japan, there is the “you to you” approach, as distinguished from the Western “I to you” approach. (Para. 5) Meaning: First, in Japan when people try to solve a problem or have discussions, they adopt the method of “you to you”, which differs from the Western style of “I to you”. 6. The difference is this: in “I to you”, both sides present their arguments openly from their own point of view… (Para. 5) from one's point of view: from one's position in life; in one's opinion From my point of view it would be better to wait a little longer. 依我看,最好再等一会儿。 From an advertiser's point of view, television is a wonderful medium. 从广告人的角度来看,电视是绝佳的媒体。 Compare:in one’s opinion: as one thinks --In my opinion people watch too much television. 我认为人们看电视看得太多了。 7.A second characteristic is based on “consensus opinion” and “bottom-up direction”. (Para. 7) Meaning: A second characteristic of the Japanese environment is based on the idea of “general agreement” and “direction from the bottom to the top”. 8. In Japan great consideration is given to the thoughts and opinions of everyone at all levels. (Para. 7) Meaning: In Japan people think about the ideas and opinions of everyone, from the bottom to the top. 9.This is true of both private enterprises and government ministries. (Para. 7) be true of: be valid, relevant, or applicable to I accept that the romance may have gone out of the marriage, but surely this is true of many couples. 我承认婚姻没有了浪漫,但也肯定,许多夫妇都这样。 Compare: be true to: be loyal to David was true to his wife. 大卫忠于自己的妻子。 She has been true to her word. 她没有食言。 10. a characteristic style of communication… (Para. 9) Meaning: …a unique style of communication… 11. …and will spend whatever time is necessary to determine a “you to you” approach, communicating personal views only indirectly and delicately. (Para. 10) Meaning: …and will spend all the necessary time determining a “you to you” approach, only stating personal views in an indirect and skillful way. 12. This places time in a different perspective. (Para. 11) Meaning: This requires one to see time in a different perspective. 13. In Japan the Western deadline approach is secondary to a thorough job. (Para. 11) Meaning: In Japan the Western approach which usually sets a deadline for a job is considered less important than doing a complete, successful job. 14. Owing to this difference in emphasis, the Japanese are thorough in their meetings as well as in their production. (Para. 11) Meaning: Because of this different emphasis on a thorough job, the Japanese are complete in both their meetings and production. 15.But where the American is pressing for a specific decision, the Japanese is trying to devise a rather broad direction. (Para. 11) Meaning: The American side is demanding a specific decision. In contrast, the Japanese side is trying to set a rather broad direction. Please note here “where” is a conjunction used to introduce a clause that contrasts with the other parts of the sentence. --Where some people learned to play accordion for dances in their community, others took music lessons. 有些人学弹手风琴为其社区居民的舞蹈伴奏,另一些人则上音乐课。 --Sometimes a teacher will be listened to, where a parent might not. 有时候学生会听老师的而可能不听家长的。 16. The Japanese are eager to move forward and Westerners, perhaps, lag behind as they take the time for in-depth planning. (Para. 12) Meaning: While the Japanese are eager to go along with the agreement, Westerners perhaps spend lots of time making plans in detail and therefore are left behind. move forward: go ahead At last the line of people waiting to go into the cinema began to move forward. 等待进入电影院的长队终于开始向前移动了。 take (the) time: use a certain amount of one's time to do sth.; make an effort While he was in Britain making a film, he took time to see his parents. 当他在英国拍电影时, 他抽空去看了他父母。 in-depth: a. looking at all the details --an in-depth discussion 深入的讨论 17. they have not replaced the fundamental force of human energy and motivation. (Para. 13) Meaning: …they (i.e., Japan’s industry and technology) have not taken the place of the basic force of human energy and motivation./ …men and their motivation are still considered as the main force in production. 18. how Nomura Securities has managed to escape the paper traffic jam… (Para. 14) Meaning: …how Nomura Securities has been able to solve the problem with paper circulation… paper traffic jam: difficulty in paper circulation 交易单流通堵塞 19. This volume is many times more than that of the New York Stock Exchange. (Para. 14) Meaning: This amount is much more than the amount of the New York Stock Exchange. Please note the word order in the phrase “ many times more than”: “x times” goes before “more than”; e.g. 3 times more than, 5 times more than, etc. 20. There is a sincere concern for quality. (Para. 15) Meaning: People today are still really concerned about quality. 21. In Japan, a person's capabilities are not forced into an inflexible area. (Para. 17) Meaning: In Japan, a person's abilities should not be restricted to one area. 22. And we feel the company owes a worker something for loyalty and commitment. (Para. 17) Meaning: And we feel that the company should reward a worker for his or her devotion and commitment. .