Teaching Plan Book Two Unit 7 by Xie Jingxian June.2005 Book Two Unit 7 Section A Preview Stress can kill you. Being tense can damage your heart so it is wise to take charge of your life and realize you cannot control everything. But you can control stress which is caused by fear, uncertainty, doubt and lack of control. Anger may be the root of this stress, especially for hardworking professional women and people with no goals in life. To relax and take control, try the NICE factors: new, interesting, challenging experiences. And follow Ben Franklin’s example by writing down the major goals you want to achieve in your life. For the problems over which you have no control, you have to learn to go with the flow. Background Information 1. Dr. Robert S. Eliot, the author of the book: From Stress to Strength: How to Lighten Your Load and Save Your Life. 2. The University of Nebraska: The university (1869) has four campuses. Its main campus is located in Lincoln, where colleges of arts and sciences, agriculture, education, architecture, engineering, and technology, business administration, home economics, journalism, and law are housed. Its Omaha campus has courses leading to bachelor’s and master’s degrees. The University of Nebraska’s medical center has colleges of medicine, nursing, dentistry, and pharmacy. 3. Benjamin (Ben) Franklin, a very famous American of the 1700’s best known for his experiments with electricity and nature, using kites. Text Structure Analysis The cause-and-effect structure is not new to us. We came across this structure before. What is new in our reading passage or worth our attention is that we find a sort of chain of causes or effects. This is to say the first cause leads to the first effect and the first effect becomes the second cause leading to the second effect and the second effect becomes the third cause leading to still another effect. Please look at part of Paragraph 5 and the following chart. Part of Paragraph 5: We’ve done years of work in showing that excess alarm or stress chemicals can literally burst heart muscle fibers. When that happens it happens very quickly, within five minutes. It creates many short circuits, and that causes crazy heart rhythms. The heart beats like a bag of worms instead of a pump. And when that happens, we can’t live. The first cause: excess alarm or stress chemicals The first effect:(That) can literally burst heart muscle fibers. This is also the second cause in the chain. The second effect: It creates many short circuits, and that causes crazy heart rhythms. The heart beats like a bag of worms instead of a pump. This is also the third cause in the chain. The third effect: We can't live. It looks a bit complicated but it represents our logical thinking and the way we present our thoughts or arguments. New Words spin v. 1. (cause to) move round and round quickly (使)迅速地旋转 ---I feel faint and the room is spinning. 我感到晕晕乎乎的,觉得房间在旋转。 2. make (thread) by twisting (cotton, etc.) 纺线,纺纱,纺织 ---In the story of Sleeping Beauty, the princess found an old woman spinning. 在《睡美人》的故事中,公主发现有一个老妇在纺纱。 n. [C, U] the action of turning or spinning movement 旋转 ---I hit something on the road, which sent the car into a spin. 我开车撞到了路上的什么东西,使得车子直打转。 Spin sth out: make sth last as long as possible 使某事物尽量延长或拖延 --spin out the time by talking 靠说话来拖延时间 --spin one’s money out until the next pay-day 省着花钱以维持到发工资那天 Spin-drier: n. machine for doing this 旋转式脱水机;甩干机 Spin-off: benefit or product that is produced incidentally from a larger process, or while it is being developed:派生物;副产品 Spun sugar: sugar made into fluffy threads by being spun when in a thick liquid form棉花糖 Spun glass: glass made into threads by being spun while heated 玻璃纤维 c.f. spin: 指螺旋似的旋转;whirl: 指树叶等因刮风而旋转飞舞。 title vt. give a name to (a book, an article, etc.) 给(书、文章等) 取名 --Have you found the book titled Water Margin? 你找到书名为 《水浒传》的 那本书了吗? n. 1. [C] a name given to a book, picture, etc. 名称,题目 2. [C] a word which is used before sb.'s name 称呼,头衔 --What's your job title now? Are you managing director? 你现在的职位是什么? 是总经理吗? c.f. headline: 指报纸报道的标题 tense a. 1. unable to relax 紧张的 --You seem very tense. Are you still waiting for that phone call? 你看来很紧张。你还在等那电话吗? 2. stretched tight 拉紧的,绷紧的 --You cannot play the piano properly if your fingers are too tense. 如果你的手指太僵直,就弹不好钢琴。 v. (cause sb./sth. to) become tense (使)紧张,(使)绷直 --Having tensed his muscles, he is waiting for the race to start. 他绷紧了肌肉,等待着比赛开始。 Tense:紧张的,它既可用来形容人,指由于种种原因而引起的紧张,多指一种感觉,也用来指人周围的环境和气氛。 Nervous:常用来形容人,指内心紧张和忧虑。 Restless:静不下心,焦躁不安的,多指人的外表,它是人的内在紧张心情的外在表现,如手脚不停,来回走动等。 Tight:紧的,一般形容事物。 excess extra or additional 额外的,附加的 in excess of 超过; an excess of expenditure over income 支出超过收入 n. an amount which is more than acceptable, expected or reasonable 无节制,过量 --An excess of enthusiasm is not always a good thing. 过分热情并不总是一件好事。 --We both eat to excess. 我们俩都吃得太多了。 c.f assess access excess circuit n. 1. [C] a closed connection of wires through which electricity can flow 电路 --There must be a break in the circuit. 线路一定断了。 2.[C] sth. shaped like a circle 环道,环形道 They test the cars on a motor racing circuit.他们在赛车环道上测试汽车。 be on circuit: 在巡回当中 --The judge is on circuit. pump water pump 抽水机 vt. cause air, gas, water, etc. to move in a specified direction by using a pump (用泵)抽吸(或运送) --The heart pumps the blood round the body. 心脏使血液在身体内循环。 attribute vt. (used in the phrase: ~ sth. to sb. / sth.) regard sth. as belonging to, caused by or produced by sb./sth. 把……归因于,把……归咎于 --We attribute our success to being in the right place at the right time. 我们把成功归因于天时地利。 n. [C] a quality regarded as a natural part of sb./sth. 特性,属性 Patience is one of the most important attributes in a teacher. 耐心是教师最重要的品质之一。 destructive a. causing serious damage 破坏的 --Lack of trust is very destructive in a relationship.缺乏信任对维持关系有很大的危害性。 delegate vt. 1.give (duties or rights, etc.) to sb. in a lower position or grade 授权,委托权限 --The boss doesn't know how to delegate. 老板不知道如何用人。 2. choose or send sb. as a representative 选派代表 --A group of four teachers were delegated to represent the school at the meeting. 由4名教师组成的小组已被派去代表学校参加会议。 n. [C] a person chosen or elected by a group to speak, vote, etc. for them, esp. at a meeting 代表 --Delegates have voted for this suggestion. 代表们已经投票赞同这项建议。 --Each union chooses several delegates to the yearly meeting. 每个工会选出几位代表参加年度会议。 cycle n. 1. [C] a series of events that are regularly repeated in the same order 循环,周期 --She complained about the endless cycle of getting up, going to work and coming home, day after day. 她抱怨生活就是这样:起床、上班、回家,日复一日无休止的循环。 2. [C] a bicycle, motor-cycle, etc. 自行车(脚踏车),摩托车 vi. ride a bicycle 骑自行车 --He cycles to work every day. 他每天骑车去上班。 --Shall we cycle into town or go by bus? 我们是骑自行车还是乘公共汽车进城? emphasis n. [U, C] (placing of) special meaning, value or importance (on sth.) strong emphasis:着重强调;with emphasis: 强调地;lay/ put / place emphasis on/ upon 强调 argument n. 1. [C] a quarrel 争论,争吵 --have an argument with sb about / on sth 2. [C] a reason or reasons put forward论据,论点,理由 I don't think that's a very strong argument. 我认为这个理由不充分。 stir v. 1.move (sth.) in a round motion through a liquid or mixture 搅和,搅拌,拌匀 --Use a spoon to stir the sauce. 用调羹来搅拌调料。 2. excite (a person or his feelings, etc.) 使激动,惹起,激起 --The story stirred the boy's imagination. 那故事激起了男孩子的想像力。 Stir up: 搅动,搅混,激起 ,煽动 outlet n. 1. [C] means of setting free (energy, strong feelings, etc.) 发泄(精力、感情)的方法 --Children need an outlet for their energy. 孩子们要有发泄精力的途径。 --Writing letters was his only form of emotional outlet. 写信是他感情宣泄的惟一方式。 2. [C] way out 出口 the outlet of a lake 湖泊的出水口 recommend vt. 1. suggest; advise建议,劝告 --I recommend your listening to the tape everyday. --The doctor recommended that we should avoid going to the public places recently. 2. praise sb. as suitable for a purpose or for a post 推荐,举荐 --Can you recommend any cheap hotels? 你能否介绍些便宜的酒店? --The headmaster agreed to recommend the teachers' suggestions to the government. 校长同意把教师的建议向政府推荐。 independent a. 1. not dependent (on other people or things); not controlled (by other people or things) --I used to depend on my parents. Now I am independent of them. 2. not unfairly influenced by the people stimulate vt. make sb./sth. more active 刺激,激励,激发 --Praise always stimulates him to further efforts. 表扬总是激励他更进一步努力。 Stimulate:表示给人以刺激来促进思想、感觉 Encourage: 着重表示“给人以希望、勇气、信心或支持” temper n. 1. [C] state of the mind as regards anger or calmness 心情,情绪 --He is in a bad temper. 他心情不好。 2. the usual state of your feelings which makes you become angry easily or stay calm 性情,脾气 --I admire people with an even temper. 我羡慕那些性情平和的人。 even-tempered 性情平和的;mild-tempered 温和的;hot- / quick- / short-tempered 脾气急躁的 sweet-tempered 性情温柔的;moody-tempered 喜怒无常的;good-tempered 好脾气的; bad- / ill-tempered 坏脾气的 vt. soften the effects of sth. 使缓和,软化,调和 --He tried to temper the bad news with some hope of better things in the future. 他尽量用对未来的美好憧憬来冲淡这坏消息。 priority n. 1. [C] the thing that is (regarded as) more important than others 优先处理的事 2. [U] the state or right of coming before others in position or time 居先,优先(权) Official business takes priority over personal requests. 公事应放在私事之上。 I have priority over you in my demand.我的要求比你的优先。 Advantage, superiority over flee v. run or hurry away; escape 逃跑,逃避,逃逸 --Everyone fled from the building when the fire alarm sounded. 当火警响起时,人人都从大楼里逃出来。 --She fled the room in tears. 她满脸泪水地逃出了房间。 be out of control / beyond control become no longer manageable 失去控制,不听约束 under control is opposite to out of control --The children are out of control. 孩子们不听管教。 Out of place/ date/ fashion blow one's top lose one's temper 大发雷霆 --When he told her how much it cost, she blew her top. 当他告诉她东西的价格时,她大发脾气。 stir in one's own juice suffer from unpleasant feelings 受煎熬 blow apart break by an explosion爆炸 --His car had been blown apart.他的车被炸得支离破碎。 on one's trail on one's way在……路上 cut down reduce the amount or quantity of sth.减少……的数量 --In these times of rising prices, we must all cut down on our spending. 在这个物价上涨的时期,我们都必须紧缩开支。 Cut back: return quickly; cut off: stop or interrupt while in conversation; cut away: remove or shape by cutting; cut out: omit; cut across: take a short cut across keep sth. in mind remember sth. 记住 --You must keep your parents' needs in mind when you make your decisions. 当你作决定时,不要忘了你父母的需要。 Detailed study of the text 1.If you often feel angry and overwhelmed, like the stress in your life is spinning out of control, then you may be hurting your heart. (Para. 1) Meaning: If you are often angry and very strongly affected by negative feelings, as if the stress is quickly going out of control, then it is possible that you are doing harm to your heart. like: conj. in the same manner as --Do you make bread like you make cake? 你做面包和做蛋糕用的是同一个方法吗? --Like I said, I can’t get there on Saturday. 正如我所说,我星期六到不了那儿。 In both these sentences we can use “as” to replace “like”. 2.If you don’t want to break your own heart, you need to learn to take charge of your life where you can — and recognize there are many things beyond your control. (Para. 2) Meaning: If you don’t like to harm your heart, you should learn to take control of your own life where you can, and at the same time, you have to realize that you’re unable to take control over everything. 3.So says Dr. Robert S. Eliot,… (Para. 3) It’s an inverted sentence. The normal order is: Dr. Robert S. Eliot … says so. “So” refers to what is talked about in Para. 2. The reasons for the inverted order of the sentence are that the subject of the sentence (that is: Dr. Robert S. Eliot, author of a new book titled From Stress to Strength: How to Lighten Your Load and Save Your Life) is very long and, what is more, the subject bears the new information of the whole sentence. To keep the sentence in balance, and to achieve the end-weight (that is: leave the complex structure towards the end of the sentence) and end-focus (that is: leave the new information towards the end of the sentence), the word “so” is put at the very beginning and the verb comes before the subject. Another simple example: --So goes the story. 故事如此云云。 among other things: used to say that you are only mentioning one or two things out of a much larger group --At the meeting they discussed, among other things, recent events in Eastern Europe. 会上他们讨论了有关东欧最近发生的事情和其他一些事情。 --She’s very keen on sport: among other things, she plays tennis twice a week. 她非常喜爱体育运动: 除了其他活动外, 她每星期打两次网球。 4.…excess alarm or stress chemicals can literally burst heart muscle fibers. (Para. 5) Meaning: too great amounts of chemicals produced by too much anxiety or tension can actually damage heart muscles. short circuit: a faulty electrical connection that makes the current flow along the wrong path and so usually puts the power supply out of operation. Here the expression is used in its figurative sense to mean a problem that may cause the heart to function irregularly. together with: along with, as well as, accompanied by --Mary, together with her parents, is going there. perceived lack of control: loss of self-control which can be seen or felt 5.Good enough is never good enough. (Para. 9) Meaning: However good their performance is, they (or they feel others may) never think so. unexcited in temper …” troublesome: a. causing trouble or anxiety, causing pain --David is a troublesome student in my class. 大卫是我班的一个调皮学生。 --The troublesome issue of the boundary conflict is sure to remain a problem. 边境冲突这个讨厌的事情始终是个问题。 Notice that the suffix “-some” is used to form adjectives with the meaning “liking to, tending to, causing or producing” suggesting something. unpleasant. Examples: quarrelsome 好争吵的, 动辄争吵的 ;burdensome 繁重的, 成为负担的 tiresome 令人厌烦的, 烦人的;lonesome 孤单的, 孤寂的 The headmaster agreed to recommend the teachers' suggestions to the government. 校长同意把教师的建议向政府推荐。 Section B Reading skills Finding Out Word Meanings As we learned in Unit 2, we can often figure out the meaning of an unfamiliar word from clues provided by context. The context clues that might be helpful for us to recognize the meaning of a new word include: 1. Some sentences give the definition for a difficult word with the help of punctuation such as commas, dashes or parentheses. 2. Context sometimes gives examples to illustrate a difficult word rather than define it. We can use the examples to figure out the meaning of an unfamiliar word. 3. Synonyms (同义词) are words or phrases that are similar in meaning. A synonym is one type of context clue that helps you to determine the meanings of unfamiliar words. 4. Antonyms (反义词) are words or phrases that have opposite meanings to other words or phrases. Antonym clues can help you understand new words. 5. Sentences before or after a sentence that has a difficult word sometimes explain the meaning of the word. 6. Sometimes we can use our own experiences, or our knowledge about a certain topic, to find out the meaning of an unfamiliar word. 7. Word part clues. We can often figure out an unfamiliar word because we know the prefix or suffix attached to the root word, or the two words that make up a compound word. Here we pick out some examples from Reading Passage A to explain how this particular reading skill is used in practice. Example 1 Context clue: Context sometimes gives examples to illustrate a difficult word rather than define it. We can use the examples to figure out the meaning of an unfamiliar word. Example: So says Dr. Robert S. Eliot, author of a new book titled From Stress to Strength: How to Lighten Your Load and Save Your Life. (Para. 3) Explanation: The word titled is used after the noun phrase “a new book”. Following it is a long string of words in italics with the initial letters in capitals. Clearly it is the name of a book. All this helps us to find out the meaning of the word titled, that is, “given a title of ... or named or called”. Example 2 Context clue: Antonym (反义词) clues. Antonyms are words or phrases that have opposite meanings to other words or phrases. Antonym clues can help you understand new words. Example: On the exterior, he was cool, calm and collected but on the interior, stress was killing him. (Para. 6) Explanation: Clearly there is a contrast in the sentence. Through the antonym clue, accompanied by word part clues, we can understand what the two new words mean: on the exterior means “in outer appearance” and on the interior means “deep inside”. Example 3 Context clue: We can often figure out an unfamiliar word because we know the prefix or suffix attached to the root word. Example: The main predictors of destructive levels of stress are the FUD factors — fear, uncertainty and doubt — together with perceived lack of control, he says. (Para. 7) Explanation: We can find out the meaning of the new word destructive, because we know that this adjective is formed by adding the suffix -tive to the noun destruction. Example 4 Context clue: We can often figure out an unfamiliar word because we know the prefix or suffix attached to the root word. Example: Good enough is never good enough. Perfectionists cannot delegate. (Para. 9) Explanation: We can find out the meaning of the new word perfectionist, because we know that this noun is formed by adding the suffix -ist to the noun perfection. With the additional help of the previous sentence, perfectionist clearly means “somebody who believes in perfection”. Example 5 Context clue: We can often figure out an unfamiliar word because we know the prefix or suffix attached to the root word. Example: ... the other key to controlling stress is to “realize that there are other troublesome parts of your life ... (Para. 18) Explanation: We can find the meaning of the word troublesome, because we know that this adjective is formed by adding the suffix -some to the noun trouble. The suffix has the meaning of giving or causing something. Clearly, troublesome means “giving or causing trouble”. Background Information 1. A workaholic is a person who works to excess or whose life is consumed by work. 2. The Stone Age is the earliest known time in human history, when only stone was used for making tools, and weapons, etc. New Words constant a. 1. going on all the time; happening again and again 经常的,永恒的,不断的 --He's in constant trouble with the police. 警察常常找上他。 2. unchanging; fixed 不变的,固定的 --Pressure in the container remains constant. 容器里的压力保持不变。 --We've kept a constant speed all the journey. 旅途中我们保持着平稳的速度。 3. faithful, firm --a constant friend, companion, supporter consequence n. 1. [C] sth. that is a result or effect of sth. else 结果,结局,影响 --I missed the bus this morning and as a consequence was late for work. 今天早上我没有赶上公共汽车,结果上班迟到了。 2. [U] importance 重要性 --He may be a man of consequence in his own country, but he's nobody here. 他在他自己的国家也许算是个要人,可是在这里却无足轻重。 In consequence (of sth): (infml ) as a result of sth --She was found guilty, and lost her job in consequence of it. sanction vt. give one's approval for (sth.); allow 批准,认可 --I can't sanction your methods. 我不能同意你的办法。 n. 1. [U] approval for an action, a change, etc. 批准,认可 --The book was translated without the sanction of the author. 翻译那本书未经作者许可。 --The government gave its sanction to what the society had done. 协会的工作得到了政府的认可。 2. [C] a reason that stops people going against laws, rules, etc. 约束力,约束因素 Is prison the best sanction against a crime like this? 监禁是对这类犯罪的最好约束吗? apply/ take economic sanctions against a country 对某一国实行经济制裁 loyal a. true to sb./sth. 忠诚的,忠贞的 --When all her friends left her, Steve remained loyal. 当其他朋友都离她而去的时候,史蒂夫仍忠诚不变。 Royal: of a king or queen hazard vt. 1. subject (sth.) to danger; risk 使遭受危险,冒险 --The policy hazarded the islands and put the lives of the inhabitants at risk. 这项政策使小岛面临危险,并把岛上居民的生命推向危险的境地。 2. take a risk to make or suggest 冒险做出;大胆提出 --I don't know where he is but I could hazard a guess. 我不知道他在哪儿,但我可以大胆猜测一下。 --He hazarded that the following examinations might be easier. 他大胆猜想接下来的考试会简单些。 n. [C] danger; risk 危险;风险 --Smoking is a serious health hazard. 吸烟对健康是严重的危害。 --Drivers faced the hazards of the ice and snow. 司机面临着冰雪的危险。 In / at hazard: in danger rack vt. cause physical or mental pain, or trouble 使(肉体或精神)受痛苦,使受折磨,给……造成麻烦(此词在文中与up连用,意义为"积累"。) --He was racked with doubts. 他因疑惑而深感不安。 necessarily ad. as a sure result 必然地,必定地 --A great man is not necessarily always correct. --You may love someone without necessarily wanting to marry him or her. 你可以爱一个人,但不一定愿意和他(她)结婚。 competition n. [U, C] a state or an activity in which people compete 竞争 --We're in competition with several other companies for the agreement. 我们正与几家公司竞争这一合同。 discharge vt. 1. give or send out 放出,流出 --Lightning is caused by clouds discharging electricity. 闪电是由云层放电而产生的。 2. give official sanction for sb. to leave 放行,让……离去 --Because of the cutting down of the sales, half of our employees were discharged. 因为销售额的降低,我们一半的员工被解雇了。 vi. give or send out 排出,流出 --The wound is still discharging. 伤口还在流脓。 n. [U, C] sth. which is discharged 排出物,流出物 --Discharges from the factory are entirely safe. 工厂的排出物绝对安全。 grief n. 1. [U] deep or violent sad feeling 悲伤,忧伤,悲恸 --You mustn't say "I know how you feel" as each person's grief is unique. 你不能说"我知道你的感受",因为每个人的悲伤心情都只有自己清楚。 2. [C] sth. causing such feelings伤心的事,令人悲伤的事 --His marriage was a great grief to his parents. 他的婚姻让父母伤心极了。 Sadness < sorrow< grief Come to grief: 失败,遭受不幸;Bring sb to grief 使。。。遭受失败或不幸 trait n. [C] a characteristic品质,特点 --His sense of humor is one of his better traits. 幽默感是他比较好的性格特点之一。 equate vt. consider as the same; connect in mind 等同,同等对待 --He equates poverty with suffering. 他把贫穷和痛苦等同起来。 rational a. 1. not foolish; having common sense; reasonable 合理的,明智的 We need to decide what would be the most rational way of action. 我们需要确定什么是最合理的行动方式。 2. showing clear thought 理智的,理性的 --She was too sad to be rational. 她伤心过度,失去理智。 --Man is a rational being. 人是理性动物。 deny vt. 1. declare untrue; refuse to accept as a fact 否认,不承认 He denied knowing anything about it. 他否认知道这事。 2. refuse to give or allow 拒绝,不给 He gave to his friends what he denied to his family. 他把不肯给家人的东西给了朋友。 No one should be denied a good education. 不应该剥夺任何人接受良好教育的权利。 schedule n. 1. [C] a program of work to be done 进度表,程序表 2. [C] a timetable 时间表,时刻表 vt. arrange sth. for a certain time 安排,排定 She is scheduled to give a speech today. 她定于今晚作演讲。 On schedule ahead of schedule behind schedule indispensable a. too important or too useful to be without 必不可少的,不可或缺的,绝对必要的 --Air, food and water are indispensable to life. 空气、食物与水是生命所必不可缺少的。 means n. 1. a method or way (of doing sth.) 方法,途径 --There is no means to find the missing money. 根本无法找到不见了的钱。 2. (pl.) money that lets you buy things 钱财,财力,财富 --They described him as a man of means. 他们将他形容成一个富翁。 other than 1) instead of, except for Have we anything to drink other than milk? 除了牛奶我们还有什么可以喝的? You can’t get there other than by swimming.除了游泳,没有其他办法可以去那儿了。 2) not; anything but She can hardly be other than grateful. 她不可能不感激。 The truth was quite other than what he thought. 事实真相和他所想的完全不一样。 suffer from experience (sth. unpleasant, such as an illness), esp. over a long period of time or habitually 患有(疾病等); 为……所苦 --She's been suffering from headache for two years. 她这两年一直头痛。 to the contrary indicating or proving the opposite (表示或证明)相反地 --I’ll come next month, unless you write to the contrary. 我下个月来,除非你写信叫我不要来。 -- know she’s unhappy, despite all her arguments to the contrary. 尽管她竭力说她很快乐,可我知道她并不幸福。 Please compare: on the contrary (used for expressing strong opposition to what has just been said) --It isn’t a good thing; on the contrary, it’s a huge mistake. 这不是件好事,恰恰相反,这是个极大的错误。 --I believe you like your job. On the contrary, I hate it! 我相信你喜欢你的工作。可我恰恰相反,我讨厌它。 burn the midnight oil study or work until late at night (学习、工作)到深夜,开夜车 --She takes her exams next week, so she's burning the midnight oil. 她下星期要参加考试,所以在开夜车。 at risk in danger 处于危险之中 --A young woman out alone at night is at risk. 年轻女子在夜间单独外出是危险的。 tend to do sth. be likely to behave in a particular way or have a particular characteristic 倾向于,易于,往往会 --We tend to get cold winters and warm, dry summers in this part of the country. 在该国的这个地区,冬季通常极其寒冷,夏季往往温暖干燥。 rack up increase in number or amount step by step积累,积聚,逐步增加 --Still greater sales are racked up by putting the designer's name on the package. 把设计者的名字印在包装上来促销。 the Stone Age 石器时代 --The Stone Age has been divided into two periods: the Old Stone Age and the New Stone Age. 石器时代分为两个阶段:旧石器时代和新石器时代。 fear for be concerned about sb./sth. 担心,忧虑 --I fear for her safety in this weather. 在这种天气情况下,我担心她的安全。 --All mothers fear for their children when they first leave home. 所有的母亲都为初次出门的孩子们担心。 tie to cause to be connected with or dependent on 使联系在一起;使依附于 --Canada is tightly tied to American economy.加拿大与美国经济密切相连。 escape from get free from; get away from 逃脱,逃避 --Young people often wish to escape from their parents. 年轻人常常希望摆脱他们的父母。 at work at the place where one works; doing sth. esp. work 在工作的地方,在工作 --Please don't ring me at work. 上班时请不要给我打电话。 Work out: arrange; arrive at by calculation; Work at: be engaged or employed; Work on: try to influence or persuade; work away: work continuously; work up: build up gradually by effort; excite; work off: finish up; get rid of; work over; study or examine thoroughly; work round to: come gradually to face the problem; work in with: fit in with devote to give (one's energy, time, etc.) to sb./sth.献身于,致力于,专心于 --He devotes all his efforts to this task. 他全身心地投入到这项任务中去。 come in appear; happen 出现,发生 --This is where the mistakes come in.这就是错误之所在。 --Have the results from the blood test come in yet? 验血的结果出来了没有? put all one's eggs in one basket risk everything one has on the success of one plan 孤注一掷 --Insurance companies generally spread a large risk among several companies, so that they don't put all their eggs in one basket. 保险公司通常把大的风险分给几家公司承担,这样他们就不会独家孤注一掷了。 --I'm applying for several jobs because I don't really want to put all my eggs in one basket. 我正在申请几项工作,因为我不想把所有的希望寄托在一家公司上。 Detailed study of the text involve: vt. have as a necessary part or result; consist of --This war involved several countries. 这场战争牵涉到几个国家。 If “involve” is followed directly by a verb, the second verb is used in the -ing form. Examples: --The plan involves my living in London. 这项计划要求我住在伦敦。 --The job involves traveling abroad for three months each year. 这个工作要求每年去国外旅行三个月。 a controlling habit: a continuing habit (from which workaholics are unable to escape) … usually defined as compelling behavior despite negative consequences. (Para. 3) Meaning: ... usually described as a type of behavior which workaholics are compelled to commit although they know it may bring harmful results. system: n. 1) an ordered set of ideas, methods, or ways of working --The present system of funding for higher education is unsatisfactory. 现在为高等教育提供资金的体制不尽人意。 2) a group of related parts which work together forming a whole a heating / air-conditioning system 供热 / 空调系统;the solar system 太阳系; the digestive system 消化系统 ;a computer system 计算机系统 lip service: support in words, not in fact --He pays lip service to feminism, but his wife still does all the housework. 他口口声声支持女权主义, 但他家的全部家务仍是他妻子的事。 lead sb. to (do) sth.: influence or cause sb. to do sth. --Her expression led me to believe there was some problem. 她的表情让我相信她遇上了困难。 --What led you to (reach) this conclusion? 是什么让你得出这个结论的? Another verbal phrase is “lead to”, which is different in meaning from “lead sb. to do”. Lead to : result in --It’s sleeping late in the morning that leads to being late for work. 早上起晚了,所以上班迟到了。 --Too much work and too little rest often leads to illness. 超负荷工作而不注意休息往往会得病。 fuel: vt. provide fuel to --The car is being fuelled at the filling station across the street. 汽车正在街对面的加油站加油。 This verb is often used in its figurative sense. --His words only fuelled the argument further. 他那番话让争论更激烈了。 not necessarily: possibly but not certainly Good food is not necessarily expensive. 好的食品未必价钱贵。 “He was lying, of course .” “Not necessarily.” “他肯定在说谎。” “未必。” Notice that if the verb “need” is followed directly by another verb, the second verb may be used in two forms: either the -ing form in the active voice, or the infinitive form in the passive voice. Both forms mean the same. For example: --The room needs cleaning. 这房间需要打扫了。 =The room needs to be cleaned. (同上) In English there are several other verbs which are used in the same way. They include: “require”, “want” (in the sense of need) and “deserve”. stand: vt. bear, accept successfully --Do you think she can stand the pace of work here? 你认为她能承受得了这里工作的节奏吗? If “stand” is followed directly by a verb, the second verb is used in the -ing form. Examples: --I can’t stand seeing children smoking. 我一看见孩子抽烟就感到难受。 --I never could stand people telling me what to do. 我从不能忍受别人摆布。 equate… with …: connect in mind; consider as the same --Wealth should not be equated with happiness. 财富不应与幸福等同起来。 --He equates poverty with misery. 他认为贫穷就是不幸。 would rather (... than) (sometimes: had rather): more willingly --I’d rather play tennis than swim. 与游泳相比, 我更喜欢打网球。 ---Have a drink?” “No, I’d rather not.” “来杯饮料吗?” “不,不要。”