课件三,the Reformation
宗教改革 ( 3-0-0)
Sailing the Indulgences
出售赎罪券 ( 3-1-1)
In 1517,a preacher
named Tetzel came to
a nearby village,
offering indulgences
(赎罪券) to those who
would contribute to
the building of new
Cathedral of St.Peter,
at Roma,He said:,So
soon as coin in coffer
rings,the soul from
Purgatory (炼狱 )
Martin Luther(1483-1546)
马丁 · 路德 ( 3-1-2)
German leader of the
Reformation,In 1507,being a
priest,he began a career as a
theological teacher,later a
professor,He developed
(1512-13) the idea of
justification by faith,and
attacked (1517) Tetzel’s sale of
indulgence,by posting 95
theses on the church door at
Wittenburg,In Wartburg
Castle,he began his German
translation of the Bible(1521-
22),His popularity was
weakened by his opposition
to the Peasants’ War (1524-25).
Luther’s 95 theses (Oct.31,1517)
路德张贴, 九十五条论纲, ( 3-1-3)
These were ninety-five
short statements
relating to indulgences,
and in posting them,
Luther was simply
inviting learned
professors to discuss
the statements pro and
con in order to
determine,if possible,
whether the practices
of such agents of
church as Tetzel were
or were not in accord
with the true doctrine.
Munzer (c.1490-1525) 闵采尔 (3-2-1)
Thomas Munzer
was a priest and
former follower
of Martin Luther,
Later he became
a leader in
uprisings in
central Germany
in 1525.
German Peasants war (1524-25)
德國農民戰爭 ( 3-2-2)
( Swaibia,西
南 部) ;
区( Franconia,
3、萨克森 (Saxony)
John Calvin (1509-1564)
加尔文 ( 3-3-1)
French reformer and theologian,
He established a strict
Presbyterian government in
Geneva,He taught that it was
the right and duty of the state to
aid the Church,that biblical
authority was to be set above
Church tradition,that the
were of value but not essential,
and that he taught
predestination (预定论), His
teaching spread to the
Netherlands and Scotland,and
influenced the Puritans in
England and in New England.