Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
Unit Nine
Text B
Nuclear Power,Advantages
That Outweigh the Risks
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
Unit Nine Text B
I,Pre-reading Task
II,Related Information
III,Detailed Study
IV,Outline& Summary
V,Home Assignment
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
I,Pre-reading Task,
1,What are the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power?
2,From the title of the passage,guess whether the author is for or
against the use of nuclear power,
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
II,Related Information,(1) nuclear power
nuclear power,the energy consumed or produced in
modifying the composition of the atomic nucleus and
powering electricity-generating plants in countries
throughout the world,It is seen by many as the source of
inexpensive,clean power; but,because of the hazardous
radiation emitted in producing that power and the
radioactivity of the materials used,others feel that it may not
be a viable energy alternative to the use of fossil fuels or
solar energy,
At present,only the fission process is used in the commercial
production of energy,usually to make electricity,but also
occasionally to produce steam for district heating or
industrial applications,Public opinion remains largely
favorable toward nuclear energy,
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
However,questions about the safety and economy of nuclear power
have created perhaps the most emotional battle yet fought over
energy,Nuclear opponents emphasize a number of unanswered
questions about the environment such as the effects of low-level
radiation over long-periods,the likelihood of major accidents at a
nuclear power plant and nuclear power's waste products,
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
1,outweigh vt 比 …… 更重,比 …… 更有价值 (更重要 ); 重量,
价值超过 ……
III,Detailed Study,
Do the disadvantages outweigh advantages? 弊多于利吗?
My love for her outweighs everything else,
[记忆技巧 ] outrank 地位高于 …… ; outpoint vt,得分多于,以
点数胜得过 ; outsmart vt,比 …… 更聪明 ; 以机智
胜得过 ; outstay v,居住比 …… 更久,停留较 ……
长久 ; outvote vt,得票超过,比得更多选票
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
① n,正式讨论,辩论,辩论会
After much debate Harry was chosen captain of the football team,
经过许多讨论后,哈里被选为足球队长 。
Who opened the debate? 谁最先开始辩论?
② vt,正式讨论,辩论
We are debating whether to go to the mountain or to the seaside,
我们正在辩论到底是去山上还是到海边 。
I debated the question with Mary,我跟玛丽讨论过那个问题。
[记忆技巧 ]同源派生词, debater n,辩论者 ; debatable adj,可争辩的,
[常用短语 ] under debate 在争辩中 ; to debate (upon) a question with
sb,与某人辩论问题 ; to debate about sth,辩论某事
3,analysis n.(复数形式, analyses) 分析
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
We need an expert analysis of market trends
我们需要一个专家对市场趋势所作的分析 。
This matter needs careful analysis,这件事还需要认真分析。
[记忆技巧 ]同源派生词, analyst n,分析家,化学分析家 ; analytic/
analytical adj,分析的,用分析法的 ; analyse/analyze v,
He has a fine analytical mind,他善于分析 。
If we analyze water,we find that it is made up of two parts of
hydrogen and one part of oxygen,
4,additional adj,附加的,另外的
The meal costs $3 and there is an additional 20 cents for service,
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
这顿饭花了 3 美元外加 20 美分的服务费 。
We need some additional help,for we can not do it alone,
[记忆技巧 ]同源派生词, addition n,加 ; adv,加,加上。 Additionally
adv,额外地 ; additive n,添加剂
[常用短语 ] add sth,(to sth.) 加,增加 ; add up(to) 加起来总和是,等
于,表示 ; in addition (to) 除 …… 之外,并且
5,available adj,
① (指物 )可用的,有效的,可获得的
These tickets are available for one month only,
这些票的有限期只有一个月 。
The book you ordered is not available,
你订购的那本书还没有货 。
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
② (指人 )能出席的
Are you available for a meeting tomorrow morning,
[记忆技巧 ] avail vt,利用 ; 有帮助,有用
You should avail yourself of every opportunity to practise your
你该利用每一个机会练习英语 。
Money doesn't avail on a desert island,
[常用短语 ] avail oneself of 利用 ; of no/little avail 无助的,无用的 ;
without avail; to no avail 无结果,不成功
We pulled him out of the river and tried revive him,but to no avail,
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
我们把他从河里拉上来想使他恢复知觉,但是没有成功 。
6,shortage n,不足,不足之量 ; 缺少
Owing to shortage of staff,the project will not be finished on
由于人员缺乏,这项工程无法按时完成 。
There is a shortage of good building wood,
[记忆技巧 ]同源派生词, short adj,短的,不足的 ; adv,唐突地,突然
停止 ; shorten vt./vi,使短,变短,使不足 ; shorts (pair of
shorts) 短裤
[常用短语 ] have a short temper 易怒,脾气急躁 ; be short of 无足够
之量 ; cut sth./sb,short 阻止,使简短 ; run short of 用完 ; a
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
shortage of,.,缺乏 ……,…… 不足
7,significant adj,有意义的,有含义的,重要的,重大的
These are very significant points which we must consider carefully,
这几点是非常重要的,我们必须加以认真思考 。
She left with a significant smile,
[记忆技巧 ] 同源派生词, significance n,意义,意味,重要,重大 ;
significantly adj,有含义地,有意义地 ; signification n,
(字等的 )含义,意义 ; signify vt./vi,表示 (个人的意见,意
向,目的 ),意味 ; 有关系,有重要性
He signified his agreement,他表示同意 。
Do dark clouds signify rain? 乌云表示 / 意味着有雨吗?
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
It doesn't signify,那无关紧要 。
[常用短语 ] be of great /little significance 极 为 重要 / 无关紧要
1,be exposed to 暴露、显露
They are exposed to attack everywhere,他们到处被动挨打 。
The soldiers were warned to remain hidden and not to be exposed
themselves to the enemies,
部队奉命继续隐蔽,不能暴露在敌人面前 。
可用于主动式 。 如,
Her youth and beauty will expose her to many danger,
2,convert,.,into,.,转变为 ……
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
He had all his pounds converted into francs,
他把他所有的英镑都兑换成了法郎 。
He converted them to Buddhism,他使他们改信佛教 。
Coal can be converted to gas by burning,
3,in turn 轮流地,依次地
All the applicants will have to be interviewed in turn,
所有的申请者都将依次接受面试 。
He picked up all the books in turn and examined them,
他把所有的书一一 拾 起来检查 。
in turn 的反义词是 out of turn,表示 "不按顺序地 "。
You mustn’t speak out of (your) turn,
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
4,compare with (to) 与 …… 相比,和 …… 比起来
Compared with/to many people,she was indeed very fortunate,
和许多人比起来她确实是很幸运的 。
Compare this with that,and you will see which is better,
把这个和那个比较一下,你就可以看出哪个更好 。
That old computer is not to be compared with this new one
那台老计算机没法和这台新的相比 。
5,under no circumstances 无论在任何情况下均不可,决不
In/under no circumstances can you lose your self-confident,
在 任何情况下你都不可失去自信 。
In no circumstances can I believe that he is guilty,
无论如何我也不相信他是有罪的 。
而 in/under the circumstances 则表示, 在此种情形下,情况既然

此 "。
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
同义词组, in no case 决不 ; in this /that case 在此 /那种情况下。
6,as it is (was) 照现在的情况,事实上
在句中作插入语,通常置于句首 。
As it is,we need to improve the equipment in our factory right now,
照目前的情况,我们需要立即改善我们厂的设备 。
I should be glad to go with you,as it is,I'm too busy to do so,
我本来很想同你一同去,事实上,我现在忙得走不了 。
As it was,I declined his offer,
事实上,我拒绝了他提供的帮助 。
as it were 与其意义有所不同,as it were 与 so to speak 同义,表示 "
可以说 ","打个比喻说 "," 好像 ",也作插入语 。
He is,as it were,a walking dictionary,
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
7,range from,.,to (某范围内 )变动, 变化
The prices range from very low to very high,
价格从低到高不等 。
His land ranges from here to the river 50 miles away,
他的土地从这里一直延伸到 50 英里以外的河旁。
1,accident,event 与 incident
accident 通常指偶然发生的不幸事故,如摔伤, 车祸,也指偶然发
生的故障 。 如,
There has been many traffic accidents this year,
今 年发生了许多交通事故 。
An accident happened to the engine,发动机出了故障 。
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
event 指重大的事件, 特指历史上的重大事件 。 如,
Do you remember the thrilling event of one day in April?
你记得四 月 里某天发生的那件触目惊心的事吗?
incident 指某一事件的小波澜, 小插曲, 小事件 。
Conflict is an inevitable incident in any system of cooperation,
意见冲突是任何合作制度所不能避免的事 。
Frontier incidents have been common on the border,
2,number,count 与 calculate
这组动词均表示 "数 "和 "计算 "的意思 。
number 主要表示 "把 …… 编号 ","计有 "。
The rows of seats in the hall are numbered with letters,
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
大厅里一排排座位均用字母编号 。
The club now numbers more than 500 members,
该俱乐部现有 500 多名成员 。
count 表示 "数到 ","点的数目 ","清点 "。
She is tired of counting the pages of a manuscript,
她对点稿子的页数有些厌倦 。
calculate 表示 "计算 ","点 …… 的数目 ","清点 "。
I calculated that we would arrive at 6 p.m,
我算了一下,我们将于下午 6 点钟到达。
3,as a result 与 as a result of
as a result 表示 "其结果是 …… ",后接从句,表示结果 。
He refused to have medical attention in the early stages of his
complaint,and as a result he became seriously ill ·
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
生病的最初阶段他拒绝治疗,结果他的病加重了 。
as a result of 表示 "由于 ",后接名词或动名词,表示起因 。
Two people have already died as a result of the accident,and the
lives of several others are in danger,
In the debate on the safety of nuclear power there are genuine
anxieties that must be answered objectively,First,there is no evidence
that the incidence of cancer or other diseases among the workforce of
nuclear plants is higher than the national average,and nuclear
radiation from nuclear power is much weaker than that from other
sources,Second,chances of a "run-away" that lead to an atomic
explosion are scarce,Finally,there are some ways to deal with
radioactive waste,So nuclear power is the only alternative,and its
advantages outweigh the risks,
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
1,The views expressed in the debate on the safety of nuclear power
have come mainly from the interested parties … and the various
environmental groups on the other,
有关核动力安全问题辩论中所表达的观点, 主要来自与此问题
燃料有限公司, 另一方是各种环境保护团体 。
1) the interested parties,the groups that are directly concerned
with the issue and are likely to be affected by its results 利害
2) the environmental groups,groups who are concerned with the
protection of the environment from pollution,etc,各种环境
2,Furthermore,most of the responsible contributions to the debate
have been written in such highly technical terms as to be
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
incomprehensible to the lay reader.(paragraph 1,lim4)
语写成,使得外行读者难以理解 。
① lay adj.(仅用作定语 )普通人,凡俗的 ; 外行的 。 常用搭配有,
lay opinion 外行人的意见 ; layman 外行人,门外汉 ; to the lay
mind 对 外行人 来说 。
Where the law is concerned,I'm only a layman,
谈到法律我不过是个门外汉 。
② 句中的 such + 名词 + as to 结构,表示 " 太 …… 而 …… ",可转
变为 such,.,that 结构,即,
Furthermore,most of the reliable papers for the debate have been
written in such highly technical terms that lay readers can hardly
类似用法有, so + adj,+ as to。 如,
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
Would you be so kind as to tell me the time?
The rain was so heavy as to make our picnic impossible
雨太大,我们无法去野餐了 。
He is not so stupid as to do that,他还不至于蠢到去做那件事。
3,We believe there is a need for an impartial and dispassionate
analysis of the issues involved in language the public can understand,
我们认为, 有必要用一般公众能够理解的语言, 对所牵涉到的
问 题作一公正而又冷静的分析 。
1) a question that arises for discussion 议题, 争论的焦点
Whether I go there or not is a debatable issue,我去不去还是个
问题 。
2) the act of coming out 放出, 流出
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
The motor vehicle department handles the issue of driving licences,
交通部门处理驾照问题 。
3) something printed ( 杂志等的 ) 期, 号
Have you read today’s issue of,The Times”?
你看过这期的泰晤 士报了吗?
4,While every effort should be done to develop,.,before the
beginning of the next century,(paragraph 2,line 1)
1) make effort to do sth,努力,尽力做 ……
He made every effort to lift the big rock,
他尽力地举起了那块大石头 。
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
Does it require a great effort of will to give up smoking,
2) virtually,practically,actually,almost 实际上, 事实上, 差不多,
3) significant,of noticeable importance or effort 重要的, 值得注
意的, 有意义的
Penicillin was an extremely significant medical discovery,
5,The long term effect of the low level radiation to which workers in
the plants and the public may be exposed;
核电厂的 工 人和一般公众有可能受到低度辐射的伤害,那么这种
辐射会产生什么样的长期后果 。
be exposed to,to be left without protection (from something)
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
It can not be exposed to the sun,这种东西不能暴露在阳光下 。
He believes in regularly exposing his pupils to great works of art,
6,We will deal with these in turn,
in turn,successively; in order
7,The long-term effort of low doses of radiation is a particularly
difficult subject since medical experts disagree on the interpretation
of such statistical evidence as is available.(paragraph5,line 1)
① disagree on 无法在某一点上取得或具有相同意见。
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
They disagree on a date for the next meeting,
他们没有就下次开会的时间达成协议 。
They finally agree upon/on the term of the contract
他们最后就合同的条文达成了协议 。
② 在 as is available 中 as 用作代词 。
As is announced in the papers,our country has launched another
man-made satellite,
报上宣布我国又发射了一颗人造卫星 。
as is well known,.,如众所周知 ……
The statement reads in full as follows,.,声明全文如下 ……
8,However,two facts emerge which seem to us significant,(Paragraph
5,line 3)
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
但是有两个事实看起来对我们很有意义 。
emerge v,出现,现出,暴露 。 (同义词, appear)
A large animal emerged from the water,
从水中现出一个庞然大物 。
At last it has emerged that he stole the money,
最后才知道是他偷了钱 。
No new ideas emerged during the talk,
9,… is only a minute fraction (0.2 percent) of the radiation from other
sources mainly natural,
主要是自然源放射量的极小一部分,即 0.2%。
There are minute particles of gold dust on the desk,
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
10,However,under no circumstances could a thermal power reactor
of any type explode like an atomic bomb,
爆炸 。
under / in no circumstances,never; regardless of events (used to
emphasize that something must definitely not happen) 无论在什
Under no circumstances are you to leave the house,
无论在什么情况下 你都不能离开这所房子 。
under / in the circumstances,because of the conditions; because
things are as they are (used to say that a particular situation makes an
action,decision,etc,necessary or acceptable when it would not
normally be) 在这种情况下, 既然如此
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
under / in any circumstances,in any case 在任何情况下
Under any circumstances a gentleman has no right to hurt a woman,
11,The disposal of radioactive waste,(paragraph 8,1ine 1)
放射废料的处理 。
disposal n,处理,处置 ; dispose v,处理,处置 。
the disposal of rubbish 垃圾的处理
dispose of 处理,处置
They want to dispose of some used books,
12,the process of its radioactive decay 辐射衰变过程
13,a high (low) rate of decay 衰变率高 (低 )
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
14,There would be obvious advantage from the point of view of
long-term storage,.,(paragraph10,line 3) 从长期储存的
观点来看具有明显的优越性 。
from the point of view 从 …… 观点看 。
They all admired the thing from a literary point of view,
他们都从文学的观点来加以赞赏 。
I can’t understand why you don't look at this matter from the right
point of view,
我不明白你为什么不能用正确的观点来看这件事 。
15.,.,the additional radiation due to man's efforts would be in
significant..,(paragraph 11,Line 3)
辐射是微不足道的 ……
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
due to 由于,因为 。
The flight was cancelled due to the fog,班机因雾停航 。
My illness was due to the bad food,我的病是由于吃坏了东西
而引起的 。
比较 due to 和 bemuse of,两者都有“因为”、“由于”的意思,
because of 不可用作表语。
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
IV,Outline & Summary,
I) Outline,
A,Nuclear Power — An Issue in the debate (Paras,1 — 2)
1,an impartial and dispassionate analysis required
2,An impossible contribution by any other natural resources
to the energy gap
B,Nuclear Power — A Promising Energy Alternative (Paras,
3 — 11)
1,No options but the nuclear power that counts
2,questions raised concerning the nuclear power
a,the long-term effects of the low radiation
b,the,run away” leading to an atomic explosion
c,the disposal of radioactive waste
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
II) Summary,
In the debate on the safety of nuclear power there are genuine
anxieties we have to deal with,First,there is no evidence that
the long term effects of the low level of radiation causes higher
occurrence of cancer or other diseases than the national average
and the radiation from nuclear power is much weaker than that
from other sources,Second,chances of a "run away" leading to
an atomic explosion are slim,Finally,radioactive waste can be
separated in a chemical way,disposed of or stored in stainless
steel double-walled tanks or converted to a solid,So the
advantages of nuclear power outweigh the risks and nuclear
energy is the alternative we can rely on to fill the energy gap,
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang
V,Home Assignment,
1,Recite Text B;
2,Finish the exercises after text B;
3,Prepare for a quiz on Text B;
4,Unit 1 Passage A,B,(Extensive Course ),
Text B of Nit 9 By Yang xiongfang