( Bioseparation Engineering Science)
学 分 :2
总 课 时 :32
点及对分离过程的特殊要求, 掌握生物分离最基本的各种技术,特别是生物大分子的分离、
Chapter 1 Introduction
In this chapter, students should grasp concepts of bioseparation and bioproducts,
four stages in bioseparation, and four parameters to analyze bioseparation
efficiency. They should get familiar with the diversity of bioproducts and the basis
for bioseparation. Furthermore, they should understand the historical development
of bioseparation techniques, the importance of bioseparation for the production of
various bioproducts.
Key points:Concepts of bioseparation and bioproducts. Basis for biosepara tion.
Difficult points:Engineering analysis of bioseparation.
Chapter 2 Cell disruption
In this chapter, students should grasp the principles, operations, applications
and limitations of the common used cell disruption techniques—including mechanic
and non-mechanic ones, get familiar with the structural differences among different
living cells, understand why it is necessary to disrupt the cells for production
of some bioproducts, how to select an appropriate disruption technique, how to
evaluate the effectiveness of an disruption method, and why we should keep an
appropriate extent of cell disruption.
Key points:Principles, operations, applications and limitations of cell
disruption techniques.
Difficult points:Principles of cell disruption methods, osmotic pressure.
Chapter 3 Crystallization and precipitation
In this chapter, students should grasp solubility and supersolubility diagram,
ways to generate supersaturated solutions, and nucleation phenomena, get familiar
with the similarities and differences between crystallization and precipitation,
and understand the common crystallization paths, and the importance of different
nucleation processes to industrial application.
Key points:solubility and supersolubility diagram, nucleation phenomena,
definition of crystallization and precipitation.
Difficult points:nucleation rate, crystal growth rate.
Chapter 4 Membrane Filtration
In this chapter, students should grasp membrane selectivity, driving forces for
membrane filtration, and membrane filtration methods of microfiltration and
ultrafiltration, get familiar with reverse osmosis and electrodialysis, understand
membrane structures, membrane modules, membrane fouling, and the general
application of membrane filtration.
Key points:selectivity of membrane filtration, structural diversity in
membranes, Darcy’s law, concentration polarization.
Difficult points: Darcy’s law, concentration polarization, solvent and solute flux in
membrane filtration.
Chapter 5 Centrifugation
In this chapter, students should grasp gravitational and centrifugal
sedimentation, calculations about tubular bowl centrifuges and disk-type
centrifuges, get familiar with the two methods for industrial scale-up of
centrifugation, namely Σ factor and equivalent time, understand the commonly used
centrifugation techniques, including differential centrifugation and density
gradient centrifugation.
Key points:Calculations of terminal and rotational velocity, the ways to
describe a tubular bowl centrifugation and a disk-type centrifugation.
Difficult points:Movement trajectory of particle in the centrifuge.
Chapter 6 Chromatography
In this chapter, students should grasp the four basic elements of a
chromatographic system, the types of mobile phases and stationary phases, the
detection methods, the chromatogram and the related information, get familiar with
the principles, features, compositions, applications of the widely used
chromatographic techniques, including gel-permeation chromatography, ion-exchange
chromatography, affinity chromatography, understand the ways to analyze
chromatographic processes.
Key points:Knowing about the chromatogram, the principles and calculations
about various chromatographic techniques.
Difficult points:Ways to analyze chromatographic processes.
Chapter 7 Extraction
In this chapter, students should grasp the chemical thermodynamics of
partitioning, several widely used extraction techniques, including organic-aqueous
extraction, two-phase aqueous extraction, reverse micelle extraction, and
supercritical fluid extraction. They should get familiar with the configurations
for stage-wise contacting, including cocurrent, crosscurrent and countercurrent
contacting. Furthermore, they should understand the features and applications of
the different techniques.
Key points:Chemical thermodynamics of partitioning and several widely use d
extraction techniques.
Difficult points:Configurations for stage-wise contacting.
Chapter 8 Electrophoresis
In this chapter, students should grasp the basic principle of electrophoresis,
including the electrophoretic mobility and the influential factors. They should get
familiar with the principles and operations of the widely used electrophoretic
techniques, including zone electrophoresis, capillary electrophoresis, isoelectric
focusing, and two-dimensional electrophoresis. Moreover, they will have an idea of
the historical development and the specific applications of these electrophoretic
Key points:Electrophoretic mobility and the influential factors. Principl es
and operations of the widely used electrophoretic techniques.
Difficult points:Electrophoretic mobility and electroosmosis.
Chapter 9 Solvent Removal and Drying
In this chapter, students should grasp the differentiation between evaporation
and drying, the free water and bound water in biological solids, the stages during
a drying process. They should get familiar with the principles of spray drying and
freeze drying and understand other equipment for evaporation and drying, including
flash evaporators, fluidized bed dryers, flash drying, etc.
Key points:Definition of evaporation and drying. Free water and bound wat er.
Stages during a drying process. Operating principles of spray drying and freeze
Difficult points:Stages during a drying process.
Chapter 10 Bioprocess Design and Economics
In this chapter, students should have a better grasp of the general diagram of
downstream processing, the bioseparation process heuristics, get familiar with
product formulation, including encapsulation.
Key points:General diagram of downstream processing.
Difficult points :Choice of an appropriate technique in the downstream
Chapter 11 Trends in Bioseparation
Through presentation and discussion, the students will have an understanding
of what progresses have been or are being made in bioseparation techniques for
bioproducts, and be inspired to work in this field.
章 内 容 总参考时数
1 Introduction 2
2 Cell Disruption 2
3 Crystallization and precipitation 3
4 Membrane Filtration 4
5 Centrifugation 3
6 Chromatography 4
7 Extraction 4
8 Electrophoresis 4
9 Solvent Removal and Drying 2
10 Bioprocess Design and Economics 2
11 Trends in Bioseparation & Review 2
合 计 32
成绩评定标准:平时成绩在总成绩中占 50%,期末考试成绩在总成绩中占 50%,成绩评
教材:Antonio A. García 等,Bioseparation process sc ience 生物分离工程科学,
北京:清华大学出版社,第 1 版,2002 年 5 月
[1]、[美]Antonio A. García 等著,刘铮、詹劲等译,生物分离过程科学,北京:清
华大学出版社,第一版,2004 年 5 月
[2]、PA Belter, EL Cussler and WS Hu,Bioseparations: Downstream Processing for
Biotechnology,John Wiley and Sons,1
[3]、JD Seader and EJ Henley,Separation Process Principles,John Wiley and Sons,
[4]、严希康,生化分离工程,北京:化学工业出版社,第 1 版,2001 年 2 月
执笔人: 石锦芹