2.2 Analysis on Returns to Scale and the
Optimum Business scale
教学目标 Objectives:
? 理解规模经济, 规模不经济的含义
? 理解内在经济, 内在不经济的含义
? 理解外在经济, 外在不经济的含义
? 明确规模经济, 规模不经济产生的原因
? 明确内在经济, 内在不经济产生的原因
? 明确外在经济, 外在不经济产生的原因
知识点 Knowledge:
规模经济, 规模不经济, 内在经济
内在不经济, 外在经济, 外在不经济
技能点 Skills:
? 学会运用内在经济理论解决设备采购问题
? 明确规模经济, 规模不经济, 内在经济, 内在不经济, 外在
经济, 外在不经济产生的原因
Returns to Scale Competence to innovate
the Optimum Business scale
In the long run internal economies
The scale of production
Constant returns to scale
Increasing returns to scale
Decreasing returns to scale
Economies of scale
Diseconomies of scale
management level External economies
life cycle of product
专业词汇 Professional terms
? In the long run,there are several decisions that a
firm has to make,decisions about the scale and
location of its operations and what techniques of
production it should use,These decisions affect
the costs of production,It is important,therefore,
to get them right.
? The scale of production
? If a firm were to double all of its inputs—sometimes it
could do in the long run—could it double its output? Or
will output more than double or less than double? We
can distinguish three possible situations:
? l Constant returns to scale
? l Increasing returns to scale
? l Decreasing returns to scale
economies and diseconomies of scale
( 一 ) 规模经济
? 1,什么是规模经济
? Economies of scale When increasing the scale
of production leads to a lower cost per unit of
uSpecialization and division of labor (P126)
uThe ‘container’ principle
uGreater efficiently of large machines
uMulti-stage production
uPlant economies of scale Economies of scale that rises because
of the large size of the factory.
uRationalization The reorganizing of production (often after a
merger) so as to cut out waste and duplication and generally to
reduce costs.
uEconomies of scope When increasing the range of products
produced by a firm reduces the cost of producing each one.
uSpreading overheads u Financial economies
economies and diseconomies of scale
( 二 ) 规模不经济
? 1,什么是规模不经济
? Diseconomies of scale When costs per unit of
output increase as the scale of production
? 2,规模不经济的原因
?企业管理水平 management level of firms
?产品的寿命周期 life cycle of product
?企业的创新能力 firm’s competence to innovate
三、内在经济与内在不经济 internal
economies and diseconomies of scale
( 一 ) 内在经济
内在经济 是指一个生产经营单位在生产规模扩大时
? 可以使用更加先进的机器设备
? 可以实行专业化生产
? 可以对副产品进行综合利用
? 方便生产资源和产品的购买与销售
三、内在经济与内在不经济 internal
economies and diseconomies of scale
( 二 ) 内在不经济
内在不经济 是一个生产经营单位由于本身生产规模
? 管理效率的降低
? 生产资源价格与销售费用增加
四、外在经济与外在不经济 external
economies and diseconomies of scale
( 一 ) 外 在经济
外在经济,整个行业生产规模的扩大, 给个别生产
到更加方便的交通条件和辅助设施, 更多的
信息与更好的人才, 从而使产量与收益增加 。
四、外在经济与外在不经济 external
economies and diseconomies of scale
( 二 ) 外 在不经济
生产经营单位产量与收益减少, 这种情况
整个行业的扩大, 会使各别生产经营单位的
规模报酬因竞争激烈, 环境污染严重, 交通
紧张等原因而降低 。