四 川 建 筑 职 业 技 术 学 院 授 课 教 案 编号: 班级名称 造价30103     授课日期      周次/星期      课时章节或 课题名称 Text B of Unit 8: The Finger of Suspicion   课 时 教 学 目 标  Through the study of these two periods of class, the students should understand the text correctly. The new words should be read fluently. The new words and the expressions in the text should be learnt by heart.   课 时 教 学 过 程 设 计 复 习 要 点 或 题 目 教学方法 教学时间   Reading of Text A of Unit 8 Reading of the new words of Text A of Unit 8 Translation of some parts of the text of Unit 8 Practice 10 minutes   新 课 教 学 要 点 及 难 点 分 析 教学方法 及教具 教学时间   I. Study the words and expressions of the text. II. Ask a few students to answer the questions of the text assigned last class. III. Introductin of the text IV. Explain the text. 1.词汇详解: accuse,bomb,charge,court,deposit,detect,estabiish,inquiry,investigation,lawyer,legal,organization,suspicion, 词组用法: ust down, in doubt, so far, together with, used to, on/in the dock, so far, accuse…of, 3.疑难词语辨析: usedto和 be used to, as well as与as well accuse和charge, doubt和suspect 4. 课文重点难点详解: Fingerprints, one of the great deciders of innocence or guilt in criminal charges, are now in the dock themselves And these allegation are being taken seriously by lawyers, judges and policemen because it is possible Lecture and practice 75 minutes  续 课 时 教 学 过 程 设 计 to move a fingerprint from one spot and place it elsewhere. 3) With one of the cornerstones of evidence now being places in doult a committee of criminal lawyers is carrying out an inquiry into fingerprinting. 4) … and a report is due early next year, 5) We are not aiming to establish if there allegations are true or not, but we are questioning current fingerprinting methods aspart of general investigation into scientific evidence. 6) Accusationa about “planted prints” were first put up at an OldBailey IRA bomb trial nine years ago—without success. There have been two successful claim in the United States, though this line of defence has failed in Britain. … but there is a chance that even I may not be able to tell. V. Summary of the Text VI. Lead the students to learn the good sentences in the text (课文佳句背诵)     小 结 教学方法 教学时间   The main task of the students is to understand the meaning of the text and they should also have a thinking of what’s their opinion about the management and service of the Pan Am. Lecture 5 minutes   作业布置(预习、思考题、练习题、看参考资料等)   1. Read the new words fluently. 2. Translate the text into Chinese. 3. Learn the new words by heart and prepare a dictation. 4. Do Exercises 5 and Practice 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 in writing.  教学后记 After the study of this text, the difficulty of the students is the understanding of the text. The main task of these two periods of class is the understanding of the text. So the students should put the text into Chinese correctly under the direction of the teacher. Another difficulty of the students is the new words. The students should first read the new words fluently, and then learn the new words by heart. For checking, the students should have a dictation of the new words next time.  四 川 建 筑 职 业 技 术 学 院 授 课 教 案 编号: 班级名称 造价30103     授课日期      周次/星期      课时章节或 课题名称 Exercises of Text B of Unit 8   课 时 教 学 目 标  Through the study of these two periods of class, the students should understand the text correctly. The new words should be read fluently and the new words should have a dictation. The exercises and the practice should be done correctly under the direction of the teacher..   课 时 教 学 过 程 设 计 复 习 要 点 或 题 目 教学方法 教学时间   1. Dictation. of the new words of Text B of Unit 9. 2. Reading of the text. 3. Translation of some parts of the text. 4. Exercises doing. Practice 20 minutes   新 课 教 学 要 点 及 难 点 分 析 教学方法 及教具 教学时间   Reading Comprehension Exercise 2: 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T Vocabulary and Structure Exercise 3: accused 2. trial 3.deposit 4.charge 5.inquiry 6.establish 7.detect 8.transfer 9.legal 10.suspicious Exercise 4: 1. accused ...of 2. carried out 3. used to 4. asd well 5.as a result 6. in doubt 7. so far 8. together with Exercise 5:1. innocent 2. guilty 3. investigated 4. defend 5. identify 6. imitate 7. attended 8. deals Exercise 6: 1.With the streets being closely guarded, the criminals were unable to make their escape. Practice 65 minutes  续 课 时 教 学 过 程 设 计 4.With all the roads (being) blocked by the soldiers, no one could get out of the city. 5.He listened in silence with his eyes staring at her. Practice 1 Sunday (09/08/1911): Three men entered the museum,where they hid themseives in a storeroom. Monday (10/08/1911): Permgia removed the painting from the wall while the others kept watch. AVOUIIE 缸 tisL IJOlds Beraud found ‘出 e Tuesday (11/08/1911): A young artist, Louis Beraud found, the painting Mona Lisa was missing. 11:00 a.m. (11/08/1911): The museum authorities realized that the painting had been stolen. Wednesday (12/08/1911): Headlines all over the world announced the theft.     小 结 教学方法 教学时间   The main task of the students in the class is doing the exercises correctly. They should pay more attention to translation skills and the writing. Lecture 5 minutes   作业布置(预习、思考题、练习题、看参考资料等)   1. Read the new words in Text A of Unit 10 aloud . 2. Prepare the study for Text A of Unit 10. 3. Do Exercise 1 of Pre-reading Task in Text A of Unit 10.  教学后记 After the exercises doing in these two periods of class, the students should know how to do all the exercises in Text B correctly, especially the translation and writing. Some students will forget the new words very quickly. So the students should review the new words from time to time.   Text B of Unit 8 I. Word Study 1. suspicion n. the act or the state of being suspected 怀疑[同]doubt [记忆技巧]同源派生词:suspicious adj. 易于引起怀疑的,可疑的, suspiciously adv. 2. fingerprint n. 复合词 finger print 3.charge v. to accuse ; to ask as a price (for); ask in payment指控,控告;收(费),要(价) n. accusation指控,控告 [记忆技巧] 同源派生词 :chargeable adj.- 可能被控诉的 ;charger n. 控 诉者 近形词 :change n./u. 变化 , 改变 ;changmble adj. 可改变的 ;changely adj..可改变地 [常用短语] to charge sb.with(sth.) 指控某人 ( 犯某事 ); take charge负责, 看管 in charge of 负责 , 管理 in the charge τ ge of 受管理 4. inquiry n. [同] investigation esp. an official one 询问,调查 [记忆技巧] 同源派生词: inquire v. 询问, 调查; inquiring adj. 好询问的inquiringly adv. 探询地 近形词 :inquest n .审讯, 调查 [常用短语] make inquiries of sb.about sth. 向某人询问某事 5. investigation n. [同] inquiry [记忆技巧] 同源派生词:investigate v. 询问; 调查, investigative./ investigatory调查的,爱调查研究的investigation: n. 调查investigator调查者 6. legal adj. of or based on law,permitted by law [反]illegal [记忆技巧] 同源派生词:legal adj.:legally adv. 合法地 ;legalese n. .法律术语;legalism n. 墨守法规, 条文主义;legalist n. 墨守法规者, 条文主义者, 法律学家 7. transfer v. to move from one place to another同源派生词: transfermable adj.可转移的; transference n . 转移,调动 近形词:transform v 转变,改造;transformable adj.可转变的,可改造的transformation n. 转变,改造 [常用短语] transfer from … to 从……转到……, transfer into 把……变为…… 8. establish v. to set up , to begin建立 , 创办,确立, 使确认 [记忆技巧] 同源派生词 :establishment n.建立 , 确立;established adj.已确立的 , 基础牢固的 9. deposit v to lay or put down同源派生词 :deposit 存放, 寄存物; depositor n. 存放者,储户 ;deposition n. 沉淀 (物) [常用短语] deposit sth.with sb. 把某物存放在某人处 10.detect v[.同] discover [记忆技巧]方向同源派生词 :detectable adj. 可察觉的, 易发现的;detective adj.侦察的, 探测的, n.侦探 detection n. .察觉, 侦查;detector n. 察觉者, 探测器 [常用短语] detect sb.in (doing)sth. 察觉某人在做不正当的事 II. Text-related information Scotland Yard: the London Metropolitan Police, including the famous Criminal Investigation department (CID). The headquarters was moved in 1890 and again in 1967 and is now called New Scotland yard. It maintains criminal records for the entire United Kingdom and has a special branch that guards visiting dignitaries. I t also maintains links with Interpol and assists in the training of police personnel in Commonwealth countries. Its fingerprint division was the prototype of similar systems used by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation and by many other modern police foces. III. Introductory Remarks As we know, fingerprinting is one of the earlist forms of scientific evidence to be recognized by courts of law, and fingerprint records can be used for identification, despite changes in an individual’s appearance or age. But now more and more controversies have emerged in the scietific community over the use of fingerprinting in criminal investigations. A growing number of defendants have called into question the fingerprinting method used to prove guilt rather than just establish innocence. In particular, they are arguing for the possibility that their “ prints” have been “lifted” and planted at scenes of crimes. Is it possible? What will be the final say of the committee of criminal lawyers and what will be the result of the investigation ordered by justice? The passage will tell you something about the issue. IV. Notes to theText 1. Fingerprints,one of the great deciders of innocence or guilt in criminal charges,are now in the dock themselves. 作为在刑事诉讼案中判定无罪与否的重要证据之一的指纹, 现在它本身也被送上了审判台。 1) [辨] mocence 和 guilt: 这两个名词均属不可数名词,无复数形式。 a) innocence 意为“无罪;天真”,guilt 意为 “犯罪 , 有罪” e.g.The accused man proved his innocence of the crime. 被告证明自己无罪。, She has not lost her innocence. 她还没有失去天真。 b) guilt 意为 “犯罪, 有罪” e.g. She has not lost her innocence. 她还没有失去天真。 The guilt of the accused man was in doubt. 被告之罪有疑问。 2). .charge n. a) 控告, 指控 e.g.The judge quashed the charges against the prisoner and set him free. 法官宣布对犯人的控告无效并将他释放。 b)主管 , 看管 e.g.He will take chargeduring my absence. 我不在时将由他负责。 v. a) 控告, 指控, 把……归咎于 e.g.;The coach charged the loss of the game to the team's disobeying his orders. 教练把比赛失败归咎于队员们不服从他的命令。 b) 要价 , 收费 e.g. Doctors and lawyers charge a fee for their service. 医生和律师提供服务是要收费的。 3) [辨].accuse(v..) 和 charge(v.) accuse 意为 “指责 , 指控” 多指直接指责或指控某人犯有某种罪或过错, 但不一定很严重, 也不一定揭发。其句型为 “accuse sb.of sth.”。 charge 意为 “指控 , 控告 , 斥责”, 正式法律用语, 通常指向法院控告某人犯 严重违法行为或过失。其句型为 “charge sb.with sth.” 。 e.g. She accused him of turning the radio up. 她指责他把收音机开大了。 He was charged with murder. 他被指控犯谋杀罪。 3) in / on the dock受到谴责 ,处于被动局面 e.g. Eighteen members of the Ku Klux Klan were in / on the dock in a trial that had drawn national attention. 18名三K党党员在一次引起全国注意的审判中受审。 The United States was obviously relievd to find the Russians in the dock once again.看到俄国人又一次受到非难, 美国显然感到宽慰。 4) in doubt 不能肯定的, 不确定的 If you are in doubt,take the advice of an expert- 如果你有怀疑, 就去请教专家。 The outcome of the match was in doubt then. 当时比赛的结果还看不见。 2. This is because of a growing number of claims from defendants that their “prints” have been “lifed” and planted at scenes of crimes.  The reason for this is that more and more defendants declared that their fingerprints have been taken and moved to criminal sites. 因为, 越来越多的被告声称他们的“指纹”已被 “提取” 并移植到犯罪现场。 3. And these allegation are being taken setiously by lawyers,judges a policemen because it is possible to move a fingerprint from one spot and place it elsewhere. 而且, 这些指控正受到律师、法官和警察的重视, 因为把指纹从一个地方提取后转移到另一个地方是可能的。 1) take sth.seriously 认真对待某事 e.g.They could not take such small things seriously. 他们不必对这么小的事情小题大作。 2) it is possible to move ...中的“ it ”为原因状语从句中的形式主语, 不定式短语作真正主语。 With one of the cornerstones of evidence now being placed in doubt a 原因状语 committee of criminal lawyers is carrying out an inquiry into fingerprinting. 鉴于作为重要证据之一的指纹已受到怀疑, 由刑事律师组成的委员会正在对指纹进行调查。 1) With one of ...being placed in doubt 是“with+ 复合结构” 的用法。该结构在本句中表示原因。 2)evidence 在此为不可数名词, 无复数形式, 意为 “证据”。若表示 “痕迹” 时, 则要用复数形式。 e.g. There wasn’t enough evidence to prove him guilty. 没有充分的证据证明他有罪。 There were evidences of glacial action on the rocks. 这些岩石上有冰河留下的痕迹。 3) in doubt 不能肯定的 , 不确定的 e.g. If you are in doubt, take the advice of an expert- 如果你有怀疑, 就去请教专家。 The outcome of the match was in doubt then. 当时比赛的结果还看不准。 4)... is carrying out an inquiry into  ...is making an investigation into… 正在对……进行调查。 e.g. They arecarrying an inquiry into a case 他们正在对一桩案子进行调查 5)carry out 执行,进行,实现 e.g. The computer carries out all its work on the machine words by following a long list of instructions,called a program. 计算机的全部工作是按照一张长长的称之为程序的指令表形式的计算机语言来进行的。 The manager said that he hoped we should carry out his advice. 经理说他希望我们能按他的意见办。 6) [辨] doubt (v.) 和 suspect (v..) doubt 意为 “怀疑, 不相信, 拿不准” 指缺乏自信, 通常带有否定的意味。在否定句和疑问句中, 其后不能接 whether 或 if 引导的从句。 suspect 意为 “可疑, 疑心”, 指无证据的怀疑, 有猜想的含义。不可接whether 或 if 引导的从句。 e.g. I doubt whether he will succeed. 我怀疑他是否会成功。 I suspect that he is a cheater. 我猜他是个骗子。 5.... and a report is due early next year. 预定明年初提交一份调查报告。 due 在句中为形容词, 意为 “预期的, 到期的”。 e.g.Your report is due tomorrow. 你的报告应于明天交来。 I want to renew a book that's due today. 我想续借今天到期的一本书。 6.We are not aiming to establish if these allegations are true or not, but we are questioning current fingerprinting methods as part of general investigation into scientific evidence. 我们的目的不是判断这些指控的真伪, 而是对现行的指纹检验法进行调查, 这种方法是进行一般性调查时作为取得科学证据而使用的。 1) aim(v.) 表示 “目的在于, 旨在” 时, 美国人用 aim to do, 英国人则用aim at doing 。也可用 aim at/for sth. 表示。 e.g. We must aim at increasing / to increase exports 我们要力求增加出口货物。 We should aim for the best results. 我们应力争获得最好的效果。 2) not-..but-..: 不是而是……。 e.g. He is not handsome but ugly. 他并非英俊而是丑陋。 It is not that I disliked the food but that I was full. 不是我不喜欢这些食物, 而是我饱了。 3) establish v. to find out or make certain of 1) to set up, fond 建立, 创办 e.g. Our hospital was established in 1956 我们的医院是在1956年创办的。 2) to cause sb. to accept( abelief, claim, custom,etc.) 确/立, 使确认 e.g. The usage is now firmly established. 这个用法现已得到确认。 Newton conclusively established the law of gravity. 牛顿确定了万有引力定律。 3) to settle/ place使定居 e.g. We are now comfortably established in our new house. 我们现已舒舒服服地在新居里安顿下来了。 7. It can then be deposited on another, perhaps incriminating object. 然后置于另一物品上, 或许就是作案工具上。 deposit 1) 放 , 存放 e.g. Some insects deposit their eggs in the ground 有些昆虫产卵于土中。 2) 储蓄 He always deposits half of his salary in the bank. 他总是将一半薪金存入银行。 3) 沉积 The river deposited silt at its mouth. 河口沉积了淤泥。 8. Accusations about “planted prints” were first put up at an Old Bailey IRA bomb trial nine years ageWithout success. 9 年前, 伦敦中央刑事法庭对爱尔兰共和军炸弹案进行审讯时首次提出了有关 “指纹移植” 的指控, 但没有成功。 put up 在此意为 “提出”。表示此义时 , 常用 “put forward”。 e.g. I’ll see that your suggestion is put up at the next meeting. 我一定设法让你的建议在下次会议上提出来。 Are you serious in putting forward such a view? 你提出那样的观点是当真的吗 ? 9. Fingerprints at the scene of a crime used to be dusted down with fine powder, photographed for indentification purpose, the pictures and the objects carrying the prints were produced in court.  In the past fingerprints at the criminal site were usually first covered with fine powder, which was then quickly wiped off, so that they were enough to be pictured with an aim to make out the suspects; finally both the photos and the objects with fingerprints on them were shown in court. 过去总是用细微粉末撒在犯罪现场的指纹上面。然后拍下照片以供鉴别; 再把照片和带有指纹的物品同时在法庭上出示。 1) [辨] used to 和 be used to used to 后接不定式, 表示 “过去经常性的动作或存在的状态”, 强调现在同过去的对, 含有过去常常怎么样, 现在不这样了的意味。 be used to 后接名词或动名词,表示 “习惯于” 含有经常做某事或做某事 已有经验, 所以对此已习以为常了的意味。 e.g.-I didn’t use to like opera, but now I am getting interested. 我过去不喜欢歌剧 , 但是现在慢慢地感兴趣了。 Having grown up in the countryside, I'm used to manual labor. 我生长在农村,习惯体力劳动了。 2)dust down去掉……的灰尘 ;dust (down)with 把……撒于 e.g. Let's dust down the furniture. 咱们把家具上的灰尘揩掉吧。 The child dusted a cake with sugar. 那孩子把糖撒在饼上。 10. Before 1973 the object on which the prints were found a bottle, dagger or a gun – used to be shown in court as well. 1973前, 带有指纹的物证, 如瓶子、匕首或手枪同时也要在法庭上出示。 [辨] as well as 和 as well 这两个词语都可表示 “也” 的意思, 但用法不同 ,所强调的重点也不同。 as well as 是连词, 意为 “不但……而且” 与 “not only ...but aim” 同义。 as well 作副词用, 只能放在句末。一般和 and,but 等连词合用。含有 “ 除上所说, 此外还在……之意 ”, 语义重点在后半部分。 e.g. Small towns as well as big cities are being industrialized. 小城市和大城市都在迅速实现工业化。 He is a great scientist,and a courageous fighter as well. 他是一名伟大的科学家, 也是一名英勇的战士。 11. This is no longer necessary.  It is no longer necessary to carry to court the photos and objects with fingerprints on them. 而现在没有这样做的必要了。 12. As a result criminals are claiming that their prints have been “lifted” and planted elsewhere. 结果, 许多罪犯声称他们的指纹是被“提取”后移植到其他地方的。 as a result: with the result that; therefore 由于,因此 e.g. As a result, the game was postponed for a week. 结果,比赛延期了一周。 cf. as a result of : because of 由于……的结果 e.g. As a result of the snow, he was late for work. 由于下雪,他上班迟到了。 13. There have been two successful claim in the United States, though this line of defence has failed in Britain. 虽然这种辩护在英国未获得成功, 但在美国却有两个成功的案例。 1) claim n. 意为 “(根据权利而提出) 要求;(应得的) 权利”。 e.g. The government would not even consider his claim. 政府甚至拒绝考虑他的要求。 His claim to literary recognition rests on this great work. 他能得到文学界承认靠的是这部伟大的著作。 2) Line of: a way or method of (doing something or thinking about something) 在本句中意为方法,方式 e.g. What line do you expect? 你打算采用什么样的方式进行 ? The hospital is run on scientific lirles. 这家医院是以科学方法管理的。 14. But so far I have not seen any fingerprint evidence that proves the allegations to be true.  But up to the present there has not been any fingerprint evidence that proves the allegations to be true. 但迄今为止, 我还没有见到任何一种指纹证据可以证明这种抗诉属实。 so far:迄今为止 与这个短语相似的表达还有 :thus far ,up to now. e.g. Future buildings, roads,and cities may be made from garbage.But so far it is only a dream. 将来的大楼、道路, 乃至城市可能用垃圾废物来建造。但至今为止这还是一种梦想。 I have heard nothing from him up to now. 迄今为止, 我没有得到他一点音讯 14. …but there is a chance that even I may not be able to tell. ……但有可能即使是我也无法断定。 1) chance 在本句中意为 “可能性” 。可用作可数名词或不可数名词。 e.g.The chances are a hundred to one that he will win. 他有百分之九十九取胜的把握。 You would have more chance of catching the train if you got a taxi to the station instead of waiking. 假如你乘出租车而不是步行去火车站, 你赶上那班火车的可能性就大 了。 2) tell 在本句中意为 “辨别, 区别”。 e.g.I can tell them by their accent. 我能从他们的口音上辨别他们。 Can you tell the difference between these two verbs? 你能区别这两个动词吗 ? VI.Summary of Unit 8 (B) Fingerprints, which are usually used for identification purpose, are now in the dock themselves because more and more defendants claim that their prints have been lifted and planed at scenes of crimes. Lawyers, judges and policemen, are questioning if fingerprints can be produced in court as evidence when the objects with the prints are not necessarily shown there. Though it is almost impossible for people to lift a finger mark and transfer it to another object, it can be done anyhow. Ex-Chief Superintendent Squires would like the old method of photographing prints and producing them together with the object pictured to be generally used again., VII.课文佳句背诵 1. Fingerprints, one of the great deciders of innocence or guilt criminal charges, are now in the dock thermselves. 2. As a result criminals are claiming that their prints have been “lifted” ,and planted elsewhere. 3. But in far I have not seen any fingerprint evidence that proves the allegations to be true. 4 Petty crooks are always accusing the police of lifting their prints and planting them at the scene of a crime. 5. Mr.Squires sees the new line of defence as an attack on the police by desperate men. Text B PRE-READING TASK 1. What is the role of the fingerprints in criminal charge ? What is the problem of the fingerprints presented here ? Now read the passage and chech your answers. The Finger of Suspicion Fingerprints, one of the great deciders of innocence or guilt in criminal charges, are now in the dock themselves. This is because of a growing number of claims from defendants that their “prints” have been “lifted”and planted at scenes of crimes. And these allegations are being taken serious!y by lawyers, judges and pdicemen because it is possible to move a fingerprint from one spot and place it e|sewhere.  With one of the cornerstones of evidence now being placed in doubt a committee of criminal lawyers is carrying out an inquiry into fingerprinting19. The investigation has been ordered by Justice, the prestigious legal organization, and a report is due early next year. Last night a spokesman for justice said:”There are an increasing number of cases where peop!e are claiming their prints have been transferred and put on incriminating objects.We are not aiming to establish if these allegations are true or not, but we are questioning current fingerprinting methods as part of a general investigation into scientific evidence. Some of Britain's top criminal lawyers are worried about this increasing number of claims.” How can a fingerprint be transferred? A fingermark left on a greasy glass or some other smooth surface can be “lifted” with a strip of adhesive. It can then be deposited on another, perhaps incriminating object. Accusations about “planted prints”were first put up at an Old Bailey IRA bomb trial nine years agowithout success. Fingerprints at the scene of a crime used to be dusted down with fine powder, photographed for identification purposes, then the pictures and the objects carrying the prints were produced in court. However, since 1973 a new method of taking prints has been generally used in Britain. Police experts now use a strip of adhesive tape to “lift”a print which is then produced in court as evidence. Before 1973 the object on which the prints were founda bottle, dagger or a gun-used to be shown in court as wll. This is no ionger necessary. As a result criminals are claiming that their prints have been “lifted” and planted elsewhere. There have been two successful claims in the United States, though this line of defence has failed in Britain. According to the ex-chief of Scotland Yard's fingerprint department, Mr Harold Squires, who is now an independent defence witness: “More than 55% of the cases I now get are making these claims. But so far I have not seen any fingerprint evidence that proves the allegations to be true. Petty crooks are always accusing the police of lifting their prints and planting them at the scene of a crime. ” According to ex-Chief Superintendent Squires, lifting a mark and transferring it to another object “requires great ski!l and trouble”. He added: “lt's almost impossible but it can be done. It can usually be easi1y detected by someone like me, but there is a chance that even I may not be able to tell.” Mr Squires sees the new line of defence as an attack on the police by desperate men. He would like the old method of photographing prints and producing them together with the object pictured to be generally used agam. New words *suspicion n. the feeling that a person has when he suspects 怀疑 fingerprint n. a mark made by fingers when pressed on a surface 指纹 innocence n. 1.清白, 无罪 2.单纯, 幼稚 guilt n. 犯罪, 有罪 charge n. a statement that a person has done wrong, esp.that he has broken the law 指控 , 控告 dock a. ( 刑事法庭的 ) 被告席, 犯人栏 *defendant n.a person against whom a legal action is brought 被告, 被告人 allegation n. a statement, esp.one made without proof ( 指无证据或有待证实的 ) 陈述, 说法 lawyer n. aperson who practices law 律师 *cornerstone n. foundation 基础 inquiry,enquiry n. 1.质询, 调查 2.询问, 探问 investigation n. the careful and through inquiry 调查 prestigious a. 有威望的, 有声望的 legal a. 法律上的,合法的 organization n. 组织 , 机构 spokesman n. a person who speaks or is chosen to speak officially for a group 发言人, 代言人 transfer v. to(cause to) move from one place to another 搬, 使移动 incriminate v. 1.to indicate as guilty 暗示 ( 或显示 ) …有罪 , 牵连 2.to charge with crime 控告 establish v. 1.to cause people to accept a belief, claim, custom,etc. 使被接 受, 确立 2.to set up;begin 建立 , 设立 fingermark n. 1.to cause people to accept a belief,别claim,custom,etc. 使被接受, 确立 2.to set up begin 建立, 设立 *fingermark n. a mark, e.g.on a wall, made by a dirty finger 指痕 greasy a. 油污的 adhesived n. 粘合剂, 粘胶 a. 粘的 deposit v. lay or put down 放, 置 *accusation n. 指控, 指责 bomb n. 炸弹 trial n. 1.审讯, 审判 2. 试, 试验 powder n. dry material made up of fine particles 粉, 粉末 identification n. 鉴定, 确认 court n. a place where law-cases are held 法庭, 法院 dagger n. 匕首 ex-chief n. 前任首领, 前任领导 pretty a. 1.small,unimportant 小的, 不重要的, 2.on a small scale 小规模的, 小型的 accuse v. to say that someone has done wrong, or has broken the law 指控, 控告 superintendent n. a police officer above a chief inspector in rank ( 等级较高的 ) 警官 detect v. to discover existence or presence of 查出 , 查明 desperate a. 1.胆大妄为的, 无法无天的 2. 绝望的 Phrases and Expressions In the dock 受到谴责, 处于被动局面 in dout 不能肯定的, 不确定的 used to ( 过去 ) 常常 dust down ( 把粉末 ) 撒于 as aresult 作为结果, 因此 so far 迄今为止 accuse … of 指控, 控告 proper Names Old Bailey 老贝利 ( 英国伦敦中央刑事法院的俗称 ) IRA 爱尔兰共和军 (the Irish Republican Amy 的缩写 ) Scotlant Yard 伦敦警察厅 Harrold Squires 哈罗德·斯夸尔斯 ( 人名 ) VIII.课文参考译文 指纹疑点 作为在刑事诉讼案中判定无罪与否的重要证据之一的指纹,现在它本身也被送上了审判台。因为, 越来越多的被告声称他们的 “指纹”已被 “提取” 并移植到犯罪现场。而且, 这些指控正受到律师、法官和警察的重, 因为把指纹从一个地方提取后转移到另一个地方是可能的。 鉴于作为重要证据之一的指纹已受到怀疑, 由刑事律师组成的委员会正在对指纹进行调查。这次调查是由享有极高声誉的司法组织一法律公会下令进行的, 预定明年初提交一份调查报告。律师公会的一位发言人昨天晚上说, “被告声称他们的指纹被移植到作案工具上的案例越来越多。我们的目的不是判断这些指控的真伪, 而是对现行的指纹检验法进行调查, 这种方法是进行一般性调查时作为取得科学证据而使用的英国一些权威刑事律师对这类指控日益增加感到担忧。” 指纹是如何被转移的呢? 留在油腻的玻璃上或其他的一些光滑表面上的指纹, 能够用一条粘胶带“提取”, 然后置于另一物品上, 或许就是作案工具上。9年前, 伦敦中央刑事法庭对爱尔兰共和军炸弹案进行审讯时首次提出了有关 “指纹移植”的指控, 但没有成功。过去总是用细微粉末撒在犯罪现场的指纹上面。然后拍下照片以供鉴别; 再把照片和带有指纹的物品同时在法庭上出示。 但是, 自1973 年以来, 英国广泛使用了新的提取指纹的方法。现在, 警察局的专家用一条粘胶带“提取” 指纹, 作为证据在法庭上出示。1973前, 带有指纹的物证, 如瓶子、匕首或手枪同时也要在法庭上出示。而现在没有这样做的必要了。结果, 许多罪犯声称他们的指纹是被“提取” 后移植到其他地方的。虽然这种辩护在英国未获得成功, 但在美国却有两个成功的案例。 据前任伦敦警察厅指纹处主任, 现在的独立辩护证人哈罗德·斯夸尔斯先生说,“我现在受理的案件中, 55% 以上的案件提出了这种抗诉。但迄今为止, 我还没有见到任何一种指纹证据可以证明这种抗诉属实。一些耍小聪明的不法之徒总是指控警察提取了他们的指纹, 然后转移到了犯罪现场。”据这位前任警官说, 提取印记再转移到另一物体上 “需要极高的技巧, 而且非常困难” 。他还补充说: “要做到这一点可能性很小, 但仍有可能做到。一般说来, 这种方法很容易被我这样的人识破, 但有可能即使是我也无法断定。” 斯夸尔斯先生认为, 这种新的抗诉手法是一些狗急跳墙的人对警察进行的攻击。他希望仍能采用在拍下指纹照片之后, 将照片与实物一并出示的老办法。 Exercise 2 Decide whether the statements are True or False according to the passange 1. The fingerprints are now no longer used as evidence to decide whether the person under a criminal charge is innocent or guilty. 2. An inquiry into fingerprinting is being carried out because more and more defendants claim that their “ prints” have been “ lifted ” and planted at scenes of crimes. 3. Acommittee of criminal lawyers has been set up to discover whether fingerprints can be lifted or not. 4. Many criminals have successfully denied the accusations against them since 1973. 5. It can be safely concluded that some people prefer to use the old method of photographing prints and presenting them with the objects pictured in court. Vocabuiary and Structure Exercise 3 Fill in the blanks with the given words. Change the form where necessary. legal charge detect inquiry establish trial accuse deposit transfer suspicion  Some witnesses were ______ of giving false evidence in court. He was put on ______ not only for robbery, but also for murder. When you finish your lunch, please ______ your tray at the cafeteria door. The night before last a number of “labourers” were arrested on the ______ of theft. The object of the ______ was to find out the cause of the car accident. The new evidence produced in court helped to ______ the defendant’s guilt. Her sharp nose can ______ an ascape of gas at any time and in any place. The company has planned to ______ its main office from Hong Kong to Shanghai. You’d better employ an experienced lawyer in case you are in need of ______ advice. In my opinion, there are no grounds for ______ of his honesty and loyalty. Exercise 4 Complete the sentences with the given expressions. Change the form where necessary. as well so far as a result in doubt accuse … of used to together with carry out   1.She ______ her brother ______ stealing the jewels. 2.Every possible test was ______ to decide the nature of his illness. 3.The baby doesn't cry so much now but she ______ cry every night. 4.Filter coffee is definitely better for your health than boiled coffee. And it tastes nicer ______. 5.There had been no rain for six months and ______, the ground was as hard as iron. 6.When ______ about the meaning of a word, consult a dictionary. 7.They have been doing the experiment for several days but they haven't made any progress ______. 8.The Hood, ______ the war, carried away many lives. Exercise 5 Choose the correct word form to fit into each sentence. 1.After a fair trial the defendant was found ______ (innocence ,innocent) he will be punished for his crime.(guilt, 2.When a man is found _____ he will be punished for his crime.(guilt, guilty) 3. Holmes is said to have _____ many cases by following the footprints left at the scene of crime. (investigated, investigation) 4. She has commissioned a famous lawyer to ______ the arrested strikers. (defend, defendant) 5.Miss Jones managed to _____ the briefcase as hers by telling what it contained. (identify,identification) 6. If you want to ride a bicycle, the first step is to _____ what other people do.(imitate ,imitation) 7. In his last illness he was ______ by a medical team consisting of two doctors and four nurses. (attended, attendant) 8.The trading company run by their university ______ in high tech. (deals, dealers) Exercise 6 Rewrite the sentences after the model Using with+n.+ V-ing / V-ed. MODEL: As one of the cornerstones of evidence is now placed in doubt, a committee of criminal lawyers is carrying out an inquiry into fingerprinting. With one of fhe cornerstones of evidence now being olaced in doubt, a commutee of criminal lowyers is carrying out an inquiry into fingerprinting. 1. As the streets were closely guarded, the criminals were unable to make their escape. ___________________________________________________________________ 2. The gas wi1l expand if the temperamre increases. ___________________________________________________________________ 3. She looked very pretty. Her hair was blowing in the wind. ___________________________________________________________________ 4. Because all the roads were blocked by the soldiers, no one could get out of the city. __________________________________________________________________ 5.He listened in silence and his eyes stared at her. __________________________________________________________________ Skills Development and Practice Guided Writing Reading and Writing Skills Time Sequence   时间型 (Time Sequence) 段落是以时间顺序或先后次序安排段落细节, 用以记叙或说明历史、人物或事件的发展过程。如本课 "Reading Skills" 中 Exercise 3 和 Exercise 4 的两个段落。 上述两个练习的段落均按时间顺序展开, 是典型的时间型段落。这种模式段落的特点如下 : 1. 时间塑段落都带有时间信号词 (Signal words oftime), 常见的时间信号词有 : (l) 介词 by (+specific time) from (+specific time) until (+specific time) during (+period of time) in (+year ,month, season) on (+day ,date) at (+specific tme) after, before, since(+specific time) (2) 副词 atterwards First then next later finally subsequently soon eventually immediately meanwhile (3) 形容词 following next (4) 介词词组 at the samedme in the meantime (5) 从属连词 after before when while since as once until as soon as 2. 叙事性段落都是以时间顺序排列事件, 间或也可直接用日期表示发生的顺序。而在记叙人物或事件时, 通常从最早的事件开始到最近的事件结束, 即由远至近。 Practice 1 A. Read the paragraphs and fill in the blanks with the inforrnation you get from them. On Tuesday August 11th, 1911, a young artist, Louis Beraud, arrived at the Louvre in Paris to complete a painting of the Salon Carre. This was the room where the wor1d's most famous painting, the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, was on disphy. To his surprise there was an empty space where the painting should have been. At 1l o'clock the museum authorities realized that the painting had been stolen. The next day headlines all over the world announced the theft. Actual1y the Leonardo had been gone for more than twenty-four hours before anyone noticed it was missing. The museum was always closed on Mondays for maintenance .Just before closing time on Sunday three men had entered the museum, where they had hidden themselves in a storeroom.The actual theft was quick and simple.Ear1y the next morning Perrugia removed the painting from the wall while the others kept watch. Then they went out a back exit. Sunday (09/08/1911):______________________________________________________________ Monday (10/08/1911): ______________________________________________________________ Tuesday (11/08/1911): ______________________________________________________________ 11:00 a.m.(11/08/1911): _____________________________________________________________ Wednesday (12/08/1911): ___________________________________________________________ Practice 2 Guglielmo Marconi believed that it was possible to use Hertzian waves( 电波 )for communication.(l) ______ .(2) ______.With this wireless telegraph, Marconi firs transmitted elecktromagnetic waves ( 电磁波 ) a short distance, only across a room.(3) ______ .He then discovered that when the antenna was highe, the waves went farther, even over a hill(4) ______.In November 1899 the American ship St. Paul received messages when it was almost 100 kilometers away from the transmitter. (5).______. He built a special transmitter station on the coast of England and then took a ship to North America. (6) ______. ______ a. Finally Marconi transmitted radio waves from one side of the Atlantic Ocean to the other ______ b. Next Marconi used his new invention to help ships on the sea ___1__ c. Marconi did Ms first experiments in the spring of 1895 ______ d. A year later he invented the first wireless telegraph ______ e. In December 1901, when Marconi received three dots (..., “S”) on his receiver in Canada, he knew it was possible to transmit radio waves across the ocean ______ f. Later he discovered that it was possible to transmit the waves further when there was an antenna ( 天线 ) B. Complete the the table with the information you have got from the above paragraph. In 1895: ________________________________________________________________ In 1896: ________________________________________________________________ In 1899: ________________________________________________________________ In 1901: ________________________________________________________________ He finally transmitted radio waves from one side of the Atlantic Ocean to the other. Signal Words of Time Sequence  in the beginning ,at first, at the start, at (the hour), on (the day), now, nowadays, in (the month, season, year), when, at birth, in childhood, as an adult, before, after ,afterward, in the morning/ afternoon/ evening, at night, once at last, finally, eventually while, during next, then, soon, since, earlier, later, first, second, third, etc.   SkillTranslating . 被动语态的翻译(2):将英语被句译成汉语的判断句   .被动语态的译法 被动的翻译: 将英语被动句转译成汉语的判断句 汉语中常用 “ …是…的:” 这一句式来说明人和事物的客观情况。这种结构在语义上往往具有被动句的含义, 可以与英语中的被动结构相沟通。一般说来, 英语中用来说明客观情况的被动句都可以转译成汉语的这一句式。 常用结构译法介绍 “before”: “before” 作连词用时通常表示 “ 在…之前:”, 但是当 “before” 引导的从句前有表示 一段时间的词语时, 往往具有 “( 过了多久之后 ) 才…” 的含义 ; 若 “before” 之前的结构为否定式 , 则表示 "( 不多 久 ) 就… " 的意思。例如 : 1.It was a long time before I got to sleep again. 过了很长时间我才又睡着了。 2.It will be five years before we meet again. 五年之后我们将再见面。 3.I hadn't waited long before he came. 我没等多久他就来了。 4.Actually the Leonardo had been gone for more than twenty-four hours before anyone noticed it was msSIng. 实际上, 列奥纳多的这幅画丢失 24 小时以后才有人发现它不见了。 5.Perrugia was keen to claim alI responsibility for the theft, and it was twenty years before the whole story came out. 佩鲁吉亚竭力声称偷画的一切责任在自己身上,20 年以后整个事情才真相大白。 Practice 3 Translate the sentences into Chinese,using the translation skill you have just learned. 1.My first twenty years were spent in the countryside. 2.History is made by the people. 3.Some plastics have been discovered by accident. 4.The Statue of Liberty was presented to the United States fo America in the nineteenth century by the people of France. 5.Rainbows are formed when sunlight passes through small drops of water in the sky. 6.I was told that some bikes are made of plastics instead of steel. 7.Rome was not built in a day. 8.Concrete is made of cement, sand, stones, and water. Practice 4 Translate the sentences into Chinese. 1.This was the room where the world's most famous painting,the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci,was on display. 2. Actually the Leonardo had been gone for more than twenty-four hours before anyone noticed it was missing. 3. Nothing was seen or heard of the painting for two years when Perrugia tried to sell it to a dealer for half a million lire. 4. Perrugia was keen to claim all responsibility for the theft, and it was twenty years before the whole story came out. 5. If the dealer were to see the painting still in the gallery, he would be persuaded that it was a copy, and that he possessed the genuine one. Practice 5 Translate the sentences into English. 你可以借这本书 , 条件是不要把它借给别人。 2. 你听说过达.芬奇这个画家吗 ? 3. 我们的力气没有白费。 4. 如果停电的话 , 我们备有蜡烛。 5. 参考书不能拿出阅览室。 Practice 6 Arrange the sentences in correct order according to time sequence. ( )a.When Lincoln Was eight years old, his father lost most of his land in Kentucky. ( )b.Lincoln's mother died when he was nine years old. ( )c. Lincoln's stepmother persuaded his father that Abraham should begin to go to school. ( )d. Lincoln was bom on Febmary12, l809, in Kentucky. ( )e. He started school, but it soon closed. ( )f. The first winter they spent in Indiana they lived in a house with only three walls; the fourth side was open for a fire. ( )g. A little more than a year later Lincoln's father married again. ( )h..Lincoln's family moved to Indiana from Kentucky. ( )i. Two years later Abraham went for a few weeks to another school. Practice 7 Write seven sentences about the life of Charlie Chaplin using the given words. Make changes and additions where necessary. 1.Charlie Chaplin /born /1899/London 2.His family /poor/have /hard childhood 3.1910/leave London for the United States/l914/make /first film 4.In his films /create/character /little man /always face/life's difficulties/courage 5.Because he /very successful /create /own film company /1918 6.He/married four times /1952/leave the United States /family /live /Switzerland 7.He die /1977/age of 88 Practice 8 Write an imaginary life-story from the details Elizabeth Reynolds b. >1935-d.1976(suicide 自杀 ) > childhood:Yorkshire mining village > wrote first poems > hated school > first ,viliage shop for 7years > to London 1957 (published poems and first novel) > became depressed > 1960 first suicide attempt > married and quickly divorced (1965) > America (lost earlier popularity )moved to Cornwall 1973 Guided Writing Practice 9 慰问信 亲友生病、受伤或由于某种不幸事件蒙受了损失 , 应该写信表示慰问。慰问信与普通书信的格式基本相同 , 但要注意措词。如果病情并不严重或损失不大 , 慰问信可写得轻松一些 , 若是病情严重或 损失重大 , 就应该写得深沉一些。写慰问信时一定要围绕一个中心, 那就是使收信人从中得到安慰和鼓舞, 不要随信写上一些不相关的事情。总之, 慰问信要规范、简短、感情真挚。常用的句型有 : I was shocked / saddened / distressed / grieved to hear that... I just can't tell you how sorry I was to learn of / that... We are hoping/hope for/to/that... Exzamples: May 15,1994 Dear Wang Ping, I am very sorry to learn from Li Hong’s letter that you are ill. You must hurry and get well. Everybody in our department misses you and we all hope you will get well soon. If I can do anything for you, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Love, Liu Lin   July 10, 1995 Dear Chen Hong, I was shocked to learn that you broke your leg in a traffic accident and I am anxious to know how you are now. If I can be of any help, please don’t hesitate to let me know. Yours, Zhang Zhen   就下述内容写一封慰问信 . 你的一位朋友在车祸中受伤 , 你去信表示慰问。 Key to the Exercises (B of Unit 8) Text B PRE-READING TASK Exercise 1 (Refer to: “introductory Remarks”) AFEEREREADING TASK Exercise 2 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T Exercise 3 1.accused 2. trial 3.deposit 4.charge 5.inquiry 6.establish 7.detect 8.transfer 9.legal 10.suspicious Exercise 4 1. accused ...of 2. carried out 3. used to 4. asd well 5.as a result 6. in doubt 7. so far 8. together with Exercise 5 1. innocent 2. guilty 3. investigated 4. defend 5. identify 6. imitate 7. attended 8. deals Exercise 6 1.With the streets being closely guarded, the criminals were unable to make their escape. 2.The gas will expand with the temperamre increasing. 3.She looked very pretty with her hair blowing in the wind. 4.With all the roads (being) blocked by the soldiers, no one could get out of the city. 5.He listened in silence with his eyes staring at her. Skills Development and Practice Reading Skills Practice 1 Sunday (09/08/1911): Three men entered the museum,where they hid themseives in a storeroom. Monday (10/08/1911): Permgia removed the painting from the wall while the others kept watch. AVOUIIE 缸 tisL IJOlds Beraud found ‘出 e Tuesday (11/08/1911): A young artist, Louis Beraud found, the painting Mona Lisa was missing. 11:00 a.m. (11/08/1911): The museum authorities realized that the painting had been stolen. Wednesday (12/08/1911): Headlines all over the world announced the theft. Practice 2 A. [6] a. Finally Marconi transmitted radio waves from one side of the Atlantic Ocean to the other. [4] b. Next Marconi used his new invention to he1p ships on the sea. [1] c Marconi did his first experiments the spring of 1895. [3] d. A year later he invented the first wireless telegraph. [51e. In December 1901, when Marconi received three dots (...,“S”)on his receiver in Canada,he knew it was possible to transmit radio waves across the ocean. [2] Later he discovered that it was possible to transmit the waves further when there was an antenna( 天线 ). B. In 1895: Marconi did his first experiments in the spring of 1895. In 1896: He invented the first wirekss telegraph. In 1899: The American ship St.Paul received-messages when it was almost 100 kilometers away The transmitter. In 1901: December 190, when Marconi received three dots (...,“S”) on his receiver in Canada, he know it was possible to transmit radio waves across the ocean. Translation Practice Practice 3 我的前 20 年是在农村度过的。 历史是人民创造的。 某些塑料是偶然发现的。 自由女神雕像是法国人民在 19 世纪送给美国的。 5. 彩虹是阳光穿过天空中的小水滴时形成的。 据说有些自行车是用塑料而不是用钢制做的。 7. 罗马不是一天建成的。 8. 混凝土是用水泥、沙子、石子和水制成的。 Practice 4 1. 这便是陈列列奥纳多·达·芬奇那幅世界最著名的蒙娜丽莎画像的画室。 其实 , 当人们发现列奥纳多的这幅画失踪之时, 它早已丢失了 24 个小时以上。 在佩鲁吉亚试图将它以50万里拉的价格卖给一个画商之前的两年间, 那幅画音信皆无。 佩鲁吉亚当时积极主动地承担了盗窃的全部罪责, 直至 20 年后整个案情才大白于天下. 如果画商看到那幅画依然陈列在美术馆里, 瓦尔菲尔诺便会花言巧语使他相信, 那一幅是仿制品, 他拥有的才是真品。 Practice 5 1.You may borrow the book on condition that you do not lend it to anyone else. 2.Have you heard of a painter named da Vinci? 3.Our efforts were not in vain. 4.If elecMcity goes off , we have candles in store. 5.Reference books must not be removed from the reading room. Guided Writing Practice 6 a.2 b.5 c.7 d.l e.8 f.4 g.6 h.3 i.9 Practice 7 1.Charlie Chaplin was born in 1899 in London. 2.His family was poor and he had a hard childhood. 3.in 1910 he left London for the United States and in 1914 he made his first film. 4.In his films he created the character of a little man who was always faced with/faced his life':s difficulties with courage. 5.Because he was veqsuccessful, he created his own film company in 1918. 6.He had marrted four times, then in 1952 he left the United States with his family to live in Switzerland. 7.He died in 1977 at the age of 88. Practice 8 Elizabeth Reynolds was born in 1935 and died in 1976 at the age of 42. She spent her childhood in a Yorkshire mining village. As a child, she began to write her first poems. But she hated school and went to work in a village shop. She worked there for 7 years. In 1957, she went to London, where she published her poems and her first novel. However, during this period, she became much depressed and in 1960 she tried her first suicide attempt. She got married in 1965 but quickly got divorced. IEen she went to America, but she lost her early popularity. 1973 she moved to Cornwall. She stayed there until she died. Practice 9 May15,1995 Dear Li Ming, I am very sorry to learn from Xiao wang's letter that you broke your leg in a traffic accident and I am anxious to how how you are now. Everybody here misses you very much and we all hope you will get wcll soon. If I can be of any help, please don't hesitate to let me how. Yours, Ma Jinfeng