2003级通用口译I教案(Unit One、Unit Seven) 任课教师: 李芳琴、陶曦 授课班级: 英语系2003级1、5班 授课时数: 每周2学时 总周数: 19周 时 间: 2005年9月—2006年1月 主要使用教材: 《新世纪口译—理论技巧与实践》,(李芳琴等),四川人民出版社,2002年1 月。 口译实践材料 推荐教材及资料:《高级资格证书口译教程》,梅德明,上海教育出版社。 《实用英语口译教程》,冯建忠,译林出版社,2002年。 CCTV国际频道访谈、主题讨论节目 主要教学参考资料(理论、技巧部分): Carroll, David W.. Psychology of Language. Third Ed. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000.Gile, Daniel. Basic Concepts and Models for Interpreter and Translator Training. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1995. Jones, Roderick. Conference Interpreting Explained. Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing, 1998. Nida, Eugene A. Language, Culture and Translating. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1993. Seymour, Richard K. and C.C. Liu. 1994. Translation and Interpreting: Bridging east and West. Hawaii: College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature and the East-West Center. 刘和平,《口译技巧—思维科学与口译推理教学法》,北京:中国对外翻译公司,2001年。 《口译理论-实践与教学》<法> 达尼卡·塞莱斯科维奇、玛丽亚娜·勒代雷著,汪家荣等译,北京:旅游教育出版社1990年口月第1版。 《口译技艺》<法> 达尼卡·赛莱斯科维奇,<美> 斯蒂芬妮·戴利译(英语),黄为忻、钱慧杰译,上海:上海翻译出版公司1992年4月第1版。 《释意学派口笔译理论》(法)马丽娅娜·勒代雷著。刘和平译,北京:中国翻译出版公司,2001年。 2003级口译课教学计划 2005年9月—2006年1月 教学目的:通过讲授口译基本理论、口译背景知识以及对学生进行口译基本技巧的训练,使学生初步掌握口译程序和基本技巧,初步学会口译记忆方法、口译笔记、口头概述、公众演讲等基本技巧和口译基本策略,培养学生关心时事的信息意识,积累知识,掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法;培养学生的话语分析能力,提高学生的逻辑思维能力、语言组织能力和双语表达能力,提高学生跨文化交际的能力和英、汉两种语言互译的能力,为进入下一阶段讨论式、分语类对学生进行口译训练打下扎实的基础。 授课方式:以教材《新世纪口译—理论、技巧与实践》为框架,以口译技巧和语类为主题训练内容,并根据教学内容课内补充最新同语类练习材料或口译实践材料。采用课内和课外结合、师生互动方式实施教学。教材课文内容主要由学生在课外口译小组内完成或独立完成,课内讨论;补充内容作为课内即席口译材料。 学生预习:学生就规定题材进行课前准备(包括上网查阅资料)。 课堂教学:课内以教师演示、根据教学主题组织模拟口译练习以及评讲的方式教学。 信息反馈:学生交周记报告、上本院校园网讨论学习心得或与任课教师直接交流。 主要教学内容 以教材为教学框架,根据教材内容补充同语类练习材料或口译实践材料。教材课文内容由学生课外在口译小组内完成或独立完成,课内讨论;补充内容作为课内即席口译材料。 Unit One 1. 介绍本学期教学计划及要求 2.口译简介:口译的基本特点及类型 口译基本程序、对译员的基本要求 3.口译记忆:提高积极听力 4.口译记忆练习:Measures to Stop Children from Smoking 5.课外阅读:口译短时记忆的特点(Lesson One, Part One) Unit Two 1.口译记忆的基本特点 2.口译记忆(1):形象化记忆及其特点 3.记忆练习:关于中国水资源问题的报道; English Passages 4.课外记忆练习:Lesson One: Part II, Text 1 & 2;影子跟读 5.课外知识阅读:英语国家概况; Unit Three 1. 口译记忆(2):提纲式记忆、信息逻辑组合记忆 2.Memory Exercise:重庆的四次大发展 3.口译练习:On Part-time Jobs 4.课外记忆练习:Lesson One: Part II, Text 3 & 4 5.课外准备:口译笔记的特点和常用格式(Lesson Two, Part One);[或参考:《实用英语口译教程》(冯建忠)第一单元] 6.Oral Presentation:My View on University Students Taking Part-time Jobs Unit Four 1.口译笔记(1) 2.口译笔记要点及格式 3.笔记练习:中国的教育 4.口译练习:关于青年问题 5.课外练习:Lesson Two: Part II, Text 1 & 2 Memory Exercise: Lesson Two: Part III, Text 1 &2 Oral Presentation: The Purpose of Education Unit Five 1.口译笔记(2) 2.笔记练习:How to Reduce Stress 3.口译练习:On Child Education 4.课外口译练习:Culture Shock;Learning a Foreign language 5.课外准备:熟悉中应数字对应关系以及数字口译的基本技巧; Oral Presentation: Youth Issues Unit Six 1.数字笔记及口译(1) 2.数字口译练习:世界主要人口大国; 3.课外练习 Oral Presentation: The Importance of Self-development Unit Seven 1.口译数字(2) 2.数字口译综合练习:重庆高等教育简介 A Major Change in the American Family 3.课外准备:公众演讲(以口译小组为单位练习) Oral Presentation: On Educational Reform Unit Eight 1.公众演讲 2.Oral Presentation: [演讲练习题目待定] 3.课外小组活动:总结演讲 4.课外阅读:叙述类讲话的基本特点 Unit Nine 1.复述Paraphrasing 2.复述练习: 3.口译练习:Women’s Lib Movement [interview] 4. 课外复述练习 Oral Presentation: Women in China Unit Ten 1.口译中的预测 2.练习:Dr. Sclafani’s Speech 3.课外练习:Lesson Four, Part II, Text 4 & 5 4.课外阅读:口、笔译异同        课外准备:Dell Computer Corporation Unit Eleven 1.口、笔译的异同 2.口译练习:Dell Computer Corporation 3.课外练习 4.课外阅读:介绍类讲话的基本特点及口译; Unit Twelve 1.介绍类讲话的基本特点及口译 2.练习:Information Technology (IBM) 3.课外练习 4.课外阅读:译前准备 Oral Presentation: On Fast Food Unit Thirteen 1.译前准备 2.如何处理长句 3.口译练习:重庆简介 4.课外准备:如何口译文化特色词 Oral Presentation: On the problem of aging Unit Fourteen 1.如何处理文化词汇 2.口译练习:文化差异 3.课外练习 4.课外阅读:口译交际的基本特点 Unit Fifteen 1.口译交际的基本特点 2.口译练习:让世界了解重庆[电视录像] 3.课外练习:Lesson Seven: Text 3 & 4 4.课外阅读:理解与主题思想的识别(Lesson Eight: Part I) Unit Sixteen 1.理解与主题思想的识别 2.口译练习:Telecommuting in the US 3.课外练习:Lesson Eight: Text 1 & 3 4.复习本学期理论与技巧内容 Unit One Main contents to be covered A brief introduction to the teaching plan and requirements for the course A brief introduction to the main characteristics and types of interpreting The basic procedures of interpreting History and Perspective of Interpretation Students library work a. Reading assignment: Lesson One, Part One: Basic characteristics of short-term memory in interpreting. b. Shadowing Exercise Teaching procedures: 1. A brief introduction to the teaching plan and requirements for the course About the teaching plan: This course is focused on consecutive interpretation. See teaching plan about the description and the main contents to be covered. General Requirements for the course: Every student is required to participate in both class and group activities assigned for this course, and if possible, students are encouraged to participate in interpreting practice on different settings. A brief introduction to the main characteristics and types of interpreting The main characteristics of interpreting Definition of Interpreting: It is defined as "oral translation of a written text" (Shuttleworth & Cowie: 1997:83). “Interpreting consists of presenting in the target language, the exact meaning of what is uttered in the source language either simultaneously or consecutively, preserving the tone of the speaker” (Mahmoodzadeh, 1992:231). Interpreting is a service activity with a communication function. (Gile) It is usually a face-to-face communicative act. Interpreters receive information mostly by way of listening, but they can understand the meaning of the speaker with the help of extra-linguistic factors. Interpreters decode the information and re-express the meaning of the speaker on the spot. Interpreters often work on their own. Interpreters often use simple words and sentence structures to express the meaning of the speaker. Types of interpreting Interpreting can be classified into the following three types according its nature: Conference Interpreting 会议口译 Personal Interpreting 随行口译 Liaison Interpreting 联络口译 It can be divided into: alternating interpretation (交替口译)English Chinese consecutive interpretation (连续/接续/逐步口译) simultaneous interpretation(同声传译) whispering interpretation (耳语翻译) sight/on sight interpretation (视阅翻译/视译) The basic procedures of interpreting: Understanding De-verbalization Re-expression Or as shown in the following: meaning language 1 language 2 Basic qualities required of interpreters: A strong sense of responsibility A solid foundation of two languages Profound knowledge Good memory Quick thinking Outstanding ability of understanding Fluent expression of ideas Improving Active Listening Main reasons for failure to remember what has been heard: Insufficient attention is paid to the speaker. Unfamiliarity with the topic under discussion. Incompetence in the foreign language/languages How to improve active listening: Enlarge background knowledge. Ask WH questions before listening. Listen to the main ideas of the speech. Memory Exercise Listen to the following short speech. Pay special attention to the main ideas, the development of the ideas and the logic connections between them. Good morning. Since I took office I’ve done everything in my power to protect our children from harm. We’ve worked to make their street and their schools safer, to give them something positive to do after school and before their parents get home. We’ve worked to teach our children that drugs are dangerous, illegal and wrong. This week, we took a major step to protect our children, indeed, all Americans from the dangers of drunk driving by proposing bipartisan legislation to lower the legal limit to 0.8 in every state. [Questions: What is the theme of the speech? What has the speaker done to protect children since he took office?] Today I want to talk to you about the historic opportunity we now have to protect our nation’s children from an even more deadly threat: smoking. Smoking kills more people every day than AIDS, alcohol, car accidents, murders, suicides, drugs and fires combined. Nearly 90 percent of those smokers lit their first cigarette before they turn 18. Today, the epidemic of teen smoking is raging throughout our nation as, one by one, our children are lured by multimillion dollar marketing schemes designed to do exactly that. Consider this: 3,000 children start to smoke every day illegally, and 1,000 of them will die sooner because of it. [Questions: What is the main topic? What harm does smoking do to children? What causes children to smoke? Can you remember the statistics?] This is a national tragedy that every American should be honor-bound to help prevent. For more than five years we’ve worked to stop our children from smoking before they start, launching a nationwide campaign with the FDA to educate them about the dangers of smoking, to reduce their access to tobacco products, and to severely restrict tobacco companies from advertising to young people. [Question: What measures has the government taken to prevent children from smoking?] But even this is not enough to fully protect our children. To put an end to the epidemic, Congress must act. Last fall, I called on Congress to put aside politics and pass comprehensive bipartisan legislation to reduce teen smoking by imposing strong penalties if the tobacco industry keeps selling cigarettes to our children, affirming the FDA’s full authority to regulate tobacco, to prevent children’s access to tobacco products, and to restrict tobacco ads aimed at young people, so that our children can’t fall prey to the deadly threat of tobacco. [Questions: Who is the speaker? What are the main contents of the legislation?] Now, we learned last month that if we do this, we’ll cut teen smoking by almost half over next five years. That means if we act now, we have it in our power to stop 3 million children from smoking—and to save a million lives as a result. Today there are as few as 70 working days left before this Congress adjourns. On every one of those days, 1,000 adults will die from smoking. On every one of those days, 3,000 children will light their first cigarettes. On every one of those days, this Congress has the opportunity to stop it. [Questions: What positive result will be brought about if they act now? Which organ will take the lead in the act?] Will this Congress be remembered for putting politics aside and protecting our children from tobacco—or for letting the public health opportunity of a lifetime pass us by? There will be no greater measure of your commitment to the health of our children or the future of our nation. Thank you. [Question: What are the two choices Congress is faced with on this issue?] 练习难点:adjourns休会 bipartisan 两党制的 legislation 法规 Unit Two Main contents to be covered Basic characteristics of memory in interpretation Strategy of memorizing information: Visualization Memory practice:关于中国水资源问题的报道 English Passages Assignment for memory work:Lesson One: Part II, Text 1 & 2 Shadowing Exercise: Listen to the pate/watch the videos and reiterate the speeches what you have heard. Students library work: Reading assignment: A brief Survey of the English Speaking Countries Teaching Procedures Basic characteristics of memory in interpretation 1.1 The importance of a good memory in interpreting --The ability to process information is an essential part of successful interpreting. The ability to listen, comprehend, and retain information is necessary for processing information. --Qualifications required for an interpreter: (Also see Unit One) "The interpreter needs a good short-term memory to retain what he or she has just heard and a good long-term memory to put the information into context. Ability to concentrate is a factor as is the ability to analyze and process what is heard" (Phelan, 2001:4-5). --A skillful interpreter is expected to "have a powerful memory." (Mahmoodzadeh, 1992:233). --Effort Models by Daniel Gile (1992,1995) emphasize the difficulties and efforts involved in interpreting tasks and strategies needed to overcome them. According to Gile, Consecutive Interpreting consists of two phases: a listening and reformulation phrase and a reconstruction phase (1992:191, 1995b:179): Phase One: I=L+M+N I=Interpreting L=listening and analyzing the source language speech M=short-term memory required between the time information is heard and the time it is written down in the notes N=note-taking. Phase Two: I= Rem+Read+P In this Phase Two of Consecutive Interpreting, interpreters retrieve messages from their short-term memory and reconstruct the speech (Rem), read the notes (N), and produce the Target Language Speech (P). 1.2 Short-Term & Long-Term Memory Short-Term Memory (STM) The idea of short-term memory simply means that you are retaining information for a short period of time without creating the neural mechanisms for later recall. The duration of STM is very short. It is up 6 to 30 seconds. Memory in interpreting only lasts for a short time. Once the interpreting assignment is over, the interpreter moves on to another one, often with different context, subject and speakers. Long-Term Memory (LTM) Long-Term Memory occurs when you have created neural pathways for storing ideas and information which can then be recalled weeks, months, or even years later. To create these pathways, you must make a deliberate attempt to encode the information in the way you intend to recall it later. Long-term memory is a learning process. And it is essentially an important part of the interpreter's acquisition of knowledge, because information stored in LTM may last for minutes to weeks, months, or even an entire life. 1.3.Basic characteristics of STM (From Zhong Weihe) Input of information: It is generally held that information enters the STM as a result of applying attention to the stimulus. Capacity: the capacity of STM is limited and small, with a capacity of about 7 plus or minus 2 information units. Modality: To store information in STM, it must be encoded, and there is a variety of possibilities as to how this operates. There are three main possibilities in STM: (1) Acoustic (Phonemic) coding is rehearsing through sub-vocal sounds (Conrad, 1964 and Baddeley:1966). (2) Visual coding is, as implied, storing information as pictures rather than sounds. This applies especially to nonverbal items, particularly if they are difficult to describe using words. In very rare cases some people may have a "photographic memory," but for the vast majority, the visual code is much less effective than this (Posner and Keele: 1967). (3) Semantic coding is applying meaning to information, relating it to something abstract (Baddeley:1990, Goodhead:1999) Information Loss: There are three main theories as to why we forget from our STM: Displacement—existing information is replaced by newly received information when the storage capacity is full (Waugh and Norman:1965) Decay—information decays over time (Baddeley, Thompson and Buchanan, 1975). Interference—other information present in the storage at the same time distorts the original information (Keppel and Underwood:1962). Retrieval: There are modes of retrieval of information from STM: Serial search—items in STM are examined one at a time until the desired information is retrieved (Sternberg:1966). Activation—dependence on activation of the particular item reaching a critical point (Monsell:1979, Goodhead:1999). 2. Tactics of memorizing information--Visualization 2.1 General principles of memory in interpretation --over-all comprehension of the original speech --categorizing --comparison/contrast --noticing the time-markers or spatial parameters --description of a scene 2.2 Visualization 形象化记忆 This is to visualize what the speaker is saying in interpretation. It is applicable to the retaining of information in such speech types as narration, description and introduction. The following is an example given by Roderick Jones: (1998:34) Hurricane Henry moved into northern Florida early yesterday morning. Nearly half a million people have had to be evacuated as the 200 km per hour winds uprooted trees, tore roofs off some houses and completely demolished less sturdy ones. In coastal areas many boats were submerged by the 10 meter swell, while others were beached and left stranded with their hulls ripped open. (飓风亨利昨天早晨抵达佛罗里达州北部,近50万人被迫撤离。飓风时速200公里,飓风所到之处,树木被连根拔起,屋顶被掀翻,部分不够坚固的房屋被彻底摧毁。在沿海地区,许多船只葬身于10米高的巨浪,其他船只则在岸边搁浅,船体破裂。) According to Jones, “such a passage can be better remembered and therefore interpreted if the interpreter sees the scene in their mind’s eye than if they take the words as lexical items—trees, roofs, houses, etc.—which need their counterpart in the target language.” 3. Memory practice: 关于中国水资源问题的报道; English Passages Focus: Message Retention and Re-expression Tactics: Use Context Clues Use Prior Knowledge Listen for Meaning 附: 部分记忆练习词材料 欢迎参加“丝绸之路游” 欢迎各位参加“丝绸之路游”。为期两周的旅游将成为您一生中最难忘的经历之一。丝绸之路的历史可以追溯到公元前2世纪,当时,一名中国官员、朝廷的使者张骞沿着条连接亚欧两大洲的贸易通道出使西域。这条通道源于长安城,(即今日的西安),一路穿越陕西省、甘肃省境内的河西走廊、新疆的塔里木盆地、帕米尔山区、阿富汗、伊朗、伊拉克以及叙利亚,最后抵达地中海的东岸,全程七千公里,其中有四千多公里的路段在中国境内。// 15世纪前的一千多年里,中国通过这条通道给西域各国带去了丝绸织物、火药、造纸术和印刷术。同时,这条通道也从国外给我们引经了佛教、伊斯兰教,以及葡萄、核桃、石榴、黄瓜、玻璃、香水等产品。因为中国丝绸是沿着这条道进入西方国家的,所以欧洲学者将此道称作“丝绸之路”。// 丝绸之路沿途的大批历史文物、引人入胜的自然风景以及富有情趣的地方文化,使这一长途远游成了世界上最精彩的旅游项目之一。在丝绸之路的中国段,沿线散居着许多少数民族,他们对来自世界各地的游客都以礼相待,热情好客。这里的食物和工艺品不同于中国中部的食物和工艺品。这里的民间传说,如同天方夜谈一般神奇,听来别有一番情趣。// 我社安排的“丝绸之路游”,始于西安古城,至于新疆首府乌鲁木齐,其间我们还要游览兰州、敦煌以及吐鲁番。沿线您可以领略自然景观的魅力,欣赏古代艺术家高超的工艺,品尝地方风味小吃,结识当地居民。这次游览一定会给您留下可与家人和朋友共享的美好回忆。// Unit Three Main contents to be covered Memory in interpreting (2): Outlining and Re-arranging information Memory Exercise:重庆的四次大发展 3.Interpreting Exercise: On Part-time Jobs 4. Assignment for memory work: Lesson One: Part II, Text 3 & 4 5. Reading assignment: Characteristics of Note-taking in interpreting 6. Oral Presentation: My View on University Students Taking Part-time Jobs Part-time Job Helps a Student with His/Her Studies Teaching procedures Memory in interpreting: Outlining and Re-arranging information(记忆练习—提纲式记忆、推理式信息逻辑组合记忆) 提纲式记忆 提纲式记忆指译员充分利用语篇的基本结构及其主要意义间的联系,把源语材料内容当作提纲或框架来处理。在此提纲或框架里,译员所“记”的内容是源语材料的主要意义及其联系。在随后所“忆”和“译”的阶段,译员则在所记的基本提纲的基础上,完整地归纳包括其他次要意义在内的全部意义。提纲式记忆常用于那些讲话内容相对有条理性、主次意义较清楚的讲话材料,如论证类、介绍类讲话等。请看下例: 澳大利亚和中国在生态环境上有很大的差别,我认为原因很多。首先是由于中国的人口密度较大,其次是经济情况不同。澳大利亚的经济主要依靠第一和第三产业,比如农业、旅游业,它们对环境的污染相对较小;而中国的经济更依赖于第二产业(工业),第二产业对环境污染最大。另外,澳大利亚是一个发达国家,在经济上有能力制定比较严格的环境保护法规。第三是历史的原因。虽然澳大利亚的土族居民有六万多年的历史,但是他们是游牧民族,所以对生态环境没有重大影响。澳大利亚重要的人类活动只有两百年的历史。在中国,重要的人类活动已有几千年之久。第四,中国的环境保护还没有受到应有的重视。第五个原因是澳大利亚人和中国人的社会文明意识有所不同。 这段讲话的提纲大致如下: 澳、中生态环境差别原因: 人口密度 经济情况: 澳:第一、三产业(两例、结果) 中:第二产业(结果) 此外,澳:发达国(环保法规) 历史:(重要人类活动史比较) 4.环保重视程度 5.文明意识 推理式信息组合记忆 推理式信息组合记忆就是指译员在理解的前提下,以话语所呈现的信息单位为基础,分清信息主次,结合逻辑推理,将信息单位按主次关系逻辑性地组合成更大的信息单位,以增加短时记忆的容量。这种方法较适合于记忆那些信息量大的长句或内容相对比较枯燥、话语的连贯性较差的材料。下面是在“改善投资环境论坛”上一位发言人的第一句话,让我们对其信息的记忆作一简单分析。 We have heard a lot of interesting points from the speakers who have gone before me about creating a supportive investment climate which takes into account the interests and concerns of foreign companies, while also helping Chinese companies and the various regions of China to realize their competitive advantages. 这句话的信息量很大,大致是以下的信息单位依次进入译员的记忆:1)we have heard a lot interesting points from the speakers who have gone before me(在我发言之前,我们已听到许多发言人很有意义的见解);2)about creating a supportive investment climate(就创造鼓励性的投资环境);3)which takes into account the interests and concerns of foreign companies(它照顾外国公司的利益);4)while also helping Chinese companies and the various regions of China to realise their competitive advantages(同时,帮助中国公司和各个地区实现其本身的竞争优势)。显然,要想把这些信息有效地保持在短时记忆里,译员在接收到这些信息单位的同时,必须结合语境对其进行逻辑重组,才能得到连贯的语篇信息:在我之前的的发言人已围绕“照顾外国公司利益、创造鼓励性投资环境、同时帮助中国公司和各个地区实现其本身的竞争优势”这一话题作了很有意义的阐述。否则所记忆的内容可能会支离破碎,不利于其后的“忆”。 3. Memory Exercise: Focus: Message Retention and Re-expression Tactics: Listen for main ideas Use discourse structure Use Prior Knowledge 4. 部分练习材料 1.重庆的四次大发展: 物质集散地 transportation center “三线建设” “The Third Defense Line” 专利技术 patent 固定资产 fixed assets 机械 machinery 冶金 metallurgy 化工 chemicals 自动化仪表 automatic meters and instruments 钢铁 iron and steel 铝材 aluminum 电子工业 electronics industry 微型车 mini-cars 轻型车 light vehicles 重型汽车heavy-duty truck 支柱产业key industries 重庆的四次大发展 重庆是中国西南部最大的城市和最重要的工业中心,也是长江上游的物质集散地。就城市发展而言,从上世纪中期至今,重庆经历了四次大的发展时期。抗日战争时期(1937-1945年),国民党政府从南京搬到重庆,重庆成为陪都,沦陷区人民大批涌到这里,人口由48万猛增到120万。一些金融家、企业家纷纷把他们在沿海的企业转移的重庆,外国在华的上百家银行、商社也随之来到了这里,带动了城市的发展。但当时的规模都很小,设备陈旧,技术落后。到新中国成立,这些企业已是奄奄一息。 重庆的第二次发展是60至70年代,由于当时的国际环境,中国处于备战的需要,把一大批国家重点企业,特别是重要的军工企业从沿海城市搬到内地,这种做法被称为“三线建设”。本来已有一定基础的重庆,当然是“三线建设”的最大受益者。有人夸张地说:“重庆四周的每个山沟里,几乎都藏着几个大企业”。“三线建设”给重庆带来了大量资金、先进的设备和技术,有利的带动了地方工业的发展。更为重要的是带来了大批科技人才。目前重庆有高等院校23所,336个科研机构,有各类科技人员35.5万人,每年大约提供400项专利技术,称得上技术力量雄厚。 80年代的改革开放给重庆带来了第三次大发展。现在,重庆的国营工业企业已发展到8200家,无论在数量上还是固定资产规模上,均居中国大城市前例。 目前,重庆已建成机械、冶金、化工、纺织、食品五大支柱产业。其中,自动化仪表、钢铁和铝材加工是中国最重要的基地之一;医药、电子工业也具有相当实力。按中国工业划分的40大类中,重庆占有39大类,这是一般城市不能相比的。重庆发展最快的应首推摩托车、汽车行业。现在重庆不仅能生产微型车、轻型车、而且是重型汽车的生产基地。 重庆的第四次大发展始于重庆直辖和西部大开发战略的实施。中国政府给与了重庆与沿海地区同样优惠的政策,大力扶持重庆建设成为一个具有特色的直辖市和经济特区。直辖后的重庆面积8.2万平方公里,辖40个区、市、县,人口3092万。在中央政府的大力支持下,重庆加快了改革开放的步伐,加大了招商引资的力度,经济快速发展,城市面貌日新月异。 2. Notice: Memory work in this part focuses on the application of the following tactics: --categorizing (grouping items of the same properties, origins, first letters, etc.) -- generalization (working out some headings to embrace the supportive details) --comparison (noticing the differences as well as similarities between different things, facts or events) As far as I know, in our country, there are more than five million teenagers under 18 who are holding after-school jobs. That is a real big number. So should teenagers hold jobs after school?// For decades, the conventional wisdom has been that it is great for teenagers to hold after-school jobs because it teaches them responsibility, provides pocket money and keeps them out of trouble.// Yet a growing body of research is challenging the conventional wisdom and concluding that working long hours often undermines teenager’s education and overall development.// In a most important study, two arms of the National Academy of Science—the National Research Council and the Institute of Medicine—found that when teenagers work more than 20 hours a week, it often leads to lower grades, higher alcohol use and too little time with their parents and families.// Studies by the National Research council and professors at Stanford University and Temple University found negative effects when 16-and17-year-olds work more than 20 hours a week. These studies concluded that students who work long hours often do not have enough time or energy for homework and miss out on social and intellectual development gained from participating in school clubs and athletic teams.// Several studies also found that 16-year-olds and 17-year-olds who work long hours tend to use alcohol more than others in their age group, largely because they have extra pocket money and copy older co-workers.// Recently the International Labor Organization conducted a new survey about the percentage of teenagers working in several countries. It showed that American teenagers work far more than teenagers in most other countries. The study found that 53 percent of American teenagers, from the ages of 16 to 19, work in any given week. In Japan, 18 percent of teenagers aged 15 through 19 work, while in Germany, 30.8 percent of teenagers in that age bracket work.// If I am asked the question, I should say working a modest amount could be valuable for teenagers. It can teach them responsibility, how to work with others, as well as contributing money to financially strapped households./ For teenagers in poor city neighborhoods, a job can be especially beneficial because it fosters discipline and provides needed role models. But if grades start to languish, parents should crack down on their teenagers’ jobs.// Unit Four Contents to be covered: 1.Note-taking in interpreting(1) 2. Basic guidelines for note-taking in interpreting 3. Note-taking Practice: 中国的教育 4. Interpreting Exercise: 关于青年问题 5. Assignment for practice: Lesson Two: Part III, Text 1 & 2 Oral Presentation: The Purpose of Education It is Advantageous to Have Foreign Teachers to Teach Junior and Senior Students Teaching Procedures 1. Note-taking in interpreting (1) 1. The importance of taking notes in interpreting Our short-term memory alone can not retain the amount of information the speaker gives in the act of interpreting. We need to employ other means to help with our retaining and retrieval of information. Notes are an aid to enhance the work of understanding, analysis and re-expression, the three activities of consecutive interpreting. The main use of notes is to relieve memory. Although an interpreter may have understood the main ideas of a speech, it is almost impossible for him/her to recall all the elements of a five-minute speech, particularly if it contains numbers, names, lists, since such elements cannot be recalled on the basis of analysis and logic. Basic guidelines for note-taking in interpreting Interpreters must take notes quickly and write on something convenient and easy to handle. 2.1 Guidelines --Use A 15cm X 20cm stenographer's note-pad; avoid loose sheets. --Write only on one side of the sheets, and these must be clipped at the top, so that they can be turned quickly and easily. The best thing to be used when writing is still the good old lead pencil. --Notes should be easily readable, be well spread on the page, written in large characters, and one single sentence can even occupy one sheet, without ecological concerns. --Notes must be unequivocal: for instance, an arrow pointing upward ↗ must be always used to represent one idea. --Avoid inventing symbols or abbreviations in the course of a conference : if a new symbol is used, it must be so clear as not to create problems. --Language used in your notes: SL and TL --Write your notes vertically --Use abbreviations --Use whatever language that comes to your mind --Use as many symbols as you feel comfortable with 2.2 Some suggested symbols used in note-taking The Greek alphabet, mathematical and geometric symbols, international car registration codes, the Cyrillic alphabet, acronyms, supra-segmental signs, arrows and invented signs normally provide useful data bases for interpreters to start creating their lists of symbols and abbreviations. + - < > ≤ ≥ ≈ = ≠ × ∵ ∴ 2.3 What to note The general principle is to take down the main points of the speech, together with any amount of minor details you could manage (口译笔记的对象:概念、命题、名称、数字、组织机构和逻辑关系) --Note down the main ideas, because they are the most significant elements of a speech, and secondly because they are the pillars of its structure. --Systematically note the links between the different ideas. --Note the point of view being expressed. --Pay attention to verb tenses, conditional forms, and modal verbs. --Note the accurately the numbers, dates and proper names. But digest everything before taking notes! 2.4 How to Note Notes should reflect the structure of a speech clearly so as to help interpreters reproduce that structure in their interpretation. Leave a lot of space on the same sheet so that the secondary elements of a sentence could be noted too. The beginning of each sentence must be very clear, and notes must be taken in a concise, non-literary manner. 2.5 Format Format 1 ________________________ ________________________ _______________________ ______________// ________________________ ________________________ _____________________//   Format 2 _______________ ________________ ________________ ________________// __________ _____________ _____________ _____________//   3. Note-taking Practice: 考试 a. 考试,作为学校教育的重要组成部分在我国由来已久.自唐代建立科举制度以来,人们一直习惯沿用传统的考试方法,而对考试理论的研究并不重视,以至人们对“考试”这一经常接触的概念不能正确地理解,甚至曲解。 我们将考试理解为:对照教育目标,对受教育者由于受学校教育而得到的发展所进行的测量和评价。显然,测量是考试的手段,评价是考试的目的。客观地评价是以正确的测量为前提的,二者互为依存。然而,在日常教学的考试中,人们常满足于评分,并简单地根据分数多给学生“排队:,而忽视了正确解释分数中包含的有益于改进教学的信息。 b. 美国的教育面临一些问题。由于越来越多的富人迁居郊区,大城市内居民多为穷人,因而导致学校办学条件的困难。青少年犯罪严重,儿童花费更多的时间在观看充满犯罪、暴力和色情的电视。有些学生吸毒。由于通货膨胀使很多学生难以继续上学。教授们对教学的兴趣淡薄,而热衷于搞科研。美国社会将重点放在大学教育,将大学教育看成通向事业成功之路。确实,美国的教育要求学生拓宽思路而不是纯粹的死记,但问题在于开设么样的课程更为实用,对学生今后的工作更有帮助。这一问题仍在辩论中。以上的问题均很难找到满意的解决办法。 4. Interpreting Exercise: 关于青年问题 首先,我要感谢中央电视台2台的“青年问题”节目组请我到这里来。对于我来说,和青年人在一起是令人愉快的事。我和他们在一起的时间越多,就越同情他们。我理解他们身上的压力。我想就这个问题谈谈个人的看法。// 我认为今天的大学生主要有两种压力,一是经济压力,而是来自父母的压力。我经常听到一些大学生指责学校收费太高,来自父母们的压力太大。// 有些人只想从大学毕业,然后找到一个工作,对这些人来说,压力是很大的。过去的大学学习是比较轻松的,有各种各样的课程可供选择,这种学习可使学生们博学多才。但这种时光已一去不复返了。如果我是雇主,我宁可雇用那些有好奇心的博学之才而不是那些只选一些易通过的且能达高分的课程的学生。//我认识无数学生,他们的好奇之心使我兴奋不已,因为我喜欢听他们阐述自己的观点。我不知道他们是得A还是C,我不在乎这些。我也同样喜欢他们所散发出来的人性魅力。国家需要他们,他们也会找到自己满意的工作。我告诉他们要放松,但他们做不到。// 但我也不能责怪他们,因为他们生活在残酷的经济时代。今天对一个学生来说,即便他在念书时兼职打工,在暑假全职工作已攒钱在毕业后偿还20,000元或更多银行贷款,这也是很平常的。在毕业时,他们受到鼓舞踏入社会,而事实上,在他们踏入社会之际已落后于他人了。为了跟上时代步伐,他们在大学生活中怎会感受不到压力呢?// 与经济压力同时存在的是来自父母的压力,这两种不可避免地融合在一起。 可怜的学生们! Unit Five Main contents to be covered 1.Note-taking in Interpreting(2) 2.Note-taking practice: How to Reduce Stress 3.Interpreting practice: On Child Education 4.Assignment: Culture Shock;Learning a Foreign language 5.Reading:熟悉中英数字对应关系以及数字口译的基本技巧; Oral Presentation: Youth Issues On family education Teaching procedures: 1. Note-taking in interpreting (2) More about note-taking in interpreting The use of left-hand margin The left-hand margin is all-important, since in this section of the sheet the subjects of and the links between the sentences are to be noted. Some interpreters may choose to leave a left-hand margin of one to two centimeters for links only. (See format 2) Example: (Jones,p.50) "Hungary has complained that its steel exports to the European Union are unable to develop because of excessively restrictive quotas. But the Union representative pointed out that quotas are still underused by Hungary by a large margin, so the quotas themselves didn't appear to be creating the difficulties" could be noted down as follows: HU complained—steel experts to EU can’t develop Because too strict tariff quotas But EU rep—quotas underused by HU a lot So quotas not prob Or: HU: steel experts cannot develop to EU because tariff quotas too restrictive _____ but EU: HU underuses a lot quotas so quotas not problem In the previous example, it is immediately clear that the words : Hungary - because - but - so- are to be found on the same column on the left-hand margin of the sheet. Lists The general principle for lists is that they should be noted vertically. Example: "Western Turkey has suffered a series of natural catastrophes, violent winter storms, floodings and earthquakes" which can be noted like this: west turkey has suffered: catastrophes storms floodgs earthquakes Links and points of view Links are to be noted systematically and accurately. Many professional interpreters use English link words since some of them are very short: as, so, but, for instance, can be very useful. Similarly, points of view should be easy to note by using short English verbs as say and think or corresponding abbreviations. Verb Tenses and Modal Verbs. The tenses that are most important to note are --the present --the past --the future --the conditional 2. Note-taking practice: How to reduce stress Requirement: (1) Note-taking Focus: --Main ideas and attitude of the speaker --Time and place markers --The use of model verbs (2) Reproduction Focus: --Note reading in the same language, paying special attention to the main ideas --Interpreting the segments using the structure as is reproduced in the reading of notes Interpret the following passage into Chinese using the notes you have just taken as an aid. How to Reduce Stress, Anxiety and Worry This may come as a surprise, but you need stress in your life. Leading stress management experts say that life without stress would be dull and unexciting. Stress adds flavor, challenge, and opportunity to life. However, too much stress can seriously affect your physical and mental well-being. A major challenge in today’s stress-filled world is to make the stress in your life work for you instead of against you.// In today’s fast-paced world, stress is our constant companion. It comes from mental or emotional activity and physical activity. Too much emotional stress can result in physical illness. On the other hand, physical stress from work or exercise rarely causes ailments. In fact, physical exercise can help you to relax and to handle your mental or emotional stress. According to doctor Hans Selye, the key to reducing stress is learning how our bodies respond to those demands. When stress becomes prolonged or particularly frustrating, it can become harmful. Recognizing the early signs of distress and then doing something about them can make a significant difference in the quality of your life.// In order to use stress in a positive way and prevent it from becoming distress, you should be aware of your own reactions to stressful events, the body responds to stress by going through specific stages: (1) alarm, (2) resistance, and (3) exhaustion. Muscles tense, blood pressure and heart rate rise. If the stress-causing conditions continue, your body will need time to make repairs. If that happens, you eventually may develop a physical problem that is related to stress.// While it’s impossible to live completely free of stress and distress, it is possible to prevent some distress as well as to minimize its impact when it can’t be avoided. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services offers the following suggestions for ways to handle stress. When you’re nervous, angry or upset, try releasing the pressure through exercise or physical activity. Running, walking, playing tennis, or working in your garden are just some of the activities you might try. // 4. Interpreting exercise: Requirement: Take down the main ideas in proper format. Use background knowledge to anticipate the main contents and to guess the unfamiliar words. An issue of concern to many Chinese parents is the quality of their child’s schooling. They wonder if school is the best place for their child, or if he or she would be happier at home. What would children miss out if they didn’t attend a regular school, and what, if any, are the benefits of teaching a child at home.// In many western countries, a considerable number of parents have removed their children from schools and are teaching them at home (i.e. home schooling them) instead. Such children do all their normal lessons at home, often under the guidance of a parent.// The first thing to consider is whether this is legal or not. In most countries it is, so long as parents can prove that their children are receiving an adequate education, equal to that provided by their state educational system. The nest consideration is whether the parents have the time, self-discipline, intelligence and patience to teach their own child week after week, day in and day out, for hours on end. Then there is the problem of what will be taught, and how.// In Australia, where I come from, children are homeschooled for a number of reasons. A major one is distance. For children living on outback properties, or large farms, it may take hours to get to school and back each day. Sometimes the only alternative to state boarding school is to be taught at home// The Australian government has a School of the Air system for isolated children, whereby their lessons, which are of the same standard as those taught in schools, are given to students by a teacher via radio or, nowadays, a computer network. A parent supervises the lessons, and all work is sent to the teacher to be marked.// Children may also be home-schooled because they are ill and cannot attend a normal school. Some children may refuse to go to school or may have been excluded because of their behavior. Others are traveling within Australia or are living overseas for a short time. There are various other grounds as well for not attending school.// In this cases, the Australian government provides a Distance Education system: Lessons are sent to the child in the post, or delivered by a distance education teacher, who marks all the completed work. Again, a parent will supervise the child’s lessons. This service is provided at a minimal coast, as it is every Australian child’s right to receive a free government education.// All textbooks, exercise books, stationery, craft and science supplies, and even library books, are provided. In some cases regular group sessions are held so distance education pupils can come together for science, computer or craft activities.// Some parents, however, do not want to receive the government educational supplies and lessons, preferring to teach their children at home entirely by themselves. Why should this be? One reason is to keep their child away from other children, typically because the family’s faith or lifestyle is radically different from that of the majority of children who attend the local school. By homeschooling their children, these parents can choose exactly what the child is taught, when, and how. In these casses, parents are obliged to demonstrate to the education department that their child is receiving adequate schooling.// Often homeschooling parents will join together to teach all their children in a small group, with one parent, for instance, teaching mathematics, science or computing, and another teaching film-making or music. One parental teacher may conduct cooking lessons or supervise sporting activities while another teaches a foreign language.// What are the drawbacks of homeschooling? Social isolation is the major problem. Children are naturally social creatures and love to form friendships and learn in a group setting. Many home-schooling parents ensure that their child mixes with other children socially, either by joining a sporting club or taking part in other activities. Also, many homeschooled children may feel bored interacting with just their parent/teacher for many hors a day. And needless to say, not all parents make good instructors.// Unit Six Main contents to be covered 1. Interpreting numerals (1) 2. Practice: The 40 Most Populous Countries in the World 综合练习: 3. Assignment: Interpreting exercise: Lesson Three, Part II, Text 1 & 2 Part III, Text 1 Oral Presentation: The Importance of Self-development Teaching procedures 1. Interpreting numerals (1) 1.1 中英数字对应 trillion/ hundred billion/ hundred million/ hundred thousand/ hundred 0, 0 0 0, 0 0 0, 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 万亿 千亿 百亿 十亿/ 亿 千万 百万/ 十万 万 千 / 百 十 1.2 美国英语与英国英语数字表达方法的区别 美国英语:直接读出数字所在的位置数; 英国英语:凡是处于百位数内的数字,用and 连接。 例: 205 two hundred fife (AmE); two hundred and five (BrE) 2,005 two thousand five (AmE); two thousand and five (BrE) 590 five hundred ninety (AmE); five hundred and ninety (BrE) (In the following numerals the blackened is the British way of reading numbers) 2,070 two thousand seventy; two thousand and seventy 8,565 eight thousand, five hundred sixty five; eight thousand, five hundred and sixty five 20,000 twenty thousand 60,538 sixty thousand, five hundred thirty eight; sixty thousand, five hundred and thirty eight 91,893 ninety-one thousand, eight hundred (and) ninety three; 370,451 三十七万零四百五十一 three hundred seventy thousand, four hundred fifty- one (AmE); three hundred and seventy thousand, four hundred and fifty-one 4,610,985四百六十一万零九百八十五 four million, six hundred ten thousand, nine hundred eighty-five (AmE); four million, six hundred and ten thousand, nine hundred and eighty-five (BrE) 27,800,000 二千七百八十万 twenty-seven million, eight hundred thousand 288,000,000二亿八千八百万 two hundred eighty-eight million 2,400,000,000二十四亿 two billion, four hundred million 1.3 笔记方法 e.g. 5,500----5千5 或 5’5 15,300---1 万5千3 或 15’3 175,000---17万5 或 175’ — 3,000,000--- 3, , 或 3’— ’— 或 3 — — 635,500,000---6亿3千5百50万 或 635’ 5— — Numeral interpreting practice a. Requirement: Write down the accurate numerals. 1.重庆市直辖后人口达13,000,000,是世界上最大的城市之一。 2.The population of this city in 2002 was 56,872,009. 3.The natural reserve takes up a land of 100,000,008 square kilometers. 4. The coastal line of this country is 7,892,789 meters. 5. Asian—the biggest continent on earth occupies 26% of the global surface and supports some 58% of the total world population. Of the 71 million childbirths each year, 46 million take place in Asia. It is a continent of extremes as is evident from a sample of following statistics… The number of college graduates will climb to a record high of 2.12 million this summer, an increase of 670,00 or 46.2%, over 2003. 中国近5年尽管受到亚洲金融风波的影响,GDP的增长年均在7.7%,去年达到8%。目前中国的外汇储备达到3000亿美元。中国的劳动力有7亿4千万,而欧美所有发达国家的劳动力只有4亿3千万。中国每年新增劳动力1千万;下岗和失业人口大约1千4百万;进程的农民工一般保持在1亿2千万。中国面临巨大的就业压力。中国13亿人口有9亿农民,目前没有摆脱贫困的3千万左右,这是按每年人均收入625元的标准计算的。 b. Area and Population of the 40 Most Populous Countries in the World (From A Practical Course in Interpretation by Feng JianZhong) Rank Country Capital Area(in sq. km) Population  1 China Beijing 9,632,940 1,295,330,000  2 India New Delhi  3,287,940 1,029,991,145   3 United States Washingtong, D.C.  9,372,000 278,058,881   4 Indonesia Jakarta  1,919,440 228,437,870   5 Brazil Brasilia  8,511,965 174,468,575   6 Russia Moscow 17,075,200 145,470,197   7 Pakistan Islamabad 803,940 144,616,639   8 Bangladesh Dhaka 144,000 131,269,860   9 Japan Tokyo 377,835 126,771,662  10 Nigeria Abuja 923,768 126,635,626  11 Mexico Mexico City 1,972,550 101,879,171  12 Germany Berlin  357,021  83,029,536  13 Philippines Manila  300,000  82,841,518  14 Vietnam Hanoi  329,560  79,939,014  15 Egypt Cairo  1,001,450  69,536,644  16 Turkey Ankara  780,580  66,493,970  17 Iran Tehran  1,648,000  66,128,965  18 Ethiopia Addis Ababa  1,127,127  65,891,874  19 Thailand Bangkok  514,000  61,797,751  20 United Kingdom London  244,820  59,647,790  21 France Paris  547,030  59,551,227  22 Italy Rome  301,230  57,69,825  23 Dem. Rep. Of Congo Kinshasa  2,345,410  53,624,718  24 Ukraine Kiev  603,700  48,760,474  25 South Korea Seoul  98,480  47,904,370  26 South Africa Pretoria  1,219,912  43,586,097  27 Myanmar Rangoon  678,500  41,994,678  28 Colombia Bogotà  1,138,910  40,349,388  29 Spain Madrid  504,782  40,037,995  30 Poland Warsaw  312,685  38,633,912  31 Argentina Buenos Aires  2,766,890  37,384,816  32 Tanzania Dares Salaam  945,077  36,232,074  33 Sudan Khartoum  2,505,810  36,080,373  34 Algeria Algiers  2,381,740  31,736,053  35 Canada Ottawa  9,976,140  31,592,805  36 Kenya Nairobi  582,650  30,765,916  37 Morocco Rabat  446,550  30,645,305  38 Peru Lima  1,285,220  27,483,864  39 Afghanistan Kabul  652,000  26,813,057  40 Nepal Katmandu  140,800  25,284,463