Chapter two
unit four (I)
The Whipping Boy
Key points:
understanding Culture
Revision,about reference
? Analyze references in some sentences (passage
? Amy grew up listening to the disagreements of her
parents,both before and after their divorce,She
learned what it meant to be a "latchkey kid," cared
for by phone.
? The greatest legacy of the babyboom generation's
early adulthood has been that it asked all the right
questions but resolved nothing,Raised by parents
whose sacrifices during the Great Depression and
World War II purchased for us the luxury of being
able to question,we all understood the standards
from which some of us were choosing to deviate.
Key points,
understanding culture
Difficulties in the understanding
? 1,This was fed by continuous debates over civil rights,
the Vietnam war,Watergate and the Iran-contra affair.
? 2,She heard those who had celebrated the drug culture
tell her "just say no" at about the time that high-school
dealers started wearing beepers to class,She knows that
the generation that flaunted sexual freedom is queasy
now,what with abortion so common among teenagers and
the illegitimacy rate triple that of 20 years ago.
? 3,The greatest legacy of the babyboom generation's
early adulthood has been that it asked all the right
questions but resolved nothing,Raised by parents whose
sacrifices during the Great Depression and World War II
purchased for us the luxury of being able to question,we
all understood the standards from which some of us were
choosing to deviate.
Background (culture)
? 1,civil rights( 民权运动 ),二十世纪五十和六十年代美国黑人为消除种
族隔离和争取平等权利而进行的全球性的运动 。
? Vietnam war( 越南战争 ),美国侵略越南的战争 ( 1964-1075), 以美
军失败而告终, 是美国历史上最不得人心的战争 。
? Watergate( 水门事件 ),尼克松政府的一个政治丑闻 ( 1972-1974)
? Iran-contra( 伊朗事件 ),里根政府的一个政治丑闻 ( 1986), 指某些
高官背着总体策划用出售武器给伊朗的收入来资助尼加拉瓜的反政府武装 。
? Drug culture and sexual freedom:六七十年代, 美国的年轻人宣扬毒品
文化, 提倡性自由和性解放 。
? Babyboom generation:本文涉及到美国的几个历史时期和三代人的经
历 。
? 作者:在第二次世界大战后生育高峰出生的, 曾参加过越战, 同时又经历了美国社会的动荡, 如上述各种运动 。
? 作者的父母:经历了美国的经济大萧条和第二次世界大战 。
? 作者的女儿:出生于七八十年代, 虽没有经历其父母亲那样的动荡, 但
深受他们生活的影响 。
Importance of culture in the
understanding of a text
? What is culture?
? Culture is defined as,the totality of beliefs and practices
of a society”,It includes social system,ideational
system,techno-economic system and linguistic system.
? The relationship between language and culture:
? Language is part of culture,It is influence by culture.
While culture is realized through language.
? As Susan Bassnett said:
?Language,then,is the heart within a body of culture,and it is
the interaction between the two that results in the continuation
of life-energy,In the same way that the surgeon,operating on
the heart,cannot neglect the body that surrounds it,so the
translator treats the text in isolation from the culture at his peril.
Realization of the importance of
culture in the understanding of a text
?Look at some examples in unit 4
? P54 line 2 from bottom
? P55 line 2,line 1 of para 3
? P57 line 4
?Look at some examples in the explanation
?Examples,2,3,and 4
?Passage five,In Amy’s eyes (II)
?Read the explanation,about culture
?Read and compare,unit four
?Review what has been learnt,Find the part
you still can’t understand completely.
?(no written exercise)