Unit Seven
Text B
Sorry Sir,Sorry,Sorry
Unit Seven Text B
I,Pre-reading Task
II,Related Information
III,Detailed Study
IV,Outline& Summary
V,Home Assignment
I,Pre-reading Task,
1,What was the problem that the author came across while he was
at the airport?
2,What were the reactions that the author met from those working
at the airport?
3,What is the implied meaning of,Fly Pan Am,? You’ll never forget
the experience?
II,Related Information,(1) shuttle ticket
Shuttle ticket,a ticket for a passenger plane which travels
back and forth over a short route between two places at
scheduled intervals,
II,Related Information, (2) airlines,
About 200 major airlines are engaged in worldwide intricate
and intercontinental passenger and cargo operations
throughout the world,The world’s airlines carry more than
800 million passengers every year,Once the Big Four ——
American,United,Eastern,and T.W.A,
III,Detailed Study,
1,Reluctant a.不情愿的,勉强的 [同 ] not willing,
unwilling [反 ] willing
[记忆技巧 ] 同源生词, reluctance / reluctancy n,
不情愿,勉强 reluctantly adv,
[常用短语 ] be reluctant to do 不愿做某事
2,eastern adj.东的,东方的,东部的
e.g,He was born in an eastern province of China,
[记忆技巧 ]同源派生词,east,n.东方,东,东部地
区 ;eastward adj,向东方的 ; eastwards adv 向东
[反 ] west
3.,alternative adj,
1) adj,两者 ( 或两者以上 ) 挑一的
alternative way 可选择的两种 ( 或两种以上 ) 方法。
We returned by an alternative road,
2) n, 两者挑一,取舍,抉择, 替换物,选择对象
[常用短语 ] We have no alternative but … 除外别无
4,vacant a,未被占用的,空的 [同 ] unoccupied,
empty [反 ] filled5,moral
1) adj,道德上的,有道德的 [同 ] spiritual [反 ]
2) n,寓意,教育意,品行
casual adj,
1) 偶然的,碰巧的 [同 ] occasional,accidental,
e.g.-a casual meeting
2) 临时的,非长期的 [同 ] part-time,temporary
He earned a living by casual labour,他靠做短工
3) 不经意的 / 疏忽的,随便的 [同 ] careless,
-She's a very casual person- 她是个很疏忽的人。
[记忆技巧 ] 同源源生词,casually adv.,偶然地,临
时地 ;casualness n.偶然,随便
II,Ask the students to answer the questions
of the text which were assigned last time
1,What kind of ticket did the man book? (a
shuttle ticket)
2,Why was the man told to buy another ticket at
the Pan Am check-in desk in Washington?
( Because the London part of the tickets had
been torn off while he was flying from,New York
to Washington.)
3,Why couldn’t the man buy a ticket at the
check-in desk even if he wanted one at first?
( Because they handled / sold bookings only.)
4,When did the flight which the man finally take
off? ( the next / following morning,)
III,Introduction of the text
The story happened at an airport in Washington,
the author had booked a ticket from New York
to London in advance,but when he got to the
airport,he suddenly discovered the part of the
ticket which allowed his ride from Washington to
London was torn off by mistake,He was
refused to get on board the shuttle,The
supervisor told him he had to buy another ticket
and claim it back later,However,he could not
get one at the check-in desk as they handled
bookings only,Finally he booked one on the
next flight the following morning,
IV,Notes to the text
1,the Pan Am check-in desk in Washington
华盛顿泛美航空公司检票 口
Pan Am,Pan
American American
World Airways
美国 泛 美航空公司
2,I’m booked on this flight to London,but
I’ve only today discovered that they tore off
the Washington to London part of the ticket
on the shuttle from the New York,leaving
the shuttle ticket still here,____ I have
reserved the ticket on this plane flying to
London,but I’ve found today that they tore off
the Washington to London ticket on the flight
from New York,but left the New York to
Washington ticket,
1)book on,to reserve a place,ticket,ect,for
someone on a plane,etc,预购,预定
e.g,We’re booked on the next flight,
2) book in,
a) to check in; report one’s arrival at a hotel
desk,and airport,etc,登记,报到,
e.g,Immediately on arrival at the office all
employees have to book in.所有的雇员到达后
Carry these cases upstairs while I book the
guests in,
b) to have a place kept for someone at a
e.g,I’ve booked you in at the Hilton Hotel,
3) tear off,撕去,扯掉
The child tore the wrapping off in his eagerness
to find his birthday present,
那孩子迫不及待地 撕 开了包裹想看看他的生日
The strong wind tore the flag off the pole,
其他搭配,tear down 拆掉 ; tear oneself away
恋恋不舍地离开 ; tear up撕毁
3,… leaving the shuttle ticket still here
____ … they left the shuttle ticket still
here(分词短语作状语表补充说明 )
…… 纽约到华盛顿的这一段却留下了。 "
4,You are joking,____ you are not
He is round the corner,____ He is not far from
round/around the corner,very near; likely
to happen soon
e.g,They live just round the corner,
Economic recovery is just around the corner,
6…,( who did make an attempt to ring
Eastern Airlines to see if they had filed the
mistake) … ____ ( who really tried to phone to
the Eastern Airlines t to see if this mistake had
been officially recorded ) …
file,to put (paper or letter) in a file; send in or
record officially 把 ……
e.g,Please file these letters under,Smith”
They filed an application to have their case heard
7,… I was told there was no alternative but to
purchase a ticket and clain it back later.____ … I
was told that the only thing I could do was to buy a
ticket and ask for a compensation later on,
1) purchase,to buy; gain (something) at a cost of
effort,suffering,or loss of something of value
e.g,They have just purchased a new house in
the country,
The military victory was purchased at great
cost of life,
2) purchase与 buy
e.g,I bought this table for 30 yuan,
3) purchase n,[常用短语 ] a good purchase
便宜货 ; purchase tax 购物税 ; purchase power
1) a choice between two or more things
( 两者或两者以上者之)选择;取舍;
e.g,That's the only alternative,
2) sth,that may be taken or had instead
of one other 供选择的事或物
e.g,There are several alternatives to your plan,
对你的计划有好几种 选择。
I’m afraid I have no alternative but to report
you to the police,
我恐怕没有别的 选择,只有把你的情况报告
[常用短语 ] there is / was no alternative
but to V
除 …… 以外别无选择
9,I went back to my place at the front of the
queue and asked,reluctantly,for a ticket,
1) reluctant adj,unwilling,and therefore
perhaps slow to act 不情愿的,勉强的,难驾驭的
e.g,He seemed reluctant to help us,
He is only a reluctant follower,他只是个协
[常用短语 ] be reluctant to do sth,不情愿做某事
2) queue,a line of people,cars/etc.,waiting
to move
e.g,There was a long queen at the bus stop,
10,Knowing a brick wall when I am speaking
to one,I joned the other queue (分词短语作原
因状语 )
____ Being aware that it is simply impossible for
the person I am talking to solve my problem,…
票 。
a brick wall,the clerk who sold tickets
They took off 25 percent discount for each,
11,… which was having a problem and
could not call up the details of the lady’s
____ Which was unable to bring the particulars
of the reservation made by the woman,麻烦就
Call up 的用法
1) to (cause a computer to) show the
information that is stored
e.g,I called up her address on the computer,
2) to bring back; cause to come back 使想起
e.g,This song calls up memories of my childhood,
3) to telephone 打电话给出 ……
e.g,I’ll call you up this morning,____ I’ll telephone
you this morning,
12,… with less than an hour foe take off,…
离起飞时间已不足 1小时 ……
take off,脱掉衣帽;(飞机等)起飞;减掉
e.g,He took off his glasses and looked up,
The plane took off smoothly despite the fog,
They took off 25 percent discount for each,
他们每个都打 7.5折。
?13,Nor even after 50 minutes when the plane
was about to take off,____ Even 50 minutes
later when the plane was going to leave
Washington,the computer problem seemed
unable to be solved,
?甚至已经过了 50 分钟,等飞机就要起飞时,问题依
?14,…, I can’t deal with new tickets until all
the bookings have been deal with.”
?…… 我们只能 等 全部订票都处理完以后才能 售 新 的
?deal with,cope with,have dealings with sb.,
handle,be concerned with 对付,和 …… 打交道 ;
处理 ; 论述,关 于
?Such people are difficult to deal with- 这种人不好
I have a huge pile of letters to deal with,
Here he also dealt with the problem of,proper
selection of personnel.”
这里他还谈论到, 善于用人, 的问题。
?15,Don’t worry,you will get on,____ Don’t
worry,you will get on the plane,
?get on,to enter (a public vehicle) esp,as a
?I know he’s on the train,I saw him get on with you,
?cf,to get in,to arrive (inside a place)
?e.g,The train / plane got in on time,
?16,With the plane five minutes’ overdue for
take-off,I finally got a vacant ticket desk,
?由于飞机晚 5分钟起飞,我终于找到一个出售空位
?1) overdue adj,过期的,延误的。
?e.g,The train is overdue,
?These bills are over-due,
?,with 十名 / 代词 + 形容词, 构成复合结构,在
?2) empty,vacant和 bare
?这三个单词都有, 空的, 意思 。
?a) empty 是普通用法,表示, 空的,, 无意
义的,,,无价值的, 。
?e.g,They are furnishing the empty rooms for
the guests,
?He didn't want to live an empty life,
?b) vacant 较为正式,其应用不如 empty 广泛,
含有,未被占用, 的意思
?e.g,The house has been vacant for several
? 这栋房子已经好几个月 无 人住了。
? There is a vacant position here,
? 这儿有个空缺的职位。
? c) bare 用于物时指, 无遮蔽的,无装饰的,
用于人时指某一部分是, 裸露的”。
? bare knees 裸露的膝盖
? e.g,a bare tree 光秃秃的树,
?17,Sorry,sir,the plane is full up,____ Sorry,
sir every ticket for the plane is sold out,
?, 对不起,先生,飞机 巳 经满员了。,
? be full up,to be completely filled ; to eat all
one can or want (口 )装满 / 充满;吃饱
? e.g,The greedy girl ate and ate until she was
full up,
? 那个贪心的女孩不停地吃,直到吃得
? The room was full up; there was no seat
? 屋子挤满了,再没一个座位了。
?其他常用词组,be full of 充满 …… ;at full speed
? 18,For the umpteenth time,I recounted my
story,____ I told my story again and again,
? 我把我重复无数次的情形又说了一遍。
? recount vt,讲述。
? e.g,He recounted to them the story of
his adventures in Mexico,
? 他向他们讲述他在墨西哥的冒险经历。
?19,When my temper had cooled,… ____
When my anger had died down,..,
? 当我渐渐平静下来以后 ……
? 20,It would be too simple to say that
the moral of all this is…
? 如果说所 ' 有这一切给人的教训是 ……,
? moral
? a) adj,有关是非原则的,道德的,道义上的
? moral standards 道德标准
? the moral sense 是非感
? b) n,教训,寓意 ; 品行,道德,伦理
? You may draw your own moral from this,
? 你可以从中得出自己的教训。
? He is a man of loose
? 他是个品行不佳之人。
?But the benefits to casual traveler of
checking rickets regularly.need not to be
? 但是对于漫不经心的旅客来说,应该经常检
? 1) benefit n 利益,好处
? The book wasn't of much benefits to me,
? 这本书对我没多大好处。
?2) understate 少说,少报,未充分完整地叙述
? e.g,They exaggerated the enemy's losses
and understated their own,
? 他们夸大了敌人的损失,而把自己的损失轻描
? They understated the seriousless of the crime,
? 他们降低了案件的严重性。
?The author booked a shuttle ticket from
Washington to London,But at Pan Am Check in
desk in Washington,he was told to buy another
ticket,The supervisor told him that he had to
purchase one and claim it back later,However,
he could not get a ticket at the check-in desk
even if he wanted one as they handled bookings
only,All the trouble was due to a fault in the
computer,Luckily enough,he finally booked one
on the next flight the following morning,
?V,Summary of the Text
课文佳 句 背诵
?1,I'm booked in on this flight to London,but
I've only today discovered that they tore off the
Washington to London part of the ticket on the
shuttle from the New York,leaving the shuttle
ticket still here,
? 2,After a long discussion,if that's the right
word,with the supervisor,I was told there
was no alternative but to purchase a ticket
and claim it back later,
? 3,Knowing a brick wall when I am speaking
to one,I joined the other queue for tickets,
? 4,Every attempt to try to book at another desk
was met with the same answer,“We can't deal
with new tickets until all the booking have
been dealt with.”
? 5.For the umpteenth time,I recounted my story,
? 6,It would be too simple to say that the
moral of all this is,Fly Pan Am,You’ll
never forget the experience.”