Lesson Twenty-one
Mobile Drilling Platforms
The underwater search has been made possible only by vast improvements in offshore technology,Drillers first took to the sea with land rigs mounted on barges towed to location and anchored or with fixed platforms accompanied by a tender ship (Fig.1).
A wide variety of rig platforms has since evolved,some designed to cope with specific hazards of the sea and others for more general work,All new types stress characteristics of mobility and the capability for work in even deeper water.
The world’s mobile platform fleet can be divided into four main groupings,self-elevating platforms,submersibles,semisubmersibles,and floating drill ships.
Fig,1 Offshore fixed drilling platform
The most widely used mobile platform is the self-elevating,or jack-up,unit (Fig.2) It is towed to
Fig.2 Offshore self-elevating drilling platform.
(a)----Underwater design (b)-----self-elevating drilling platform
location,where the legs are lowered to the sea floor,and the platform is jacked up above wave height,These self-contained platforms are especially suited to wildcat and delineation drilling,They are best in firmer sea bottoms with a depth limit out to 300 ft (90m) of water.
The submersible platforms have been developed from earlier submersible barges which were used in shallow inlet drilling along the United States Gulf Coast,The platforms are towed to location and then submerged to the sea bottom,They are very stable and can operate in areas with soft sea floors,Difficulty in the rapidity with which they can be raised or lowered,once on location.
Semisubmersibles (Fig.3) are a version of submersibles,They can work as bottom-supported units or in deep water as floaters,Their key virtue is the wide range of water depths in which they can operate,plus the fact that,when working as floaters,their primary buoyancy lies below the action of the waves,thus providing great stability,The,semis” are the most recent of the rig-type platforms.
Floating drill ships (Fig.4) are capable of drilling in 60-ft (18-m)to abyssal depths,They are built as self-propelled ships or with a ship configuration that requires towing,Several twin-hulled versions have been constructed to give a stable catamaran design,Floating drill ships use anchoring or ingenious dynamic positioning systems to stabilize their position,the latter being necessary in deeper waters,Floaters cannot be used in waters much shallower than 70 ft because
Fig,3 Offshore semisubmersible drilling platform

Fig,4 Floating drill ship,Such ships can drill in depths from 60 to 1000 tf (18 to 300m ) or more
of the special equipment required for drilling from the vessel subject to vertical movement from waves and tidal changes,as well as minor horizontal shifts due to stretch and play in anchor lines,Exploration in deeper waters necessitates building more semisubmersible and floating drill ships,A conventional exploratory hole has been drilled 50 mi (80km) off the coast of Gabon in 2150 ft (655m) of water by Shell Deep Water Drilling Company using the Sedco 445 drill ship,The Glomar Challenger has drilled stratigraphic holes in the sea floor to a depth of 3334 ft (1016m) in water depths of 20000ft (6km).
(From,McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology”,Vol.9.1982)
Technical Terms
mobile drilling platform 移动式钻井平台
offshore technology 离岸(近海)工程技术
driller 钻井船,钻机
land rig 陆用钻机
fixed platform 固定式平台
tender ship 供应船
rig platform 钻井平台
self-elevating platform 自升式平台
submersible (platform)座底式(平台)
semisubmersible (platform) 半潜式(平台)
floating drill ship 浮动式钻井船,钻井船
jack-up platform/unit 自升式平台
leg 桩腿
sea floor 海底
self-contained platform 自持式平台
wildcat drilling (打)预探井
delineation drilling (打)估产井
shallow inlet 浅水内湾
version 形式,变种,方案
bottom-supported unit 座底式平台
floater 浮动式平台(或船),漂浮物
virtue 优点
abyssal depth 极深的深度
twin-hulled version 双体船型
catamaran 双体船
dynamic positioning system 动力定位系统
tidal change 潮汐变化
stretch and play 绷紧和松弛
exploration 勘探
exploratory hole 勘探井
stratigraphic hole 地层孔

Additional Terms and Expressions
dynamic positioning drilling ship 动力定位钻进船
supply vessel 供应船
single point mooring 单点系泊
multi-point mooring 多点系泊
single anchor leg mooring 单锚腿系泊
Mobile Offshore Drilling Units(MODU) 移动式近海钻井平台
single buoy mooring 单浮筒系泊
surface units 水面浮式钻井平台
self-propelled units 自航式钻井船
column stabilized units 立柱稳定式钻井平台
drilling ship 钻井船
mobile maintenance platform 移动式维修平台
articulated buoyant tower 铰接式浮力塔
escort ship 护卫舰
submerged zone 全浸区,下潜区
tidal/splash zone 高潮水面与低潮水面之间的飞溅区
critical structural element 关键构件
primary structural element 主要构件
secondary structural element 次要构件
tubular joint node 管接头
tubular member 管状构件
conductor pipe 导管
brace tube 撑管
bracing 撑杆
cord 弦杆
modular shoring 模式支撑
jacking house 固桩区
vertical column 立柱
sole plate 底板
riser 隔水管
bypass manifold 旁道岐管
crossover sub 换向接头
directional sub 定向接头
orienting 定向环
survivalability 自存性
non-ductile 无延展性
postbuckling 后期屈曲
non-linear behaviour 非线性特性
inelastic deformation 非弹性变性
brittle rupture 脆性断裂
ultimate punch strength 极限冲击强度
plastic flexural hinge 挠性塑性铰
overstressing 超应力

Notes to the Text
to cope with 对付
All new types stress characteristics of mobility and the capability for work in even deeper water.
Difficulty in towing is a disadvantage,but this is partially offset by rapidity with which they can be raised or lowered,once on location
With which they can be raised or lowered 定语从句,修饰rapidity.with which在从句中作状语。
“once on location(一旦就位后)”为省略句,参见第九课注3。
… plus the fact that,when working as floaters,their primary buoyancy lies below the action of the waves thus providing great stability.
that 引出同位语从句,修饰the fact.其中when working as floaters为省略了主语和谓语动词be的时间状语从句。
Providing great stability现在分词短语,置于句末表示结果。
…,the latter being necessary is deeper waters.
独立分词结构。The latter 指dynamic positioning systems参见第十二课注4。
Floaters cannot be used in waters much shallower than 70ft because of the special equipment required for drilling from the vessel subject to vertical movement from waves and tidal changes,as well as minor horizontal