Text B
Unit Six
Animal Learning,Pavlov and Beyond
Text B
I,Pre-Reading Task
1,Have you ever heard of I,P,Pavlov,a famous Russian scientist?
2,What was the important theory he developed?
Now read the passage to learn more about Pavlov,
Unit Six
Pavlov,Ivan ( 1849- 1936 ),was a
Russian physiologist known
chiefly for his development of the
concept of the conditioned reflex,
In a now-classic experiment,he
trained a hungry dog to salivate
at the sound of a bell,which was
previously associated with the
sight of food,He developed a
similar conceptual approach,
emphasizing the importance of
conditioning,in his pioneering
studies relating human behavior
to the nervous system,He was
awarded the Nobel Prize for
Physiology or Medicine in 1904
for his work on digestive
II,Related Information,(1)
Julian Huxley (1887-
1975 ),British
biologist and author,
who achieved
renown both as a
scientist and for his
ability to make
scientific concepts
clear to the public
through his writings,
II,Related Information,(2)
1,inherit v,
① 继承;成 …… 的继承人
e.g,If he dies without making a will,his closest relative win
如果他没有立下遗嘱就去世了, 他的至亲将成为其继承
人 。
② 经遗传而得到 ( 性格, 身体特质 )
e.g,He’s inherited his father’s bad temper,
他的坏脾气得自父亲的遗传 。
[ 常用短语 inherit sth,from sb,从某人那里继承某物
III,Detailed Study,
2,adapt v,
① ( 使 ) 适应, ( 使 ) 适合
e.g,When we moved to France,the children adapted( to the change) very
我们家搬到法国之后, 孩子们很容易便适应了 ( 这个变化 )
I’m afraid he can’t adapt to the idea of having a woman as his boss,
恐怕他难以适应让~个妇女当地上司的主意 。
② 改编
e.g,Difficult bobs de sometimes adapted for use in schools,
难懂的书有时候加以改编以供在中小学使用 。
adaptability/ adaptation n,适应
【 常用短语 】 adapt to/ for sth,适应某事
3,stimulate v,
① 促进, 促使, 刺激
e.g,I hoped my warning would stimulate her to greater efforts,
我希望我的告诫会促使她作出更大的努力 。
② 激发, 鼓励, 激励
e.g,An inspiring conductor can stimulate the singers to excel,
【 常用词组 】 stimulate sb,to do sth,促使某人于某事
4,Captivity n,拘禁, 囚禁, 束缚
e.g,The hostages were released from captivity,
人质从囚禁中被释放出来了 。
e.g,Many animals do not breed well In captivity,
许多动物一被关人笼中就繁殖得不好 。
【 常用词组 】 in captivity处于监禁之中
5,distinguish v,
① 辨认出, 认明
e.g,Can you distinguish the different buildings at such a distance?
② 辨别, 分清, 把 ……,.与 …… 加以区别
e.g,It’s important to distinguish between compound interest and
simple interest,分清复利和单利是重要的 。
③ 使具有特色, 使有别于 ……, 成为 …… 的特征
e.g,Elephants are distinguished by their long trunks,
大象因其长鼻子而有别于其他动物 。
【常用词组】 distinguish… from… 辨别; distinguish oneself表现突

6, incapable
adj,① 无能力的, 不能的, 不会的
e.g,He seems to be incapable of understanding simple
instructions,他似乎对简单的指示也无法了解 。
② 失态的
e.g,He was arrested for being drunk and incapable,
他因要酒疯而被捕 。
【 常用词组 】 be incapable of doing sth,没有能力干某事
7,according to 根据 …… 所说;随着 …… 变更
e.g We will be paid according to the amount of work we do,
According to you,he is a excellent student,
8,as well as 此外, 另外,也 …… ; 和
同义词组, in addition to,not only
e.g,He was my friend as well as my doctor,
Hiking is good exercise as well as fun,
9,bring up 养育, 提出 ( 话题 )
同义词组, to raise
e.g, I’d like to bring up the subject of my expenses,
It is difficult for an unmarried mother to bring up her child on her
10,depend on 信赖, 相信
同义词组, rely on,have confidence in
e.g,We’re depending on you to finish the job by Friday,
The price of the shares will depend on the number of people
who want to buy them,
11,on many occasions 多次
e.g,On many occasions the boy didn’t finish his
on occasion 有时
e.g,I’m late for work on occasion,
12,These do not change according to circumstances,
__ Instinctive behaviours do not change even if circumstances change,
13,Behaviour which is learned,on the other hand,does vary and can adapt to
different conditions,
__ However,learned behaviour ( opposite to instinctive behaviour ) changes
according to circumstances and is able to cchange itself to suit different
而另一方面, 凡是学习来的行为, 却会发生变化, 而且能适应不同的条件 。
14,All animals can learn,but learning is easier for some species than for others,
__ All animals have learning ability,but some kinds of animals can learn more
quickly and more easily than other kinds of animals,
15,salivating occurred when the dogs heard the bell…
__… when the dogs heard the bell they began to salivate…
16,This was because conditioning had taken place,
这是因为条件控制发生了作用 。
take place,happen发生 。
conditioning,conditioned reflex 条件反射作用 。
此句相当于,The reason why this reaction happened is the result of
这是因为条件控制发生了作用 。
17,Learning through conditioned reflexes is not the only kind of learning the
are capable of,
__ Conditioned reflex is not the only way through which the animals are able to
通过条件反射来学习, 并不是动物所能进行的唯 —一种学习方式 。
18,… those which are brought up in a very,limited”( boring)
environments find it more difficult to learn things later than those
which are brought up in“stimulating” environment with more things
to do,
__ … the rats that are reared in monotonous surrounding find it less
easy to learn things in time to come than the ones that are bred in
various circumstances in which they can do many more kinds of
在非常, 有限的, ( 单调的 ) 环境里养大的老鼠, 与在较多事情

做 ( 例如爬梯子, 穿洞穴等等 ) 的, 刺激性, 环境里养大的老鼠

比, 它们后来学习就困难得多 。
19,Captivity cages minds as well as bodies,
__ The loss of freedom imprisons one both physically and
囚禁不仅束缚了身体, 而且也束缚了头脑 。
20.… and speaking may be the most important element in learning,
__and speaking may be the most important part in learning,
…… 说话也许是学习中最重要的因素 。
element,a necessary part of a whole 因素, 组成部分 。
e.g, Cells are the elements of the human body,
细胞是人体的组 成部分。
Honesty Is an important element in the character of a man,
诚实是人的品格中的一个重要的部分 。
21,Some animals,especially chimpanzees and gorillas,can solve
problems which are new for them…
有些动物, 尤其是黑猩猩和大猩猩, 能解决对它们来说是全
新的问题 ……
especially,in particular 特别地 。
22.They are physically incapable of doing so,
__ They haven’t the ability to do so/ are unable to do so because of
their physical conditions,
他们因生理条件限制而无法这么做 。
23,Certainly,it has helped man to distinguish himself from other species,
__ Undoubtedly,speaking has helped man to make himself different from the
other kinds of animals,
A,The Main Topic ( Para.1)
--- Animals’ Learned Behavior and Its Characteristics
Key Words,varying adaptable
B,Development of the Main Topic ( Paras,2-6 )
1,Learning that varies from animal to animal ( Para,2 )
2,Pavlov’s, condition reflex, theory and his experiments ( Paras,3-4 )
3,Learning in different environments__,limited, and,stimulating,( Para,
5 )
4,The question of animals’ intelligence ( Para,6 )
C,Conclusion ( Para,7 )
Speaking,the most important element in learning,can help man to
distinguish himself form other species,
IV,Outline & Summary,
I) Outline,
Learning behavior of animals varies to the different
conditions and can be reinforce by certain repeated
conditions,Pavlov called this kind of reaction conditioned
Learning that animals are capable of also has something
to do with intelligence,Different species have their own
abilities to do different things,
The distinguishable difference between man and animals
maybe that the latter cannot really speak,
II) Summary,
V,Home Assignment,
1,Read Text B;
2,Finish the exercises after text B;
3,Prepare for a quiz on Text B;