The WBS is to serve as the basis for program/project technical planning,scheduling,cost estimating and budgeting,contract scope definition,documentation product development,and status reporting and assessment (including integrated cost/schedule performance measurement),
Risk Management is a continuous process that identifies risks; analyzes their impact and prioritizes them; develops and carries out plans for risk mitigation,acceptance,or other action; tracks risks and the implementation of mitigation plans; supports informed,timely,and effective decisions to control risks and mitigation plans; and assures that risk information is communicated among all levels of a program/project
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PM Coach Home Page,
Data collected in support of the APPL accredited curriculum,
The "PM Coach/Distance Learning Survey 3/99" was conducted from March 1 to March 31,1999 in the form of an online survey announced to NASA staff,Over two hundred participants sent their responses,Of these,203 had answered most or all questions,One sent only a comment,answering no other questions.
The participants were asked to agree or disagree with:
Suggested Quarterly Distance Learning Topics
and Suggested Self-Paced On-Line Topics
which among many separate topics contained two groups of clustered topics (i.e.,a topic plus related sub-categories)
In addition,participants could make informal comments,We also asked for the participants' levels of education for demographic reasons,A disabled copy of the original online survey form is also made available here,
The results of the survey follow below,
The Simple Answers,
The Comments,
Suggested Quarterly Distance Learning Topics
Comments to,"Please include any other topics you may wish to see conducted through distance learning."
(1) Risk analysis using simulation based modeling tools with graphics
(2) Parametric cost estimating
(3) Four dimensions of leadership
Basic Project Management at NASA
Cost/Proposal development for hardware projects,Schedule development and management,Configuration Management
Budget process at the working level,not at the congressional approval level - the process by which your project is funded and your responsibilities for reporting back the accounting system
Business ethics
Collaborative engineering techniques
Contract Management
Integration of project elements,contracts,and grants in a program
Cost Estimation
Data on the latest ISE and CEE technologies and capabilities,
Specifically the use of CEE-delivered tools and capabilities,
Developing a WBS
Organizing/optimizing project resources
Effective utilization of electronic communication & collaborative tools in project management,
Foreign languages (i.e.,Russian,German,other countries with which NASA works)
How about a summary of the information which 7120.5 is to capture,related to best practices and lessons-learned,so that each
project manager does not have to reinvent the wheel during
I don't think I would be comfortable taking classes over the Internet,I prefer live human beings as instructors and as fellow participants.
What if my server went down? When I am taking an off-site class,my boss cannot interrupt my training with an urgent and unimportant task,But if I am in my office participating in an on-line class,interruptions from many sources are likely,
I have completed courses through Advanced Program Management as well as having been a Program Manager for many years,I am looking for more advanced or up-to-date training,
I would like to see a comprehensive evaluation of COTs tools which support the Project Management function for all of the above topics,
I would like to see more practical topics like how to react to budgets that change weekly/monthly,I find that many training courses that I have taken are theoretical,not practical,and many times I'm not able to apply them because of the way NASA management works,
I would suggest that sitting at your desk (with a computer "on-line" and tied in by telephone) IS NOT the right way to learn,Classroom settings (get away from the desk) will provide less distractions and likely fewer technical "glitches",
Impacts resulting from Full Cost Accounting,
Incorporating new technology into an existing project,You have an existing project; you have a plan and a budget,but a new technology comes along which promises to make a substantial improvement in the quality/effectiveness of the project,How do you evaluate the new technology for incorporation into your project? How do you budget for this possibility?
Integrated Finance Management Program (IFMP)
Full Cost
Integrated Product Development Teams - How do you make them work?
Interagency Agreements and Memorandums of Agreement
with foreign countries and within the U.S
Is it possible to somehow organize these classes such that we can earn college credit towards a Master's degree in Business? Is it possible to arrange for individual computer based-training,in lieu of distance-based,to tailor our individual schedule,
(1) Leadership Theory and Skills
(2) Political Effectiveness (on-the-job)
(3) Capability Maturity Models
(4) Effective project review techniques
(5) Congress & OPM -- How It Works
Looks good
Managing project teams that are not co-located
NASA budget process and funding sources
NASA/govt budgeting processes and requirements
NASA's fundamental planning tools,understanding and using the PERT/CPM techniques
Project Control
Safety Management
(1) Space Act Agreements on a quick-turn-around basis
(2) The 7120.5A program/project system
Systems Engineering
Systems Engineering concepts and approaches
(1) Systems Engineering Metrics
(1) Value of Independent Verification and Validation
(1) Tailoring 7120.5A
(2) Teaming between NASA Centers
Tailoring projects
Task Management
Technology Transfer and Commercialization
Why not include everything possible from other curriculums? Why exclude anything,or are development costs prohibitive?
Technology Transfer
(1) Technology Transfer in the evolving project
(2) ISO-Metrics - feeding the beast
The role of project managers in a matrix organization
The Systems Engineering courses/activities included in the former PPMI (Great Books,etc.),
Time Management
One of the key benefits of "live" training is the interaction and experience sharing that occurs among the participants,I feel that any distance learning program should include that aspect of the training,if the technology allows,Otherwise,self-paced with access to an "expert" or instructor for questions would be sufficient and probably more cost-effective,As with any initiative,the success or failure lies in the details of implementation,Good luck!
Working with scientists effectively
Program/project relationships
Product assurance principles and practice
Decision-making with uncertainty
Suggested Self-Paced On-Line Topics
Comments to,"Other elements of the PM Coach you would like to see."
A NASA "Body of Knowledge for Program/Project Management" with a subject index would be good,
(1) Capability Maturity Models
(2) Leadership Theory and Skills
(3) Jim Juran's Theory of Quality
Construction of Facilities
Descope option identification and implementation
Project Management pitfalls to avoid
Efficient and effective project statusing techniques,
(1) Goals and Objectives Analysis
(2) Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
(1) Grants Management
(2) Cooperative Agreements
I am not aware of the PM Coach or the APPL web site,Could you send me the address?
(1) I don't think IPM would be a good self-paced course because of the nuances that are involved in international relations that don't lend themselves well to textbooks,Similarly,with controlling and executing projects,typically the student will have certain problem experiences that he/she would benefit from having the instructor use as an example of how to apply the course material,Often,we know what the textbooks say,but the problem is applying that to our complicated real-world problems!
(2) Full Cost Accounting is going to be a shock to the NASA PPMs,and will likely need interactive support for Q/A.
Part of having a true PM coach would be access to the project management knowledge that exists,The APPL could become the PM-link deluxe web site and provide a window into the vast body of knowledge that has been collected worldwide on the topic,
I have never used the PM Coach and,until this survey,was unaware of its existence,
I would suggest that the use of self-paced on-line topics could be used as a prerequisite to actually taking the class at a remote site,This would greatly enhance the quality of the class,
It may be value-added to have a summary of each of these topics with the ability to dig deeper,as needed,The PM is more of a generalist and relies on specialists in many of these areas; thus the specialist may actually get more benefit with this information than the PM,
Logistics and Maintainability in Program/Project Management
NASA budget process and funding sources,
NASA/govt,budget issues
Not having used the PM Coach,I cannot appropriately answer what is lacking or what needs improvement,Sorry,
Overview of software tools/systems that readily provide project performance metrics,Plus,add a summary of the pros/cons of each system,
(1) Program/Project Management Handbook
(2) NASA Strategic Management Handbook
Scheduling resources
Tech transfer and commercialization.
Why not include everything possible from other curriculums?
Why exclude anything,or are development costs prohibitive?
What is the Systems Engineering Handbook
It would be nice to have an intuitive way to get to the APPL web site from the NASA Home Page,If there is one,I haven't found it yet!
The intro to this survey says,"include any additional comments you have at the end of the form..." Perhaps you want to add another entry field for that..,or was this the place you intended for other comments,even though it has a specific PM Coach title?
This was an excellent survey with issues on technical/business areas,Please send documents for enrollment,
Time management
Tracking workforce assigned to projects
Who knew that ANY courses were offered on-line!!
How do I sign up!!!!!!
You guys are doing a great job!!!!!!