Lecture 27 Modification
? 修饰(一):词组中的修饰语
? 修饰, ( Modification) 是扩展基本句型使之成
为生动的, 能表达丰富思想的重要语法手段 。
? 我们知道, 基本句型多半是一些不带修饰语的
骨架, 而实际使用中的句子则像活人一样总都
是有血有肉的, 带有各式各样的修饰语, 比如
说, Rain fell这样一个句式, 从结构上看, 是个
完整的 SV句型, 但它并没有表达多少意思 。
? 如果在该句的主语和谓语中各加一点修饰语, A
gentle rain fell steadily,那末, 绵绵细雨下个不
停, 的意思就基本上表达出来了, 这就是修饰
的表意作用 。
? 1 修饰语概说
? 在句子中,几乎每个部分都可增添修饰语,修饰语可
? The wild animals which had escaped from the zoo were
recaptured early today when officials from the park
rounded up the last weary lion walking down Main
? 今天早些时候,动物园管理人员将在大街上游荡的最
? 我们可以把上句中的修饰语和被修饰语表示如下,
? The wild animals which had escaped from the zoo were recaptured
early today when officials from the park rounded up the last weary
lion walking down Main Street,
? 被修饰语 修饰语
? animals the
? wild
? which had escaped from the zoo
? were recaptured early today
? when officials… Main Street
? had escaped from the zoo
? officials from the park
? lion the
? last
? weary
? walking down Main Street
? walking down Main Street
? 2 两类修饰语
? 由以上例句可以看出,修饰语可以分为两大类,
? 一类是词组里的修饰语,如 wild,which had escaped from the zoo;
? 另一类是作为句子成分的修饰语,即“状语”( Adverbial),
如 early today,when officials …down Main Street 。
? [1] The farmer was digging the ground in the garden,
? in the garden是状语,修饰 was digging the ground;
? [2] The man in the garden is the owner of the farm,
? in the garden 是名词修饰语;
? [3] He made me thoroughly angry,他使我非常生气。
? thoroughly修饰 angry;
? [4] The policemen searched the criminal's house thoroughly,
? thoroughly是状语,修饰 searched the criminal's house;
? [5] He knows this place well,他很熟悉这个地方。
? well是状语,修饰 knows this place;
? [6] I can't reach it; it's well above my head,
? well修饰介词 above,是介词词组的一部分;
? [7] On her small income they live very simply,
? very simply是状语,修饰 live;
? [8] I simply couldn't understand his lecture,
? simply修饰 couldn't understand,是动词的修饰语,是动词词组的
? 3 动词修饰语和状语
? 动词修饰语不同于状语, 前者仅修饰动词, 是词组成
分, 而后者则修饰谓语, 即修饰, 动词词组 +补足成
分, 。 例如,
? He utterly denied that he had done it,
他完全否认曾干过那桩事 。
? He angrily denied that he had done it,
他愤怒地否认曾干过那桩事 。
? 在以上两句中, utterly是动词修饰语, 而 angrily则是方
式状语, 作为状语, angrily可在分裂句中作中心成分,
加以强调, 比如可以说,
? It is angrily that he denied having done it,却不可以说,
? It is utterly that he denied having done it,
? 作为状语,angrily可用于选择疑问句( Alternative Question) 和
? Did he deny it angrily or calmly?
? 他是愤怒地还是平静地否认此事?
? Did he deny it angrily or not angrily?
? 他是愤怒地还是不愤怒地否认此事?
? 却不可以说,
? * Did he deny it utterly or partly?
? * Did he deny it utterly or not utterly?
? 作为状语,angrily可用于 How问句的简短回答,而作为动词修饰
语的 utterly却不可以这样用,
? How did he deny it? - Angrily,
? 由此可见,不可以把动词、形容词、副词、介词等的修饰语和
? 4 修饰的一般原则
? 由上例可以看出,修饰语不论在词组里,还是在句子里,通常遵循两条原则。
? 第一条原则:修饰和被修饰的关系必须清楚,如果有了修饰语,却找不到或
者不能确定被修饰语,那就成了“无依着修饰语”( Dangling Modifier),
这在修辞上是个忌讳,在通常情况下是要避免的。 例如,
? Walking along the trestle,a train suddenly appeared,
? To be considered for college,an aptitude test must be taken,
? 上述第一例 walking along the trestle在句中找不到合适的逻辑主语。是谁走在
栈桥上呢?是火车吗?显然不可能。因此,在这个句子里,walking along the
? Walking along the trestle,I suddenly saw a train,
? 我走在栈桥上,突然看见一列火车。
? As I was walking along the trestle,a train suddenly appeared,
? 正当我走在栈桥上,一列火车突然出现。
? 在上述第二例中 to be considered for college也与主句挂不起钩来,是谁要上大
? To be considered for college,a student must take the aptitude test,
? 学生要上大学,必须参加能力测验。
? 在这里,学生参加能力测验,他的目的是上大学。
? 第二条原则:修饰语必须尽可能地贴近它的修饰对象。根据这
? The notice said only ( =said merely) that clients were invited to see
the exhibits on the third floor,
? 通知 只是说,邀请顾客们参观三楼展品。
? The notice said that only clients( =clients alone) were invited to see
the exhibits on the third floor,
? 通知说,只邀请 顾客们参观三楼展品。
? The notice said that clients were invited only(= invited for the one
purpose) to see the exhibits on the third floor,
? 通知说,邀请顾客们,只是为了 让他们参观三楼展品。
? The notice said that clients were invited to see the exhibits on the
third floor only( =on the third floor alone),
? 通知说,邀请顾客们只参观 三楼 展品。
? 由上述诸例可以看出,only的修饰对象都是它最贴近的词语。如果一个修饰
语不贴近它的修饰对象,那就有可能引出歧义。 比如说,“一辆彩车沿街开
? A car drove down the street decked with ribbons,
? 这显然是不合原意的,因为 decked with ribbons,本应修饰 a car,却贴近了 the
? A car decked with ribbons drove down the street,
? 由上述诸例可以看出,在现代英语中关于运用修饰手段的两条原则是非常重
? All of a sudden and without any warning the terrible flood came,a foaming,
furious,thundering torrent,that destroyed houses,streets and whole villages,
drowning men,women,children,cats,dogs and cattle and turning the whole
region into a lake,dotted here and there with tree- tops and houseroofs with men
and women on them like drowned monkeys,
? 突然间,事先没有任何预警,可怕的洪水来到了,激流雷震,浊浪排空,人
? 这是一幅多么惊心动魄的水灾惨象,然而,这么多的思想内容却通过各种修
? 5 动词、形容词、副词、介词等词组中的修饰语
? 5.1 动词修饰语
? 动词修饰语通常是一些否定词、半否定词、强化词( Emphasiz
- er),弱化词( Downtoner) 等。常见的否定词和半否定词有
not,never,seldom,rarely,hardly ever等。例如,
? We usually don't get up before seven on Sundays,
? 在星期天,我们通常不在 7点以前起床。
? He never smokes cigarettes in public places,
? 他从来不在公共场所吸烟。
? She seldom speaks before a large audience,
? 她很少对广大听众讲话。
? I hardly ever see Mary these days,
? 这些日子我难得看到玛丽。
? I have rarely seen such a beautiful sunset,
? 我很少看见这样美的晚霞。
? 常见的表示强化的动词修饰语有 badly,bitterly,deeply,intensely,severely,
so,strongly,terribly,violently,very much等。 例如,
? The children badly need a regular supply of milk,孩子们急需经常供应牛奶。
? I bitterly resent your remarks,我对你的话非常憎恨。
? I strongly recommend him for your consideration,我强烈地向你推荐他。
? I've been terribly worried about you all day,我整天非常为你焦虑。
? We violently detested him,我们非常讨厌他。
? 有些强化词带有“极度”的含义,如 absolutely,altogether,complete- ly,
entirely,extremely,perfectly,simply,thoroughly,totally,utterly。 例如,
? I absolutely refused his offer of help,我断然拒绝他的帮助。
? He has completely ignored my request,他全然不理会我的请求。
? I perfectly understood what he was driving at,我完全懂得他在打什么主意。
? We all thoroughly enjoyed the performance,我们都十分欣赏这场演出。
? I totally believe in his integrity,我完全相信他为人正直。
? 常见的弱化词有 almost,nearly,practically,virtually,quite,some- what,
rather,partially,slightly,only,merely,more or less等。 例如,
? He almost forgot his promise,他几乎忘记了他的承诺。
? We more or less disagree with you,我们有些不同意你的看法。
? He has partially recovered from his stroke,他中风后已部分康复。
? 5.2 形容词和副词的修饰语
? 形容词和副词的修饰语也多半是一些表示强化和弱化的程度副词。常见的表
示强化的副词有 absurdly,amazingly,awfully,deeply,downright,entirely,
? He is deeply concerned about her health,他对她的健康深表关切。
? The argument is downright ridiculous,这种论点简直荒唐可笑。
? He is a strikingly handsome young man,他是一位清秀出众的年轻男子。
? He reasoned extremely soundly,他的推理极其正确。
? They should be home very soon,估计他们很快就会到家。
? They played surprisingly well,他们临场表现出乎意料地好。
? 常见的表示弱化的副词有 a bit,almost,a little,fairly,hardly,pretty,quite,
rather,relatively,somewhat,kind of等。 例如,
? She is a little extravagant,她有点奢侈。
? That is almost impossible,那几乎是不可能的。
? He felt somewhat uneasy,他感觉有点不舒适。
? I'll be going pretty soon,我很快就要走了。
? She arrived a bit too late,她到达晚了一点。
? He paints fairly well,他画得相当好。
? 形容词和副词的修饰语也可以是比较分句。 例如,
? This parcel is as heavy as that one,这只包裹和那只一般
? London is not so modern as New York,伦敦不如纽约现
? Peter's songs are more popular than Tom's,
? 彼得的歌比汤姆的更加受人欢迎。
? Bill speaks French more fluently than his brother does,
? 比尔讲法语比他兄弟讲得更流利。
? They worked even harder than they promised,
? 他们干活比他们许诺的更卖力。
? Fred doesn't calculate so accurately as Arthur,
? 弗雷德的运算能力不如阿瑟精确。
? 5.3 介词(词组)的修饰语
? 介词词组也可以带有自己的修饰语,这种修饰语也通
常是一些强化词。 例如,
? I got up just after six,我一过 6点就起来。
? There was rubbish all over the place,到处是垃圾。
? The dog was lying right in the middle of the room,狗躺
? Now their footsteps could be heard directly above my
? We judged them purely on the final examination,我们完
? His dog was following close behind him,他的爱犬紧随
? 5.4 名词修饰语
? 名词修饰语可以由多种语法结构表示,它们包括形容词(词
-ing分词结构、- ed分词结构,以及关系分句、同位语等。 例如,
? an old workman 一位老工人
? all the people there 所有在那里的人
? an oil painting 一幅油画
? that blue suitcase on the rack 在行李架上的那只蓝提箱
? the approaching train 正在迫近的火车
? a strangely painted picture 一幅画得古怪的图画
? clothes to be mended and patched 等待修补的衣服
? all the articles you have written 你写的所有文章
? Estes,an American teacher of English埃斯蒂斯,一位美籍英语教

? the truth that the earth is round 地球是圆的这一真理
? 6 前置修饰语和后置修饰语
? 由上述诸例可以看出,名词修饰语,就其位置来说,分为前置修饰语
( Premodifier) 和后置修饰语( Postmodifier),前者位于名词中心词之前,
? 前置修饰语和后置修饰语有时是可以相互转换的。 例如,
? a moderate- sized building=a building of moderate size不大不小的建筑物
? a good- mannered man=a man of good manners有礼貌的人
? frost- bitten flowers=flowers bitten by frost受了霜害的花朵
? a smoky- looking room= a room that looks smoky烟雾腾腾的房间
? 现代英语的明显发展趋势之一就是前置修饰语用得越来越多。 比如说原先是
? apple seeds=the seeds of an apple 苹果种子
? a radio program= a program on the radio 广播节目
? a generation gap= a gap between two generations两代人之间的隔阂,代沟
? minor nationalities discontent=discontent of the minor nationalities少数民族的不
? 有些用作前置修饰语的名词或名词词组是由同位语变来的。 例如,
? Teenager Mary Blake=Mary Blake,a teenager玛丽 ·布赖克,一位十几岁的姑娘
? his bank accountant cousin= his cousin,a bank accountant他的表兄,一位银行
? Birmingham housewife Mrs,White= Mrs,White,a Birmingham housewife 怀特
? Center- forward John Smith=John Smith,the center-forward足球队中锋约翰 ·史
? 更普遍的现象是将后置的限定分句或非限定分句变成了前置修饰语。 例如,
? a twelve-year-old boy= a boy who is twelve years old 12岁的孩子
? the many times repeated warning=the warning which has been repeated many times
? the far- and- wide discussed new product= the new product which is discussed
far and wide议论纷纷的新产品
? a dearly paid for mistake=a mistake which is dearly paid for 付出很大代价的错误
? well nourished and well brought up children= children who are well nourished and
well brought up营养充足的、教养良好的孩子
? 不定式结构通常用作后置修饰语,但在现代英语中也常见不定式结构作前置
修饰语。 例如,
? a never- to- be-forgotten day= a day that will never be forgotten永远不会忘却
? his never-too-old-to-learn spirit= his spirit which shows that he is never too old to
? another soon-to-be neighbor=another person who will soon be a neighbor另一个就
? a know-how-to-get-along-with-the-boss-better course= a course that makes
employees know how to get along with the boss better一门指导雇员“如何与老
? 有时还可用不带 to不定式结构作前置修饰语。 例如,
? fill-in-the-blank type homework=the type of homework homework which requires
the students to fill in the blanks填空形式的家庭作业
? six do-nothing months=six months in which nothing is/ was done无所事事的六
? a do-it-yourself tool= a kind of tool which enables one to do something by oneself
? the balance-the- budget approach=the approach which aims at balancing the
? 7 限制性修饰语和非限制性修饰语
? 前置修饰语和后置修饰语就其与被修饰语的意义关系来说可分为限制性的
( Restrictive) 和非限制性的( Non- restrictive)。 限制性修饰语通常与名词
中心词结成一体。 例如,
? The pretty girl in the corner is Mary Smith,
? 在这里,pretty和 in the corner都是限制性修饰语。那名叫 Mary Smith的不是任
的那个漂亮姑娘。这样,中心词 girl通过两个限制性修饰语的修饰,她的所指
对象就非常具体了。 一般说来,限制性修饰语是要重读的,而非限制性修饰
语不要重读。 比如说,
? Come and meet my beautiful wife,你来会见我的漂亮的妻子。
? 在这里,beautiful是非限制性的,不需重读;如果重读了:那就给 beautiful赋
? The Chinese people are a great people,中国人民是伟大的人民。
? China is a great socialist country,中国是个伟大的社会主义国家。
? 在上述第一例中,great是限制性修饰语,“伟大的人民”是一个整体概念,
great与 people不可分离;而在第二例中,great仅是一般的修饰语,去掉它,
? China is a socialist country,中国是个社会主义国家。
? 专有名词通常不需要限制性修饰语,也不需要限定词。如果,在专有名词前
那就获得了对比意义,变成了限制性修饰语。 试比较,
? Old Tom was present at the meeting,老汤姆出席了会议。
? Old Tom didn't turn up, but his son was there,
? 老汤姆没有到会,可他的儿子(小汤姆)来了。
? 在第一例中,old是非限制性的,它仅是对 Tom加以一般的修饰。
? 在第二例中,old重读,获得了对比意义,“老汤姆”是对比“小汤姆”而言
? 在书写形式中,后置修饰语的限制性与非限制性之分通常以是否使用逗号加
以区别。 例如,
? The book on the table is not mine,桌上那本书不是我的。(限制性)
? This book,on grammar,is not what I want,这本书是谈语法的,不是我所要
? Tomorrow you will meet a man carrying a large umbrella,明天你将会见一位拿
? The apple tree,swaying gently in the breeze,had a good crop of fruit,那苹果
? White men who were taken prisoner by the Indians were usually killed,当时被印
? 前置修饰语的限制性与非限制性之分主要依靠是否重读以及修饰语的词汇意
义来判定。 例如,
? a good English dictionary一本好的英语词典
? those lonely,bare stone houses那些孤零零、光秃秃的石头房子
? a luxurious passenger train一列豪华的客车
? that nice young lady 那位有教养的小姐
? 由上述诸例可以看出,当名词中心词带有两个或两个以上前置修饰语而又不
在属性。 因此,在上述诸例中,English直接修饰 dictionary,而 good则修饰
English dictionary; stone直接修饰 houses,而 lonely,bare则修饰 stone houses,
? 当两个或两个以上前置修饰语仅是加强彼此的意义并用逗号分隔时,这些修
意。 例如,
? She has a pale,thin face./ She has a thin,pale face,她的脸既苍白又瘦削/
? 在这种情况下,便很难区分何者为限制性修饰语或非限制性修饰语。由于这
? 8 永久意义和暂时意义
? 名词修饰语所表示的意义还有永久与暂时之分。一般说来,由形容词和名词
作前置修饰语往往表示永久意义。 例如,
? He was a tall,big,husky fellow,他是一个体格魁梧,嗓音沙哑的汉子。
? I heard a beautiful,clear voice,我听到一种优美清晰的声音。
? She has a mother's heart,她有一颗慈母之心。
? I visited his country cottage,我参观了他的村舍。
? 上面这些修饰语所表示的特征都带有永久含义,而不是暂时存在的现象。但
若用分词作修饰语,其意义便往往带有暂时性质。 例如,
? He tried to climb an approaching train,他设法爬上一列正在开来的火车。
? She tiptoed into the room in order not to wake up the sleeping child,他踮着脚悄
? She is the most talked-about girl in Rome,她是一位在罗马受人谈论最多的姑
? This is a well- arranged and admirably carried out plan,这是一个精心安排、认
? 在上述诸例中,an approaching train,a sleeping child并非一天到晚、一年到头
? 有一些形容词既可前置,也可后置。当它们作前置修饰语时,表示永久意义;
若作后置修饰语,则表示暂时意义。这首先是一批以 -able/ -ible结尾的动态
形容词。 试比较,
? the visible stars
the stars visible
? navigable rivers
rivers navigable
? the only passable road
the only road passable
? 上述第一例,visible stars指人们能够观测到的星星,而 stars visible,指当时天
上无云,能够看得见的星星。第二例 navigable rivers指可通航的河流,而
rivers navigable指当时还没有冰封或者水位还不过低,这些河流还能通航。同
样地,the only passable road指仅有的一条通道,而 the only road passable则是
? 此外,还有一些形容词,作前置修饰语或后置修饰语,不仅在意义上具有永
久性和暂时性的区别,而且整个词义也改变了。 例如,
? the present members 现今的成员
the members present 在场的成员
? 9名词(词组)作前置修饰语
? 如前所述,现代英语在句法结构上出现一种将后置修饰语移向前位的趋势,
? 1)名词(词组)作前置修饰语的意义
? 名词或名词词组作前置修饰语可表示各种意义。比如
? 表示时间,
? Sunday best节日服装
? summer school 暑期学校
? December fifth lower house election于十二月五日举行的下院选举
? the six- month oil price freeze suggestion一项关于冻结石油价格六个月的建议
? 表示地点,
? a North- South dialogue南北对话
? the Shanghai communiqué上海公报
? the Geneva conference日内瓦会议
? a Washington Hilton Hotel gathering一次在华盛顿的希尔顿饭店举行的集会
? the Middle East crisis中东危机
? 表示目的,
? peace conference和平会议
? employment bureau 职业介绍所
? trade delegation贸易代表团
? a milk bottle牛奶瓶
? 表示手段,
? a steam boat 汽船
? an air drill气钻
? a motor car汽车
? 表示原料,
? a stone wall 石墙
? a straw hat 草帽
? rubber boots 胶鞋
? 表示来源,
? pineapple juice 菠萝汁
? plant fat 植物脂肪
? an animal protein动物蛋白
? 表示所属,
? the book cover书的封面
? a goat skin 羊皮
? pear seeds 梨子的种子
? 表示因果,
? battle fatigue战争疲乏
? stay- at- home gasoline shortage导致人们深居简出的汽油短缺
? 表示种类,
? China problem中国问题
? maternity hospital妇产医院
? a tea merchant 茶商
? walnut trees 胡桃树
? 表示主客体关系,
? our government policies政府政策
? a department decision一个部门的决定
? a book lover图书爱好者
? a car carrier 汽车运输车
? a rocket launcher 火箭发射器
? 名词作前置修饰语能表示各种意义,有时甚至是很复杂的意义,
成困难。比如说 a motor car“汽车, 是 a car propelled by a motor
( 表示手段),而 a motor road“汽车道路, 则是 a road for motor
vehicles( 表示用途); the Middle East crisis“中东危机, 是 a
crisis happening in the Middle East( 表示地点),而 energy
crisis“能源危机, 则是 crisis caused by deficiency in the sources of
energy( 表示原因)。这些都还是从字面上容易看得懂的。还有
? The frogman's knife arm came up quickly to deflect the lunge…
? 在上例中,knife arm相当于 the holding the knife
? ( 整句的意思是:蛙人握刀的手急速举起以挡开迎面而来的冲
刺 …… )。这是把用作后置修饰语的分勾结构变成了一个名词
? 2)作前置修饰语的名词(词组)与其他结构的转换关系
? 在这里,首先讲一下用作前置修饰语的名词(词组)与名词属格的转换关系。
? 我们知道,名词属格用于表示“类别”时,它不是限定词,而是一种前置修
饰语,这种属格形式通常可与作前置修饰语的名词(词组)相互转换。 例如,
? Teachers? Training School for Nationalities→Teachers→Teachers training School
for Nationalities少数民族师资培训学校
? Peasants? Amateur Performance Troupe→Peasants Amateur Performance Troupe
? Afro-Asian Journalists? Association→Afro -Asian Journalists Association亚非新闻
? relations between consumers? and producers? countries→relations between
consumer and producer countries生产国与消费国的关系
? the billion- dollar OPEC's fund→the billion - dollar OPEC( 即 Organization of
Petroleum Exporting Countries) fund10亿元的石油输出国组织基金
? a proposal for ceiling on EEC' oil imports→a proposal for a ceiling on EEC ( 即
European Economic Community oil imports为欧洲经济共同体输入石油规定最
? the consolidation of community's solidarity→the consolidation of community
solidarity 加强社会团结
? 作为前置修饰语的名词(词组)有时相当于一定的前置形容词。 例如,
? country life=rural life乡村生活
? China- U,S,relations=Sino-American relations中美关系
? Japan tour=Japanese tour周游日本
? college student= collegiate student大学生
? South China=Southern China华南
? 但有时,作为前置修饰语的名词与它的相应的形容同不能随便互换。例如“能源危机”
只能说 an energy crisis,而不能说 *an energetic crisis;,财政部长”是 finance minister,
而不是 *financial minister;,失业状况”是 unemployment situation,而不是 *
unemployed situation ;,交通系统”是 communication system,而不是 * communicative
system,,宇宙火箭”是 space rocket,而个是 * spacious rocket ;,劳动强度”是 labor
intensity,而不是 * laboring intensity。 另一方面,我们可以说 an energetic youth( 精力
充沛的青年人),financial aid( 财政援助),unemployed worker( 失业工人),
communicative method( 交际法),a spacious hall( 宽敞的大厅),和 laboring people
( 劳动人民),而不能使用各该形容词相应的名词形式。
? 作前置修饰语的名词(词组)有时还可代替后置的限定分句和非限定分句,
? The EEC trade balance deficit with Japan(= the deficit which EEC experienced
in its balance of trade with Japan) 欧洲经济共同体对日本贸易逆差
? an EEC joint oil consumption cut( = a cut to be jointly made by all the members
of EEC in their consumption of oil) 欧洲经济共同体联合削减对石油的消费
? 由上述诸例可以看出,用名词或名词词组作前置修饰语,可以做到用词简练、
? 10 形容词(词组)作前置修饰语
? 形容同的主要用法之一就是作名词的前置修饰语, 大多数形容词通常既可作
前置修饰语, 又可作主语补语 。 这两种用法是可以互相转换的 。 例如,
? This picture is beautiful( 美丽的),
? → This is a beautiful pic- ture,
? He is silly( 愚蠢的),→ He is a silly man,
? 形容词作前置修饰语也可采取词组的形式,
? His behaviour is rather discourteous( 相当失礼的),
? → his rather discourteous behaviour
? His cottage is really quite unbelievably delightful( 确乎十分令人难以相信地可
? → his really quite unbelievably delightful cottage
? 在上述两例中 rather discourteous是由“副词 +形容词中心词”构成的形容词词
组; really quite unbelievably delightful是由“副词词组 +形容词中心词”构成
中心同是 unbelievably,这是第一层; quite修饰中心词,是第二层; really修饰
? 1)形容词的强调手段
? 由上述两例可以看出,形容词用作前置修饰语,可用副词或副词词组来加以
强调,除了 really,quite,rather以外,还有 awfully,devilishly,dreadfully,
义,这一类词,在口语中用作形容词的强化词( Emphasizer) 时,往往失去
原来的词汇意义,仅表示 very,exceedingly( 非常)等的含义,但带有较强
? He was sick of that awfully bad weather,他讨厌那糟糕透顶的坏天气。
? They are fearfully talented people,他们都是极有才能的人。
? The captain was a diabolically clever young fellow,船长是一位聪明过人的小伙
? 上述诸例中的强调词在非正式语体中可以不采取副词的形式,但在意义上还
? It was a terrible cold night,那是个严寒的夜晚。
? He is a dreadful good man,他是个非常好的人。
? It was devilish hard work climbing the mountain,爬山是件很艰苦的事。
? 还有一些副词,如 jolly,rare,good,right,plenty,precious,pretty,mighty,
dead,piping等,也常见于非正式语体,作形容词的强化词。 例如,
? It was a jolly good thing I got there in time,我及时赶到是件很好的事。
? He is a rare good chap,他是一位很好的伙伴。
? She has reached a good old age,她年事已高。
? Society has made precious short work of the cads,社会已十分迅速地除掉了行
? We were served piping hot soup,我们喝了滚烫的汤。
? It was a mighty good meal,and everyone enjoyed it,那是一顿美餐,大家吃得
? 有些形容词和分词也可作形容词的强化词,构成前置形容词词组。 例如,
? beastly bad weather极坏的天气
? a bitter cold winter数九严冬
? a heavenly beautiful girl 极其美丽的姑娘
? a blind mad man十足的疯人
? biting cold weather刺骨寒天
? groping dark wilderness 漆黑的原野
? a scorching hot furnace灼热熔炉
? flattering sweet words 甜言蜜语
? 有些名词也可作形容词的强化词。 例如,
? ice cold weather 严寒天气
? a stone deaf man 实聋子
? a lead heavy load 沉重的负荷
? a brand new suit 崭新的西服
? her dirt-poor parents 极其贫穷的父母
? dirt- cheap second- hand furniture极其便宜的旧家具
? 有少数强调词在构成前置的形容词词组时受到一些限制。 例如,
? His son is so intelligent,他的儿子真聪明。
? 不可转换为,*his so intelligent son
? 而应该说,so intelligent a son of his
? 或者说,such an intelligent son of his
? 否定词 not也不可直接位于形容词之前构成作前置修饰语的形容词词组。 例如,
? His son is not intelligent,他的儿子不聪明。
? 不可转换为,*his not intelligent son
? 但可说,his not very intelligent son
? 2)并列形容词作前置修饰语
? 作为前置修饰语的形容词词组也可采取并列的形式。 例如,
? a small,clear handwriting 小巧清晰的书法
? a long,eventful career 漫长多事的生涯
? a thin,long face瘦削的长脸
? a poor,backward country 贫穷落后的国家
? 还可以在前置形容词之间加入连词。 例如,
? rainy and stormy weather多风多雨的天气
? a tedious and long speech冗长乏味的演说
? a small but comfortable room小而舒适的房间
? slow but sure progress稳扎稳打的进展
? a dangerous though exciting adventure危险的虽则是令人兴奋的冒险
? a glorious though defeated fighter 虽败犹荣的战士
? 现代英语中有一种由,nice/ good/ rare/ fine/ lovely/ bright+ and+形容词”
的结构,形似并列,而实际上是一种强调结构。 例如,
? It was a nice and short speech.( =It was a very short speech.) 那是一个简短
? It's a lovely and fine day.( =It?s a very fine day.) 那天天气晴好。
? 3)形容词作前置修饰语的意义问题
? 英语中有一些词,如 criminal,English,既是形容词,又是名词,当它们修饰
另一个名词时,在词义上两种讲法都能成立,这就容易产生歧义。例如 a
criminal lawyer既可理解为 a lawyer specializing in criminal law( 专门研究刑法
的律师),也可理解为 a lawyer who is criminal( 犯了罪的律师)。 an English
student既可理解为 a student who majors in English( 英语专业学生),也可理
解为 a student who is an Englishman( 英国学生),若说 a student of English,
? 英语里还有一些“形容词 +名词”的搭配关系,其意义不能照字面硬译。例
如 a blind teacher,通常理解为 a teacher who teaches the blind( 教盲人的教师);
当然,在特定上下文中也可理解为“瞎了眼睛的教师”。 a mad doctor并不是
“疯医生”,而是 a doctor of brain diseases( 治精神病的医生)。 a dead march,
相当于 a funeral march( 哀乐),而不是“死的进军”。同样地,a dead list相
当于 a list of the dead in battle( 阵亡名单); married life相当于 life of married
men or women( 结婚生活); dying wish相当于 wish of a dying man( 临终遗
嘱); easy money相当于 money that is earned without trouble( 来路便当的钱);
a difficult friend相当于 a friend difficult to get along with( 难以相处的朋友);
lazy time相当于 time when one is lazy or idle ( 无所事事的时间)。由上述诸例
而是充当“转移修饰语”( Transferred Epithet)。 例如上述最后一例 lazy time,
并不是说 *time is lazy,而是把某个无所事事的懒人和他浪费的时间联系起来,
? 英语中还有一些形容词,如 golden,wooden,
flowery等,是从相应的名词 gold,wood,flower
? 4)形容词作前置修饰语的词序问题
? 当名词中心词带有两个或两个以上形容词作前置修饰语时,这些形容词的词
? a brave young man 勇敢的青年人
? a very courageous old lady 非常勇敢的老妇人
? these beautiful tiny round crystals 美丽、微小的圆形晶体
? 当表示大小的形容词与表示形状的形容词并列时,通常是大小在前,形状在
后。 例如,
? a small round table 小圆桌
? a big triangular stamp 大三角形邮票
? 当表示大小、长短、高低、形状的形容词与表示颜色的形容词并列时,通常
是大小、形状等在前,颜色在后。 例如,
? a little brown jug 棕色的小壶
? a tall gray building 灰色的高楼
? 当表示年龄、新旧的形容词与表示颜色的形容词并列时,也是年龄、新旧在
前,颜色在后。 例如,
? a new pink blouse 新的淡红色短衫
? a dirty old brown skirt 脏旧的棕色女裙
? 如果两个或两个以上表示颜色的形容词并列,需用逗号隔开,或用并列连词
连接起来。 例如,
? a blue and white flag 蓝白两色旗
? a red,blue and white flag 红蓝白三色旗
? 如果表示大小、形状、年龄、颜色等形容词与表示国籍、地区、出处等形容
词并列时,通常是国籍、地区、出处在后,其他形容词在前。 例如,
? an old Norwegian novelist 年老的挪威小说家
? those tall young British policemen 身材高大的、年轻的英国警察
? a beautiful large green Chinese carpet 美丽的、绿色的中国大地毯
? a typical high Italian building 典型的意大利高楼
? 如果在被修饰名词之前还有表示原料的形容词(或名词),这种形容词(或
名词)应该更加贴近中心词。 例如,
? the small whitewashed thatched cottage 刷白的草顶小屋
? a round brown wooden table 棕色的木制圆桌
? a useful oblong tin box 有用的长方形锡盒
? these steep gray Norwegian rocky hills 陡峭的、灰色的挪威石山
? a very attractive round Chinese cloisonné vase十分吸引人的中国景泰蓝圆瓶
? 如果在被修饰名词之前还有表示用途或类别的形容词(或名词、
- ing分词),这一类前置修饰语应该最贴近中心词。 例如,
? a famous German medical school著名的德国医学院
? a valuable old French writing desk贵重的老式法国写字台
? an expensive Japanese sports car 昂贵的日本赛车
? 综上所述,我们可以大体归纳如下:当名词中心词带有多个形
如下,限定词 → 一般描绘性形容词 → 表示大小、长短、高低的
形容词 → 表示形状的形容词 → 表示年龄、新旧的形容词 → 表示
颜色的形容词 → 表示国籍、地区、出处的形容词 → 表示物质、
材料的形容词 → 表示用途、类别的形容词 → 名词中心词。 按照
? a charming small round old brown French oak writing desk 一张好
? 11 -ING 分词和 -ED分词作前置修饰语
? -ing分词和 -ed分词也可作名词的前置修饰语。一般说来,- ing分词作前置
修饰语常有, 未完成, 意义和, 主动, 意义,而用 -ed 分词作前置修饰语则
常有, 已完成, 意义和, 被动, 意义。
? 1)- ING分词作前置修饰语
? -ing分词作前置修饰语大致有两种情况:一种情况是,- ing分词表示所修
? 过去的语法书把以上各组中第一个 -ing形式叫做“现在
分词”( Pre- sent Participle),而把第二个 -ing形式叫
做“动名词”( Gerund),这样一来,同一个 -ing形式
语法》的体系,动词的 -ing形式不必给予两个名称,统
称之为“- ing分词”(- ing Participle)。- ing分词在
作,有时表示所修饰名词的性能或用途,这并非由于 -
境中,在这里是因为它们所修饰的名词不同。 -ing分词
? 2) -ED分词作前置修饰语
? 用作前置修饰语的 -ed分词,有的来自及物动词,有的来自不及物动词。及物
动词的 -ed分词多数表示被动意义和完成意义。例如,
? an injured man= a man who has been injured受伤的人
? a broken window= a window that has been broken破窗
? lost property=property that has been lost失物
? a married man=a man who has been married已婚的男人
? an uninvited guest =a guest who has not been invited不速之客
? 不及物动词的 -ed分词作前置修饰语并不表示被动意义,而仅表示完成意义。
? fallen leaves= leaves that have fallen落叶
? retired workers=workers who have retired退休工人
? an escaped prisoner=a prisoner who has escaped逃犯
? a returned student= a student who has returned from abroad归国留学生
? an expired lease= a lease that has expired过期的租约
? faded colors= colors that have faded away褪去的颜色
? newly-arrived visitors= visitors who have just arrived新到的参观者
? the risen sun= the sun that has risen已升起的太阳
? 12 介词(词组)作后置修饰语
? 介词词组通常作后置修饰语,限制前面名词词组的意义范围。
? the road to London 通向伦敦的道路
? a tree by the stream溪边的树
? the house beyond the Church 教堂那一边的房子
? the day before yesterday 前天
? passengers on board the ship 船上的乘客
? 作为后置修饰语,介词词组能表示各种不同的意义。 例如在上
其他意义,例如 the book on phonology( 音位学著作)表示题材;
a man of courage( 勇敢的人)表示素质; the cover of the book
( 书的封面)表示所有关系; a novel by Dickens( 狄更斯的小说)
表示作者; the possession of a large fortune( 拥有大量财产)表
示动宾关系; the arrival of the prime minister( 总理的到达)表示
主动关系; the City of New York( 纽约市),the news of the
victory( 胜利的消息)表示同位关系等等。
? 英语中有一些 of-词组形似后罩修饰语,而实际不是。 例如 a fool
of a policeman( =a foolish policeman,愚蠢的警察),an an-gel
of a girl(= an angelic girl,天使般的姑娘),a mountain of a
wave ( =a wave high as a mountain,山一般的巨浪),a hell fo a
factory ( =a factory which looks like a hell,地狱般的工厂),在
这些词组中,真正的修饰对象不是 fool,angel,mountain和 hell,
而是 of-词组中的“宾语” policeman,girl,wave和 factory。
? 遇到两个或两个以上介词词组作后置修饰语,需注意辨别修饰
与被修饰的关系。 例如,
? the girl by the table with the carved legs
? the girl by the table with the sunburnt legs
? 在上述第一例中,by the table修饰 the girl,而 with the carved legs
则修饰 the table; 在第二例中,两个介词词组都直接修饰 the girl。
此种解释上的区别决定于 table和 carved legs( 有雕刻图案腿的桌
子)/ girl和 sunburnt legs( 晒黑了腿的姑娘)之间的语义关系。
? 13 形容词(词组)作后置修饰语
? 形容词通常是作前置修饰语的,但在某些搭配中只能后置,不能前置。 这有
? 第一种情况是用在 -thing,- one,- body等合成词之后。 例如,
? something nice一些好东西
? anything interesting一些有趣的东西
? nothing wrong 没有错误的东西
? anyone keen on modern jazz爱好现代爵士音乐的人
? 第二种情况是用在某些固定搭配中。 例如,
? a court martial 军事法庭
? a poet laureate 桂冠诗人
? the sum total总数
? a devil incarnate魔鬼的化身
? a body politic国家
? an attorney general司法部长
? an ambassador extraordinary特命大使
? an heir apparent 确定继承人
? the president elect当选总统
? notary public公证人
? 第三种情况是,较长的形容词词组通常后置。 例如,
? the boys easiest to teach最容易教的孩子
? the actor suitable for the part适合担任这一角色的演员
? students brave enough to attempt the course 敢于修习这门课程的学

? a house much larger than yours比你的大得多的房子
? a grain as big as a hen's egg鸡蛋一样大的谷粒
? 除上述三种情况外,还有一些形容词只能用作补语,不能用作
? the house ablaze着火的房子
? the sky aglow with the setting sun 夕阳西下,满天红霞
? 这一类后置修饰语实际上是一种无动词分句,可以扩展为关系
分句,the house that is/ was ablaze,the sky that is/ was aglow
with the setting sun。
? 14 非限定分句作后置修饰语
? 非限定分句作名词词组的后置修饰语可以是不定式分句,-ing分词分句或 -ed
分词分句。 例如,
? She has five children to look after,她有五个孩子要照料。
? They arrived too late to catch the train leaving at eight,
? 他们到站太晚未能搭上八点开出的火车。
? A new book on linguistics written by my friend appeared last week,
? 我朋友写的语言学新著上周出版了。
? 用非限定分句作后置修饰语有时会产生歧义,例如下面一句话就可作几种解
? He wants a girl to finish the cleaning,
? 这句话可以解释为,He wants a girl who will finish the cleaning,
? 也可解释为,He wants a girl in order that she will finish the cleaning,或
He wants a girl in order that he can finish the cleaning( with her help),
? 如果是要那姑娘完成打扫工作,最好用关系分句 who will finish the cleaning;
如果是他自己要完成打扫工作,最好说,To finish the cleaning,he wants a
girl to help him。
? 在下列两句中,非限定分句是作后置修饰语还是作其他结构的组成部分,两者界线不
? I noticed a man hidden behind the bushes( 被藏在灌木丛后面),
? He was warned by a light flashing repeatedly( 反复闪耀),
? 上述第一句可作以下两种解释,
? I noticed a man who was hidden behind the bushes,
? I noticed that a man was hidden behind the bushes,
? 第二句也可作两种解释,
? He was warned by a light that flashed repeatedly,
? He was warned by the fact that a light flashed repeatedly,
? 如果把该句改写成为,He was warned by the repeated flashing of light,那就排除了第一
? 非限定分句作后置修饰语是否用逗号与主句隔开往往会引起意义上的差异。 试比较下
? The earliest car,built by a German,made its first run in 1885,
? The earliest car built by a German made its first run in 1885,
? 在上述第一句中,built by a German是用逗号与主句隔开的,它的深层结构相当于,
? The earliest car made its first run in 1885,and the earliest car was built by a German,
? 这就是说,世界上最早的一辆汽车是一个德国人造的。但是,在上述第二句中 built by
a German没有用逗号与主句隔开,它的意义是,
? The earliest car to be built by a German made its first run in 1885,
? 意思是说“德国人最早造的汽车于 1885年作首次运行”,这句话并不意味着世界上最
? 15 关系分句作后置修饰语
? 关系分句( Relative Clause) 是最典型的后置修饰语。所有其他后置修饰语都
可以转换为关系分句,但在意义上都没有关系分句那样明确。 试比较,
? a friend in London
? a friend living in London
? a friend who lives/ is living/ used to live in London
? 上述第一例用介词词组作后置修饰语,只说“在伦敦的一个朋友”,但并未
用 living in London,意义就更明确一些了,指的是“住在伦敦”的一个朋友,
? 但是,如果用了关系分句,那就非常明确了,a friend who lives in London表
示现在常住伦敦; a friend who is living in London则表示暂时住在伦敦; a
friend who used to live in London,那就表示现在已不住在伦敦了。所有这些
? 1)限制性关系分句和非限制性关系分句
? 关系分句,和其他后置修饰语一样,分为限制性的和非限制性的两种。在书
号隔开。限制性关系分句在语义上通常和它的“先行项”( Antecedent) 结
成一体,不可分割,如 the man I saw yesterday( 我昨天看到的那个人),而
? My cousin,who is an engineer,went to Europe last week,
? 在这里,who is an engineer( 是工程师)与 my cousin( 我的表弟)之间并没
有不可分割的关系,只是顺便提一下 my cousin的身份,如果拿掉了这个关系
分句,my cousin所指为谁仍然是明确的。正因为如此,在专有名词以及带有
? I met Mary,who asked me to give you this,我遇见玛丽,她要我把这东西给
? Her mother,who had long suffered from arthritis,died last night,她的母亲长
? 在有些情况下,用限制性关系分句或非限制性关系分句往往会
? The travelers who knew about the floods took another road,
? The travelers,who knew about the floods,took another road,
? 上述第一句用限制性关系分句,意思是“只有那些知道前面有
? The boys who wanted to play football were disappointed when it
? The boys,who wanted to play football,were disappointed when it
? 前者用限制性关系分句,意思是“只有那些想踢足球的孩子们
? 2)关系代词的选择问题
? 关系分句是由关系代词( Relative Pronoun) who,whom,whose,which,
that以及关系副词( Relative Adverb) Where,when,why等引导的分句结构。
由于 who/ that均可指人,which/ that均可指物,因此就存在关系代词的选择
问题。关系代词的选择除受, 先行项, 的制约外,有时还受限制性或非限制
性关系分句的制约。比如关系代词在限制性关系分句中作主语,如果, 先行
项, 指人,则关系代词可用 who/ that,而以用 who较为普遍;如果, 先行项,
指物,则关系代词可用 which/ that,而以用 that较为普遍。
? 但若用在非限制性关系分句中作主语,便只能用 who指人,用 which指物,都
不能用 that。
? 当关系代词在限制性关系分句中作宾语,通常用 who/ whom/ that指人,
which/ that指物,两者都可省略 。
? 但若在非限制性关系分句中,便只能用 who/ whom指人,用 which 指物,两
者都不可用 that代替,而且不能省略。
? 当关系代词在限制性关系分句中作介词补足成分(即介词, 宾语, )而介词
出现在关系分句的句尾时,通常用 whom/ who/ that 指人,which/ that指物,
? 在正式语体中,可将介词移至关系分句之首,这时,介词, 宾语, 便只能用
whom指人,用 which指物,而不能用 who和 that,而且都不能省略。
? 但若在非限制性关系分句中,便只能用 whom/ who指人,用 which 指物,两
者都不能用 that,而且都不能省略。
? 关于“介词 +whom/ which”这样的结构,还有几点补充说明,
? 第一,介词的选择问题。此类结构中用什么介词,有时取决于“先行项”,
有时则取决于关系分句本身的结构需要。 例如,
? The speed at which the coding can be done depends on the speed at which the
operator can work,编码的速度有赖于操作员工作的速度。
? A programmer may make a mistake either in writing out the machine code or in a
wrong analysis of the situation on which the program was based,程序编制员写
? 前一例用 at,这与 speed的搭配有关( at the speed); 第二例用 on,则与 based
的搭配有关( was based on)。
? 第二,“介词 +which”有替代关系副词的功能。 例如“我出生的日子”和“我
? the day when he was born/on which he was born/( which) he was born on
? the house where he was born/in which he was born/( which) he was born in
? 第三,,of+ whom/ which”之前可以根据语义需要放上 both,all,neither,
none,some,few,several,many,most,one,two,three 等词。 例如,
? They have two spare rooms upstairs,and neither of them has been used for
? = They have two spare rooms upstairs,neither of which has been used for
? 再回头来讲关系代词的选择问题,如果关系分句的“先行项”是 all,其后的关系代词
通常用 who/ that指人(在当代英语中通常用 all those who… 或 all the people who…, 较
少用 all who/ that… 这样的结构),用 that指物,而不用 which指物。
? All who/ that heard him were delighted,听他讲话的人都感到高兴。
? All that/ * which glitters is not gold,发亮的东西不一定都是金子。
? 如果“先行项”是 much,little,everything,nothing或者是由形容词的最高级加中心
词构成,其后的关系代词通常只用 that( 作宾语时也可省略),几乎不用 which。 例如:
? He?s forgotten everything( that) he learnt at school,他把在学校学到的东西都忘得一
? 如果关系代词在分句中作主语补语或者作 there-存在句的真主语,在这种情况下,不
管“先行项”指人或指物,一律用 that指代,而且通常省略。 例如,
? He's not the man( that) he was,他这个人已今非昔比。
? 关系限定词( Relative Determiner) whose既可指人,也可指物,有时可与 of which交
替使用。 of which能有两种位置:“后置”或“前置”,而以“后置”较为普通。
? whose也能出现在介词词组中,此时也可能与 of which交替使用。例如,
? That's the man in whose garden we were playing yesterday,昨天我们在那个人的花园里
? 3)关系分句与非限定分句和无动词分句的转换关系
? 如前所述,关系分句与其他各种后置修饰语都有转换关系,但以关系分句的
? 关系分句可以转换为 -ing 分词分句,
? The people who are/ were working in the factory asked for a pay increase last
? = The people working in the factory…
? All articles that belong to the college must be returned,
? = All articles belonging to the college…
? 这里有几点说明:第一,关系分句中的动词为限定动词,有“时”的特征; -
ing分词分句中的 -ing分词为非限定动词,无“时”的特征(下面的 -ed分词分
句和不定式分句也是如此)。 第二,关系分句中的动词可以是进行体形式,
也可以是非进行体形式,但转换为 -ing 分词分句后只有 -ing分词一种形式。 第
二例不能改用 * that are belonging to… ),但转换为非限定分句时,照样用 -
? 关系分句也可转换为 -ed分词分句,
? The man who was injured by the bullet was taken to hospital,
? = The man injured by the bullet…
? 关系分句也可转换为不定式分句,
? I've got a bottle of wine but I haven't got anything that I could open it
? = … to open it with,
? 在 the first,the second,etc以及 the last,the only,the best等结
? He was the first man who reached the top,
? =… to reach the top,
? 关系分句也可转换为无动词分句,
? The man,who was nervous,opened the door,
? =The man,nervous,…
? 由上述诸例可以看出,与关系分句相对应的无动词分句主要是
? 4)关系分句的其他意义
? 关系分句可以表达多种含义,除作后置修饰语外,有时还可起并列分句,甚
至状语分句的作用,译成汉语也是灵活多样的。 试观察下列诸例,
? The man who I saw was called Smith,我见到的那个人姓史密斯。
? 上句中的关系分句 who I saw是修饰前面的名词词组的。
? I threw the ball to Tom,who threw it to Mary,我把球扔给汤姆,汤姆把球扔
? I told Peter,who said it wasn't his business,我告诉了彼得,可他说那不管他
? 这里的关系分句实际上不起修饰作用,而是起并列分句的作用,可用 and+分
句或 but+分句予以改写,
? I threw the ball to Tom and he threw it to Mary,
? I told Peter,but he said it wasn't his business,
? 此类关系分句在形式上属于非限制性关系分句,通常总是出现在宾语或介词
补足成分之后。 例如,
? After dinner,the four key negotiators resumed their talks,which continued well
into the night,饭后,四个主要谈判人继续会谈,一直谈到深夜。
? He had talked to President Nixon,who assured him that every-thing that could be
done would be done,他和尼克松总统谈过话。总统向他担保,凡是能够做到
? 有时关系分句可以表达状语分句的含义。 例如,
? He got lost on Snowdon,which was enveloped in fog ( = …when it was
enveloped in fog),斯诺登峰在大雾笼罩之中,他迷失了方向。
? The ambassador was giving a dinner for a few people whom he wished especially
to talk to or to hear from(= …because he wished…to hear from them ),大使只
? He,who all his days had looked on naked life,had never seen so much of Life's
nakedness before( =Although he all his days had looked on naked Life,he had
never… ),虽然他一生习惯于艰苦的生活,但在这以前他从没有见过人世间
? There was something original about the plan that pleased all of them( =…so that it
pleased… ),这个计划有点创见,所以使他们都很高兴。
? He would be a short- sighted commander who merely manned his fortress and did
not look beyond( =…if he merely… ),谁如果只守城堡而不看远处,那他就
? 上述诸例中的关系分句分别起着时间状语、原因状语、让步状语、结果状语、
? 1 修饰性状语和评注性状语
? 状语,按其在句中结构关系,分为修饰性状语和评注性状语。修饰性状语在
句中修饰谓语,即修饰, 谓语动词 +补足成分, 。例如,
? [1] Tomatoes will be expensive this year,今年番茄价格将会昂贵。
? [2] The church will be built where there used to be a Roman temple,教堂将建在
? [1]时间状语 this year修饰 will be expensive; [2]地点状语 where there used to be a
Roman temple修饰 will be built 。
? 总之,修饰性状语与整个句子或分句的意义有着密切的关系,这种状语如果
? They decided to leave the town secretly,
? 在这里,方式状语 secretly通常应该理解为修饰 to leave the town ( 他们决定秘
密离开该镇),但也有可能被理解为修饰整个谓语 decided to leave the town
( 他们秘密地决定离开该镇)。为避免歧义,我们可以说,
? They decided to secretly leave the town.( 前一种意义)
? They secretly decided to leave the town.( 后一种意义)
? 由此可见,修饰性状语是句子或分句的核心成分,它与整个句子或分句在结
构上紧密相连,所以当代有些语言学家把这类状语又叫做, 结合性附加语,
( Adjunct); 这也就是五种句子(分句)成分之一的, 状语, 。
? 评注性状语不属于句子的核心成分,而仅是句
子的外围成分,它不是修饰, 谓语动词 +补足成
度和评价。 例如,
? Frankly,I know very little about literature,坦白
? Naturally,the children are behaving well while
you are here,自然啦,你在的时候,孩子们都
? 正因为这种状语与句子结构本身没有紧密的关
当代有些语言学家把这类状语又叫做, 分离性
附加语, ( Disjunct)。
? 2 修饰性状语的种类和位置
? 修饰性状语,按其词汇意义,可分为时间状语、地点状语、方式状语、原因
? The salesmen and saleswomen always have to wait until the last customer has
? You can sit where you like,你喜欢坐哪里就坐哪里。
? He answered all the questions very carefully,他小心地回答了所有问题。
? He didn't attend the meeting on account of illness,由于生病他没有与会。
? To improve the railway service,we are electrifying the main lines,为了改进铁
? He mistook me for a teacher,causing me great embarrassment,他错误地把我当
? In case of rain we'll put off the football match,如果天下雨,我们就推迟足球赛。
? Though no good swimmer,Martin managed to swim across the river,尽管不善
? 关于修饰性状语在句中的位置,一般说来,时间状语通常位于句首或句尾。
? At seven we have breakfast,我们在 7点吃早饭。
? We have breakfast at seven.( 译文同上)
? 如果时间状语和方式状语连用,通常的次序是方式状语在前,时间状语在后。
? She cleaned the house thoroughly every weekend,每逢周末,她总是彻底打扫
? 在上例中,受强调的是 every weekend,而 thoroughly则处于不受强调的位置。
如果要强调 thoroughly,不妨把时间状语移至句首,
? Every weekend she cleaned the house thoroughly,
? 在这样的词序中,thoroughly最受强调,而时间状语相对地说来便处于不是很
? 如果时间状语和地点状语连用,通常的次序是地点状语在前,时间状语在后。
? She put the bottles on the doorstep every morning,
? 她每天早晨把瓶子放在台阶上。
? 如果要强调地点状语,可将 every morning移至句首,
? Every morning she put the bottles on the doorstep,
? 如果时间状语、地点状语和方式状语连用,通常的次序是:方式 → 地点 → 时
间。 例如,
? She put the bottles carefully on the doorstep every morning,
? 她每天早晨小心地把瓶子放在台阶上。
? 如果要强调 on the doorstep,便可将时间状语移至句首,
? Every morning she put the bottles carefully on the doorstep,
? 如果既要强调地点状语,又要强调方式状语,便可将方式状语移至句首,
? Carefully she put the bottles on the doorstep,
? 方式状语通常位于动词之后,如 She worked hard; 或者位于“动词 +宾语”之
后,如 They speak English well; 如果谓语动词是个介词动词(即动词 +介词),
它既可置于动词和介词之间,如 He looked suspiciously at me,也可置于动词 +
介词 +宾语之后,如 He looked at me suspiciously; 但是,必须注意,方式状语
通常不可以放在动词和宾语之间。 例如不可以说,
? * They speak well English,
? * She put carefully the bottles on the doorstep,
? 如果宾语较长,可将方式状语置于动词之前。 例如,
? He angrily denied that he had stolen the documents,他愤怒地否认曾偷过文件。
? 原因状语的位置一般比较灵活,它可以位于句首或句尾。 为了强调说话对象
可能不知道的原因,便让 because-分句位于主句之后。例如,
? The strike was not successful,because there was little support,罢工失败了,由
? 如果不须强调原因,而要强调结果,便可把原因状语置于主句之前。 例如,
? Because there was little support,the strike was not successful,由于没有得到支
? 如果原因状语是由 as/ since引导的从句,由于这种从句通常传递已知信息,
不必加以强调,通常位于句首。 例如,
? As there's little demand for them,we don't stock refills for pens like yours,因为
? 目的状语既可置于句首,也可置于句尾:要强调目的便置于句尾,否则就置
于句首。 例如,
? They must have worn gloves in order not to leave any fingerprints,他们(在作案
? So that I might not miss anything,I arrived very early,为了不错过什么,我到
? 结果状语通常只能置于句尾。 例如,
? We arrived very early so that we got good seats,我们到得很早,(结果)都坐
? 条件状语和让步状语一般也是位置灵活,有赖说话人的语义重心何在。 例如,
? If she were here now,she could have been helping us,假如她在这里,她就可
? We'll cancel the match if it rains,下雨我们就取消比赛。
? However far it is,I intend to drive there tonight,不管路有多远,我今晚还是要
? We were enjoying ourselves though the weather was bad,我们玩得很开心,尽
? 条件状语和让步状语的位置都关系到句子的语义重心,比如上述第二例中 if it
rains出现在句尾,这表明说话时下雨的可能性比较大;在第四例中 though the
weather was bad出现在句尾,其含义是说话人对天气不好表示遗憾,从而冲
淡了主句所表示的, 玩得很开心, 的含义。由此可见,状语在句中的位置问
? 3 评注性状语的种类和意义
? 评注性状语通常位于句首,间或也可位于句中或句尾。
评注性状语在口语中自成一个语调组( Tone Unit);
? Really,the students worked very hard last term,真的,
? The students worked very hard last term,really,学生们
? Generally speaking,the questions were not very
? The questions,generally speaking,are not very
? 评注性状语按语义可分为“方式评注性状语”( Style
Disjunct) 和“态度评注性状语”( Attitudinal
? 方式评注性状语表示说话人讲话的方式,如 seriously,frankly,literally,
bluntly,simply,metaphorically,strictly,paradoxically等。 例如,
? Seriously,I've given up my job,说真的,我已经辞去了我的工作。
? Confidentially,she is very stupid,私下说说,她很愚蠢。
? Frankly,I don't like him,坦白地说,我不喜欢他。
? Honestly,Mr,Jones reported our story,真的,琼斯先生报导了我们的新闻。
? Personally,I approved of the idea,就我个人而言,我赞成这个打算。
? Generally,the two writers were against any censorship,总的来说,这两个作家
? 方式评注性状语除由各种副词表示外,还可采取其他结构形式。
? 以 frankly为例,相应的结构就有 in( all) frankness,to be frank,to speak
frankly,to put it frankly,frankly speaking,putting it frankly,put frankly,if I
may be frank,if I can put it frankly,if I can speak frankly 等。例如,
? In all frankness,he disagrees with you,坦白地说,他不同意你的意见。
? To be frank,you need a great deal of courage,坦白地说,你要有很大勇气。
? Put frankly,it is not the thing to say,恕我直说吧,那不是该说的事情。
? If I may be frank,I'll tell you the whole story,坦白地说,我愿意向你交底。
? 态度评注性状语表示说话人对话语的态度,这又可分为若干小类:比如表示
话语可靠性的程度有 probably,apparently,evidently,obviously,plainly,
conceivably,possibly,presumably,arguably等等。 例如,
? Obviously,he was tired of administrative work,显然,他是不想干行政工作了。
? Apparently,he knew the town well,显然,他很熟悉这个城市。
? Presumably,they have sold their house,他们大概已经把房子卖了。
? Conceivably,that is an inspired question,可以想象,那是经人授意而提出的
? 表示, 确定, 的评注性状语有 certainly,surely,admittedly,allegedly,
undoubtedly,definitely,incontestably,unarguably,clearly等等。 例如,
? Certainly,your children disliked me,肯定地说,你的孩子不喜欢我。
? Surely,you have saved some money? 谅必你已经攒了一些钱了吧?
? Undoubtedly,he is more intelligent than his brother,肯定地说,他比他的兄弟
? Admittedly,I had no right to be there,but I had lost my way,无可否认,我没
? 表示惊讶、迷惘、失望、安慰、谅解、遗憾等感情的评注性状
语有 amazingly,astonishingly,astoundingly,bewilderingly,
等。 例如,
? Surprisingly,he ate a lot,令人惊奇的是,他食量很大。
? Curiously,the students seemed to know the questions already,奇
? Understandably,no patriot wants to fall into disrepute,可以理解,
? Regrettably,he had forgotten all his promises,令人遗憾的是,他
? Annoyingly for his father,John failed the exam several times,令
? Amusingly,he did not explain his position to me,有趣的是,他
? 表示悲伤、高兴、希望、感谢、幸运等感情的评注性状语有
luckily,unfortunately,unluckily等等。 例如,
? Unhappily,he went home without leave,令人不快的是,他未经
? Luckily,she was not hurt in the accident,幸运的是,她在事故中
? Fortunately,he passed the exam and was admitted to college,幸运
? Thankfully,everyone returned to the camp safe and sound,谢天谢
? Hopefully,the two sides may come to an agreement on this
? 表示正确、错误、聪明、愚蠢等意义的评注性状语有 rightly,
? Rightly,the judge received praise for his decision,当然,那法官
? You telephoned the police station first,quite rightly,你首先打电
? Wisely,he answered the soldiers'questions foolishly when he was
? Not unreasonably,he protested strongly against it,他对此强烈抗
? Foolishly,the girl did not ask your name,那姑娘竟然没有问你姓
? 表示寻常、罕见等意义的评注性状语有 conventionally,
rarely,traditionally,( not) unusually等等。 例如,
? Rarely,very rarely,the master would admit defeat,那
? Traditionally,second-hand car prices drop in the autumn
and rise in the spring,按照惯例,二手汽车通常在秋季
? 还有一种连接手段有时也叫“状语” ——“连接性状
语”,又叫“连接性附加语”( Conjunct),通常由连
看教材第 636-638页。
? Exercise 36A on Pages 626-628
? Exercise 36B on Pages 631-633
? Exercise 36C on Pages 638-640
? Exercise 36D on Pages 640-641
? Exercise 36E on Pages 641-642
? 预习 第 37讲 ( 643-658页)
? 预习 第 38讲 ( 659-671页)