Unit 18
How to Use a Dictionary
1.Types of dictionaries
1) Monolingual dictionaries vs.bilingual
Monolingual dictionaries are written in
one language,while bilingual dictionaries
are written in two languages.
Bilingual dictionaries are of the two
types",One is that the entries are
defined and explained in the same
language with translations.The
other is that the entries are defined
in one language and given their
f o r e i g n e q u i v a l e n t s,
2)Linguistic and encyclopedic
Linguistic dictionaries aim at
providing linguistic information about
the head words,such as
part of speech,etc..
Encyclopedic dictionaries are of the two
kinds:one is encyclopedia,which aims
at providing encylopedic information
about the headwords,The other is
encyclopedic dictionary,which shares
the characteristics of both a linguistic
dictionary and an encyclopedia.
3)Unabridged,Desk and Pocket
An unabridged dictionary is,
theoretically,a complete record of all
the words in use,though in fact,it is not.
A desk dictionary is a medium-
sized dictionary which usually
has a vocabulary of about
50,000 to 150,000.
A pocket dictionary usually
contains a vocabulary of less
than 50,000 words,A pocket
dictionary usually provides only
the information related to
pronounciation and spelling.
4)Specialized dictionaries
Specialized dictionaries usually
focus on one area of knowledge,They
provide detailed information in a
particular subject.
2,Use of dictionaries
1) Choice of dictionaries
The following factors should be
(1) the dictionary users' level of English:
Generally speaking,a monolingual
dictionary is appropriate for those
leaners well above the intermdiate
level,For one who is below that
level,a bilingual dictionary is the
proper choice.
(2) the kind of information that
dictionary users want to consult a
dictionary for.
If a learner wants to know more
background information about an event,
or a person,etc,encyclopedia is
appropriate choice,If he wants to know
the language uses,a linguistic dictionary
is recommended,
If the learner wants to know the
detailed information in a particular
dis c ip line,then a s pec ia liz ed
dictionary is advisable.If a learner
simply wants to check the spelling or
pronounciaton of a word occasionally,
then a pocket dictionary is enough.
If the learner wants to know the
meaning of technical term,or the
word indicating a plant,etc.,a
bilingual dictionary is preferred.
( 3 ) t h e va r i e t ie s of E ng l i s h
What is regarded as correct in one
variety of English may be regarded as
wrong in another variety of English,If
a learner wants to know the meaning
or the use of a word of,say,American
English,he might as well consult an
A m e r i c a n d i c t i o n a r y,
( 4 ) t h e d a t e of p u b l i c a t i o n
Language is in constant change,so the
publication date of a dictionary is
important,When reading late modern
English,you can not consult a
dictionary which was published well
before late modern English period,If
you want to know the present use of a
word,it is advisable you use a
dictionary of the latest publication.
3.Three good general dictionaries
1) Longman Dictionary of
Contemporary English ( new edition)
2) Collins COBUILD English
Language Dictionary
3)A Chinese-English Dictionary