Educational Psychology
Pro,Xianyou He
Department of Psychology,
South China Normal University,
Reference Books in Chinese,
? 1,潘菽,, 教育心理学,, 1983,人民教育出版社
? 2,邵瑞珍,, 教育心理学,, 1987,上海教育出版社
? 3,韩进之,,教育心理学,, 1985,人民教育出版社
? 4,冯忠良,,教育心理学,, 2000,人民教育出版社
? 5,陈琦等,,当代教育心理学,, 1997,北京师范大
? 6,张春兴,,教育心理学,, 1998,浙江教育出版社
? 7,R.J.Sternberg著,张厚粲译,,教育心理学,,中
? Journals in Chinese:
? ★ 1,Acta Psychologica Sinica,心理学报,, 中国科
? ★ 2.Psychological Science,心理科学,, 上海华东
? 3.Psychological Development and Education,心理发
展与教育,, 北京师范大学发展心理研究所
? 4.Advances in Psychological Science,心理科学进
展,, 中国科学院心理研究所
? 5.Applied Psychology,应用心理学, 浙江大学
? 6.Psychological Exploration,心理学探新,,江西师
? 7., 心理与行为研究,,天津师范大学主办
? Some journals in English:
? 1.Journal of Experimental Psychology:
Learning,Memory,and Cognition.
? American Psychology Association(APA)
? 2.Journal of Educational Psychology,APA
? 3,Contemporary Educational Psychology.
? 4,Educational Psychologist.APA
Contents of
Educational Psychology
? Chapterl,EducationalPsycho1ogy:Introduction
? Chapter 2,Theories of Development and
? Education
? Chapter 3,Behavioral Theories of Learning
? Chapter4,Cognitive Theories of Learning
? Chapter 5,Cognitive Theories:Constructivist
? Chapter 6,Knowledge Learning
Contents of
Educational Psychology
? Chapter 7, Transfer of Learning
? Chapter 8,Moral Trait
? Chapter 9,Learning strategy
? Chapter 10,How to motivate Students to
? Chapter 11,C1assroom Management
? Chapter 12,Teaching Psychology
Chapter l
Educational Psycho1ogy,
? 1.1 What is educational Psychology?
? An academic definition would perhaps say that
educational psychology is the study of learners,
learning,and teaching.
? Educational psychologists carry out research on the
nature of students,principles of learning,and methods
of teaching,to give educators the information they need
to think critically about their craft and to make
teaching decisions that will work for their students,
1.1 What is educational Psychology?
?Educational psychology is to give
tomorrow' s teachers the intellectual
grounding and practical strategies
needed to be effective as instructors,
1.1 What is educational Psychology?
? Some examples:
? 1,The concept of number:1,2,3,et al
? 2,Learning of plus and subtraction(minus):
? 2+4=? 6+9=? 8-5=?
? 87-76=? (1) 87-19=?(2)
? Which one is more difficult?(1)or (2) And why?
? 3,The interference of Chinese and English:
?,厚”( ho or hou?)
1.1 What is educational Psychology?
? Dominant ideas from authorities in China
? 1, the psychological phenomena
and its rules in educational process.
? 2.E.P,study the basic rules of learning and
teaching in school educational process.
? 3.E.P,study the the psychological
phenomena and its rules in school
educational process.
1.2 What makes a good teacher?
? What makes a good teacher? Is it warmth,humor,and
caring about people? Is it planning,hard worker and self-
discipline? What about leadership,enthusiasm,a
contagious love of learning,and speaking ability? These
qualities are not enough,
? Knowing the Subject Matters,There is an old joke
that goes something like this:
? Q,What do you need to know to be able to teach a horse?
? A,More than the horse!
1.2 What makes a good teacher?
? Mastering the Teaching Skills
? Effective instruction is not a simple matter of one
person with more knowledge transmitting that
knowledge to another.
? Effective instruction demands the use of many
strategies,managing the whole class,knowing the
background of every student,motivating students to
learn,communicating ideas effectively,assessing
learning outcomes,and reviewing information,et al.
1.2 What makes a good teacher?
? What makes a good teacher is the ability
to accomplish all the tasks involved in
effective instruction,Warmth,
enthusiasm,and caring are essential,as is
subject matter knowledge; but it is the
successful accomplishment of all the tasks
of teaching that makes for instructional
1.3 Can Good Teaching Be Taught?
? Can good teaching be taught? The
answer is definitely yes,Good teaching
has to be observed and practiced,but
there are principles of teaching that
teachers need to know,which can be
applied in the classroom,
1.3 Can Good Teaching Be Taught?
Good Teaching
Decision making
Application of
education research
Knowledge of students
And their learning
Knowledge of subject
And teaching resources
Critical thinking
And problem-solving
Teaching and
communication skills
2 The research methods and
basic steps in E.P.
? 2.1 Goals of research in E.P.
? The goal of research in educational
psychology is to carefully examine
obvious as well as less than obvious
questions using objective methods to test
ideas about the factors that contribute to
2 The research methods and
basic steps in E.P.
? Is it necessary to study the obvious?
? Evidences:
?It was considered obvious that schools that spent
more per pupil would produce greater student
achievement than other schools,But Coleman et al
(1966) found it was not always so,
?Scolding students for their misbehaviors will
improve their behavior,But it may be a reward
for misbehavior.
2 The research methods and
basic steps in E.P.
? 2.2 The research methods
* Experiments,a procedure used to test the
effects of a treatment,
☆ random assignment(ensure that the
different groups are essentially equivalent
before the experiments)
everything other than treatment itself is kept
the same.
2 The research methods and
basic steps in E.P.
? 2.2 The research methods
? 2.2.1 Laboratory experiments,Its advantage is that
they permit researchers to exert a very high control
over all the factors involved in the study,Such studies
are high in internal validity,which is to say that any
differences they find can be attributed to the
treatments themselves,Its limitation is that they are
typically so artificial and so brief that their results
may have little relevance to real-life situations.
2 The research methods and
basic steps in E.P.
? 2.2 The research methods
? 2.2.1 Laboratory experiments
? 2.2.2 Field experiments,experimental group
and control group
? instructional programs or other practical
treatments are evaluated over relatively long
periods in real classes under realistic
conditions,Its advantage is that its external
validity is far greater.
2 The research methods and
basic steps in E.P.
? 2.2 The research methods
? Laboratory experiments and field experiments
both contribute to the science of E.P,The
former are primarily important in building
and testing theories,while the latter are the
“acid test”for evaluating practical programs
or improvements in instruction,
2 The research methods and
basic steps in E.P.
? 2.2.3 Single-case experiments
? Study of a treatment’s effect on one
person or one group by contrasting
behavior before,during,and after the
treatment is applied.
? They mainly involve observable behaviors,
such as being-out-of-seat,which can be
measured every day or many times a day.
2 The research methods and
basic steps in E.P.
? * Correlational studies:
? The researchers studies variables as they
are to see whether they are related.
? Positive correlation,reading achievement and
mathematics achievement
? Negative correlation:day absent and grades.
? Zero correlation(Uncorrelated):
2 The research methods and
basic steps in E.P.
? Correlational studies
? Their advantage is that they allow the
researcher to study variables as they are,
without creating artificial situations.
? The disadvantage is that they do not tell
us what causes what.
2 The research methods and
basic steps in E.P.
? * Descriptive research:
? Seek to describe something of interest.
? Survey(interview):
? Ethnography,observation of a social
setting(such as a classroom or
school)over an extended period.
2 The research methods and
basic steps in E.P.
? 2.3 The basic steps:
? Problem(task),from reality or references
? Analyzing the problem:,the bugle theory”
2 The research methods and
basic steps in E.P.
? 2.3 The basic steps:
? Defining variables and measuring techniques:
? Putting forward hypothesis and choosing a
? Carrying out experiment:
? Data analysis:
2 The research methods and
basic steps in E.P.
? 2.3 The basic steps:
? Results,
? infer
? Conclusions:
? 1.Why do we say that teachers or tomorrow’s
teachers must study educational psychology well?
? 2,Give me an example of how to do an educational
psychology research.
? 3.Suppose you are a new teacher in a middle
school.This is your first class,What do you think
the most challenge thing is? And how will you deal
with it?