Unit Nine
Text A
Energy Crisis
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
Unit Nine Text A
I,Pre-reading Task
II,Related Information
III,Detailed Study
IV,Outline& Summary
V,Home Assignment
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
I,Pre-reading Task,
1,There is no need to worry about the problem of energy,
2,Something has to be done to solve the problem of energy,
3,The best way to solve the problem of energy is to use nuclear power,
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
II,Related Information,(1) The problem of energy
If the supply of fuel is finite,not only will there be no energy
supply when the fuel is exhausted,but also all other
processes that depend on it will cease,This will affect the
obvious energy consumers all over the world,Several factors
combine to make the problem an urgent one,World
population is steadily increasing,which implies that the
demand for energy will also increase,although not
necessarily in proportion,Social,economic,and political
pressure for economic expansion continues in industrialize
countries,This implies an increased energy input,The
developing countries are becoming aware that their economic
position could be improved by increased energy consumption,
and they feel entitled to a large share of the world’s energy
resources than they now receive,These pressures require that
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
the world energy supply be increased,particularly if the
aspiration of some areas are to be met without jeopardizing
the living standards of others,
It is now recognized that the supply of the conventional
fuels ——— coal,oil(petroleum),natural gas,Uranium,and
fuel wood —— is limited and insufficient to sustain rapid
rates of development,Although there may be debate about the
exact length of time available before the effects of a world
wide shortage become apparent,there is agreement that such
a shortage will occur,It is only a matter of time; in the case of
oil,for example,the debate is not about whether,but about
when oil production will peak,The world’s long,nearly total
dependence on fossil fuels and hydroelectricity ensures that
efforts to solve energy problems by switching to alternative
sources will have to overcome a great deal of intertia,both
economic and psychological,
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
II,Related Information, (2) Stone Age,
Stone Age,the earliest prehistoric period,when only stone was
used for making tools,weapon,etc,In the text the author refers
to the backward and primitive life of people in such a period,
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
II,Related Information,(3) energy resources,
energy resources,Besides petroleum and natural gas,they
include geothermal energy,hydroelectric power,peat,ocean
thermal energy,solar energy,tidal energy,wind power,fuel
wood and nuclear energy as well,
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
1,crisis n,危机
形近词,crime n,罪行, 犯罪 ; critic n,批评家 ; criticize v,
批评, 批判
2,forecast n,( 同义词 ) prediction 预言, 预告
v,( 同义词) predict 预测,预报
III,Detailed Study,
形近词,force vt,强迫,迫使 ; forehead n,前额 ;
foreign a.外国
的 ; forest n,森林 ; forever ad,永远 ; forget vt,
忘记 ;
forgive v,原谅,宽恕
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
3,technology n,技术(学),工艺(学),工业技术
[记忆技巧 ]同源派生词, technical a,技术的, 工艺的 ; technician
n,技术员, 技师 ; technique n,技术, 方法, 手段
4,tragedy n,悲剧,悲剧性作品,灾难,不幸
反义词,comedy n.喜剧,喜剧性作品
5,conserve v,保存,保全
[记忆技巧 ]同源派生词, conservancy n,( 自然环境的)保护
(机构),(港口、河流的)管理委员会 ;
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
conservation n,( 自然环境的)保护 ; conservationist n,
( 对自然环境的)提倡保护者 ; conservation of energy 能
量守恒 ; conservative a,守旧的,保守的 ; Conservative
Party 保守党 ; conservatoire n,( 欧洲的)音乐(或艺
术)学校 ; conservatory n,( 与住房相连,培养植物的)
① n,抗议,反对
The government's policy gave rise to vigorous protest,
② v,坚决声明,抗议,反对
He protested that he had never been near the scene of the crime,
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
他坚持说他从未在犯罪现场附近 。
The children protested loudly when they were told to go to bed
[记忆技巧 ]同源派生词, protester n,抗议者 ; protestingly adj,
抗议地,不服地 ; protestation n,力言,郑重声明
[常用短语 ] make/enter a protest (against sth) (对某事 )提出抗议 ;
under protest 抗议着 ; protest (against) 抗议,反对
形近词,protect vt,保护,保卫 ; protein n,蛋白质
① n,运输,输送
The transport of goods by air cost a lot,
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
航空运输货物费用很高 。
Moscow's public-transport system is very good
莫斯科的公共运输情况很好 。
② v,运送,运输 ; 放逐,流放
They prefer to transport goods by lorry,
他们愿意用卡车运货 。
The thief was transported to Australia,
[记忆技巧 ]同源派生词, transporter n,运输者,运输机械 ;
transportation n,运送,运输
[常用短语 ] in a transport of/in transports of 满怀 ( 喜悦、愤怒
等 )强烈情绪而不能自制 ;
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
be transported with 为强烈情绪所激动,失去自制力
8,inevitable adj,
① 不可避免的,必然发生的
He was so careless while driving that an accident was inevitable,
② 照例的,惯常的
She was wearing her inevitable large hat,
[记忆技巧 ]同源派生词, inevitability n,不可避免
9,radioactivity n,放射现象,放射性
[记忆技巧 ]同源派生词, radioactive a,放射性的 ; radiocarbon n,
放射性碳 ; radiograph n,辐射强度指示器 ;
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
radioisotope n,放射性同位素 ; radiology n,放射学,辐
射学 ; radioscopy n,X线透视检查(法) ; radiotherapy n,
10,retire vi/vt,
① 退下,离开,退却,撤退
The football player retired hurt,
这个足球运动员受伤退场了 。
He retired to his bedroom without saying anything,
他回到了他的卧室,什么话也没说 。
② 退休
My mother retired at the age of 55,
我母亲 55 岁时退休 。
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
③ 停止使用,报废
The new boss wanted to retire some clerks,
[记忆技巧 ]同源派生词, retired adj,退职的,退休的,退役的 ; 隐居
的,宁静的。 retirement n,隐退,退休,隐居
[常用短语 ] retire from the world 遁世隐居 ; retire into oneself 不和
人交际,苦思不语 ; go into retirement 退休,隐退,退役
① v,捕获,骗得,巧取,俘虏
The police have not captured the thief,
警方还未将该盗贼捕获 。
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
This advertisement will capture the attention of readers
② n,俘虏,捕获,斩获 ; 战利品
the capture of a thief 一窃贼之捕获
[记忆技巧 ]同源派生词, captive n./ adj,俘虏 /俘虏的 ; captivity n,
[常用短语 ] be taken captive 被俘虏,被捕获 ; hold sb,captive 俘
12,solar a,太阳的
[常用短语 ] solar energy 太阳能 ; the solar year 太阳年,公历年 ;
the solar system 太阳系
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
13,estimate n.& v,判断,估计,评定
Can you give me a rough estimate of the cost?
The firm estimated the cost of the work of 8000,
公司估计这项工作的费用为 8000 英镑 。
We estimated that it would take 3months to finish the work,
我们估计完成这项工作需要 3 个月。
[记忆技巧 ]同源派生词, estimation n,判断
[常用短语 ] by estimate 据估计 ; form an estimate of 给 …… 作一估
计 ; in one’s estimation 根据某人的判断
① n,保留,预定,储存
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
We accept your statement without reserve,
我们完全相信你的陈述 。
Every month he has a little in reserve,他每月储存一些钱。
② v,保留,预定,储存
The first three rows of the hall are reserved for special guests,
大厅的前三排留给特别来宾 。
Have you reserved a room at a hotel?
[记忆技巧 ]同源派生词, reservation n,保留,预定,储备 ;
reservist n,预备人员 ; reserved adj,储蓄的,缄默的
[常用短语 ] in reserve 储藏,保留 ; without reserve 毫无保留地
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
1,concentrate on/upon 专心于,注意,集中注意力于
I can't concentrate on what I'm doing while that noise is going on,
噪音不停,我无法专心干自己的工作 。
If more efforts are concentrated on/upon natural environment,there
must be greater improvement,如果自然环境得到更多的关注,
2,look to 负责,注意
We must each look to our own work,
我们每个人都必须负责好自己的工作 。
They will have to look to their own safety,
他们得注意自己的安全 。
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
Look to it that you don't violate the regulations,
3,turn one’s back on 不理睬
They appealed to him for help,but he turned his back on them,
他们请 求 他帮助,他却不理睬他们 。
You really haven't much business sense,and you turn your back on
material problem,
4,rely on/upon 依靠,期待,指靠
同义词, depend on,count on
You can't rely on the weather,天气是靠不住的 。
She had proved that she could be relied on in a crisis,
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
她已证明,在危急时刻她是靠得住的 。
They relied on us to do our best,We mustn’t let them down,
5,sooner or later 迟早
Don't worry,You'll see him sooner or later,
别担心,你迟早会见到他的 。
You are sure to succeed sooner or later if you go on working hard,
1,late(adj./adv.) 与 lately (adv.)
late 既可作形容词,也可作副词 。 用来描写时间上刚发生的或刚
完成的事,反义词是 early。 意为 "迟的,晚的,近来的,以前的 "。
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
in the late autumn 晚秋
the late political troubles 近来的政治纷争
the late prime minister 前任首相
the late king 前国王
Most young people like to stay up late,
大多数年青人都喜欢熬夜 。
lately 也指时间上刚发生的或刚完成的事,但只用作副词,而且常
用于否定或疑问句,或与 only 连用 。
I haven't been home lately,我最近没有回过家 。
It is only lately that she has been well enough to go out,
她身体康复能外出还是最近的事 。
2,run out 与 run out of
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
run out (指一段时间 ) 到期限,(物 )用尽,缺乏 。
The fuel was rapidly running out,燃料很快就用完了 。
They decided to go home before their money ran out,
他们决定不等钱用完就回家 。
When does the lease of the house run out?
run out of "用完 (某物 )",与 run out 不同的是其主语是人 。
Two weeks passed,they ran out of money,(=Two weeks passed and
their money ran out.)
两周过去了,他们的钱用完了 。
I've run out of cigarettes,(=My cigarettes have run out.)
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
3,technique (n.) 与 technology (n.)
这两个词的词形相似,但意义有明显区别 。
technique ① (音乐, 写作, 绘画等的 )技巧,技术 ; ② 熟练的方法,
行家的手法 。 例如,
Your story is interesting but you must improve your writing
你的故事很有趣,但你的写作技巧必须提高 。
His perfect piano technique made him famous all over the world,
完美的钢琴技巧使他闻名于世 。
technology 工艺学,工业技术,工艺 。 例如,
Modern life depends on good technology,
现代生活依赖于优良的工业技术 。
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How good is the technology of these machines!
这些机器的工艺多好呵 !
China has made some progress in space technology-
While referring to energy crisis,different people have different
opinions,Some believe that fossil fuels are running out rapidly,so
nuclear power is the only alternative,However some others think it
dangerous to use nuclear power because of nuclear accidents and
disposal of nuclear wastes,Still others hope to work on energy from
the sun,the waves and the wind,for they are cleaner,safer and can last
for ever,The writer concludes that maybe we worry too much about it
for more oil and gas is bei ng di scovered all the ti me,
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
1,Pessimistic forecasts say that there is only enough coal for 450
years,… (paragraph 1,line 2)
根据悲观论者的预测,现有的煤仅够使用 450 年,……
pessimistic (adj.) 悲观主义的 ; pessimism (n.) 悲观,悲观主义 ;
pessimist … (n.) 悲观主义者 。 其反义词分别是, optimistic (adj.);
optimism (n.); optimist (n.) 。
He has an optimistic view of events,他对事情持有乐观态度 。
A pessimist usually lacks self-confidence,悲观者常常缺乏自信 。
2,The tragedy is that fossil fuels are far too valuable to waste on the
production of electricity,
可悲的是, 把非常宝贵的矿物燃料用于发电, 实在是太浪费了 。
fossil fuel 矿物燃料
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
fuel,a material that is used for producing heat or power by burning
Wood,coal,oil and gas are different kinds of fuel,
3,If we don’t start conserving these things now,it will be too late,
如果我们不立即着手保护这些资源, 必定会悔之晚矣 。
conserve,to use (a supply) carefully without waste ( 尤指作后
备用 ) 保护, 保藏, 保存
People are trying every means possible to conserve their forest
人们采用了一切可能的手段来保护森林资源 。
preserve,to keep or save carefully in good condition or from
destruction for a long time
保护, 保藏
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
It’s very important to preserve our mineral resources because they
can never be replenished,
4,Surely we don't want to go back to the Stone Age.(paragraph 4,line
我们不想倒退回到石器时代 。
go back to 回 到,追溯到,在 … 就有了 (发生 ) 。
She has gone back to her old habits 她又故态复萌了 。
Its history goes back to the twelfth century,
它的历史可以追溯到 12 世纪 。
the Stone Age 石器时代
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
5,… the Campaign Against Nuclear Energy,… …… 反核能运
动 …… 6,Machines fail.(paragraph 6,line 1) 机器会出故障 。
fail (vi/vt) 失败,不合格 ; 没有 ; 衰退,破产 ; 辜负,使失 望 ; 对 ……
不起作用 。
He failed in everything he tried,他的一切努力都失败了 。
Can anyone fail to see what kind of show they are putting on?
Her sight is beginning to fail,他的视力开始减退了 。
Pretty soon father's business failed and I had to leave school again,
7,No insurance company covers nuclear risk,(paragraph 6,line 4)
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
(1) cover(n./vt) ① 遮盖物,盖子,封面
The cover of the bottle is loose,瓶盖松了 。
The book need a new cover,这本书需要一个新封面 。
② 覆盖,走完 (一段路程 ),看完 (若干页书 ); 谈到,涉及,有 … 面
积,包括 (多大范围 )
By sunset we had covered thirty miles,
到日落时我们已经走了 30 英里 。
10 will cover my needs for the journey,
十英镑即足够我的旅行费用 。
His researches covered a wide field,他的研究范围很广 。
(2) risk(n./vt.) 危险,风险 ; 冒 …… 之险 。
run/take risks/a risk 冒险 ; run/take the risk of doing sth,
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
冒 …… 之险 ; at the risk of/at risk to 冒 …… 之险,不顾 …… 危险 。
To succeed in business one must be prepared to run risk,
一个人想在生意上成功就必须做冒险的打算 。
He was determined to get there even at the risk of his life,
他决心到那里,虽有生命危险也在所不惜 。
We must risk getting caught in a storm,
我们必须冒着被暴风雨所阻之危险 。
8,If the nuclear industry didn’t keep them quiet,there would be a
public outcry,
如果不是核工业部门噤口不言, 公众早就会大声抗议了 。
a public outcry,a strong public protest 大声抗议
9,By the year 2000 we’ll have retired 26 reactors in the UK,
(paragraph 7,line 3)
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
到 2000 年,在英国我们将停止使用 26 个核反应堆 。
, by + 时间词 / 从句, 在句中时,句子多用完成时态,表示
,到 ……
为止 "。
By the time he was ten he had finished learning advanced maths by
到 10 岁时,他已自学了高等数学 。
By the end of last year we had been there 3 times,
到去年底为止我们已到过那里三次 。
By next Friday Mr,Smith will have worked in this school for 30
到下周五史密斯先生就在这个学校工作 30 年了 。 10,I consider that nuclear energy is expensive,dangerous,and evil,
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
and most of all,absolutely unnecessary,
我认为, 核能昂贵, 危险, 有害, 而且更重要的是, 根本
没有必要 。
1) evil,harmful; very bad,esp,in thought and behaviour
evil deeds 恶行
an evil character 坏人
an evil tongue 惯于恶语中伤的嘴
2) most of all 尤其是,更重要的是
11,We develop alternative sources of power,and unless we try we’ll
never succeed,
我们可以开发替代能源 。 但是,如果不去尝试,我们就永远不
会成功 。
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s ource,a place from which something comes or is obtained 来源,
根源, 源泉
We’ll have to find a new source of income,
我们必须找到新的收入来源 。
resource,wealth,supplies of goods,raw materials,etc,which a
person,country,etc,has or can use 资源
American is rich in natural resources,such as trees,oil and iron,
美国有丰富的自然资源, 如象森林, 石油和铁矿 。
12.,"Hello,I’d like to begin by agreeing with Jennifer."(paragraph 10,
line 1)
"大家好,我想先说我同意珍妮弗的意见 。 "
begin by 先 (做某事 )。
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I must begin by telling you about the factory itself,
我先给你谈谈工厂本身 。
We began by making the most simple kind of weigh measures,
13,Instead of burning fossil fuels we should be concentrating on
saving energy,… (paragraph 10,line 2)
我们应该集中力量节约更多的能源,研究太阳能, 风能, 波浪
1) instead of,代替, (后接名词, 代词, 动名词, 介词短语,of后
是被代替者 )。
We'll have tea in the garden instead of in the house,
我们将在花园里用茶,而不是在室内 。
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He has been playing all afternoon instead of getting on with his
他整个下午一直在玩而没有继续工作 。
2) concentrate on/upon,to keep or direct (all one’s thoughts,efforts,
attention,etc.) on
集中在, 专心于
If you don’t concentrate on your work,you’ll be dismissed,
14,But we must also look to the future,
但是我们还必须着眼将来 。
look to 期待, 依赖, 面向, 注意, 照顾
Look to it that this doesn’t happen again,
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
注意不要再发生这种事 。
Would you look to the children please?
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IV,Outline & Summary,
I) Outline,
A,Debate between a professor and a number of CANE
(Paras,1 — 8)
1,Nuclear power — the only alternative
2,Nuclear power — a threat to our life and society
B,Opinions of a writer and the Minister for Energy
(Paras,3 — 11)
1,Against nuclear power and in favor of cleaner and safer
sources of energy
2,To rely on the present resources and,at the same time,look
to the new forms of power
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
II) Summary,
Some people believe that coal,natural gas and oil will soon be
running out if we don’t start conserving these things now,if we
don’t want to go back to the Stone age,nuclear power is the
only alternative,However,some people think it is dangerous to
use nuclear power because of the likelihood of an accident at
power plants,environmental contamination by radioactivity and
disposal of nuclear waste,Instead of unclear power,energy
from the sun,the waves and the wind lasts long and is safer and
cleaner,Different people have different opinions about the
problem,Perhaps we worry too much about it as more oil and
gas is being discovered all the time,
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang
V,Home Assignment,
1,Recite Text A;
2,Finish the exercises after text A;
3,Prepare for a quiz on Text A;
4,Unit 1 Passage A,B,(Extensive Course ),
Text A of Unit 9 By Yang Xiongfang