Hotel Marketing
1.Internal selling &external selling
2,Hotel Marketing strategies
? In the marketing aspect,the chief product of a
hotel is hospitality,such as a comfortable bed,a
hot shower,a good meal,a courteous doorman,etc,
So a hotel’s image is dependent on the action of
its employees,not only the duties of the sales
? The sales manager plans the sales of the different
services of the hotel,including both internal
selling and external selling.
Internal selling
? Internal selling,the selling of goods and
services to guests who are already staying at
the hotel.
? Eg,a room clerk can recommend the hotel’s
room service;
? a waiter can add a dessert to a diner’s meal;
? The use of porter in the hotel,etc.
External selling
? External selling refers to the selling which
takes place out the hotel in order to attract
new business,
? It involves promoting the hotel to
prospective customers through different
kinds of communication channels or media,
such as neon signs,mails,radio,television
and internet,etc.
? 1,Advertising,which is called paid promotion,plays an
important role in external selling.
? 2,Public relations,which is unpaid promotion,is another
method a hotel should consider in presenting itself to the
public,Public relations should present the hotel’s image to
the public in a positive way.
? Travel agents play an important part in referring their
clients to one hotel or another,Hotels may give profitable
prices for groups,It may increase the hotel’s occupation
? Efforts should also be made to gain the good will of people
in the hotel community or of others who may help to bring
convention business to the hotel.
Hotel marketing strategies
? 1,4Ps
? 2.4Cs
? 3,4Rs
? 4,new concepts of hotel marketing
1、饭店传统的营销组合策略 —— 4Ps营销
1.Product 产品
2.Price 价格
3.Place 营销渠道
2、饭店新型营销组合策略 4Cs
20世纪 90年代 4Cs 营销组合策略:
1.宾客( customer)
2,消费成本( cost)
3,便捷( convenience)
4,沟通 (communication)
3,4Rs marketing strategies
American scholar Done Schultz proposed 4Rs
marketing strategies.
That is:
者 建立关联 ( relative)、
2,reaction---能否提高 市场反应速 ( reaction)
3,relation---能否开展 关系营销 ( relation)、
4,reward---能否得到 回报 ( reward)。
New concepts of hotel marketing
? 1,theme marketing
? 2,opportunity marketing
? 3,service marketing
? 4,on-line marketing
? 5,time sharing marketing分时度假
Theme marketing
? 主题营销就是饭店企业在组织开展各种
Hard rock hotel
硬石酒店是以摇滚为主题的酒店, 其客源对象集中于对摇滚有特殊偏好的人, 有散客, 家庭
或团队 。 硬石酒店在店内所有活动场所打出, 休闲, 放松和摇滚, 的宣传促销口号, 酒店的核心是
硬石咖啡馆, 馆内从乐队, 装以饮品, 服务员到纪念品都是摇滚的化身, 宾客可在店内欣赏各种
音乐, 饭店还有专门的录音工作室, 宾客可现场制作各自需要的 CD唱片 。 硬石酒店一改全球饭店
的庄重的陈规和惯例, 体现一种随意轻松的休闲氛围, 并注重在店内全方位贯彻, 摇滚理念, 。在
饭店内用以展示摇滚乐的各种纪念品和物件多达 1100多种, 就连咖啡厅的大门拉手也做成小小的
,电吉他,, 床罩和枕头也印上了, Hard Rock”的耀眼文字 。 每天通宵达旦的摇滚乐表演是全店
点 。 而员工则用音乐行话来代替规范化, 程序化的礼貌用语, 如平常的 You are welcome( 欢迎光
临 ), 在这儿被 That’s cool( 太酷了 ) 所代替 。 饭店内每一项服务细节都能激起宾客对摇滚乐的
热情回忆, 酒吧里的鸡尾酒都用著名的摇滚乐歌曲命名, 即便是一张不起眼的行李标签上, 也印
上了自 70年代以来风靡至今的摇滚歌曲, Hotel California”的歌词 —— You can always check out,
but you can never leave( 你可以不断进进出出, 但你永远不会离去 ! ) 。 它信奉:作为一家摇滚
主题的饭店, 要拿的是美国优秀唱片最高奖 —— 格莱美奖 ( Grammy Award), 这比评上五星级重
要得多 。 因为一家摇滚主题酒店得到全球唱片界的最高荣誉将能在摇滚客源市场里产生巨大的感
召力, 使之与其他五星级饭店明显区别开来 。 普天下五星级饭店多如星辰, 而搞得唱片大奖桂冠
的饭店却是独此一家 。
opportunity marketing
★ 市场机会 —— 市场上尚未被满足的需求或尚未被完全满足的需求,它
★ 营销机会 —— 是市场机会的一部分,是企业在市场营销环境中,在各
资源条件正是本饭店 所具备的最佳条件。
( 2)机会的捕捉和利用:
也可借助各种国内外大事, 因事造势,,还可利用知识经济开展营销创新。
service marketing
( 1) connotation of service marketing:服务营销的基本内涵:
---to attract potential customers and encourage regular guests.不
是 提高宾客的满意度和忠诚度,注重追求企业的长期利益,注
( 2) the core of service marketing---service quality
? Service quality is the lowest service level provided by the hospitality
industry in order to satisfy the needs of its target consumers,
? 7 standards for quality service---polite,communicative,safe,
? 优质服务的七条标准:礼貌性、沟通性、安全性、理解性,情感
on-line marketing
? 网络营销的英文为 cyber marketing或
online marketing。它是指以互联网为传播
time sharing marketing
? Timeshare is a scheme whereby an
apartment or condominium is sold to
several co-owners,each of whom purchases
the right to use the accommodation for a
given period of year,ranging from a week
to several weeks.
2 types of timeshares
? 1,right-to-use timesharing (occupancy only)
? 2.fee-simple timesharing (real estate)
? 1,right-to-use timesharing
? It means that a person buys the right to use a hotel
room,apartment or a villa.
? Most right-to-use developers offer a lease on a
particular room or apartment in a certain resort for
a specific annual time period and number of years.
? The customer do not own real estate and have no
title to the property,what they get is only a right to
? 2.fee-simple timesharing
? In the 1970s some North American timeshare
developers split each whole condominium unit
into 52 individual weekly portions and sold off the
portions or shares.
? Upon payment,a purchaser received a title deed
showing that he had financial interest in the real
estate involved for a specific period and for a
specific number of years,The buyer owns the
deed,may resell it or will it.
Compare the 2 types
? 1,developer-good
? 2.the developer is the real
property owner.
? 3,the developer can either
manage the property by
himself,or engage a
professional hotel
management company to
operate the property.
? fee-simple
? 1,purchaser-good
? 2,the purchasers own the
? 3,the purchasers have
control over the property
and its management,An
elected board of directors
will decide who will run
the property---the
developer,the board itself,
or a hotel management
There is little difference in price.
controversies on timesharing
? Problems
? 1,no one wants to spend
the same week every year
at the same spot.
? 2,it is difficult to resell
the property ( due to the
amount of new timeshare
? Solution
? 1,owners are not obliged to use
the property themselves; they can
also rent them.
? timeshare exchange organizations
are organized to help the owners
to exchange their time at other
places around the world.
? Eg,Resort Condominiums
International (RCI)
? Interval International (II)
Timesharing in China
1.Internal selling &external selling
2,Hotel Marketing strategies
? In the marketing aspect,the chief product of a
hotel is hospitality,such as a comfortable bed,a
hot shower,a good meal,a courteous doorman,etc,
So a hotel’s image is dependent on the action of
its employees,not only the duties of the sales
? The sales manager plans the sales of the different
services of the hotel,including both internal
selling and external selling.
Internal selling
? Internal selling,the selling of goods and
services to guests who are already staying at
the hotel.
? Eg,a room clerk can recommend the hotel’s
room service;
? a waiter can add a dessert to a diner’s meal;
? The use of porter in the hotel,etc.
External selling
? External selling refers to the selling which
takes place out the hotel in order to attract
new business,
? It involves promoting the hotel to
prospective customers through different
kinds of communication channels or media,
such as neon signs,mails,radio,television
and internet,etc.
? 1,Advertising,which is called paid promotion,plays an
important role in external selling.
? 2,Public relations,which is unpaid promotion,is another
method a hotel should consider in presenting itself to the
public,Public relations should present the hotel’s image to
the public in a positive way.
? Travel agents play an important part in referring their
clients to one hotel or another,Hotels may give profitable
prices for groups,It may increase the hotel’s occupation
? Efforts should also be made to gain the good will of people
in the hotel community or of others who may help to bring
convention business to the hotel.
Hotel marketing strategies
? 1,4Ps
? 2.4Cs
? 3,4Rs
? 4,new concepts of hotel marketing
1、饭店传统的营销组合策略 —— 4Ps营销
1.Product 产品
2.Price 价格
3.Place 营销渠道
2、饭店新型营销组合策略 4Cs
20世纪 90年代 4Cs 营销组合策略:
1.宾客( customer)
2,消费成本( cost)
3,便捷( convenience)
4,沟通 (communication)
3,4Rs marketing strategies
American scholar Done Schultz proposed 4Rs
marketing strategies.
That is:
者 建立关联 ( relative)、
2,reaction---能否提高 市场反应速 ( reaction)
3,relation---能否开展 关系营销 ( relation)、
4,reward---能否得到 回报 ( reward)。
New concepts of hotel marketing
? 1,theme marketing
? 2,opportunity marketing
? 3,service marketing
? 4,on-line marketing
? 5,time sharing marketing分时度假
Theme marketing
? 主题营销就是饭店企业在组织开展各种
Hard rock hotel
硬石酒店是以摇滚为主题的酒店, 其客源对象集中于对摇滚有特殊偏好的人, 有散客, 家庭
或团队 。 硬石酒店在店内所有活动场所打出, 休闲, 放松和摇滚, 的宣传促销口号, 酒店的核心是
硬石咖啡馆, 馆内从乐队, 装以饮品, 服务员到纪念品都是摇滚的化身, 宾客可在店内欣赏各种
音乐, 饭店还有专门的录音工作室, 宾客可现场制作各自需要的 CD唱片 。 硬石酒店一改全球饭店
的庄重的陈规和惯例, 体现一种随意轻松的休闲氛围, 并注重在店内全方位贯彻, 摇滚理念, 。在
饭店内用以展示摇滚乐的各种纪念品和物件多达 1100多种, 就连咖啡厅的大门拉手也做成小小的
,电吉他,, 床罩和枕头也印上了, Hard Rock”的耀眼文字 。 每天通宵达旦的摇滚乐表演是全店
点 。 而员工则用音乐行话来代替规范化, 程序化的礼貌用语, 如平常的 You are welcome( 欢迎光
临 ), 在这儿被 That’s cool( 太酷了 ) 所代替 。 饭店内每一项服务细节都能激起宾客对摇滚乐的
热情回忆, 酒吧里的鸡尾酒都用著名的摇滚乐歌曲命名, 即便是一张不起眼的行李标签上, 也印
上了自 70年代以来风靡至今的摇滚歌曲, Hotel California”的歌词 —— You can always check out,
but you can never leave( 你可以不断进进出出, 但你永远不会离去 ! ) 。 它信奉:作为一家摇滚
主题的饭店, 要拿的是美国优秀唱片最高奖 —— 格莱美奖 ( Grammy Award), 这比评上五星级重
要得多 。 因为一家摇滚主题酒店得到全球唱片界的最高荣誉将能在摇滚客源市场里产生巨大的感
召力, 使之与其他五星级饭店明显区别开来 。 普天下五星级饭店多如星辰, 而搞得唱片大奖桂冠
的饭店却是独此一家 。
opportunity marketing
★ 市场机会 —— 市场上尚未被满足的需求或尚未被完全满足的需求,它
★ 营销机会 —— 是市场机会的一部分,是企业在市场营销环境中,在各
资源条件正是本饭店 所具备的最佳条件。
( 2)机会的捕捉和利用:
也可借助各种国内外大事, 因事造势,,还可利用知识经济开展营销创新。
service marketing
( 1) connotation of service marketing:服务营销的基本内涵:
---to attract potential customers and encourage regular guests.不
是 提高宾客的满意度和忠诚度,注重追求企业的长期利益,注
( 2) the core of service marketing---service quality
? Service quality is the lowest service level provided by the hospitality
industry in order to satisfy the needs of its target consumers,
? 7 standards for quality service---polite,communicative,safe,
? 优质服务的七条标准:礼貌性、沟通性、安全性、理解性,情感
on-line marketing
? 网络营销的英文为 cyber marketing或
online marketing。它是指以互联网为传播
time sharing marketing
? Timeshare is a scheme whereby an
apartment or condominium is sold to
several co-owners,each of whom purchases
the right to use the accommodation for a
given period of year,ranging from a week
to several weeks.
2 types of timeshares
? 1,right-to-use timesharing (occupancy only)
? 2.fee-simple timesharing (real estate)
? 1,right-to-use timesharing
? It means that a person buys the right to use a hotel
room,apartment or a villa.
? Most right-to-use developers offer a lease on a
particular room or apartment in a certain resort for
a specific annual time period and number of years.
? The customer do not own real estate and have no
title to the property,what they get is only a right to
? 2.fee-simple timesharing
? In the 1970s some North American timeshare
developers split each whole condominium unit
into 52 individual weekly portions and sold off the
portions or shares.
? Upon payment,a purchaser received a title deed
showing that he had financial interest in the real
estate involved for a specific period and for a
specific number of years,The buyer owns the
deed,may resell it or will it.
Compare the 2 types
? 1,developer-good
? 2.the developer is the real
property owner.
? 3,the developer can either
manage the property by
himself,or engage a
professional hotel
management company to
operate the property.
? fee-simple
? 1,purchaser-good
? 2,the purchasers own the
? 3,the purchasers have
control over the property
and its management,An
elected board of directors
will decide who will run
the property---the
developer,the board itself,
or a hotel management
There is little difference in price.
controversies on timesharing
? Problems
? 1,no one wants to spend
the same week every year
at the same spot.
? 2,it is difficult to resell
the property ( due to the
amount of new timeshare
? Solution
? 1,owners are not obliged to use
the property themselves; they can
also rent them.
? timeshare exchange organizations
are organized to help the owners
to exchange their time at other
places around the world.
? Eg,Resort Condominiums
International (RCI)
? Interval International (II)
Timesharing in China